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// cs_militia soundscapes

// Author: Michael Booth, Turtle Rock Studios, Inc., Januray 2006

// Generic outdoors ambience
// underlying area "tone"
"volume" "0.9"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/woodland_ambient_1.wav"

"time" "30,60"
"pitch" "90,100"
"volume" "0.7"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/nature/wind_leaves_mild_gust_1.wav"

// underlying area "tone"
"volume" "0.9"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/woodland_ambient_1.wav"

"time" "10,20"
"pitch" "90,100"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/wind/wind_gust_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/wind/wind_gust_8.wav"
"wave" "ambient/wind/wind_gust_10.wav"

"time" "10,20"
"pitch" "90,100"
"volume" "0.2"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/misc/wood1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood3.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood5.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood6.wav"

// Inside the underground tunnel
// underlying area "tone"
"volume" "0.4"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/tones/tunnel_wind_loop.wav"

// Generic indoors ambience
// underlying area "tone"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/wind/dry_air_short_indoors.wav"

"time" "10,20"
"pitch" "90,100"
"volume" "0.3"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/misc/wood1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood3.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood5.wav"
"wave" "ambient/misc/wood6.wav"

// Bare lightbulb hum - used for all lightbulbs in the map
"position" "0"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.7"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_45dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/power_transformer_loop_1.wav"

// Florescent light hum
"position" "0"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.2"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/fluorescent_hum_1.wav"

// Florescent light hum (2nd version because cant play 2 identical at same time)
"position" "0"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.2"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/fluorescent_hum_2.wav"

// Refrigerator hum - used for all refrigerators in the map
"position" "0"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.6"
"time" "40,40"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/refrigerator.wav"

// Squeaky ceiling fan
"time" "2,2"
"pitch" "100,100"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_3.wav"
"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_4.wav"
"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_5.wav"
"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_6.wav"
"wave" "ambient/machines/squeak_8.wav"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.15"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/electrical_hum_2.wav"

// A chirping cricket
"time" "0.8,1.0"
"pitch" "98,102"
"volume" "0.7"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_55dB"

"wave" "ambient/animal/cricket_chirp_1.wav"

// A burrowing/scratching rodent
"time" "3,15"
"pitch" "95,102"
"volume" "0.7"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_55dB"

"wave" "ambient/animal/rodent_scratch_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/rodent_scratch_short_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/rodent_scratch_short_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/rodent_scratch_short_3.wav"

// Birdsong
"time" "6,20"
"pitch" "85,105"
"volume" "0.5"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/animal/bird1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird3.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird4.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird5.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird6.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird7.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird8.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird9.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird10.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird11.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird12.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird13.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird14.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird15.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird16.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird17.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird18.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird19.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird20.wav"

"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0: Inside front APC

"position" "0"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1.0"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB"
"wave" "ambient/machines/big_truck.wav"
"position" "0"
"time" "4,7"
"pitch" "100,100"
"volume" "0.75"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB"

"wave" "ambient/chatter/cb_radio_chatter_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/chatter/cb_radio_chatter_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/chatter/cb_radio_chatter_3.wav"

// 1: Rear APC
"position" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1.0"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB"
"wave" "ambient/machines/big_truck.wav"

// 2: In the trees
"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"
"position" "2"
"time" "10,30"
"pitch" "95,105"
"volume" "0.75"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/animal/crow_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/crow_2.wav"

// 3: In the trees
"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 4: Dark corner in fern on other side of fence

"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

"dsp" "1"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0: Under the bridge

"position" "0"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"

// 1: In the trees
"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2: In the trees
"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 3: In the trees
"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 4: In the water above the waterfall

"position" "4"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Waterfall_MediumLoop05.wav"

// 5: In the trees
"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 6: Dark corner against the silos

"positionoverride" "6"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

"dsp" "6"

// area tone
"volume" "0.5"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/wind/dry_air_short_tunnel.wav"

// 0: Spot in the ceiling

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// 1: APC sounds in the spawn

"position" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1.0"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB"
"wave" "ambient/machines/big_truck.wav"

// 2: stream sounds
"position" "2"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"

"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// area tone
"volume" "0.6"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"

// 0: Where the waterfall hits the stream

"position" "0"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Waterfall_MediumLoop05.wav"

// 1: In the cattails by the waterfall


// 2: In the logs blocking the far end

"position" "2"
"time" "3"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.6"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/animal/frog_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/frog_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/frog_3.wav"

