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SO i will continue from here.

The aim of our project is to improve attendance systems in organization and institutions
using face recognition. 
Also we seek to reduce the number of error caused by manual system by means of
automated attendance. 
Our automated system also ensure better security and privacy leading to elimination of
Next Slide ..... 

Now i will talk about the methodology. Our project uses a face scanning mechanism which
captures the facial impression of a person and processes the information in a secure
database. The scanned images are mapped into the face coordinate structure and then
stored. Once the faces has been registered, the program recognizes the matched face for all
future check-ins.

Next Slide ......

Now here is the list of things we have used to make our project. The programming language
we have used is python as it gives perfect platform and libraries. We have used open cv for
taking images and image recognition. Also thinkter has been used to give visual
representation for a user friendly program. We have also used other libraries like CSV,
Numpy, Pandas, datetime etc.

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