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EGN 2712 Term Project

Problem Statement:

Your code should be designed to calculate the cumulative GPA (CGPA) for any students. The
code should work for any number of semester selected by the user, and for different number of
courses taken in each semester.
The code should begin by asking the user for the number of semesters that he has completed,
then number of courses taken in each semester, and based on that, the user will start to enter his
grade in each course along with the number of credits for that course.
The grading system is illustrated below
Grade Grade Points
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F 0
GPA for a single semester is calculated based on the below equation

∑ of ( Grade point∗Credit hour ) ∈a semester
Total semester credit hour
CGPA for all semesters is calculated based on the following equation

∑ of (Grade point∗Credit hour ) for all semesters
Total completed credit hour
Upon calculating the CGPA, a function should be used to pass the CGPA and indicate if the
student is under probation or in good standing. Any CGPA is above 2.0 is considered to be a
good standing.
1) A fully detailed report that will include the following sections
 Introduction
 Flowchart
 Explanation of your approach
 Your full code
 Two different testing cases.
2) Presentation: 5 to 6 slides to be presented by each group explain the role of each
member. The instructor to check the functionality of the code by providing a random
testing case.
3) A separate document that contains your code.

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