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Behavioral Learning Theory and Approaches to Learning


 Edward Lee Thorndike

o Learning is a product between stimulus and response.

The connection between two

 Learning is the result of associations forming between stimuli and responses

 Bond connections are formed through Trial and Error
 Learning takes place through random repetition

Thorndike’s Three Laws of Learning

 Law of exercise
o The more the practice of a certain behavior, the more it will be strengthen.

Law of Use
Law of Disuse

 Law of readiness
o Learning is dependent upon the learner’s readiness to act, which facilitates the
strengthening of the bond between stimulus and response.

 Law of effect
o Learning takes place properly when it results in satisfaction and the learners derives
pleasure out of it.

Educational Implications

 Connec
Conditioning Theory

 Refers to the behavioral process, whereby a reaction

 Pavlav

Conditioning is a process in which the ineffective object

Classical conditioning four elements

1. Unconditional Stimulus
2. Unconditional Response
3. Conditioned Stimulus
4. Conditioned Response

Terms to know

Unconditioned stimulus – thing that triggers an automatic response

Unconditioned response – response naturally occurs

Conditioned stimulus -

Conditioned response


Generalization -

Discrimination – similar yet opposite

Classical Conditioning Theory

 Ivan Pavlov

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