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Dosen : Nastiti Handayani, M.

Nama : Kartika Ayu Pertiwi
Nim : 18531085
Matkul : Studi Naskah Bahasa Inggris (UAS)


Group 1

Belief In Allah (One God)

The doctrine of God is the foundation of the religion of Islam and is central to the
teachings of the Holy Qur’an. God is the Supreme Being who exists independently of
everything else. He is the sole Creator of the Universe, the Maker of the Heaven and Earth.
According to Islam, no event occurs in this Universe without God’s knowledge and implicit
consent. He is the ultimate source of every action and happening, animate or inanimate. God
created not only the galaxies and stars, but also the life-form on this earth and elsewhere. He
is the Nourisher and Sustainer of all creation; He is their Lord.

Belief in God, the Creator and the Master of the Universe, is common to all religion.
But the Islamic name ‘Allah’, in Arabic, applies only to One God and to no one else. Islam
advocates belief in the absolute Unity of God in its entire purity as its very foundation.
Oneness of God means that He is the God of all people: past, present and future.

The Holy Qur’an gives the important message that Allah is One. He is Independent.
He does not need any support. Everything depends on Him. He has no father and has no son
or daughter. There is none like unto Him. (Holy Quran Chapter 112, verses 2-5)

Islam stresses the need to have firm belief in various attributes of Allah, the Creator
and the Controller of the Universe. He is the Lord of all the worlds. He is the Gracious, the
Merciful. He is the Master of the Day of judgement. (1: 1-4)

He cannot be seen with physical eyes but reveals Himself to man through His
Prophets and through the working of His attributes. Allah is eternal and infinite. He lives
today as He lived before and will continue to live hereafter. He speaks to people as He spoke
in the past. All His attributes are Ever Lasting.

Percaya Kepada Allah (Satu Allah)

Ajaran dari Tuhan adalah dasar dari agama Islam dan merupakan pusat ajaran Al-
Qur'an Suci. Tuhan adalah Yang Maha tinggi yang eksis secara independen dari yang
lainnya. Dia adalah Pencipta Semesta tunggal, Pencipta Langit dan Bumi. Menurut Islam,
tidak ada peristiwa yang terjadi di alam semesta ini tanpa sepengetahuan Tuhan dan
persetujuan implisit. Dia adalah sumber utama dari setiap tindakan dan kejadian, hidup atau
mati. Tuhan tidak hanya menciptakan galaksi dan bintang, tetapi juga bentuk kehidupan di
bumi ini dan di tempat lain. Dia adalah Pemelihara dan Pemelihara semua ciptaan; Dia
adalah Tuhan mereka.

Kepercayaan pada Tuhan, Pencipta dan Penguasa Alam Semesta, adalah hal yang
umum bagi semua agama. Tetapi nama Islam 'Allah', dalam bahasa Arab, hanya berlaku
untuk Satu Tuhan dan tidak kepada orang lain. Islam menganjurkan kepercayaan pada
Keesaan Tuhan yang absolut dalam seluruh kemurniannya sebagai fondasinya. Keesaan
Tuhan berarti bahwa Dia adalah Tuhan semua orang: masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan.

Al-Qur'an Suci memberikan pesan penting bahwa Allah adalah Satu. Dia
Independen. Dia tidak membutuhkan dukungan apa pun. Semuanya tergantung pada-Nya.
Dia tidak memiliki ayah dan tidak memiliki putra atau putri. Tidak ada yang seperti Dia.
(Holy Quran Bab 112, ayat 2-5).

Islam menekankan perlunya memiliki kepercayaan yang kuat dalam berbagai atribut
Allah, Pencipta dan Pengendali Alam Semesta. Dia adalah Tuhan seluruh dunia. Dialah
Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Dia adalah Tuan Hari Penghakiman. (1: 1-4).

Dia tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata fisik tetapi menyatakan diri-Nya kepada manusia
melalui para Nabi-Nya dan melalui karya sifat-sifat-Nya. Allah itu kekal dan tak terbatas.
Dia hidup hari ini seperti Dia hidup sebelumnya dan akan terus hidup selanjutnya. Dia
berbicara kepada orang-orang sebagaimana Dia berbicara di masa lalu. Semua sifat-Nya
adalah Abadi.

