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Second Edition, Updated and Revised

Michael J. Thorpy, M.D.

Jan Yager, Ph.D.
The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, Second Edition, Updated and Revised

Copyright © 2001, 1991 by Michael J. Thorpy, M.D. and Jan Yager, Ph.D.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Thorpy, Michael J.
The encyclopedia of sleep and sleep disorders /
Michael J. Thorpy and Jan Yager.—2nd, ed., updated and rev.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8160-4089-3 (alk. paper)
1. Sleep disorders—Dictionaries. 2. Sleep—Dictionaries. I. Yager, Jan, 1948– II. Title.
RC547 .Y34 2001
616.8’498’03—dc21 00-064028

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Preface to the Second Edition v

Preface to the First Edition vi
Acknowledgments vii
Important Note and Disclaimer viii
“History of Sleep and Man”
by Michael J. Thorpy, M.D. ix
“Psychology and Sleep: The Interdependence
of Sleep and Waking States”
by Arthur J. Spielman, Ph.D.,
Paul D’Ambrosio, M.A., and
Paul B. Glovinsky, Ph.D. xxxi
A-to-Z Entries 1
Appendixes 261
Bibliography 296
Index 299
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and other disor-
S ince the first edition of The Encyclopedia of Sleep
and Sleep Disorders was published in 1991, there
has been a great expansion in the national aware-
ders that produce tiredness and fatigue, such as
multiple sclerosis.
ness of sleep disorders and an increase in services Along with the increased availability of sleep
for patients. Terms such as narcolepsy, insomnia, sleep specialists, sleep disorders centers and current
apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness are commonly treatments for sleep disorders, there has been
used and understood by a greater percentage of the growth in public knowledge of sleep disorders, in
population than before. Laypersons have become part through the efforts of such national organiza-
more aware that there is help available if they suf- tions as the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). The
fer from a sleep disorder. This increased awareness NSF has helped to propagate information on inno-
is a positive development. Better understanding of vative advances in sleep medicine as well as help-
the symptoms and features of a sleep disorder leads ing corporate America understand the implications
to more rapid recognition and treatment of the dis- of sleep disorders and sleepiness in the workplace.
order. Appendix II, the American Academy of Sleep
The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders has Medicine (AASM)—Member Sleep Centers and
been updated to reflect the current science and Laboratories, is an updated list. (Further updates
understanding of sleep disorders and includes the are available at the AASM’s website: http://www.
addition of numerous entries that reflect new Sources that provide further infor-
terms, drugs and procedures introduced in the last mation about sleep disorders have been updated
decade. Recent advances in the understanding of with website addresses, if available. The entries and
the pathophysiology of sleep and wakefulness, bibliography have also been updated with new
including the recognition of a neurochemical sys- popular and scholarly books and articles that have
tem involved in the control of sleep and wakeful- been published since the first edition.
ness, the orexin system, are covered in this second In the A to Z section, words or terms in SMALL
edition. Revised entries reflect the advances in our CAPITAL LETTERS within an entry indicate that there
understanding and treatment of disorders such as is a separate entry for that term, concept or disor-
sleep apnea, insomnia and narcolepsy. Modafinil, der. For further information, you are directed to
recently approved in the United States, is a major that separate entry, arranged alphabetically.
breakthrough medication for the treatment of dis-
orders of tiredness, fatigue, sleepiness and nar- —Michael J. Thorpy, M.D.
colepsy. This medication is being used to treat —Jan Yager, Ph.D.

Although this volume is intended to stand
T he Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders is
intended for laypersons as well as health care
professionals. We have tried to use clear, under-
alone, it appears as a new volume in a well-
regarded series, begun by Facts On File, Inc., that
standable language, without distorting the mean- now includes The Encyclopedia of Alcoholism by
ings of the terms and conditions we describe. We Robert O’Brien and Dr. Morris Chafetz; The Encyclo-
hope this volume is useful to laypersons who are pedia of Drug Abuse by Robert O’Brien and Dr. Sid-
experiencing a sleep-related problem, or who have ney Cohen, M.D.; The Encyclopedia of Suicide by Glen
a family member or friend who has sleep concerns; Evans and Norman Fabrow, M.D.; The Encyclopedia
to students at a variety of undergraduate and grad- of Child Abuse by Robin Clark and Judith Freeman
uate levels; to the administrative staff and techni- Clark; The Encyclopedia of Marriage, Divorce and the
cians of sleep disorder centers, psychologists, and Family by Margaret DiCanio, Ph.D., among other
specialists in sleep disorders medicine as well as titles.
physicians of all specialties. We have tried to be as up-to-date in our infor-
Sleep is an area of increasing interest as the con- mation as possible. However, any project of this
nection between physical and mental well-being kind is a continuing effort, as new information is
and sleep disorders becomes clearer to clinicians acquired and new treatment modalities are devel-
and laypersons alike. Such problems as insomnia or oped and put into practice. New research studies
excessive sleepiness affect a large percentage of the will provide additional knowledge or refute or con-
population and are of concern not only to patients firm previously held ideas. Future editions will take
but also to family members and employers. The into account any additional information on sleep
relationship among alcohol, alertness, alcohol- and sleep disorders unavailable or unknown at this
related driving accidents, and sleep and sleep disor- time.
ders affects the community as a whole. We have included lists of sleep centers and lab-
This volume contains descriptions of the most oratories that are members of the American Sleep
common as well as the more obscure sleep-related Disorders Association (ASDA) and of organizations
disorders. We have described the most commonly and agencies that provide additional sleep-related
prescribed medications and “home” remedies for information, as well as a bibliography of popular
sleep and alertness, listing their advantages and and scholarly books, journal or magazine articles
disadvantages. Also included are case histories for and newspaper references, to help readers to fur-
common sleep disorders, among them, insomnia, ther explore this key subject.
elderly sleep, anxiety disorders, narcolepsy, sleep- —Michael J. Thorpy, M.D.
walking, sleep terrors and obstructive sleep apnea —Jan Yager, Ph.D.

We would also like to thank Arthur J. Spielman,
A n enormous project like this rests upon the
efforts of more than the authors alone. First
and foremost, we want to thank James Chambers,
Ph.D., and Paul B. Glovinsky, Ph.D., of the Depart-
ment of Psychology of the City College of New York
our editor for this second edition, as well as his and Paul D’Ambrosio of the Department of Psy-
assistant, Regina Sampogna, and project editor chology of the City College of New York, who con-
Dorothy Cummings. In the first edition, we tributed to the essay for the second edition, for
thanked Howard Epstein, former president of Facts providing their original essay on the psychology of
On File, Inc., as well as our former editor, Kate sleep that follows Dr. Thorpy’s introductory essay,
Kelly, for her enthusiasm and commitment to this “History of Sleep and Man.”
project from the start, and for the competence and Dr. Yager would especially like to thank Dr.
attention to detail with which she followed the Thorpy, who provided the majority of the content
project, and to Neal Maillet, who saw it through to of this encyclopedia based on his enormous knowl-
its publication. edge, experience and research in the field of sleep
Sleep experts from around the world kindly pro- and sleep disorders medicine.
vided their curriculum vitae and lists of publica- Dr. Thorpy appreciates, in preparing his intro-
tions to help in the creation of their biographical ductory essay, the careful review by Dr. William
entries; they then checked over these entries for Dement and Dr. Steven Martin, the library assis-
accuracy. A collective thanks is offered to all those tance of Vernon Bruette, Josephina Lim, Deborah
individuals in this country as well as in France, Green and Andreas Lamerz, and the secretarial
England, Scotland, Canada, Japan, Israel and Italy. assistance of Elaine Ullman.
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (for- Finally, we would both like to thank our families
merly the American Sleep Disorders Association) for their patience while we completed this vast
based in Rochester, Minnesota, and its membership undertaking as well as this revised and updated
director, Gregory Mader, have been especially help- edition, a decade after the first edition was pub-
ful in granting permission to reprint in the Appen- lished. To get from the first entry to the more than
dix the International Classification of Sleep 800 completed entries—and the numerous drafts
Disorders, the Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and back and forth of each and every entry—required
Arousal Disorders as well as a list of member sleep sacrifice and selflessness on their parts, as this proj-
centers and laboratories. ect consumed much of our time and concentration.

tute for appropriate medical or psychological diag-
T his book is not intended to take the place of
medical advice from a medical professional or
psychological or psychiatric advice from a therapist.
nosis or treatment. If you or someone you know
has a sleep-related concern or a persistent problem,
Readers are advised to consult a physician, psychol- consult your physician or a physician/qualified
ogist, psychiatrist or other qualified health or psy- health care professional at one of the accredited
chological professional regarding treatment of any sleep disorder centers listed in Appendix II or at the
sleep, health or psychological problems. Neither the website for the American Academy of Sleep Medi-
publisher nor the authors take any responsibility for cine (AASM), which continually updates its list of
any possible consequences from any treatment, accredited sleep disorders centers (http://www.
action or application of medicine or preparation by
any person reading or following the information in Throughout this book, you will find street
this book. addresses for associations or organizations, phone
Before you make any changes in your or some- numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses or web-
one else’s sleep or health care regimens, or take sites. Since this information may change at any
any medications described in this book, make sure time, including even the name of the association or
you consult a licensed physician, preferably a sleep the existence of a website on the Internet, neither
expert. While this book provides general informa- the publishers nor the authors take any responsi-
tion on sleep strategies and disorders, since every bility for the accuracy of any listings.
person is unique, it is not intended to be a substi-

Michael J. Thorpy, M.D.

“Sleep; King of all the gods and of all mortals,

hearken now, prithee, to my word;
and if ever before thou didst listen, obey me now,
and I will ever be grateful to thee all my days.”
—Homer, Fourteenth Book of the Iliad

reached a peak within the last 50 years since the

F ew physiological conditions have received as
much attention through the ages by poets, nov-
elists, scholars and scientists as sleep. From Aristo-
development of sophisticated technology for the
investigation of sleep.
tle and Ovid, to Shakespeare and Dante, writers Although most sleep disorders have probably
have been fascinated with sleep and its impact been present since man evolved, modern society
upon emotions, behavior and health. The cause has inadvertently produced several new disorders.
and reason for sleep have been pondered by some Thomas Edison’s electric light bulb has allowed the
of the world’s greatest minds, including Hip- light of day to be extended into night so that shift
pocrates and Freud, who attempted explanations of work can now occur around the clock—but at the
the physiological basis of sleep and dreams. Not expense of circadian rhythm disruption and sleep
only has sleep and waking behavior changed
disturbance. Similarly, international travel by plane
through the ages but the environment for sleep has
has enabled the rapid crossing of time zones, which
also undergone a change. From communal sleep-
also can lead to a disruption of circadian rhythms
ing rooms with beds of twigs, straw or skins, the
bedroom has evolved in the 21st century into a pri- and sleep disturbance.
vate place with electronic equipment, including Scientific investigation has produced more
computers, remote-controlled television, ther- information on the physiology and pathophysiol-
mostats and lighting. ogy of sleep in recent years than ever before. This
A rudimentary understanding of insomnia and rapid advance in sleep research and the develop-
sleepiness was known in ancient times, but specific ment of sleep disorders medicine is producing
sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, began to be rec- answers to questions that date from antiquity
ognized only in the late 19th century. Differentia- regarding the third of our day that is spent in the
tion between causes of sleepiness and insomnia has mysterious state of sleep.

x The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Sleep in Prehistoric and An early polyphasic sleep pattern seems likely to

Ancient Times have been characteristic of earliest man, particu-
larly if man also attempted to sleep between dusk
“Sleep’s the only medicine that gives ease.” and dawn. There would have been frequent awak-
—Sophocles, Philoctetes enings during the major sleep episode, as a single
sleep episode of more than 10 hours appears
The sleep patterns and sleep disorders of prehistoric unlikely. It is reasonable to predict that man first
man are unknown, and therefore we must specu- began to develop a monophasic sleep-wake pattern
late from the comparative physiology of animals in the Neolithic period (since 10,000 B.C.). The
and from evidence of other behaviors and illnesses. chimpanzee’s sleep pattern probably was similar to
Theories on the phylogenetic development of sleep that present in man prior to the Neolithic period;
stages in mammals have been developed from Neanderthal Man (70,000 to 40,000 B.C.) may well
information available on the mammal-like reptiles. have been in a transitional stage between a
The earliest form of life developed about 600 mil- polyphasic sleep pattern and the monophasic pat-
lion years ago in the pre-Cambrian period, and tern seen today.
mammal-like reptiles evolved approximately 250 There is evidence from studies of animal fossils
million years ago. It was about 180 million years that disease was present even before humans
ago, when slow wave sleep is believed to have evolved. It is known that dinosaurs and prehistoric
appeared, that the monotremes (egg-laying mam- bears commonly suffered arthritic changes in their
mals) evolved as a separate line from the therian bones (called “Cave Gout”). Changes suggestive of
(live-bearing) mammals; REM sleep (paradoxical tuberculosis have also been seen in Neolithic
sleep) appeared about 50 million years later. bones. However, although it must have occurred,
Recent sleep research on one of the three surviving there is no evidence of disease outside of the skele-
monotremes, the Australian short-nosed echidna, ton in humans, as no soft tissue parts have been
has provided some of the evidence for the evolu- discovered that are earlier than 4,000 years B.C.
tion of sleep stages. The echidna does not have Medical evidence of illnesses such as pneumonia,
paradoxical sleep, which suggests that the reptilian arteriosclerosis and parasitic disease has been
ancestors also may not have had paradoxical sleep. found in the mummies of early Egypt, and it is rea-
The pattern of sleep and waking behavior in pre- sonable to expect that the presence of disease in
historic man can be deduced from studies of non- early man was associated with changes in sleep and
human primates, such as apes and Old World wakefulness in a similar manner as is seen today.
monkeys, the animal groups phylogenetically clos- However, evidence also suggests that man’s lifetime
est to man. Sleep-wake patterns in non-primates was much shorter during the Paleolithic and early
consist mainly of polyphasic episodes of rest and Neolithic periods, averaging only about 30 to 40
activity with frequent (up to 12) cycles of wakeful years. The sleep disturbances of concern to the
activity throughout the 24-hour day. Man has the elderly today may not have been a problem in pre-
most developed monophasic pattern, with one historic man.
episode of consolidated sleep and one main episode It seems reasonable that prehistoric man would
of wakefulness. Some animals have a biphasic have attempted to treat sleep disturbances, but
sleep-wake pattern, with a nap taken during the how early man treated these disorders is unknown.
daytime, the pattern present, for instance, in the Therapy probably resembled that utilized by sick
chimpanzee. The chimpanzee has a rather pro- animals, such as the removal of infective agents,
longed sleep episode from dusk to dawn of approx- eating various plants to induce emesis, and possibly
imately 10 hours; however, during this time there even bloodletting. Certainly, bloodletting became
are frequent, brief awakenings. The daytime is char- an increasingly frequent therapeutic means for
acterized by two long episodes of wakefulness and treating disease, including sleep disorders, in more
an approximately five-hour midday nap, which also advanced ancient civilizations. Primitive societies,
includes frequent brief wakefulness episodes. even today, consider many illnesses and diseases to
History of Sleep and Man xi

be caused by gods, magic and spirits, and therefore Metu. Hence the treatment of many illnesses was
various forms of divination, such as the casting of carried out by purging and enemas. Infective ill-
bones, moving of beads, charms, fetishes, chanting nesses, including malaria, parasitic infections,
or the use of elaborate ceremonies, are invoked for smallpox and leprosy, were common at that time.
therapeutic reasons. Such forms of treatment prob- Wine and other mildly alcoholic drinks (as com-
ably were applied by prehistoric man for distur- pared to distilled alcoholic products) were con-
bances of sleep and wakefulness. sumed in large amounts and were probably the
Mesopotamians (ca. 3000 B.C.) thought illness earliest treatments for insomnia but also may have
was produced by irate gods, and so their gods were been important in its development. Medicinal
named for specific diseases, such as Tiu, the god of plants were utilized, particularly the product of
headache, and Nergel, the god of fever. Treatment the opium poppy (papaver somniferum), and hyo-
largely consisted of determining what misdeed had scyamine and scopolamine, derived from bella-
been committed by the sufferer, and then perform- donna and nightshade. (The word “opium” is
ing divination in an attempt to appease the gods. derived from the Greek word for “juice,” as the
Plants, oils, minerals and animal substances were drug is derived from the juice of the poppy. Papaver
ingested, inhaled or given as suppositories or ene- somniferum was coined at a much later date; som-
mas. These agents were usually administered by a niferum was derived from the Latin word somnus
priest/physician, and strict codes for payment of [the Roman god of sleep]. In subsequent periods in
medical services were established, as well as physi- history opium [laudanum] was widely used as a
cian punishment for a failure to treat disease ade- treatment for insomnia, and it is likely that it was
quately. It is likely that many punishments were used as far back as the Sumerian age, which sug-
administered for failure to relieve sleep disorders gests that opium may have been the first hypnotic
that would have been chronic and often difficult to medication used.)
cure, such as insomnia and narcolepsy. Bloodletting was commonly performed by the
The ancient medical papyruses of Egypt provide ancient Egyptians for the treatment of a variety of
most of our current knowledge of ancient Egyptian ailments and illnesses and was likely to have been
medicine. The Chester Beatty papyrus, which was used for sleep disorders, particularly for those dis-
written around 1350 B.C., contains information on orders that produced excessive sleepiness or stupor.
the interpretation of dreams. Dreams were regarded Medical treatment was widely available; the names
as being contrary predictions, for example, a dream of several hundred physicians have been docu-
of death meant a long life. However, the Georg mented in ancient Egypt. Herodotus (fifth century
Ebers papyrus (1600 B.C.), an extensive text on a B.C.) wrote of the Egyptians:
variety of medical subjects, including treatment, has
not been reported to contain any information on Medicine with them is distributed in the following
sleep disturbances. Ancient Egyptian medical prac- way: every physician is for one disease and not for
tice consisted largely of praying to the gods and several, and the whole country is full of physicians
invoking the help of these divine healers. Thoth, for the eyes; others of the head; others of the teeth;
who was a physician to the gods, and Imhotep were others of the belly, and others of obscure diseases.
important gods of healing at that time. The ancient
Egyptians were known for their attention to It appears likely that some physicians specialized
hygiene and cleanliness, and it is likely that such in insomnia, and possibly even in disorders that
attention was also paid to sleeping habits. produced excessive sleepiness. There certainly
Medical opinion at the time held that the body were physicians who specialized in dream interpre-
was made up of a system of channels (Metu), tation, for example Artemidorus of Daldis who
which conveyed air to all parts of the body. wrote the major work on dreams, Oneirocritica.
Because they believed that bodily fluids could enter Other civilizations that developed around the
this system of channels, the ancient Egyptians were same time were those of ancient India and China.
particularly concerned about feces entering the Early Indian medicine mainly consisted of magical
xii The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

and religious practices but also featured soundly the use of acupuncture and moxibustion (counter-
based, rational treatments. Over 700 Indian veg- irritation by moxa, a combustible substance that is
etable medicines have been documented from burned on the skin). It is most likely that these lat-
ancient times and include the plant called Rauwolfia ter forms of therapy were applied to the sleep dis-
serpentina (reserpine). Rauwolfia was used for the orders. Massage and breathing exercises were also
treatment of anxiety, among other disorders, and is commonly employed, in a manner similar to that
likely to have been used to treat insomnia. In India, of Yoga. Herbal medicines were plentiful and con-
as in Egypt, infective illnesses were common, and sisted of extracts of virtually anything available,
therefore physicians, who were largely from the including minerals and metals, animal-derived
Brahman or priestly caste, were viewed with great products and waste products.
importance. Effective treatment of most illnesses is Two important Chinese remedies existed. One
reported to have been dependent upon four major was ephedra (Ma Huang), a stimulant that con-
factors: the physician, the patient, the medicine tained ephedrine, derived from the “horsetail”
and the nurse. Asoka (273–232 B.C.), a ruler of the plant and first described by the Red Emperor, Shen
Mauryan dynasty, reported that hospitals were Nung (ca. 2800 B.C.). The second common medici-
established as early as the third century B.C. nal herb was ginseng (a man-shaped root), which
The ancient Chinese believed in the importance was used for stimulation as well as sedating pur-
of the universe and environment in producing all poses. Although opium was commonly employed
things, including behavior and health. The basic by the Greeks at this time it does not appear to
principles of life were thought to derive from the have been used in ancient China. Acupuncture was
interplay of two basic elements in nature, the widespread and is believed to have been developed
active, light, dry, warm, positive, masculine Yang, by the Yellow Emperor (Huang Ti) around 2600
and the passive, dark, cold, moist, negative Yin. The B.C. Acupuncture and moxibustion were used for
proportions of Yin and Yang determined the Tao treating virtually every illness and symptom and
(the way), which determined right and wrong, therefore are likely to have been administered for
good and bad, health or illness, etc. The basic Yin- sleep disorders.
Yang symbol is attributed to Fu Hsi (ca. 2900 B.C.), In ancient China, physicians were also highly
who originated the concept of eight interacting regarded and were grouped into five categories, the
conditions, the “Pa kua.” The Yin-Yang has since chief physician, food physicians, physicians for
become the symbol for sleep and wakefulness. simple diseases, ulcer physicians and physicians for
(This Yin-Yang symbol has been adopted by the animals. They were rated according to their treat-
American Academy of Sleep Medicine as its ment results, and each doctor had to report his
emblem.) Chinese views on physiology were simi- therapeutic successes and failures. Sleep was
lar to those of the ancient Greeks; they also regarded by the Chinese as a state of unity with the
believed in a humoral system of physiology. The universe and therefore was regarded as very
palpation of the pulse was important in the diag- important for health. The Chinese philosopher
nosis of disease, and in order to determine whether Chuang-Tzu (300 B.C.) said “everything is one;
a patient had upset the Tao, not only were the during sleep the soul, undistracted, is absorbed into
patient’s symptoms taken into consideration but the unity; when awake, distracted, it sees the dif-
also the social and economic status, the weather ferent beings.”
and particularly the patient’s dreams, as well as the Much of what we know about early Greek med-
dreams of other family members. icine is derived from the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer,
The most important medical compendium of the a collection of traditions, legends and epic poems.
time was that produced by Yu Hsiung (ca. 2600 Homer (ca. 900 B.C.) based his epic works on the
B.C.), the Nei Ching (“Canon of Medicine”), which life of the ancient Greeks in the days of the Myce-
mentioned five important methods of treatment: naean Citadel of about 1200 B.C. The Mycenaeans,
curing the spirit, nourishing the body, the adminis- who came from mainland Greece about 1600 B.C.,
tration of medications, treating the whole body and conquered the Minoans, who had established a
History of Sleep and Man xiii

well-developed civilization in Crete at Knossus. occurred in conjunction with the setting. The priest-
This civilization was the setting for Homer’s epics, physicians instilled faith in the cures—not only in
which concerned an earlier period, but his writings their patients but also in themselves. However,
included medical details that were probably many attempted cures were in the realm of magic
derived from his own era. However, Homer’s view and fantasy.
of medicine in early Greece, called Homeric medi- A more rational style of medicine developed
cine, is the best representation of early Greek med- around the fifth century B.C. largely due to the
ical practices. The quotation from the Iliad stated at influence of the Greek scientist-philosophers, such
the beginning of this introduction reflects the as Thales and Pythagoras.
importance that Homer ascribed to good, quality Thales of Miletos (640–546 B.C.), who believed
sleep. The god of sleep, Hypnos, from whom the that water was an important basic element of all
terms hypnotic and hypnotism have developed, was animal and plant life, made many contributions
first reported in the 14th book of the Iliad by not only to medicine, but also to geometry, astron-
Homer, and was mentioned again in the Theogony omy and mathematics. His direction in medicine
of Hesiod (ca. 700 B.C.) about two centuries later. was not inspired by mythological or religious
Also mentioned in Homer was the chieftain beliefs but rather by observing natural processes of
Asclepios and his two sons: Machanon, who in sub- the environment. Around the same time, Pythago-
sequent centuries became known as the father of ras (ca. 530 B.C.) was born on an island off the
surgery, and Podalirios, the father of internal medi- coast of Asia Minor and developed a school of med-
cine. In subsequent years, Asclepios became known icine at Crotona in Southern Italy. Pythagoras
as the god of healing, and temples were erected in developed a philosophical approach to medicine
his honor, the first being established about the sixth that was based on the science of numbers and the
century B.C. in Thessaly or Ipidauros. The Ascle- spiritual universe, but the importance of diet, exer-
pieian temples were a collection of several buildings cise, music and meditation was emphasized.
that in many cases were very elaborate and ornate. Alcmaeon (fifth century B.C.), of the Crotona
They consisted of a tholos, a round building that school of medical thought, concentrated on man,
contained water for purification, and a main tem- and his basic belief was that health was harmony
ple, which were separated by a building called the and disease was a disturbance of harmony. He con-
abaton. The abaton was a most important structure sidered the brain essential for memory and
as it was the site where ill patients were placed for thought, a belief that Aristotle, who believed that
a cure. The cure consisted of an “incubation” cere- the mind resided in the heart, would reject 100
mony in which the cure took place in each wor- years later. Alcmaeon proposed what was probably
shipper’s dreams. The medical ceremony began at the first theory on the cause of sleep, when he pos-
dusk and the ill patient lay on a bed of skins to await tulated that sleep occurred when the blood vessels
a visit by Asclepios, the god for healing. During the of the brain filled with blood; withdrawal of blood
night the priest would visit each patient and admin- from the brain was associated with waking. How-
ister a treatment, which often consisted of medi- ever, his major contribution to medicine was the
cines derived from such animals as snakes and detailed description of the optic pathways at the
geese. Upon awakening the next morning after base of the brain. His much more rational concepts
dreaming of Asclepios, the patient was expected to of medicine have led some to consider him the first
have been cured. This treatment was clearly the true medical scientist.
forerunner of sleep therapy, which has been prac- Around the time of Alcmaeon, a center of med-
ticed through the ages until the present day, partic- icine was established in Sicily, and Empedocles (ca.
ularly in eastern countries. Although Asclepieian 493–ca. 443 B.C.) was credited with the original
medicine was used to treat any type of illness, it was concept that all things are comprised of four basic
most effective for those of a psychological nature. elements: water, air, fire and earth (the importance
Much of the healing was probably related to the of these four elements had been established ear-
impressive ceremony and the relaxation that lier). Empedocles believed that sleep occurs when
xiv The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

the fire in the blood cools, thus separating one of be useful in treatment; therefore, they were most
the four elements from the others. He believed that likely applied to treat insomnia at that time.
illnesses were due either to separation of the four Following Hippocrates, the philosophers Plato
elements or alterations in their balance. The princi- and Aristotle had an important influence upon
ple of the balance of body humors, known as medicine. Plato (ca. 429–347 B.C.), a teacher of
humoralism, became established medical doctrine Aristotle, developed many medical speculations.
around this time. Humoralism considered health to He influenced the practice of medicine to the
be due to the balance of four body fluids: blood, extent that medical practice became more dogma
phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. These fluids rather than patient evaluation. For this reason
were usually seen during severe illnesses and dis- physicians who supported his doctrines were called
appeared when the crises were over. “dogmatists” and their therapeutic endeavors
Two other major schools of medicine were largely included drastic purgings and bleedings.
developed in the fifth century B.C., one at Cnidos Aristotle (384–322 B.C.) believed that dreams were
and the other at Cos. At Cnidos an elaborate classi- important predictors of the future but proposed a
fication system for diseases resulted in each specific theory of sleep based upon the effect of food inges-
disease being ascribed to one symptom. The school tion. He proposed that food once eaten induced
at Cos did not develop elaborate diagnoses but fumes that were taken into the blood vessels and
depended largely upon the development of rational then transferred into the brain where they induced
treatments and rational diagnostic principles. sleepiness. The fumes subsequently cooled and
returned to the lower parts of the body taking heat
In whatever disease sleep is laborious, away from the brain, thereby causing sleep onset.
it is a deadly symptom. The sleep process continued as long as food was
—Hippocrates, Aphorisms, II being digested. Following the Hippocratic era of
medicine, Greek medicine began to develop in
Hippocrates (460–370 B.C.) was born on the Rome, along with temples to Asclepios in 300 B.C.
island of Cos and was responsible for that school of Atomism, the concept that all physical objects
medicine’s direction. No individual in history has are comprised of atoms in an infinite number that
had more influence upon medicine than Hip- undergo random motion, was first developed by
pocrates, who produced many of the basic tenets Democritus of Abdera (ca. 420 B.C.) and Leucippus
that underlie the practice of modern medicine. of Miletus (ca. 430 B.C.). Leucippus regarded sleep
Hippocrates produced numerous works that are as a state caused by the partial or complete split-
gathered under the title Corpus Hippocraticum, ting-off of atoms. Democritus considered insomnia
which comprises not only his own writings but also the result of an unhealthy diet and daytime sleep-
the writings of others of the time. His approxi- ing as being a sign of ill-health. Epicurus (ca. 300
mately 72 books covered all aspects of medicine, B.C.) revived the theory of atomism and wrote
including medical ethics, and are most widely extensively on sleep and dreams, although his own
known for the Hippocratic oath. In his writings, works have been lost. The Roman poet Titus
Hippocrates discussed not only his theory of the Lucretius Carus (ca. 50 B.C.) wrote of the teachings
cause of sleep, but he also made suggestions on the of Epicurus on atomism, sleep and dreams, in a
cause of dreams, which he considered to be of poem entitled “De rerum natura.” In this poem, the
“medical” origin. Hippocrates stated that “sleep is loss of central control that leads to loss of periph-
due to blood going from the limbs to the inner eral muscle control and relaxation forms the foun-
regions of the body.” This statement was based dation of a neural theory of sleep that took 2,000
upon the recognition of the importance of the years to be expanded upon:
blood being warmed by the inner part of the body
in order to produce sleep—a theory contrary to And so, when the motions are changed, sense
that proposed by Alcmaeon. Hippocrates believed withdraws deep within. And since there is nothing
that narcotics derived from the opium poppy could which can, as it were, support the limbs, the body
History of Sleep and Man xv

grows feeble, and all the limbs are slackened; arms sleeplessness would result from excessive worry
and eyelids droop, and the hams, even as you lie about material possessions (Ecclesiastes 5:12).
down, often give way, and relax their strength. However, the Bible also indicated that wrongdo-
ings made people unnecessarily content, “they do
Asclepiades of Bithynia (ca. 120–ca. 70 B.C.), not sleep unless they do badness, and their sleep
another figure in Roman medicine, believed that has been snatched away unless they cause someone
the physician was more important in curing disease to stumble” (Proverbs 4:16). Excessive sleeping was
than was nature. He used the term “phrenitis” for regarded as being unacceptable as it produced lazi-
mental illness and invoked treatment that con- ness and could subsequently lead to poverty. “Lazi-
sisted of hygiene, opium and wine. He was also the ness causes a deep sleep to fall” (Proverbs 6:9–11,
first to popularize the tracheostomy as a treatment 10:5, 19:15, 20:13, 24:33–34). The apostle Paul
for upper airway obstruction. emphasized (Romans 13:11–13) the importance of
Cornelius Celsus (ca. A.D. 20) and Caius Pliny being active in order to spread the word of God:
the elder (A.D. 23–79) substantially documented
medical practice of their time. De Medicina, the It is already the hour for you to awake from sleep,
work of Celsus, covered a wide range of topics, for now our salvation is nearer than at the time
including history, preventative medicine, surgery that we became believers. The night is well along;
and anatomy. Pliny produced Historia Naturalis, a the day has drawn near. Let us therefore put off
the works belonging to darkness and let us put on
work that contained virtually every piece of med- the weapons of the light: as in the daytime let us
ical information available. walk decently, not in revelries and drunken bouts,
Although Pliny’s writings were regarded as the not in illicit intercourse and loose conduct, not in
mainstay of medicine right through the Middle strife and jealousy.
Ages, the Greek Galen (A.D. 129–ca. 200) had a
greater impact on the subsequent development of Sleep was often used as a term in place of death.
medicine. Galen’s detailed writings substantially In ancient Rome and Greece the similarity between
contributed to the knowledge of anatomy and he death and sleep was often emphasized. “Sleep and
outlined the important elements of diagnosis and death, who are twin brothers,” Homer said in the
treatment. He believed bloodletting was important Iliad (ca. 850 B.C.); and Ovid (43 B.C.–A.D. 17) in
in the treatment of many illnesses, but he also the Amores II, “What else is sleep but the image of
encouraged conservative treatments, such as diet, chill death?” In the Bible there were numerous ref-
rest and exercise. He utilized many herbal medi- erences to death being similar to sleep in that it was
cines, often in complicated combinations. The God who caused people to awaken from sleep, oth-
anatomical works of Galen reigned supreme in erwise they would never wake up (Psalms 76:6).
medicine until the works of Vesalius in the 16th However, death was contrasted with sleep in the
century. example of a dead girl, where Jesus Christ said “the
little girl did not die but she is sleeping” (Matthew
9:24; Mark 5:39; Luke 8:52). This reference may
Sleep in the Bible have referred to the fact that she could be resur-
The Bible contains numerous references to sleep rected from death as one is awakened from sleep.
and dreams, which were largely regarded as being Dreams played an important part in the Bible as
predictors of the future (but less significant than in a means of communicating between God and man.
previous eras). The Bible emphasized the impor- The first book of the Bible, Genesis (28:10–16),
tance of sleep and rest: the essential elements for reports communication between Jacob and God:
good sleep were regarded as being hard work, a
clear conscience, freedom from anxiety and trust in And Jacob went out from Beresheeba, and went
Jehovah (Ecclesiastes 5:12; Psalms 3:5, 4:8; toward Haran.
Proverbs 3:24–26). Sleep disturbance was less And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried
likely to occur if one was content with life’s lot, and there all night, because the sun was set; and he
xvi The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

took one of the stones of that place and put them were considered to be important for cures and to
for his pillows, and laid down in that place to sleep. prevent illness. Concern for “thy neighbor” led to
And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the the establishment of facilities for the care of the ill,
earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and most of which were run with religious motives.
behold the angels of God ascending and descend- Medicine involved strong religious mysticism, and
ing on it. there was a loss of the rational, clinical observa-
And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, I tion and management of disease that had begun to
am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and God develop in earlier years. Monasteries that cared
of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I for the sick were developed but they scorned sci-
give it and to thy seed; entific, medical teaching. One of the first to be
and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and established was Monte Cassino in Italy by St.
thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the Benedict of Nursia (A.D. 480–554). It was in these
east, and to the north, and to the south: in thee times that the Temples of Asclepios were also pop-
and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be ular for the treatment of illnesses by Incubatio.
blessed. Although superstition and magic swept the west-
And behold I am with thee, and will keep thee ern world, some physicians with skill in observa-
in all places whither thou goest, and will bring tion and deduction slowly advanced medical
thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, knowledge, such as Alexander of Tralles (A.D.
until I have done that which I have spoken to 525–605).
thee of. In the Moslem world, a similar religious
And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, approach to medicine occurred. Although in Islam
surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. disease is regarded as a punishment by Allah, hos-
Many other examples of dreams are presented pitals in Moslem countries were very much better
in the Bible, such as Joseph’s dream to take Mary than those in the West because of their improved
as his wife, his dream to flee to Egypt with his fam- sanitation and better and more spacious facilities.
ily, the dream that it was safe to return home, and Although physicians were largely of the Christian
the dream of the Magi. and Jewish faiths, Moslem practitioners gradually
helped spread medicine in the East. The Persian
Razi (A.D. 850–ca. 923) (also known as Rhazes in
Sleep in the Middle Ages and the the West) wrote more than 200 books on many
Renaissance topics, including medicine. Avicenna (A.D.
980–1037), who also contributed to medical
Long sleep at after-noones by stirring fumes
understanding, was regarded both in Islam and
Breeds Slouth, and Agues
Aking heads and Rheumes. Christendom as being of equal importance to
—School at Salerno, Regimen: Sanitatis A little later, Moses ben Maimon (A.D.
Salernitanum (1095–1224) 1135–1204), also known as Maimonides, emerged
as the most influential Jewish physician in Arabic
The time from the fall of Rome in A.D. 476 until the medicine. He appeared to combine the thoughts of
fall of Constantinople in A.D. 1453 is often referred Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna but his primary
to as the Middle Ages, the first 500 years being the focus was on philosophy. Maimonides had his own
Dark Ages. Both Ages comprise the Medieval view of how much and when a person should
period, the Age of Faith, a time when medicine was sleep:
greatly influenced by the rise of Christianity.
With the spread of the word of Christianity, The day and night consist of 24 hours. It is suffi-
man was convinced that the day of judgment was cient for a person to sleep one third thereof which
about to come, and disease was considered to be is eight hours. These should [preferably] be at the
due to God’s punishment. Prayer and good deeds end of the night so that from the beginning of sleep
History of Sleep and Man xvii

until the rising of the sun will be eight hours. Thus gelo Buonarroti (1475–1564) and Albrecht Dürer
he will arise from his bed before the sun rises. (1471–1528). Andreas Vesalius (1514–64) pro-
duced one of the greatest medical books in history,
—Misheneh Torah, “Hilchoth De’oth” entitled De Humani Corporis Fabrica. The detailed
(Ch.IV, No. 4) anatomical drawings surpassed those of Galen, and
Fabrica became the anatomical cornerstone in the
In the 10th century A.D., several medical schools
development of scientific medicine in the centuries
came into prominence. Perhaps the oldest was that
to come.
established at Salerno, not far from Monte Cassino.
The school at Salerno developed a practical scien-
tific approach to medicine, eschewing its neighbor’s Sleep in the 17th and
concentration on philosophy and religious mysti- 18th Centuries
cism. Several universities in France, including Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!
those at Montpellier and Paris, were also highly Macbeth does murder sleep,” the innocent sleep,
regarded. At Paris, the school had a medical rather Sleep that knits up the ravell’d sleave of care,
than a surgical bias, being more influenced by the The death of each day’s life, sore labour’s bath,
Church. At Montpellier, Greek practices were more Balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course,
in evidence. Chief nourisher in life’s feast.
By A.D. 1000, at the end of the Dark Ages, —Shakespeare: Macbeth, Act II (ca. 1605)
monastic medicine began to decline as the influ-
ence of the universities increased. Many hospitals In the 17th century, medicine underwent a major
developed that are well known today, such as St. change from the doctrines that had influenced it up
Thomas’s and St. Bartholomew’s in England and to that time, such as Aristotelianism, Galenism and
the Hotel-Dieu in Paris. Here diet was regarded as Paracelsianism, to more scientifically directed theo-
an important form of treatment, as were medica- ries, with the underlying teleological desire to
tions, particularly those derived from plant mate- accumulate knowledge on the way things work.
rials. One of the most commonly used medications This time was known as the “Age of Scientific Rev-
at this time was theriac, which had been devel- olution” and included the major medical develop-
oped in the first century A.D.; it consisted of many ments of Francis Bacon, William Harvey and
substances derived from plants and animals, Marcello Malpighi.
including snake flesh. Theriac would have been The scientific revolution began with the theories
used for the treatment of a variety of sleep disor- of Rene Descartes (1596–1650), who rejected Aris-
ders, particularly those thought to be caused by totle’s doctrines and developed theories based on
poisons. Mysticism and astrology were important mechanisms. In this regard he was similar to Fran-
elements of medicine in the Middle Ages. Often cis Bacon (1561–1626), who espoused experimen-
the most important treatment to be considered tation and utilitarianism. Descartes developed a
was exorcism; however, purgatives and bloodlet- hydraulic model of sleep, which considered that
ting were treatments that were still commonly the pineal gland maintained fullness of the cerebral
employed. ventricles for the maintenance of alertness. The
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the works of loss of “animal spirits” from the pineal causes the
Hippocrates were revived. Paracelsus (1493–1541), ventricles to collapse, thereby inducing sleep.
known as the Father of Pharmacology, began using Even Shakespeare made innumerable refer-
metals in treatment, often producing some out- ences to sleep in his writings, and it has been con-
standing cures. Although illnesses such as leprosy sidered that the playwright’s clear descriptions of
and the plague had largely disappeared, venereal insomnia suggest that he himself suffered from this
diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis were malady.
rampant. Art and medicine became allied, as evi- . . . O sleep, O gentle sleep,
denced in the anatomical drawings of Michelan- Nature’s soft nurse, how have I frighted thee,
xviii The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

