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» Lullaby Of Broadway Music by Harry Warren (from "Gold Diggers of 1935" Lyte by AL Dubin Medium om Pe ee % 4%? ALC G ¢ Coneon ivbeg itd te-tn woe cb-by of Brendan =, Peet, 7) ce ce Dm" om) ce Cc b= : = =p a oe eee ee eH “The hip hoo-ray and bal fy ~ hoo — the Tulle by of Broad-way, The hi-de-ho and boop-a ~ doo the ll-la-by of Broadway. 4 (CER, 7) Fe Fe" Gmi™ cn Fe (Ch) ‘The rum-ble of the ‘The band be-gins to The ratte of the tax - is. and ev-'ty-ene goes era = zy. ‘ Ce FD Fe Far Fé CG’ Sas. Ss The daf-fyedls who en-ter = win ae An=ge-lo's and Maxie When a You rock «a+ bye your ba = by ‘round _ cll ev="ry-thing gets ha = zy. “Hush + a o 7 T 709) Pec, x) c# Dui G co Gk) = = - ; > oo e Se = ba = by says"Goodenigl Wes early inthe mom-ing bys Til buy you this and that.” Youhear a dad - dy say - ing. ‘ ce Da™ Gc" i) Chs cm Man-hat-tan ba ~ bies —dontesleep ght — whale dwn And ba - by goes home to her flat to sleep all day. (Fa Gua? Fan” Ema’ Fama” Gms) Cu a Gut C), FF "E FS F FS "e = onlght, Ba - by, Good = night 294 (ce) (Fina? Gems” Fina? Ebon’) Foc™ Fick) FM FS Se ¢5= time = re = = Mitk-man’s on his way, Sleep tight, Ba - by, er (Fan Ghana”) (¢’) FS Gu FS . cnn Fé / er ao — o——~ ae SS SI ‘Sleep tight, Les eal it a day. Hey! [ast ono Solo on ABC Ean! Aba? Aw) After solos, DS. al Last x ending Fe Abn DO GT CT Aw Dia” = 7 — —— = toe Las all it 8 dy! Listen whe hh ee by . pe c® m "The ering is sometious extended: oF ce FS Se =p = SSS] ow road i :

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