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The text brings us a broad and excellent perspective on the studies involved in the discipline

of semantics, because by reading it is possible to realize how vast are the studies related to the
area. The topics and themes that the text focuses on bring not only the reality present in our
daily lives but also issues that are considered difficult, a situation that can be corrected with
the reading, since the author performs a dismemberment of the content, making the reader
understand and comprehend the content exposed. The other aspect approached in the text is
the use and the semantic constructions that can be developed and presented in a clear and
coherent way, as for example when the author talks about the "derivation of words" on page
56 of the text, he manages to make the subject clear and fast. However, not everything is
exclusively perfect, in some points the explanation is too long, and this fact may tire the
reader who is interested in the theme. In general, the text covers and summarizes very well the
semantic content, the reading is easy and direct, so those who are interested in the content can
absorb well the information that is present in the text.

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