Urdu and English

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In Pakistan, mixing two or more languages in their speech is very common

and the words of other language are also hybridized with the elements of first
language which is regarded a conversational strategy of the speakers. Thus
many words of the first language that were in use in the past have become
obsolete now. Discuss it in the present context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Ans: Introduction

Human beings have the ability to communicate in more than one languages. As language is
defined as the medium of communication, it allows humans to communicate with each other.
With the development and expansion of the world, people have started to interact with one
another more than ever. As a result, people started to learn more than one languages and thus
became bilingual and multilingual. The ability to use more than one language leads to the mixing
or hybridization of languages. The people frequently use words of one language while speaking
in another language and, at times, the people use complete phrases of one language into another;
these both are regarded as the conversational strategies namely, Code Mixing and Code
Switching. This frequent mixing of the languages results in hybridization of the language.

The term hybridization refers to the process when a some of the cultural elements merge into
another culture and modifies it. Similarly, language hybridization occurs when certain words,
phrases or phonological elements of one language inculcate into another language while
replacing the actual words. Mainly, when two languages are constantly mixed together to an
extent that it becomes common throughout; a new language is formed which is considered as the
hybrid variety. This new verity of languages tends to share some similar attributes with the two
languages but has proper grammar and lexicons of its own.

Hybridization in Khyber Pakhtukhwa

Khyber Pakhtukhwa is a province of Pakistan where different languages are used for
communication like Pashto, Urdu, Hindko and English. Urdu, being the national language of
Pakistan, is also the lingua franca as it is the language in which majority of the ethnic groups
tend to communicate with one another. In the present community, with the advancements and
education, people have started to acquire languages and use it more often. This have increased
the trend of code mixing which in turn is leading to hybridization. Following are the common
examples of language hybridization between Urdu and English, Pashto and English and Hindko
and English.

Urdu and English

Single word Hybridization: Copeeyan (copies), pencilay (pencils) , rubberiye (rubbers),

Compound words Hybridization: Qualified Log, Quomi Budget, Shinakhticard Copy
Hybridization in Noun Phrase: New dour, Asal problem
Hybridization in verb phrase: Students ni aty school, Study krni chiaye

Pashto and English

Compound words Hybridization: Qualified Khasalak, Jeenai Education,

Hybridization in Noun Phrase: New Khabara, different lara (different way)
Hybridization in verb phrase: door band ka, university k study kom.

Hindko and English

Single word Hybridization: shoppingain, pipeaan,

Hybridization in Noun Phrase: latest shaywaan
Hybridization in verb phrase: sady kaar stay karson

As from the above examples, it can be noted that many of the words are being mixed together to
given concept of new terms. The people consciously and unconsciously mix the words and
phrases together to properly deliver their ideas and stances. There are several reasons for this
hybridization in Kpk which are as follows:

Colonial background

As Kpk is the region which was once dominated by the colonisers, people are attracted towards
English more than their native and national languages. Even though, the vast majority of the
people speak Pashto as their first language yet English is mixed with it as most of the terms were
borrowed from English during the colonization period

Social Influence

The linguist change is a constant process which is highly depended upon the social concepts. In
the north part of Pakistan, people prefer to use English words more in their language in order to
attain social significance in the society. It has also been noted that the upper class families tend
to teach their kids more phrases, idioms and vocabulary of English than their own language as
English is considered as the language of status.


Education has been playing a vital role in this hybridization. It is due to the fact that most of the
educational books in Pakistan is in English and the teaching is done in Urdu as it is a language
that can be understood by all the children belonging to any ethnic group.

Hybridization and Extinction of Words

In the current society of Kpk, almost every person is now a bilingual or multilingual. As
education and modern technologies have allowed people to interact more easily, people have
started to simplify languages. According to a research conducted upon the Language
Hybridization in Advertisements of Banks of Pakistan, it was concluded that the advertisements
consists of hybridise words. Such as:

 Bharosa Plan
 Mayanaz Plan
 Cash Lay Jaeye
 Gold kay badlay cash etc
The same ads were displayed in Kpk too. Thus it can be seen that words like Plan, Cash and
Gold have replaced the actual words. This allows the advertisers to influence people with their
language skills. Similarly, another studies showed that Pashto Speakers tend to use more English
phrases such as

 I can, kho za na kom

 Sta permission na dy pakar


To conclude, hybridization of language is a naturally process which occurs over

the time period due to various reasons as aforementioned. In regions like Kpk
where people of various ethnicity use various languages. However, the mixing of
language is more common in the society and people are replacing English words
with that of Pashto, Urdu and Hindko. Ultimately, a time will come that most of
the words used by the native speakers will completely extinct with that of English
as it is a more dominating language than the national language, Urdu. Likewise,
many linguists view this phenomena of language change as evitable as code
mixing is an outgrowth of bilingualism. Moreover, English is considered as a
language of upper class and prestige, so majority of the people are compelled to
use it in order to attain a social respect. Lastly, English equivalent words are more
popular in the society due to the media and advertisements, thus, people tend to use
them in language as it allows them to make the other person understand which is
also hybridization of language.

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