1. In the text what proves that there is no like him?

oktia Anisa Putri : In the tesk The third paragraph talking about the Holy Qur’an gives
the important message that Allah is One

2. How God revealed Himself while he could not be seen with the physical eyes?

Nova Agnes Paramitha: He cannot be seen with physical eyes but reveals Himself to
man through His Prophets and through the working of His Attributes

3. Islam advocates belief in the oneness of God, what are the proofs of our faith in

Luluk indah sari : Believe there is no god but Allah, Believe in the power and
greatness of God, Belief in the name and nature of God.


-The first paragraph talking about the greatness of God, as He is the ultimate source of every
action and happening, animate or inanimate. God created not only the galaxies and stars, but
also the life-form on this earth and elsewhere.

-The second paragraph talking about belief in the oneness of God, Oneness of God means
that He is the God of all people: past, present and future.

-The third paragraph talking about the Holy Qur’an gives the important message that Allah is
One, There is none like unto Him. (Holy Quran Chapter 112, verses 2-5)

-The fourt paragraph talking about belief in various attributes of Allah, Islam stresses the
need to have firm belief in various attributes of Allah, the Creator and the Controller of the

-The fifth paragraph talking about the form of God, He cannot be seen with physical eyes but
reveals Himself to man through His Prophets and through the working of His attributes
Group 2

Belief in Angel of Allah

Angel is one of God's creatures and the creation of angels and humans are not the
same either from the form or nature, angels cannot be seen physically and also angels have
properties that are always obedient to the commands of god sent to supervise in every human
activity in terms of both good and bad things 

Allah has created many angels in the same amount as humans with a large number of
them but there are only a few angels given assignments or sent to oversee human activities,
angels not only supervise he is also sent to convey revelations to the prophet, watching over
hiduo, conveys the last day or day of suction and arranges about death.

In Islam, about the life of the universe that is run by humans must be done in
accordance with the shari'ah that has been determined by God and afraid to do bad things
because of the angels who recorded these actions.


Percaya pada Malaikat Allah

Malaikat adalah salah satu ciptaan Tuhan dan ciptaan malaikat dan manusia tidak
sama baik dari bentuk atau alam, malaikat tidak dapat dilihat secara fisik dan juga malaikat
memiliki sifat yang selalu taat kepada perintah tuhan yang dikirim untuk mengawasi setiap
kegiatan manusia dalam hal hal baik dan buruk

Allah telah menciptakan banyak malaikat dalam jumlah yang sama seperti manusia
dengan jumlah besar dari mereka tetapi hanya ada beberapa malaikat yang diberi tugas atau
dikirim untuk mengawasi kegiatan manusia, malaikat tidak hanya mengawasi dia juga
dikirim untuk menyampaikan wahyu kepada nabi, mengawasi hiduo, menyampaikan hari
terakhir atau hari hisap dan mengatur tentang kematian.

Dalam Islam, tentang kehidupan alam semesta yang dijalankan oleh manusia harus
dilakukan sesuai dengan syari'at yang telah ditentukan oleh Allah dan takut untuk melakukan
hal-hal buruk karena para malaikat yang mencatat tindakan ini.


1. Mention the malicious nature ?

Isna syifa azizah : There are no bad qualities to the angel of God. But for humans there are
many bad qualities including arrogance, greed and envy.

2. What are the tasks of the Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Israfeel and Izra’eel ?

Naffaisul mustajada : The tasks of the Angel Gabriel who convey God's revelation to
prophets and apostles.

Angel Michael in charge to give good luck / fortune in humans.

Angel Israfel who has the responsibility to blow the trumpet trumpet in a doomsday.

Angel Izra'el responsible for taking lives.

3. How to believe in the angel of God ?

Jumratu awwalia : Believe in the existence of angels

believe the names of angels that have been mentioned

believes in the nature and character of angels

believe in the tasks that God has placed on the angels


-Paragraph 1 talks about God sending angels to watch over humans.

-Paragraph 2 talks about why angels were created and their duties.