That thou no more wilt weight my eyelids down of Physick (1692) devoted four chapters to disorders
and steep my senses in forgetfulness . . . producing sleepiness and insomnia. As with
Descartes, he considered that the animal spirits con-
Medicine was now being viewed as an advance-
tained within the body undergo rest during sleep.
ment in man’s control over nature and was more
However, he believed that those animal spirits
soundly based on scientific principles. However, it
residing in the cerebellum became active during
was still a time to be speculative and philosophical
sleep to maintain a control over physiology. He
about medicine:
believed that some of the “animal spirits” became
intermittently unrestrained, leading to the develop-
He sleeps well who knows not that he
sleeps ill.
ment of dreams. He also described restless legs syn-
drome, which he considered to be an escape of the
—Francis Bacon, Ornamentata Rationalia, IV animal humors into the nerves supplying the limbs:
(quote from Publilius Syrus, Sententiae)
when being a bed, they betake themselves to sleep,
The chemical principles of Paracelsus were presently in the arms and legs, leapings and con-
advanced in the 17th century, and medicines, tractions of the tendons, and so great a restlessness
including the use of mercurials, began to take over and tossings of their members ensue, that the dis-
from treatments such as purging and bloodletting. eased are no more able to sleep, than if they were
Illness was now considered to be something that in a place of the greatest torture.
attacked the body in a distinct manner, and the
Galenic and earlier concepts that disease was a Willis also discovered that laudanum, a solution
derangement of humors, the essential elements of of powdered opium, was effective in treating the
the body, were starting to fade. Atomism, which restless legs syndrome.
had been proposed by Democritus, Leucippus and Due to the generally unhygienic living condi-
Epicurus several centuries before the time of tions, epidemics—mainly the plague, measles,
Christ, underwent a revival in the 17th century smallpox, scarlet fever and chicken pox—contin-
and was supported by the findings of Jan Baptista ued to rage through Europe at this time. Therapy
Van Helmont (1577–1644), who coined the term was still largely based on practices of the past, such
“gas” and recognized that air was composed of a as purging, bloodletting, dietary restriction, exer-
variety of gases. Robert Boyle (1627–91) demon- cise and the use of potions, such as theriac.
strated the importance of air for life and the effect Although the 18th century is largely regarded as
of gases under pressure, which led to the discovery being a period when the scientific foundation of
that the reddening of venous blood occurred medicine was extended from the principles laid
because of exposure of blood to gases contained in down in the 17th century, this was not entirely the
the air. However, the major discovery of the 17th situation. Some medical theorists played an influ-
century was that of William Harvey (1578–1657), ential role in maintaining concepts of vitalism.
who was the first to demonstrate that blood was George Stahl (1660–1734) was a strong proponent
pumped around the body by the heart. of the “animal spirits” concept of earlier years and
It was against this background that the great decried Descartes’ theory of a machinistic approach
neurologists, Thomas Willis (1621–75) and Thomas to medicine. Stahl also expounded his enthusiasm
Sydenham (1624–89), developed the principles and for treatments such as bloodletting to get rid of the
practice of clinical neurology. Willis made a number unwanted spirits.
of contributions to the knowledge of various disor- Despite some setbacks, a scientific approach to
ders in sleep, including restless legs syndrome, medicine continued with the works of Linnaeus
nightmares and insomnia. He recognized that a and Von Haller. Karl Von Linne (1707–78), called
component contained in coffee could prevent sleep Linnaeus, made important contributions to the
and that sleep was not a disease but primarily a classifications of botany, zoology and medicine. He
symptom of underlying causes. His book The Practice emphasized the important of cyclical changes in
History of Sleep and Man xix

botany, which was nowhere more clearly pre- the sensitivity of nerve and the irritability of mus-
sented than in his flower-clock. The flower-clock cle; in doing so he dispelled much of the mysticism
was developed upon the principle that different of previous eras. Von Haller produced a major work
species of flowers open their leaves at various times entitled Elementa Physiologiae in which he devoted
of the day. Therefore, a garden of flowers arranged 36 pages to the physiology of sleep and proposed a
in a circular pattern could give an estimate of the theory for its cause. In a vascular concept similar to
time of day by the pattern of flower and leaf open- that of Alcmaeon in the fifth century B.C. he
ings and closings. Linnaeus’ finding was an impor- believed that sleep was caused by the flow of blood
tant early milestone in the development of the to the head, which induced pressure on the brain,
science of biological rhythms in plants and animals. thereby inducing sleep. Von Haller’s theory was
As far back as ancient Greece there had been some expanded in the 19th century into the congestion
recognition of variation in the behavior of plants theory of the causes of sleep, a theory that was still
and animals, not only on a seasonal basis but also believed into the early part of the 20th century. He
on a daily basis. Even the Bible makes mention of also considered dreams to be a symptom of disease,
seasonal change in the following passage from “a stimulating cause, by which the perfect tranquil-
Ecclesiastes (3:1): “To everything there is a season ity of the sensorium is interrupted.”
and a time to every purpose under the heavens.” The late 17th century was also the time of the
One of the first chronobiological experiments discovery of oxygen by Karl Scheele (1742–86) and
was that of Sanctorious (ca. 1657), who measured Joseph Priestley (1733–1804), but it was Antoine-
the cyclical pattern of change in a number of his Laurent Lavoisier (1743–94) who coined the name
own physiological variables. His experimental “oxygen” and recognized its importance in the
apparatus has been regarded as the first “laboratory maintenance of living tissue. Despite the important
for chronobiology.” Subsequently the intrinsic pat- advances in clinical medicine that occurred in the
tern of circadian activity was demonstrated in the 17th century, there were very few therapeutic
experiment performed by Jacques De Mairan in advances. Medications still consisted of potions
1729, which was reported by M. Marchant. De developed from plant and animal tissues, and
Mairan placed a heliotrope plant in a darkened opium was still the main form of sedation, in a
closet and observed that the leaves continued to common formulation called “Hoffmann’s Anodyne
open in darkness, at the same time of day as they of Opium.” However, the ancient practices of
had in sunlight. This experiment illustrated the bleeding and purging continued to be widely pre-
presence of an intrinsic circadian rhythm in the scribed throughout the 18th century. One medica-
absence of environmental lighting conditions. De tion that was particularly important was discovered
Mairan also recognized the importance of this as a herbal brew from the foxglove plant, Digitalis
observation for understanding the behavior of purpurea. This medication, found by William With-
patients: “this seems to be related to the sensitivity ering in 1785, was most helpful in the treatment of
of a great number of bed-ridden sick people, who, dropsy (swelling of the limbs) caused by heart dis-
in their confinement, are aware of the differences ease. This was also the time of the French Revolu-
of day and night.” tion, following which it was recognized that more
During the 17th and 18th centuries, medical humane care was necessary for people with psy-
schools had rapidly expanded throughout Europe, chiatric disease; Phillipe Pinel (1745–1826), who
with those north of the French-Italian Alps begin- was a supporter of vitalism, has been considered to
ning to gain in prominence. The Swiss-born scien- be the founder of modern psychiatry.
tist Albrecht Von Haller (1708–77), a pupil of Despite the important advances in the science of
Boerhaave of the University of Leiden, an impor- medicine and in scientifically based principles of
tant medical center in Europe, made major contri- treatment, it was still a time of hoaxes and charla-
butions to many scientific topics, including tanism. On the fringe of quackery was Franz Anton
medicine. Von Haller performed numerous experi- Mesmer (1734–1815), who utilized “animal mag-
ments on the nervous system and demonstrated netism” for a hypnotic treatment that lead to the
xx The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

term mesmerism. He attracted the gullible to Rolando in 1809 demonstrated that a state of
undergo treatment in his darkened rooms, which sleepiness occurred when the cerebral hemispheres
were regarded as cradles of immorality. Mesmer of birds were removed, and his experiments were
was subsequently banished from Paris, despite pro- replicated by Flourens in 1822 with the ablation of
ducing some effective cures of hysteria by the use the cerebral hemispheres of pigeons:
of hypnotic suggestion.
Perhaps the greatest advance made in the devel- Just imagine an animal which has been con-
opment of sleep medicine occurred in Bologna demned to be permanently asleep, one that has
with Luigi Galvani’s (1737–98) demonstration of been devoid even of the ability to dream during
sleep; this is more or less the situation of the
electrical activity of the nervous system. His find- pigeon in which I had ablated the cerebral hemi-
ings led to the subsequent development of the field spheres.
of electrophysiology, and the gradual destruction of
the humoralist theory of nervous activity. The 19th century could be regarded as the “age
With the development of the scientific approach of sleep theories” as some of the greatest physi-
to medicine, the discovery of atomism, animal elec- cians, psychologists and physiologists turned their
trophysiology, the advances in respiratory and car- attention to explanations of the cause of sleep.
diovascular physiology, as well as treatment Advances were made in the clinical recognition of
advances, such as quinine for malaria and digitalis sleep disorders, particularly the causes of daytime
for heart disease, medicine was about to enter its sleepiness, and several comprehensive books were
modern era, the 19th century. written entirely on the physiological and clinical
aspects of sleep. Much of what was known about
Sleep in the 19th Century insomnia and its causes, however, was only a slight
expansion of earlier knowledge.
“What probing deep The theories of the cause of sleep can be placed
Has ever solved the mystery of sleep?” into four main groups: vascular (mechanical, ane-
—Thomas Aldrich (1836–1907), mic, congestive), chemical (humoral), neural (his-
Human Ignorance tological) and a fourth group, which explains the
reason for sleep rather than the physiological cause
Medicine made rapid advances in the 19th century, of sleep, the behavioral (psychological, biological)
largely due to the discovery of anesthesia, the prac- theories.
tice of surgery and the finding that microorganisms The vascular theories of sleep were those most
were a major cause of disease. This was the time of widely disputed in the early part of the 19th cen-
the Industrial Revolution; people came from the tury. They were based upon the first rational the-
depressed countryside to the abhorrent working ory for the cause of sleep, proposed by Alcmaeon in
conditions and slums of the cities to be employed in ancient Greece in the fifth century B.C. Alcmaeon
factories. Although sanitation, as well as preventive believed that sleep was due to blood filling the
medicine, was important, epidemics continued to brain, and waking associated with the return of
rage in both Europe and the United States. Cholera blood to the rest of the body, a concept consistent
and typhoid fever were just two of several infective with the notions of ancient times, when it was rec-
illnesses that claimed many victims. ognized that brain disorders such as apoplexy were
There were major advances in understanding associated with stupor (karos). Hippocrates had an
the cause of sleep, and in the latter half of the cen- alternative theory in that he believed that sleep
tury a number of specific sleep disorders were rec- was due to blood going in the opposite direction,
ognized. The anatomy of sleep and wakefulness from the limbs to the central part of the body. Von
was partially revealed through the animal experi- Haller in the 18th century agreed with Alcmaeon’s
ments of two outstanding neuroanatomists of the concept and proposed that blood going to the head
time, Luigi Rolando (1773–1831) and Marie Jan caused the brain to be pressed against the skull,
Pierre Flourens (1794–1867). thereby inducing sleep by cutting off the “animal
History of Sleep and Man xxi

spirits.” Von Haller derived his beliefs from the In 1855, Alexander Fleming supported the anemia
views of his mentor Hermann Boerhaave theory after he performed an experiment in which
(1667–1738), who had presented a similar theory a he occluded the carotid arteries and induced a
few years earlier. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach sleep-like state. One of the strongest advocates for
(1752–1840), professor at Göttingen, who is the anemia theory was Frans Cornelius Donders
regarded as the founder of modern anthropology, (1818–1889), a professor at Utrecht in Holland,
was the first to observe the brain of a sleeping sub- who carefully observed the cerebral circulation in
ject in 1795. He noted that the surface of the brain animals through windows placed in the skull. Don-
was pale during sleep compared with wakefulness; ders and, subsequently, Angelo Mosso (1826–1910),
contrary to earlier theories, he proposed that sleep who observed the cerebral circulation in humans
was caused by the lack of blood in the brain. It was with skull defects, believed that at sleep onset blood
against this background of early sleep theories that passed from the brain to the skin. Arthur Edward
the 19th-century researchers looked for the cause Durham (1833–1895), who wrote extensively on
of sleep. the topic in 1860, believed that the blood passed
The theory that sleep was due to congestion of from the brain during sleep not only to supply the
the brain was the most accepted vascular theory in skin but also to supply the internal organs. The final
the first half of the 19th century. Robert MacNish advocates for the anemia theory of sleep were the
in 1834 wrote a seminal volume on sleep and its physiologists William Henry Howell (1860–1945)
disorders, entitled The Philosophy of Sleep. MacNish and Sir Leonard Erskine Hill (1866–1952). Howell
supported the previous concept that sleep was due believed that the change in arterial blood pressure
to pressure on the brain by blood. In 1846 at the base of the brain was responsible for cerebral
Johannes Evangelistica Purkinje (1787–1869), an anemia. Hill extensively studied the cerebral circu-
outstanding neuroanatomist and professor of phys- lation, and in 1896 he reported the absence of a
iology and pathology at Breslau (Wroclaw, in mod- change in cerebral blood pressure during sleep. He
ern Poland), proposed a slightly different theory for believed that the brain did not become anemic or
the cause of sleep that was consistent with the con- congested during sleep, and he showed that
gestive concept. Purkinje proposed that the brain intracranial pressure was normal during sleep com-
pathways (corona radiata) become compressed by pared with during wakefulness.
blood congestion of the cell masses of the brain By the end of the 19th century the vascular
(basal ganglia), thereby severing neural transmis- sleep theories, based on congestion or anemia of
sion and inducing sleep. James Cappie in 1860 the brain, were less enthusiastically supported.
wrote in detail about the circulation of the brain Subsequent research showed that changes during
and was one of the last supporters of the conges- sleep of both cerebral blood flow and intracranial
tion theory, which was finally contradicted by the pressure do occur, but it was no longer believed
findings of the outstanding clinical neurologist that these changes were responsible for the cause
John Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911). In 1863 of sleep.
Jackson observed the optic fundi during sleep and The neural theories for the cause of sleep were
reported that the retinal arteries became pale dur- based upon mid-19th-century developments in the
ing sleep, which was consistent with Blumenbach’s histological understanding of the central nervous
earlier findings. He therefore reasoned that brain system. Camillo Golgi (1843–1926) demonstrated
congestion was not a cause of sleep. the first clear picture of the nerve cell and its
The main alternative to the congestion theory processes. His studies were extended by Heinreich
was that sleep was due to insufficient blood in the Waldeyer (1837–1921), who first named the nerve
brain (anemia). William Alexander Hammond cell—the neuron—and demonstrated an afferent
(1828–1900), the noted American physician, in axon and efferent dendrites. In 1890, Rabl Ruck-
1854 was the first in the 19th century to direct hardt developed a hypothesis, called “neu-
attention to the anemia theory, after observing the rospongium,” in which he believed that during
brain of a patient who had a traumatic skull injury. sleep there was a partial paralysis of the neuron
xxii The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

prolongations, which prevented communication that the accumulation of poisonous substances

with adjacent nerve cells. Subsequently, Raphael called “leucomaines” induced sleep by passing from
Jacques Lepine (1840–1919) of Paris in 1894 and the blood to the brain. The leucomaines were
Marie Mathias Duval (1844–1907) in 1895 pro- believed to be gradually broken down during sleep,
posed similar theories, agreeing that sleep was pro- thereby leading to subsequent wakefulness. Rey-
duced by retraction of amoeboid processes of the mond Emil Du Bois (1818–1896) in 1895 proposed
nerve cell. The outstanding histologist Santiago that sleep was a result of carbon dioxide toxicity,
Ramon y Cajal (1852–1934) proposed that small which in small amounts during wakefulness led to
cells termed neuroglia interacted between neurons sleep, but large accumulations during sleep
and were able to promote or inhibit the transfer of induced wakefulness. Abel Bouchard (1833–1899)
information from one cell to another. Cajal, who in in 1886 proposed that sleep was due to toxic
1906 was awarded the Nobel prize along with Golgi agents, excreted in the urine during sleep, that he
for his work on neurohistology, suggested that the called “urotoxins”; he also believed that diurnally
alteration in the transference of information by produced urine contained toxic agents that pro-
neuroglia could explain not only sleep but also the duced wakefulness. The chemical theories contin-
effect of hypnotic medications. Ernesto Lugaro in ued to be popular at the end of the 19th century.
1899 proposed an alternative histological theory The behavioral theories of sleep developed
that sleep was due to expansion of the neuron from those of ancient times when general expla-
processes. He believed that neural impulses induc- nations were given for sleep. Although many
ing sleep passed through expanded processes (gem- behavioral theories were proposed over the years,
mules) to allow transmission between cells. (In the the inhibition theory was the most popular; it was
early 20th century, the theories relating move- first alluded to in 1889 by Charles Edouard
ments to parts of the neuron were largely discred- Brown-Sequard (1817–94), an outstanding clini-
ited and theories based upon synaptic transmission cal neurologist and physiologist. Brown-Sequard,
of neurotransmitters became the prominent neural who believed that most glands had secretions that
explanation for changes of sleep and wakefulness.) pass into the bloodstream, is also known as the
The chemical theories of sleep originated with father of endocrinology. Based upon the previous
Aristotle who believed that sleep was due to the work of Rolando (1809) and Flourens (1822),
effects of “fumes” taken into the blood vessels fol- who had demonstrated that the removal of the
lowing the ingestion of food. He believed that the cerebral cortex was accompanied by a sleep-like
fumes were transferred to the brain where they state, Brown-Sequard proposed that sleep was due
caused sleepiness. Wilhelm Sommer in 1868 pro- to an inhibitory reflex. The inhibitory theory of
posed that sleep was due to the lack of oxygen. sleep was advanced with the experiment of
Sommer’s theory was developed from the work of Heubel, of Kiev University in Russia, who pro-
Carl Voit and Max Pettenkofer, who had shown in posed that sleep was due to the loss of peripheral
1867 that the body absorbed more oxygen during sensory stimulation, which was essential for the
sleep than during the day. Eduard Friedrich Wil- maintenance of alertness. Subsequently, the
helm Pfluger (1829–1910) became the main advo- inhibitory theory of sleep was greatly expanded by
cate for the oxygen hypothesis in 1875. Thierry the work of Ivan Pavlov in the early 20th century.
Wilhelm Preyer (1841–1897) in 1877 believed that Marie de Manceine in 1897, in his book entitled
the accumulation of lactic acid during daytime Sleep: Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene and Psychology,
fatigue led to a deficiency of oxygen in the brain at regarded sleep as being the “resting state of con-
night, thereby causing hypoxemia and subsequent sciousness,” which was an appealing truism, al-
sleep. This theory led to several others on the accu- though it provided little information on the
mulation of toxic substances, which included cho- mechanism of sleep.
lesterol and other toxic waste products. A few researchers believed that a specific site in
Perhaps the most widely disseminated theory the body was capable of inducing sleep. The thy-
was that of Leo Errera of Brussels. Errera believed roid had been considered to be a sleep-inducing
History of Sleep and Man xxiii

gland, until it was recognized that removal of the part of the 19th century gave way to hypnotism, a
thyroid was not associated with insomnia. term coined in 1843 by James Braid (1791–1860).
Jonathon Osborne in 1849 proposed that the Subsequently ether, nitrous oxide and chloroform
choroid plexus was the “organ of sleep.” He rea- were used to induce anesthesia for surgery.
soned that congestion of the choroid kept the ven- Although at this time the main focus of academic
tricles distended to produce sleep, and that medicine was in Europe, medical practice in the
contraction of the choroid was associated with United States developed rapidly, and the major
wakefulness. American university medical centers were estab-
In the latter part of the 19th century two neu- lished by the end of the 19th century. Medical
rologists, Maurice Edouard Marie Gayet and Lud- practice became specialized with the development
wig Mauthner, reported clinical findings that of ophthalmology, otolaryngology and urology;
eventually led to the discovery of the brain stem’s neurology and psychiatry did not become separate
role in sleep and wakefulness. In 1875 Gayet pre- specialties until the beginning of the 20th century.
sented a patient with lethargy and associated eye Bacteriology developed as a specialized area of
movement paralysis who had upper brain stem medicine, and disease was no longer viewed as
pathology at autopsy, which led Gayet to believe being due to supernatural causes but mainly as the
that the lethargy was due to a thalamic defect that result of infection. This was the time of Louis Pas-
produced impaired transmission from the brain teur (1822–95) who firmly established the associa-
stem to the cerebral hemispheres. Mauthner in tion between disease and microorganisms.
1890 reported a similar association between an eye Pharmacology was well established, although
movement disorder and sleepiness but placed the herbal cures were still given because pharmacology
site of the deficit at the brain stem level. These was not able to keep up with the rapid develop-
findings received little attention at the turn of the ment of clinical medicine. The first medication
century because of the more popular vascular and introduced specifically as a hypnotic was bromide
chemical sleep theories. in 1853, and other hypnotic medications intro-
The science of chronobiology made a few duced before 1900 included paraldehyde, urethane
advances in the 19th century, largely through the and sulfonal.
studies of plant biologists such as Augustin Pyra- Although the theories regarding the cause of
mus de Candolle (1778–1841), who demonstrated sleep were the focus of attention in the second half
in 1832 that plants in constant conditions had a of the 19th century, important contributions were
rhythm that differed slightly from 24 hours. Wil- made to sleep disorders medicine. Hammond, who
helm Friedrich Phillip Pfeffer (1845–1920) in 1875 was well known for his contributions to medicine
confirmed De Mairan’s finding that plants had their during the Civil War, wrote a book entitled Sleep
own intrinsic rhythm when devoid of environmen- and Its Derangements in 1869, based on his series of
tal influences. In 1845 James George Davy publications on the topic of insomnia. Silas Weir
(1813–1895) reported circadian rhythms of his Mitchell (1829–1914), a well-known and influen-
own core body temperature, and in 1866 William tial neurologist in America, wrote a number of clin-
Ogle performed similar experiments: ical articles on sleep, including the recognition of
abnormal respiration during sleep, night terrors,
There is a rise in the early morning while we are nocturnal epilepsy and the effect of stimulants on
still asleep, and a fall in the evening while we are
still awake, which cannot be explained by refer-
ence to any of the hitherto mentioned influences. Perhaps the greatest clinical contribution in the
They are not due to variations in light; they are field of sleep disorders medicine was the first
probably produced by periodic variations in the description in 1880 of narcolepsy by Jean Baptiste
activity of the organic functions. Edouard Gelineau (1828–1906), who derived “nar-
colepsy” from the Greek words narkosis (a benumb-
The 19th century was a time of rapid clinical ing) and lepsis (to overtake). The term “cataplexy,”
advances in medicine. The mesmerism of the early for the emotionally-induced muscle weakness (a
xxiv The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

prominent symptom of narcolepsy), was subse- More than 100 years followed Charles Dickens’s
quently coined in 1916 by Richard Henneberg. description before the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
Although Gelineau was the first to clearly describe drome became a well recognized clinical entity.
the clinical manifestations of narcolepsy, several However, a number of writers in the 19th century
patients had previously been described by Caffe in did allude to some of the features of sleep apnea in
1862, Carl Friedrich Otto Westphal (1833–90) in their publications. William Wadd, surgeon to the
1877 and Franz Fischer in 1878. king of England, in 1816 wrote about the relation-
The leading sleep disorder of the 20th century, ship between obesity and sleepiness. George Catlin,
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, was described in a lawyer, in 1872 described the breathing habits of
1836, not by a clinician but by the novelist Charles the American Indian in his book entitled Breath of
Dickens (1812–70). Dickens published a series of Life; he graphically portrayed the effects of
papers entitled The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick obstructed breathing during sleep. William Henry
Club in which he described Joe, the fat boy, who Broadbent (1835–1907) in 1877 was the first physi-
was always excessively sleepy. Joe, a loud snorer, cian to report the clinical features of the obstructive
who was obese and somnolent, may have had sleep apnea syndrome, and William Hill in 1889
right-sided heart failure that lead to his being called observed that upper airway obstruction contributed
“young dropsy.” to “stupidity” in children. The most notable descrip-
tion was by William Hughes Wells (1854–1919) in
Mr. Lowton hurried to the door . . . The object that 1878; he cured several patients of sleepiness by
presented itself to the eyes of the astonished clerk treatment of upper airway obstruction.
was a boy—a wonderfully fat boy— . . . standing
upright on the mat, with his eyes closed as if in The 20th Century
sleep. He had never seen such a fat boy, in or out
of a traveling caravan; and this, coupled with the
The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a
utter calmness and repose of his appearance, so
knowledge of the part the unconscious plays in the
very different from what was reasonably to have
mental life.
been expected of the inflicter of such knocks,
smote him with wonder. —Sigmund Freud,
“What’s the matter?” inquired the clerk. The Interpretation of Dreams (1905)
The extraordinary boy replied not a word; but
he nodded once, and seemed, to the clerk’s imagi- Medicine in the 20th century is radically different
nation, to snore feebly. from that of previous eras. The major advances
“Where do you come from?” inquired the clerk. have been the development of new diagnostic
The boy made no sign. He breathed heavily, but means, the recognition of infectious disease, the
in all other respects was motionless.
development of antibiotic medications, the elimi-
The clerk repeated the question thrice, and
receiving no answer, prepared to shut the door,
nation of most global epidemics, the development
when the boy suddenly opened his eyes, winked of surgery and the treatment of cancer.
several times, sneezed once, and raised his hand For the first time objective diagnostic procedures
as if to repeat the knocking. Finding the door complemented the physician’s skill. X-rays were
open, he stared about him with astonishment, discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen
and at length fixed his eyes on Mr. Lowton’s face. (1845–1923) and the first clinical application was
“What the devil do you knock in that way for?” reported in 1896. Widespread routine use of X-ray
inquired the clerk, angrily. procedures began in the early 20th century; sophis-
“Which way?” said the boy, in a slow, sleepy
ticated brain imaging techniques, such as comput-
“Why, like forty hackney-coachmen,” replied erized axial tomography (CAT scan) and nuclear
the clerk. magnetic resonance (NMR) scanning, began in the
“Because master said I wasn’t to leave off second half of the century.
knocking till they opened the door, for fear I The vascular theories of the cause of sleep were
should go to sleep” said the boy. no longer popular, and although the chemical the-
History of Sleep and Man xxv

ories were briefly of interest due to the findings of with quiet sleep. Willis in the 17th century had
Rene Legendre and Henri Pieron in 1907, they noticed the difference and believed that dream
were overshadowed largely by the behavioral the- sleep was associated with release of the “animal
ory of Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov (1849–1936). Pavlov, spirits” from the cerebellum. However, the physi-
who is regarded as one of the greatest physiologists ological changes of dreaming sleep were not
of all time, published his initial lectures on condi- reported until 1868 when Wilhelm Griesinger
tional reflexes in 1927. There he believed that sleep (1816–1868) noted the associated eye move-
was due to widespread cortical inhibition: ments. Sigmund Freud in 1895, before the publi-
cation of his first book on dreams in 1900,
Sleep . . . is an inhibition which has spread over recognized that paralysis of skeletal muscles dur-
the great section of the cerebrum, over the entire ing dream sleep prevented the dreamer from act-
hemispheres and even into the lower lying mid- ing out dreams.
brain. Sleep research, both basic and clinical, had its
greatest period of growth during the second half of
Pavlov’s studies on dogs showed that a continu- the 20th century. The advances in neurochem-
ous and monotonous stimulus would be followed istry, electrophysiology, neurophysiology, chrono-
by drowsiness and sleep. He reasoned that the con- biology, pathology of sleep, sleep disorders
tinuous stimulus acts at a certain point of the cen- medicine and the development of sleep societies
tral nervous system and leads to inhibition with are too many to list but a summary is presented
resulting sleepiness. Although Pavlov’s theories on below.
conditioning were interesting, they held little infor-
mation on physiological mechanisms. Vladimir NEUROCHEMISTRY
Michailovitch Bekhterev (1857–1927) published his
findings on human reflexology and sleep in 1894 Our studies have established that the accumulation
(translated into English in 1932). Bekhterev also of the hypnotoxin produces an increasing need for
believed that sleep was a general inhibition due to a sleep.
loss of higher-level reflexes: —Henri Pieron, Le Probleme Physiologique
du Sommeil (1913)
[Sleep is] a reflex which has been biologically
evolved for the purpose of protecting the brain The most significant advance in the chemical theo-
from further poisoning by the products of metabo- ries came in 1907 when Legendre and Pieron pro-
lism, and which may be evoked, as an association vided evidence for an agent, called “hypnotoxin,”
reflex, and the conditions of fatigue. that was derived from the blood serum of sleep-
deprived dogs. When introduced in dogs who were
Bekhterev’s theory, similar to that of Edouard not sleep-deprived, hypnotoxin induced sleep.
Claparede, who in 1905 viewed sleep as an Although attempts to replicate Legendre’s work
“instinct,” was subsequently influenced by the were often unsuccessful, in 1967 John Pappen-
work of Legendre and Pieron; it believed that the heimer and colleagues induced sleep with cere-
biochemical processes leading to the inhibition of brospinal fluid obtained from sleep-deprived goats.
the brain were the “hypnotoxins.” Since that time The transmissible chemical, called “Factor S,” was
electrophysiological studies have demonstrated subsequently identified as a muramyl peptide in
that the passive, cortical inhibition proposed by 1982 and is thought to act via the leucocyte
Pavlov and Bekhterev does not occur; instead, the monokine Interleukin-1. Finding alternative sleep
brain maintains its activity during sleep, particu- factors has met with mixed success; the number of
larly during REM sleep. putative sleep factors has grown enormously in the
Since the days of ancient Greece, it had been last 20 years. However, in 1988 Osamu Hayaishi
recognized that sleep consisted of two different discovered that prostaglandin PGD2, found in the
states, one associated with dreaming and the other preoptic nuclei, was capable of inducing sleep in
xxvi The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

rats, leading to the speculation that the preoptic (MSLT) that had been conceived and developed by
nucleus is the site of the perennial and elusive Mary Carskadon working with William Dement at
“sleep center.” Stanford University.


Feeble currents of varying direction pass through . . . analysis of hypnogenic mechanisms has thus
the multiplier when electrodes are placed on two underlined the paramount importance of inhibi-
points of the external surface [of the brain] . . . tion and disinhibition in the determination of sleep
onset and maintenance—a striking illustration of
—Richard Caton (1875)
Sherrington’s visionary concepts.
The most useful objective diagnostic means for —Frederic Bremer (1977)
sleep disorders has proven to be electrophysiologi-
cal techniques. Following Galvani’s demonstration In the early part of the 20th century, two schools of
of the electrical activity of the nervous system in thought emerged regarding the neurophysiological
the late 18th century, Richard Caton (1842–1926) basis of sleep and wakefulness. One characterized
in 1875 demonstrated action potentials in the sleep as due to disinhibition with release of an
brains of animals, an important step in the devel- active “sleep center,” and the other as due to a pas-
opment of the electroencephalograph. In 1929, sive event, the result of inhibition of a “waking
Johannes [Hans] Berger (1873–1941), the first to center.” The theories proposed at the end of the
record electrical activity of the human brain, 19th century by Mauthner and others assumed an
demonstrated differences in activity between interruption of peripheral sensory stimulation,
wakefulness and sleep. Berger’s discovery led to thereby allowing the cerebral cortex to produce
the development of the electroencephalograph as a sleep. This “deafferentation” theory had been sug-
clinical tool for the diagnosis of brain disease. The gested first by Purkinje in 1846. The notion of a
electroencephalograph was applied to determine specific sleep center did not receive much support,
as illustrated by the comment of the prominent
different sleep states in 1937, when Alfred L.
clinical neurologist Jacques Jean Lhermitte
Loomis, E. Newton Harvey (1887–1959) and Gar-
(1877–1959) in 1910:
ret Hobart were able to classify sleep into five
stages, from A to E.
We absolutely object to the thought of the exis-
Dreaming sleep was characterized in 1953 by tence of a nerve center attributed to the function of
Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman, who sleep. The conception of a center for sleep is erro-
demonstrated the occurrence of rapid eye move- neous, as it disavows the most simple principles of
ments during a stage of sleep that they called “rapid physiology.
eye movement (REM) sleep.” In 1957 Kleitman
and William Dement discovered a recurring pattern Lhermitte was supported in 1914 by a pioneer of
of REM sleep and non-REM sleep during overnight brain localization, Joseph Jules Dejerine, who said,
electroencephalographic monitoring—a finding “Sleep cannot be localized.” However, in 1929,
that made it clear that sleep no longer could be Constantin Von Economo (1876–1931) proposed a
regarded as a homogeneous state. In 1968, Allan “center for regulation of sleep” based on anatomi-
Rechtschaffen and Anthony Kales developed a cal and clinical studies of “Encephalitis Lethargica”
scoring manual, A Manual of Standardised Terminol- at the Psychiatric Clinic of Wagner Von Jauregg in
ogy, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of Vienna. Viral encephalitis reached epidemic pro-
Human Subjects, which has become the standard in portions between 1916 and 1920, and Von
the field. The first report of an effective measure of Economo had the opportunity to correlate the clin-
daytime alertness was by Gary Richardson et al., in ical features of sleep disturbance with the central
1978. This study compared narcoleptics with nor- nervous system pathology. His studies demon-
mals by applying the Multiple Sleep Latency Test strated inflammatory lesions in the posterior hypo-
History of Sleep and Man xxvii

thalamus in patients with excessive sleepiness and sic periodic decreases in activity of the waking cen-
lesions in the preoptic area and anterior hypothal- ter, we are inclined to attribute these decreases to
amus in patients with insomnia. Von Economo, the inhibitory influence of a sleep center.
influenced by the studies by Pieron and Pavlov,
suggested that the “sleep regulating center” was Horace W. Magoun and Ruth Rhines, at the
controlled by substances circulating in the blood. Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago,
These substances caused the sleep center to exert demonstrated in 1946 that the lower portion of the
an inhibitory influence on the cerebral cortex, brain stem reticular formation was responsible for
thereby leading to sleep. The same year in Zurich, inhibiting skeletal muscle tone. This function of the
Walter Rudolph Hess (1881–1973), who was lower brain stem had earlier been alluded to by the
awarded the Nobel prize with Egas Moniz for his clinical studies of Jackson in 1897. That the lower
work in neuroanatomy, confirmed Von Economo’s reticular formation could have an inhibitory func-
findings by demonstrating that stimulation of the tion through descending pathways led to Guiseppe
central gray matter in the region of the thalamus Moruzzi and Magoun’s finding in 1949 that the
induced sleep. brain stem reticular formation also had ascending
Kleitman in 1929 regarded the cerebral cortex as pathways. This resulted in the discovery of the
being the source of wakefulness and believed that “ascending reticular activating system,” which led to
sleep due to inactivity of the central nervous sys- a new emphasis in the physiological investigation
tem was brought about by a reduction in peripheral of sleep. Stimulation of the ascending reticular
stimulation because of fatigue. His hypothesis con- acti_vating system produced electroencephalo-
formed to the “deafferentation” theory. Steven graphic patterns of wakefulness. It was now recog-
Walter Ranson (1880–1942) in 1932 demonstrated nized that the brain stem transection studies did not
that lesions placed at the top of the brain stem pro- produce sleep because of “deafferentation” of
duced sleepiness; experimentally, this was consis- peripheral sensory input, but because of the loss
tent with Von Economo’s findings. of the wakefulness stimulus from the ascending
In 1935, Frederic Bremer, of the University of reticular activating system. As a result, sleep became
Brussels, experimentally gave support to the deaf- regarded as a passive phenomenon.
ferentation theory. Bremer completely transected At the beginning of the second half of the 20th
the midbrain, producing the “cerveau isole” prepa- century, research concentrated on determining the
ration—an isolation of the cerebrum—and was able neurophysiological basis for non-REM and REM
to show characteristic sleep patterns on the elec- sleep. Following the electrophysiological documen-
troencephalogram. The studies up until this time tation of REM sleep, Michel Jouvet in 1959 demon-
were consistent with the concept that a lesion that strated REM sleep–related muscle atonia, and in
prevented transmission of peripheral stimulation 1967 he demonstrated that the brain stem, sero-
was important in the production of sleep. However, tonin-containing neurons of the raphe nuclei were
Ranson in 1939 showed that lesions of the lateral important in the maintenance of sleep. Subse-
hypothalamus, in the absence of upper brain stem quently, Jouvet demonstrated that the rostral raphe
lesions, were associated with sleep due to a loss of nucleus was important for non-REM sleep, whereas
the “waking center.” A few years later, Walle Jetz the caudal raphe nucleus was important in the
Harinx Nauta demonstrated that posterior hypo- maintenance of REM sleep. In 1975, Robert William
thalamic lesions produced sleepiness whereas ante- McCarley and J. Allan Hobson proposed a reciprocal
rior hypothalamic lesions produced insomnia, interaction model of REM and non-REM sleep, with
thereby supporting the concept of a waking center rostral REM “on” cells and caudal REM “off” cells.
in the posterior hypothalamus and a sleep center in
the anterior hypothalamus. According to Nauta: CHRONOBIOLOGY

Whereas Ranson and his collaborators held that Despite the multiplicity of its constituents, the cir-
periods of sleep were caused by more or less intrin- cadian system often behaves like one unit which is
xxviii The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

characterized by the durability of its oscillations demonstrated that the light-dark cycle could influ-
and its internal temporal order. ence mammal behavior; however, it was not until
—Juergen Aschoff (1981) the 1980s that Czeisler and colleagues demon-
strated the importance of the light-dark cycle in the
Auguste Henri Forel (1848–1931), a Swiss physi- entrainment of human circadian rhythms.
cian, is credited with stimulating the investigation
of circadian rhythms as important time measuring PATHOLOGY OF SLEEP
systems. His studies in 1910 on the accurate tim-
ing system of bees were consistent with those of Five billion people go through the cycle of sleep
Linnaeus in the 18th century on the opening of and wakefulness every day, and relatively few of
the flower petals at a given time of day. The circa- them know the joy of being fully rested and fully
dian behavior of rodents was first reported by Curt alert all day long.
P. Richter in his Ph.D. thesis in 1922; and Erwin —William Dement (1988)
Bunning in 1935 was able to demonstrate the
genetic origin of circadian rhythms in plants and Sleep disorders were poorly described at the turn of
subsequently developed a concept of “biological the century, and, other than narcolepsy and sleep-
clocks.” In the early 1960s Richter searched for the ing sickness, few specific sleep disorders were rec-
biological clock in extensive studies that culmi- ognized. In addition to general medical illness,
nated with the report in 1965 that lesions placed environmental effects and anxiety were viewed as
in the anterior-ventral hypothalamus produced the main causes of sleep disturbance. However, a
disruption of circadian rhythms. Two groups acting gradual recognition of the multiplicity of sleep
independently in 1972, Robert Y. Moore and Vic- diagnoses began to parallel progress in psychiatry.
tor B. Eichler, and F.K. Stephan and Irving Zucker, Freud’s book The Interpretation of Dreams led to the
discovered the “clock” to be two small, bilateral development of psychoanalysis, which was applied
nuclei in the anterior hypothalamus, which were to the treatment of insomnia until the evolution of
subsequently called the suprachiasmatic nuclei a more “organic” or “biological” psychiatric
(SCN). approach.
Human circadian rhythms were investigated in Psychoactive medications became widely used
the absence of environmental time cues by Jules with the introduction of the phenothiazines in the
Aschoff and Kurt Wever in 1962 in an under- 1950s, but hypnotic medications, particularly the
ground laboratory in Munich. They demonstrated barbiturates, had been in common usage since bar-
a free-running pattern of sleep and wakefulness bital was introduced in 1903. The 1960s saw the
with a period length of greater than 24 hours. A introduction of the benzodiazepine hypnotics,
similar free-running pattern was demonstrated in which largely replaced the barbiturates in the late
field experiments in 1974 by the speleologist 1970s. However, the 1980s saw a decline in the use
Michel Siffre, who lived for three months in the of hypnotics with increased physician and public
absence of time cues on an ice glacier deep in the awareness of the disadvantages of chronic hypnotic
Franco-Italian mountains. Many human biological use. Insomnia became recognized as a symptom
rhythms have recently been discovered, such as the rather than a diagnosis, and treatment was directed
24-hour episodic secretory pattern of cortisol that to the underlying physical or psychological causes.
was reported by Elliot David Weitzman Several books on sleep had a major influence on
(1929–1983) in 1966. In 1978, Weitzman and the development of sleep disorders medicine.
Charles Czeisler demonstrated the internal organi- Pieron’s Le Probleme Physiologique du Sommeil in
zation of temperature, neuroendocrine rhythms 1913 summarized the scientific sleep literature at
and the sleep-wake cycle, in subjects who were that time. A similar approach was taken by
monitored in an environment free of time cues for Nathaniel Kleitman, who produced his monumen-
periods of up to six months. Sutherland Simpson tal treatise Sleep and Wakefulness in 1939 (updated
(1863–1926) and J.J. Galbraith in 1906 had in 1963 to contain 4,337 references). The Associa-
History of Sleep and Man xxix

tion of Sleep Disorder Centers classification com- B.C.), Wolfgang Kuhlo and Erich Doll in 1972
mittee chaired by Howard Roffwarg produced the reported that it provided an effective treatment of
Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Tanenosuke
in 1979; it ushered in the modern era of sleep diag- Ikematsu in 1964 popularized uvulopalatopharyn-
noses and became the first classification to be goplasty (UPP) surgery for the treatment of snor-
widely used. The Principles and Practices of Sleep Dis- ing, which was subsequently applied to the
orders Medicine, edited by Meir Kryger, William obstructive sleep apnea syndrome by Shiro Fujita
Dement and Thomas Roth in 1989, was the first in 1981. The same year, nasal continuous positive
comprehensive textbook on basic sleep research airway pressure (CPAP) treatment was described
and clinical sleep medicine. by Colin Sullivan and subsequently became the
Increased knowledge about sleep and sleep dis- treatment of choice.
orders in general has resulted from the research of Another sleep-related breathing disorder called
a few core sleep disorders, which include nar- “Ondine’s Curse” was first reported by John W.
colepsy, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and the Severinghaus and Robert A. Mitchell in 1962.
insomnias. Named after the water nymph in Jean Giraudoux’s
Following Gelineau’s description in the late 19th play Ondine (1939), this disorder was characterized
century, narcolepsy was brought to general recog- by the failure of automatic ventilation that could
nition in 1926 by the Australian-born neurologist lead to fatal apnea during sleep.
William John Adie (1886–1935), and stimulants
were first used for treatment by Otakar Janota in Live! It’s easy to say. If at least I could work up a
1931. In 1941 John Burton Dynes and Knox H. little interest in living—but I’m too tired to make
Findley applied the electroencephalograph to the the effort. Since you left me, Ondine, all the things
my body once did by itself, it now only does by
diagnosis of narcolepsy, and the characteristic special order . . . I have to supervise five senses,
sleep-onset REM period of night sleep was discov- two hundred bones, a thousand muscles. A single
ered in 1960 by Gerald Vogel. Dement and col- moment of inattention, and I forget to breathe. He
leagues at Stanford University developed a died, they will say, because it was a nuisance to
narcoleptic dog colony in the 1970s, which breathe.
advanced the understanding of the biochemical —Jean Giraudoux, Ondine, Act III (1939)
and neuroanatomical bases of the disorder. The
Multiple Sleep Latency Test was applied to the Insomnia received more interest in earlier cen-
diagnosis by Richardson in 1978, and the docu- turies than in the first half of the 20th century,
mentation of a strong association between the his- probably because of the availability of effective
tocompatability antigen HLA-DR2 and narcolepsy hypnotic medications. Frederick Snyder in the
was made by Yutaka Honda and colleagues in 1960s recognized and promoted the importance of
1984. psychiatric disorders in sleep medicine, especially
Following the reports of snoring, sleepiness and depression: “Troubled minds have troubled sleep,
obesity in the 19th century, Sir William Osler and troubled sleep causes troubled minds.” The
(1849–1919) in 1907 referred to Dickens’ descrip- polysomnograph was applied to the investigation
tion of Joe: “An extraordinary phenomenon in of patients with insomnia following the discovery
excessively fat young persons is an uncontrollable of obstructive sleep apnea in 1965, and objective
tendency to sleep—like the fat boy in Pickwick.” measures of hypnotic effectiveness were developed
Charles Sidney Burwell in 1956 brought general by Kales in 1969. The concept of a conditioned
recognition to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, insomnia (psychophysiological insomnia) was first
which he called the “Pickwickian Syndrome”; and presented in Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and
the first objective documentation of polysomno- Arousal Disorders in 1979 and subsequently became
graphic features was reported by Henri Gastaut in recognized as a common form of insomnia. The
1965. Although the tracheotomy had been per- behavioral technique “stimulus control” developed
formed since the time of Asclepiades (first century by Richard Bootzin in 1972 was an effective treat-
xxx The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

ment of insomnia, as was “sleep restriction ther- researchers, many with clinical interests. Sleep
apy,” developed by Arthur Spielman in 1987. research led to the investigation of sleep disorders,
Circadian rhythm sleep disorders were recog- which resulted in the establishment in the early
nized in the late 1970s, partly due to recognition of 1970s of clinical sleep disorder centers for the diag-
the chronobiological features of “jet lag” and “shift nosis and treatment of patients. In 1976, the Asso-
work.” Thomas A. Edison, who was responsible for ciation of Sleep Disorder Centers (ASDC) was
the development of the electric light bulb, which founded. The first sleep disorder center to be
allowed shift work to occur, had his own views on engaged in active patient evaluations and treat-
sleep: ment was that established at Stanford University in
California by William Dement. An accreditation
In my opinion sleep is a habit, acquired by the process for sleep disorders centers was established
environment. Like all habits it is generally carried by the ASDC, and the first to be accredited in 1977
to extremes. The man that sleeps four hours
was the Sleep-Wake Disorders Unit, headed by
soundly is better off than a dreamy sleeper of eight
hours. Elliot Weitzman, at Montefiore Medical Center in
New York. In 1978, the medical journal Sleep was
The atypical, sleep-onset insomnia called the created to present research and clinical articles on
“delayed sleep phase syndrome,” discovered by sleep, and in 1979 a complete issue was devoted to
Elliot Weitzman and colleagues in 1981, led to a the Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disor-
radically different form of treatment called ders. In 1978, the Association of Polysomnographic
“chronotherapy,” which was based on chronologi- Technologists, founded by Peter Anderson McGre-
cal principles. gor, set standards of practice for polysomnographic
Many other sleep disorders have been discov- technologists. In 1983 the Association for the Psy-
ered in the 20th century, including REM sleep chophysiological Study of Sleep was renamed the
behavior disorder by Carlos Schenk in 1986; parox- Sleep Research Society (SRS) and in 1984 the Clin-
ysmal nocturnal dystonia in 1981 and fatal familial ical Sleep Society (CSS) was founded as the mem-
insomnia in 1986, by Elio Lugaresi; and food bership branch of the Association of Sleep Disorder
allergy insomnia by Andre Kahn in 1984. Centers. In 1986, the Association of Sleep Disorder
General and medical awareness of sleep disor- Centers, the Clinical Sleep Society, the Sleep
ders has dramatically increased since the 1970s Research Society and the Association of
through the contributions of sleep disorders clini- Polysomnographic Technologists formed a federa-
cians and the sleep societies. In addition to those tion called the Association of Professional Sleep
mentioned, a few of the many who have con- Societies (APSS). The Association of Sleep Disorder
tributed to this recognition include: Roger Centers changed its name to the American Sleep
Broughton, Michel Billiard, Christian Guillem- Disorders Association in 1987 and to the American
inault, Peter Hauri, J. David Parkes, the late Pierre Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) in 1999.
Passouant and Bedrich Roth. With the increased recognition of the impor-
tance of sleep disorders medicine many interna-
SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE tional sleep societies have been founded, beginning
with the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
. . . we have created a new clinical specialty, sleep in 1971, the Japanese Society for Sleep Research
disorders medicine, whose task is to watch over all (JSSR) in 1978, the Belgian Association for the
of us while we are asleep. study of Sleep (BASS) in 1982, the Scandinavian
—William Dement (1985) Sleep Research Society (SSRS) in 1985, the Latin
American Sleep Society (LASS) in 1986, the Sleep
Organized sleep disorders medicine in the United Society of Canada (SSC) in 1986 and the British
States began with the founding of the Association Sleep Society (BSS) in 1989.
for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep (APSS) (Selected references for the introduction are in-
in 1961, an association comprised of sleep cluded in the bibliography at the end of this volume.)
Arthur J. Spielman, Ph.D., Paul D’Ambrosio, M.A.,
and Paul B. Glovinsky, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology, The City College of New York
Sleep Disorders Center,
New York Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY

cal processes. Whether by the sleeplessness of dis-

T he focus of psychology is behavior, which at
first glance might be thought to cease during
sleep. Certainly most psychological investigations
tress or the prolonged wakefulness of creative out-
put, the appearance and timing of an array of
have focused on waking behavior, whether it be an associated physiological rhythms can be affected by
easily observed action or mental activity inferred psychological states.
from behavior or verbal report. Of course, neither
the mind nor the body truly ceases activity during The Interaction of Sleep
sleep. Far from turning off, the brain in sleep gen-
erates a variety of states, accompanied by pre-
and Wakefulness
dictable physiological changes and typical forms of Events transpiring during sleep and wakefulness
mentation. Moreover, this nocturnal activity is not are interwoven, each serving as an antecedent and
totally separate from waking thought and action. consequent condition. Wakefulness can take on a
Daytime experience has a direct effect on what multitude of casts, from normal renderings
transpires during sleep, and both the psychology through aberrant forms. As the night follows the
and physiology of sleep in turn have profound day, so will sleep reflect this variation.
influences on waking life.
If sleep and wakefulness are interdependent,
this interdependence is embedded in the endoge-
Psychopathology Influences Sleep
nous rhythmic alternation that governs both states. It is so common as to be a staple of clinical wisdom
The clock that influences the appearance of sleep that emotional disturbance precedes and produces
and wakefulness may itself be reset by psychologi- sleep disturbance. Practical and ethical considera-

