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oO LUN IEAIEY Tae aha BY wi FASA CORPORATION SYSTEM lil) Br WELCOME TO SHADOWLAND INTRODUCTION BEHIND THE STAR ‘CORPORATE STRUCTURE Power Structure Corporate Affilations. Relations with Local Police Lone Star in the UCAS Lone Star in the CAS Comporate History Growth of Lone Star ‘Making Money Military Connections ENFORCEMENT ARM. Division of Patrol Department of Street Patrol Department of Air Patrol Department of Traffic Patrol Department of Highway Patrol Department of Shore/Water Patrol Fast Response Teams ‘Tactical Division ‘SWAT Department of Demolitions Department of Riot Control Dispatch Office Irregular Assets Division of Investigation Department of Homicide Department of Forensics Department of Vice ancl Morality Department of Robbery Department of Special Investigation Department of Survellance Department of Organized Crime Division of Paranormal Investigation ‘Structure and Procedures Department of Magical Reseatch Division of Matrix Security Tracing Licensed Matrix Activity Field Operations Drug Enforcement Division History Bulging the DED CORPORATE ARM Division of Internal Affairs Division of Administration Public Relations Department ea If fi E-OF.CONTENTS Cea re Personnel Department Department of Records Division of Penology Penal Theory Mental Techniques Juveniles inthe System Legal Recourse Department of Parole and Probation False Arrest Sults Diviston of Psychology Department of Counseling Research and Development Division Psychological Research Department Computer Research Department Technical Research Department Corporate Security Division PERSONNEL Demographics Recruiting and Training, Tissue Archives ‘Compensation and Benefits Corruption Quitting the Star OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES Making the Arrest Busted! Cooling Your Heels The Evidence Your Trial Doin’ the Time Deathbed Statement Searches Obtaining a Search Warrant INTELLIGENCE GATHERING Surveillance Legalities The Network [NEW EQUIPMENT AOD Tracking Signal/Recelver “Black Marlah” USPTV Bloodhound Trail Marker Ruger Thunderbolt Heavy Pistol Strato-9 Survelilance Drone Other Developments Life Signs Monitor/Medical Beacon Jazz GAMEMASTER INFORMATION Going to Court Page 2 105 105, 108 108 109 112 114 115 16 16 "7 "7 7 120 120 Fy STRUCTURE ENFORCEMENT Successful Defense Lone Star Equipment AOD Tracking Signai/Signal Locator Bloodhound Trall Marker Containment Manacles Cyberware Scanner (Rating 3) Headlammer Iackstopper Jazz Laes Ruger Thunderbolt Heavy Pistol Skiltwitchers Lone Star Matrix Programs Beagle Killoy Black Hammer Data Worms ‘The Looper Lone Star Personnel ‘Arbor Patrol Pilot Auto Patrol Officer “Chromer Cop” Patrol Officer CompSec Officer ‘Cycle Patrol Officer DED Trooper Division of Investigation Detective D.P1. Combat Mage (Astral Back-Up) DP. Combat Mage (Special Ops) D.PLL Combat Mage (Standard Back-Up) D.PiL. Mage Detective Foot Patrol Officer FRI Trooper Highway Patrol T-Bird “jammer” Riot Control Constable ‘SWAT Combat Mage SWAT Decker SWAT Rifleman SWAT Sniper SWAT Spotter Watcher Lone Star Vehicles “Black Mariah” USPTV Lone Star-Modiied Ford Americar Lone Star-Modifted GM-Honda 3220 2X Turbo Strato-9 Surveillance Drone ‘SWAT Hovertruck ‘GMC “Harpy” Scout LAV LS-Modiled AeroDesign Systems Condor LDSD-23 or fo ae Page 3 122 122 12 122 122 122 Wing 122 Nigel D. Findley 123 Stephen Atkins 123 123 Development 123 “Tom Dow (with thanks to Mike Colton) 123 123 Spectal Thanks 123 Steve would ke to thank Don Swerta ofthe RCMP 128 ‘and Ron, 124 Nigel would lke to thank the Howling Mongo! 128 Horde in general and Fraser Caln in particular 125 126 Eeltortal Saft 126 Editor Director 126 Donna Ippolito. 