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Dagupan City
A.Y 2021-2021

Topic: Virtual Seminar on Covid-19: “Prevention, Detection, Isolation, Treatment and

Reintegration (PDITR); Strategies and Process of Contact Tracing.
Date: October 7, 2021
Time: 9:00-11:00 AM

Introduction: Lyceum North-Western University conducted a virtual seminar on Covid-

19 for employees and students from the university and that was scheduled today
October 7, 2021 via zoom meeting application and facebook live.

Body Paragraph: The topic of the virtual seminar was “Prevention, Detection, Isolation,
Treatment and Reintegration (PDITR); Strategies and Process of Contact Tracing
discussed by the Resource Person Dr. Veronica De Guzman. Covid-19 topic was very
interesting because we are all facing that today. By the help of the speaker we clearly
understood the information regarding this pandemic. In the first part of her outline
topic she individually discussed different key information from close contact,
quarantine and isolation, and case investigation form. For the Introduction and
Background on her slides, she tackled on what is the priority of Department of Health
and their different strategies to easily identify the person who is infected in Covid-19
disease and strengthen contact tracing isolation. With the help of different technology
innovations the person who has virus can easily detected. She also discussed on what is
the meaning of Contact Tracing including its exposure risk level and Case Investigation.
She also provided a diagram that describes a Setting- Specific Pathways for Contact
Tracing. For the Detection she included the different licensed hospital here in
Pangasinan and outside of the province where a person can have a swab test. Speaker
also gave update regarding to Isolation areas and beds. For the Treatment, available
hotline that a person can contact is provided in the presentation. The last part was
Reintegration she gave update about the support for psychosocial in coping and fighting
Covid-19 Crisis.

Conclusion: The virtual seminar was successfully done because it was organized and all
of the assigned employees and staffs did not interrupt and follow the flow of the
program. The speaker clearly discussed the topic because she prepared a presentation

Recommendations/Suggestions: They should prepare some questions regarding to the

topic that was discussed for students to answer in the forum for them to participate in
the program.

Submitted by: Princess Z. Salazar


Submitted to: Ma’am Sunshine De Vera

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