// 3: Just inside the pipe entrance

"position" "3"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_45dB"
"wave" "ambient/tones/tunnel_wind_loop.wav"

// 4: Top of the waterfall

// 5: In the trees by the silos
"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 6: In a dark corner against the silos

"positionoverride" "6"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.TunnelTone"

// 0: Just outside the pipe (waterfall/stream sounds)

"position" "0"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"
"volume" "0.5"
"positionoverride" "0"
"ambientpositionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// 1: Behind locked gate, by the far corner

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 2: Light fixture hum

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 3: Light fixture hum

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 4: Just above the ladder exit hole

"volume" "0.5"
"positionoverride" "4"
"ambientpositionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// from light fixture just past ladder up to silos to light fixture just BEFORE the
ladder up to sideyard)
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.TunnelTone"

// 0: Light fixture hum

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 1: In the stream beyond the grate (water sounds)

"position" "1"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB"
"wave" "ambient/weather/water_run1.wav"

// 2: Light fixture #4 hum

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// from light fixture just BEFORE ladder up to sideyard to last tunnel corner
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.TunnelTone"

// 0 = Light fixture #5 hum

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 1: Just above the ladder exit hole

"volume" "0.5"
"positionoverride" "1"
"ambientpositionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// 2 = In the stream beyond the grate (water sounds)

"position" "2"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_70dB"
"wave" "ambient/waterrun.wav"

// 3 = Light fixture #6 hum

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// the last section of tunnel leading to the hole in the wall
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.TunnelTone"

// 0 = Light fixture #7 hum

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum2"

// 1 = Light fixture #8 (beyond the gate) hum

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// 2 = A spot near the far wall beyond the locked gate (crickets, burrowing
sounds, etc)
"position" "2"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/weather/drip_loop1.wav"

// 3 = A spot in one of the dark corners of the area under the shed (cricket)
"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// the dirt basement of the shed
"dsp" "6"

// no room tone (silence)

// 0 = A spot in the tunnel in the center of the hole (ambient tunnel sound)
"volume" "0.3"
"ambientpositionoverride" "0"
"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.TunnelTone"

// 1 = The same cricket spot as TunnelBreach #3

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// in the shed
"dsp" "20"
"volume" "0.4"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0 = The same cricket spot as TunnelBreach #3

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 1 = In the trees beyond the window above the ladder (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = In the trees outside the shed door (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 3 = In the trees beside the shed on the other side of the fence (birdsong)
"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// behind the main house and along the dark side under the deck
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0 = In the trees near the shed (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 1 = In the trees around the boulder (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = The air conditioner by the back stairs

"position" "2"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1.0"
"time" "60,90"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/air_conditioner_cycle.w

// 3 = In the tree cards behind the fence and broken down orange car
"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"
"position" "3"
"time" "10,30"
"pitch" "95,105"
"volume" "1"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/animal/crow_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/crow_2.wav"

// 4 = In the dark corner by the small wooden table (cricket)

"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 5 = In the dark corner by the back door to the kitchen (rodents)

"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// 6 = In the dark corner under the deck stairs on the far side of the house
"positionoverride" "6"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 7 = In the tree on the side of the house against the cliff (birdsong)
"positionoverride" "7"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// from the area between the garage/silo in front around the side yard
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0 = In the tree at the front of the house (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 1 = In the trees where you jump up on the hill above the side fence gate
"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = In the stream (water flowing)

"position" "2"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"

// 3 = In the cab of the blue truck (rodents)

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// 4 = In the trees around the boulder in the back yard (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 5 = In the trees beyond the fence to the side (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 6 = In the tunnel entrance (ambient tunnel sounds)

"position" "6"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/tones/tunnel_wind_loop.wav"

// from the front of the house to the stream rocks
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.Outside"

// 0 = In the tree at the front of the house (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 1 = In the trees on top of the cliff to the left (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = In the trees on top of the cliff above the stream (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 3 = In the trees near the silo tunnel entrance (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 4 = Down in the tunnel entrance a bit (tunnel ambience)

"position" "4"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB"
"pitch" "100"
"wave" "ambient/tones/tunnel_wind_loop.wav"

// 5 = Beyond the rocks in the stream area (waterfall/stream sounds)

// fighting with CoveredBridge loops
// "playlooping"
// {
// "position" "5"
// "volume" "1"
// "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
// "pitch" "100"
// "wave" "ambient/nature/Waterfall_MediumLoop05.wav"
// }