126 Managing Ector 126 Sharon Tuer Muli 126 Assodite Editors 126 Diane Pion Gelman 126 Robert “Akuma-boy" Cruz 126 128 Production Staff (Detention Cell Block A) 128 ‘Art Director ved Jimbo “Knuckles” Nelson 129 Project Manager, Cover Design and Layout 129 Steverino “Busted” Bryant 130 Cover Art 130 ck "The Wrench” Berry 130 Imustration 130 Steve Bryant, Mark Ems, Earl Geer, ey Jeff Laubenstein, John Paul Lona, 131 ‘Allen Nunis, Dan Smith, Ka Waller 131 Color ustrations Bt Jeff The Lock” Laubenstein 132 (Color Section Design 132 Jeff Laubenstein wth Steve Bryant 132 Keyfne and Paste-up 132 Emesto “Hacksaw” Hemandez 132 133 133 SHADOWRUN® a Ragned Taeak of TASA Capron 133 LOntSTAK™ wa tacoma’ FASA Coposton cone Copy 84 Bek Bay Pe tines by ASA Conon * 00 W.Cemak Suite 305 Cag. 60508 FTI) STRUCTURE ENFORCEMENT CORP PERSONNEL OPS INTELLIGENCE EQUIPMENT Page 5 ENO Tea cere PLO STAI CEE SECT aT he Lone Star Sourcebook is a supplement to the Shadowrun game system. This sourcebook gives gamemasters and players detailed information about the Lone Star corporation, from its beginnings in Austin, Texas, to its present domination of law enforcement in North America. This sourcebook includes detailed informa- tion about Lone Star's organization, procedures, manpower, and equipment, as well as game statistics for weapons, computer programs, vehicles, and contacts unique to Lone Star. No other sourcebooks are needed to use the Lone Star Sourcebook. The Lone Star Sourcebook works with both the original and the second-edition Shadowrun rules. Like other Shadowrun sourcebooks, the Lone Star Sourcebook is formatted + as an electronic document from that fictional world. Scattered throughout the document are comments and additions from readers who seek to correct expand, corroborate, or contradict the information it presents. Because this “black” information comes from characters within the game universe, players or characters cannot safely assume that these comments are truthful, accurate, con- sidered, or clearly thought out (though they may be all those things). The core Information written about Lone Star comes from multiple sources— Lone Star manuals, retired patrolmen, cop groupies, observers—and has under- gone various amounts of editing. As a result, the data may contain any number Of biases. Individual gamemasters are the final judges of the accuracy of this formation. FASA also encourages gamemasters to tailor Lone Star's assets, goals, procedures, and so on to fit the needs of their own gaming groups. system RATS ae NON TALE >>>>>/Hi ho and welcome, one and all, UC Se Ue Page B ou've seen them on the street. You've run from them down dark alleys. You've exchanged friendly volleys of small-arms fire with them in burned-out buildings. You've gotten drek-kicked by them, Maybe you've even pulled the occasional shad- owrun for them, They're a big part of your life, and you've never understood them. Until now. Your friendly neighborhood Shadowland SysOps recently acquired the follow- ing screed from a couple of interesting anonymous sources, and we've posted it for your edification and commentary. Scan the file, chummers: I'm sure you don’t need any encouragement from me to upload addenda, comments, flames, the usual. Do not try to modify the original text. Since that embarrassing fracas last year that broke out over a corrupted file full of dirt on Aztechnology, we've upgraded the IC protecting our datastores. Much os we hate to do it~killer black IC this nasty and sophisticated puts such a drag on performance—we've set up the closest thing to an Ultra system that exists outside the military, the CIA, or the NSA. Consider yourself warned. Okay, that’s my public service bit for the day. I'm sure you'll notice right off that at least two distinct voices and points of view. and maybe more, got together to. spin this tale. We've tentatively tagged the two clearest voices, The folks around here call the fist one Tamished Badge: we peg him or her as a disaffected Star wagesiave. He or she probably used to be a beat cop or street monster, but obvi- ously had some access to the Star's more rarefied levels of authority. Our guess is he or she got hoopfragged by the brass once too often and punched out, then decided it was time to air a little dirty laundry in public. The other one we've dubbed Muckraker, probably a journalist. We figure Muckraker went looking for dirt on Lone Star and ran into Tarnished Badge. They compared notes