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Cats are an extremely good choice when it comes to pets.

It is
estimated that there are around 373 million owned cats in the world,
and this is not hard to understand why. One, they’re low maintenance
and don’t require as much attention as let’s say a dog. This is because
cats prefer to do their own thing and therefore require less time and
energy from their owners as they sleep for a large majority of the day
(around 13 to 16 hours a day which is approximately a whopping 70%
of their life). It’s almost impossible to keep a dog indoors all the time,
they require frequent walks and not to mention potty training is much
more of a hassle compared to cats. It’s a common misconception that
cats are more distant and colder towards their owners compared to
their sunny dog counterparts, whilst this may hold some truth as dogs
biologically require more attention than cats since they’re more social
creatures, I can speak from personal experience that cats very much do
like receiving attention just as much as dogs. Owning a cat doesn’t give
you an excuse to not play with them! To sum it up cats are still a
personal responsibility but they don’t require constant care and
attention like dogs do, so if you’re a busy person owning a cat can be a
very affordable companion to add to the household. For all those
reasons this is why cats are a pretty good choice when it comes to
deciding what pet to own.

Topic sentence: Cats are an extremely good choice when it comes to


Fact: It is estimated that there are around 373 million owned cats in the
Fact: they sleep for a large majority of the day (around 13 to 16 hours a
day which is approximately a whopping 70% of their life)

Opinion: I can speak from personal experience that cats very much do
like receiving attention just as much as dogs. Owning a cat doesn’t give
you an excuse to not play with them!
“I can speak from personal experience” personal experience is
immediately an indicator of an opinion, when it comes personally from
an individual rather than the state of law then it’s an opinion.

Opinion: It’s a common misconception that cats are more distant and
colder towards their owners compared to their sunny dog counterparts,
whilst this may hold some truth as dogs biologically require more
attention than cats since they’re more social creatures
“May hold some truth” indicator that it is more opiniated and not a
factual statement.

Audience: To anyone with an interest in pets, particularly owning a cat

Purpose: To inform common misconceptions about cats and provide
opinion through persuasive writing to anyone who’s on edge of wanting
to own a cat for a pet

This text consists much more of spoken language rather than written
language, the inclusion of exclamation marks such as “Owning a cat
doesn’t give you an excuse to not play with them!” is more lenient
towards informal and is rare in formal writing, since it suggests
exaggerated emotion such as excitement or anger therefore it would be
inappropriate in formal style of writing. The frequent use of informal
statements like “as let’s say a dog” or “this is not hard to understand
why” suggest a more pleasant tone of language for example in the first
statement, in formal writing we’d use “for example” more often and
rarely see statements like the first being used. The second statement
indicates that the summary is gravitated towards opinion since that’s

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