-Paragraph 3 talks about the commandments of God humans must live according to the
syari’at because the angel of Allah is watching
Group 3

Belief In Books Of Allah

Allah sent prophets and messengers to show us the right path. God, the Kind and
Loving Creator, also sent books for guidance. He sent them to His messengers. These books
are called the Books of Allah. Allah sent the books through the angel Gabriel. Books of
guidance sent by Allah are also called books of revelation. Revelation is "wahyu" in Arabic.

There are four books of Allah mentioned in the Qur'an. They are the Tawrah, Zabur
(Psalms), Injil (Gospel) and the Qur'an Tawrah was sent to the prophet Moses, the Psalms
was sent to the prophet David and the Gospel to the prophet Jesus. The last book of Allah and
the most comprehensive was sent down to the, last prophet, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), its name is
the Qur'an. We know the names of the books of the books of Allah from the Qur'an. There
was also the "sahifa" or scroll, a kind of book which was given to the prophet Abraham. The
scroll of Abraham cannot be found now.

The original books or parts of the books given to the prophets before Muhammad
were either lost or changed. The people took away the originals of the books and added their
own words to Allah's words. This is why we do not have these books as they were revealed.

The Qur'an. is the last and the most complete book of guidance from Allah. It is not
only for a certain group of people and a certain period of time, but it is for all people, all races
and nations and for all times. It is with us today, without any change, with nothing added or
taken away. It is the last book of guidance for mankind.


Percaya Kepada Kitab Allah

Allah mengutus para nabi dan rasul untuk menunjukkan kepada kita jalan yang benar.
Tuhan, Sang Pencipta yang Baik dan Penuh Kasih, juga mengirimkan buku untuk bimbingan.
Dia mengirim mereka ke para utusan-Nya. Buku-buku ini disebut Kitab Allah. Allah
mengirim buku-buku melalui malaikat Jibril. Kitab petunjuk yang dikirim oleh Allah juga
disebut kitab wahyu. Wahyu adalah "wahyu" dalam bahasa Arab.
Ada empat buku Allah yang disebutkan dalam Al Qur'an. Mereka adalah Tawrah,
Zabur (Mazmur), Injil (Injil) dan Al-Qur'an Tawrah dikirim ke nabi Musa, Mazmur dikirim
ke nabi Daud dan Injil kepada nabi Yesus. Kitab Allah yang terakhir dan terlengkap dikirim
ke Nabi terakhir, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), namanya adalah Alquran. Kita tahu nama-nama
kitab-kitab Allah dari Al Qur'an. Ada juga "sahifa" atau gulungan, semacam buku yang
diberikan kepada nabi Abraham. Gulungan Abraham tidak dapat ditemukan sekarang.

Buku asli atau bagian dari buku yang diberikan kepada para nabi sebelum Muhammad
hilang atau diubah. Orang-orang mengambil buku asli dan menambahkan kata-kata mereka
sendiri ke kata-kata Allah. Inilah sebabnya kami tidak memiliki buku-buku ini sebagaimana
mereka diungkapkan.

Al-Qur'an. adalah buku petunjuk terakhir dan terlengkap dari Allah. Ini tidak hanya
untuk sekelompok orang tertentu dan periode waktu tertentu, tetapi untuk semua orang,
semua ras dan bangsa dan untuk setiap saat. Itu bersama kita hari ini, tanpa perubahan apa
pun, tanpa ada yang ditambahkan atau diambil. Ini adalah buku pedoman terakhir bagi umat


1. What was the name of the last book that Allah revealed to his prophet and what was the
name of the last prophet who received the revealed revelation?

Jumratul awalia : The last book that was revealed to Allah's prophet is the Qur'an and the last
prophet who received the book was Allah's prophet Muhammad

2. What is the name of the book in the Qur’an?

Popy aprilia lestari : They are the tawrah, zabur (Psalms), injil (gospel) and the Qur'an

3. What is the purpose of Allah revealed the Qur’an to all humans?

Oktia anisa putri : The Qur'an. is the last and the most complete book of guidance from
Allah. It is the last book of guidance for mankind.


-Paragraph 1 contains about God sending books to his messengers the propets and apostles
through the angel Gabriel.
-Paragraph 2 contains the books that God gave to the prophets and apostles

-Paragraph 3 contains missing and much modified books.

-Paragraph 4 the book in question is the Qur’an is a guidebook until the end of time.