and penned a story that the nets wouldn't datacast. So they uploaded it to Shadowland. (Good choice, say |.) Locals, take note: Muckraker and Tarnished Badge hail from someplace other than Seattle (and you know better than to ask me where). Their info describes the Lone Star organization as a whole, and though plenty of it applies directly to the Seattle operation we all know and loathe, sometimes it’s hard to tell what fits and what doesn’t, As a UCAS enclave in the middle of NAN territory, Seattle is different from any other place on the continent. No surprise that some of these differences show up in the Star's operations. Be a smart little shadowrunner: don’t take any of this as gospel, and do your homework on the local badges before you run FTN STRUCTURE ENFORCEMENT CORP PERSONNEL OPS INTELLIGENCE _ EQUIPMENT Page 7 . LONE STAR SOUR EU STRUCTURE ENFORCEMENT CORP PERSONNEL Don't get me wrong—these files contain megabytes of interesting, useful dato about the Star's corporate structure. basic procedures, and other drek that wil help you plan for your survival ite better the next time you run against for. oF past Lone Star. $0 go to, and have funl}>>>>(About fragging time, There's lots of nasty drek going down inside the Star, pryatel, et me tell you) <<<<« Wot (0809:16/9-5-54) >>>>>{Does anybody here remember when the police beloved in the slogan, “To Serve and Protect?" Things have detinitely changed, chummer Jeceee SPD (12:47:59/9-5 58) >e>e>i(Vou kiddies sem surprised. Wake up ond smell the trag: ‘ng soykat. boys ond gis! You know what the problem Is? I's epitomized by $PD's comment above, and by more of his \wiong-headed pronouncements later. You ai thik of Lone Stor (8 “the cops” Am I ight? And that viewpoint colors just about every fragging thing you think about the Stor Want an example? Look at Renroku securty, those hac hooped ladles ond gentlemen who'l cheertuly cut you down a (on the streets of the Arcology if you set o foot wrong. The goals Of these armed and armored representatives of corporate ‘might are simply to do what thelr bostes tel them, and make sure that the corporation that hires them comet cut on top. But youknew that Lone Star is @ corporation, too, “i's ciferent.” | can hear YOU say. Allght—why iI differant? I's got a beard of directors Cond shareholders. Those directors conry o responsblly to those shareholders: to boister the share >rice and keep those cM- ‘dends coming. 20 that Lone Star shy 9s represent a good invest- ment and everyone concerned sees some nuyen out of the eal. ust ke Rerraku's board of dkactors and shareholders. (Chummer, Lone Star is a corp. End of story. you expect them to act citerently ftom any other comp. you're living in a fantosy world. Deal with them based on that false perception cand you're asking for real trouble )ecece Thema (13:52:42/9-6-54) >>2po(Vou'te being kind of extrere, aren't you, Ther? Granted, the Star's a corp. and i's offering a service for which it expects 0 get paid. But that service is law enforcement: keeping the Peace and bringing criminals to justice. To quote SPD. Lone Stars job's “Yo protect and serve.” Doesn't that purpose alone set LS apart trom other coms?i>>>>(Do0s it? Ask the boys in the nice, red-sashed uniforms down at the Renraku Arcology. the ones with the body armor ‘ond SMGs, what service they provide. They'l say law enforce: ment: keeping the peace and bringing criminals to jus fice Jeeeee —Tnelme (19:10:05/9-6-54) >>>90(V'd say the difference is that the Stars enforcing Seattle low while Renroku secuty is enforcing corporate law. . but that isn't really a meaningful difference, is it? Good point, Tholcceee —Margeson (23:01:12/9654) >>>>>(Does it matter why Lone Star's enforcing the law and keeping the peace, as long as they keep doing it? Whether they do it because it’s an important job that needs doing ot becouse i's @ lucrative market, the outcome’s the same. The people at DocWagon™ certainly aren't Forence Nightingales. ~ ‘but what does it matter as long as they drag your bleeding body out of the gutter and patch up al he holes?oppoilt