xxxii The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

tions have precluded a systematic study of this Psychological disturbance does not have to
causal relationship. However, few would disagree attain a magnitude warranting formal diagnosis
with the assumption. before its effects on sleep become apparent. All
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- individuals must cope with varying degrees of
orders (4th ed.) contains 18 different disorders that stress originating from a variety of sources. The
are associated with insomnia or hypersomnia. physical environment may contain numerous
Major diagnostic categories, such as major depres- stressors, such as noise and crowded conditions.
sion, mania, generalized anxiety and dysthymic One’s body may present discomfort or pain to be
disorder, employ insomnia as a possible diagnostic endured. Social etiquette may make demands that
criterion. The nocturnal agitation of the manic are perceived as stressful. Any of these sources of
state, the early morning awakening of the major stress has the potential of precipitating a sleep dis-
depressive, and the sleeplessness of the prodrome turbance directly, without need of a mediating psy-
of the schizophrenic reaction are common clinical chopathological process.
examples of sleep disturbance associated with psy-
chopathology. Physical Activity Influences Sleep
It has been shown that the prevalence of sleep
disturbance among psychiatric patients is three The recent Neurolab astronauts aboard the space
times higher than in a control population. Further- shuttle who spent many days orbiting the Earth,
more, a large survey of different medical specialties with reduced postural muscle activity due to
has discovered approximately twice the prevalence weightlessness, had significant difficulty falling
of insomnia in psychiatric practice compared to the asleep. While there may have been more than one
average of other specialties. reason for hyperalertness while orbiting the Earth,
The well documented evidence for a particular controlled studies at sea level have shown that vig-
psychometric profile of depression and anxiety in orous exercise during the day will increase the
insomniacs has generated a theory stating that amount of slow wave sleep that night. Further-
individuals who deal with emotional distress by more, this increase in deep sleep is obtainable only
internal processes are more vulnerable to insom- when physically fit subjects exercise. It appears that
nia. fit people can exercise at a high rate for longer peri-
Investigations of the significant sleep distur- ods of time and as a result increase their body tem-
bance associated with major depressive disorders perature for longer durations. The discovery that
has revealed a number of intrasleep anomalies. In body temperature is one factor that mediates the
addition to the nonspecific disturbance of the con- effects of physical activity on sleep provides a vivid
tinuity of sleep, REM sleep abnormalities have illustration of how behavior and physiology inter-
been identified that may be biological markers of act within the sleep-wake cycle.
major depression. The group at Pittsburgh have
been leaders in studies showing that a shortened Sleep Affects Psychological
latency from sleep onset to the first appearance of
REM sleep and increased rapid eye movement
activity is characteristic of primary depression. Numerous studies of sleep deprivation have consis-
Reduced slow wave sleep preceding the first REM tently shown that sleep loss affects daytime perfor-
period, another sleep characteristic of depression, mance, sleepiness and mood. Sleep loss does not
may be involved in the disinhibition of REM sleep. have to be large-scale to produce demonstrable
A recent population sample of ambulatory Ameri- effects. Reductions in sleep duration, if suffered
can adults has highlighted the increased prevalence nightly, will accumulate and produce daytime
of insomnia in individuals suffering emotional dis- decrements. One of the first capacities to be
tress. The finding of elevated anxiety and depres- affected is the ability to produce creative solutions
sion is accompanied by a markedly increased to problems. Sleep loss also leads to the inability to
prevalence of insomnia. maintain vigilance. Individuals cannot attend to
Psychology and Sleep: The Interdependence of Sleep and Waking States xxxiii

ongoing tasks and will exhibit lapses in perfor- the sleep of insomnia unpredictable and provides
mance. Sleepiness and brief sleep episodes, irri- the basis for the insomniac’s worry.
tability, and dysphoric mood also impair functional
capacity and quality of life. Insomnia as a Pathology of Sleep
Alertness and attention represent the gateway
and Wakefulness
to cognitive processing, and thus a wide range of
mental and emotional dysfunction is possible. The problem of insomnia has been alluded to many
Eventually the sleep-disturbed individual’s self- times in the foregoing discussion, since the interac-
image and self-esteem must deal with the fact of tion of sleep and wakefulness is perhaps most
lowered effectiveness and achievement. Patients clearly illustrated when the smooth transition
start to refer to themselves as insomniacs, avoiding between these states is disrupted. In narrowing the
challenges, explaining away mistakes, and gener- focus to the evaluation and treatment of insomnia,
ally taking refuge in the sick role. They are ever the practical application of this psychological view-
wary that insufficient sleep will erode their capaci- point in clinical practice will be illustrated.
ties. Let us take, for example, the case of a mid-level
The self-attribution of “I’m an insomniac” may manager who has been denied promotion. He is
serve as a focus for self-deprecatory ideas. A widen- seething with resentment, yet, in order to preserve
ing circle of thoughts surrounds the belief that “I his chances for the next review, he must maintain
cannot sleep well.” Examples of these might a “team player” attitude at work and carefully
include, “I’m not up to hosting Thanksgiving” or restrict any expression of hostility there. His wife
“I’d better maintain a low profile because I’m not notices growing irritability in the evening; rather
capable of as much work as my colleagues.” Even- than being a respite from work pressures, the
tually, these ideas may produce a degree of help- evening hours at home become tainted from these
lessness and hopelessness that, according to pressures. A sleep-onset insomnia develops. Our
cognitive theorists, forms the basis of a mood dis- manager becomes preoccupied with perceived or
turbance. actual slights endured during the day; only after
two or more hours of such obsessing is he
The Vicious Cycle of Insomnia and exhausted enough to drop off to sleep. He cannot
afford to come into the office late, so he diligently
Anticipatory Anxiety
sets two alarm clocks and begins to build up a sig-
The interaction of disturbances in sleep and wake- nificant sleep loss. Daytime irritability mounts until
fulness is clearly seen in the mutually reinforcing one day a snide comment from a recently pro-
experiences of sleepless nights and anxious days. moted colleague triggers an explosive outburst.
Transient insomnia is nearly a universal experi- This scenario could be subjected to several
ence. The tossing and turning, the racing mind and straightforward analyses. One formulation would
half-completed thoughts, the frustration at being take as its context the pressures of the workplace
unable to bring oneself relief, all of these experi- and see the insult as sufficient to produce the out-
ences are extremely unpleasant and avoided if pos- burst. A somewhat wider scope would include the
sible. During the day, insomniacs will wonder development of the insomnia in its purview. This
whether these experiences are again in store. A formulation would hold both the insomnia and the
dread of the night to come may appear as evening outburst to be secondary to emotional turmoil. The
approaches. This anticipation of a sleepless night denial of promotion has stirred up feelings of inad-
produces anxiety and physiological arousal. Thus, equacy and dependency that produce an extensive
fear of insomnia has itself produced sufficient disturbance, with both daytime and nocturnal
arousal to perpetuate the sleep disturbance. manifestations.
This vicious cycle persists despite occasional Our analysis would underscore the mutual
nights of good sleep. Variability of sleep from night interaction between mood and sleep: The insomnia
to night is characteristic of insomnia. This renders both reflects the underlying emotional state and
xxxiv The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

influences this state. Heightened cognitive and ceptibility to anxious worrying or activation at
physiological activation during the evening hours night. Environmental features, such as noise and
interferes with sleep onset at our patient’s usual morning light exposure, may also predispose to
bedtime. He is less cognizant of this change in insomnia. By definition, these characteristics are
evening demeanor but acutely aware of the expe- not sufficient to produce an insomnia, but they
rience, a few hours later, of lying wide-eyed in bed, may set the stage for the development of a particu-
restless and angry. He reaches back to the last lar form of insomnia. Interventions that address
salient cue of change—slights at the workplace—in these factors will help ameliorate the current
order to fix blame for his sleeplessness. insomnia and forestall the development of insom-
During the day our patient has to contend with nia in the future.
increased irritability, diminished powers of concen- The factors that trigger an insomnia are at the
tration, and other mood and performance deficits center of the initial clinical evaluation. An under-
resulting directly from sleep loss. In addition, the standing of the factors that precipitate a sleep dis-
experience of insomnia has added an overlay: a turbance is often sufficient for developing a
sense of lost control, feelings of incompetence and successful treatment plan. For example, a scientist
concerns regarding health consequences. Against may become increasingly keyed up and alter her
this backdrop, our patient’s tolerance for assault on bedtime hours as the deadline for submission of
his self-esteem is especially low, and his successful a grant application approaches. When writing
colleague’s comment especially stinging. is going well, she will stay up late; when it is go-
The course of insomnia is determined by the ing poorly, in the middle of the day she will take
interacting sequence of daytime and nocturnal a nap: These changes weaken the synchroniza-
experiences. Either an understandably bad day or tion of circadian rhythms that is sustained by a
inexplicably bad night may serve as the first link in regular sleep-wake cycle. While she may believe
a chain of experiences and compensatory adapta- that nothing can be done about her sleeplessness
tions that result in chronic insomnia. Examining until after the deadline, strict structuring of her
and categorizing these individual links in the chain bedtime may substantially improve the sleep
of insomnia results in a clearer formulation and problem.
more directed treatment plan.
Table 1
Perpetuating Factors in Insomnia
• Irregular timing of retiring and arising
The nosological scheme of the International Classi- • Excessive time in bed
fication of Sleep Disorders has produced a clear and • Napping at irregular times
consistent description of the sleep disorder’s clinical • Worry that insomnia will produce daytime deficits
phenomena. In the sense that this classification is • Expectation of a bad night’s sleep
• Increased caffeine consumption
descriptive rather than etiologically formulated, • Use of hypnotic medication and alcohol
appropriate intervention strategies are not auto- • Maladaptive conditioning
matically derived from diagnosis. With regards to • “Sleeping in” on weekends
the insomnias we have urged the use of a simple
categorization of case material that helps focus on Insomnia may last for decades. When it persists
the roles of different factors in the pathogenesis of beyond a transient period, the clinician may have
the disorder, thereby assisting in a rational to go beyond the uncovering of predisposing and
approach to treatment. precipitating factors. As insomnia becomes a
In the development of insomnia, characteristics chronic experience the individual may instigate
of the person may serve as predisposing factors by compensatory practices to deal with the problem.
increasing the vulnerability to develop a sleep dis- Returning to the frantic grant writer, if a habit of
turbance. These characteristics might include sus- napping at irregular hours continues after the
Psychology and Sleep: The Interdependence of Sleep and Waking States xxxv

deadline is long past, this may maintain her insom- lose their discriminative properties. This is what
nia. Or if she increases her caffeine consumption to happens, for example, when an individual uses the
buttress her flagging alertness and then continues bed as a dining table, TV viewing platform, tele-
this habit, her insomnia may persist. In these cases, phone booth and so on. In this case the bed, bed-
the precipitating circumstance has long subsided room environment and rituals have lost their
yet the secondary factors are sufficient to maintain control over the sleep process; they no longer signal
the insomnia. Perpetuating factors may go unno- that sleep is the appropriate and expected behavior.
ticed, especially when clear predisposing and pre- Stimulus control instructions were developed by
cipitating aspects are still present. Therefore, one Richard Bootzin and consist of a short set of rules to
must thoroughly evaluate the common practices reestablish the connection between bedroom cues
and experiences (see Table 1) that may accrue onto and sleep. Excerpted, these rules are as follows:
any insomnia so that a comprehensive treatment
plan may be designed. 1. Use the bed only for sleep (sex is exempt from
this rule).
2. Go to bed only when sleepy.
Behavioral Treatment of Insomnia 3. If you do not fall asleep within about 15 min-
utes of getting into bed, then get out of bed.
TREATMENT BASED ON Do not return to bed until you are sleepy or feel
CONDITIONING you can fall asleep.
The role of conditioning in sleep was extensively 4. When you return to bed abide by rule number
discussed by Pavlov. More recent demonstrations 3. The following additional rules keep sleep in
line with principles of good sleep hygiene:
of the classical conditioning of sleep onset in cats
5. Get up at the same time every morning.
have been conducted by Sterman and Clemente
6. Do not nap.
and colleagues. These investigators paired a neutral
tone with electrical stimulation of the pre-optic Following these instructions leads to repeated
basal forebrain. The electrical stimulation of the experiences of rapidly falling asleep after getting into
pre-optic basal forebrain was capable of rapidly bed. Sleep improves, according to the theory, be-
producing high voltage slow waves and sleep. After cause the bedroom cues regain their discriminative
a number of pairings, the formerly neutral tone properties and exert control over the sleep process.
was capable of independency eliciting high voltage
slow waves and sleep. In “A Behavioral Perspective
on Insomnia Treatment,” we present preliminary
data in humans suggesting that pairing contextual
cues with the sleep-promoting properties of a hyp- Analogous to the idea that there are individual dif-
notic medication produces a conditioned response ferences in nocturnal sleep duration, differences in
of rapid sleep onset. basal sleep propensity may reflect a trait. A range of
One of the most widely tested and efficacious habitual sleep times, approximating a bell-shaped
behavioral treatments of insomnia is based on the curve with a mean of about 7.5 hours, has been
rationale that associative mechanisms can exert reported by Daniel F. Kripke et al. This trait charac-
control over the sleep onset process. In normal con- teristic is distinct from state-evoked changes (e.g.,
ditions cues such as darkness, sleep rituals, the bed, increasing or decreasing the amount of time spent
quiet and recumbency are regularly associated with in bed yields commensurate changes in sleep dura-
rapid sleep onset. Repeated experiences render tion). Applying this familiar example of coexisting
these cues as discriminative stimuli for sleep. In state and trait aspects of sleep duration, let us
other words, these cues signal that sleep is the assume that daytime sleep latency also distributes
appropriate response given the situation. If an indi- normally, with a mean of about 12 to 14 minutes.
vidual engages in behaviors other than sleep in In this view, the fact that, more or less, sleep affects
association with these cues, then these stimuli will sleepiness does not negate the possibility that
xxxvi The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

sleepiness or activation may have a relatively stable in such studies of insomniacs as Monroe’s. The goal
trait influence. of progressive muscle relaxation is to increase the
If we have two traits of nocturnal sleep time and patient’s awareness of high and low muscle ten-
diurnal sleep propensity, the question arises as to sion. The patient practices contracting a particular
how these traits might be related. Although a pos- muscle group and holding the tension in order to
itive correlation between nocturnal sleep time and heighten awareness. Next, the patient relaxes the
diurnal sleep latency is tacitly assumed to exist in muscle and focuses on the tension waning. These
individuals, there is surprisingly little evidence to two steps—tensing and relaxing—are repeated for
this effect. Mary A. Carskadon and colleagues, for all the major muscle groups. This training helps
example, in elderly noncomplaining individuals patients avoid and counteract the tonic muscular
obtained a nonsignificant positive correlation tension that is a barrier to sleep. To assist with the
between night sleep and day sleepiness. However, fine discrimination of behavioral states that relax-
recent evidence suggests that individuals with ation training requires, biofeedback devices are
insomnia may exhibit an inverse relationship used, such as those that produce an auditory signal
between nocturnal sleep and daytime sleep latency. corresponding to the level of frontalis muscle tone.
Seidel and the Stanford group have shown that
despite sleeping less than normal at night, insom- COGNITIVE TREATMENTS
niacs are no sleepier by day. Stepanski and col-
leagues at Henry Ford Hospital have shown a The mind can be its own worst enemy when it
strong association (r = -.67) between sleep and comes to sleep. The same ability to solve problems,
daytime sleep latency. Therefore, a reduced drive plan ahead and generate options, which is so adap-
for sleep, during both the night and day, appears to tive for waking life, becomes maladaptive when it
contribute to the difficulties facing insomniacs. is exercised at the expense of sleep. Cognitive ther-
Sleep restriction therapy (see Spielman et al.) apies have been devised that train patients to exert
aims to increase sleep drive in insomniac patients. more control over the content and timing of
An initial sleep loss is produced by curtailing time thought processes. Specific time can be set aside for
in bed to an amount approximating the patient’s worry, the mind can be guided through a sequence
subjective report of sleep time. The sleep loss of relaxing images, or thoughts can be restructured
heightens sleep propensity and increases the likeli- so as to minimize the importance of distressing
hood that most of the short time allotted for sleep experiences. These and other similar techniques
will be spent actually sleeping. Anticipatory anxi- aim at ensuring a reasonably calm state for the rel-
ety is reduced, sleep onset is rapid, sleep is less atively short time it takes to fall asleep, when all
interrupted and sleep duration is more consistent else is in place.
across nights. As sleep improves, the patient is
allowed to spend progressively more time in bed. The Rhythm of Sleep and
Some insomniacs who may be deficient in sleep Wakefulness
drive will require continued mild sleep restriction
to maintain this improvement. Others can be Daytime functioning is affected not only by the
returned to a schedule that does not impose sleep amount of sleep attained the night before, but also
loss because the treatment has addressed factors by the time at which parameters such as mood,
other than a deficient sleep drive, such as anticipa- alertness and performance capacity are assessed.
tory anxiety or irregular sleep-wake scheduling. This distinction points to the importance of a new
regulatory principle, that of circadian organization,
which has taken its place alongside the classic
homeostatic view (the system by which the body
maintains a steady-state or balanced internal
The clinical impression of increased autonomic milieu). The homeostatic view is that optimal func-
activity and muscle tension has been documented tioning occurs within a circumscribed range of
Psychology and Sleep: The Interdependence of Sleep and Waking States xxxvii

physiological values; deviations from this range are body temperature, and sleep onset regularly recurs
aberrant and will mobilize mechanisms to reestab- at approximately the same time of night under nor-
lish the basal levels. For example, a body tempera- mal conditions. In contrast to this synchrony, the
ture of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is the normal value timing of rhythmic processes may be displaced, so
that is maintained by a variety of thermoregulatory that there is an inappropriate interval between the
mechanisms. fall of the temperature cycle and sleep onset. This is
The biological rhythm perspective holds that commonly experienced, for example, when east-
certain deviations from normal values are endoge- bound airline passengers who have crossed five
nously generated and periodic. An important group time zones try to go to sleep at a time that matches
of biological rhythms have period lengths (the the nighttime in their new surroundings. Under
duration of a complete cycle) of about one day, and these new conditions, bedtime is before the fall in
hence are called circadian rhythms. For example, body temperature, and falling asleep will likely be
body temperature has a regular endogenous varia- difficult.
tion of about one and a half degrees Fahrenheit We have seen how the vicissitudes of sleep and
and a period length of about 24.2 hours. This reg- wakefulness can be conceptualized within a frame-
ular fluctuation about a mean value of 98.6 degrees work that emphasizes their mutual interdepen-
Fahrenheit does not represent error in the biologi- dence. Both of these states are comprised of a
cal system but is, rather, a key structural factor. myriad of behaviors, each capable of reflecting the
Rhythmic systems are characterized by the past and influencing the future. These behaviors
amplitude of variation and period length of a given are in turn influenced by the timing of their occur-
parameter and the phase relationship between dif- rence with respect to the sleep-wake cycle. Con-
ferent parameters. In the context of sleep and ceptualization of insomnia along these lines is
wakefulness, amplitude might refer to the range of particularly instructive, in that waking life, sleep
arousal experienced. Ideally, there should be a great behavior, circadian timing, physiological and psy-
range between peak alertness during the daytime chological predispositions, maladaptive learning
and minimal alertness at night. This range appears and environmental influences are all relevant to
restricted in some chronic insomniacs. Arousal in the genesis, course and treatment of this prevalent
this group is heightened both day and night. health problem.
With regard to phase relationship, the coordi- (Selected references for this chapter are inclu-
nated sequence of increasing sleepiness, fall in ded in the Bibliography.)
abnormal movements Some sleep disorders can those who operate dangerous machinery or drive
be characterized by atypical movements of limbs. cars.
For example, movement occurs in response to the Motor vehicle driving is particularly hazardous
creepy, crawly feeling in the legs due to the disor- in persons who are sleepy, since riding in a motor
der known as RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME (RLS). The vehicle has a soporific effect and will bring out
relief that these movements bring, however, is only underlying sleepiness. Excessive sleepiness as a
temporary. The disorder is mainly of unknown cause of crashes is often unrecognized either
cause although (rarely) it may be associated with because the individual is wide awake once an acci-
metabolic disorders such as anemia or renal failure. dent occurs or does not survive to report the sleepi-
However, once correctly diagnosed, medication can ness. It is not uncommon to find that people who
effectively treat RLS and bring relief. Repetitive, suffer from sleepiness while driving (DROWSY DRI-
abnormal movements of the legs or arms during VING) will open the window to get fresh air, turn
sleep, occurring as frequently as every 10 seconds, the radio on loud or employ other techniques, such
are typical of PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER as moving around in the seat, to increase alertness.
(PLMD). These leg or arm movements are often There may be frequent stops to get a cup of coffee
powerful enough to cause an awakening as well as or to walk around to get refreshed. Some may also
to disturb a bed partner because of the shaking of use OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS containing
the bed or accidentally being kicked. Those suffer- CAFFEINE, such as NoDoz, to increase alertness
ing from REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER, in which while driving. Naps taken in the car at the side of
dream content is acted out during the REM the road are also common for persons who have
(dreaming) stage of sleep, display movements such moderate to severe daytime sleepiness. However,
as punching, kicking or running, sometimes inad- the driver does not always appreciate the degree of
vertently causing injury. sleepiness while driving and therefore motor vehi-
The presence of abnormal movements during cle accidents often result. Falling asleep while wait-
sleep that cause INSOMNIA or lead to EXCESSIVE ing for a red light or in traffic jams, veering to the
SLEEPINESS during the day should be discussed with side of the road and driving onto the road shoulder
a physician to see if tests need to be performed, commonly occur.
such as POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (sleep test). Sleepiness, and accidents caused by sleepiness,
can be exacerbated by the ingestion of alcohol, par-
ticularly if the amount of sleep the night before was
abnormal swallowing syndrome, sleep-related less than required. Alcohol can also increase the
a common disorder in middle-aged males, thereby
leading to increased sleepiness (and the greater
accidents Common in persons with sleep disor- possibility of accidents) the next day.
ders, especially those who suffer from EXCESSIVE In addition to motor vehicle accidents due to
SLEEPINESS. Sleepiness produces impaired ALERT- sleepiness, people with sleep disorders are at risk of
NESS and awareness, and this can be a problem for injuring themselves, even when sleeping in bed at

2 accreditation standards for sleep disorder centers

home. Some sleep disorders, especially those asso- dards for the practice of SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE.
ciated with abnormal movement, such as the These standards resulted in the accreditation of the
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or REM SLEEP first sleep disorder center in 1977. Since that time,
BEHAVIOR DISORDER, can cause an individual to fall the Association of Sleep Disorder Centers has
out of bed or hit a nightstand. The violent move- merged with the CLINICAL SLEEP SOCIETY to form the
ments during sleep may also injure a bed partner, American Sleep Disorders Association (now called
and excessive movement during sleep is a common the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE), which
cause of a couple moving to separate beds in order is responsible for producing guidelines for sleep dis-
to prevent injuries. order centers. An accreditation committee visits
Some disorders can be associated with very vio- sites and ensures that sleep disorder centers
lent activity, such as SLEEP TERRORS, which are often throughout the United States meet appropriate
characterized by a rush from the bed in a violent standards for the practice of sleep disorders medi-
and uncontrolled panic. People with sleep terrors cine. The standards involve a review of the follow-
have occasionally gone through glass doors or ing areas: the relationship of the center to the host
fallen out of windows during their intense panic. medical institution, to ensure that there is a stable
Also, sleepwalkers can suffer from accidents during relationship among the medical structure of the
their nocturnal wanderings. A fall from a window sleep disorder center, the physical environment
is not uncommon as a result of sleepwalking, and and the personnel; the way in which patient refer-
walking into furniture or other objects can cause rals and evaluation procedures are handled; the
injuries (see SLEEPWALKING). polysomnographic and other monitoring proce-
When sleep terror and sleepwalking coexist, dures; the interpretation and documentation of the
even death can be the consequence of an individ- polysomnographic data; and the physical equip-
ual running or walking out of the house and rush- ment of the recording laboratory.
ing in front of a passing car or falling from a In order to become accredited, a comprehensive
window. application for accreditation must be completed by
Sometimes accidental injury can be produced the applying sleep disorder center. If the informa-
indirectly. Snorers have reported accidents related tion presented indicates that the center meets the
to their snoring. One woman broke her arm as a standards for accreditation, a site visit is organized.
result of her husband’s SNORING. Used to sleeping in Two official site visitors go to the sleep disorder
a double bed where she could touch her husband center to observe a patient undergoing polysomno-
to get him to change position whenever he was graphic evaluation and to review with the center
snoring, she fell out of bed when staying in a sepa- its procedures and the ability to diagnose and treat
rate bed in a hotel; her husband commenced snor- sleep disorders. Upon completion of a site visit, the
visitors recommend to the national chairman of the
ing, she stretched out to touch him and, not
accreditation committee whether or not to accredit
realizing she was in a separate bed, fell and broke
the center. If favorable, the sleep disorder center is
her arm. Another loud snorer was almost suffo-
given full accreditation status for five years.
cated by his army colleagues when they stuffed
Accreditation status can be contingent upon the
socks in his mouth in order to stop his snoring.
sleep disorder center meeting a number of provi-
Another patient with sleep-related epileptic
sions, if all aspects of the center’s activity do not
SEIZURES so frightened his wife that she thought her
conform entirely to the standards and guidelines.
life was in danger; she hit him over the head with
Then, after a period of five years, the sleep disorder
a bedpost causing him to require numerous scalp
center must reapply for accreditation. (By 2000,
more than 500 sleep disorder centers had been
accredited by the American Academy of Sleep
accreditation standards for sleep disorder centers Medicine.) In this way, the development of sleep
In 1975, the ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CEN- disorder centers in the United States has proceeded
TERS (ASDC) began to develop guidelines and stan- in an orderly and appropriate manner, with the
acromegaly 3

highest standards of patient care being maintained. tions that have most pronounced anticholinergic
[ACP], ASSOCIATION OF POLYSOMNOGRAPHIC TECHNOL- imipramine, which are often used in sleep medi-
OGISTS, SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS.) cine for the treatment of sleep disturbance in
patients with depression. The anticholinergic tri-
accredited clinical polysomnographer (ACP) cyclic antidepressants are also used for the treat-
Individual trained and tested to administer the ment of CATAPLEXY in patients with NARCOLEPSY.
polysomnograph, the test that measures sleep The adverse reactions of the medications include
activity and other physiological variables by dry mouth, constipation and urinary retention, and
recording brain, eye and muscle activity in sleep can produce restlessness, irritability, disorientation,
(see POLYSOMNOGRAPHY). In order to become an hallucinations and even delirium. The tricyclic
ACP, candidates studied basic physiology of sleep antidepressants are now largely being replaced by
and its clinical ramifications and passed a test the serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxe-
administered by the American Sleep Disorders tine (Prozac).
Association (now called the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF Acetylcholine is also believed to be involved in
SLEEP MEDICINE). This examination is now adminis- the maintenance of muscle tone in REM sleep.
tered by the AMERICAN BOARD OF SLEEP MEDICINE, Acetylcholine blockers, such as atropine, can pro-
and those who pass the exam are no longer called duce a profound loss of muscle tone resembling
ACPs but are board certified in sleep medicine. that seen during REM sleep.
There were more than 1,500 board certified sleep
specialists in the United States in 2001. Clinicians acromegaly A disorder characterized by an
who pass the examination become fellows of the excessive production of growth hormone, which
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. causes an enlargement of the skeletal and soft tis-
sues of the body. This disorder is produced by a
acetazolamide (Diamox) See RESPIRATORY STIM- tumor of the hormone-secreting cells of the pitu-
ULANTS. itary gland. Patients with acromegaly have an
increased likelihood of developing sleep-related
acetylcholine A neurotransmitter involved in breathing disorders, such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
the regulation of sleep and wakefulness. Acetyl- APNEA SYNDROME.
choline is found in the central and peripheral ner- Excessive growth hormone causes an increase in
vous system and is synthesized from acetaldehyde the size of soft tissues of the upper airway, particu-
and choline. The effect of the release of acetyl- larly the tongue. Bony changes can also occur that,
choline from the nerve endings is modified by the in combination with the soft tissue changes, cause
enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Inhibition of the a narrowing of the upper airway. Consequently,
acetylcholinesterase enzyme leads to prolonged upper airway obstruction during sleep is more
wakefulness in animals; however, the same likely to occur. Some acromegalic patients, particu-
inhibitors administered during sleep will enhance larly female patients, suffer CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA
the appearance of REM SLEEP. Agents that stimulate which may be due to a central nervous system
the production of acetylcholine, such as carbachol, abnormality as a direct effect of the pituitary
can induce a state that resembles REM sleep, but tumor. In addition to the soft tissue changes of the
the effect of such agents very much depends upon upper airway, tissues throughout the body enlarge,
the part of the central nervous system where these and this is most noticeable by an increase in hand
agents are inserted. and foot size. Internal organs, such as the liver and
Many medications that affect the central ner- heart, can also increase in size.
vous system have anticholinergic properties, and The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome associ-
the blockage of acetylcholine accounts for many of ated with acromegaly may be dealt with by reduc-
the adverse reactions that are seen. The medica- tion of soft tissue enlargement through treatment
4 acroparesthesia

of the excessive growth hormone production. for relaying information cordlessly to a distant
Acromegaly treatment may involve surgical computer.
removal of, or radiation of, the pituitary gland, or Wrist activity monitors have also been used to
the use of medications, such as bromocriptine, that measure abnormal movements that can occur in
suppress the production of growth hormone. patients suffering neurological disease, such as
Despite optimal treatment of the excessive growth Parkinson’s disease or other types of movement
hormone production, the obstructive sleep apnea disorders. (See also SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER.)
syndrome may continue and require treatment by
standard means, such as the use of a CONTINUOUS activated sleep See ACTIVE SLEEP.
active sleep The low voltage, mixed frequency
EEG and rapid eye movement (REM) activity. This
acroparesthesia See CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME.
term, a phylogenetic and ontogenetic term for REM
SLEEP, is synonymous with the term “activated
acrophase The peak of a BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM in sleep.”
contrast to the NADIR, the lowest point of a biolog-
ical rhythm. (See also BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS, CHRONO-
activity monitors Devices used to detect motion
as a way of differentiating periods of wakefulness
or rest. (See also ACTIGRAPHY.)
activity-rest cycle Term used to describe the
cyclical pattern of activity that alternates with rest
actigraphy A biomedical instrument capable of in animals and humans; it is commonly considered
monitoring motor activity in order to identify the to be the same as wakefulness and sleep. The activ-
presence or absence of body motion during sleep or ity-rest cycle is usually determined in animal
wakefulness. Activity monitoring by means of an research studies of CHRONOBIOLOGY and CIRCADIAN
actigraph is useful in detecting sleep episodes and RHYTHMS; it is more easily measured than sleep and
differentiating periods of sleep and rest from peri- wakefulness. The activity-rest patterns of rodents
ods of wakefulness. alternate wheel running activity with rest periods.
Actigraphy is commonly employed for long-term In addition to the 24-hour pattern of activity
CIRCADIAN RHYTHM studies to document the pattern
and rest there is a BASIC REST ACTIVITY CYCLE (BRAC)
of sleep and wakefulness with little inconvenience that has a shorter PERIOD LENGTH, of approximately
to the patient. A typical actigraph has a simple-to- three hours, than the activity-rest cycle. BRAC is
wear, easily programmable microprocessor device, believed to be indicative of an underlying ultradian
which is usually attached to the non-dominant cycle that is manifest during sleep by the NREM-REM
wrist, but can also be attached to one or both legs. SLEEP CYCLE.
The device works on the principle that movement
of the non-dominant wrist is correlated with wake-
fulness, whereas long, quiescent periods are associ- acute mountain sickness See ALTITUDE INSOMNIA.

ated with rest or sleep. Studies have demonstrated

an 88.9% correlation of accuracy with polysomno- adenoids Lymphoid tissue present in the poste-
graphically measured sleep. Special computer pro- rior nasopharynx. Adenoids are similar to tonsils
grams interpret the information recorded, and it can and are involved in the immune system during
be displayed in many different formats. childhood. The adenoids are typically enlarged in
New forms of actigraphs include light-detecting the prepubertal age group and gradually decrease
monitors for measuring light exposure and acti- in size, with very little tissue present in most adults.
graphs that include radio frequency transmitters In childhood, enlarged adenoidal tissue can cause
advanced sleep phase syndrome 5

UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION, predisposing the child turbance. The sleep pattern returns to normal
to upper respiratory tract infections and the with the resolution of these acute psychological
noidal tissue in adults can also contribute to upper Polysomnography or a multiple sleep latency
airway obstruction. test may help diagnose a condition either of hyper-
An assessment of the extent of adenoid and ton- arousal or of excessive daytime sleepiness. Treat-
sillar tissue is required in patients who have the ment is essential soon after the sleep disturbance
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome; if indicated, sur- begins to prevent its development into chronic PSY-
gical removal may be necessary. (See also SURGERY CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA. Hypnotic medication
AND SLEEP DISORDERS, TONSILLECTOMY AND ADENOID- therapy, lasting only several days, is recommended.
ECTOMY.) Attention to good SLEEP HYGIENE is essential, not
only during the time of the stress reaction, but also
adenosine A basic element of the nucleic acids, in the days immediately following.
adenosine consists of a sugar attached to a purine Adjustment sleep disorder, synonymous with
base. There is evidence that suggests that adenosine transient psychophysiological insomnia and situa-
is a sedative or otherwise induces sleep. Adenosine tional insomnia, is the preferred term.
may have its effect directly on neurons or through Kales, Anthony and Kales, J., Evaluation and Treatment of
the inhibition of the release of other neurotrans- Insomnia. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
Interest in adenosine was stimulated when CAF- adrenocorticotrophin hormone (ACTH) Hor-
FEINE was found to inhibit adenosine release rather mone secreted by the pituitary gland that controls
than inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase, the the secretion of CORTISOL from the adrenal gland.
previously-held view. Caffeine, which is one of the ACTH secretion occurs throughout the day with
methylxanthines (see RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS), about 10 secretory episodes and is mainly secreted
has very pronounced stimulation effects and at the end of the sleep period, at the time of awak-
increases wakefulness. ening. The resulting large increase in cortisol at this
Radulovacki, M., “Role of Adenosine in Sleep of Rats,” time is important for the maintenance of metabolic
Review of Clinical and Basic Pharmacology 5 (1985): integrity and therefore physical activity.
327–339. Reduction of ACTH release can occur due to
pituitary tumors and leads to fatigue and weight
adjustment sleep disorder INSOMNIA resulting loss. Excessive production of ACTH leads to weight
from an acute emotional stress that can be related gain and hypertension, producing a disorder called
to conflict, loss or a perceived threat, for example, Cushing’s syndrome (overactive adrenal glands).
a death in the family, an upcoming examination, (See also GROWTH HORMONE, MELATONIN, PRO-
marital, financial or work stress. Typically, adjust- LACTIN.)
ment sleep disorder lasts for a few days, and always
less than three weeks, after which the sleep pattern advanced sleep phase syndrome A CIRCADIAN
returns to normal. RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDER characterized by difficulty
Features of adjustment sleep disorder are pro- in remaining awake until the desired bedtime, and
longed sleep latency (see SLEEP LATENCY), frequent getting up too early, or early morning INSOMNIA.
awakenings, or EARLY MORNING AROUSAL. There This disorder, which is seen typically in elderly per-
may also be a tendency for excessive SLEEPINESS sons, often causes embarrassment due to an inabil-
during the day. In acute circumstances, there can ity to remain awake in social situations in the
be loss of the ability to maintain normal social mid-evening hours. The patient may also be at risk
activities or employment until the acute reaction is of ACCIDENT, for instance, by falling asleep at the
over. Intense anxiety or depression may be associ- wheel of a car. After a late night out, the inability
ated with the stress response and the sleep dis- to delay the time of the final awakening often pro-
6 affective disorders

duces a tendency to daytime sleepiness. Inappro- per day. The sleep pattern was rotated around the
priate daytime napping may result. clock so that a more appropriate sleep onset time
Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated was reached. Exposure to bright light prior to sleep
an early onset in the timing of the low point of the onset may assist in producing a more normal sleep
circadian body temperature rhythm. Sleep onset onset time. (See also AGE, LIGHT THERAPY.)
time occurs at a time earlier than desired, and a
Kamei, R., Hughes, L., Miles, L. and Dement, W.,
normal duration and quantity of sleep follows. The “Advanced-sleep Phase Syndrome Studied in a Time
spontaneous awakening is typically earlier than Isolation Facility,” Chronobiologia 6 (1979): 115.
The origin of advanced sleep phase syndrome is
unknown, but, as it seems more common in the affective disorders Term describing mental disor-
elderly, it has been suggested that it is due to ders characterized by mood disturbances, typically
DEPRESSION or mania. More recently, the terms
degeneration of the nerve cells of the circadian
pacemaker, so that the circadian pacemaker is
unable to induce a delay of the sleep pattern. As applied to this group of psychiatric disorders.
with the delayed sleep phase syndrome, the
advanced sleep phase syndrome may be due to an age CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, sleep and sleep disorders
abnormality of the PHASE RESPONSE CURVE. The dis- undergo distinct changes from infancy through old
order is apparently rare. age. Some hormones, such as GROWTH HORMONE,
Advanced sleep phase syndrome differs from are produced in amounts that are essential for nor-
other causes of early morning awakening. Mood mal growth in childhood, but may be absent in the
disorders, particularly depression, are associated elderly. High amounts of stage three and stage four
with early morning awakening but are also associ- sleep (see SLEEP STAGES) are usually present in pre-
ated with sleep onset and sleep maintenance diffi- pubertal children, and altogether absent in the
culties. The advanced sleep phase syndrome needs elderly. Some sleep disorders, such as REM SLEEP
to be differentiated from INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYN- BEHAVIOR DISORDER, are more commonly seen in
DROME, which typically can also produce evening persons over 60 years of age, whereas SLEEPWALK-
sleepiness but is caused by a forced early morning ING and SLEEP TERRORS are more commonly seen in
awakening. Individuals who are classified as short children.
sleepers may have an early morning awakening Infant sleep is characterized by a long, total sleep
but do not have evening sleepiness. time of up to 20 hours in the 24-hour day. REM
The diagnosis of advanced sleep phase syndrome sleep may account for as much as 50% of the total
is usually made by the typical complaint of an sleep time. Newborn sleep is characterized by fre-
inability to stay awake till the desired bedtime, and quent awakenings, and sleep episodes are often
an inability to remain asleep till the desired time of associated with a direct transition from wakefulness
the morning. The disorder must be present for at into REM. REM sleep in older children and adults is
least a three-month period. When the person is not never associated with the immediate onset of REM
required to remain awake till the desired bedtime sleep, unless a specific sleep disorder is present.
(that is, goes to bed early), then the sleep episode is The infant’s sleep pattern gradually becomes
of normal quality and duration. The final awaken- more consolidated during the nocturnal hours so
ing is always earlier than desired. that by six weeks of age the majority of sleep
Mild disturbances can be treated by close atten- occurs during the nocturnal half of the day. How-
tion to maintaining a regular sleep onset and wake- ever, daytime naps are frequent.
time. Incremental delays of sleep onset on a daily Sleep disorders that can occur in infancy are
basis, by 15 to 30 minutes, may assist in delaying most commonly related to sleep-disordered breath-
the sleep pattern. One patient has been reported to ing, such as INFANT SLEEP APNEA. A central nervous
have been treated by CHRONOTHERAPY, which system lesion or upper airway obstruction are
involved advancing the sleep pattern by three hours causes in this age group. Other medical illnesses,
age 7

such as infection, cardiorespiratory disease, meta- OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA is a common occurrence
bolic changes or neurological disorders, can cause in the prepubertal child due to enlarged tonsils and
respiratory disturbance in infancy. Sleep-related ADENOIDS and may be an indication for tonsillec-
epilepsy can occur, although usually epileptic tomy or adenoidectomy (see TONSILLECTOMY AND
SEIZURES in this age group occur during wakeful- ADENOIDECTOMY). Other sleep disorders, such as
ness as well as during sleep. Of particular concern NARCOLEPSY and PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER,
in the first year of life is the possibility of SUDDEN rarely occur before puberty.
INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS). Around the time of puberty, growth hormone
Because an infant’s respiratory system is imma- production and gonadotrophin reach high levels.
ture and small, infants are predisposed to lung col- Sleep is very efficient, with few awakenings occur-
lapse and airway obstruction. The muscles are ring during nocturnal sleep and maximal alertness
relatively weak and are more susceptible to fatigue. during the daytime. During adolescence there is a
The high percentage of REM sleep may also predis- tendency for a later sleep onset time and difficulty
pose the infant to more sleep-related breathing dis- in awakening in the morning.
orders because of the associated ATONIA that affects Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, due to
the accessory muscles of respiration. enlarged tonsils, continues to be a major cause of
BENIGN NEONATAL SLEEP MYOCLONUS, a disorder sleep-related breathing disorders in adolescents.
that occurs during non-REM sleep, causes muscle DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, causing difficulty
jerking that usually spontaneously resolves itself in falling asleep at an early hour and trouble awak-
within the first few weeks of life. Irregular sleep ening in the morning for school, also becomes a
patterns, characterized by frequent awakenings, common problem. Psychological or psychiatric dis-
are common around six months of age. This is an orders, characterized by ANXIETY and DEPRESSION,
important time for the establishment of a stable are also seen in this age group and may cause dis-
sleep-wake pattern and the development of good turbed sleep.
SLEEP HYGIENE in the child. Limits need to be insti- Sleep often becomes less efficient in young
tuted so that the majority of sleep occurs during adults, with an increased number of awakenings
the nocturnal hours and not during the daytime; and a greater tendency for EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS.
LIMIT-SETTING SLEEP DISORDER is a common problem SLEEP DEPRIVATION is a common cause. Obstructive
in this age group and can be corrected by behav- sleep apnea and narcolepsy are other common
ioral means. causes of pathological sleepiness in this age group.
The older child has typically established a sleep Sleep disturbance related to the transition from
pattern at night consisting of 10 to 12 hours of school to college, or an employment situation, are
nocturnal sleep and a short nap, in the mid-after- typical, with psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety
noon, of one to two hours. Circadian patterns of and depression, as contributing factors.
growth hormone, CORTISOL and PROLACTIN, start to In middle age, sleep reduces even further in effi-
establish a fixed pattern with the sleep-wake cycle. ciency so that a shorter total sleep time with more
Between the ages of four and six years, the frequent awakenings is common. In males between
amount of REM sleep diminishes, and the per- the ages of 40 and 60, obstructive sleep apnea syn-
centage of SLOW WAVE SLEEP increases to maximum drome is likely to occur. INSOMNIA is the main cause
levels. of sleep disturbance of females in middle age. Pat-
The most common sleep disorders in the prepu- terns of growth hormone secretion are reduced in
bertal child include CONFUSIONAL AROUSALS (brief this age group, as is the amount of slow wave sleep.
arousals or awakenings that occur during slow With the development of other medical disorders
wave sleep), sleepwalking and sleep terrors. SLEEP or psychiatric disturbances, sleep disorders are
ONSET ASSOCIATION DISORDER may occur from commonly encountered in middle age and are
infancy to prepubertal ages so that a child may be more typical in the elderly.
unable to fall asleep without the presence of a par- The elderly have less efficient sleep with a short
ticular behavior or object, such as a teddy bear. total sleep time during the nocturnal hours, a great
8 airway obstruction

tendency for daytime napping, less deep sleep with OUS POSITIVE AIR PRESSURE, HYOID MYOTOMY, MANDI-
more light stage one and stage two sleep, and often BULAR ADVANCEMENT SURGERY, SURGERY AND SLEEP
the complete absence of slow wave sleep. Growth DISORDERS, TONSILLECTOMY AND ADENOIDECTOMY,
hormone secretion may be absent in the elderly. TRACHEOSTOMY; UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION, UVU-
Other circadian rhythm patterns, such as body LOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY.
temperature or cortisol secretion, may be flatter
than those seen in middle age. However, prolactin alcohol Commonly used to help insomnia suffer-
secretion seems to be fairly well established into old ers get to sleep at night—with very deleterious
age. Gonadotrophin hormone secretion is reduced, effects on sleep. Drinking alcohol in the evening
and sexual difficulties, such as impotence, are more may help sleep onset, but headaches upon awak-
often encountered in this age group. Among the ening the next morning are typical, particularly
middle-aged to the elderly, SLEEP-RELATED PENILE with excessive alcohol use. The routine use of alco-
ERECTIONS become less frequent and organic causes hol as a sedative produces an improved sleep onset
of impotence are commonly encountered. time, often with a deeper sleep in the first third of
Sleep-related breathing disorders are common the night, but then sleep becomes lighter and more
causes of disturbed sleep in the elderly, particularly fragmented.
CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA due to a central nervous sys- ALCOHOL-DEPENDENT SLEEP DISORDER occurs in
tem or cardiovascular cause. Obstructive sleep people who chronically use alcohol for its sleep-
apnea syndrome is also present in this age group inducing effects. This disorder is not associated with
and is more typically associated with the complaint heavy alcohol ingestion during the daytime and is
of insomnia than it is in younger age groups. Peri- not a symptom of alcoholism; as tolerance devel-
odic limb movement disorder and general nonspe- ops, the amount of alcohol ingested increases, but
cific sleep disruption is also frequent in the persons with alcohol-dependent sleep disorder
middle-aged and elderly. usually do not go on to become alcoholics. Alcohol
In the elderly, medical and psychiatric disorders, will shorten the SLEEP LATENCY and increase the
including depression, are also very common, and amount of stage three and four SLEEP (see SLEEP
may be the cause of insomnia. DEMENTIA is more STAGES), but REM SLEEP is reduced and becomes
typically seen and is often associated with a break- fragmented. Awakenings frequently intrude into
down of the sleep-wake pattern, leading to noctur- the second half of the nocturnal sleep episode.
nal confusion and wandering that is sometimes It is commonly recognized that alcohol will
called the sundown syndrome. Sleep disturbance increase the amount and loudness of SNORING, but
in the geriatric group is a common cause of institu- it can also exacerbate OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
tionalization. Death is more likely to occur during DROME. ALCOHOLISM is associated with an increased
sleep. (See also SLEEP EFFICIENCY, SLEEP NEED, TOTAL number of sleep-related disturbances, such as NOC-
Asplund, R., “Sleep Disorders in the Elderly,” Drugs and Alcohol has detrimental effects on daytime
Aging 14, no. 2 (1999): 91–103. alertness. The sleep fragmentation and disruption
Weitzman, E.D., “Sleep and Aging,” in Katzman, R. and at night can lead to excessive sleepiness and dimin-
Terry, R.D., eds., The Neurology of Aging. Philadelphia: ished alertness during the daytime. The effects of
F.A. Davis, 1983. pp. 167–188. alcohol upon performance, particularly driving,
may be greatly influenced by the amount of the
airway obstruction The predominant cause of prior night’s sleep so that ACCIDENTS due to alcohol
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. This disorder is abuse are often, in part, related to the soporific
associated with obstruction at any site from the effects of alcohol.
nose to the larynx. Upper airway obstruction is The effects of alcohol are exacerbated by the
assessed by means of CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHS ingestion of other drugs, particularly sedatives. This
and FIBEROPTIC-ENDOSCOPY; treatment may be by combination may be dangerous and lead to stupor
surgical or mechanical means. (See also CONTINU- and even coma or death.
alcoholism 9