Group 4

Belief In The Messengers Of Allah

Belief in Allah’s messengers is one of the six pillars of eemaan (faith). Belief in the
messengers means firm belief that Allah sent a messenger to every nation and community,
calling its members to worship Allah alone without any partners, that all Allah’s messengers
were truthful, virtuous, trustworthy and rightly-guided servants who strove hard to guide their
people to the right path and conveyed Allah’s message to them in full, without concealing,
omitting or adding anything to it. The Qur’an says, “Therefore, the messengers’ obligation is
no more than to convey the message clearly.” (Soorat An-Nahl, 16:35)

Belief in the messengers include:

1. To believe that their message was truly from Allah and that Allah had sent them with the
same message, namely, to worship Allah alone and to avoid false gods, as the Qur’an states,
“We sent a messenger among every people saying: ‘Worship Allah and keep clear of all false
gods.’” (Soorat An-Nahl, 16:36)

2. To believe in all the prophets and messengers. We believe in those prophets whom Allah
has named, such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad, may Alloh’s peace and
blessings be upon all of them. As for those whom He has not named, we believe in all of
them in general. Those who disbelieve the message of one single prophet is considered to
have disbelieved in all of them.

3. To believe the authentic reports and accounts of the prophets and their miracles mentioned
in the Qur’an and in the Prophet’s traditions, such as the story of Allah’s parting the Red Sea
for Moses u.
4. To act according to the dictates of the law revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be
Upon Him).


Percaya di pesan Allah

Percaya kepada utusan Allah adalah salah satu dari enam pilar eemaan (iman).
Percaya kepada para rasul berarti keyakinan kuat bahwa Allah mengirim utusan ke setiap
bangsa dan komunitas, memanggil anggotanya untuk menyembah Allah sendiri tanpa mitra,
bahwa semua utusan Allah adalah hamba yang jujur, berbudi luhur, dapat dipercaya, dan
dibimbing dengan benar yang berusaha keras untuk membimbing mereka. orang-orang ke
jalan yang benar dan menyampaikan pesan Allah kepada mereka secara penuh, tanpa
menyembunyikan, menghilangkan atau menambahkan apa pun ke dalamnya. Al-Qur'an
mengatakan, "Karena itu, kewajiban para utusan tidak lebih dari menyampaikan pesan
dengan jelas." (Soorat An-Nahl, 16:35)

Kepercayaan pada para utusan meliputi:

1. Untuk percaya bahwa pesan mereka benar-benar dari Allah dan bahwa Allah telah
mengirim mereka pesan yang sama, yaitu, untuk menyembah Allah saja dan untuk
menghindari dewa-dewa palsu, seperti yang dinyatakan Al-Qur'an, "Kami mengirim seorang
utusan di antara setiap orang yang mengatakan: 'Sembahlah Allah dan jauhi semua allah
palsu.'" (Soorat An- Nahl, 16:36)
2. Untuk percaya pada semua nabi dan rasul. Kami percaya pada nabi-nabi yang telah Allah
namakan, seperti Nuh, Abraham, Musa, dan Muhammad, semoga damai dan rahmat Alloh
berada di atas mereka semua. Adapun orang-orang yang tidak disebut namanya, kami
percaya pada mereka semua secara umum. Mereka yang tidak mempercayai pesan seorang
nabi tunggal dianggap tidak percaya pada mereka semua.

3.Untuk mempercayai laporan otentik dari para nabi, seperti kisah Allah izinkan yang
membelah laut merah untuk musa.

4.Untuk bertindak sesuai dengan perintah hukum yang diungkapkan kepada Nabi
Muhammad (SAW).


1. What is meant by believing in the Messenger of Allah?

Muharmi Attin : Belief in the messengers means firm belief that Allah ‫ جل جالله‬sent a
messenger to every nation and communit y, calling its members to worship Allah alone
without any partners, that all Allah’s messengers were truthful, virtuous, trustworthy and
rightly-guided servants who strove hard to guide their people to the right path and conveyed
Allah’s message to them in full, without concealing, Omitting or adding anything to it. The
Qur’an says, “Therefore, the messengers’ obligation is no more than to convey the message
clearly.” (Soorat An-Nahl, 16:35)

2. Mention the names of prophets and messengers?

Oktia Anisa Putri : The names of prophets and massengers that must be known Adam, idris,
nuh, hud, saleh, ibrahim, luth, ismail, ishaq, yakub, yusuf, ayub, syuaib, musa, harun, yulkifli,
daud, sulaiman, ilyas, ilyasa, yunus, zakaria, yahya, isa, muhammad.