matters becouse diferent motivations can sure as otek affect the way these people react to events peripheral to thelr ‘central purpose. Here's an example. You ty to steal drugs from Florence ‘Nightingale because you need a fix. If she catches you, she'll recommend you for a twelve-step NorcAnon program, becouse she cares. Stoo! a hit of DemerolX from a DocWWagon™ team, ‘and they’llblow your brains out the back of your neck )<<>52>(Such @ tough job—al these tlbbon cuttings, political ln Ccheors, and public-elations tea parties to go to Jeceee if (16:43'58/11-7-54) >>>>>{Have you ever been to one of those pattieal luncheons? ''d rather walk clone through Ancients teritory with HUMANS tattooed on my forehead )>>>>(Veah. right. When was the last luncheon you attend: ed?ccece tt (13:32:45/11-8-54) >>25(1 wosn't always @ runner, Shadowrunning is the world's second oldest profession, chummer }ecece —SP00K (28:56:00/11-8-54) Each Lone Star chief directs at least one deputy chief. The deputy chief runs Lone Star's central headquarters in each city ‘The size of each city determines how many headquarters and, therefore, how many deputy chiefs it supports. fe ead ‘The divisional chiefs answer to the deputy chiefs and ‘administer their respective divisions—Iinvestigation, Tactical Patrol, and so on within each city headquarters. Large divisions such as Patrol and Tactical may have more than one divisional chief or may have a departmental chief heading up each depart ‘ment within a division. Smaller divisions such as Investigation, oF divisions that perform most of their own key-tapping and datapushing, such as Paranormal Investigation and GridSec, ‘usually get by with one divisional chief >esoilots of people don't get this drek. even inside the Stor, Uke, they call the divisional chiets“VPs-}ecce< DNF (10:17:48/10-2-54) >e>22{l can see where the Confusion les, chummer. Ever look at €@.Star annual report oF SEC fling? Tiles for the some level of authoty attemate between divisional chief and vice president, Gotique.jeccc< —Rolko (18:34:57/10-454) >epro{fou're confusing Seattle with everywhere else. Seattio’s Glarent.jeccee Puget Deb (00:1505/10-10-54) >>>>>(Actualy, every Lone Star division is different, James \Wison, the previous CEO, handed out tiles lke cigors. He left behind a-plethora of chiets and coptains ond executive chiots {li doing pretty much the same job. Ted Winslow is trying 1 ston- dardze ob tes and responsbilties, bu I's taking awhile to flow own the pipeline from Austin cee Nona (14:26:08/10-12-54) © Lone Star Chain © of Command (Precinct) Sri a au ‘The next step down the chaln of command represents the precinct headquarters most people are famillar with. At this level, Lone Star looks more lke a typical police force than a cor porate entity. The captain in charge of each precinct authorizes day-to-day communications and records, as well as assigning, special officers to Investigations and other duties. More than an administrative shirt and tie, the captain must be a cop also and, ‘must draw on his experience as an enforcement officer when making decisions. Because he needs to respond quickly to situ- ations as they arise, the captain uses a staf of chief lleutenants land administrative personnel to ensure that each job gets done ‘quickly and efficiently. Each chief lieutenant represents one div sion in the precinet. Each chief lieutenant supervises several lieutenants, each representing each department within a precinct division. Tiny or undermanned divisions such as Paranormal Investigations have no need for lieutenants, and so individual personnel answer only to a chief lieutenant >>>2[The Division of Paranormal Investigation operates by its ‘own rules anyway. They work through a diferent line of corm Nleation ftom everyone ele, ond they always menage to get What they want. For more info, check out the DP. section of this post Jecee< SPD 01:0931/9-6-54) The lowest level of command, just above rank-and-file per: sonnel, are sergeants. Sergeants head up Individual squads of officers, and often spend time in the field with thelr