Alcohol will impair the arousal and ventilatory ing sleep often results. Other symptoms of alcohol
response to the apneic episodes in obstructive sleep withdrawal, such as headaches, dry mouth, fatigue
apnea syndrome, causing the apneas to be longer and tiredness upon awakening, may also occur.
and the oxygen desaturation to be more severe. In addition to the ingestion of alcohol, other
The association of alcohol with exacerbation of sedative agents may be taken, although more typi-
obstructive sleep apnea may lead to serious cardio- cally the alcohol is the sole sedative ingested. The
vascular consequences that could prove fatal. use of alcohol is generally longstanding and most
Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome often occurs in individuals after the age of 40 years.
often involves use of a CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY Polysomnographic monitoring shows an
PRESSURE device (CPAP), and alcohol ingestion can increase in stage three and four sleep (see SLEEP
be a common cause of failure of an adequate CPAP STAGES) and a short SLEEP ONSET latency; however,
response. A patient who consumes alcohol on a REM SLEEP fragmentation is present with frequent
nightly basis may fail to do so in a sleep laboratory awakenings, sometimes with early morning awak-
and therefore the adjustment phase of CPAP may ening.
lead to an inadequate pressure setting. Following Treatment of the alcohol dependency is the
alcohol ingestion, a higher than usual pressure same as for any other drug dependency. A gradual
may be required in order to overcome the apneic drug withdrawal, with the institution of SLEEP
events. There is also evidence that alcohol can pro- HYGIENE measures, is essential to prevent further
duce obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in persons sleep disruption. In some situations, it may be nec-
who otherwise would not have apneic events. essary to supplant the alcohol with a more effective
Alcohol can exacerbate other sleep disorders, hypnotic agent during the alcohol withdrawal
such as JET LAG and SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY. phase, and then the prescribed hypnotic can be
Epilepsy may also be exacerbated by the disruptive gradually withdrawn.
sleep pattern caused by alcohol, which leads to Williams, H.L. and Salamy, A., “Alcohol and Sleep,” in
sleep deprivation and possibly the precipitation of Kissin, B. and Begleiter, H., eds., The Biology of Alco-
epileptic seizures. holism. New York: Plenum Press, 1972. pp. 435–483.

alcohol-dependent sleep disorder Disorder alcoholism Chronic alcohol intake with alcohol
characterized by the chronic drinking of alcohol for abuse and dependency. Sleep disturbances are a
its soporific effect. The self-prescribed use of common feature of alcoholism, particularly INSOM-
ethanol (ALCOHOL) as a sedative is the cause of this NIA as well as EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day.
disorder that often results from an underlying Alcohol produces an increased tendency for
insomnia, such as an ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER or sleepiness that lasts for approximately four hours
INADEQUATE SLEEP HYGIENE. Typically, alcohol is after drinking (depending upon the amount actu-
drunk late in the evening, a few hours before bed- ally consumed). When taken before bedtime, it will
time, usually in quantities of up to eight drinks. reduce the SLEEP LATENCY and reduce wakefulness
However, in this disorder, the alcohol ingestion is in the first third of the night, but as the alcohol is
rarely associated with excessive alcohol intake dur- metabolized, there can be withdrawal effects, with
ing the daytime, or the development of chronic increased sleep fragmentation. Individuals who
ALCOHOLISM. drink chronically and excessively find that sleep
The sedative properties of the alcohol are great- disruption occurs with abstinence from alcohol,
est at the onset of the pattern of alcohol ingestion. and very often alcohol is used to improve sleep.
However, with chronic usage, tolerance develops The chronic alcohol abuser may also suffer from
and there is a loss of the sleep-inducing effect. In NIGHTMARES and other REM phenomena as a result
addition, withdrawal effects occur in the second of REM SLEEP fragmentation during chronic inges-
half of the nocturnal sleep episode, so that a pattern tion of alcohol as well as abstinence. Alcoholics are
of frequent awakenings and difficulty in maintain- susceptible to other sleep disrupting factors, such as
10 alertness

environmental stimuli. Alcohol in alcoholics will thirds of the day when we are awake. Persons who
often induce increased amounts of slow wave sleep have sleep disorders often notice an increased ten-
in the first half of the night, and REM fragmenta- dency for sleepiness in the midafternoon, an exag-
tion and decrease is typically seen in the second gerated form of a natural dip in alertness that
half of the night. Sleep becomes so fragmented that occurs at that time. This midafternoon dip is part of
STAGE TWO SLEEP SPINDLES and increased muscle the biphasic CIRCADIAN RHYTHM of sleep, which is
tone can occur during REM sleep. reflected in the major sleep episode at night and
Associated features of alcoholism include an the increased tendency for sleepiness that occurs
increased incidence of BED-WETTING, SLEEP TERRORS, 12 hours later, in the midafternoon. Some cultures
SLEEPWALKING, nightmares and exacerbation of take advantage of this decreased alertness by
SNORING and OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. scheduling a SIESTA for several hours. The decrease
Alcoholic liver disease and encephalopathy with in alertness also can be exacerbated by a large
the development of a Korsakoff psychosis are com- lunch or the ingestion of ALCOHOL.
mon results of chronic alcohol ingestion. The direct Subjective measures of alertness include the
effect of these disorders can also contribute to sleep STANFORD SLEEPINESS SCALE (SSS), which rates the
disturbances. (See also ALCOHOL for other effects of degree of alertness and sleepiness on a scale from
chronic drinking.) one to seven, and the EPWORTH SLEEPINESS SCALE.
The alcoholic, when withdrawing from alcohol, Objective alertness measures include PUPILLOMETRY,
can develop delirium tremors within a week of a measure of fluctuations in pupil diameter size
stopping the alcohol intake. This state is marked by that reflects changes in alertness. Decreased pupil
severe autonomic hyperactivity, with tachycardia, size and oscillations of the pupil indicate decreased
sweating and tremulousness. Withdrawal seizures, alertness. The most widely used objective measure
called “rum fits,” can occur within the first few of alertness, however, is the MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY
days of alcohol withdrawal and always precede the TEST, which measures at two-hour intervals the
development of delirium. During the time of delir- tendency to fall asleep throughout the day. Five
ium and hallucinosis, sleep is severely disrupted. nap tests are scheduled from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. and
There may be an excessive amount of REM the electrophysiological measures of sleep are
sleep that occurs in the first few days after alcohol monitored for SLEEP STAGES. A short SLEEP LATENCY
withdrawal, although it may be fragmented. Slow to the first epoch of sleep indicates decreased alert-
wave sleep can be reduced and may recover very ness and the presence of sleepiness, particularly if
gradually following abstinence from alcohol, often the mean sleep latency over the five naps is 10
never returning to pre-alcohol levels. Disturbed minutes or less.
sleep may continue to be present for up to two Daytime alertness can be influenced by a num-
years following complete abstinence. ber of factors, including the quality and quantity
Treatment of the alcohol-induced sleep distur- of the prior night’s sleep as well as medications or
drugs taken during the daytime. Caffeine found in
bance is usually restricted to managing alcohol
coffee and many sodas is a commonly-used cen-
abstinence and may involve the use of short-term
tral nervous system stimulant that will increase
HYPNOTICS to reduce the severe sleep disruption.
daytime alertness. STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, often
Attention to good SLEEP HYGIENE is essential. (See
used to improve alertness in persons with exces-
sive sleepiness due to disorders such as NAR-
Wagman, A. and Allen, R., “Effects of Alcohol Ingestion COLEPSY, include amphetamines, methylphenidate
and Abstinence on Slow Wave Sleep of Alcoholics,” hydrochloride and pemoline. These agents im-
in Gross, M.M., ed., Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrawal prove alertness but have less of an effect on multi-
2. New York: Plenum Press, 1975. pp. 453–466. ple sleep latency measures of sleepiness.
Methylphenidate and amphetamines have been
alertness Opposite of SLEEPINESS. Ideally, alert- objectively shown to produce a reduction in
ness should be full for the approximately two- sleepiness.
altitude insomnia 11

The cycle of daily alertness appears to be inde- alpha intrusion Also known as alpha infiltration,
pendent of the cycle of daytime sleepiness. This is alpha insertion or alpha interruption. This is a brief
most evident in a person’s ability to maintain alert- superimposition of ALPHA ACTIVITY upon sleep activ-
ness unless placed in an environment conductive ities during SLEEP STAGES. Alpha intrusion is charac-
to sleep, where severe sleepiness may readily teristic of sleep disorders where the sleep-wake
become apparent. The findings on the multiple pattern is disrupted and is also a characteristic fea-
sleep latency test for the effects of stimulant med- ture of FIBROSITIS SYNDROME.
ications tend to support this notion of two inde-
pendent processes. alpha rhythm ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG)
For this reason, the MAINTENANCE OF WAKEFUL- wave activity that occurs with a frequency of 8 to
NESS TEST was developed. This test measures the
13 hertz (cycles per second) in adults. This activity
ability to remain awake and is performed in a man- occurs in the central to posterior portions of the
ner similar to the multiple sleep latency test. head and is indicative of the awake state in
Measurement of alertness following treatment of humans. ALPHA ACTIVITY is usually present during
some sleep disorders can be valuable in establishing relaxed wakefulness when visual input is reduced
whether or not an individual is sufficiently alert to (for instance, when the eyes are closed). The activ-
drive a motor vehicle or operate dangerous machin- ity tends to be slower in children and the elderly
ery, for instance. (See also EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, VIG- compared to young and middle-aged adults. It may
occur during SLEEP STAGES if sleep is disrupted, as is
Roth, T., Roehrs, T., Carskadon, M. and Dement, W., seen in the many disorders of INSOMNIA. Alpha
“Daytime Sleepiness and Alertness,” in Kryger, M.H., activity during slow wave sleep is a particular char-
Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The Principles and acteristic of the FIBROSITIS SYNDROME. (See also
Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia: Saun- ALPHA INTRUSION.)
ders, 1989. pp. 14–23.


alpha activity A sequence of alpha waves of 8 to
13 hertz (cycles per second) seen in recordings on
an electroencephalogram. Alpha activity is an indi- altitude insomnia An acute INSOMNIA that occurs
cation of lightening of sleep and becomes more with the ascent to high altitudes; also known as
prevalent as wakefulness approaches. This activity acute mountain sickness. Altitude insomnia typi-
is a faster rhythm than that seen during SLEEP cally occurs in individuals, such as mountain
STAGES, which most typically consist of theta and climbers, who ascend to levels higher than 4,000
delta activity. (See also ALPHA RHYTHM.) meters (13,200 feet) above sea level. Some symp-
toms may be evident at levels above 2,500 meters
(8,250 feet), although the most predominant symp-
alpha-delta activity Term describing the pres-
toms occur within 72 hours of exposure to higher
ence of the alpha EEG rhythm, which occurs
altitudes. The disorder is characterized by difficulty
simultaneously with the slower delta EEG pattern
in initiating and maintaining sleep, as well as other
of sleep. Alpha-delta activity is typically seen in dis-
symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue.
orders that disrupt nocturnal sleep, such as INSOM-
This disturbance appears to be related to the low
NIA, and is also a characteristic feature of the
level of atmospheric oxygen that produces HYPOX-
EMIA and associated APNEA. The apnea is due to a
post-hypoxemic period of hyperventilation that
alpha infiltration See ALPHA INTRUSION. lowers the carbon dioxide to produce the central
apneic episode.
alpha insertion See ALPHA INTRUSION. People with lung disorders, anemia or impaired
cardiac function are more likely to develop altitude
alpha interruption See ALPHA INTRUSION. insomnia.
12 alveolar hypoventilation

The disorder may be treated by means of RESPI- Ambien See HYPNOTICS.

RATORY STIMULANTS, such as acetazolamide, and
may be improved by breathing a high level of ambulatory monitoring The continuous mea-
inspired oxygen. After a few days at altitude, surement of physiological variables in a patient
changes in body chemistry occur that lead initially who is not confined to bed or a specific room. Typ-
to alkalosis, but the condition gradually corrects ically, ambulatory monitoring employs a portable
itself. Severe hypoxemia at altitude may lead to the recording device that records data while attached
development of cardiac complications, with acute to the patient.
pulmonary edema, and lead to compensatory Ambulatory monitoring techniques have been
changes such as a stimulation of red blood cell pro- used for many years for the continuous measure-
duction. ment of heart rhythm by Holter monitoring. More
Altitude insomnia can be differentiated from recently, ambulatory techniques have been devel-
other sleep or respiratory disorders by means of oped for the continuous recording of ELECTROEN-
polysomnographic investigations. The usual pat- CEPHALOGRAM activity to detect seizures.
tern consists of 10 to 20 seconds of apnea followed Ambulatory monitoring devices have also been
by three to five breaths of hyperventilation, with developed for the measurement of a variety of
associated arousals or awakenings. Arterial blood other physiological variables and the assessment of
gases will demonstrate hypoxemia and reduced sleep disorders.
carbon dioxide levels. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory sleep-wake mon-
The syndrome rapidly resolves itself upon return itoring can determine the presence of the sleep pat-
to lower altitudes. (See also CENTRAL ALVEOLAR tern in patients who have INSOMNIA or patients
SYNDROME, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. monitoring may also be helpful for the daytime
assessment of unintended sleep episodes in patients
Krieger, B.P. et al., “Altitude-Related Pulmonary Disor- with NARCOLEPSY or IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA. Con-
ders,” Critical Care Clinics 15, no. 2 (1999): 265–280.
tinuous monitoring throughout the 24-hour period
Weil, J.V., “Sleep at High Altitudes,” Kryger, M., Roth,
has some advantages over the usual intermittent
T., and Dement, W., eds., The Principles and Practices of
Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. nap testing by means of a MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY
pp. 269–275. TEST, as it detects sleepiness that might be missed
between naps. However, it is less standardized and
therefore less useful for comparison purposes
alveolar hypoventilation Inadequate VENTILATION among patients or for comparing a patient’s status
of the terminal units of the lungs, the alveoli. at different times. Ambulatory monitoring is partic-
Patients who suffer from alveolar hypoventilation ularly useful for the documentation of abnormal
have inadequate gas transfer across the lungs to events and can be used for screening of such dis-
and from the blood and therefore have elevated turbances as episodes of APNEA or PERIODIC LEG
carbon dioxide and lowered oxygen levels in their MOVEMENTS during sleep. This form of monitoring
blood. can be helpful in detecting events that occur infre-
Alveolar hypoventilation can be produced by quently, as patients can wear the monitoring
disorders that affect the lung directly or harm ven- device for several days or even weeks. Activities
tilation because of impaired respiratory drive. Typ- such as SLEEPWALKING, SLEEP TERRORS or abnormal
ically, patients with alveolar hypoventilation have SEIZURE episodes may be detected on ambulatory
deterioration of ventilation during sleep. Daytime recorders.
alveolar hypoventilation may be due entirely to Ambulatory monitoring is also useful for deter-
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS, such as mining disturbed patterns of sleep and wakeful-
LATION SYNDROME. detection of the rest-activity cycle of shift workers
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) 13

and individuals who undergo frequent time zone sionals who are interested in learning more about
changes (see JET LAG). the field of SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE. The associa-
Several ambulatory monitoring systems are cur- tion, through its two branches, is active in profes-
rently available in the United States. Typically they sional education, concerns itself over standards of
consist of a microcomputer digital system that practice, encourages the certification of SLEEP DIS-
monitors respiration, oxygen saturation, electro- ORDER SPECIALISTS and is an accrediting body for
cardiography, and body temperature, position and SLEEP DISORDERS CENTERS.
movement. Some monitors are capable of detecting The primary goals of the American Academy of
electroencephalographic activity for the measure- Sleep Medicine are to facilitate information
ment of sleep. exchange, educate new professionals and train
Ambulatory monitoring has the potential to new practitioners in the area of sleep and its disor-
become the ideal means of recording physiological ders. It establishes, updates and maintains stan-
information from a patient in his usual environ- dards for the evaluation and treatment of human
ment. However, present systems are unable to sleep disorders. It also promotes the role of sleep
measure a number of physiological variables accu- disorders medicine to health professional organiza-
rately, especially given the risk of sensors malfunc- tions, federal and local regulatory bodies, as well as
tioning when the patient is not under constant to federal and private health insurers.
supervision. Another factor limiting its usefulness Members of the American Academy of Sleep
is that the number of physiological variables that Medicine are eligible for: reduced rates on the
can be measured is necessarily limited. When more INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP DISORDERS;
channels of information are recorded, there is a an annual subscription to the professional journal
greater chance of either obtaining erroneous infor- SLEEP, an authoritative international peer review
mation or losing information. While the device is journal of the field of sleep disorders medicine and
recording there may be an error (artifact) in the research; an AASM newsletter; a membership cer-
signal being monitored, which may not be recog- tificate; a membership directory; updated informa-
nized until the study is completed and the infor- tion on governmental agency and insurance
mation is played back. reimbursement policies that affect sleep disorders
Because of the major disadvantages of current medicine; and reduced fees for the annual APSS
ambulatory monitoring, it cannot be applied to scientific meeting, and for courses, seminars and
the routine clinical evaluation of patients with workshops related to the practice of sleep medi-
most sleep disorders. Its usage currently is primar- cine.
ily for screening purposes, follow-up evaluations Membership in the AASM was more than 3,800
after treatment has been initiated, research exper- at the end of 2000. Categories include regular
imentation or for determining patterns of rest membership, affiliate membership, fellowship, and
and activity. (See also ACTIVITY MONITORS , honorary fellowship. Regular membership is open
POLYSOMNOGRAPHY.) to all individuals who hold an M.D., Ph.D., D.D.S.
or other academic degree in the health care field
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and who are active in sleep disorders medicine. An
A multidisciplinary organization formed in 1983 by affiliate membership (student) is offered to individ-
the union of the CLINICAL SLEEP SOCIETY and the uals enrolled in formal training programs that
ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS. Previously upon completion would make them eligible for
called the American Sleep Disorders Association, in regular membership. Fellowship in the American
1999 it was renamed the American Academy of Academy of Sleep Medicine is open only to indi-
Sleep Medicine. The individual member branches viduals who have successfully completed the AMER-
include: clinicians involved in the diagnosis and ICAN BOARD OF SLEEP MEDICINE examination, which
treatment of patients with disorders of sleep and demonstrates their competency in sleep disorders
alertness; scientists involved in basic research of medicine and POLYSOMNOGRAPHY. Honorary fellow-
sleep as well as clinical research; and other profes- ship in the association is reserved for exceptional
14 American Board of Sleep Medicine

individuals who have shown a lifetime contribu- cal sleep disorders and polysomnogram recogni-
tion to the field of sleep disorders medicine or tion. Applicants can take Part II when Part I has
research. This award is held by NATHANIEL KLEIT- been successfully completed. Part II consists of clin-
MAN, Ph.D., and ELIO LUGARESI, M.D. ical and polysomnographic data interpretation and
The AASM confers several awards each year at patient management skills. It consists of record
its annual meeting, including the William C. review, questions and essays. Successful comple-
Dement Academic Achievement Award and the tion of both Part I and Part II leads to certification
The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is To be eligible to apply for board certification in
located at 6301 Bandel Road, Suite 101, Rochester, sleep medicine, applicants must have the following
Minnesota 55901. E-mail:; qualifications:
1. A medical degree (M.D. or D.O.) and an unlim-
ited license to practice medicine in a state, com-
American Board of Sleep Medicine In 1978 the monwealth or territory of the U.S. or Canada.
ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS formed a 2. Successful completion of a residency program
committee to produce an examination for the pur- accredited by the Accreditation Council for
pose of establishing and maintaining standards of Graduate Medical Education, or its equivalent.
individual proficiency in clinical POLYSOMNOGRAPHY. 3. Certification by a primary board that is recog-
This committee, which became the Examination nized by the American Board of Medical Spe-
Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Asso- cialties (ABMS), the Royal College of Physicians
ciation, directed by Helmut S. Schmidt, M.D., had and Surgeons of Canada, the Certificate College
certified 432 physicians and Ph.D.s as ACCREDITED of Family Physicians of Canada, or the equiva-
CLINICAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHERS (ACPs) by the middle lent board for osteopathic medicine.
of 1991. By the end of 2000, some 1,500 sleep spe- 4. One year of training (PGY 3 or later) in sleep
cialists had been board certified in sleep medicine. medicine under the supervision of a diplomate
Culminating many years of planning, the Amer- of the American Board of Sleep Medicine or in
ican Board of Sleep Medicine was incorporated by an accredited fellowship training program.
WILLIAM C. DEMENT, M.D., Ph.D., as an independent, (Waivers may apply.) Graduates of fellowship
nonprofit, self-designated board on January 28, programs in pulmonary medicine or clinical
1991. The 11 directors of the board are nominated neurophysiology can satisfy this requirement
by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE (for- with six full-time months (or the equivalent
merly called the American Sleep Disorders Associ- part-time) of training in a sleep medicine
ation) and other professional associations that have within their subspecialty fellowship, plus six
a significant role in sleep medicine. In order to months of full-time training in sleep medicine.
reflect the fact that sleep medicine is based on a 5. Knowledge of the fundamentals in interpreta-
broad medical field, the board has discontinued the tion and quality assurance of procedures related
term ACP and, instead, refers to its diplomates— to sleep medicine. As a guideline, a minimum
those individuals certified both before and after its experience of interpretation and review of the
establishment as an independent board—as board raw data of 200 POLYSOMNOGRAMS and 25 MUL-
certified sleep specialists. TIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TESTS is suggested. The appli-
The board directs all aspects of the certifying cant should have seen a broad range of patients
process. Committees of the board review appli- with different sleep disorders encompassing a
cants’ credentials and produce and evaluate the minimum of 200 new patients and 200 follow-
two-part examination. Part I is a multiple-choice up patients.
written exam which tests general knowledge of 6. A fully completed application, including a satis-
sleep medicine and polysomnography. It is divided factory evaluation from a board-certified sleep
into three sections: the basic science of sleep, clini- specialist, and three letters of reference.
antidepressants 15

For up-to-date and more specific details on pemoline and strychnine, and the respiratory stim-
examination requirements or for applications, con- ulants doxapram and nikethimide. The central ner-
tact: American Board of Sleep Medicine, 6301 Ban- vous system stimulants that produce arousal are
del Road, Suite 101, Rochester, Minnesota 55901. usually used for the treatment of disorders of
E-mail:; Web: excessive sleepiness, such as NARCOLEPSY and IDIO-
PATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, whereas the respiratory stim-
American Narcolepsy Association (ANA) An ulants are used for disorders such as INFANT SLEEP
independent, not-for-profit organization estab- APNEA. (See also STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.)
lished in 1975 in the San Francisco Bay Area by
nine people who suffered from NARCOLEPSY. Its pur- angina decubitus See NOCTURNAL CARDIAC
pose was to “improve the quality of living of per- ISCHEMIA.
sons who have narcolepsy.” By 1989 the
association member/donor base numbered more anorectics See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.
than 4,000 persons, and ANA maintained contact
with more than 10,000 persons suffering from nar-
colepsy. The ANA provided information and refer-
antidepressants Medications used for the treat-
ment of the psychiatric disorders associated with
ral services nationwide and provided funds for
DEPRESSION. These disorders, previously called
narcolepsy-related sleep research. Volunteers were
affective disorders and currently called mood disor-
recruited for research projects; it provided direct
ders, can have pronounced effects upon sleep.
mail assistance for narcolepsy survey research. Its
INSOMNIA is a typical feature of mood disorders, as
governing board consisted of patients, scientists
are altered sleep-wake patterns. The antidepressant
and industry representatives.
medications can be useful for treating not only the
The executive director of ANA was WILLIAM
BAIRD. The ANA ceased to function in the early
predominant mood disorders but also the underly-
1990s and no longer exists. (See also NARCOLEPSY ing sleep disturbance. The group of antidepressant
medications most commonly used are the SERO-
TONIN reuptake inhibitors; however, other medica-
tions, including the tricyclic antidepressants and
American Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA) the monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, are fre-
See AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE (AASM). quently recommended. In addition to their role in
treating sleep disturbance related to depression, the
amitriptyline See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. antidepressant medications are commonly used for
the treatment of CATAPLEXY in patients who have
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
are a group of medications used for the treatment
of depression. These antidepressant medications
are classified on the basis of their selective blockade
or neuronal reuptake of serotonin (5HT). The
Anafranil See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. SSRIs include agents such as fluoxetine, sertraline
and paroxetine. These newer antidepressants gen-
analeptic medications A group of medications erally have fewer side effects than the older antide-
that stimulate the central nervous system. The pressants. The side effects, if they occur, happen at
term was derived from the Greek word analepsis the start of treatment or after dosage increases.
meaning “to repair.” But the term “analeptics” The SSRIs have little effect upon monoamine
most commonly applies to those medications that uptake systems other than serotonin, and they
stimulate arousal, in particular CAFFEINE and the cause only minimal inhibition of muscarinic
amphetamines, and other stimulants such as cholinergic, histaminergic or adrenergic receptors.
16 antidepressants

Blocking the reuptake of 5HT increases the time increase the amount of stage four sleep (see SLEEP
that 5HT molecules remain in the synapse and STAGES) and markedly reduce the amount of REM
therefore increases the chance that they will bind SLEEP. Amitriptyline typically will suppress the
with 5HT receptors. sleep onset REM period that is commonly seen in
The SSRIs are as effective as the tricyclic antide- patients with depression.
pressants but have a better benefit-to-risk ratio Amitriptyline is given in doses from 10 mil-
because they are relatively safe if overdosed and ligrams to 150 milligrams per day, higher doses
are not cardiotoxic. The most common side effects being preferred for the treatment of endogenous
of the SSRIs are nausea, loose stools, tremor, dry depression, whereas the lower dosages are often
mouth and sexual dysfunction, including reduced effective in treating insomnia that is unrelated to
libido, delayed ejaculation in men and anorgasmia primary depression.
in women. Several adverse effects are dose-related, Side effects of daytime sedation, and anti-
such as anxiety, agitation, akathisia, tremor and cholinergic effects that are typical of all the tricyclic
nausea. antidepressants, include dry mouth, anorexia,
The tricyclic antidepressants are medications sweating, hypotension, tachycardia, urinary reten-
with a three-ringed biochemical structure. Their tion, constipation, blurred vision and sexual dys-
primary use is in improving depression, but they function; such side effects can commonly occur. As
are also used for other psychiatric illnesses, such as with the other tricyclic antidepressants, amitripty-
panic attacks. The main tricyclic antidepressants line can be cardiotoxic and can induce cardiac
used are amitriptyline, clomipramine, imipramine, arrhythmias in patients with cardiac disease.
and protriptyline. Anticholinergic side effects, This drug is not used for the treatment of cata-
such as dry mouth, anorexia, sweating, hypoten- plexy because of its tendency for side effects and its
sion, tachycardia, urinary retention, constipation, sedation. Other tricyclic antidepressants, such as
blurred vision and sexual dysfunction are common. protriptyline and clomipramine, that have little
These side effects limit the usefulness of the tri- sedating effects, are more useful for the treatment
cyclic antidepressants in many patients. of cataplexy. However, the serotonin reuptake
The tricyclics are also commonly used for the inhibitors such as Prozac are commonly used.
treatment of insomnia. Sedating tricyclic medica- Amitriptyline also suppresses ALPHA ACTIVITY in
tions can be used to improve the quality of night- the electroencephalogram. Consequently, the drug
time sleep by reducing awakenings. The has been used in the treatment of patients with
stimulating tricyclic medications, such as protripty- nonrestorative sleep due to FIBROSITIS SYNDROME.
line, can be used during the daytime to reduce the
psychomotor retardation that often occurs in Clomipramine
patients with depression. They may also reduce the Trade name Anafranil, a tricyclic antidepressant
tendency for daytime lethargy and napping in such and a potent serotonin uptake blocker used for the
patients. treatment of depression and the cataplexy caused
The tricyclic antidepressants have a pronounced by narcolepsy.
REM sleep suppressant effect. Once the medication Clomipramine is given in divided doses during
is stopped, there can be a rebound of REM sleep the day, with dosages ranging from 10 to 20 mil-
with enhancement of REM sleep-related phenom- ligrams per day. It is limited by its side effects,
ena, such as NIGHTMARES, SLEEP PARALYSIS or HYPNA- which include sedation, dry mouth, anorexia (loss
GOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. of appetite), hypertension, sweating, tachycardia,
urinary retention, constipation, blurred vision and
Amitriptyline (Elavil) sexual dysfunction.
A tricyclic antidepressant with sedating effects that Clomipramine is commonly used outside of the
is commonly used in the treatment of insomnia United States for the treatment for cataplexy in
due to DEPRESSION. This medication has been patients with narcolepsy. As this agent has power-
shown to decrease the number of awakenings, ful REM-suppressant effects, it is an effective agent
antidepressants 17

for treatment of REM-sleep phenomena. Its effect childhood. This effect is believed to be produced by
on cataplexy appears to be greater than that of delaying the time of urinating till the final morning
most other tricyclic antidepressants. awakening and is not thought to be produced by its
effect on either sleep stages or by its anticholinergic
Trade name Tofranil, it was one of the first tricyclic
antidepressants to be used. It appears to act by Protriptyline
stimulation of the central nervous system and Trade name Vivactil, a tricyclic antidepressant med-
blocks the uptake of norepinephrine at nerve end- ication used for the treatment of depression and
ings. This medication is primarily used for the relief cataplexy in patients with narcolepsy. Protriptyline
of the symptoms of depression, especially endoge- is commonly given in divided doses during the day-
nous depression; however, it is also used for the time in a dose from 15 to 30 milligrams per day. It
treatment of childhood ENURESIS and narcolepsy. is often used for treating cataplexy because of its
Imipramine is available in tablets of 10, 25 and effectiveness and its advantageous stimulant
50 milligrams. Doses of up to 100 milligrams per effects. Although patients report an alerting effect
day are usually required in adults. As the potential of protriptyline, this has not been confirmed by
for cardiac toxicity is greater in children, it should objective testing.
be used in childhood only with caution. Overdosage As with the other tricyclic antidepressants, the
in childhood has been reported to cause death. predominant side effects include the typical anti-
The medication produces mild sedation and cholinergic effects; the tendency to these side
therefore can be given prior to sleep at night, effects limits its usefulness in some patients with
where it can help the quality of sleep by improving cataplexy.
deep stage three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). But Protriptyline reduces REM sleep at night but
there is a marked reduction in REM sleep. Sudden also, because of the stimulant effect, can produce
withdrawal of the medication is frequently accom- an increased number of awakenings and lead to
panied by an increase in REM sleep, with the insomnia if given before nocturnal sleep. It can
development of nightmares and other REM sleep induce cardiac arrhythmias and should be given
phenomena, such as sleep paralysis and hypna- with caution to patients with cardiac disease.
gogic hallucinations. Femoxetine
The main adverse reactions of imipramine are
Has been shown to be useful in the treatment of
related to its cardiotoxicity and anticholinergic
cataplexy in patients with narcolepsy. This agent is
effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision, consti-
less effective than the tricyclic antidepressants but
pation and urinary retention. In addition, central has the advantage of lacking anticholinergic side
nervous system effects, such as confusion, disorien- effects, such as dry mouth, anorexia, hypertension
tation and nightmares with exacerbation of insom- and sweating. This medication is not yet available
nia, can occur. in the United States but is available for use in
When used for the treatment of cataplexy, the Europe, although it is believed that it has only a
medication is usually given in divided doses during small role to play in the treatment of cataplexy,
the daytime. However, the side effect of sedation because more effective agents are available, such as
limits its usefulness in treating narcolepsy. Other protriptyline.
more stimulating tricyclic antidepressants, such as
protriptyline or the serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Fluoxetine
are more useful. Also, because methylphenidate Trade name Prozac, a reuptake blocker. Sixty mil-
(Ritalin) can inhibit the metabolism of imipramine, ligrams given in a single morning dose has been
the dose of imipramine may have to be reduced in shown to be effective in reducing cataplexy in
patients receiving both medications. some patients. However, there have been rare
A nighttime dose of 25 to 50 milligrams has reports of an increase in cataplexy on this medica-
been effective in suppressing nocturnal enuresis in tion, and its use may be limited by the side effect of
18 antihistamines

nausea. Fluoxetine is limited in its usefulness of the agents do not have sedative properties, and are
treatment of cataplexy because other more effec- effective in inhibiting gastric acid secretion. They are
tive agents, such as protriptyline, are available. Flu- commonly used for the treatment of peptic ulcers.
oxetine is an effective antidepressant.
Fluvoxamine Antihistamine primarily used for allergic reactions.
A potent serotonin uptake blocker that is used for Its pronounced tendency to induce sedation and
the treatment of cataplexy in patients with nar- sleepiness leads to its use by parents for the treat-
colepsy. It is an antidepressant medication with ment of childhood INSOMNIA, as a sedative agent.
slight sedative effects, but little anticholinergic However, diphenhydramine has pronounced anti-
effect. It is less effective in treating cataplexy than cholinergic effects (constipation, dry mouth, urine
the tricyclic medication protriptyline. retention and hypotension), and its sedative effect
is a side effect of the histamine blocker. It is not rec-
ommended for routine use as a hypnotic agent.
Trade name Zoloft. A serotonin reuptake inhibitor Other, more specific hypnotics, the BENZODI-
that can disturb sleep. It also can produce REM- AZEPINES, are preferable for patients who have sleep
sleep suppression and BRUXISM. disturbance. Benadryl is the pharmaceutical name
Paroxetine for diphenhydramine.
Trade name Paxil. A serotonin reuptake inhibitor
that can induce rapid eye movements in NREM antipsychotic medication See NEUROLEPTICS.
sleep. It is useful for daytime anxiety disorders.
Nefazodone anxiety A feeling of dread and apprehension
regarding one or more life circumstances. A com-
Trade name Serzone. This medication is sedative
mon cause of sleep disturbance, anxiety may be a
and can be useful for treating insomnia. It can
short-lived, acute stress, such as that related to an
increase REM sleep.
examination or a marital, financial or work prob-
Mirtazapine lem. Acute anxiety in these situations can lead to an
Trade name Remeron. It produces mild sedation ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER, which typically resolves
and can suppress REM sleep. itself within a few days of the acute anxiety, but it
may persist for several weeks. Chronic anxiety often
Venlafaxine indicates an ANXIETY DISORDER and may lead to an
Trade name Effexor. It can induce sedation or enduring and pervasive sleep disorder.
insomnia. Individuals with chronic sleep disorders, such as
Thase, M.E., “Antidepressant Treatment of the Depressed PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA, may become anx-
Patient with Insomnia,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry ious as a secondary feature of the sleep disorder.
60, Suppl. 1 (1999): 28–31. Treatment of the underlying sleep disorder in these
situations usually leads to resolution of the anxiety.
antihistamines Medications that block the effect (See also PANIC DISORDER.)
of HISTAMINE, an irritant agent released in response
to trauma or an allergic reaction. Antihistamines, anxiety disorders Psychiatric disorders character-
particularly diphenhydramine, have sedative prop- ized by symptoms of anxiety and dread, and avoid-
erties and are sometimes used as HYPNOTICS. How- ance behavior. Sleep disturbance commonly occurs
ever, their primary use is as blockers of acute allergic in association with anxiety disorders. Anxiety dis-
reactions, such as allergic skin reactions, nasal aller- orders include PANIC DISORDER, with or without
gies, gastrointestinal allergies or for the treatment of agoraphobia, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disor-
severe whole body allergic reactions, such as ana- der, post-traumatic stress disorder and general anx-
phylaxis or angioedema. Other antihistamine iety disorder.
anxiety disorders 19

Patients with general anxiety disorder typically AZEPINES; the use of ANTIDEPRESSANTS may be
have a sleep onset or maintenance INSOMNIA, with required if elements of depression coexist. Good
frequent awakenings that may be associated with SLEEP HYGIENE and treatment of the sleep distur-
anxiety dreams. Typically there is ruminative bance by behavioral means, such as STIMULUS CON-
thinking that occurs at sleep onset or during the TROL THERAPY or SLEEP RESTRICTION THERAPY, are
awakenings. Individuals often complain of being usually necessary in patients with sleep disturbance
unable to “turn off their minds” because of the because of anxiety disorders.
flood of thoughts and concerns, many of which are
trivial in nature. Following the disturbed night of Case History
sleep, there may be feelings of unrest, tiredness, A 39-year-old male high school teacher had a long
fatigue and sleepiness. Often during the daytime history of sleep disturbance, a condition that had
there is intense anxiety over the thought of deteriorated in the prior three years. In addition to
another impending night of inadequate sleep. teaching, he also had a part-time job as a landlord,
Associated with the daytime anxiety is evidence of which contributed a number of anxieties and
increased muscle tension, restlessness, shortness of rather complicated his life. His sleep pattern was
breath, palpitations, dry mouth, dizziness, trem- disrupted by a constant feeling that he couldn’t
bling and difficulty in concentration. Most patients turn off his mind. He became very annoyed and
with anxiety disorders have little ability to take angry at his inability to fall asleep. Occasionally, he
daytime naps, as the difficulty in being able to fall would perform RELAXATION EXERCISES before getting
asleep persists around the clock. into bed at night and would avoid any activities
The anxiety disorders characteristic of early that might be stimulating or disruptive to his sleep.
adulthood are more common in females than in He usually was unable to sleep for more than an
males. There appears to be a familial tendency for hour at a time before awakening, and then he
general anxiety disorder. Polysomnographic studies would be in and out of sleep for the rest of the
demonstrate a prolonged sleep latency, with fre- night. Occasionally he tried drinking a small
quent awakenings during the night, reduced sleep amount of ALCOHOL to improve his sleep but
efficiency and increased amount of lighter stages stopped this when he found it did not produce any
one and two sleep, with reduced slow wave sleep. benefit. Upon awakening in the morning, he
REM SLEEP latencies are normal although REM sleep would be tired and had difficulty in maintaining
may be reduced in percentage (see SLEEP STAGES). concentration, which affected his conversations.
The chronic nature of anxiety differentiates He found that he would often have to repeat him-
patients with anxiety disorders from those who are self. He became slightly depressed and irritable
experiencing an ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER, which because of the sleep disturbance.
is typically seen in association with acute stress. His problem with initiating and maintaining
Sleep disturbance associated with anxiety disorders sleep was finally diagnosed as secondary to chronic
should be distinguished from that seen in patients anxiety and depression. There was no evidence of
who have PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA; the anx- major depression; the anxiety features were more
iety in psychophysiological insomnia is less gener- prominent. Treatment was initiated by scheduling
alized and is more focused on the sleep his time for sleep within the limits of 10:45 at night
disturbance, which, when effectively treated, leads with an awakening at 6:45 in the morning. With
to resolution of the anxiety. Patients with general- 0.5 milligrams of alprazolam (Xanax; see BENZODI-
ized anxiety disorders have more pervasive anxiety APENES) the sleep disturbances abated but were not
that may persist even though the sleep disturbance resolved. After several weeks of treatment, com-
is otherwise resolved. bined with close attention to his hours, a small
Anxiety disorders are treated either by pharma- dose of sedating antidepressant medication was
cological means or through counseling and psy- added to his treatment. He commenced 50 mil-
chotherapy. Pharmacological agents used to treat ligrams of amitryptiline (see ANTIDEPRESSANTS)
anxiety disorders include HYPNOTICS and BENZODI- taken one hour before sleep.
20 apnea

On the new treatment regime, he dramatically ruption with resulting excessive sleepiness. If the
improved and the quality of sleep was the best he number of apneas becomes frequent enough to
had had in years. In addition, the intermittent feel- produce clinical symptoms and signs, then the
ings of daytime depression were eliminated and he patient may have either an OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
did not suffer from fatigue and tiredness. He was APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYN-
maintained on the medications with strict adher- DROME.
ence to a regular sleeping-waking schedule.
Gillin, J.C., “Are Sleep Disturbances Risk Factors for apnea-hypopnea index The number of obstruc-
Anxiety, Depressive and Addictive Disorders?” tive, central and mixed APNEA episodes, plus the
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Suppl. 393 (1998): number of episodes of shallow breathing (HYPOP-
39–43. NEA), expressed per hour of total sleep time, as
Rosa, R.R., Bonnett, M.M. and Kramer, M., “The Rela- determined by all-night polysomnographic record-
tionship of Sleep and Anxiety in Anxious Subjects,” ing. Most clinicians believe that the apnea-hypop-
Biological Psychology 16 (1983): 119–126.
nea index is a more reliable measure of apnea
Sussman, N., “Anxiety Disorders,” Psychiatric Annals 18
severity than the APNEA INDEX because it monitors
(1988): 134–189.
all three types of respiratory irregularity during
sleep. The apnea-hypopnea index is sometimes
apnea Derived from the Greek word that means referred to as the RESPIRATORY DISTURBANCE INDEX
“want of breath,” apnea has occurred if breathing (RDI).
stops for at least 10 seconds, as detected by airflow
at the nostrils and mouth. Respiratory movement
may or may not be present during an apneic apnea index A measure of APNEA frequency most
episode. Typically there are three forms of apnea, commonly used in determining the severity of res-
depending upon the degree of respiratory move- piratory impairment during sleep. The number of
ment activity: obstructive, central and mixed. obstructive, central and mixed apneic episodes is
Obstructive apnea is associated with upper air- expressed per hour of total sleep time as measured
way obstruction and is characterized by loss of air- by all-night polysomnographic recording. Occa-
flow while respiratory movements remain normal. sionally an obstructive apnea index, which is a
Airflow is usually measured by means of a nasal measure of the obstructive apneas per hour of total
THERMISTOR (a temperature-sensitive metal strip) sleep time, or a central apnea index, is stated. Typ-
that records changes in air temperature with inspi- ically an apnea index of 20 or less is regarded as
ration and expiration, whereas respiratory muscle mild apnea, an index of 20 to 50 as moderate and
movement activity can be measured by means of above 50 as a severe degree of apnea. The term
the electromyogram, strain gauges or by a bellows “apnea index” is only one index of apnea severity
pneumograph. Obstructive apnea is usually accom- because the duration of apneic episodes and sever-
panied by sounds of snoring. ity of associated features, such as oxygen saturation
Central apnea is cessation of airflow associated and the presence of electrocardiographic abnor-
with complete cessation of all respiratory move- malities, are also important in determining apnea
ments. The diaphragm and chest muscles are severity.
immobile. This type of apnea can occur among If the number of episodes of shallow breathing
those who have diseases such as poliomyelitis or during sleep (HYPOPNEA) are added to the apneas in
spinal-cord injuries. calculating the index, then an APNEA-HYPOPNEA
Mixed apnea typically has an initial central INDEX is produced, an index preferred by many
apnea component for about 10 seconds followed by clinicians.
an obstructive component.
Apnea during sleep can produce a lowering of apnea monitor A biomedical device developed
the blood oxygen level, increased blood carbon primarily for detection of episodes of cessation of
dioxide levels, cardiac arrhythmias, and sleep dis- breathing that occur in infants and young children.
apnea of prematurity (AOP) 21