3. The story of the prophet Moses in the Koran got a miracle?

Nova Agnes Paramitha : Allah’s parting the Red Sea for Moses u.


-Paragraph 1 believe in the pillars of islam, especially believe in his messenger

-Paragraph 2 speaks of all his strength, to believe in all that he wills .

Group 5

Beliefe In The Last Day Of Judgement Of Allah SWT

Every Muslims should believe in the last Day of Judgment. This world will come to
an end some day, and the dead will rise to stand for their final and fair trial. Qur’an refers to
this day with different terms among of which are yaum al-akhir (al-Baqarah: 8), yaum al-
Qiyamah (al-baqarah: 85), yaum al-Hasrah (Maryam: 39), and yaum al-Hisab (Shad: 16, 26
and 35).
In the last Day of Judgment, it is believed that everything we do in this world, every
intention we have, every move we make, every action we perform, every thoughts we
entertain, and every word we say and write, all are counted and kept in accurate records. One
the day of Judgment they will brought up before us. People with good record will be
generously rewarded and warmly welcomed to the heaven of Allah, and those with bad
records will be punished and cast into hellfire. The real nature of heaven and hellfire and the
exact description of them are known to the Almighty Allah only. There descriptions of
heaven and hellfire in the Qur’an and tradition of Prophet Muhammad. p.b.u.h. , there are
things which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no mind has ever conceived.
However, the Muslim believes that there definitely will be compensation and reward for the
good deeds, and punishment for the evil ones. That is the day of justice and final settlement
of all accounts.

Belief in the Day of Judgment is the final relieving answer to many complicated
problems of our world. There are people who commit sins, neglect Allah, and indulge in
immoral activities yet they seem to be ‘superficially’ successful in business and prosperous in
life. There are also virtuous and God-Minded people, yet they seem to be getting less reward
for their present world: there is puzzling and incompatible with the justice of Allah. If the
guilty people can escape the mundane law unharmed and, in addition, be more prosperous,
what is, then, left for the virtuous people? What will promote the cause of morality and
goodness? There must be some ways to reward goodness and arrest evil. If this not done here
on this earth – and we know that it is not done regularly or immediately – if has to be done
some day, and that is the so called Day of Judgment.


Percaya Pada Hari Terakhir Penghakiman Allah SWT

Setiap Muslim harus percaya pada Hari Penghakiman terakhir. Dunia ini akan
berakhir suatu hari nanti, dan orang mati akan bangkit untuk membela pengadilan terakhir
dan adil mereka. Alquran merujuk pada hari ini dengan istilah yang berbeda di antaranya
adalah yaum al-akhir (al-Baqarah: 8), yaum al-Qiyamah (al-baqarah: 85), yaum al-Hasrah
(Maryam: 39), dan yaum al-Hisab (Shad: 16, 26 dan 35).
Di Hari Penghakiman terakhir, diyakini bahwa semua yang kita lakukan di dunia ini,
setiap niat yang kita miliki, setiap gerakan yang kita lakukan, setiap tindakan yang kita
lakukan, setiap pikiran yang kita hibur, dan setiap kata yang kita ucapkan dan tulis, semua
dihitung dan disimpan dalam catatan yang akurat. Suatu hari Penghakiman mereka akan
dibesarkan di hadapan kita. Orang-orang dengan catatan yang baik akan dengan murah hati
dihargai dan disambut dengan hangat ke surga Allah, dan mereka yang memiliki catatan
buruk akan dihukum dan dibuang ke dalam api neraka. Sifat sebenarnya dari surga dan api
neraka dan deskripsi persisnya hanya diketahui oleh Allah SWT. Ada deskripsi tentang surga
dan api neraka dalam Al-Qur'an dan tradisi Nabi Muhammad. p.b.u.h. , ada hal-hal yang
tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, tidak ada telinga yang pernah mendengar, dan tidak ada
pikiran yang pernah mengandung. Namun, Muslim percaya bahwa pasti akan ada
kompensasi dan hadiah untuk perbuatan baik, dan hukuman bagi yang jahat. Itu adalah hari
keadilan dan penyelesaian akhir semua akun.