men. >>>>>i¥ou know, these chorts imply that Lone Star's o wel-olled machine where stuff gets done in o timely fashion and everyone in the chain of command has his or her say. Wrong. Just ike every other corp, once you get above the mud and sit you're swimming with the sharks. The litle people in the corporation sPeck with Ittle voices, and nuyen’s the prime motive behind everything that happens in Austin <<< Chiba Bort (23:56:57/10-5-54) >>>>>(The DP jumps through fewer hoops fo get what it wants than any other division. They ignore the regular channels of ‘communication and skip most levels of the chain of command. W's okay because they have heavy muscle pulling for them in Austin}cccce —Siivebone (OA:17:08/10-14-54) >>>>>(That’s because Asenby and Simington together show tru ewesome negotiating power. If they hadn't aready been checked out and cleared, I'd stand fist in ine to accuse them of using mind-controling magic at the negotiating table. )<<<>>>>(1 spent some time just last week sleating through low-level fies and rummaging around in a few trash cans in the Stars sys tem. According fo recent minutes trom the O.P.I. Action Committee, that >2>o(Hey, Chiba Barb, where ate you from? | just jacked in ftom Pueblo and | noticed your handle on the board. Want to get together somewhere in gridland and tok about >>1 MP DELETED BY SYSOP < )cccce —Chibe Ken (11:39:09/10-28-54) >eepo(The numbers for Vitu-dolls ond Gridsex ore in the LIC. basic listings. Can we keep the discussion on-topic. pleasericecee =S/s0p (04:17-08/11-1-54) >>>>>(Chiba Ken, | olways ke to tok to new deckers. especialy if they have Information ftom the NAN. In case you have any ideas about vitual nook, though. I'm a guy. Chiba Baris short {or The Chiba Barbarian. Most people know that, Leave me a g- ‘mall address ond we'll foke}<>>>>(Subject: Ditty Laundry. Theodore W. D. Winslow. CChummers, know you got some. Let's see }>e2>{TW.D. Winslow wears @ black latex >>0.5 MP DELETED BY ‘SYSOPc« nd kes 1o have his >>1 MP DELETED BY SYSOPc« wit <@ lage Amazonian slug and an antique fava lamp while his but ler records all on cybercamera jeccee =Sp00k (12:08:40/9-6-54) >>>>e{l despise censorship, but that last post just about made me purge. Please, spare us }>>>>(Jokes aside, let's talk about who's really in bed with Teddy Winslow and the Lone Star Corporation jecece Switchback (14:27:16/9-7-54) >>>>>[CORPORATE AFFILIATIONS The boiatoce bels ond whistos ust above are meant to get your attention. Ths posts important, folks Who's in bed with Lone Stor.-you ask? Talking about who \sn't makes a short ist. Churmmers. as corps go. Lone Star wots lon round heels At one time or ancther. the Star hos had mean: Ingtul relotionships with just about every megacorp you con name (with o couple of noticeable exceptions, which I'l tok bout ater on). ‘Most people in Seattle think of Lone Stor as “the cops.” as it low enforcement i its only business. Granted, most of the Star's fevenue comes ftom law enforcement contracts ike the one it hos with Seattie, ond most ofits corporate functions revolve ‘around police services. But plenty of profit sources within the Star fn CMU ra ge 12 have nothing to do with police work. (At this point, a word of \woming. Relations between corporations, mega of otherwse, constantly change. Today's aly tus into tomorfow’s thal, and, the outfit you boshed heads with last year may Become your strategic portner du our. By tha time you scan this dato. every thing may be ditterent. Caveat lector, churnmer) Lone Star's corporate relations go beyond providing ser- Vices. Scan the fle on GridSec, aka. the Department of Mati Secutily. for example. and you'll find some pretty nasty ite products that do the diy to unwanted deckers—lke viruses In the headware. Nice thought, neh? Might certain corps want to ‘acquite wizzer litle tricks such as Escher loops for their own ‘nefarious purposes? Betcherass, chummers, GricSec fs happy 10 tum o tite extra profit by seling their wares fo c few authorized ‘buyers. The current Ist of such buyers includes ail but two of the triple-A megacorps