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Emmanuel Flores Villamin


1.) The Jewish people have been known as the people of the book. While historically the term
originates from Islam, which categorized the Jews as ‘people of the book’ – meaning those who
possessed an earlier revelation from God that was written down – the term most often refers to
the intimate connection between the Jews and the Torah – the Hebrew bible (Tanach), and the
many books associated with it, such as the Talmud, commentaries, and codes of Jewish law.
2.) Everyone has areas they can improve in life. People really change when they want to. So
whether you need to make changes in your life, or you’re counting on someone else to make
changes themselves, it is possible.
3.) The land of Israel and the Jewish faith have been inextricably linked since God promised
Abraham, the first Jew, that the land of Canaan would be given to his descendants. When the
Israelites left Egypt after being enslaved for hundreds of years, they set out for the Promised
Land, arriving 40 years later. They remained in the land until the Babylonians destroyed the First
Temple in 586 BCE and returned 70 years later to build the Second Temple, which was
destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. Israel was always viewed as the spiritual and physical
homeland, no matter where the Jewish people lived.

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