Percaya pada Hari Penghakiman adalah jawaban terakhir yang menghilangkan banyak
masalah rumit di dunia kita. Ada orang-orang yang melakukan dosa, mengabaikan Allah,
dan menikmati kegiatan amoral namun mereka tampaknya 'dangkal' sukses dalam bisnis dan
makmur dalam hidup. Ada juga orang-orang yang berbudi luhur dan berpikiran Tuhan,
namun mereka tampaknya kurang mendapat ganjaran untuk dunia mereka saat ini: ada yang
membingungkan dan tidak sesuai dengan keadilan Allah. Jika orang yang bersalah dapat
melarikan diri dari hukum duniawi tanpa terluka dan, di samping itu, menjadi lebih makmur,
lalu, apa yang tersisa untuk orang yang berbudi luhur? Apa yang akan mempromosikan
penyebab moralitas dan kebaikan? Pasti ada beberapa cara untuk menghargai kebaikan dan
menangkap kejahatan. Jika ini tidak dilakukan di bumi ini - dan kita tahu bahwa itu tidak
dilakukan secara teratur atau segera - jika harus dilakukan suatu hari, dan itulah yang disebut
Hari Penghakiman.


1. What are the different terms of the last day of judgement in the Qur’an?

Nissa utami : Qur'an refers to this day with different terms among of which are yaum al-akhir
(al-baqarah : 8), yaum al-qiyamah (al-baqarah: 85), yaum al-hasrah (maryam:39) , and yaum
al- hisab (shad:16,26, and 35)
2. what makes us have to trust the last day of judgment instead we don't easily believe about
any of that is there a prominent reason for us to be able to trust this end day?

Nadia Lia Karlina : 1. Belief in the Day of Judgment is included in the pillars of faith

2. There are many verses that explain the Day of Judgment

3. There are many hadiths that tell us about the Day of Judgment

3. How is the condition of human beings on judgment day ?

Nadia anggraini: In the last Day of Judgment, it is believed that everything we do in this
world, every intention we have, every move we make, every action we perform, every
thoughts we entertain, and every word we say and write, all are counted and kept in accurate
records. One the day of Judgment they will brought up before us. People with good record
will be generously rewarded and warmly welcomed to the heaven of Allah, and those with
bad records will be punished and cast into hellfire

4. why judgment day is the final relieving answer to many complicated problems in our

Nadia Lia : Belief on Judgment Day is the final, comforting answer for many solutions to our
world. There are people who commit sins, ignore God, and enjoy immoral activities but they
deny 'superficial success' in business and prosper in life. There are also people who are
virtuous and God-minded, but they don't want to be rewarded for their world today


-Paragraph 1 talks about the different provision on yhe last day of judgment and some
of the surahs that explain it.

-Paragraph 2 talks about the last day is the day of reckoning and retribution for every
human deed, and the rewards of doing good and evil.

-Paragraph 3 talks about judgment day is the final answer that eliminates many of the
complicated problems in our world .
Group 6

Belief in the Qada and Qadar

Qada and Qadar are one of the pillars of Islam. This is the belief of fate and destiny.
Although these two words are used interchangeably, depending on the context, they do have
their individual definitions.

Qada/Qadha refers to Decree. Whereas, Qadr/Qadar refers to destiny. The reason why
they are used interchangeably is because destiny (Qadr) is based upon Allah’s decrees
(Qada’). What this basically sums down to is that Allah (s.w.t) is the All-Powerful and the
All-Knowing and nothing in this world happens except by the will of Allah (s.w.t). But this is
not to be confused with a loss of free will. Yes, everything is destined and determined by
Allah (s.w.t) but Allah (s.w.t) gives us free will. He allows us to make our own decisions and
our own choices. And all the choices that we make are within Allah (s.w.t)’s knowledge as

As Muslims, we have to accept (genuinely in our hearts) that Allah (s.w.t) has control
over everything in this world. He has the most knowledge of our futures, of what is destined
to be our futures. Everything that happens to us, the events in our life, everything has been
decreed by Allah (s.w.t). That does not mean stop trying, it just means : surrender yourself to
the Almighty. Surrender your heart to Allah (s.w.t). All that we can do is to be patient and
trust Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t)’s plan for us. It may not be what we want, or what we
think is the best but surely Allah (s.w.t) knows what is best for us. All our hardships and trials
are there for a reason, it is a true sign of love that Allah (s.w.t) has for us.