and « drekoad of alio-rane, The two excep tions are Fuchi. whose back-ro0m boys probably have devel ‘oped tech aready that makes the Escher loop obsolete, and Aztechnology. For some reason | can't dig up, the Star just does Nit deal with the Big A jeecee Maverick (13:29:20/9-854) >oepoitot from lack of trying. GridSec ond the psych deport ‘ment—those mind:-wisters we call the Gray Men—keep sending eps to Aztechnology. snifing for shategie allances, joint por ershis. or simple sales contracts. The Azies keep slamming the door in their faces Jeccee Market Watch (14:00:29/9-8-54) >>>>>(True, but only as for os It goes, The buzz | hear says Aztechnoiogy recently sent a business delegation to meet with the heads of Lone Star's Division of Paraneimal Investigation ‘down in Austin. Chats right, the Dips) The two head honches Politely listened to the Azzies, then poltely tossed them out of the office. Whatever it was the Azzies wanted to play, the Stor said no game. Anybody got the gen on that? What cid Aztechnology want that Lone Stor refused to part with?}<>p>>iLet's get something straight. Lone Star could have been Perfectly wiling to cut a deal wth the Azzies. even eager. But the two suits in charge of the Division of Paranormal Investigation run their tertory Ike a little empire independent from the rest of the corp. They decided not to deal with Adtechnology.}ece>>>>01 would seem fo make senso that Ares be on the shor! ist of comps LS won't tolk fo. After all, Ates belongs to Damien Knight. and Damien Knight’ pet subsiclry, Knight rants Lone ‘Star's main competition for law-enforcement contracts. So Lone ‘Stor has ne reason to work for Ares, right? \Wiong. People inside Ares conser interdivsonal compet tion @ way of Ife. Knight Etant, as one of Ares’ biggest and rich ‘st subsidiaries, runs ot the ffont of that competition, Imagine you're an Ares division, locked in nasty tek with enother civ sion. You need fo punch up your avaliable security. Who you ELIE STRUCTURE {gonna cal? Knight Ertant? Yeoh, well, ou'lleamn brownie points with Damien Knight thot way. but is caling on them really a smart move when Knight Erant might be involved in the same, nasty suff os you? Or might even be waiting for an opportunity to frag with o potential rival-such as you? Bolove me, churnmers. in Detrott and Austin, Ares is one of Lone Stars biggest corporate clients for short-tertm security con- tracts }>>>>[RELATIONS WITH LOCAL POLICE Tye token a leat from Maverick’s book and set this section off real nice, This next set of posts I for the benefit of anyone: Jandeting through this beard and thinking, “Hmmm. What about other secutty forces in the private sector and local govern: ments? How do they shake hands with Lone Star? Do thelr oper ‘tons citer? Who hurts you least when they arrest you, and who serves better food in thelr holding areas?” Wonder no more, chummers. The following bytes catty the role of Lone Star in ‘reas with more than one police force. Oo al those cops run. fing around confuse you? Well, hang on. It gets better. Lone’ Star serves the nations of Guébec. CAS, and UCAS. Thel level of Involvement varies not only trom country to coun: fry, But aso trom city to city. 've heard rumors of a contract ‘being drawn up for Amazonia, but | haven't got any solid info ‘on that yet. As soon as | get something, I'l post. {ets stor north and work our way down. I'm going to spi my babbiing into multiple posts so you slags can jump right in ‘ond Kitz, rebut, and rave, To focltate the splitup. I've asked the sysop to play around with datestomp order, and keep al the elevant comments together. Considerate st, ain't? Québec To understand how Lone Star works in Québec. you've got to know @ litte bit about that county's idiosyncrasies. Québec ‘boasts o long history of cultural individualism: ever since their eparation from Conede in 2000 and their abstention from the Treaty of Denver in 2017, the Quebecois have dedicated Intense efforts to crecting a purely French culture. (¥ you want ‘mote Info on the Republic of Québec. check out the contiou- tion from