An apnea monitor detects respiratory movement Immaturity of the respiratory system is believed
and heart rhythm. Typically, an apnea monitor is to be the primary cause of apnea of prematurity.
set to signal a breathing pause of 20 seconds or However, this form of apnea can be precipitated by
greater, or an episode of slowing of the heart general anesthesia or the use of other central ner-
rhythm, a rate that is determined according to the vous system depressant medications.
age of the child. Normal healthy infants can have brief apneic
Apnea monitors are usually recommended for pauses, typically between five and 10 seconds in
use on children who have been known to stop duration; however, these episodes are not of clini-
breathing in their sleep. Any subsequent events cal significance and it is the longer apneas associ-
can be detected and will set off an alarm so that the ated with cyanosis and reduction of cerebral blood
parent can check the condition of the child. With flow that are of particular concern.
infants, it often occurs that the alarm will sound The majority of infants born before 31 weeks of
and by the time the parents get to the infant, the gestation will have this form of apnea; the preva-
child has recommenced breathing. However, in lence falls to less than 15% of infants born after 32
some situations the child may need to be stimu- weeks of gestation and older.
lated to start respiration, particularly those children Episodes of apnea may occur infrequently (once
with sleep-related breathing disorders, such as the a week) or can occur several times per hour. The
CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Apnea monitors course of the disordered breathing is shorter the
are not useful for detecting upper airway obstruc- older the child is at birth, and typically the course
tion in association with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP is less than four weeks for infants older than 31
APNEA SYNDROME. weeks gestation.
Apnea monitors do not replace the use of more Apnea of prematurity can be demonstrated by
extensive polysomnographic evaluation when polysomnographic monitoring, which shows
sleep-related breathing disorders are suspected. apneic episodes occurring during both QUIET SLEEP
Polysomnographic monitoring has the advantage and inactive sleep. However, the most severe
of being able to detect upper airway obstructive episodes occur during ACTIVE SLEEP, often in associ-
events as well as determining whether alterations ation with cardiac arrhythmias, such as bradycar-
in ventilation occur during sleep or specific sleep dia.
stages. In addition, polysomnographic monitoring The disorder may produce severe HYPOXEMIA
is able to detect other physiological variables that and require ventilatory support. There is some sug-
may be associated with a respiratory pause, for gestion that infants with apnea of prematurity may
example, the electroencephalographic pattern in a be at high risk of developing SUDDEN INFANT DEATH
child who has epileptic seizures as a cause of respi- SYNDROME (SIDS).
ratory cessation. Treatment is mainly supportive. Assisted venti-
lation and constant respiratory monitoring in a
apnea of prematurity (AOP) Episodes of inter- neonatal intensive care unit may be necessary. (See
rupted breathing present in otherwise healthy, pre- also CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME,
maturely born infants. The breathing pauses are CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, INFANT SLEEP,
typically greater than 20 seconds in duration; how- INFANT SLEEP APNEA, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
ever, shorter pauses may be associated with DROME.)
cyanosis, abrupt pallor or hypotonia. The majority
Durand, M., Cabal, L., Gonzalez, F., Georgia, S., Bar-
of the apneic episodes occur during sleep; however,
beris, C., Hoppenbrouwers, T. and Hodgman, J.E.,
some are associated with movement when the
“Ventilatory Control and Carbon Dioxide Response
infant is awake. Up to 10% of the apneic episodes in Preterm Infants with Idiopathic Apnea,” American
are purely obstructive, with the site of obstruction Diseases of Childhood 139 (1985): 717–720.
being in the pharynx. The episodes always termi- Thach, B., “Sleep Apnea in Infancy and Childhood,”
nate spontaneously and, if necessary, stimulation Medical Clinics of North America 69 (1985):
can assist in promoting ventilation. 1289–1315.
22 arginine vasotocin (AVT)

arginine vasotocin (AVT) A peptide that was solids are taken. Caffeinated beverages are allowed
initially discovered in the pineal gland. This agent only between 3 and 5 P.M. Upon the day of depar-
has a variety of effects, including modification of ture, if the traveler is westbound, he is advised to
conditioned behavior, inhibition of gonadotrophin drink caffeine beverages in the morning before
hormone (sex gland stimulating hormone) release departure. When traveling eastbound, caffeine
and the stimulation of SLOW WAVE SLEEP. Very low beverages are taken between 6 and 12 P.M.
doses of AVT are reported to be effective in increas- The first day in the new environment is one of
ing slow wave sleep in animals. (It is thought that fasting.
the effects may be mediated through the gamma- The Argonne anti-jet-lag diet may be useful for
aminobutyric acid pathways to serotonergic neu- some people; however, many find its pattern of
rons.) feasting and fasting impractical and it has not been
There is evidence in humans to suggest that AVT effective for everyone who has rigidly adhered to
is released during sleep into the cerebrospinal fluid. the plan. (See also DIET AND SLEEP, TIME ZONE
Recent evidence in patients with NARCOLEPSY and CHANGE [JET LAG] SYNDROME.)
other disorders of excessive sleepiness has shown
that sleep, and particularly sleep onset REM peri- arise time Time on the clock after final wake up,
ods, can be increased by the administration of AVT. at which an individual gets out of bed.
These studies suggest that AVT may be involved
primarily in the regulation of REM SLEEP. (See also
GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID, SEROTONIN, SLEEP- arousal A change in the sleep state to a lighter
INDUCING FACTORS.) stage of sleep. Typically, arousal will occur from a
deep stage of non-REM sleep to a lighter non-REM
sleep stage, or from REM sleep to stage one or
Argonne anti-jet-lag diet Developed by Dr.
wakefulness (see SLEEP STAGES). Arousals some-
Charles Ehret of Argonne’s Division of Biological
times result in a full awakening and are often ac-
and Medical Research as part of his studies of bio-
companied by body movement and an increase in
logical rhythms. (The Argonne National Laboratory
heart rate.
is a center of research in energy and fundamental
Arousals occurring from stage three and four
sciences of the United States Department of Energy
and is located in Argonne, Illinois.) The Argonne sleep may be accompanied by the characteristic
anti-jet-lag diet is based upon the finding that high features of AROUSAL DISORDERS, namely, SLEEPWALK-
carbohydrate food, such as pasta, fruit and some
desserts, will produce an increased level of energy these disorders, arousal is followed by an incom-
for about one hour, and subsequently will produce plete waking and the persistence of electroen-
tiredness and sleepiness. Conversely, high protein cephalographic patterns of sleep.
foods, such as fish, eggs, dairy products and meat,
will give a sustained increased level of energy, pos- arousal disorders Disorders of normal AROUSAL.
sibly by its metabolism to catecholamines such as In 1968, ROGER BROUGHTON described four impor-
adrenaline. In addition, caffeine-containing drinks, tant common sleep disorders as abnormalities of
such as coffee, can advance or delay the sleep pat- the arousal process: SLEEP ENURESIS (bedwetting),
tern, depending upon the time they are taken. somnambulism (SLEEPWALKING), SLEEP TERRORS and
The Argonne anti-jet-lag diet consists of a pat- NIGHTMARES. At that time, it was believed that all
tern of feasting and fasting for four days prior to four of these disorders shared common electro-
departure. The first day, breakfast and lunch con- physiological and clinical features.
sist of high protein meals and the evening meal Two of the disorders, somnambulism and sleep
consists largely of carbohydrates. This pattern of terror, most consistently demonstrate the classical
food intake is repeated on the third day. On the feature of the arousal disorders. They occur during
second and fourth days of the diet, fasting occurs so an arousal from slow wave sleep, rather than REM
that only light meals of fruits, soups and selected sleep. Since Broughton’s original description, a
Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS) 23

third disorder, the nightmare, has been shown to Another disorder that may be associated with
occur more typically from REM sleep; and sleep cardiac irregularity is SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED NOCTUR-
enuresis, although occurring from slow wave sleep, NAL DEATH SYNDROME (SUND) which is seen in
can also occur out of other sleep stages. Southeast Asian refugees. In this disorder, sudden
In addition to the sleep stage association, the death occurs during sleep and a cardiac cause is
other major features of the four arousal disorders suspected. Ventricular tachycardia has been
are: (1) the presence of mental confusion and dis- detected in the few patients who have been resus-
orientation during the episode; (2) automatic and citated.
repetitive motor behavior; (3) reduced reaction Patients who have cardiac arrhythmias due
and insensitivity to external stimulation; (4) diffi- solely to heart disease often have an improvement
culty in coming to full wakefulness despite vigor- in the cardiac irregularity during sleep, particularly
ous attempts to awaken the individual; (5) inability during non-REM sleep, when the heart rate slows
to recall the event the next morning (retrograde and the rhythm becomes more stable. During REM
amnesia); and (6) very little dream recall associated sleep there can be an exacerbation of cardiac irreg-
with the event. ularity, particularly during the episode of phasic
Although mentioned by Broughton in his origi- rapid eye movement activity. (See also SLEEP-
has recently been established as another arousal
artifact Interfering electrical signals that occur
Broughton, R., “Sleep Disorders: Disorders of Arousal?” during the recording of sleep. They may be caused
Science 159 (1968): 1070–1078. by the person being studied or by environmental
interference, sometimes from the sleep lab itself,
arrhythmias Heart rhythm irregularities. The and can obscure the information being recorded.
most common cause of sleep-related arrhythmias is Too much artifact may make a sleep recording
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, which pro- impossible to score and analyze and therefore ren-
duces a pattern of slowing and speeding up of the der it useless.
heart (brady-tachycardia). This pattern may be Sixty hertz activity, often due to nearby electri-
picked up on a 24-hour electrocardiographic cal appliances or cables, is a common cause of arti-
recording (for instance, during Holter monitoring). fact during sleep recordings.
The presence of brady-tachycardia during sleep, and
its absence during wakefulness, is a characteristic Ascending Reticular Activating System (ARAS)
feature of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Other A portion of the brain stem and cerebrum involved
cardiac arrhythmias that can occur in association in the maintenance of wakefulness. The cells in this
with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome include area consist of a loose network that forms the cen-
episodes of sinus arrest, lasting up to 15 seconds in tral gray matter of the brain stem.
duration, and tachyarrhythmias, such as ventricular In the 1940s, Morruzi and Magoun discovered
tachycardia (see VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS). Car- that electrical stimulation of the brain stem reticular
diac arrhythmias due to obstructive sleep apnea are formation produced an increase in cortical activa-
believed to be a cause of sudden death during sleep. tion indicative of wakefulness. The ascending retic-
Other disorders that can produce cardiac irregu- ular formation interacts with the brain stem regions
larity during sleep include REM SLEEP-RELATED SINUS for the induction and maintenance of sleep, as well
ARREST. This disorder is characterized by episodes of as the cerebral regions involved in the production of
cardiac pause, lasting several seconds, that occur sleep, thereby producing the sleep-wake cycle. The
during REM sleep in otherwise healthy individuals. Ascending Reticular Activating System anatomically
This disorder may require the implantation of a consists of the brain stem reticular formation,
cardiac pacemaker in order to prevent complete including that of the medullary, pontine and mid-
cardiac arrest. brain levels, as well as the subhypothalamic and
24 ASDA sleep code

thalamic regions. Excitation of these areas leads to 1978 at the annual convention of the ASSOCIATION
cortical activity by means of a diffuse thalamic pro- FOR THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP and
jection system that covers the entire cerebral cortex. the ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS.
In addition to the sleep-related functions, the The main aims of the APT are to develop stan-
reticular formation of the brain stem contains those dards of professional competence within the area
neurons involved in the respiratory, cardiovascular of polysomnographic technology, to provide and
and other autonomic systems. administer a registration process for polysomno-
graphic technologists, to help technologists develop
Moruzzi, G. and Magoun, H.W., “Brain Stem Reticular
Formation and Activation of the EEG,” Electroen-
the finest possible patient care and safety and pro-
cephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 1 (1949): duce the highest quality of polysomnographic data,
455–473. to provide a means of communication among tech-
nicians and others working in the field of SLEEP DIS-
ORDERS MEDICINE and sleep research, to support and
ASDA sleep code A number used in the Ameri-
advance the professional identities of technologists
can Sleep Disorders Association (ASDA) diagnostic
in health care and to standardize polysomno-
and coding manual that allows information, such
graphic procedures.
as associated symptoms, and the severity and dura-
The Association of Polysomnographic Tech-
tion of particular disorders, to be coded for research
nologists started with about 50 members in 1978
and by 1999 had increased its membership to almost
2,000. Nearly 3,000 technicians have passed the
association’s registration examination and are regis-
tered polysomnographic technologists (R.P.S.G.T.).
Aserinsky, Eugene Considered one of the pio-
neers of modern sleep research, Dr. Aserinsky Association of Professional Sleep Societies
(1921–98), in 1952, while a graduate student at the (APSS) Founded in 1985, a federation of two
University of Chicago working in the laboratory of professional sleep societies: the SLEEP RESEARCH
NATHANIEL KLEITMAN in the Department of Physiol-
ogy, discovered the presence of the RAPID EYE MOVE- MEDICINE. Although it was an original member of
TECHNOLOGISTS (APT) is no longer a member.
Association for the Psychophysiological Study of APSS organizes and implements an annual
Sleep Founded in Chicago in 1961, at which time national scientific and clinical meeting. The associ-
it consisted of only a few interested sleep re- ation was specifically created to represent the com-
searchers. The first meeting outside of Chicago was mon interests of sleep researchers and sleep
held in 1963 at the Downstate Medical Center in disorders medicine, and to provide a single body for
Brooklyn, New York. By 1964, Association for the representation to the general public and the gov-
Psychophysiological Study of Sleep had become the ernment. Dr. WILLIAM C. DEMENT of Stanford Uni-
official name of the organization. versity was the first chairman of APSS.
In 1983, the Association for the Psychophysio-
logical Study of Sleep changed its name to the SLEEP Association of Sleep Disorder Centers (ASDC)
RESEARCH SOCIETY. Founded in 1975 and accredited its first centers in
1977. The first sleep disorder center to be accred-
Association of Polysomnographic Technologists ited by the ASDC was the Sleep-Wake Disorders
(APT) Founded in 1978 by Peter A. McGregor, Unit of Montefiore Medical Center in New York.
chief polysomnographic technologist at the Sleep- The two other disorder centers accredited in the
Wake Disorders Center of Montefiore Medical Cen- first year of the association were at Stanford Uni-
ter in New York. An organizational meeting of versity in Palo Alto and at Ohio University in
polysomnographic technologists was held in April Columbus.
awakening epilepsies 25

The primary function of the ASDC was to becomes deeper and is typically absent during
develop accreditation standards and guidelines to REM sleep.
ensure that the highest level of care would be pro-
vided by the sleep disorder centers. In 1987, the autogenic training A behavioral technique used
Association of Sleep Disorder Centers was merged in the treatment of INSOMNIA. A form of self-hyp-
with the CLINICAL SLEEP SOCIETY into one organiza- nosis, autogenic training conditions patients to
tion, the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE concentrate on sensations of heaviness and
(AASM). There were 400 sleep disorder centers warmth in the limbs, thus inducing sleepiness.
accredited by ASDA as of 2000. The American Although some studies have questioned how effec-
Sleep Disorders Association is one of several mem- tive this technique is for all patients, it seems that
bers of the federation known as the ASSOCIATION OF at least some are helped by it. (See also BEHAVIORAL
RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS. automatic behavior Unconscious psychological
and physical actions. Such behavior includes repet-
asymptomatic polysomnographic finding Any itive movements typical of some forms of SLEEP-
asymptomatic abnormality detected by RELATED EPILEPSY. Automatic behavior can also
polysomnography that when present in other occur with normal activities, such as driving, and is
patients can be symptomatic. For example, PERI- seen in patients with NARCOLEPSY and other forms
ODIC LEG MOVEMENT can produce symptoms associ- of severe sleepiness. In automatic behavior, an
ated with INSOMNIA or EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS; individual may perform complex normal activities,
however, in many otherwise healthy individuals, yet have amnesia for these acts.
periodic leg movements may be asymptomatic.
These asymptomatic features may be detected dur- awakening A change from non-REM or REM
ing polysomnographic monitoring performed for SLEEP to the awake state or WAKEFULNESS. Wakeful-
other reasons, for example, for impotence or for ness is characterized by fast, low-voltage EEG activ-
unrelated sleep disorders, such as nocturnal ity with both alpha waves and beta waves. There is
epilepsy or SLEEPWALKING. Other asymptomatic an increase in tonic EMG activity and rapid eye
polysomnographic findings include infrequent movements, and eye blinks occur. An awakening is
episodes of obstructive or CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA and always accompanied by a change in the level of
FRAGMENTARY MYOCLONUS. consciousness to the alert state. (See also NREM-REM
atonia The absence of muscle activity. Skeletal
muscle, even in the resting state, has a degree of awakening epilepsies Term referring to epileptic
muscle activity that maintains the tension in mus- seizures that occur during WAKEFULNESS as com-
cles (muscle tone). A reduction in muscle tone pared to epilepsies that occur during sleep. The
causes the muscle to relax and become weak and most common form of awakening epilepsies are
unable to maintain tension. Atonia is typically generalized epilepsies, such as tonic-clonic epilepsy
seen in a muscle that is removed from its neuro- or petit mal epilepsy. In addition, some forms of
logical input, such as when a nerve is severed; it is juvenile myoclonic epilepsy occur upon awaken-
also seen as a characteristic feature of REM SLEEP ing.
when all skeletal muscles, except for the inner ear The awakening epilepsies are contrasted with
muscles, the eye muscles and the respiratory the sleep epilepsies, which primarily consist of gen-
muscles, have absent tone. In general, muscle eralized tonic-clonic SEIZURES or complex partial
tone is highest in wakefulness, reduces as sleep seizures. (See also SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY.)
background activity See BASELINE. rebound in slow wave and REM sleep after termi-
nation of barbiturate use.
barbiturates Medications used as hypnotic The development of a cycle of tolerance, abuse
agents since the turn of the century; about 50 are and dependence is the main cause for the with-
available commercially. Since the 1960s, barbitu- drawal of barbiturates from common prescription
rates have largely been replaced by the BENZODI- use. Barbiturates can also depress respiration and
AZEPINES because the latter have less potential for may exacerbate SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISOR-
drug addiction and a reduced risk of death from DERS. Another effect of barbiturates is the induc-
overdose. Yet, despite disadvantages of barbitu- tion of microsomal enzymes, which degrade or
rates, they are effective hypnotic agents although otherwise alter other medications a patient may be
rarely prescribed now. The most commonly pre- taking.
scribed barbiturates include amyobarbital (Amy- Typical side effects of barbiturates include: the
tal), pentobarbital (Nembutal) and secobarbital sedative effects, which may impair performance for
(Seconal). up to 24 hours after their administration; excite-
Barbiturates depress the central nervous system ment, with an intoxicated or euphoric feeling; and
and therefore can be very toxic in high doses, pro- irritability and temper changes. These effects are
ducing coma and even death. Clinically they pro- paradoxical in that barbiturates can induce excite-
duce a range of effects from mild sedation through ment rather than sedation; they are a more com-
sleep induction. Phenobarbital is commonly used mon problem in the geriatric age group (see
as an effective anticonvulsive agent. Short-acting, ELDERLY AND SLEEP). (See also HYPNOTICS.)
intravenous barbiturates are used for general anes-
baseline Term describing the usual or normal
Hypnotic barbiturates have profound effects
state of an investigative variable. The baseline state
upon sleep. They decrease SLEEP LATENCY, reduce
implies that there is a change in amplitude in the
the number of sleep stage shifts to WAKEFULNESS,
variable, typically due to an experimental manipu-
and reduce stage one sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). The
lation. The term is often used for the first night of
drug also increases the amount of fast EEG beta
POLYSOMNOGRAPHY prior to the application of a CON-
activity throughout the sleep recording. SLOW WAVE
SLEEP is generally reduced in amount; however,
phenobarbital sometimes increases stage four sleep
in healthy individuals. The REM SLEEP latency is basic rest-activity cycle (BRAC) In 1960,
increased, and there is reduction in the total NATHANIEL KLEITMAN first suggested that a cycle of
amount of REM sleep, the number of REM sleep activity and rest occurs throughout a 24-hour
cycles and the density of rapid eye movements dur- period. His original suggestion was based upon rec-
ing REM sleep. ognizing a periodicity in the feeding intervals of
Tolerance to the beneficial hypnotic effect of the infants. Kleitman had noticed that there were four
medication generally occurs within two weeks of cycles of feeding and rest during the day, and five
continuous use. There are variable effects of the at night. Similar cycles of behavior have been

beds 27

demonstrated in adults for many activities, such as Species while lying in bed, and Benjamin Franklin is
eating, drinking and smoking. The NREM-REM SLEEP reported to have had four beds in his bedroom so
CYCLE of approximately 90 minutes in nocturnal he could move to a fresh bed whenever he felt the
sleep and the cycle of alertness as determined by need. Lawrence of Arabia is reported to have slept
pupillary measures are other examples. usually in a sleeping bag, and Charles Dickens
The periodicity of the basic rest-activity cycle rearranged the bed so that the head was always
may vary among species and appears to be 23 min- pointing to the north.
utes in cats, which correlates with the self-feeding In recent years, the bed has undergone some
cycle as well as the non-REM-REM sleep cycle. The modern changes. Mattresses have been improved
longer cycle of 72 minutes has been determined in with the use of inner springs. The more typical sin-
monkeys. The human basic rest-activity cycle is gle-sized bed has given way to queen- or king-size
approximately 96 minutes in adults. beds. Water beds have been popular, particularly
This basic rest-activity cycle is believed to be with young adults, and various forms are available,
determined by a central nervous system mecha- some with a single water-filled bag and others with
nism. Studies in cats have shown that lesions in the numerous tubes of water contained within a
basal forebrain of cats will alter the period of the padded mattress covering.
sleep-wake cycle but do not alter the basic rest- The accessories to the bed have also developed,
activity cycle, suggesting that the underlying basic with some beds having built-in electronic equip-
rest-activity cycle is independent of sleep and ment so that a person can lie in bed and watch tele-
wakefulness. vision, or listen to stereophonic music that can be
adjusted by remote control.
beds There was probably a time in the early It is evident that if someone needs to sleep, he or
Neolithic period when a transition occurred from she can sleep on any surface. During wartime, sol-
sleeping on the ground to sleeping in a bed. The diers have slept under the most arduous conditions
change to sleeping in a bedroom occurred around in trenches, exposed to the weather and the noise
the time of the Sun King of France, Louis XIV, who of gunfire. In many primitive cultures, the bed con-
developed a separate room for sleeping, which was sists of a matting placed on the floor of a room
in a very prominent position in his palace. Prior to inside a dwelling or even on the ground exposed to
that time, most people would sleep in a communal the environment.
room. For most westerners, selecting a bed or a pillow
The kings and queens of ancient days often had is a matter of personal preference. However, cer-
varied types of beds, ranging from flat tables with tain physical concerns, such as height, should be
wooden headrests to cushions on the floor or beds taken into consideration; very tall or heavyset per-
encrusted with gold and jewels. In the Middle sons may need larger beds to comfortably accom-
Ages, the typical bed consisted of pallets of straw; modate their body size. The firmness or softness of
however, the wealthy developed ornate canopied a mattress is also a matter of taste. (See SLEEP SUR-
beds with thick hangings to prevent drafts in oth- FACE.)
erwise austere castles. Whether or not sheets are used on a bed, as well
Louis XIV would hold court while lying in his as the type of material (cotton, satin, combination
bed, which was placed in a key position in his fabrics), is another matter of personal taste, as well
palace so it was more like a public room. At that as whether both a bottom and top, or just a bottom,
time, beds became more elaborate and were often sheet are used.
regarded as prized items to be passed down Since persons adapt to their typical bed, a
through the family. change in a bed may require a period of adjust-
Nowadays, beds are used for a variety of activi- ment. Hence vacationers will complain they failed
ties, including writing, reading, watching television to get a good night’s sleep, even in the most com-
and sexual intimacy, as well as sleeping. Charles fortable bed in the finest hotel, simply because the
Darwin is reported to have written his Origin of bed is unfamiliar. Similarly, infants changing from
28 bedtime

a crib to a bed for the first time may require a ation in bedtime hours—say, from 11 P.M. for adults
period of time to adjust to the new bed and mat- on a workday night to 1 or 2 A.M. on weekend
tress. nights, or for children from 8 P.M. on a school night
If someone has difficulties initiating sleep, it to 11 P.M. on a weekend night—may make adjust-
may be better to restrict the number of non-sleep- ing to the weekday bedtime hour difficult on Sun-
related activities that are associated with the bed. day night. The resulting difficulty in falling asleep
For example, children who have difficulty falling on Sunday night is often called SUNDAY NIGHT
asleep may need to have distracting toys or books INSOMNIA, and the difficulty awakening on Monday
removed from their beds, or from the area imme- morning is called the MONDAY MORNING BLUES. Too
diately surrounding the bed. much variation in bedtime or waketime may cause
Finding a comfortable position in bed for sleep- a form of insomnia called INADEQUATE SLEEP
ing can be influenced by such factors as pregnancy HYGIENE, if mild, or IRREGULAR SLEEP-WAKE PATTERN,
or back problems. During pregnancy, it may be if severe.
necessary to use pillows under the stomach and Bedtimes for a young child have to be set by the
between the knees and thighs to enable a woman parent or caretaker, as these children are too young
to sleep on her side, a more comfortable position to understand the need to ensure an adequate
for some than sleeping on the back. A larger bed duration of sleep. If the parent does not establish
may also help the pregnant woman to spread out appropriate bedtimes and waketimes, LIMIT-SETTING
more as her increasing size makes a smaller bed SLEEP DISORDER may result.
uncomfortable. Those with back problems might be If a child finds a particular bedtime ritual help-
in less agony if they avoid sleeping on their stom- ful in getting to sleep, such as clutching a special
achs and sleep on a firm surface, and those with stuffed animal or a blanket, using a night-light in
breathing problems might find their breathing is the room or listening to a particular kind of music,
improved if they sleep on their sides. (See also it may be helpful to bring those props along when
SLEEP HYGIENE.) sleeping away from home for any period of time.
But if a particular bedtime ritual becomes a major
Hales, Diane, The Complete Book of Sleep. Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1981.
endeavor and sleep is markedly disturbed without
it, then a form of insomnia called SLEEP ONSET ASSO-
bedtime The time when an individual attempts
to fall asleep, not the time when an individual gets
into bed, which may not be the same. Typically, bed-wetting See SLEEP ENURESIS.

bedtime is associated with the time that the bed-

room light is turned off in anticipation of sleep. behavioral treatment of insomnia The use of
Especially for young children, bedtime rituals nonpharmacological techniques to improve night-
are thought to ease the transition from wakeful- time sleep. Behavioral treatments can be useful for
ness to sleep. Activities to help the child wind most patients who have INSOMNIA, even if it is due
down from wakefulness to sleep include soft music, to a physical or organic cause. However, these
such as lullabies, either prerecorded and played on treatments are most useful for the psychophysio-
a tape recorder, or sung by a parent, or reading or logical forms of insomnia or insomnia related to
telling a story. Children or adults may find that tak- psychiatric disorders, particularly ANXIETY DISOR-
ing a bath immediately before bedtime can produce DERS.
relaxation and assist the ability to fall asleep. Behavioral treatments include SLEEP HYGIENE,
The ideal bedtime is tied to the anticipated wake specific sleep behavior programs, RELAXATION EXER-
up time the next morning. Thus, on a weekday CISES to reduce arousal, and techniques to reduce
bedtime may be earlier than over the weekend. excessive rumination during sleep, including COG-
Consistency in the precise bedtime, however, helps NITIVE FOCUSING, SYSTEMIC DESENSITIZATION, PARA-
to regulate sleep and wakefulness. Too wide a vari- DOXICAL TECHNIQUES and SLEEP RESTRICTION THERAPY.
benign neonatal sleep myoclonus 29

There is an increase in the use of behavioral Benign epilepsy with Rolandic spikes may have
techniques in the management of chronic insom- a hereditary predisposition and usually is a benign
nia as physicians become warier of hypnotic med- form of epilepsy, lasting only about four years. Its
ications. In fact, hypnotic medications are now course appears to be independent of whether the
recommended only for transient use, particularly disorder is treated or not.
in patients who have situational or transient The clinical features of the epilepsy include gen-
insomnia. Behavioral techniques get to the source eralized tonic-clonic seizures that occur in about
of the sleep disturbance and prevent the continua- 25% of patients; more commonly, focal seizures
tion of poor practices that maintain the insomnia. involve the face, with twitching on one side and
Typically these techniques are utilized along with sometimes jerking movements of a limb.
other treatments, particularly in patients with PSY- If a treatment is required, phenytion is regarded
CHIATRIC DISORDERS who may need specific medica- as the most effective anticonvulsant and is pre-
tions, to treat the psychiatric disorders. (See also ferred over the use of barbiturates. (See also SLEEP-
Spielman, A.J., Caruso, L.S. and Glovinsky, P.B., “A
Behavioral Perspective on Insomnia Treatment,” Psy- benign neonatal sleep myoclonus An abnormal
chiatric Clinics of North America 10 (1987): 541–554. form of jerking that occurs in newborn infants. This
asynchronous jerking (MYOCLONUS) occurs primar-
Belgian Association for the Study of Sleep (BASS) ily during quiet or SLOW WAVE SLEEP, in clusters of
Founded in 1982, the Belgian Association for the four or five at a time, and recurs approximately
Study of Sleep is one of a number of sleep societies once every second throughout sleep. Each
that has been founded around the world to pro- myoclonic episode lasts between 40 and 300 mil-
mote sleep research and the development of clini- liseconds and causes jerking of the arms or legs,
cal sleep disorders medicine. The first society to be particularly the distal muscle groups. More major
founded outside the United States was the EURO- movements can cause the whole body to move.
PEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, in 1971. (See also Usually the jerks occur asynchronously in a pattern
INTERNATIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES.) that varies among infants.
This jerking usually lasts for only a few days or,
Benadryl See ANTIHISTAMINES. at the most, a few months. It always has a benign
course, and its cause is unknown. No treatment is
benign epilepsy with Rolandic spikes (BERS) An necessary as this disorder always spontaneously
unusual form of epilepsy that occurs primarily dur- resolves. It can affect both male and female infants
ing non-REM sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). This disor- and usually occurs within the first week of life.
der, which is more common in children, has an There is no evidence of any underlying bio-
onset between four and 13 years of age, and pro- chemical or neurological abnormality.
duces clinically-obvious SEIZURES in about 60% of Benign neonatal sleep myoclonus needs to be
children with the abnormal encephalographic pat- differentiated from neonatal epileptic SEIZURES that
tern. A typical pattern consists of focal spikes that most commonly occur in association with bio-
occur at a rate of five to 10 per minute, which can chemical or infective causes. Drug withdrawal can
be present during WAKEFULNESS and REM SLEEP but also be a cause of similar movements.
increase in frequency during non-REM sleep. In Other forms of jerking, such as infantile spasms,
non-REM sleep, the manifestations can become commonly occur after the first month of life and
generalized, causing the clinical seizures. In addi- therefore can be easily differentiated from benign
tion to the focal spikes, there can be spike activity, neonatal sleep myoclonus. Infantile spasms also
with slow waves, that appears like the more typical have a specific electroencephalographic pattern
spike and slow wave pattern characteristic of termed hypsarrhythmia, which does not occur in
absence or petit mal epilepsy. benign neonatal sleep myoclonus.
30 benign snoring

Other movement disorders that occur during slight variations of this basic structure are currently
sleep include the benign infantile myoclonus of in clinical use.
Lombroso and Fejerman, which usually appears The first primarily hypnotic benzodiazepine,
after the third month of life and during wakeful- introduced in 1970, was flurazepam. The three
ness, not during sleep. PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT major benzodiazepine hypnotic agents currently in
DISORDER is typically seen in older children and use in the United States are the long-acting flu-
adults; the movements are of longer duration and razepam (Dalmane), the intermediate-acting tema-
are not true myoclonic episodes. The FRAGMENTARY zepam (Restoril) and the short-acting triazolam
MYOCLONUS of non-REM sleep produces a similar (Halcion).
twitch-like muscle jerk; however, this disorder per- In addition to their hypnotic effect, benzodi-
sists during non-REM sleep and is not typically azepines are also effective muscle relaxants and
associated with observable movements such as is anti-epileptic medications and can be used to
seen in benign neonatal sleep myoclonus. induce general anesthesia. Other benzodiazepine
hypnotics commonly used outside of the United
Coulter, D.L. and Allen, R.J., “Benign Neonatal Sleep
Myoclonus,” Archives of Neurology 39 (1982): States include flunitrazepam, nitrazepam, brotizo-
191–192. lam, midazolam and quazepam.
The benzodiazepine effect on the waking EEG is
characterized by a decrease in ALPHA ACTIVITY with
benign snoring See PRIMARY SNORING.
an increase in the low-voltage, fast beta activity.
The increase in beta activity appears to correlate
benzodiazepine receptors Specific receptors for with the anti-anxiety effects of the benzodi-
the benzodiazepine medications appear to exist in azepines.
different areas of the central nervous system, pri- In general, the benzodiazepines tend to decrease
marily in the cerebral cortex. These receptors are SLEEP LATENCY and reduce the number of awaken-
associated with GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID (GABA) ings and the amount of wakefulness that occurs
receptors, and it appears that the BENZODIAZEPINES during the major sleep episode. The amount of
modulate GABAergic transmission. It is believed stage one sleep is usually decreased and the time
that there may be two types of benzodiazepine spent in non-REM stage two sleep is increased. The
receptor, although this is unclear. However, it amount of stage three and four (slow wave) sleep
appears that the interaction between benzodi- is reduced as is the total amount of REM sleep.
azepines and GABA is mediated through the ben- REM sleep latency is usually increased and the fre-
zodiazepine receptors, and that this interaction is quency of the rapid eye movements during REM
important in the induction and maintenance of sleep is reduced.
sleep. The effect of benzodiazepines on sleep gradually
diminishes over a few nights of consecutive use. If
benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines were first the medication is abruptly stopped after several
introduced in the 1960s, primarily for their anti- weeks of chronic use there may be a REBOUND
anxiety effect. The first agent to be introduced was INSOMNIA that typically lasts one or two nights. This
chlordiazepoxide, which had little hypnotic effect effect can be minimized by instituting a gradual
but appeared to be an effective anti-anxiety agent. withdrawal of medication.
The benzodiazepines were preferred over the pre- The benzodiazepines appear to have their central
viously-used barbiturate sedative medications nervous system effect by increasing neural inhibi-
because of a decreased tendency to produce fatal tion that is mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid
central nervous system depression, drug abuse and (GABA). The safety of the benzodiazepine hyp-
toxic side effects. The term “benzodiazepine” refers notics over the barbiturates may be because of this
to the group structure, which is composed of a ben- effect upon the GABA inhibitory neurotransmitters,
zene ring fused to a seven-membered diazepine whereas the barbiturates have their effect by
ring. Approximately 25 benzodiazepines that are inhibiting excitatory neurotransmitter action.
benzodiazepines 31

The benzodiazepines have a slight effect on sup- time and reduces intermittent wakefulness. Subjec-
pression of respiration and are particularly con- tive reports indicate that flurazepam can improve
traindicated in the treatment of patients with sleep quality, depth and duration. The most pro-
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS. There are only nounced effects of flurazepam can be demonstrated
minor cardiovascular effects of the benzodi- for the first one or two nights, and longer term
azepines, such as reduction of blood pressure and studies have shown improved sleep for at least four
increase in heart rate. weeks.
The effectiveness of the benzodiazepine hyp- Flurazepam has a long-acting metabolite,
notics depends upon their rapidity of onset of desalkylflurazepam, which has a half-life of
action, which is effected by absorption and passage between 40 and 103 hours. The hypnotic effects of
through the blood brain barrier. Ideally the benzo- flurazepam are partly related to the activity of this
diazepine hypnotics should be eliminated by the metabolite and therefore residual effects are likely;
next morning; however, a slow rate of elimination accumulation of the metabolite can occur with
and metabolism of long-acting metabolites may be continuous ingestion. Accumulation is of particular
a disadvantage of some benzodiazepine hypnotics, concern in the elderly in whom excretion of the
such as flurazepam. Untoward effects of the benzo- drug may be slowed. Conversely, the long-acting
diazepines include light-headedness, fatigue, effect may be useful in some patients, who have a
reduced reaction time, motor incoordination, high degree of anxiety, where mild daytime seda-
ataxia and impaired mental and psychomotor func- tion is useful. However, the adverse effects of flu-
tions. There can be confusion, dysarthria, retro- razepam are primarily related to the excessive
grade amnesia, dry mouth and a bitter taste. daytime sedation.
Benzodiazepines may interact with alcohol to pro-
duce more severe sedation and this effect of the
benzodiazepines may be most prominent in the An intermediate-acting benzodiazepine hypnotic
elderly. medication used primarily for the treatment of
Benzodiazepines have a low incidence of abuse insomnia. The majority of patients who take
and dependency; however, increasing dosages and temazepam find that they initially have a good or
the development of a HYPNOTIC-DEPENDENT SLEEP very good response; however, there is not a con-
DISORDER can occur. sistently beneficial response. This drug is processed
The benzodiazepines are most commonly used in two forms, one with a soft gelatin capsule,
for the treatment of either insomnia related to anx- which enhances the onset of action and therefore
iety or PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA. The med- is of most benefit for sleep onset insomnia, and a
ications are preferably used for transient or hard gelatin capsule form, which has a slower rate
short-term insomnia and are best avoided in the of absorption and therefore daytime sedative
management of long-term chronic insomnia. Tran- effects can occur. The soft capsule form is currently
sient forms of insomnia, such as those due to JET available only in Europe; the hard capsule form is
LAG or SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER, and sleep dis- available in the United States. Temazepam is avail-
turbance associated with acute situational stress or able in 15 or 30 milligram capsules, and the usual
anxiety, for example an ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISOR- dose is either 15 or 30 milligrams taken before
DER, can also be helped by a short course of a hyp- bedtime. Restoril is the brand name for
notic benzodiazepine. temazepam.
Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated
Flurazepam that temazepam produces a reduced sleep latency
A long-acting benzodiazepine hypnotic agent. The and increased total sleep time. The number of wak-
pharmaceutical name is Dalmane. The medication ing episodes is decreased. The hypnotic effects of
is available in 15 and 30 milligrams, and a typical temazepam appear to be reduced after several
dose is 15 or 30 milligrams before bedtime. Flu- nights of continuous usage; however, benefits have
razepam reduces sleep latency, increases total sleep been demonstrated up to at least five weeks.
32 bereavement

The most common side effects of temazepam are tion, ataxia, dizziness and behavioral disturbances
due to the residual effects of the medication at or have also been described.
soon after the time of awakening in the morning. Clonazepam is available in 0.5, 1 and 2 mil-
These effects are the usual sedative effects of the ligram tablets. The usual starting dose is 0.5 milli-
benzodiazepine hypnotics. gram and the usual maintenance dose is 1
A short-acting benzodiazepine hypnotic medica- Alprazolam
tion used for the treatment of insomnia. Triazolam, A benzodiazepine that has been used for the treat-
with the brand name of Halcion, is available in ment of anxiety and is effective in suppressing panic
tablets of 0.0625, 0.125 and 0.25 milligram. The attacks. The trade name for alprazolam is Xanax.
rapid onset of action is particularly useful for sleep-
onset insomniacs, and its short half-life of 2.6 Diazepam
hours is beneficial in preventing daytime sedation. A benzodiazepine that is utilized as a sedative
Patient studies have generally shown a benefit on agent. It has little hypnotic properties, although it
sleep latency and the quality of nighttime sleep; has been demonstrated to be effective in the treat-
however, early morning awakening may show lit- ment of insomnia due to anxiety disorders. Dia-
tle improvement with triazolam. zepam has a long half-life, and in the elderly it may
Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated a accumulate and produce daytime effects, such as
reduction in sleep latency, an increase in total sleep lethargy and sleepiness. Diazepam is used primarily
time, and reduced wake time during the night. for sleep disturbances associated with anxiety dis-
Sleep efficiency is increased. orders and is rarely used today for its hypnotic
Triazolam can improve alertness during the day properties. The pharmaceutical name for diazepam
following the night of administration, as demon- is Valium.
strated by MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TESTING. How- Nitrazepam
ever, there are also reports of triazolam increasing A benzodiazepine hypnotic medication used for the
anxiety, and retrograde amnesia can occur, but typ- treatment of INSOMNIA. It is not available in the
ically with the 0.5 milligram dosage. The recom- United States but is commonly used in Europe. The
mended dosage for geriatric patients is 0.125 brand name of nitrazepam is Mogodon.
milligram or less per night. Nitrazepam has been shown to increase total
Triazolam has also been shown to be effective in sleep time and reduce the number of nocturnal
a variety of sleep disorders other than insomnia, awakenings. There is also a reduction in body
such as suppression of the parasomnia activity, movement during sleep. The sleep stages are
SLEEP TERRORS and somnambulism (SLEEPWALKING), altered by nitrazepam, with an increase in SPINDLE
for instance. It also appears to be an effective agent sleep and spindle rate, and electroencephalo-
for treatment of PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER, graphic beta activity. Total REM sleep is initially
particularly when it is associated with EXCESSIVE decreased by nitrazepam with an increase in the
SLEEPINESS. REM sleep latency and a reduction in REM density.
Clonazepam There is also an increase in electroencephalo-
graphic beta activity during REM sleep.
A long-lasting benzodiazepine commonly used for
the treatment of epilepsy. However, clonazepam is Nicholson, A.N., “Hypnotics: Clinical Pharmacology and
also used for the treatment of some sleep disorders, Therapeutics,” Kryger, M.H., Roth, T. and Dement,
such as periodic limb movement disorder and REM W.C., eds., The Principles and Practice of Sleep Disorders
SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER. The brand name of clon- Medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 219–227.
azepam is Klonopin.
The main side effects of clonazepam are drowsi- bereavement It is not unusual for the death of a
ness, sleepiness, fatigue and lethargy. Incoordina- loved one to be the precipitating cause of SHORT-
biological clocks 33

TERM INSOMNIA. If a spouse with whom one has ness, the EEG frequency slows, and if the eyes are
shared a bed or a bedroom has died, a person may closed, alpha activity of 13 hertz or lower is typi-
find it hard to fall asleep alone. This type of short- cally seen. (See also ALPHA RHYTHM.)
usually resolves itself within a few weeks. Contin- Billiard, Michel Dr. Michel Billiard is a professor
ued insomnia may produce conditioned associa- of neurology in the School of Medicine of Mont-
tions and lead to a PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA. pellier University (France) as well as director of the
Bereavement is one indication for the use of short- Sleep Disorders Center of Gui De Chauliac Medical
term HYPNOTICS to prevent such a conditioned in- Center, Montpellier. He was secretary of the Euro-
somnia from developing. The bereavement may be pean Sleep Research Society (1978–1984).
helped by consulting a bereavement counseling Dr. Billiard’s main sleep research contributions
center or a therapist. are in the areas of narcolepsy, periodic hypersom-
nia and epilepsy and sleep.
Berger, Hans The first person to measure and
Billiard, M., Quera Salva, M., DeKoninck, J., Besset, A.,
record brain electrical activity, Hans Berger Touchon, J. and Cadilhac, J., “Daytime Sleep Charac-
(1873–1941) reported the first human ELECTRO- teristics and Their Relationships with Night Sleep in
ENCEPHALOGRAM in 1929. Berger began to study the Narcoleptic Patient,” Sleep 9 (1986): 167–174.
electrical activity in animals in 1910 at a hospital in
Germany. In 1924, he first studied electrical activ- biofeedback Biofeedback technique can assist in
ity in the brains of humans, particularly of those recognizing when muscle tension is high, which
who had skull defects where the needles could be may reflect impaired ability to fall asleep. Biofeed-
placed directly on the surface of the brain. His first back involves sensors that detect changes in mus-
report of alpha waves, recorded with the patient’s cle activity and convey this information by means
eyes closed, was presented in 1929. The presence of of different sounds. The individual can use the
alpha waves did not find general recognition until sounds to assist in relaxing the muscles as a
1933, when Berger’s work was publicized by the change in the muscle tension is detected by the
physiologist Lord Adrian, who called the ALPHA alteration in the sound produced by the muscles.
RHYTHM the Berger rhythm.
After biofeedback training, a person can relax the
Berger’s discovery led to the subsequent recog- muscles without the need for feedback sound
nition of differences in the electroencephalogram information from the sensors. The relaxation tech-
during wakefulness and sleep, and this forms the nique can then be performed in bed, prior to SLEEP
basis of the electroencephalographic determination ONSET to assist sleep. (See also SLEEP EXERCISES,

Berger rhythm See ALPHA RHYTHM.

biological clocks The periodic oscillation that
occurs in a wide variety of biological systems; the
BERS See BENIGN EPILEPSY WITH ROLANDIC SPIKES. frequency of the oscillations serves an internal tim-
ing system. Virtually all plants and animals have an
beta rhythm Electroencephalographic frequency internal timing system, or biological clock, and
of 13 to 35 hertz that is typically seen during alert there may be several of these processes that control
wakefulness. This activity may be associated with different aspects of the physiology of the biological
the ingestion of a variety of different medications, systems. The biological clocks measure time and
such as BARBITURATES and BENZODIAZEPINES. Beta synchronize an organism’s internal processes with
activity, when seen in association with high ELEC- daily environmental events. The site of the major
TROMYOGRAM (EMG) activity and a low voltage biological clock in humans is believed to be the
indicative of wakefulness. With relaxed wakeful- RHYTHMS; CHRONOBIOLOGY.)
34 biorhythm

biorhythm A recurrent pattern of change in a normal accompaniment of healthy sleep but are
physiological variable, such as a CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. increased in number in disorders that cause lighter
However, the term biorhythm more commonly has sleep, such as INSOMNIA. (See also MOVEMENT
become associated with the astrological prediction AROUSAL, MOVEMENT TIME.)
of life events and is not scientifically based. Bio-
rhythm is rarely used in CHRONOBIOLOGY; the term bodyrocking One of three disorders—bodyrocking,
biological rhythm is preferred. HEADBANGING and HEAD ROLLING—that involve repet-
itive movement of the head and occasionally of the
Block, A. Jay Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Dr. whole body. These disorders are now known under
Block (1938)– ) received his B.A. in 1958 and his the collective name rhythmic movement disorder.
M.D. in 1962 from Johns Hopkins University. He is Bodyrocking may occur during times of rest,
currently professor of medicine and anesthesiology drowsiness or sleep, as well as during full wakeful-
and chief, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Uni- ness. It is usually performed on the hands and
versity of Florida College of Medicine. knees with the whole body rocking in an ante-
Dr. Block’s research activities have been in the rior/posterior direction, with the head being
areas of respiratory failure and disease, including pushed into the pillow.
the relationship of these disorders to sleep and obe- The disorder most commonly occurs in children
sity. From 1987 to 1988, Dr. Block was president of below the age of four years, with the highest inci-
the American College of Chest Physicians. dence at six months of age. Treatment is usually
Block, A.J., “Disorders of Breathing Control During
unnecessary when the condition occurs in infancy
Sleep,” Respiratory Care 24 (1979): 715–721. as it typically disappears within 18 months. Body-
Block, A.J., Wynne, J.W. and Boysen, P.G., “Sleep-disor- rocking can persist into older childhood, adoles-
dered Breathing and Nocturnal Oxygen Desaturation cence and, rarely, adulthood. Behavioral or
in Postmenopausal Women,” American Journal of Med- pharmacological treatment may then be required.
icine 69 (1980): 75–79. (See also INFANT SLEEP DISORDERS.)