Percaya pada Qada dan Qadar

Qada dan Qadar adalah salah satu rukun Islam. Inilah keyakinan akan nasib dan
takdir. Meskipun kedua kata ini digunakan secara bergantian, tergantung pada konteksnya,
mereka memiliki definisi masing-masing.

Qada / Qadha mengacu pada Keputusan. Padahal, Qadr / Qadar mengacu pada takdir.
Alasan mengapa mereka digunakan secara bergantian adalah karena takdir (Qadr) didasarkan
pada ketetapan Allah (Qada '). Apa yang pada dasarnya diringkas adalah bahwa Allah (s.w.t)
adalah Yang Mahakuasa dan Mahatahu dan tidak ada yang terjadi di dunia ini kecuali atas
kehendak Allah (s.w.t). Tapi ini jangan dikacaukan dengan kehilangan kehendak bebas. Ya,
semuanya ditakdirkan dan ditentukan oleh Allah (s.w.t) tetapi Allah (s.w.t) memberi kita
kehendak bebas. Dia mengizinkan kita untuk membuat keputusan dan pilihan kita sendiri.
Dan semua pilihan yang kita buat adalah dalam pengetahuan Allah (s.w.t) juga.

Sebagai Muslim, kita harus menerima (dengan tulus dalam hati kita) bahwa Allah
(s.t.) memiliki kendali atas segala sesuatu di dunia ini. Dia memiliki pengetahuan paling
banyak tentang masa depan kita, tentang apa yang ditakdirkan untuk menjadi masa depan
kita. Segala sesuatu yang terjadi pada kita, peristiwa dalam hidup kita, semuanya telah
ditetapkan oleh Allah (s.t). Itu tidak berarti berhenti berusaha, itu hanya berarti: serahkan diri
Anda kepada Yang Mahakuasa. Serahkan hatimu kepada Allah (s.w.t). Yang bisa kita
lakukan adalah bersabar dan mempercayai rencana Allah (s.w.t) dan Allah (s.w.t) bagi kita.
Mungkin bukan apa yang kita inginkan, atau apa yang kita anggap terbaik, tetapi tentunya
Allah (s) tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Semua kesulitan dan cobaan kita ada di sana
karena suatu alasan, itu adalah tanda cinta sejati yang Allah miliki bagi kita.


1. What is the difference between Qada and Qadar?

Nissa utami : Qada/qadha refers to decree. While, qadr/qadar refers to destiny.

2. What are the reasons they Qada an Qadar they are used interchangeably is?

Muharmi attin : The reason why they are used interchangeably is because destiny (Qadr) is
based on the decree of Allah (Qada '). What this basically concludes that Allah (s.w.t) is
omnipotent and omniscient and nothing in this world happens except by the will of Allah
(s.t). But this need not be confused by losing free will.

3. Everithing that happens to us, events in our lives. When an event occurs in our life what
should we do?

Naffaisul m : That does not mean stop trying, it just means : surrender yourself to the
Almighty. Surrender your heart to Allah (s.w.t). All that we can do is to be patient and trust
Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t)’s plan for us.

4. How should we behave towards Qada and Qadar Allah as good muslims?
Isna syifa a : As good Muslims, we have to accept (genuinely in our hearts) that Allah (s.w.t)
has control over everything in this world. That does not mean stop trying, it just means :
surrender yourself to the Almighty. Surrender your heart to Allah (s.w.t). All that we can do
is to be patient and trust Allah (s.w.t) and Allah (s.w.t)’s plan for us.


-Paragraph 1 talks about one of the pillars of islam namely qada and qadar

-Paragraph 2 Qada/Qadha refers to Decree. Whereas, Qadr/Qadar refers to destiny. The

reason why they are used interchangeably is because destiny (Qadr) is based upon

-Paragraph 3 talks about believing in someting Allah has ordained qada and qadar .

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