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An Essay

Advantages and disadvantages of developing such organizations as UNESCO and UN.

These days, there are a number of organizations that carry out a number of important
international issues and contribute to resolving many differences. These organizations cover a
significant number of different areas, and are engaged in the protection of tangible and intangible
cultural heritage, organizes research in the field of ecology and urbanization, fights
discrimination and poverty.
The advantages of such organizations as UNESCO and UN is to bring together different
countries to work together. The States are working together in almost all available areas, whether
it is meteorology, space exploration or work on the observance of human rights. Secondly, the
provision of social and humanitarian activities. For example, the UN has carried out
humanitarian activities in countries of Africa, Asia and other regions where the population does
not have the possibility of normal nutrition, education and other socially important aspects.
Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages of such organizations. First, the misuse of the
allocated funds. For instance, in the UN, the structures are financed by contributions from the
participating countries, but they all pay different contributions. The main amount of funds is
collected at the expense of the members of the Security Council, the other participants contribute
quite small amounts. The situation is aggravated by inappropriate spending of funds and
corruption in the organization. From this point of view, the UN has been demanding major
reforms for more than a decade, but nothing has changed yet. Secondly, there are too many
delays in making decisions. Making decision on some issues is delayed for years, such as the
situation in Syria, regarding which the Security Council has not yet made clear decisions.
Despite the good intentions when creating such organizations as UNESCO and UN, many
things in their structure do not work or do not work at all as expected. Organizations require
immediate reforms in almost all structures and areas of their activities. If this does not happen, it
will completely lose its already damaged reputation, the meaning of their existence as such will

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