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1. History of FLT methods development: You are the teacher of the FL.

You would
like to use the Total Physical Response Method in the classroom. Talk to your
colleague on the peculiarities of implementing this method in the classroom.

Жания: What is total physical response method in language teaching?

Амина: Total physical response (TPR) is a language teaching method developed by
James Asher. In TPR, instructors give commands to students in the target language with
body movements, and students respond with whole-body actions. What is the goal of
Total Physical Response?
Жания: The general objectives of Total Physical Response are to teach oral proficiency
at a beginning level. Comprehension is a means to an end, and the ultimate aim is to
teach basic speaking skills. What are the principles of total physical response?

Амина: The Principles of The Total Physical Response Method

 Develop understanding of the new language before speaking. ...
 Moving the body helps language retention.
 Observing and performing actions are both beneficial.
 Fixed routines are not helpful. How is TPR used in the classroom?

1. The teacher performs an action, both demonstrating and saying it
2. Call on the students to repeat the action.
3. Repeat once more.
4. Write the verb/phrase on the board.
5. Repeat with other verbs and return to them regularly during the semester to check
retention. Why is total physical response important for teaching?
Амина: TPR helps online teachers better connect with students and boost their ability to
learn new words and master meanings quickly. TPR in online teaching also provides the
tools needed for classroom management and student engagement. Is TPR teacher
Жания: TPR is also very teacher-centred. Although it might in consequence reduce the
stress for the learners, it puts them in a very passive role in which they cannot make their
own choices or develop creativity. What are the limitations of TPR?

Амина: If used properly and in conjunction with other methods, TPR is a powerful tool
for every teacher. If not, it may prove ineffective or lacking. Although TPR requires the
teacher to be organized, it doesn't necessarily require all the learning materials which
may be necessary for other methods

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