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Exercice 1 : Tell me how was your day !


Exercice 2 : Doctor appointment.

Today is a bad day, you are tired and decided to go to the doctor.
How can you explain to the doctor what happened yesterday?
Make sentences with these words:

Eat / daughter / stomach / back / sleep / pain / night / can’t /

son / bad food / .


Excercice 3 : Audio.
Audio 1 : You have to send an audio for a job interview before you get an
appointment with the recruiter. Introduce yourself in this audio!
Audio 2 : Your friend lives on the other side of the world and she wants you to
tell her how to make a chicken yassa. Tell her in the audio step by step how to
Audio 3 : You want to call the bakery for ordering a birthday cake for you
daughter. But it’s the answering machine. Tell them why you are calling and
which kind of cake you want, all the details they need to know (age of your
daughter, when you will pick up the cake…)

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