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Entrainment Bac

1)-We can see that in the photo, the photographer is

using dark colors such as black and red. Also, her
their face expression have no emotions.
-In the movie, the filmmaker was using fake blood.
They added many crime scenes which shows that
the woman is killing people with no emotions and
no mercy.
-In the text, the writer was using violent and evil
vocabulary and adjectives to describe his character.
2)The common point between these characters is that
they all share the same evil personality, the creepy
look, the hidden aggressive personality. All these
can affect on the actor/artists because to play the
role perfectly, you must understand the story of the
role and understand what makes him evil to be able
to act it.

3)The human nature can be defined as the

characteristics that humans are born with, such as
thinking, feeling, and behaving styles. Human nature
is a blend of positive and bad traits. Human nature
is both good and terrible since it is shaped by our
situations and because good and bad behavior have
always existed in humans. The human nature is a
combination of good and evil, using evidence and
examples to explain the presence of good and bad
behavior in humans, as well as the effects of the
environment on human nature.

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