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Describe how aron’s accident happened

He was walking in the mountains after ma hard week at work, but suddenly large pieces od rock
were falling toward him and unfortunately, he couldn’t scape quickly enough, in seconds Aron’s
arm was caught under a rock that weighed 500 kilos.

2. Which was the most popular day for walking in the mountains?

Is in spring days, ‘cos the air is fresh, and the sun is high in the sky.

3. What did he do to try to move the rock that kept him caught?

He tries to break it away with his knife, but he fails

4. What did he decide to do on Tuesday?

After three difficult days and nights in the mountains, he was tired and hungry, and he drank the
last of his water. He knew that he had to cut off his arm.

5. How far was the nearest town road?

The nearest road was sixteen kilometers away.

6. What did the walkers do when saw Aron?

He gave him chocolate cookies and water.

7. What’s your opinion about the story?

Well he make very hard decisions, he was really brave take the option to cut his own arm, but in
desperate moments you have to do hard choices, and that was the choice how save his life and
now he can talk about that terrible accident.

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