body clock Another term for BIOLOGICAL CLOCKS body temperature See TEMPERATURE.
and CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, it is related to CHRONOBI-
OLOGY, the scientific study of biological rhythms.
brachialgia parasthetica nocturna See CARPAL
The everyday cycle of sleep and wakefulness is sys- TUNNEL SYNDROME.
tematized by the biological or body clock. Practi-
cally all plants and animals have an internal timing
system, or biological clock. The plant experiment brain-wave rhythms A lay term that is often used
conducted by JEAN-JACQUES D’ORTOUS DE MAIRAN in to describe electroencephalographic patterns. EEG
1729 was significant because it demonstrated the wave is the preferred term. (See also ELECTROENCE-
presence of biological rhythms even when the PHALOGRAM.)
ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES of light and dark were
missing. British Sleep Research Society (BSRS) Founded
in 1989, the British Sleep Research Society is the
body movements Those movements detected most recent of the numerous international sleep
during polysomnographic recording that indicate a associations founded to aid the growth of clinical
specific physiological event, as indicated by an sleep disorders medicine. (See also ASSOCIATION OF
lasts one second or longer. Body movements are RESEARCH SOCIETY.)
associated with muscle artifact that can be seen
obscuring the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM or ELECTRO- bromocriptine A medication that is used to sup-
OCULOGRAM recording. Brief body movements are a press the production of GROWTH HORMONE in the
bruxism 35

treatment of ACROMEGALY, a disorder characterized president of the Canadian Sleep Society (1986–88),
by an enlargement of the skeletal and soft tissues of Dr. Broughton has written or edited five books and
the body. Individuals with acromegaly have an over 200 articles on parasomnias, hypersomnias,
increased incidence of SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING vigilance, chronobiology and epilepsy. For lifetime
DISORDERS, particularly OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA achievement in the field, he received the 1997
SYNDROME. William C. Dement Academic Achievement Award
of the American Sleep Disorders Association (now
Broughton, Roger J. Dr. Broughton (1936– ) the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE).
graduated in medicine at Queen’s University in Broughton, Roger, “Sleep Disorders: Disorders of
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 1960. From 1962 to Arousal?” Science 159 (1968): 1070–1078.
1964, he trained in clinical neurophysiology, Dinges, D.F. and Broughton, R.J., eds., Sleep and Alert-
epileptology and sleep disorders with Henri Gastaut ness: Chronobiological, Behavioral, and Medical Aspects of
in Marseilles, France. Broughton received his Ph.D. Napping. New York: Raven Press, 1989.
in neurology and neurosurgery at McGill Univer-
sity in 1967. Since 1968, he has been in the Depart- bruxism A stereotyped movement disorder char-
ment of Medicine at the University of Ottawa acterized by grinding or clenching of teeth that can
where he is professor of medicine with cross occur during sleep or wakefulness. When bruxism
appointments in the Departments of Pharmacology occurs predominantly during sleep, it is termed
and Experimental Psychology. From 1972 to 1975, SLEEP BRUXISM. Bruxism can be associated with dis-
he was president of the ASSOCIATION FOR THE PSY- comfort of the jaw and may produce abnormal
CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP. Founder and destruction of the cusps of the teeth.
caffeine Probably one of the first medications Canadian Sleep Society Founded in 1986, the
used for the treatment of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. Caf- sleep society is one of several sleep societies around
feine is used to increase the level of alertness and is the world founded to promote sleep research and
taken in the form of drinks, most commonly tea, clinical sleep disorders medicine. (See also ASSOCI-
coffee or cola. A typical cup of coffee contains ATION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES, ASSOCIATION
about 100 milligrams caffeine, a bottle of cola drink FOR THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP, INTER-
ICATIONS containing caffeine are available (Vivarin,
200 milligrams caffeine; No Doz, 100 milligrams canthus The corner of the eye. Typically, the
caffeine). electrodes associated with measuring eye move-
Caffeine can disturb the quality of nighttime ment are placed just lateral to the outer canthus of
sleep if ingested prior to bedtime. Sleep onset and each eye. When electrodes are placed at each outer
sleep maintenance difficulties are not uncommon canthus, one electrode is placed slightly above the
due to the effects of caffeine; even some individu- outer canthus, and the other electrode slightly
als who believe that they sleep well after a cup of below the outer canthus, in order to most accu-
coffee have been shown to have increased sleep rately document eye movement activity. (See also
disturbance with frequent awakenings and reduced ELECTROOCULOGRAM.)
total sleep time.
Caffeine is not recommended for the treatment carbamazepine Trade name Tegretol; chemically
of daytime tiredness or sleepiness. It has a general related to the tricyclic antidepressants. It was first
stimulant effect that can produce cardiac stimula- employed as an antiepileptic agent but has had a
tion with palpitations and hypertension as well as variety of uses since that time. It is still a major
increased nervousness, irritability and tremulous- drug for the treatment of epilepsy, particularly par-
ness. Other more effective STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, tial complex and generalized tonic-clonic epilepsy.
such as methylphenidate, pemoline or ampheta- Carbamazepine is also used for the treatment of
mines, are available for the treatment of sleepiness some sleep disorders.
in patients who have disorders of excessive sleepi- Its primary toxicity is hematological, with the
ness. potential for producing aplastic anemia and agran-
ulocytosis. Initial reports of the common occur-
Withdrawal of caffeine may produce an
rence of these hematological effects have largely
increased feeling of tiredness and lethargy during
been displaced and such adverse reactions are now
the first few days, which may lead to resumption of
considered to be rare. Carbamazepine has been
the caffeine intake. Therefore, excessive caffeine
used for the treatment of pain disorders and is
intake may be the cause of symptoms of excessive
occasionally used for the management of RESTLESS
LEGS SYNDROME. It is also used as a treatment of
Curatolo, P.W. and Robertson, D., “The Health Conse- NOCTURNAL PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA, which is not
quences of Caffeine,” Annals of Internal Medicine 98 thought to have an epileptic basis even though it is
(1983): 641–653. responsive to this anticonvulsive medication.

Carskadon, Mary A. 37

Carbamazepine is available in 100 milligram and few minutes of awakening. Pressure in the carpal
200 milligram tablets, as well as a 100 milligram/5 tunnel presses on the median nerve at the wrist.
milliliter suspension. The usual adult dose is 600 Eventually sensation is lost in the median nerve
milligrams per day. distribution of the hand, and weakness and atro-
phy of the muscles occur. The hand often feels
carbon dioxide Gas produced as a result of body swollen, stiff, clumsy and numb, even throughout
metabolism. This metabolic product is eliminated the day. The disorder is more commonly seen in
from the body through the lungs during a process people who are overweight and those who have
of exchange with oxygen from the atmosphere. hypothyroidism. In mild cases, weight loss or
Alterations of ventilation can cause a retention of intermittent steroid injections into the tendon
carbon dioxide in the body and a reduction of sheaves in the carpal tunnel can relieve the symp-
blood oxygen. toms. However, the most effective treatment is
Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the two most surgical decompression of the carpal tunnel. The
important blood gases in the regulation of respira- lining of the fluid-filled sac around the tendons
tion. The SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS com- becomes inflamed, swollen and thickened and is
monly will affect lung ventilation, thereby surgically removed.
producing an increased carbon dioxide level
(HYPERCAPNIA) and a lowering of oxygen (HYPOX- Carskadon, Mary A. First woman president of
EMIA). Some patients with OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA the North American Sleep Research Society (SRS)
SYNDROME may have an increased level of carbon and cofounder of the Northeastern Sleep Society
dioxide detectable during wakefulness, which is in (NESS), Dr. Carskadon (1947– ) is director of
part due to a resetting of the regulation of ventila- chronobiology and sleep research at E.P. Bradley
tion. Most patients with obstructive sleep apnea Hospital in Providence and an associate professor of
syndrome have only a transient elevation of carbon psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Univer-
dioxide in association with the apneic episodes. sity School of Medicine.
Increased levels of carbon dioxide produce a Dr. Carskadon obtained her Ph.D. with distinc-
body acidosis that may be irritating to the heart, tion in neuro- and biobehavioral sciences from
producing cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS. An elevated car- Stanford University in 1979. Her dissertation topic
bon dioxide level also stimulates ventilation was “Determinants of Daytime Sleepiness: Adoles-
through its chemoreceptors, thereby causing a low- cent Development, Extended and Restricted Noc-
ering of the level by means of a feedback mecha- turnal Sleep.” A major focus of Dr. Carskadon’s
nism. subsequent research has been the development
and application of a standardized measure of day-
time sleep tendency, the MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY
cardiovascular symptoms, sleep-related See
TEST. Her primary areas of interest continue to be
patterns of daytime sleepiness and adolescent sleep
behavior, as well as the exploration of olfactory
carpal tunnel syndrome Disorder, also known as sensitivity during sleep. Dr. Carskadon is a Fellow
acroparesthesia, characterized by compression of of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE (for-
the median nerve at the wrist, which typically merly the American Sleep Disorders Association),
causes pain and discomfort in the hands upon which honored her with the NATHANIEL KLEITMAN
awakening. The discomfort in the hands is exacer- DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD in 1991.
bated by the lack of movement of the hands dur-
Carskadon, M.A. and Dement, W.C., “Daytime Sleepi-
ing sleep, allowing fluid to accumulate in the
ness: Quantification of a Behavioral State,” Neuro-
sheaves of the tendons in the carpal tunnel. Typi- science & Biobehavioral Reviews 11 (1987): 307–317.
cally, individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome will Carskadon, M.A., Harvey, K., Duke, P., Anders, T.F., Litt,
shake or rub their hands together in order to I.F. and Dement, W.C., “Pubertal Changes in Daytime
restore normal sensation, which occurs within a Sleepiness,” Sleep 2 (1980): 453–460.
38 catalepsy

Carskadon, M.A., Labyak, S.E., Acebo, C., and Seifer, R., catatonia See CATALEPSY.
“Intrinsic Circadian Period of Adolescent Humans
Measured in Conditions of Forced Desynchrony,”
Neuroscience Letters 260 (1999): 129–132.
central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
Carskadon, M.A., Wolfson, A.R., Acebo, C., Tzischinsky, (CAHS) A breathing disorder that results in arte-
O., and Seifer, R., “Adolescent Sleep Patterns, Circa- rial oxygen desaturation during sleep. CAHS occurs
dian Timing, and Sleepiness at a Transition to Early in persons with normal mechanical properties of
School Days,” Sleep 21 (1998): 871–881. the lungs, such as intact ribs, muscles, and lung
fields. During sleep in healthy individuals there is a
catalepsy Synonymous with catatonia. normal slight reduction in TIDAL VOLUME (the
Catalepsy refers to a rigidity of the limbs so that amount of air usually taken into the lungs during a
when they are placed in a particular position, that normal breath at rest); however, in patients with
position is maintained for a long period of time. CAHS the tidal volume greatly decreases. The
This is most commonly associated with hysteria or reduction in tidal volume leads to an increase in
schizophrenia. Catalepsy is sometimes confused the carbon dioxide level in the blood as well as
with CATAPLEXY, which refers to the sudden reduc- reduced blood oxygen saturation. This change in
tion in muscle tone associated with NARCOLEPSY. the arterial blood gases (carbon dioxide and oxy-
However, catalepsy and cataplexy are distinct- gen) can produce arousals that increase respiratory
ive from each other. (See also PSYCHIATRIC DISOR- drive. The arousals disturb sleep quality and there-
fore sleep may be characterized by a complaint of
insomnia. If the arousals and awakenings are fre-
quent enough, excessive sleepiness may develop.
cataplexy A sudden loss of muscle power in CAHS is due to an abnormality of the central ner-
response to an emotional stimulus. Cataplexy is typ- vous system control of lung ventilation.
ically seen in persons suffering from NARCOLEPSY, Other features of sleep-related hypoventilation
which is characterized by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS dur- include morning headaches caused by the change
ing the day. Cataplexy will usually cause a reduction in blood gases during sleep. The sleep-related
in muscle power, leading either to complete collapse breathing disturbance is typically exacerbated dur-
or, more typically, a drooping of the head, weakness ing REM SLEEP when ventilation is entirely depen-
of the facial muscles, weakness of the arms or sag- dent upon diaphragmatic function. Cardiac
ging at the knees. Cataplexy is most often induced ARRHYTHMIAS commonly occur, particularly slowing
by laughter, but anger, surprise, startle, pride, elation of the cardiac rhythm. There may be tachycardia at
or sadness can also induce episodes. the time of the awakening, leading to premature
Cataplexy is an ATONIA (loss of muscle tone) that ventricular contractions. Typically the episodes of
is normal of REM sleep. However, cataplexy is pro- sleep-related hypoventilation are long, sometimes
duced by an emotional change and not due to several minutes or several hours in duration. The
sleepiness. If episodes of cataplexy are long in dura- long episodes of low oxygen saturation are liable to
tion, typical REM sleep occurs, with the usual induce the development of pulmonary hyperten-
change of the EEG activity and associated rapid eye sion and heart failure, which is more commonly
movements. seen in this disorder than in the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
Individuals who have pronounced episodes of APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYN-
cataplexy may suffer injuries due to a sudden col- DROME.
lapse to the ground. Episodes of cataplexy usually The respiratory disturbance in central alveolar
last a few seconds. If the emotional stimulus contin- hypoventilation syndrome is exacerbated by obe-
ues, a state of continuous cataplexy can occur, sity, which impairs diaphragmatic function.
termed STATUS CATAPLECTICUS. Cataplexy can be ef- This disorder also occurs in infants and is known
fectively treated by the use of tricyclic ANTIDEPRES- by the name “congenital central alveolar hypoven-
SANTS, such as imipramine or protriptyline or the tilation syndrome.” These children are also liable to
SEROTONIN reuptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine. develop pulmonary hypertension and right-sided
central sleep apnea syndrome 39

heart failure, as well as brain damage due to the AIRWAY PRESSURE, a negative pressure ventilator
low oxygen saturation. Central nervous system such as a cuirass ventilator or, if the disorder is
insults at birth can contribute to the development severe enough, a positive pressure ventilator
of acquired central alveolar hypoventilation syn- applied through either a tracheostomy or a nasal
drome, such as infection, brain stem trauma, hem- mask. Weight reduction is essential for any over-
orrhage or the presence of brain tumors. weight patient who has central alveolar hypoventi-
Patients with central alveolar hypoventilation lation syndrome.
syndrome may also have central or obstructive
Oren, J., Kelly, D.H. and Shannon, D.C., “Long-term
sleep apneas; however, these are not the primary Follow-up of Children with Congenital Hypoventila-
cause of the clinical features. The disorder in tion Syndrome,” Pediatrics 80 (1987): 375–380.
infants and children may improve as the respira- Rochester, D.F. and Enson, Y., “Current Concepts in the
tory system matures; however, some children Pathogenesis of the Obesity-Hypoventilation Syn-
require artificial ventilation. drome,” American Journal of Medicine 57 (1974):
The incidence of this disorder is not known but 402–420.
it appears to be quite rare. There is some evidence
to suggest that it is more common in males. central sleep apnea syndrome Disorder marked
Studies of ventilation during wakefulness have by a cessation of ventilation during sleep, usually
demonstrated a nonresponsiveness to elevated car- associated with oxygen desaturation with an
bon dioxide levels or hypoxia. The idiopathic form absence of airflow that lasts 10 seconds or more in
of central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome is adults, 20 seconds or more in infants.
believed to be due to a defect of the medullary This syndrome is typically associated with the
chemoreceptors controlling ventilation. complaint of INSOMNIA, particularly in older adults,
The nature of this disorder can best be demon- or a complaint of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the
strated by means of POLYSOMNOGRAPHY. Episodes of day. Typically, patients will awaken several times at
reduced tidal volume lasting several minutes in night, often with the sensation of gasping or chok-
duration are commonly associated with sustained ing during sleep. Not uncommonly, episodes of
oxygen desaturation or elevation of carbon dioxide apnea will be asymptomatic, and if the episodes are
levels. The disorder is exacerbated during REM frequent enough to cause disruption of much of
sleep; however, in infants it may be at its worst the sleep episode, then daytime sleepiness will
during slow wave sleep. Frequent awakenings and result. In children, central apneas are usually
arousals may be associated with the oxygen desat- accompanied by a change in their facial color, such
uration, and multiple sleep latency testing may as cyanosis or pallor, and there may also be marked
demonstrate excessive sleepiness. changes of the muscle tone with generalized body
Patients with this disorder require investigative limpness.
testing of respiratory and central nervous system Central sleep apnea syndrome is most com-
function. Brain CT scanning, MRI scanning, nerve monly seen in patients with neurological disorders
conduction testing, electromyography, muscle that affect the control of respiration. Spinal cord
biopsy, pulmonary function tests and cardiac func- lesions or lesions of the brain stem commonly will
tion tests may be required. Blood tests may demon- produce central sleep apnea. Ventilation can be
strate an elevated hemocrit and hemoglobin level normal during wakefulness; however, complete
reflecting POLYCYTHEMIA as a result of the severe cessation of breathing can occur during sleep and
hypoxemia. the patient may be able to breathe only during
Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome is arousals or wakefulness. This inability to breathe
treated with RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS, for instance, during sleep has been called ONDINE’S CURSE and, if
doxapram or almitrine in children and medroxy- left untreated, may have a fatal outcome.
progesterone, acetazolamide or protriptyline in If the brain stem and lower neurological control
adults. Many patients require the use of assisted of respiration is intact, patients may have central
ventilation either by means of CONTINUOUS POSITIVE apneas that occur in conjunction with CHEYNE-
40 central sleep apnea syndrome

STOKES RESPIRATION, which is characterized by a develop, which further impairs circulation time,
crescendo, decrescendo respiratory pattern. Central thereby exacerbating the apnea.
apneas usually occur during non-REM sleep, and Patients with central sleep apnea syndrome
regular rhythmical ventilation occurs during REM need to be differentiated from those with other
sleep. Disorders affecting the cerebral hemispheres, sleep-related disorders, such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
such as cerebrovascular disease or cardiovascular APNEA SYNDROME. In some patients, it may be nec-
disorders that produce an increased circulation essary to insert an intraesophageal balloon in order
time, are typically associated with the Cheyne- to measure pressure changes so that obstructive
Stokes pattern of ventilation. Such patients may apneic events can be differentiated from central
have complaints of insomnia due to the arousals apneas, because standard polysomnography may
that are associated with the crescendo ventilatory not clearly differentiate the two disorders.
pattern. Other causes of insomnia must be distinguished
Central apnea is apt to occur in infants who are from insomnia due to the central sleep apnea syn-
prematurely born, or for unexplained reasons in drome, particularly in elderly patients. As patients
the neonatal period. Such central sleep apnea gen- with NARCOLEPSY have an increased incidence of
erally subsides spontaneously in the first six central sleep apnea, consideration must be given to
months of age; however, there is an increased risk this diagnosis in patients presenting with the com-
for SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME in infants who plaint of excessive sleepiness.
suffer central sleep apnea syndrome. Treatment of central sleep apnea syndrome is
The prevalence of central sleep apnea syndrome primarily by pharmacological or mechanical means.
in the general population is unknown; however, Recent reports have indicated that some patients
certain patient groups have a higher predisposition, with central sleep apnea syndrome may respond
such as those with neuromuscular disorders, and favorably to the nasal CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY
there is also an increased prevalence in the elderly. PRESSURE (CPAP) device that typically is used for
The presence of central sleep apnea syndrome is patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. As
usually determined by all-night POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, CPAP is a relatively easily applied treatment, it is
and typically most apneic events last from 10 to 30 worthwhile attempting treatment with this device
seconds. However, episodes as long as several min- before trying other treatment modalities.
utes in duration can sometimes be seen. Associated Pharmacological treatments include the use of
with the apneic episodes is a reduction of the oxy- RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS such as medroxyproges-
gen saturation value and an increase in CARBON terone or acetazolamide. These drugs may be par-
DIOXIDE levels. There may be cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS tially effective but rarely will totally eliminate
that are characterized by bradycardia during the moderate to severe central sleep apnea syndrome.
apneic episodes. Bradycardia is a particular feature The tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANT medication protripty-
of central apnea in infants. line may be helpful in some patients, particularly
A MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST may demonstrate those who have mainly ventilatory impairment
excessive daytime sleepiness if the central apneas during REM sleep.
are frequent enough to cause severe sleep disrup- Assisted ventilation devices—such as a negative
tion. pressure ventilator, the cuirass—are usually
Obesity will exacerbate central sleep apnea syn- required for patients who have severe central sleep
drome by impairing the ventilation-perfusion apnea syndrome. This ventilator may induce
because of underperfused basal portions of the obstructive sleep apnea episodes in some patients
lung. Occasionally patients with severe central and therefore should be used with caution. Some
sleep apnea syndrome will have abnormal daytime patients may require the use of a positive pressure
blood gases that are improved by treatment of the ventilator applied either through a TRACHEOSTOMY
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDER. As a result of or a nasal mask.
the oxygen desaturation during sleep, pulmonary Treatment of any underlying exacerbating disor-
hypertension and right-sided heart failure may ders should also be encouraged. For example, the
cerebral degenerative disorders 41

treatment of cardiac failure may greatly improve cerebral degenerative disorders Slowly progres-
central sleep apnea syndrome that is due to neuro- sive disorders of the central nervous system that
logical disorders. Weight reduction is also an essen- are often associated with abnormal movements
tial part of management for any obese patient who and behaviors. These disorders include Hunting-
has a sleep-related breathing disorder. ton’s disease, the dystonias, olivopontocerebellar
Guilleminault, C. and Kowall, J., “Central Sleep Apnea degeneration, hereditary ataxias, PARKINSONISM,
in Adults,” in Thorpy, Michael J. (ed.), Handbook of dementias and Rett’s syndrome. Sleep distur-
Sleep Disorders. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990. bances—characterized both by difficulty in main-
Thalfofer, S., et al, “Central Sleep Apnea,” Respiration taining sleep and by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS—are
64, no. 1 (1997): 2–9. typical of cerebral degenerative disorders. There
may be concurrent abnormal movement activity
that occurs during sleep as well as CIRCADIAN
cephalometric radiograph An X ray of the head
performed in a standardized manner so that com-
The sleep disturbance can be severe and is often
parative skeletal measurements can be made. The
associated with increasing severity of the underly-
patient is usually placed in a sitting position with
ing disorder. As some of these disorders, such as
the head in a natural position, the teeth together,
torsion dystonia, occur in childhood, the sleep dis-
the lips relaxed and the X-ray film placed next to
turbance can be present from an early age. Typi-
the left side of the face, with the X-ray beam
cally the movement disorders are present only in
exactly five feet from the film. These X rays are
light, non-REM sleep and are suppressed by the
used for analysis of cranial and mandibular
deeper stages of sleep. In the early stages of some
changes, for the assessment of skeletal abnormali-
cerebral degenerative disorders, abnormal move-
ties and for other medical and dental evaluations.
ments may be difficult to differentiate from move-
Cephalometric radiographs are also performed
ments due to hysteria. However, the occurrence of
in sleep medicine, primarily for determining skele-
abnormal movements during the lighter stages of
tal and soft tissue features in patients who have the
sleep is often a diagnostic feature of the movement
disorders because voluntary motor activity usually
malities that have been seen in obstructive sleep
decreases with the onset of sleep.
apnea syndrome patients include an increased
Other sleep disorders that are characterized by
mandibular plane to hyoid bone distance (MP-H);
abnormal movements are frequently present in
also, the posterior airway space (PAS) is often nar-
patients with cerebral degenerative disorders, such
rowed. The position of the maxillary bone and
mandible can be determined by two angles (the
MENTS, and increased muscle activity during REM
SNA and SNB angles), which, if less than 80
sleep, which is seen in the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DIS-
degrees, suggest a maxillary or mandibular defi-
ORDER. There may also be abnormalities of the
ciency. Such deficiencies are commonly seen in
upper airway muscles leading to sleep-related
patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
breathing disorders, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
who are not obese. APNEA SYNDROME.
Many SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS use cephalomet- Typically, POLYSOMNOGRAPHY will demonstrate
ric radiographs in the routine evaluations of the abnormal movement activity, reduced amounts
patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. of slow wave and REM sleep, and abnormal eye
This information is often used to determine whether movements, particularly in those degenerative dis-
corrective surgical treatment, such as UVULO- orders that effect eye movements. In addition,
there may be reduced SLEEP SPINDLE activity, which
MENT SURGERY, is indicated.
is commonly seen in patients with Rett syndrome,
Riley, R., Guilleminault, C., Heron, J. and Powell, N., or there may be increased sleep spindle activity as
“Cephalometric and Flow-Volume Loops in Obstruc- has been reported in the dystonias. The spinocere-
tive Sleep Apnea Patients,” Sleep 6 (1983): 303–311. bellar degenerations are often associated with cen-
42 Chase, Michael H., Ph.D.

tral or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Rett syn- Cheyne-Stokes respiration A pattern of breath-
drome may demonstrate an electroencephalo- ing described by John Cheyne and William Stokes
graphic pattern that is similar to the changes seen in 1818 that is characterized by a regular crescendo
in some forms of epilepsy. and decrescendo fluctuation in respiratory rate and
The cerebral degenerative disorders are diag- volume. This breathing pattern can occur during
nosed by investigations, such as brain imaging or wakefulness, but it is most commonly is seen in
an ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM. drowsiness and can persist into non-REM sleep
The cerebral degenerative disorders need to be (see SLEEP STAGES). Cheyne-Stokes breathing usu-
differentiated from PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS or the ally does not occur during REM SLEEP.
effects of central nervous system depressant medica- Cheyne-Stokes respiration has been associated
tions. The abnormal limb activity during sleep has to with a change in circulation time that may be
be distinguished from other sleep disorders charac- induced by cardiovascular disease. It also has been
terized by limb movement, such as the periodic limb associated with intracerebral disease, such as
movement disorder or REM sleep behavior disorder. might occur as a result of strokes. The periodic pat-
The treatment of the sleep disorder depends on tern of breathing produces wide fluctuations in
the underlying cause of the movement disorder, blood oxygen and CARBON DIOXIDE levels, which
but very often the sleep disturbance is pervasive can induce an arousal at the peak of the crescendo
and therefore SLEEP HYGIENE measures, plus the use respiratory pattern. INSOMNIA, characterized by
of NEUROLEPTICS, are necessary in order to produce arousals and awakening, may occur due to
a state of restfulness at night. Cheyne-Stokes respiration, and treatment may
involve the administration of a continuous flow of
Chase, Michael H., Ph.D. Has a B.A. in zoology oxygen or the use of RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS, such
and sociology from the University of California at as acetazolamide.
Berkeley and a Ph.D. in physiology from the Uni-
versity of California at Los Angeles. Currently a
professor in the Department of Physiology of the childhood onset insomnia See IDIOPATHIC INSOM-
School of Medicine of the University of California
in Los Angeles, Dr. Chase (1937– ) has conducted
extensive sleep research. chloral hydrate See HYPNOTICS.
Dr. Chase’s term as president of the World Fed-
eration of Sleep Research Societies was from 1988 cholecystokinin (CCK) A group of peptides, of
to 1992. His term as president of the Sleep approximately 33 amino acid residues long, that
Research Society ended in 1990. Dr. Chase was
originally was found in the gastrointestinal tract
active in the Association of Professional Sleep Soci-
but more recently has been discovered to be pre-
eties and, from 1987 to 1990, served as a member
sent in the central nervous system. Cholecys-
of the Board of Directors and on the Finance and
tokinin (CCK) is primarily found in the cerebral
Governmental Affairs Committees. He is editor of
cortex, hypothalamus and the basal ganglia. It has
been shown to reduce SLEEP LATENCY but has very
Chase, Michael H. and Morales, F.R., “The Control of little effect on SLEEP STAGES. The soporific effect of a
Motoneurons During Sleep,” Kryger, M.H., Roth, big meal may be mediated through the large
Thomas and Dement, William C., eds, The Principles increase of cholecystokinin that occurs following
and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia: meals. Cholecystokinin may have its greatest effect
W.B. Saunders, 1989. pp. 74–85.
as a behavioral sedative that allows sleep to occur,
Chase, Michael H., Soja, P.J. and Morales, F.R., “Evi-
dence that Glycine Mediates the Postsynaptic Poten- rather than by any direct effect on inducing sleep.
tials that Inhibit Lumbar Motoneurons During the (See also DELTA SLEEP INDUCING PEPTIDE, DIET AND
Atonia of Active Sleep,” Journal of Neuroscience 9 SLEEP, FACTOR S, MURAMYL DIPEPTIDE, SLEEP-INDUCING
(1989): 743–751. FACTORS.)
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 43

chronic insomnia See LONG-TERM INSOMNIA. recumbent position. There is typically a reduction
of SLOW WAVE SLEEP as well as REM SLEEP with frag-
mentation of the sleep stages—particularly REM
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Also
sleep, due to oxygen desaturation. Obstructive and
called chronic obstructive respiratory disease; this
central apneic events may occur concurrently with
is a respiratory disorder characterized by a chronic
the sleep-related hypoxemia. Cardiac ARRYTHMIAS
impairment of airflow through the respiratory
may be associated with the hypoxemia or may
tract. This disorder can disrupt sleep due to the
occur independently. A MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST
altered cardiorespiratory physiology. Persons with
may demonstrate a reduced mean sleep latency,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease frequently
particularly in patients with frequent nocturnal
will complain of disturbed sleep and INSOMNIA.
sleep disruption or a complaint of EXCESSIVE SLEEPI-
The sleep disturbance that occurs is typically one
NESS during the day.
of difficulty in initiating sleep, and there are fre-
The sleep disturbance of a patient with chronic
quent awakenings at night, often with the sensa-
obstructive pulmonary disease needs to be differ-
tion of shortness of breath and difficulty in
entiated from other causes of complaints of insom-
breathing. There may be excessive coughing during nia. Anxiety and DEPRESSION, or PSYCHOPHYSIOLO-
sleep and the need to get out of bed in order to GICAL INSOMNIA, may coexist with the chronic
breathe more easily. Some of the sleep disturbance obstructive pulmonary disease. Acute anxiety due
may be due to MEDICATIONS that are required to to an exacerbation of lung disease may produce an
improve breathing, which often have a stimu- ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER.
lant effect, thereby adding to the complaint of The blue bloater form of chronic obstructive
insomnia. pulmonary disease is similar to CENTRAL ALVEOLAR
Typically during sleep, patients with chronic HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME. It may be difficult to
obstructive pulmonary disease will demonstrate a differentiate the two disorders if the history of
reduction in TIDAL VOLUME, with increasing HYPOX- development of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
EMIA or elevation of the carbon dioxide level in the ease is unknown.
bloodstream. This particular pattern is more com- Treatment involves ensuring optimum treat-
mon in patients called “blue bloaters,” who have ment of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
evidence of right-sided heart failure due to pul- Stimulant bronchodilator medications, used for the
monary hypertension and an increase in the blood treatment of the lung disease, should be reduced to
hemocrit level. Patients who are blue bloaters usu- effective but not excessive doses. If OBSTRUCTIVE
ally suffer severe oxygen desaturation during sleep. SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYN-
A second group called “pink puffers” character- DROME is present, or even alveolar hypoventilation,
istically has shortness of breath associated with the use of a CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE
increased lung volumes. The hypoxemia and eleva- device (CPAP), with or without the addition of low
tion of carbon dioxide levels during sleep is not as oxygen therapy, may be helpful. Such treatment is
severe as that seen in blue bloaters. best performed under polysomnographic monitor-
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can be ing. Attention should be given to SLEEP HYGIENE
due to a variety of disorders, such as respiratory measures, and other lifestyle changes should be
infections or bronchopulmonary dysplasia; how- strongly recommended, such as weight reduction
ever, the most common cause in adults is chronic and avoidance of smoking.
Flenly, C., “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,” in
POLYSOMNOGRAPHY demonstrates a prolonged
Kryger, M., Roth., T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The
SLEEP LATENCY and frequent awakenings during the
Principles and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine.
major sleep episode. Some patients may be unable Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 601–610.
to lie flat during sleep because of severe shortness Guilleminault, C., Kaminsky, J. and Motta, J., “Chronic
of breath and therefore polysomnography may Obstructive Air Flow Disease in Sleep Studies,” Amer-
need to be performed with the patient in a semi- ican Review of Respiratory Disease 112 (1987): 397–406.
44 chronic obstructive respiratory disease

chronic obstructive respiratory disease See others will find that they drift to a later period of
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. time and may require a repeat course of
chronotherapy in order to reestablish more appro-
chronic paroxysmal hemicrania A headache priate sleep onset and wake times.
consisting of one-sided repetitive head pains. These The same process of shifting the sleep by three
headaches appear to have a very close relationship hours has been applied successfully to one patient
with REM SLEEP and they can be so tightly linked with ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, who rotated
with REM sleep that they are often called REM the sleep period in an anticlockwise direction.
much more common in males, chronic paroxysmal circadian rhythms Franz Halberg in 1959 pro-
hemicrania is more common in females. (See also posed this term to describe endogenous rhythms
SLEEP-RELATED HEADACHES.) that had a period length of about 24 hours. The
term was coined from the Latin circa, meaning
chronobiology The scientific study of biological “about,” and dies, meaning “a day.” Although most
rhythms. Biological rhythms can have markedly circadian rhythms are 24 hours in duration, the
varying period lengths, from less than a second for term was originally applied to the endogenous
heart rate to as long as a year for hibernational cycles rhythms that run in humans at a slightly longer
in animals. In humans, the biological rhythms of period of approximately 25 hours. ENVIRONMENTAL
approximately one day are those that are commonly TIME CUES prevent the true period length of the
referred to under the term CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. underlying circadian rhythm from becoming man-
ifest, so the circadian rhythm length is maintained
at 24 hours. Without environmental time cues
chronotherapy Treatment developed by CHARLES
sleep onset would occur on average one hour later
CZEISLER in 1981 to correct the displaced sleep
and we would awaken one hour later. Therefore,
period of patients with the circadian rhythm sleep
we would live on a 25-hour-long day. (See also
treatment involves a progressive delay of a sleep
period so the major sleep period is rotated around
the clock to an improved SLEEP ONSET time. For Kennaway, D.J., “Generation and Entrainment of Circa-
example, prior to shifting the sleep period an indi- dian Rhythms,” Clinical Experiments in Pharmacology
vidual who is unable to fall asleep before 3 A.M. and Physiology 25, no. 10 (1998): 862–865.
would be instructed to maintain a regular sleep
onset time at 3 A.M., sleeping for eight hours until circadian rhythm sleep disorders Previously
11 A.M., for a period of five days. After the five-day called sleep-wake schedule disorders, these are dis-
stabilization period, the patient would be orders of the timing of sleep within the 24-hour
instructed to go to bed three hours later, and arise day. These disorders were originally grouped
three hours later each day until the sleep onset together in the first edition of the “Diagnostic Clas-
time reaches a more appropriate time at night. sification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders,” pub-
Depending upon the amount of time that the sleep lished in 1979 in the journal SLEEP. The disorders
period is displaced, the process of shifting the sleep were divided into two groups—transient and per-
periods takes about six to seven days. Once having sistent.
reached a more desirable sleep onset time, the The main disorders in the transient group
patient is instructed to maintain a regular bedtime include TIME ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYNDROME and
and arise eight hours later so that the sleep period SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER. The five persistent cir-
can become stabilized at the new sleep onset and cadian rhythm sleep disorders are: FREQUENTLY
Some patients find they are able to maintain the PHASE SYNDROME, ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME,
improved timing of the sleep episode; however, NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-WAKE SYNDROME and IRREGULAR
clinical polysomnographer examination 45

SLEEP-WAKE PATTERN. In all of these disorders, there SPECIALIST). Most clinical polysomnographers work
is an alteration in the timing of sleep in that it is in full-service SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS. Certification
either advanced, delayed or occurs irregularly dur- in clinical polysomnography was a requirement for
ing a 24-hour period. Some of these disorders are the accreditation of sleep disorder centers by the
related to an irregularity or disruption of the nor- American Sleep Disorders Association (now the
thought to be of socio-environmental cause. Other examination for sleep specialists is run by the
circadian rhythm sleep disorders suggest a defect in AMERICAN BOARD OF SLEEP MEDICINE.
the intrinsic mechanism of the circadian pace- A clinical polysomnographer usually had clinical
maker or its mechanism of entrainment (ability to training in one of the medical sciences, most com-
keep to a set pattern) and hence are thought to be monly medicine, but also in psychology or other
of endogenous or organic cause. Recently, new clinical specialties. The American Sleep Disorders
types of chronobiological tests have become avail- Association held a CLINICAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHER
able, such as the CONSTANT ROUTINE, that can deter- EXAMINATION to certify competence in clinical
mine whether the abnormality in the circadian polysomnography. An applicant who successfully
pacemaker is of endogenous etiology. passed the examination was certified in clinical
Some of the circadian rhythm sleep disorders, polysomnography and received an ACCREDITED
such as delayed sleep phase syndrome, have been CLINICAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHER (ACP) degree. (See also
subtyped into an intrinsic type, in which the circa- ACCREDITATION STANDARDS FOR SLEEP DISORDER CEN-
dian pacemaker or its mechanism is believed to be TERS, ASSOCIATION OF POLYSOMNOGRAPHIC TECHNOLO-
abnormal, and an extrinsic type, in which socio- GISTS, ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES,
environmental factors appear to be responsible. POLYSOMNOGRAPHY.)

Sedgwick, P.M., “Disorders of the Sleep-Wake Cycle in

Adults,” Postgraduate Medical Journal 74, no. 869
clinical polysomnographer examination A test
(1998): 134–138. given by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE
(formerly the American Sleep Disorders Associa-
tion) in order to assure competence and knowledge
circadian timing system The physiological sys-
of the basic and clinical science of sleep disorders
tem responsible for measuring time and synchro-
medicine. The first examination for clinical
nizing an organism’s internal physiological
polysomnographers was held in 1978 and tests are
processes with its environmental daily events. (See
held yearly. Applicants who passed the clinical
polysomnographer examination became ACCRED-
examination is now called the board examination
circasmedian rhythm A chronobiological term in sleep medicine and is administered by the AMER-
applied to a rhythm that has a PERIOD LENGTH of ICAN BOARD OF SLEEP MEDICINE. There are approxi-
about half a day, as opposed to a CIRCADIAN mately 1,000 accredited clinical polysomnogra-
RHYTHM, which has a period length of one full day. phers in the United States today.
An example of a circasmedian rhythm is seen in The clinical polysomnographer examination
the tendency for sleepiness that peaks not only at consisted of two parts held four months apart. One
night but also in the mid-afternoon. (See also part of the examination tested competence in the
CHRONOBIOLOGY.) basic sciences of sleep, disorders of sleep, biological
rhythms and chronobiology, and other medical dis-
clinical polysomnographer Specialist trained in orders that affect sleep. The other part was a prac-
the clinical interpretation of the results of the tical examination that tested the ability to interpret
POLYSOMNOGRAMS of patients with a wide variety of sleep studies and score sleep recordings. (See also
sleep disorders. This term has now been superseded POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS, SLEEP
by the term “sleep specialist” (see SLEEP DISORDER DISORDERS MEDICINE.)
46 Clinical Sleep Society (CSS)

Clinical Sleep Society (CSS) This organization codeine Drug shown to improve alertness in
was founded in 1984 as the clinical branch of the patients with EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. It can achieve
ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS (ASDC). this without the side effects of central nervous sys-
The individual members of the Clinical Sleep Soci- tem or peripheral stimulation. However, side
ety were clinicians involved in the diagnosis and effects such as constipation, and the potential for
treatment of patients with sleep and alertness dis- drug abuse, may occur.
orders, scientists involved in basic or clinical sleep In doses of 30 to 180 milligrams per day, codeine
research, and other professionals interested in phosphate is effective in the treatment of NAR-
learning more about the field of SLEEP DISORDERS COLEPSY but is rarely used because other STIMULANT
MEDICINE. In 1988, the Clinical Sleep Society and MEDICATIONS, such as pemoline, methylphenidate,
the Association of Sleep Disorder Centers (formerly dextroamphetamine, and MODAFINIL, are more
known as ASDC-CSS) changed the name of its effective. However, codeine may be useful for
combined form to the American Sleep Disorders patients who are unable to tolerate these other
Association (ASDA), now known as the AMERICAN central nervous system stimulants.
cognitive effects of sleep states Recall of infor-
mation presented during an awakening from slow
wave sleep is not as good as when the information
clomipramine See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. is presented following an awakening from REM
sleep. Learned material is better remembered after
clonazepam See BENZODIAZEPINES. a sleep episode than following a similar duration of
wakefulness. This ability to retain information bet-
cluster headaches Severe unilateral headaches ter following sleep has been seen as support for the
felt behind the eye. The headaches produce auto- interference theory of forgetting (ITF). Some stud-
nomic dysfunction in the region around the eye. ies have suggested that there is better retention for
Cluster headaches predominantly occur in associa- the first half of the night compared with the second
tion with REM SLEEP at night. Other symptoms half. However, the difference in the ability to recall
include nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea and unilateral learned information following sleep compared with
forehead sweating. (See also SLEEP-RELATED wakefulness is very small and does not appear to be
HEADACHES.) long-lasting.
Brain activity is high during the REM stage of
cocaine Drug derived from the leaves of the sleep and hence DREAM recall is often very vivid
coca; commonly used by drug abusers for its and complex. Some mental activity does occur dur-
euphoric effects. This drug is an amino-alcohol ing slow wave sleep but dream recall is greatly
base closely related to tropine, the amino alcohol in reduced compared with REM sleep. (See also
atropine. It has been used in medicine for many LEARNING DURING SLEEP, SLEEP STAGES.)
years as a local anesthetic, particularly for ophthal-
mological procedures. Cocaine can have pro- cognitive focusing A technique used in the
nounced effects upon sleep due to its stimulation of management of INSOMNIA that involves focusing
the central nervous system; it produces restlessness on reassuring thoughts. Patients with insomnia
and INSOMNIA. There is also some evidence to sug- typically awaken at night and are unable to return
gest that the chronic nasal ingestion of cocaine to sleep because they are haunted by recurring,
induces a nasal congestion that can exacerbate the unwanted and unpleasant thoughts. Cognitive
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. focusing involves learning to focus on reassuring
O’Brien, Robert and Cohen, Sidney, M.D., The Encyclope- thoughts and pleasant images so that sleep is
dia of Drug Abuse. New York: Facts On File, 1984. pp. more likely to occur. (See also BEHAVIORAL TREAT-
confusional arousals 47

MAINTAINING SLEEP, HYPNOSIS, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL indicative of a disruption of brain stem reticular

