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Type of Religious activity: Sunday Mass

b. Date and time: October 10, 2021 at 10:00 AM
c. Means of Participation: Virtual
d. Where or which platform: YouTube Livestream Divine World Media PH

The homily of the father is all about our detachment to people and to the lord. We're
blinded by the things we have, such as our career, money, possessions, etc. in short, we live for
ourselves and tend to forget the people around us, including God. We are holding something that
we cannot let go of to be committed to God, and sometimes some people calculate what we
share or give to God. Form father's homily, I realized that we need to let go of something to hold
God in our lives. Also, we need to keep our commitment to God even many temptations are
coming into our lives. We must give everything to God because without him. We cannot achieve
the things we have right now.

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