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I. Introduction
A. General statement
1. A brief overview about hydroelectricity
2. Hydroelectricity from past to the present
3. Indonesia as an archipelago state
B. The purpose of this essay
II. A snapshot of hydropower plants
A. Classification of hydropower in terms of operation and sizes
B. The implication of hydropower on environment, economy, and social life
III. Mini/Micro Hydropower in the remote areas
A. Problems with Micro Hydro
B. Limitation of Micro Hydro
C. The Appropriateness of Micro hydro
IV. Hydropower situation in Indonesia
A. Existing situation
B. Support from the government
1. Policies
2. Infrastructures
V. Conclussion/Discussion

Hydroelectric power is one of renewable resources that provides about 16 percents of the
world’s electricity. There are four major type of methods for generating: dams, pumped
storage, run-of-river, and tidal power. The conventional method is using a dam to raise the
water level of the river so it can create falling water and then control the flow of water.

1. Modify: … the river so that it can make water fall, and then control

The hydroelectric dam converts the potential energy stored to mechanical energy to upright a
turbine. Generator that is connected to the turbine, changes the mechanical energy into
electrical energy. In other generating methods, they can be “dam-less”.

Run-of-river, also called as diversion, compared to dam method is that the diversion uses the
natural flow rate of water instead of falling water from large distance. It can produce base
load energy but can not adjust the quantity of electricity that required. In this system, water
from a flowing river is diverted and guided down to channel or penstock, leads to a
generating house. Tidal energy is also different from dam method, it refers to generate
electricity from the flow of the tides. The movement of tides push a turbine to generate
electricity; and the turbines are like wind turbines but they are positioned underwater.

2. What’s the purpose of the writing? This seems goes to the body, not in the
introduction. You can explain Hydroelectric power in the body later.

3. Write the aim of your essay and justify your research. So, will your essay examine or
present the method?

4. What are you going to do with Hydroelectric power, and then talk about what your
essay contains and how you will develop the structure of the paper in the

 Please send the all revised essay next time.

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