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Received bachelors degree in Physics, 2018 from UFF (Universidade Federal Flumi-
nense) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. During college worked on experimental projects
such as using a 3D printer to make Gadolinium thermocaloric refrigerator but went
on to write the final project on the triatomic hydrogen molecule, which forms dur-
ing the dissociation of water molecules using an thermionic electron gun, the mass
to charge ratio of the produced ions is then measured using Time-of-flight mass
spectrometer. I Went on to get Masters in 2020, on Simulations using Finite ele-
ments method of cQED for Quantum Computing Applications. Superconducting
qubits are modeled as anharmonic oscillators and this can be simulated using RF
simulation software. These results can be further analysed and quantum properties
are derived from classical simulations.

Arthur Chianelli
Monteiro Rebello 08/2020 - today
Doctorate in Physics
+55 21 (98594-3553) in Rio de

Janeiro The Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF)
Superconducting Qubits • Finite Element Numerical Simulation • Nano-fabrication

Skills 08/2018 - 08/2020

Master Degree in Physics
COMSOL 3+ yrs.
The Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF)

HFSS - ANSYS 2+ yrs. Superconducting Qubits • Finite Element Numerical Simulation

Master’s thesis: "Numerical Simulations using COMSOL, of Superconducting Cir-
cuits for Quantum Information Processing"
Python 2+ yrs.

08/2013 - 08/2018
Thin Film Deposition 1+ yrs.
Bachelors Degree in Physics
Photo / E-beam Lithog- 1+ yrs. Federal University Fluminense (UFF)
Magnetocaloric • Low Energy Particle Physics
Bachelor’s thesis: "The formation energy of the positively charged triatomic hy-
Scanning Electron Mi- 1+ yrs. drogen molecule H3+ "

07/2005 - 01/2009
Portuguese L1 Sommerville High School

Boston MA.
English L1

Work experience


Interests Laboratory assistant | Petrobras 08/2018 - 08/2020

Department of Condensed Matter and Applied Physics
(COMAN) (Prof. João Paulo Sinnecker)
 Stock Market Analysis
Brazilian Center for Research in Physics
Simulations using Finite elements method of cQED for Quantum Computing
 Photography Applications

Rua Doutor Xavier Sigaud 150 -
½ Room 107A 22290180 - Urca
Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil
Æ +55 21 98594-3553

™ Lattes

¯ Linkedin

R Rio De Janeiro, 9th December 2021 Arthur Rebello

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