our Québecols churnmer in the Neo-Anarchis's Guide 40 North America posting, Don't worry, he wrote It in English. His laws come across os Ittle biased, but they aren't far off the mark) Québec’ legal system uses the Napoleonic model. which (Nes the judge an active part in the tal and in helping to bring the truth to ight. ll happens in French, so go for local talent when choosing a defense cttomey. Buy a French language chip. If you have the headware fo use It, but be sure fo get & ‘@usbecos French chip. (if you speak Continental French or Parisian French, people dsmiss you as stuck-up.) The Napoleonic setup can make ita lot easier orc lot harder for Lone Star to get You convicted, depending on the judge and the strength of the Star's evidence. if you get on the dek-kicking side of a few cor rupt cops who decide fo frame you, the judge might help cig ‘the truth out from under the Star's dit LS hos the judge snualy in hel pockets, hough, assume that he hos free license to work ‘actively against you a a Page 13 Economics provides another wrinkle in Québec law enforcement, Since the Initial days of Its independence, ‘Québec hos Ived in the uncomfortable stuotion of demanding tecogniion as an autonomous culture, yet fing to be selsut- ‘clent. Québec’s economic problems have caused the price of ‘common goods to skyrocke!—the Quebecois franc is worth roughiy halt a nuyen and everyday items cost almost four times ‘05 much in the Republic of Québec as they do in the UCAS. As {9 result, he smuggling trade §s booming. Québec simply crows with black marketeers whose regular inventory includes every thing from nylon stockings to cybertech and software, Though Québec supports its own poice force, increases in smuggling combined with the sheer vastness of the county, forced Québec to contract outside help to keep a lid on the black market. Québec’s Atfomey General, Frederick Ducharme, _walowed his pride ond entertained bids on a law-enforcement contract from North America's three leading secur corporo- tions. Lone Star won the bidding by submiting the lowest price ‘and agreeing to the stipulation that all LS personnel working in Québec must speck French. In truth, Québec authortes need 120 help so body that. from the beginning, they gave the tan ‘Quage requirement short shrift. Lone Stor officers slated for se lee In Québec are stl requited to poss o token language test, though rumor has i that enyone who can say. "Bon jour and “Frag-fo, buddy" can workin Québec. Lone Stor influences every part of law enforcement throughout Québec, but ther forte I highway patel. The UCAS ‘ond CAS field very few Lone Star highway police, preferring to leave that chore to border guards and national defense unis. t you've ever wondered what @ Lone Star highway patrolman looks ike, go 10 Québec. I's crawing with them ccc —Cosper (00:05:50/10-3-54) >>>5>(A woid of warning fo ony and ait Québecoi LS highway patolmen ore universaly mean. evil sons of sime, who'l geek YoU for looking sideways at them. i you think 'm exaggerating check out a fow statistics. In the period between January 1. 2060, and December 30. 2051. highway fatalties in Québec increased by 23 percent over the previous two-year petiod. The top causes-of-death category belongs exclusvely fo incidents cssocioted with police investiga tion and/or arrest. In the most generous of interpretations. this ‘marially increase may have something to do with the language barter; the cops don’t understand the locals, s0 they shoot fest ‘end sot it oll out iaterin their reports. A more realistic ook at sta tistics says that lack of cornmunication is only @ smal port of the reason for so much mayhem, ‘Go ahead, chummer, ask youssll: would you wont to work In Québec? It's cold in the winter. Most non-natives con't read, ‘anything. speak to anyone, or even enjoy a simsense chip with ‘out language software. In this light, It becomes obvious that Lone star's Guébecois enforcers didn’t apply for placement there, They got transferred, Ten to one these fine officers cll were

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