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Deviance refers to

a. A trait
b. A behavior or action
c. Something that is always a crime
d. Both A and B

In regard to the function of deviance and society, what does Durkheim argue will happen if we
eliminate all serious crime?

a. We will eliminate the need for a criminal justice system

b. People will continue to disagree about what is deviant
c. We will live in a utopia that is completely free from all deviance
d. Society will criminalize less serious action

The classical school of criminology is based on the concept of

a. Free will
b. Opportunity
c. Biology
d. Lack of choice

According to Freud, which unconscious mental process is the moral compass?

a. The id
b. The ego
c. The superego
d. The moral self

When a person is labeled deviant and then commits a second crime because of this label, the
series of behaviors is termed

a. the dramatization of evil

b. primary deviance
c. secondary deviance
d. evilization

Secondary deviance is the first act of deviance according to Edwin Lemert’s labeling theory.

a. True
b. False
Feminist criminology argues that traditional criminology ignores gender differences in criminal

a. True
b. False

Marxist criminology argues that individuals with political power and wealth create laws to
control the lower classes.

a. True
b. False

Persons with antisocial personality disorder usually isolate themselves from others.

a. True
b. False

Modern biological researchers believe there is a single gene that causes criminality.

a. True
b. False

Cesare Lombroso deveoped the theory of atavism.

a. True
b. False

Psychology is focused on external influence of deviance.

a. True
b. False

Those social norms that society feels most strongly about are usually codified into law.

a. True
b. False

Difference between white colar and blue colar crime

a Economic b Social c Surrounding

Youth more involved in crime

a. True
b. False

Criminal rate in hot region is higher than cold region

a. True
b. False

cohewn states gang affiliation or criminal activity may result in association

a. True
b. False

Cyber crime is moral crime and Punishable

a. True
b. False

Reformative is better than retributive

a. True
b. False
Which of the following is the odd one out?
Ectomorph , Mesomorph , Mendomorph , Endomorph

Laws that are meant to prohibit crimes are called?

mala prohibitum , mala inse , None of the above

Who propounded the theory of the 'born criminal'?

Cesare Lombroso

According to Freud, most of the human behaviour stems from the:

Id , Ego , Superego , Unconscious

Brain tumors are known to be one of the causes of criminal behavior

True , False

*there were a lot of true/false questions

Which of the following is the odd one out?
Ectomorph , Mesomorph , Mendomorph , Endomorph

Laws that are meant to prohibit crimes are called?

mala prohibitum , mala inse , None of the above
Who propounded the theory of the 'born criminal'?
Cesare Lombroso

According to Freud, most of the human behaviour stems from the:

Id , Ego , Superego , Unconscious

Brain tumors are known to be one of the causes of criminal behavior

True , False

*there were a lot of true/false questions

Delinquency is crime by juvenile

Criminal violence is aggressive gesture

Arson is intentional setting a building on fire

Probation to first time offenders

Victimless crime is prostitution

Parole to one who spent time in jail

Classic SOT for pain

Recidivism is habitual crime

Edward suthetland said criminology defined breaking law

Criminology term for first time Raffaele Garofalo

Term white collar crime is coined by Edwin sutherland

Classical SOT on princip that people have free will

Art. 391 of PPC dacoity

Superego is moral conscious

Reformation to not allow crime again

Deviance is a behaviour

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