// 6 = In the dark corner where the vines climb the wall near the rope ladder

// 7 = In the wood pile (cricket, mice)

"positionoverride" "7"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// dark entranceway and TV room
"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = In the dark corner behind the cardboard boxes at the front door
(crickets, mice, etc)
"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 1 = Lightbulb hum
"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 2 = In the ceiling fan (squeaky fan motor)

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.CeilingFan"

// 3 = The radio on the TV

"position" "3"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.8"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_60dB"

"wave" "ambient/music/country_rock_am_radio_loop.wav"

// 4 = In the dark corner under the stairs (mice, cricket, etc)


"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = The fluorescent light over the bar

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// 1 = The fluorescent light over the sink

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum2"

// 2 = The refrigerator by the microwave (hum)

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.RefrigeratorHum"
// 3 = The clock
"position" "3"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_65dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/TickTock.wav"

// 4 = The open fusebox

"position" "4"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.8"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_45dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/60HzHum.wav"

// 5 = The furnace
"position" "5"
"pitch" "100"
"volume" "1.0"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_40dB"

"wave" "ambient/machines/gas_loop_1.wav"

// 6 = The lightbulb over the tables

// 7 = The lightbulb by the door to the garage

"positionoverride" "7"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

"dsp" "19"

"pitch" "100"
"volume" "0.05"
"wave" "ambient/tones/garage.wav"

// 0 = The hanging light by the door

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 1 = The hanging light at the far end of the hall

// "positionoverride" "1"
// "name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 2 = The fluorescent light by the van

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// 3 = The fluorescent light between the van and car

// 4 = The fluorescent light by the car

"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum2"

// 5 = The dark corner under the stairs (crickets)

"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// the 2nd floor of the garage
"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = The dark corner by the big stack of boxes (975, 636, 40) (cricket)
"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// 1 = The dark corner of the room (1295, 322, 26) (mice)

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Cricket"

// 2 = Just outside the vent (outside ambience)

"volume" "0.5"
"positionoverride" "2"
"ambientpositionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Outside"

"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = In the trees around the shed (birdsong)

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 1 = In the big tree by the side of the deck

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = The fluorescent light closest to the hall exit

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// 3 = The fluorescent light closest to the bathroom

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum2"

// 4 = The radiator

"dsp" "3"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = The floor drain (drips, etc)

"position" "0"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB"
"wave" "ambient/weather/drip_loop1.wav"

// 1 = The toilet (constantly running)

"position" "1"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_50dB"
"wave" "ambient/misc/toilet_refill_loop.wav"

// the hall and fireplace room
"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = Lightbulb nearest the bedroom

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 1 = Lightbulb nearest the stairs

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 2 = Hanging light in fireplace room

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.FluorescentLightHum"

// 3 = Light over the workbench

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.LightbulbHum"

// 4 = Just outside painted over window (outside ambience)

"volume" "0.5"
"positionoverride" "4"
"ambientpositionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// 5 = In the dark corner by the exit to the deck (cricket)

"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Rodent"

// 6 = In the corner of the ceiling where the roof and chimney meet (bird

// room with the windows and hole in the roof upstairs
"dsp" "9"

"name" "militia.Inside"

// 0 = In the big tree in the front of the house

"positionoverride" "0"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 1 = Just outside the hole in the roof (wind noise)

"volume" "0.75"
"positionoverride" "1"
"ambientpositionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Outside"

// 2 = In the trees on the cliff to the right

"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 3 = In the trees in the front yard near the stream

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// the roof of the house and garage
"dsp" "6"

"name" "militia.OutsideOnRoof"

// 0 = Inside the little roofed �houselet� (bird nest) � putting in chimney

since that�s where you hear it from inside.
"position" "0"
"time" "5,20"
"pitch" "90,100"
"volume" "0.4"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_NORM"

"wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_1.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_2.wav"
"wave" "ambient/animal/bird_flapping_3.wav"

// 1 = In the big tree in front of the house

"positionoverride" "1"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 2 = In the big tree on the side of the house against the deck
"positionoverride" "2"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 3 = In the trees on the cliff near the house

"positionoverride" "3"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 4 = In the trees
"positionoverride" "4"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 5 = In the trees in the side yard

"positionoverride" "5"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 6 = In the trees in the front yard

"positionoverride" "6"
"name" "militia.Birds"

// 7 = In the stream (water sounds)

"position" "7"
"volume" "1"
"pitch" "100"
"soundlevel" "SNDLVL_80dB"
"wave" "ambient/nature/Water_StreamLoop3.wav"

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