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There was a minute of silence while the two women were looking at each other. Omar kept asking,
"what is it that is so important that i have to be told by either of you?" Nobody had a clue to answer
that. Mariam started laughing. Salma joined the laugh not knowing what Mariam was laughing about.
She was just laughing pretending everything was fine while too helping Mariam think for what to say.
"What are you two laughing about?" Omar asked. Mariam talked first, "it's a private issue i have to tell
you my love but its not private again because i had just discuss it with Salma, it is also quite funny how
we discussed it." "So tell me what is it about." "I just told her, we can't sleep together in bed as in you
understand right? I mean the thing in bed, i can't do it well because of my legs and she was like giving
me funny suggestions on how to do it that's why it was funny." "You are serious you were talking about
sex, i get the feeling you are lying to me." "No my love it's true, that is what we were talking about
before you came in, it was me or Salma to tell you about it because i was also afraid to tell you myself."
Mariam explained.

Omar felt convinced and forgot about it. "I see food ain't ready, I'll go and stay with my son."

"That was a close one," Salma told Mariam. "You are a good thinker, and he bought it." They both

Food was ready and they all sat around one round table. "Mama the food is delicious," Hassan
commented. "I've never eaten this before." "Well enjoy your food little boy." Salma said. Omar changed
the subjected. "So wife i don't understand, yesterday you were angry about staying here and today you
are so happy and laughing, i really can't understand you!" "Really in front of the boy you're dropping this
now?" Mariam answered. "Let's eat in peace. Their was total silence till everyone was done eating.

Salma knew things would get a bit hotter after the meal, she excused herself for a while. "So am going
out to settle the hospital bill,you guys feel at home and enjoy." Salma left. Mariam looked at her as if she
didn't want her to leave, she was defenseless and had to answer whatever question Omar asked.

Hassan had an afternoon sleep while the parents started having a chat. "How are you feeling my love?"
Asked Omar. "Still painful but not severe." Mariam answered. "It's afternoon, you've had your meal you
can take medicine too, I'll get them for you." She took the medicine while Omar watched her. "Now lets
go out and have some air." He pushed her out slowly with the wheelchair while they kept talking.

"You know my beloved, it's okay if you still want to make love i can withstand it don't bother my
condition, am your wife so have no worries." Mariam was trying to stay away from the main topic of
discussion. Omar laughed.

"So how do you even think that will happen, no honey i care about you, the operation was just the night
before, the stitches are still fresh so once you are fine we can talk about making love, but for now hang
on to that." "Really honey?" "Yes for real, your health first then love later."

"What about romancing kissing me touching me i still need those i don't want your love for me to fade
because am crippled." "Hey Honeybunch you ain't a cripple, you are quite fine, in no time you will be
walking again, i can kiss you and do other stuff okay so don't worry at all."

Mariam had no clue on what to say next...Omar cleared his throat ready to ask his questions. "So my
love..." Before he continued Mariam started talking, "ouch honey i think i need to pee, would you help
me to the toilet hurry please." Omar hurriedly took her to the toilet she couldn't help herself so he had
to carry her in. "You can wait outside now its okay." "But am your husband!" "Yeah i know love,I'll call
you when am done." He went out to wait, she took much more time. "Love are you okay in there?" "Yes
i am don't worry."

Thirty minutes gone she didn't come out till Salma arrived and asked what was happening and said she
would take it from there. Omar went to the sitting room, the toilet door wasn't closed so she entered
and found Mariam quiet doing nothing. "Lady you got brains," Salma said.

Part 9

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