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ePortfolio Reflection Assignment (Part 1) - ePortfolio 1

1) Why do you accept or reject the theory of evolution?

I accept the theory of evolution because that’s what seems logical to me. There are also
records of evolution, which proves that things change throughout time. Evolution is right
in front of us, we see change everywhere we look. When we look around our
environment, we see our planet is changing and were changing with it.
2) What do you know about evolutionary theory? Have you studied it before? What is your
experience with it?
I know the basic things about evolutionary theory. My experience with evolutionary
theory is very little. In Highschool we didn’t focus on this topic as much, it felt like we
just skimmed through it. It was like a day of learning about evolutionary theory. I’ve read
books about evolution by an author named Edward J. Larson. I find his books interesting,
and it just made me want to learn more about evolution theory. I plan to gain more
knowledge on this topic. It’s definitely something that I’m curious about and I find
3) Do you think having an understanding of evolutionary theory can impact your "everyday
life?" How?

I do believe understanding evolution theory can impact our everyday life. I feel like we
would start to see our lives and environment different from before. We will have an
understanding on how life itself changes throughout time.

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