INSOMNIA.) pathways to the thalamus and is highly predictive
of a poor outcome—typically, death.
coma A state of psychological unresponsiveness With all forms of coma, the occurrence of a nor-
that can be differentiated from sleep and wakeful- mal sleep-wake pattern, or presence of non-
ness. The primary difference from sleep is that REM/REM cycling, is typically associated with an
there is no psychologically understandable improved prognosis. (See also NON-REM-STAGE
response to an external stimulus, or to an inner SLEEP, REM SLEEP, STAGE TWO SLEEP, UNCONSCIOUS-
need. Patients in acute coma may look as if they NESS.)
are asleep; however, this state never lasts more Plum, F. and Posner, J.B., The Diagnosis of Stupor and
than two or four weeks, no matter how severe the Coma, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1982, p. 377.
brain injury. Patients in sleeplike coma then pass
into a chronic state of unresponsiveness in which
conditioned insomnia An essential part of PSY-
they appear to be awake but lack cognitive mental
ability. This state has variously been termed vegeta-
a process of negative associations between the
tive state, akinetic mutism, coma vigil or the apallic syn-
usual sleep environment and sleep patterns. A
drome. Coma can be the result of chemical toxicity
prior episode of poor quality sleep leads to the
that affects the whole central nervous system, or it
development of the negative associations, which
may result from extensive damage to the cerebral
produce the conditioned insomnia, a learned pat-
hemispheres or the brain stem.
tern of poor quality sleep. For instance, if a person
Normal sleep-wake patterns and cycling of REM
has difficulty falling asleep in his or her bedroom,
and NREM sleep usually do not occur in patients
the person may come to believe sleep is difficult or
with acute coma until they pass into the chronic
impossible there. Also, a person who frequently
vegetative state where the pattern of sleep and
reads or works in bed may have difficulty in accept-
wakefulness usually returns. There are several
ing the bed as a sleeping place.
forms of coma in which the electroencephalo-
graphic pattern differs. The more typical form of
acute coma and coma due to metabolic or pharma- confusional arousals Episodes of mental confu-
cological causes has a 1-to-5-hertz slow wave EEG sion that typically occur during arousals from sleep.
pattern. A form of coma termed alpha coma has a These episodes most often occur with arousals from
pattern of nonreactive alpha activity that is not DEEP SLEEP in the first third of the night. The indi-
blocked by eye opening or other sensory stimuli. vidual usually sits forward in bed and feels disori-
This particular form of coma is most often due to ented in time and space, with behavior that may be
brain stem lesions at the level of the pons or to inappropriate, such as picking up a phone to speak
post-anoxic encephalopathy. into it in response to a ringing alarm clock. There
A form of coma called spindle coma occurs in may also be slowness in speech and thought.
approximately 6% of all comatose patients; it is Responses to commands and questions are often
characterized by the presence of 14 hertz SLEEP slow and inappropriate. Episodes may last from
SPINDLES with vertex sharp waves and K complexes several minutes to several hours.
superimposed on a background of slower delta and Confusional arousals were first mentioned by
theta activity. The sleep spindle activity resembles Roger J. Broughton in 1968 in his classic article on
that seen in stage two sleep. This form of coma the arousal disorders. Other terms that have been
appears to result from interruption of the ascend- applied to confusional arousals are sleep drunken-
ing reticulo-thalamo-cortical pathways. ness, excessive sleep inertia and Schlaftrunkenheit (in
Another coma pattern is called theta coma and the German literature) and l’ivresse du sommeil (in
is characterized by typical 4-to-7-hertz theta activ- the French literature).
ity that is superimposed on a low voltage delta pat- The confusional arousals are thought to be
tern of activity. This particular pattern is often related to an abnormality of the normal arousal
48 congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS)

mechanism during sleep. The abnormality may be Ferber, Richard, “Sleep Disorders in Infants and Chil-
a defect of the ASCENDING RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYS- dren,” in Riley, T.L., ed., Clinical Aspects of Sleep and
TEM (ARAS). Sleep Disturbance. Boston: Butterworth, 1985.
Confusional arousals are most typical in child- Broughton, R., “Sleep Disorders: Disorders of Arousal?”
Science 159 (1968): 1070–1078.
hood, often before puberty, less common in older
children or adolescents and even rarer in adults.
Episodes may be precipitated by conditions that congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syn-
predispose the individual to excessive fatigue, such drome (CCHS) See CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVEN-
as SLEEP DEPRIVATION or an altered sleep-wake pat- TILATION SYNDROME.
tern. MEDICATIONS, particularly depressants of the
central nervous system, can also induce episodes. congestive heart failure The inability of the
Sometimes confusional arousals are seen in associ- heart to pump blood, with resulting elevation of
ation with other sleep disorders, such as IDIOPATHIC systemic, venous and capillary pressure and the
HYPERSOMNIA or SLEEP APNEA. More typically, transudation of fluid into the tissues. Congestive
episodes of confusional arousal occur in individuals heart failure can occur as a result of disorders that
who are predisposed to have SLEEPWALKING or SLEEP affect cardiac function.
TERRORS, with a strong familial tendency marking OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME can produce
all three behaviors. pulmonary hypertension and result in right-sided
Polysomnographic recordings of confusional heart failure, with the development of liver con-
arousals generally show an arousal occurring from gestion and ankle edema. Treatment of obstructive
the slow wave non-REM sleep (see SLEEP STAGES) in sleep apnea syndrome usually results in improved
the first third of the night; the recordings are char- cardiac function, with correction of the congestion
acterized by delta activity with mixes of theta and and edema.
poorly-reactive ALPHA RHYTHMS. Congestive heart failure can produce CHEYNE-
Confusional arousals are a generally benign STOKES RESPIRATION which is a crescendo-
phenomenon, although injuries may occur if the decrescendo pattern of ventilation that can
individual accidentally knocks into furniture or produce awakenings due to fluctuations in blood
other objects near the bedside. Confusional gases. This pattern of breathing can lead to LONG-
arousals may be considered to be a minor manifes- TERM INSOMNIA.
tation of sleepwalking or sleep terrors. Sleep terrors Patients who have impaired cardiac function
are characterized by an intensely loud scream that that results in lung congestion can present symp-
heralds the episode, whereas sleepwalking is char- toms such as ORTHOPNEA or PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL
acterized by walking during the event. Other DYSPNEA when in a recumbent or reclining position
behaviors that may have some similarities with during sleep. (See also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
confusional arousals are sleep-related epileptic DISORDERS, SLEEP-RELATED CARDIOVASCULAR SYMP-
SEIZURES, particularly those of the partial complex TOMS.)
Treatment of confusional arousals is rarely nec- constant routine A biological test of the ENDOGE-
essary unless the episodes occur in conjunction NOUS CIRCADIAN PACEMAKER that involves a 36-hour
with other arousal disorders, such as sleepwalking episode of BASELINE monitoring, followed by a 40-
or sleep terrors. In certain circumstances, it may be hour episode of monitoring, with the individual on
helpful to use either BENZODIAZEPINES or tricyclic a constant routine of food intake, position, activity
ANTIDEPRESSANTS, such as imipramine, in order to and light exposure. During this time, the sleep pat-
suppress episodes. However, more commonly the tern is monitored as well as the core body TEMPER-
only action that need be taken for confusional ATURE. The cycle of the core body temperature
arousals is to secure the bedroom and prevent allows a determination of the natural period length
injuries from objects or furniture near the bedside. of the pacemaker control in body temperature and
(See also AROUSAL DISORDERS.) allows a comparison of the phase position of body
cortisol 49

temperature to other individuals so as to determine occasionally nasal decongestant inhalers may be

whether the pattern is advanced or delayed. This necessary. Despite optimum treatment of the nasal
test may be useful in determining the timing of the irritation, some patients will find relief only by dis-
circadian pacemaker in individuals who suffer from continuing use of the CPAP system.
CIRCADIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS, such as One of the major concerns regarding the use of
DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME or ADVANCED SLEEP nasal CPAP is that it is very dependent upon patient
PHASE SYNDROME. (See also ENDOGENOUS CIRCADIAN compliance with the treatment recommendations.
PHASE ASSESSMENT; PERIOD LENGTH.) Although for most patients the benefits are very
apparent and reinforce the desire to use the system,
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) An some patients may not be motivated to utilize the
effective and commonly used treatment for system. This is of particular concern for patients
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. The system with severe daytime sleepiness, who are employed
was first devised in 1981 by Colin Sullivan of Aus- in positions where sleepiness may put them or oth-
tralia; today a number of commercially-developed ers at risk, such as bus drivers. Alternative treat-
systems are available for home use. ments for obstructive sleep apnea may not be
The CPAP device consists of an air pump housed readily available, as the UVULOPALATOPHARYNGO-
in a small box about one cubic foot in size, which PLASTY surgical procedure is not effective in approx-
is placed at the patient’s bedside. Tubing of approx- imately 50% of patients who have obstructive sleep
imately one inch in diameter conveys the air to a apnea syndrome. The only effective surgical alter-
mask, which is placed over the patient’s nose so native is TRACHEOSTOMY, which is often rejected by
that the mouth is free. The mask is attached to the the patient for cosmetic, social or medical reasons.
head with elasticized straps. The patient puts on Despite the limitations of nasal CPAP treatment,
the CPAP mask, turns on the machine and sleeps this device has dramatically changed the manage-
with the mask in place during the night until ment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and is a
awakening, when the mask is removed. This sys- major advance in its treatment. (See also CEPHALO-
tem has been demonstrated to relieve severe METRIC RADIOGRAPH, FIBEROPTIC ENDOSCOPY.)
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, with resump-
Sullivan, C.E., Issa, F.D., Berthon-Jones, M. and Eves,
tion of normal quality sleep at night and resolution
L., “Reversal of Obstructive Sleep Apnea by Continu-
of the cardiac features, as well as complete resolu- ous Positive Airway Pressure Applied Through the
tion of the associated daytime sleepiness. Nares,” Lancet 1 (1981): 862–865.
The CPAP system provides an air splint to the
upper airway thereby preventing its collapse. During
the inspiratory phase of an obstructive apnea, the convulsions Generalized whole body move-
upper airway tissues collapse because of a negative ments that occur in association with epileptic activ-
inspiratory pressure, thereby producing upper air- ity. SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY is a primary cause of
way obstruction. The continuous positive air pres- convulsions during sleep.
sure device provides a low flow of air with a pressure
of between 2 and 20 centimeters of water, which cortisol A hormone released from the adrenal
prevents the negative suction effect on the tissues of gland in response to stimulation by ACTH
the upper airway, thus preventing their collapse. (ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIN HORMONE), which is
Most patients with obstructive sleep apnea syn- released from the pituitary gland. The secretion of
drome are capable of using a CPAP system; how- cortisol is reduced during sleep but is greatly
ever, some patients find the mask makes them feel increased around the time of awakening. It is
claustrophobic, preventing its regular use. The important for the maintenance of body metabo-
development of chronic nasal irritation due to the lism, and its absence leads to reduced energy and
air flow is also a major complication of the device. weight loss.
This irritation can be partially relieved by the use of Cortisol is often measured in the blood to detect
extra humidification of the inspired air; however, the specific phase of the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. Shifts
50 cot death

of the sleep pattern by 12 hours are usually not cramps Contractions of muscles that typically
accompanied by acute shifts of the cortisol circa- result in a painful sensation. The most common site
dian rhythm, which takes up to two weeks to for cramps during sleep is in the calf muscles.
realign with the new time of sleep. The cortisol Cramps may be induced by metabolic changes,
rhythm appears to be linked to the body tempera- such as an alteration in the serum electrolytes.
ture rhythm, which takes a similar amount of time Acute cramps can be partially relieved by
to shift to coincide with the new time of sleep. (See stretching the muscle involved. Quinine sulfate is
also GROWTH HORMONE, MELATONIN, PROLACTIN, an effective medication for the prevention of mus-

cot death A term used, mainly in Britain, for craniofacial disorders A number of genetically-
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME (SIDS). determined disorders that affect head and face
growth. They typically produce abnormalities of
the upper airway so that there is obstruction to air
coughing Coughing during sleep is due to an irri-
flow, which is worsened during sleep. These disor-
tation of the upper airway and typically is associ-
ated with abrupt awakening, and difficulty in
breathing. Patients with sleep-related breathing
Achondroplasia, a hereditary disorder that is
disorders are liable to have episodes of choking and
characterized by abnormal growth of endochondral
coughing during sleep, particularly those with bone, results in dwarfism. Patients with this disor-
der have abnormalities at the base of the skull and
deficient growth of the mid-facial region. Achon-
Coughing can have many causes, such as droplastics can also suffer compression of the brain
inflammatory reactions to inhaled allergens, stem and upper spinal cord, which can contribute
mechanical irritation due to dust particles, chemi- to impaired control of the pharyngeal muscles.
cal irritation due to smoke or gas, and thermal irri- Patients with achondroplasia have a higher inci-
tation due to very hot or cold air. Treatment dence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome than
depends upon the cause of the coughing. Specific the general population, and this may cause
therapy should be directed to any underlying med- reduced growth as well as the development of
ical disorder, such as sleep-related asthma. A cough EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. Treatment of the obstructive
suppressant (antitussive) medication such as sleep apnea syndrome can improve growth and
CODEINE can be of help. If secretions are thick and eliminate the clinical features of obstructive sleep
are the cause of coughing, an ultrasonic nebulizer apnea syndrome.
will allow the secretions to be expectorated. Iprat- Pierre-Robin Syndrome, also known as the
ropium, a bronchodilator with anticholinergic Robin Sequence, is characterized by head and jaw
effects, is helpful for coughs due to asthma. (See abnormalities. There may be microcephaly and a
also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS.) small and retroplaced jaw. The tongue can fall back
and obstruct the airway, leading to the develop-
CPAP See CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE ment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with
(CPAP). features of inability to thrive and the development
of right-sided heart failure. Treatment may be nec-
An autosomal dominant condition, termed
Treacher Collins syndrome, is characterized by
CPS See HERTZ. mandibular and mid-face growth abnormalities as
Czeisler, Charles A. 51

well as mental retardation. Patients are also liable School since 1983 and has been a professor of med-
to suffer obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and icine since 1998.
may require tracheostomy or mandibular advance- Working with the late Professor ELLIOT D. WEITZ-
ment surgery. MAN at the Albert Einstein College of Medi-
The velo-cardio-facial syndrome, which is also cine/Montefiore Medical Center in New York, Dr.
known as Shprintzen’s syndrome, was first Czeisler established one of the first TEMPORAL ISO-
described in 1978 in individuals with learning dis- LATION facilities, where the relationship between
abilities, small stature, hearing loss and a retruded the episodic secretory pattern of hormones and the
mandible. These patients also have cardiac defects. output of the ENDOGENOUS CIRCADIAN PACEMAKER
The craniofacial abnormalities in velo-cardio-facial was studied. They demonstrated the influence of
syndrome children may produce obstructive sleep that pacemaker on the duration and internal orga-
apnea syndrome, which can be worsened by repair nization of sleep, and in 1981 Czeisler developed
of cleft palate, which is commonly seen in this syn- CHRONOTHERAPY for delayed sleep phase syndrome.
drome. Tonsillectomy, or mandibular advancement Dr. Czeisler is chief of the Division of Sleep Med-
surgery, may be indicated to treat the obstructive icine in the Department of Medicine at the
sleep apnea syndrome. Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Med-
Goldenhars syndrome, also known as oculo- ical School in Boston, Massachusetts. Czeisler car-
auriculo-vertebral dysplasia, is a disorder charac- ried out one of the first studies to show that
terized by eye, ear and vertebral anomalies. There shift-work schedules that disrupt sleep could be
is an associated small lower jaw and reduced improved by applying circadian principles.
growth of the bony tissues of the face. These Dr. Czeisler was the first to demonstrate that
patients are also liable to develop obstructive sleep light exposure could reset the human circadian
apnea syndrome. clock independent of the timing of the sleep-wake
cycle. He then went on to demonstrate that prop-
crib death Term that has been used, largely in erly timed light exposure to light and darkness
the United States, for the SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYN- could effectively treat maladaptation to night shift
DROME. work. He has applied this research to the schedul-
ing of NASA astronauts and conducted a sleep
cycles per second (CPS) See HERTZ. experiment on Senator John Glenn during his
1998 return to space flight.
Cylert See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS. In his 1999 article in Science, cited below, Dr.
Czeisler and his associates demonstrated that the
Czeisler, Charles A. Dr. Czeisler (1952– ) intrinsic period of the human circadian pacemaker
received his A.B. degree in 1974 in biochemistry is very close to 24 hours, rather than 25 hours as
and molecular biology from Harvard College, his had been previously believed.
Ph.D. in 1978 in neuro- and biobehavioral sciences Czeisler, C.A., Duffy, J.F., Shanahan, T.L., et al., “Stabil-
from Stanford University and his M.D. in 1981 ity, Precision, and Near-24-Hour Period of the
from the Stanford University School of Medicine. Human Circadian Pacemaker.” Science 284 (1999):
He has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical 2177–2181.
D sleep Term sometimes used to describe dream- increase the likelihood of death during sleep. SLEEP-
ing sleep or desynchronized sleep. D sleep is syn- RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS, including OBSTRUC-
onymous with REM SLEEP and should not be TIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, have been reported to
confused with the original STAGE D SLEEP. be associated with sudden death during sleep, and
in patients with asthma there is a higher rate of
Dalmane See BENZODIAZEPINES. death during the nocturnal hours compared to the
Patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
dauerschlaf See SLEEP THERAPY.
drome have a high rate of sleep-related hypoxemia
and cardiac arrhythmias related to the apneic
daydreaming The state of mind associated with episodes. The cardiac arrhythmias are believed to
withdrawal from environmental influences. Sleep be the primary cause for the sudden unexpected
does not occur but there may be DROWSINESS. Full death during sleep.
alertness to the environment is reduced. Sleepiness An American Cancer Society study conducted in
can erroneously be mistaken for daydreaming, par- 1964 (data was analyzed in 1979) of more than 1
ticularly in adolescents who tend to be sleep million people found that men who slept four hours
deprived and may not concentrate on schoolwork or less, or more than 10 hours, had a higher mor-
(see EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, SLEEP DEPRIVATION). If tality rate than those who slept a normal six to eight
other features of sleepiness occur, such as eye clo- hours. This association between sleep length and
sure, head drooping or even snoring, then there death may be related either to underlying medical
should be a consideration of a sleep disorder as a illness, which produces sleep disturbance at night,
cause. or to disorders, such as sleep apnea, that usually
True dream phenomenon (see DREAMS) is a state produce a prolonged nighttime sleep episode.
associated with pronounced physiological changes, There is also some evidence that people who
such as rapid eye movements and loss of muscle take sleeping pills (HYPNOTICS) are more likely to
tone. Daydreaming does not represent daytime have a nocturnal death. (See also MYOCARDIAL
dreams and therefore should be differentiated from INFARCTION.)
true dreaming sleep.
Mitler, M.M., Carskadon, M.A., Czeisler, C.A., Dement,
W.C., Dinges, D.F. and Graeber, R.C., “Catastrophes,
daytime sleepiness See EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS.
Sleep, and Public Policy: Consensus Report,” Sleep 11
(1988): 100–109.
deaths during sleep Several extensive epidemio- Kripke, D.F., Simmons, R.M., Garfinkel, L. and Ham-
logical studies have demonstrated that death is mond, E.C., “Short and Long Sleep and Sleeping
most likely to occur over the usual nocturnal Pills,” Archives of General Psychiatry 36 (1979):
hours, with the greatest likelihood of death occur- 103–116.
ring between 4 A.M. and 7 A.M. The reason for this
circadian variation in deaths is unknown; however, deep sleep Term describing STAGE THREE and STAGE
there are several disorders that are believed to FOUR non-REM (NREM) sleep. This term was devel-

delayed sleep phase syndrome 53

oped because of the increased threshold to awaken- attempts to get up at the desired time in the morn-
ing by various stimuli that occurs during these SLEEP ing, which are only partially successful, the indi-
STAGES. Rarely, in the older literature, the term was vidual with delayed sleep phase syndrome is often
applied to REM sleep, but the term is most appro- sleep deprived and therefore suffers from symp-
priately applied to stages three and four sleep. toms of excessive daytime sleepiness, such as
fatigue and tiredness. Episodes of sleep can occur
delayed sleep phase Term applied to a delay in inappropriately during the day whenever the indi-
falling asleep in relation to the usual time of sleep, vidual is in a quiet situation, and this can cause
school or work difficulties. Children are typically
according to the 24-hour clock; the sleep episode is
late to school, and adults are frequently late to
consequently delayed in relation to underlying cir-
their jobs.
cadian patterns of other physiological variables (see
On weekends, because there is usually no need
CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS). The delay of the sleep phase
to arise early in the morning, these individuals will
can be temporary, such as typically seen with TIME
sleep into the day, often sleeping till midday or
even later. These long sleep episodes on the week-
chronic state, such as seen in DELAYED SLEEP PHASE
end help to make up for the chronic sleep depriva-
tion that accumulates during the week.
The diagnosis of delayed sleep phase syndrome
delayed sleep phase syndrome One of the CIRCA- is made on the complaint of either an inability to
DIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS. It is characterized by fall asleep at the desired time, or the inability to
SLEEP ONSET and WAKE TIMES that are usually later awaken at the desired time in the morning. Some-
than desired, with difficulty in initiating sleep times the complaint of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during
onset. Once sleep onset does occur, sleep is of good the day will be given. The symptoms will be pres-
quality, with few awakenings until the time of final ent for at least three months, and when not
awakening. This sleep pattern is mainly a difficulty required to maintain a strict schedule, such as on
in falling asleep at night, or a difficulty in awaken- weekends and while on vacations, individuals will
ing in the morning, which prevents fulfilling social have a normal sleep pattern in duration and qual-
or occupational obligations. ity, and will awaken spontaneously at a later time
Delayed sleep phase syndrome was first des- than desired.
cribed by ELLIOT D. WEITZMAN and CHARLES CZEISLER Investigative studies have shown that the circa-
in 1981. Their analysis of 450 patients who com- dian pattern of body temperature is shifted to a
plained of INSOMNIA showed that 7% fulfilled the later time so that the nadir (low point) does not
criteria for having delayed sleep phase syndrome. occur at the more typical time of 5 A.M. but occurs
Persons with delayed sleep phase syndrome after 8 or 9 A.M. (see CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS). Poly-
have great difficulty falling asleep at a desired time. somnographic studies have shown that the sleep
Attempts to fall asleep earlier are accompanied by period is of short duration when the individual
prolonged periods of lying in bed awake until the arises at the desired time and is characterized by
time that they usually fall asleep. These patients are reduced REM sleep. When the sleep period is
often prescribed MEDICATIONS to aid sleep, but allowed to proceed without interruption, such as is
sleeping medications are ineffective and only add seen on the weekend, the sleep period is of normal
to both the difficulty of awakening and the daytime duration, with normal amounts of each sleep stage.
sleepiness. Although alcohol and hypnotic abuse are com-
In typical cases of delayed sleep phase syn- monly used in an attempt to correct the problem,
drome, the individual will be unable to initiate true psychopathology is not typical. An atypical
sleep onset until 2 A.M. or even as late as 6 A.M. In form of depression may be present in adolescents
younger children, the sleep onset time may be ear- with this syndrome. The depression may be directly
lier, but typically occurs two or more hours after related to the social and functional difficulties
the desired time to go to bed. Because there are induced by the abnormal sleep pattern.
54 delirium

In childhood, other disorders, such as LIMIT-SET- improved by strict attention to regular sleep onset
TING SLEEP DISORDER, SLEEP-ONSET ASSOCIATION DIS- and awake times. More severe disturbances may
ORDER or IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, need to be require incremental advances by 15 or 30 minutes
differentiated from delayed sleep phase syndrome. per day until a more appropriate sleep onset time is
The prevalence of the disorder is unknown, but reached. The most severe form of the disorder may
may be as common as 10% in the adolescent pop- require making advancements of the sleep pattern
ulation. Adolescents seem particularly predisposed by enforcing a night of sleep deprivation to assist in
toward developing a delayed sleep pattern because the sleep advance process, or, more effectively, by
of the natural tendency to delay sleep onset. The the use of a technique termed CHRONOTHERAPY,
onset of the disorder is in late puberty or early ado- which involves a three-hour delay in the sleep
lescence, although major difficulties are not period on a daily basis until the sleep pattern is
encountered until late adolescence or until the rotated around the clock and sleep onset occurs at
commencement of employment. a more appropriate time.
Although a male predominance of the delayed
Weitzman, E.D., Czeisler, C.A., Coleman, R.M. et al.,
sleep phase syndrome is reported in the literature, “Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome,” Archives of General
this may be because of a referral pattern bias. This Psychiatry 38 (1981): 731–746.
disorder does not appear to be inherited. Thorpy, Michael J., Korman, E., Spielman, Arthur J.
In many cases of delayed sleep phase syndrome, and Glovinsky, P.B., “Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome
social and environmental factors in inducing the in Adolescents,” Journal of Adolescent Health Care 9
delay of the sleep pattern appear to be the pre- (1988): 22–27.
dominant causes. However, some individuals have
a circadian pacemaker system that is abnormal and delirium A clouded state of consciousness char-
unresponsive to the usual environmental time acterized by disorientation, fear, irritability, a mis-
cues. The time cues are weak stabilizers of the nat- perception of sensory stimuli, and often
ural physiological tendency to delay sleep onset. hallucinations. Patients with delirium may alter-
An abnormality of the pacemaker’s PHASE RESPONSE nate between being relatively unresponsive and
CURVE has been suggested as a cause.
being mentally very clear. Usually, delirious
Individuals who have delayed sleep phase syn-
patients are unaware of environmental influences
drome should be differentiated from those who
and do not act appropriately; very often such
have a pattern of sequential delays of a sleep phase
patients are uninhibited and talk in a loud and
that occur continuously, the disorder known as the
defensive manner, often with paranoid ideation
and agitation.
sleep phase syndrome may be a less severe alter-
The state of delirium is often of rapid onset, last-
ation in the phase response curve than the non-24-
ing a week in duration, although some manifesta-
hour sleep-wake syndrome, in which individuals
tions may last for several weeks or longer. This
will rotate the sleep pattern around the clock.
disorder is often associated with a metabolic toxic
Individuals who have irregularity of the sleep
encephalopathy, as with patients with ALCOHOLISM,
onset time, with the ability to advance the sleep
or can be due to more diffuse intracerebral diseases,
onset time some days each week, are characterized
as with autoimmune vascular disease. (See also
as having INADEQUATE SLEEP HYGIENE rather than
delayed sleep phase syndrome.
For the diagnosis, the sleep disturbance should
be illustrated on a SLEEP LOG for a period of at least delta sleep Term used to describe the stage of
two weeks, and if there is any doubt about the sleep when the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG)
diagnosis, appropriate polysomnographic monitor- shows a high voltage, slow wave activity in the
ing should be performed. delta (up to four hertz) frequency. The term is syn-
Treatment depends on the severity of the disor- onymous with stage three and stage four sleep.
der. Mild delayed sleep phase syndrome may be Because of the slow frequency of activity seen on
Dement, William C. 55

the EEG, this stage of sleep is also called SLOW WAVE Mairan removed the plant from daylight and
SLEEP.(See also SLEEP STAGES.) placed it in a dark cabinet; he found that the plant
continued to open its leaves during the day, even in
delta sleep inducing peptide (DSIP) First dis- the absence of light in the cabinet, and to close
covered in 1964 in the blood of rabbits in whom them at night. This led de Mairan to conclude that
electrical stimulation of the thalamic nuclei of the there was an internal biological circadian rhyth-
brain induced a sleep-like state. Studies with the micity that occurred despite the absence of ENVI-
infusion of DSIP into rabbits have confirmed the RONMENTAL TIME CUES, and he related these
slow wave sleep-inducing properties of this agent. rhythms to the sleep patterns of bedridden
Some studies have been performed in humans patients.
with INSOMNIA and the total amount of sleep This experiment by de Mairan is heralded as one
appears to be increased; however, this peptide can of the earliest scientific experiments to demon-
be given only by an intravenous infusion. When strate the persistence of biological rhythms in the
administered during the day to patients with NAR- absence of environmental time cues, in this case, of
COLEPSY, there is some evidence that it has an alert- light and dark.
ing effect with improvement of performance, as de Mairan, Jean Jacques, “Observation Botanique,” in
tested by different evaluative tests. (See also FAC- Histoire de L’Academie Royale des Sciences (1729). pp.

Schneider-Helmert, D., “Clinical Evaluation of DSIP,” in Dement, William C. Received both his M.D. with
Wauquier, A., Gaillard, J.M., Monti, J.M. and honors and a Ph.D. in neurophysiology from the
Radulovacki, M., eds., Sleep: Neurotransmitters and University of Chicago. Dr. Dement (1928– )
Neuromodulators. New York: Raven Press, 1985. pp. started the Sleep Laboratory at Stanford University
279–290. in 1963, and he later founded, and now directs, the
Sleep Disorders Center at Stanford University Med-
delta waves A cycle of electroencephalographic ical Center in California and is professor of psychi-
activity with a frequency of less than four hertz atry at its medical school.
(see ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM [EEG]). For sleep stage From 1952 to 1957, Dement, while in medical
scoring the minimum requirements for delta waves school, joined Eugene Aserinsky and Professor
are that the amplitude of the waves must be greater Nathaniel Kleitman; together they discovered and
than 75 microvolts, and the frequency must be less described rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.
than two hertz in duration. Delta waves are seen Dement also conducted a series of experiments
during stages three and four sleep, and occasionally known as dream deprivation studies. The first
in stage two sleep. (The stage three/four sleep, also experiments were done in conjunction with
known as delta sleep, is regarded as the most Charles Fisher at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital.
important stage of sleep.) (See also DELTA SLEEP, Dement continued his experiments a few years
SLEEP STAGES.) later at Stanford University, first depriving volun-
teers of all REM sleep for 16 nights, then, along
de Mairan, Jean Jacques d’Ortous Astronomer with MICHEL JOUVET, depriving cats of REM sleep.
(1678–1771) who conducted an experiment in Dement’s additional sleep research has included a
1729 that led to an improved understanding of the study, along with Dr. CHRISTIAN GUILLEMINAULT, of
internal control of CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. De Mairan’s 235 hypersomnias.
experiment was reported in a communication writ- Dr. Dement was a cofounder of the ASSOCIATION
ten by M. Marchant to L’Academie Royale des Sci- FOR THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP, now
ences de Paris. De Mairan had studied the leaf the SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY. He was also the found-
movements of the heliotrope plant, which opens its ing president of the ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER
leaves during the day and closes them at night. De CENTERS, now the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MED-
56 dementia

from 1985 to 1987, and a past president of the

ICINE disturbance during sleep, although this is not a typ-
ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES. A ical feature of patients with dementia.
member of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. The diagnosis of dementia is made clinically and
Dement has twice been the recipient of the by tests such as brain imaging and electroen-
NATHANIEL KLEITMAN DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD cephalography. Reversible forms of dementia, for
and in 1991 he was awarded the Distinguished Ser- example, metabolic abnormalities and drug effects,
vice Award of the Sleep Research Society. must be considered. The treatment of sleep distur-
Dement, William C., Some Must Watch While Some Must
bance associated with dementia depends upon initi-
Sleep: Exploring the World of Sleep. New York: W.W. ating good SLEEP HYGIENE and assuring that the
Norton, 1976. dementia patient is fully active during the period of
Dement, William C., and Christopher Vaughn, The desired wakefulness and allowed to sleep in a quiet
Promise of Sleep. New York: Dell, 1999. environment during the time of desired sleep. Hyp-
Kryger, M., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The Princi- notic medications may have a paradoxical effect
ples and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadel- and increase activity in some patients. The longer-
phia: Saunders, 1989. acting hypnotics may cause decreased behavior and
alertness during the daytime, which will exacerbate
dementia A progressive and degenerative neuro- the breakdown of the nighttime sleep pattern and
logical disease that is associated with loss of mem- therefore should be avoided. NEUROLEPTICS, such as
ory and other intellectual functions. Patients with haloperidol, and phenothiazines may be useful in
dementia commonly suffer sleep disturbances, typ- some patients. (See also CEREBRAL DEGENERATIVE
ically due to behavioral disturbances during the DISORDERS, IRREGULAR SLEEP-WAKE PATTERN.)
sleep period; DELIRIUM, agitation, wandering and
Mamelak, M., “Neurodegeneration, Sleep, and Cerebral
inappropriate talking often occur during nighttime Energy Metabolism: A Testable Hypothesis,” Journal
hours. These disturbances in behavior begin in the of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology 10, no. 1 (1997):
evening, and therefore the term “sundown syn- 29–32.
drome” has been used to describe patients with this Weitzman, E.D., “Sleep and Aging,” in Katzman, R. and
form of sleep disturbance. Terry, R.D., The Neurology of Aging. Philadelphia: F.A.
Patients suffering dementia commonly become Davis, 1983. pp. 167–188.
major management problems for their families and Vitiello, M.V. and Prinz, P.N., “Aging and Sleep Disor-
often require institutionalization in a nursing home ders,” Williams, R.L., Karacan, I., Moore, C.A., eds.,
or hospital. The need for sedative medications (see Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. New York:
HYPNOTICS) to suppress the behavior often con-
John Wiley, 1988. pp. 293–314.
tributes to the disturbance of sleep and wakeful-
ness and can lead to further impairment of depression Emotional condition characterized by
intellectual function. Patients may also suffer exag- an episode of loss of interest or pleasure in most
gerated NOCTURNAL CONFUSION, with the onset of daytime activities that lasts two weeks or longer.
acute medical illnesses, such as infections. The con- Most patients with depression have sleep distur-
fusion can also be worsened by medications that bance that is accompanied by INSOMNIA or, less
are given for the infective illness. commonly, by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. Other associ-
The disturbance in sleep and wakefulness may ated symptoms include appetite disturbance,
be due to a loss of the brain center controlling the weight change, decreased energy, feelings of
circadian pattern of sleep and wakefulness; disor- worthlessness and helplessness, excessive and
ders such as Alzheimer’s disease and multiple cere- inappropriate feelings of guilt, difficulty in concen-
bral infarction are typical causes of dementia. trating and recurrent thoughts of death, with suici-
Polysomnographic studies have tended to show dal ideation or attempts.
nonspecific sleep disruption with reduced sleep The characteristic sleep disturbance seen in
efficiency, and reduced stages of deep sleep (see patients with depression is one of EARLY MORNING
SLEEP STAGES). Some patients can have respiratory AROUSAL, although this does not invariably occur,
Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders 57

and particularly not in adolescents, where a pro- CEPHALOGRAM (EEG) patterns so that slow or high
longed nocturnal sleep period is commonly seen. amplitude waves are not seen. Typically, desynchro-
Other features of depression include a short REM nized sleep refers to RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (REM)
sleep latency on all-night polysomnography as well SLEEP and not NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP. A desynchro-
as an increased REM density. nized pattern suggests that the coordination of neu-
Depression is one feature of the MOOD DISOR- ronal firing does not occur and that neuronal
DERS. One form of depression recurs at intervals activity occurs independently throughout the cen-
depending upon the seasons of the year and is tral nervous system. The term desynchronized sleep is
termed SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD). more often used in ontogenetic or phylogenetic
Recently light therapy has been demonstrated to be sleep research when other features indicative of
an effective treatment for this disorder. Depression REM sleep are not clearly seen, such as rapid eye
can also be treated by psychotherapy or ANTIDE- movements, sawtooth waves or loss of muscle tone.
PRESSANT medications that include the tricyclic The term REM sleep is preferred when applicable.
antidepressants, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and (See also REM PARASOMNIAS, SAWTOOTH WAVES.)

Thase, M.E., “Depression, Sleep, and Antidepressants,” dextroamphetamine See STIMULANT MEDICA-
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 59, no. 4 (1998): 55–65. TIONS.

depth encephalography A form of electroen- Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal

cephalography that involves the implantation of Disorders Classification system first published in
electrodes into the brain. This type of EEG is typi- the journal Sleep in 1979 that is the most widely
cally performed prior to seizure surgery. By used system in classifying sleep disorders. It was
implanting electrodes into the brain, a more precise produced by the Diagnostic Classification Commit-
anatomical site of epilepsy can be obtained. This tee of the ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS,
procedure is reserved for patients who have severe chaired by HOWARD ROFFWARG, M.D.
epilepsy and in whom surgical treatment of the The Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal
epilepsy is indicated. (See also ELECTROENCEPHALO- Disorders divides the sleep and arousal disorders
into four major sections: the DISORDERS OF INITIAT-
desynchronization of circadian rhythms Refers DISORDERS, and the PARASOMNIAS.
to the loss of synchronized phase relationships The phrase “difficulty in initiating and maintain-
between two or more biological rhythms so that, ing sleep” was preferred over the term insomnia as
instead, they have their own period lengths. it indicated that some disorders could produce dif-
Desynchronization of human CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS ficulty in initiating sleep, whereas others might
occurs when individuals are in TEMPORAL ISOLATION produce a disorder of maintaining sleep. However,
and devoid of any ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES. The it was recognized that some disorders not listed in
underlying body temperature rhythm and the the “disorders in initiating and maintaining sleep”
sleep-wake cycle initially free run, then reach a section could also produce sleep onset insomnia,
point where desynchronization occurs, and each for example the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISOR-
rhythm runs at its own frequency. Typically, the DERS. DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME typically has a
body temperature rhythm will have its own period complaint of difficulty in initiating sleep. In addi-
length of about 24.5 hours, whereas the sleep- tion, some of the parasomnias could occur fre-
wake cycle may have a period length of 33 hours. quently enough to disrupt sleep at night. However,
(See also FREE RUNNING, PERIOD LENGTH.) despite this deficiency, the classification system was
felt to be extremely useful in helping physicians
desynchronized sleep The sleep stage in which understand the differential diagnosis of the causes
there is little evidence of synchronized ELECTROEN- of insomnia.
58 Diamox

The “disorders of excessive somnolence” section nostic and coding information. A minor revision of
of classification includes disorders that produce the ICSD was carried out in 1998.
excessive sleepiness, such as NARCOLEPSY or
other sections could also contribute to excessive
sleepiness, such as delayed sleep phase syndrome
despite the overlap with the sleep-wake schedule
disorders, this section was found to be very useful diet and sleep Diet can have an important effect
in providing a diagnostic differential listing for con- on the sleep-wake cycle; however, very few
sideration of a complaint of excessive sleepiness. research studies have been performed in this area.
The “circadian rhythm sleep disorders” were It is well recognized that stimulant drinks or
listed as a third section because of their common, foods, such as coffee or chocolate, can increase
underlying, pathophysiological mechanisms. This daytime alertness and reduce the ease of falling
group of disorders was broken down into transient asleep at night. Patients with insomnia find that
and persistent subgroups. The transient forms these agents typically cause them to have greater
include TIME ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYNDROME and sleep difficulties and are usually advised to avoid
SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER due to their episodic
the ingestion of CAFFEINE in any form.
and transient nature. The persistent subgroup
The nighttime snack is believed to aid in sleep
included delayed sleep phase syndrome, advanced
onset although the exact mechanism for this effect
sleep phase syndrome, and NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-
is unknown. It has been suggested that L-trypto-
phan (see HYPNOTICS), an important constitute of
The final section of disorders consists of the
proteins, is useful in promoting sleep as it is known
“parasomnias”—dysfunctions associated with
to be a precursor of SEROTONIN, a neurotransmitter
sleep, sleep stages or partial arousals. This grouping
believed to be involved in initiating and maintain-
included such disorders as SLEEPWALKING or SLEEP
TERRORS, which in themselves do not primarily
ing sleep. However, research studies on L-trypto-
cause a complaint of insomnia or of excessive day- phan have shown a mild effect, if any at all, in
time sleepiness but rather disrupt or intrude into persons with insomnia. Furthermore, because of
the sleep-wake process. 30 cases in 1989 (including a few deaths) of
The Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal eosinophilia-myalgia, a rare blood disorder possibly
Disorders has been extensively used in the United linked to supplements of L-tryptophan, the United
States and also internationally and has been States Center for Disease Control (CDC) requested
translated into many different languages. It is that physicians temporarily stop prescribing L-tryp-
highly regarded as a most useful classification sys- tophan. The effect of the nighttime snack may not
tem. (The Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and be due to its chemical constituents but through
Arousal Disorders is reprinted in Appendix IV of stimulation of the gastrointestinal neural path-
this book.) ways, producing a sensation of satiety and relax-
In 1985, the Association of Sleep Disorder Cen- ation. Food drinks—containing milk products and
ters initiated a process for the revision of the Diag- cereal, such as Ovaltine and Horlicks—are useful in
nostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders that promoting sleep at night.
was produced in early 1990. The newly developed There is some evidence that the gastrointestinal
classification is the INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF effects of food ingestion may be mediated through
SLEEP DISORDERS (ICSD); it includes not only a revi- a hormone called CHOLECYSTOKININ (CCK), which is
sion of the original diagnostic entries but adds found in both the gastrointestinal tract and the
those disorders that have been recognized since the brain. This hormone is released in response to food
first edition, such as the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISOR- ingestion, and some studies have shown that the
DER. The classification includes more detailed diag- administration of CCK will promote sleep onset.
disorders of excessive somnolence (DOES) 59

The effect of carbohydrates compared to proteins sleepiness. This syndrome is characterized by

in sleep initiation has been disputed. Carbohydrates recurrent episodes of sleepiness that last for about
will allow L-tryptophan to be taken up more read- two weeks and occur several times each year in
ily by the central nervous system and therefore may association with behavioral disorders, such as
potentiate L-tryptophan’s sleep-inducing effects. hypersexuality and excessive eating.
Proteins, through their breakdown into amino
acids, are believed to increase the catecholamines, diffuse activity A term frequently used in elec-
which are agents that increase energy. Therefore, troencephalographic (EEG) recordings to indicate
based on this biochemical evidence, the suggestion that EEG activity is being recorded from multiple
has been that carbohydrates, which initially may sites on the scalp. The term “nonfocal” is often used
induce energy, subsequently have an effect on pro- synonymously with diffuse activity.
moting sleep, whereas proteins will be more liable
to increase alertness. The effect of carbohydrates
and proteins on alertness and sleepiness appears to
vary from person to person. However, a pattern of
carbohydrate and protein ingestion is reported to be
useful for the treatment of jet lag and has been out- diphenhydramine See ANTIHISTAMINES.
lined in the ARGONNE ANTI-JET-LAG DIET, publicized
by the Argonne National Laboratory. This diet disorders of excessive somnolence (DOES) A
involves an alternating pattern of feast and fast, and category of the DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP
utilizes the stimulating effect of caffeine-containing AND AROUSAL DISORDERS published in the journal
drinks to alter the timing of sleep. Sleep in 1979. This group consists of disorders that
Large meals are best avoided immediately primarily produce the complaint of inappropriate
before sleep as they can produce increased gas- and undesirable sleepiness during waking hours.
trointestinal activity that may lead to disrupted The sleepiness may produce impaired mental or
nocturnal sleep. In addition, big meals just before work performance, induce a need for daytime
sleep can exacerbate OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- NAPS, increase the total amount of sleep in a 24-
DROME by preventing diaphragm action, and are hour day, increase the length of the major sleep
often associated with SLEEP-RELATED GASTROE- episode or produce a difficulty in achieving full
SOPHAGEAL REFLUX. Meals containing spicy foods arousal upon awakening. The disorders of exces-
are also best avoided before sleep because of their sive somnolence should be differentiated from
stimulating effects. those disorders that produce tiredness and fatigue
Several sleep disorders are associated with the without an increased physiological drive for sleep,
excessive ingestion of food or fluid during sleep at such as dysthymia, DEPRESSION or chronic illness.
night. The NOCTURNAL EATING (DRINKING) SYNDROME There are 10 major groups among disorders of
is associated with awakenings at night in order to excessive somnolence that are induced by behav-
eat food. The desire to eat food becomes over- ioral, psychological or medical causes, or may be
whelming and the person often cannot stop the induced by drugs or MEDICATIONS.
behavior. For some people with this syndrome, the The most common cause of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS
majority of the caloric intake is taken in the night- in the general population is insufficient sleep at
time hours. Excessive drinking at night is more night; however, other frequent causes of excessive
common in children who are given fluids during somnolence include the effects of medications,
the nighttime hours, particularly infants who have which either disrupt nighttime sleep or induce
frequent nighttime feedings. Sleep enuresis may sleepiness during the day, and psychiatric disor-
occur in children, especially infants. ders, such as depression. However, the majority of
Patients with the Kleine-Levin form of RECUR- patients that go to SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS with
RENT HYPERSOMNIA often eat excessively (megapha- the complaint of excessive sleepiness have the
gia) during the cyclical periods of excessive OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Respiratory
60 disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep (DIMS)

impairment during sleep due to the obstructive maintaining sleep is that due to an acute stressful
sleep apnea syndrome, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYN- event, such as a family, marital, work or other
DROME or CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYN- stress. Because this form of insomnia is usually self-
DROME are major causes to be considered in any limited and lasts only a few days, patients with this
patient presenting with the complaint of excessive type of insomnia usually do not consult sleep dis-
sleepiness. PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER and, order specialists or sleep disorder centers.
rarely, RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME can also produce The most common insomnia disorders that are
daytime sleepiness. seen in most sleep disorder centers are either PSY-
NARCOLEPSY is the most well-known pathological CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA caused by negative
disorder inducing daytime sleepiness. This disorder conditioning factors or insomnia due to psychiatric
can be differentiated from IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, disorders, such as ANXIETY or DEPRESSION. Respira-
which has different clinical and polysomnographic tory impairment can contribute to insomnia by
features. means of CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or
Recurrent episodes of sleepiness are seen in OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Abnormal
RECURRENT HYPERSOMNIA, such as the KLEINE-LEVIN limb activities, such as those seen in the PERIODIC
SYNDROME, which is most typically seen in young LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER or RESTLESS LEGS SYN-
adults in association with gluttony and hypersexu- DROME, are also causes of difficulty in initiating and
ality. Another disorder that can produce intermit- maintaining sleep.
tent excessive sleepiness is that related to the One form of insomnia, IDIOPATHIC INSOMNIA,
MENSTRUAL CYCLE. appears to have a primary central nervous system
Treatment of the disorders of excessive somno- cause, possibly on a genetic basis or due to an
lence depends upon the underlying causes and can acquired subtle abnormality, perhaps in neuro-
vary from behavioral techniques, such as extending transmitter function.
the amount of time spent in bed at night, to the use The treatment of DIMS depends upon the
of STIMULANT MEDICATIONS in the treatment of nar- underlying cause of the disorder. For all patients
colepsy. Mechanical devices, such as CONTINUOUS good SLEEP HYGIENE is an essential part of treat-
POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE devices, may be used in ment. Specific treatments can range from behav-
the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. ioral treatments of insomnia such as STIMULUS
disorders of initiating and maintaining the use of HYPNOTICS or ANTIDEPRESSANTS. Mechan-
sleep (DIMS) A group of disorders characterized ical treatments, such as the use of continuous
by the symptom of INSOMNIA. These sleep disorders positive airway pressure devices, may be required
may result in difficulty getting to sleep, frequent for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea
awakenings or arousals during the night, EARLY syndrome.
MORNING AROUSAL or a complaint of NONRESTORA- Kales, Anthony and Kales, J.D., Evaluation and Treatment
TIVE SLEEP. of Insomnia. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
The term “disorders of initiating and maintain-
ing sleep” was first publicized in the DIAGNOSTIC disorders of the sleep-wake schedule See CIRCA-
published in the journal Sleep in 1979. This is one
of four categories of sleep disorder in the classifica-
diurnal Occurring during the day. Opposite of
tion system, and it consists of a list of nine major
groups of disorders. The cause of these sleep disor-
ders varies greatly and may be due to behavioral,
psychological, psychiatric, or medical factors or DOES See DISORDERS OF EXCESSIVE SOMNOLENCE.
may be due to medication and drug effects.
In the population as a whole, the most common dopamine A central nervous system neurotrans-
disorder among the disorders of initiating and mitter that has very important effects upon both
dreams 61

the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Jung, dreams were a way to achieve psychological
Dopamine is the immediate metabolic precursor of health and to work through daytime conflicts.
NOREPINEPHRINE and epinephrine. It has stimulant Jung found Freud’s use of free association with
effects upon the heart, causing an increase in heart dreams too confining and instead he suggested
rate and blood pressure. Dopamine appears to be “. . . to concentrate rather on the associations to
involved in the maintenance of wakefulness; how- the dream itself, believing that the latter expressed
ever, it may also have a role in REM SLEEP, possibly something specific that the unconscious was trying
in its suppression. to say.”
Dopamine at low doses promotes sleep; but high Dreams have contained the idea, or the entirety,
doses delay sleep onset and increase wakefulness. of some literary works, composed partly or totally
An alteration in dopamine metabolism appears during a dream (see DREAMS AND CREATIVITY).
to be present in patients with NARCOLEPSY; conse- Researchers have discovered that the sex of the
quently, medications that stimulate the production dreamer influences dream content. Women tend to
of dopamine may be useful in the treatment of nar- have dreams with indoor settings, with less aggres-
colepsy. The central nervous stimulants such as sion than in male dreams. However, these differ-
pemoline, methylphenidate and amphetamine ences may reflect the learned cultural traits of
have their effect upon narcolepsy through males and females rather than true gender differ-
dopamine. L-Tyrosine (see STIMULANT MEDICA- ences.
TIONS), a precursor of dopamine, has been shown Daytime experiences can influence dream con-
to have a beneficial effect on the clinical symptoms tent; disturbing dreams are often associated with
of narcolepsy. daytime stress. (See also NIGHTMARES.)

Wauquier, A., Clincke, G.H.C., Van Den Broeck, W.A.E. Dement, William C., Some Must Watch While Some Must
and DePrins, E., “Active and Permissive Roles of Sleep. New York: W.W. Norton, 1976.
Dopamine in Sleep-Wakefulness Regulation,” in Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams (1900), tr. J.
Wauquier, A., et al., eds., Sleep Neurotransmittors and Strachey; The Standard Edition of the Complete Psycho-
Neuromodulators. New York: Raven Press, 1985. pp. logical Works of Sigmund Freud, vols. 4 & 5. London:
107–120. Hogarth Press, 1953.
Jung, Carl G., “Approaching the Unconscious,” in Man
and His Symbols. New York: Dell, 1968.
dream anxiety attacks Synonymous with NIGHT-
MARES, the term was first proposed in the DIAGNOS-
dreams Dreams have fascinated mankind since
antiquity. For instance, the Bible contains many
published in the journal Sleep in 1979, as a means
references to dreams, both in the Old and the New
of indicating dreams that occurred in relationship
Testament. Aristotle, one of the first to observe that
to anxiety at night.
the brain can be very active during sleep, placed lit-
tle importance upon the role of dreams and sug-
dream content Since classical Greece, DREAMS gested that they were a means of eliminating
have been used to gain a better understanding, at excessive mental activity.
first of the world and in the last century, of each The scientific investigation of dreams began
individual. SIGMUND FREUD used dreams to try to toward the end of the last century. The study by
better understand the conflicts of the patients in his Mary Calkins of Wellesley College in 1893 accu-
psychoanalytic practice. His monumental work The rately documented 205 dreams and confirmed the
Interpretation of Dreams (1900) spells out his com- impression that most dreams were recalled from
plex ideas on the manifest and latent content of sleep that occurred in the latter third of the night.
dreams. The most significant advance in the interpreta-
Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung in his essay tion of dreams occurred with SIGMUND FREUD’s psy-
“Approaching the Unconscious” delves into the chodynamic writings on dreams in his initial
importance of dreams and dream symbolism. For publication The Interpretation of Dreams in 1900.
62 dreams

Wrote Freud: “The Interpretation of Dreams is the Visual input is important for the development of
royal road to a knowledge of the part the uncon- typical dreaming. People who have been blind
scious plays in the mental life.” from birth do dream but their dreams contain less
The first major development in the scientific visual and more auditory content. People who
investigation of dreams occurred in 1953 when have been rendered blind from an early age after
specific physiological changes were documented the development of visual input tend to retain the
during dreaming sleep and REM (rapid eye move- ability to have visual dreams. The question of
ment) sleep. This discovery, made by Eugene whether people dream in black and white or color
Aserinsky and NATHANIEL KLEITMAN at the Univer- was explored by Calvin Hall, and he determined
sity of Chicago, led to an intense investigation, by that approximately 30% of dreams were reported
electrophysiological means, of the nature of to have vivid color content. The content of dreams
dreams. It became clear that dreams were more is also influenced by the sex of the dreamer.
vivid and more easily recalled from awakenings out Females tend to have dreams that are more likely
of REM sleep than out of non-REM. Although to be set indoors and are less aggressive than the
dreams occur in non-REM sleep, they contain less dreams of males. However, these differences may
clarity and tend to be short sequences of vaguely be related more to personality differences than to
recalled thoughts. The rapid eye movements that true sex difference.
occur during REM sleep were initially believed to Dream activity within the cerebral hemispheres
be related to the dream content and led to the is believed by some to occur primarily in the right
development of the scanning hypothesis. Observa- hemisphere because of the association with the
tions of eye movements under closed or partially storage of visual memory. Right-hemisphere func-
opened eyelids were recorded and the subject tion in dreaming is supported by reports of patients
awoken and interrogated as to the possible eye with right-hemisphere lesions who have a loss of
movements that would have occurred during the dream recall. However, lesions of the posterior
dream. By this means, the sequence of eye move- region of the brain affecting either hemisphere are
ments was traced and in some cases was correlated also associated with dream loss.
with the actual eye movements observed in the The ability to dream appears to be present from
sleeper. This hypothesis has been viewed with infancy, and some researchers, such as Howard
skepticism by many researchers in recent years. Roffwarg, have hypothesized that REM sleep is
The function of dreams has been explored by important for normal brain development. Children
many researchers. The importance of dreams in the as young as three years of age report dream con-
development of a mature central nervous system tent, although it is often difficult to assess whether
was originally proposed by HOWARD PHILLIP ROFF- the reported dream activity is elaborated upon.
WARG. The importance of REM sleep in consolidat- Young children tend to dream of unpleasant
ing learned material was emphasized by Edmond events, such as being chased, and by age four the
M. Dewan and Ramon Greenberg, and a similar dream content appears to include more animal
theory has proposed that REM sleep is important in dreams. By age five or six, the dreams include
increasing protein synthesis in the central nervous ghosts, physical injury and even death.
system for the development of learning and mem- The content of dreams can be influenced by day-
ory. Some researchers have taken the opposite time experiences. Unpleasant dreams are usually
approach to explaining dreams in that they believe associated with daytime psychological stress.
that dreams eliminate unwanted information from Research has attempted to incorporate material
the central nervous system. Dreaming may be into dreams, including using auditory, tactile or
important in uncluttering the brain so that new visual stimuli. Incorporation of auditory stimuli
information can be more easily retained in memory. into dream content is rather poor, occurring in
Many famous people have reported that dream- approximately 10% of attempts. If water is sprayed
ing was important in their development of great on the face of the dreamer, some content regarding
works of art (see DREAMS AND CREATIVITY). water is found in about 40% of recalled dreams.
dreams 63

Exposure to light flashes can be incorporated into dreaming. It seems almost as if the dreamer is
dream content, but only about 20% of the time is awake and asleep at the same time. Various tech-
it recalled. Experimentation by having patients niques, such as posthypnotic suggestions and
wear colored glasses throughout the day so that somatic sensory stimulation during REM sleep,
they experience only the color red have led to an have been reported to increase the likelihood of
increase in the recall of red content in the dreams. lucid dreaming. It has been suggested that the
Mental activity that occurs immediately prior to increased ability to have lucid dreams might be
the onset of sleep is often incorporated into the useful in stimulating creativity and might even be
dream content. useful in controlling NIGHTMARES.
REM sleep is associated with a number of phasic Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that occur in
events of which the eye movement is the most connection with the REM sleep stage. These
prominent. In animals, ponto-geniculate-occipital episodes can be confused with SLEEP TERRORS, in
(PGO) spikes can be detected by electrodes placed which panic occurs out of slow wave sleep. The
over the cortex. These spikes occur at the onset of nightmare, also known as a dream anxiety attack,
REM sleep and are thought to be important in the produces an abrupt awakening from sleep with
initiation of the REM sleep state. Various theories recall of frightening dream content. The nightmare
have been reported as to the importance of PGO sufferer can usually recall in detail the dream con-
spikes. Some researchers think they may be related tent—typically, a threat to the dreamer’s safety.
to hallucinatory behavior whereas others believe Nightmares are more common in the latter third of
that they may improve brain function by the elim- the night because of the increased likelihood of
ination of unwanted memories. REM sleep at that time.
It has been hypothesized that the human equiv- NARCOLEPSY, a disorder of excessive sleepiness
alent of PGO spikes is more common in patients and characterized by sleep onset REM periods, is
with psychiatric disorders characterized by halluci- also associated with frequent and vivid dreaming,
nations, such as schizophrenia. The PGO spikes are and there may be a slight increase in a tendency for
generated in the pons of the brain stem, which is nightmares. The sleep onset dreams of the nar-
believed to be the site of origin for REM sleep. Dur- coleptic are often unpleasant. A more extreme
ing REM sleep, activity is relayed from the brain form of nightmare activity can occur at sleep
stem to the cortex where it is associated with the onset—TERRIFYING HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS;
dreaming. Simultaneously, REM activity passes however, these can also occur in people without
down the brain stem to the medullary region any obvious precipitating disorder.
where stimulation causes an inhibition of the The dreaming stage of sleep is associated with
spinal cord motoneurons, leading to the loss of penile erections in males. Although sexual dream
muscle tone during REM sleep. Additional infor- content is not usually associated with REM SLEEP-
mation on the neurophysiology of REM sleep was RELATED PENILE ERECTIONS, sexual dreams are com-
discovered with the recognition of the syndrome of mon in adolescence. Sexual dreams increase the
REM sleep without atonia, which occurs in cats fol- likelihood of a NOCTURNAL EMISSION (wet dream) in
lowing pontine lesions. In this syndrome, the out- which ejaculation occurs in association with the
put from the pons to the medullary inhibitory penile erection. Nocturnal emissions are more
centers is prevented so that the atonia associated likely to occur in males who have abstained from
with REM sleep does not occur. Cats with such sexual activity for a long period of time and are also
lesions tend to “act out” their dreams. This suggests more common in adolescence.
that the muscle atonia of REM sleep is a protective The dream stage of sleep is a very important
mechanism to prevent excessive motor activity sleep stage because of its association with dramatic
during that sleep stage. changes in physiology and the association with
In recent years there has been an increased nightmares, erectile ability during sleep, REM sleep
interest in a phenomenon known as LUCID DREAMS behavior disorder, narcolepsy, and because of its
where the dreamer is aware of being asleep and of psychoanalytical significance. Investigation into
64 dreams and creativity

dreams and their associated pathophysiology is a onds. The individual is often not aware that sleep is
fertile area of investigation. (See also ALCOHOLISM, actually occurring and perceives the state as one of
DREAM ANXIETY ATTACKS.) tiredness and a strong desire for sleep.
During drowsiness, the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
Dement, William C., Some Must Watch While Some Must
Sleep. New York: W.W. Norton, 1976. (EEG) records an “alpha dropout” with reduced
Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams. London: ALPHA ACTIVITY giving way to low-voltage, mixed
Allen & Unwin, 1954. slow and fast activity. Slow waves in the range of 2
Hartmann, Ernest, The Nightmare. New York: Basic to 7 hertz occur, often mixed with fast activity of 15
Books, 1984. to 25 hertz. As the drowsiness deepens, the elec-
Hirshkowitz, M. and Howell, J.W., “Advances and troencephalogram rhythm slows, with more fre-
Methodology in the Study of Dreaming,” in quent episodes of two to three hertz activity
Williams, R.L., Karacan, I. and Moore, C.A., eds., intermixed with brief episodes of return to alpha
Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. New York:
activity in response to arousing stimuli.
Wiley, 1988. pp. 215–244.
Occasionally, when a person experiences
drowsiness, the EEG will show the presence of pos-
dreams and creativity History includes several itive occipital sharp transients of sleep (POSTS) that
examples of artists who have created works while occur in the occipital regions and are most com-
dreaming, or have dreamed the solution to a cre- monly seen in adolescents and young adults. In
ative problem they were coping with during the addition, transient sharp waves, termed benign
day. For instance, the English artist and poet epileptiform transients of sleep (BETS), can also be
William Blake stated that, while searching for a less seen.
expensive way to do engraving, he dreamed that Drowsiness is a relaxed state that can be consid-
his deceased brother came to him and suggested ered an intermediary stage between wakefulness
that Blake use copper engraving, a method he and light sleep. During drowsiness, the individual is
immediately began to explore. English poet Samuel able to comprehend environmental stimuli and
Taylor Coleridge is reported to have dreamed part will deny being asleep. Not uncommonly, individ-
of his poem “Kubla Khan.” uals who are in stage one sleep, which is charac-
Other examples, cited in Patricia Garfield’s book, terized by loss of alpha activity and reduced
Creative Dreaming, include Guiseppe Tartini, Italian appreciation of environmental stimuli, will report
violinist and composer; anthropologist Hermann V. that they were in a state of drowsiness and deny
Hilprecht; German chemist Friedrich A. Kekule, being asleep.
who discovered the molecular structure of benzene
Drowsiness occurs naturally prior to sleep onset,
in a dream; and English author Robert Louis Steven-
but it can also be brought on by medications pre-
son (1850–1894), who wrote that he dreamed the
scribed specifically for that purpose or as a side
essence of the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story. Garfield
effect of a medication prescribed for another pur-
includes a list of “what we can learn from creative
pose, such as for motion sickness, hay fever or
dreamers,” including the suggestion that if you have
colds (see ANTIHISTAMINES). Certain illicit sub-
a creative dream, you should “. . . clearly visualize it
stances, such as heroin or marijuana, may also
and record it in some form as soon as possible: write
induce drowsiness.
it, paint it, play it, make it. Visualize it while you
translate it into a concrete form.” (See also DAY-
DREAMING, DREAM CONTENT and DREAMS.) drowsy driving Term applied to driving a car or
truck when not fully alert. The danger of drowsy
Garfield, Patricia, Creative Dreaming. New York: Ballan- driving, also referred to as driver fatigue, is that it
tine, 1974.
may lead to falling asleep at the wheel with resul-
tant injuries or even fatalities to the driver, passen-
drowsiness A state of wakefulness characterized gers and any other individuals who come into
by brief episodes of sleep, typically lasting only sec- contact with the vehicle which would be out of
dyssomnia 65

control due to the sleeping driver. Causes of OXIDASE INHIBITORS, NARCOTICS, RESPIRATORY STIMU-
drowsy driving include sleep deprivation, shift LANTS, STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.
work, certain medications that have sleepiness as a
side effect, drinking alcoholic beverages, eating a dustman See SANDMAN.
large meal, especially one that has an excess of car-
bohydrates, and the soporific effect of highway dri- dyssomnia A disorder of sleep or wakefulness
ving, especially at night. Fifty-one percent of the that is associated with a complaint of difficulty of
1,154 adults surveyed by telephone for the initiating or maintaining sleep or EXCESSIVE SLEEPI-
National Sleep Foundation’s 2000 poll said that NESS. Dyssomnia is used, as opposed to the term
they had actually dozed off while driving drowsy PARASOMNIA, which refers to a sleep disorder that
during the previous year. Men were more likely occurs during sleep but does not primarily produce
than women to drive drowsy (63% versus 43%) a complaint of insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
and younger adults were more likely than older In the older literature, Nathaniel Kleitman used
adults to drive drowsy (60% of 18-year olds versus the term dyssomnia to refer to all disorders of sleep
21% of those 65 years and older). and wakefulness, including parasomnias. The
The most common way to deal with drowsy dri- term dyssomnia is also used as a major heading in
ving, according to the National Sleep Foundation the sleep disorders section of the American Psy-
2000 poll, was to use caffeine (63%). Roughly one chiatric Association’s section on sleep disorders in
of five drivers (22%) said they pulled over to take the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV). In
a nap when they feared their exhaustion might DSM-IV, dyssomnias refer to any disturbance of
cause them to fall asleep at the wheel. sleep and wakefulness other than the parasom-
In recent years, consumer and driver education nias. In the INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP
and public awareness campaigns from the Auto- DISORDERS, the term dyssomnia refers only to the
mobile Association of America as well as sleep asso- major (primary) sleep disorders that are associated
ciations like the National Sleep Foundation have with insomnia or excessive sleepiness and
emerged to get the word out about the hazards of excludes the secondary (other medical and psy-
drowsy driving. chiatric) causes.


early morning arousal Term used to denote final well as an increase in the number of awakenings
awakening that occurs following the major sleep and wakefulness during the major sleep periods.
episode at a time earlier than desired. The term is The amount and percentage of stage one sleep
commonly used as synonymous with “premature increases. The spindle activity of stage two sleep is
morning awakening” and is usually associated with reduced, and the total amount of stage three and
underlying DEPRESSION, although it may be caused four sleep is also reduced. The slow wave activity is
by other medical or psychiatric disorders, such as reduced in amplitude. REM sleep becomes more
DEMENTIA or mania. Early morning arousal may fragmented and the density of rapid eye move-
also be due to a CIRCADIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDER, ments is reduced in the elderly.
such as ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, in which Along with the changes in the polysomno-
the sleep onset time is early and hence the wake graphic features of sleep there is an increase in
time is also early. The early morning arousal is complaints regarding the quality of sleep, and sleep
often preceded by numerous brief awakenings is bound to be less restful. The number of daytime
before the final awakening. (See also INSOMNIA.) naps increases and there is a general increase in
sleepiness throughout the waking portion of the
early morning awakening See EARLY MORNING sleep-wake cycle.
AROUSAL. The sleep-wake pattern can become so disrupted
that there may be the loss of a definite main noc-
turnal sleep episode.
Certain sleep disorders become more prevalent in
the elderly, particularly SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
iological changes contribute to the sleep disruption
EEG See ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG). and the tendency to increasing daytime sleepiness.
The elderly patient is more likely to request hyp-
notic medications than a younger patient. HYP-
NOTICS in the elderly may exacerbate sleep-related
breathing disorders and, because of reduced meta-
elderly and sleep Sleep complaints are common bolic clearance, there may be an accumulation of
in the elderly, usually the inability to fall asleep or the hypnotic, which impairs mental performance.
to remain asleep; but there can also be complaints Elderly patients are also more likely to have med-
of excessive sleepiness during the daytime. Abnor- ical illnesses, including psychiatric illness, factors
mal activity during sleep (particularly movements that can disrupt nighttime sleep. The dementias are
of the limbs), nightmares and other fears are also often associated with NOCTURNAL CONFUSION, which
common. Old age is a time that is associated with has been called the sundown syndrome. The sun-
light and unrefreshing sleep. down syndrome often leads to the elderly patient
Sleep in the elderly is characterized by elec- being placed in a nursing home where appropriate
troencephalographic changes in sleep stages, as observation and control can be instituted at night.

elderly and sleep 67
68 elderly and sleep

Medications and alcohol can contribute to this electrical status epilepticus of sleep (ESES) An
sleep disturbance in the elderly and can add to dis- abnormal ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM pattern that
ruption of the sleep-wake pattern, which may occurs during NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP. This disorder is
exacerbate mental impairment. characterized by continuous, slow-spike-and-wave
Treatment of sleep disturbance in the elderly discharges that occur and persist throughout non-
rests primarily upon the institution of good SLEEP REM sleep. At least 85% of non-REM sleep is occu-
HYGIENE measures and the institution of treatment pied by this abnormal pattern. Electrical status
for specific sleep disorders. In general, if possible, epilepticus of sleep does not produce direct clinical
hypnotics are best avoided. features of epilepsy and therefore its name is
regarded as slightly inappropriate. It is really an
Case History electrical abnormality, rather than a true seizure
A 76-year-old retired insurance broker presented at disorder. However, children with electrical status
a sleep disorder center because of excessive day- epilepticus of sleep have significant cognitive and
time sleepiness that appeared to be related to his behavioral disorders that are believed to be directly
very disturbed nighttime sleep. He weighed 215 related to the electroencephalographic pattern.
pounds, which was about 45 pounds overweight, ESES is most often seen in childhood around
and was a loud snorer, although no apneic episodes eight years of age and affects males and females
were noticed during his sleep. He had a lot of activ- equally. It tends to disappear with increasing age
ity during sleep, particularly brief twitching move- and its duration, although difficult to know exactly,
ments of his limbs. appears to be in terms of months or years. Some
He underwent all-night polysomnography, children who suffer from ESES also can have more
which showed a total sleep time of only 204 min- typical epilepsy. Most often, the seizures are a gen-
utes with a sleep efficiency of 56%. He did not eralized or focal seizure disorder that usually pre-
have any breathing disturbances during sleep but dates the discovery of the ESES.
had 510 periodic leg movements, giving an index This disorder appears to be rare although the
of 150 per hour of sleep (108 per hour were asso- exact prevalence is unknown. As it was first recog-
ciated with arousals that were evident on the elec- nized in 1971 and has only been detected in child-
troencephalogram during sleep). hood, it is not known whether a familial pattern
In view of the findings, a diagnosis of insomnia exists. Pathological studies have failed to reveal any
due to periodic limb movement disorder was made specific central nervous system abnormality to
and the patient was recommended to take the ben- account for this disorder.
zodiazepine triazolam, 0.25 milligram half an hour Children may have associated severe language
before sleep onset. This medication made a dra- impairment, with reduced mental ability, and
matic improvement in the quality of his nighttime impairment of memory and temporo-spatial orien-
sleep and his tendency for daytime sleepiness. In tation. There may be reduced attention span,
view of the severity of the periodic limb movement hyperkinesis, aggressiveness and even psychotic
disorder, it is likely he will need to continue this states.
medication indefinitely. The dosage can be reduced The disorder is diagnosed by demonstrating the
slightly if he remains free of significant sleep dis- characteristic electroencephalographic pattern that
turbance for about six months. (See also AGE, OBE- occurs for more than 85% of the non-REM sleep.
SITY, ONTOGENY OF SLEEP, SLEEP STAGES.) This particular pattern does not occur during wake-
fulness. Sleep organization is generally preserved,
Morin, E.M., et al., “Nonpharmacological Treatment of
with a normal proportion of non-REM and REM
Late-Life Insomnia,” Journal of Psychosomatic Research
42, no. 2(1999): 103–116. sleep. However, the electroencephalographic pat-
Vitiello, M.V. and Prinz, P.N., “Aging and Sleep Disor- tern tends to obscure the more typical features of
ders,” in Williams, R.L., Karacan, I., and Moore, slow wave sleep so that SPINDLES, K COMPLEXES and
C.A., eds., Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. vertex transient waves (see VERTEX SHARP TRAN-
New York: John Wiley, 1988, pp. 293–314. SIENTS) are usually indistinguishable.
electromyogram (EMG) 69

The abnormal slow wave activity needs to be alpha activities. The deepest stage of sleep, SLOW
distinguished from other epileptic disorders, such WAVE SLEEP, has EEG activity in the delta range.
as BENIGN EPILEPSY WITH ROLANDIC SPIKES (BERS). The EEG waves are also described in terms of their
benign epilepsy of childhood has clinical seizures amplitudes. The amplitude of waves detected at the
that are usually evident, and the electroencephalo- scalp is usually 10 to 100 microvolts (mv). Alpha
graphic pattern is characterized by frequent spike activity is usually 10 to 20 mv. Beta activity is also
activity. Although benign epilepsy of childhood low amplitude, rarely exceeding 30 mv. Theta
commonly occurs during non-REM sleep, it never waves can be higher, up to 50 mv, and delta waves
fills more than 85% of slow wave sleep. are of the highest amplitude, up to 100 mv in chil-
Other seizure disorders, such as the Lennox- dren.
Gastaut syndrome, may need to be differentiated. The recording is usually on paper, although it is
However, this particular form of epilepsy has typi- now possible to record on magnetic tape and com-
cal tonic seizures associated with the abnormal puter disk. Typically the electroencephalogram is
electroencephalographic pattern. measured along with the ELECTRO-OCULOGRAM and
Another form of epilepsy associated with lan- the ELECTROMYOGRAM for the recording of sleep
guage difficulty is called the Landau-Kleffner syn- stages and wakefulness. Electrodes for the mea-
drome. This form of epilepsy is associated with surement of the brain activity to document sleep
clinical features of epilepsy and a typical electroen- are typically placed at the C3 or C4 positions
cephalographic pattern that is localized to one or according to the 10-20 system used throughout the
both temporal lobes. world. Electroencephalograph electrodes can also
Electrical status epilepticus of sleep is treated by record other electrical signals that come from the
standard anticonvulsants that include phenytoin. body, such as muscle activity or eye movements.
SESE is an acronym for subclinical electrical status
epilepticus of sleep, which is synonymous with
electrical status epilepticus of sleep. electromyogram (EMG) The recording of mus-
cle electrical potentials in order to document the
Patry, G., Lyagoubi, S. and Tassinari, C.A., “Sub-clinical level of muscle activity. The electromyogram is
‘Electrical Status Epilepticus’ Induced by Sleep in usually recorded by a polysomnograph machine,
Children,” Archives of Neurology 24 (1971): 242–252.
TRO-OCULOGRAM, in order to stage sleep. The elec-
electrocorticogram (ECoG) The recording of trodes for the measurement of the electromyogram
the electroencephalogram by means of electrodes are typically placed over the tip of the jaw to record
that are applied on the cortex directly to the sur- activity in the mentalis muscle. Sometimes elec-
face of the brain. This technique is most often used tromyographic activity is also recorded from other
for detecting the site of intractable seizure activity muscle groups to determine other abnormal activ-
prior to neurosurgical removal of a lesion. ity during sleep. For example, measurements of the
masseter muscle activity are useful for determining
electroencephalogram (EEG) Recording of the the presence of BRUXISM (tooth grinding), and
electrical activity of the brain. The term typically activity recorded from the anterior tibialis muscles
applies to measurements made by applying elec- can document the presence of PERIODIC LEG MOVE-
trodes to the scalp. The electroencephalographic MENTS during sleep.
activity is composed of frequencies that are divided Electromyographic activity recorded in the
into four main groups: those that are below 3.5 per polysomnogram typically will show an increased
second (DELTA), 4 to 7.5 per second (THETA), 8 to 13 level of activation during wakefulness; this
per second (ALPHA) and those above 13 per second decreases as the subject passes through the non-
(BETA). Sleep electroencephalographic frequencies REM sleep stages (see NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP) to the
are usually of the theta or delta range, except that deeper stages of sleep, when the chin muscle activ-
of REM SLEEP which consists of mixed theta and ity is very low. In REM SLEEP, electromyographic
70 electronarcosis

activity is characterized by a silent background, but SLEEP is characterized by rapid eye movement.
with brief phasic muscle activity from most muscle Rapid eye movements similar to those seen in REM
groups. Rarely, background electromyographic sleep can be seen during wakefulness, and the
activity can be increased in REM sleep in associa- measurement of other physiological variables, such
tion with REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER. as the EEG and EMG, help in the differentiation of
REM sleep from wakefulness. (See also SLEEP
electronarcosis The alteration of the level of STAGES.)
consciousness by electrical stimulation is called
electronarcosis. electrosleep A form of SLEEP THERAPY that
Electronarcotic experiments have been per- involves the induction of sleep by means of an elec-
formed on animals since the early 1800s. A current tric current. A pulsating current lasting 0.2 to 0.3
is passed through electrodes that are placed on the millisecond, of voltage 0.5 to 2.5 and milliamper-
neck of the animal. Starting at a rate of 100 pulses age of 0.2 to 1.5, has been recorded as being effec-
per second, a current of one to two milliamperes tive in inducing sleep in animals. When the current
produces a loss of all motor activity and reflexes. is terminated, sleep continues. It is believed that
This state can be maintained for several hours and electrosleep is more effectively produced when low
upon termination of the electrical current, the ani- doses of hypnotics, such as the barbiturates or ben-
mal immediately recovers. zodiazepines, are given concurrently. Electrosleep
The first electronarcosis performed on a human has been used in the course of sleep therapy for
was in 1902 by Stephane Armand Nicolas Leduc treatment of a variety of medical disorders such as
(1853–1939). Leduc, experimenting on himself, schizophrenia. This form of treatment is widely
maintained consciousness but speech and move- practiced in Eastern European countries, and there
ment were lost. The sensation experienced was not are differing opinions on its usefulness. (See also
unlike a feeling of paralysis that is experienced ELECTRONARCOSIS.)
with dreams (see SLEEP PARALYSIS).
Electronarcosis was used in humans for the EMG See ELECTROMYOGRAM (EMG).
treatment of schizophrenia; it was felt to be more
beneficial than treating patients with electrocon- encephalitis lethargica A disease suspected to be
vulsive therapy (ECT). However, electronarcosis of viral cause, first reported in 1917. It affected
can induce cerebral convulsions and ventricular thousands of people until 1927, when the disease
arrhythmias and therefore is no longer regarded as gradually disappeared. Encephalitis lethargica pro-
an acceptable form of treatment. (See also ELEC- duced inflammation of various portions of the
brain, including the brain stem and hypothalamus.
It was most prevalent in Vienna and France spread-
electro-oculogram (EOG) A recording of eye ing to Western Europe and England.
movements by means of changes in the electrical The primary features of this disorder were stu-
potentials between the retina and the cornea. por, excessive sleepiness, disturbed sleep at night
There is a large potential difference, often over 200 and the development of features of Parkinsonism,
microvolts, between the negatively-charged retina with generalized rigidity and abnormal move-
and the positively-charged cornea. Electrodes that ments.
are placed lateral to the outer CANTHUS of the eyes Constantin Von Economo (1876–1931) exten-
record changes in the dipole with movements of sively studied patients with encephalitis lethargica
the eyes. Measurement of eye movement activity is and recognized three different sleep patterns:
essential for staging sleep. EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, INSOMNIA and REVERSAL OF
In stage one sleep, there are slow rolling eye SLEEP. He studied the pathology and determined
movements, and the eyes become quiescent (not that insomnia primarily occurred in those patients
moving) in deeper stages of non-REM sleep. REM who had basal forebrain lesions whereas excessive
end-tidal carbon dioxide 71

sleepiness appeared to result from posterior hypo- by changes in the body TEMPERATURE. The CONSTANT
thalamus lesions. Although features typical for ROUTINE method can be used for determining the
NARCOLEPSY and CATAPLEXY have been reported in circadian phase of the body temperature and allow-
association with encephalitis lethargica, the devel- ing one to compare the circadian phase of one indi-
opment of true narcolepsy by encephalitis lethar- vidual with the circadian phases of others. (See also
gica is questioned. CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, PHASE SHIFT.)
Other features of encephalitis lethargica
included immobility of the eye muscles and oculo- endogenous rhythm See ENDOGENOUS CIRCADIAN
gyric crises (bizarre, uncontrollable eye move- PACEMAKER.
In recent years, encephalitis lethargica has
endoscopy A procedure whereby an observation
rarely been reported, and polysomnographic test-
can be made anywhere inside the body. In sleep
ing has not been performed. However, the elec-
disorders medicine, endoscopy commonly is per-
troencephalogram has shown generalized slowing.
formed in patients who have UPPER AIRWAY OB-
There is no known treatment for the primary ill-
STRUCTION in order to determine the site of that
ness, and the features have to be treated sympto-
obstruction. A fiberoptic endoscope (see FIBEROPTIC
ENDOSCOPY) is placed through the nose so that an
Von Economo, C., Encephalitis Lethargica: Its Sequelae and observer can view the tissues of the nose and upper
Treatment. London: Oxford University Press, 1931. airway. This procedure can be performed not only
———, “Sleep as a Problem of Localization,” Journal of on the awake patient but also on a patient who is
Nervous and Mental Disease 71 (1930): 249–259. asleep or under anesthesia. SOMNOENDOSCOPY is the
term applied to the endoscopic evaluation of the
endogenous circadian pacemaker An internal upper airway in the sleeping patient. This proce-
mechanism that triggers the periodic processes that dure is rarely performed in patients with OBSTRUC-
are involved in the human circadian timing system, TIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME in order to determine
this structure controls the timing of various rhyth- the site of upper airway obstruction, because the
mical processes in the body, such as the sleep-wake presence of the endoscope is usually too uncom-
cycle, that have a cycle of approximately 24 hours. fortable to allow the patient to sleep. Endoscopy
The site of the pacemaker appears to be the performed in the awake patient is a more common
SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS at the base of the third procedure.
ventricle in the hypothalamus of the brain. The
endogenous circadian pacemaker is also known as end-tidal carbon dioxide Term referring to the
the X-oscillator, the type-1 oscillator, the “C” measurement of the carbon dioxide value in
process and the endogenous rhythm. expired air, which reflects the level of carbon diox-
The endogenous circadian pacemaker appears to ide in the lung alveoli. “End-tidal” refers to the
have a very stable periodicity that controls the tim- end, or last portion, of the resting breath (TIDAL
ing of the CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS in the free-running VOLUME). This value is normally detected by means
condition. A number of physiological parameters, of sampling air from the nostrils at the end of the
including the core-body temperature, cortisol expiration. The gas is analyzed by means of an
release, REM sleep propensity, urinary potassium infrared gas analyzer.
excretion, alertness, and cognitive and psychomo- In addition to providing accurate measurements
tor performance, are all driven by the endogenous of alveolar carbon dioxide levels, the resultant trac-
circadian pacemaker. ing can also be used as an accurate measure of ven-
tilation. The measurement of carbon dioxide values
endogenous circadian phase assessment Term is most useful in determining impairment of gas
describing a means of determining the rhythm of exchange in the lungs, and this can give important
the ENDOGENOUS CIRCADIAN PACEMAKER as illustrated information on lung function or ventilatory ability.
72 enuresis, sleep-related

(See also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS, SLEEP epilepsy) has a marked tendency to occur during
APNEA.) sleep. In some patients, SLEEP TERRORS or SLEEP-
WALKING episodes may need to be distinguished
enuresis, sleep-related See SLEEP ENURESIS. from epileptic seizures. (See also RAPID EYE MOVE-

environmental sleep disorder A sleep disorder

that has its roots in a disturbing environmental epoch A measure of sleep activity used in order
condition that produces a complaint of INSOMNIA or to stage sleep (see SLEEP STAGES); typically epochs
EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. Light and environmental are 20- to 30-second samples of sleep that have
noise are typical causes. Usually the sleep disorder been recorded by POLYSOMNOGRAPHY. Epochs often
is resolved when the environmental disturbance is reflect the recording speed of the polysomnograph,
eliminated. and refer to a single page of recording; polysomno-
graph recordings performed at 15 millimeters per
environmental time cues Environmental factors second will typically produce a 20-second epoch on
that influence a pattern of behavior, such as the standard EEG paper, whereas recordings performed
sleep-wake cycle, and help to maintain regular 24- at 10 millimeters per second will produce 30-sec-
hour periodicity. Maintenance of a 24-hour sleep- ond epochs on standard EEG paper. A typical
wake cycle is dependent upon environmental time polysomnographic recording of sleep will produce
cues occurring prior to the onset of the major sleep approximately 1,000 epochs of sleep at the stan-
episode and also at the time of awakening. Such dard 10 millimeters per second recording rate.
time cues include alarm clocks, light stimuli, social
interaction and noise stimulus. In an environment Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) A questionnaire
free of environmental time cues, an individual may that is used to assess whether someone is suffering
free run with a sleep-wake cycle that is longer than from excessive daytime sleepiness. Eight questions
24 hours, typically 25 hours, causing the individual are asked and you rank on a scale of 0 to 3 your
to fall asleep one hour later and arise one hour chance of dozing in those situations (0+ would
later on a daily basis. This FREE RUNNING pattern of never doze; 1=slight chance of dozing; 2=moderate
sleep and wakefulness causes the sleep-wake pat- chance of dozing; and 3=high chance of dozing).
tern to occur out of synchrony with that of most
other people. The German term zeitgeber is synony- Situation Chance of Dozing
mous with environmental time cues. (See also
1. Sitting and reading
DERS, NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-WAKE SYNDROME, NREM- 2. Watching television
REM SLEEP CYCLE.) 3. Sitting inactive in a public place
such as a theater or a meeting

EOG See ELECTRO-OCULOGRAM (EOG). 4. As a passenger in a car for an hour

without a break
5. Lying down to read in the afternoon
epilepsy Epileptic seizures may disturb sleep and,
if they occur frequently enough, may be a cause of 6. Sitting and talking to someone
daytime sleepiness. Sometimes the medications 7. Sitting quietly after lunch (when
used for epilepsy, such as phenobarbitol, can con- you’ve had no alcohol)
tribute to daytime sleepiness. SLEEP DEPRIVATION is a 8. In a car, when stopped for traffic
known precipitant of epileptic seizures. Most
seizures, if they occur during sleep, occur during
the non-REM sleep stages. Rarely do seizures occur A score of less than 8 means you’re not suffer-
during REM sleep. A particular type of epilepsy ing from excessive daytime sleepiness. A score of
called benign focal epilepsy of childhood (Rolandic 10 or more means that you are more sleepy than
esophageal reflux 73

you should be and may need to think more about feeling of being wide awake, the insomniac may
your sleep. A score of 15 or more means that you go to bed later than usual; and on some days,
should discuss the results of this test and your because of awakening early due to the insomnia,
sleep-related symptoms with your physician. the patient may arise earlier than usual. Therefore
Murray W. Johns, M.D. developed the Epworth the sleep episodes are spread out over at least a 10-
Sleepiness Scale at the Sleep Center at Epworth hour period. There is a breakdown of the ENVIRON-
Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. MENTAL TIME CUES that are essential for the
maintenance of a stable sleep-wake pattern, in
Equalizer A trade name for a dental appliance part because of the effect of disrupted sleep on
that is inserted in the mouth for the treatment of underlying CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. An essential ele-
SNORING. This device consists of two fine tubes
ment in treatment of patients with insomnia is to
attached to the mouthpiece to allow air to be ensure that sleep does not occur before a set time
sucked through the mouth to the hypopharynx. at night, for example 11 P.M., or after a set time in
The Equalizer prevents a negative suction effect the morning, such as 7 A.M. Ensuring that all sleep
from occurring in the upper airway, so obstruction occurs between appropriate limits of no longer
does not occur. It is not particularly useful for the than eight hours helps develop a stable sleep-wake
but can be effective in some patients who have pri- Maintaining regular sleep onset and wake
mary (benign) snoring. times is an important element of STIMULUS CON-
TROL THERAPY for insomnia, as well as SLEEP RES-
erections during sleep Penile erections typically PATTERN.)
occur during sleep in all healthy males from
infancy to old age. Erections are associated with
REM SLEEP, not usually with sexual dreams. The

erections occur during each of the episodes of REM (ESES).

sleep and can last up to 20 minutes. The presence
of penile erections during sleep helps differentiate esophageal pH monitoring Episodes of gastroe-
IMPOTENCE due to psychogenic causes from that due sophageal reflux of acid can be detected by means
to physical causes, such as a neurological or vascu- of a stomach pH-sensitive electrode, which is
lar disorder. (See also IMPAIRED SLEEP-RELATED passed by means of a polyurethane tube through
PENILE ERECTIONS, SLEEP-RELATED PAINFUL EREC- the nose into the lower esophagus. The electrode is
TIONS.) connected to a strip chart recorder so that continu-
ous measurements of pH changes can be detected
erratic hours Term applied to varied SLEEP ONSET throughout sleep and often for a 24-hour period.
and WAKE TIMES. Alterations in the time of going to (See also SLEEP-RELATED GASTROESOPHAGEAL
bed at night, and of awakening in the morning, are
common precipitating factors in the development
of INSOMNIA. Regularity in going to bed and awak- esophageal reflux Term applied to the regurgita-
ening is a key element of good SLEEP HYGIENE. tion of gastric contents into the esophagus.
People who develop insomnia often find that Esophageal reflux typically occurs in individuals
their times of going to bed and awakening start to who have some incompetence of the gastroe-
vary greatly. The insomniac will typically go to bed sophageal sphincter between the esophagus and
earlier some nights to catch up on sleep lost the the stomach. This incompetence may be due to a
night before, and typically will stay in bed later on hiatus hernia. Patients with OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
some mornings, if there has been an inadequate APNEA SYNDROME are more likely to have
amount of sleep, in the hope that more sleep will esophageal reflux during the struggle to breathe
be obtained. However, some nights, because of the that is associated with apneic events. This reflux
74 ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)

may cause an awakening from sleep and produce Excessive sleepiness is synonymous with EXCESSIVE
gagging or COUGHING, sometimes associated with DAYTIME SLEEPINESS (or EDS) and somnolence but is
laryngospasm. (See SLEEP-RELATED GASTROESOPHA- the preferred term.
GEAL REFLUX, SLEEP-RELATED LARYNGOSPASM.) Excessive sleepiness may be present at night for
an individual who has the major sleep period
ethchlorvynol (Placidyl) See HYPNOTICS. occurring during the day, for example, a shift
worker. Excessive sleepiness may be reported sub-
jectively or be quantified by means of electrophys-
European Sleep Research Society Founded in iological measurements of sleep tendency. Tests
1971, the European Sleep Research Society is the
that can quantify excessive sleepiness include the
first international sleep society to be formed out-
side of the United States. Like the ASSOCIATION FOR
TESTING. Subjective rating scales, such as the STAN-
in 1961 in the United States, the European Sleep
Research Society is devoted to promoting sleep
SLEEPINESS SCALE (ESS), are often used to determine
research and the development of clinical sleep dis-
a subject’s level of sleepiness.
orders medicine. The European Sleep Research
The causes of excessive sleepiness range from
Society was one of four international societies that
jointly sponsored the bimonthly journal SLEEP,
published by Raven Press. The European Sleep
The sleepiness can be caused by an ADJUSTMENT
Research Society now has its own journal, The
SLEEP DISORDER related to a temporary stressful
Journal of Sleep Research, published by Blackwell
event, such as illness or death in the family,
Press in the United Kingdom. (See also ASSOCIATION
midterm or final exams at school or anxiety about
a particular crisis at work. The insomnia and the
excessive sleepiness related to that insomnia clears
up as soon as the interim situation is resolved.
Excessive sleepiness can also be chronic, such as
evening person (night person) An individual that seen in children or adolescents suffering from
who prefers to go to bed later, and arise later, than DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME so that every day,
is typical for the general population. Such persons especially during the school week, they get too lit-
have a delay in their sleep phase, and the pattern tle sleep and are tired the next day.
of body TEMPERATURE and other circadian rhythms Adults who suffer from INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYN-
is delayed. An evening person is sometimes DROME may have a chronic problem with excessive
referred to as a “night owl.” (See also ADVANCED sleepiness that has a negative impact on their
SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYN- health, career success or social relationships.
DROME, MORNING PERSON, OWL AND LARK QUESTION- The consequences of excessive sleepiness may
NAIRE.) include mild to severe fatigue, crankiness, depres-
sion and reduced concentration, or even such cat-
evening shift Work shift from about 3 P.M. to 11 astrophic consequences as fatigue-related driving
P.M. that is before the NIGHT SHIFT. accidents (DROWSY DRIVING) as well as industrial or
excessive daytime sleepiness See EXCESSIVE El-Ad, B., et al., “Disorders of Excess in Daytime Sleepi-
SLEEPINESS. ness—An Update,” Journal of Neurological Science 153,
no. 2 (1998): 192–202.
excessive sleepiness The inability to remain
awake during the awake portion of an individual’s exercise and sleep Exercise can increase or
sleep-wake cycle (see NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE). reduce the quality of sleep, or have no effect at all.
extrinsic sleep disorders 75

It is well recognized that intense exercise per- iological drive for sleep. Similarly, a form of
formed immediately before sleep will impair the exhaustion can occur following exercise where
ability to fall asleep. The increased autonomic sys- fatigue occurs; however, acute sudden exercise can
tem activation produced by the exercise increases lead to a state of relaxation that will allow an
AROUSAL and therefore sleep onset will be delayed. underlying drive for sleep to become manifest. For
Good SLEEP HYGIENE includes avoiding intense exer- example, someone who is slightly sleepy, due to an
cise before going to bed at night. insufficient quality or amount of sleep, may sleep
However, a relaxing exercise, such as yoga, may during the day following exercise as the exercise
be beneficial to sleep by reducing muscle tension. causes him or her to become relaxed and sleep
Mild relaxing exercises, such as those recom- occurs.
mended by Edmund Jacobson, can be beneficial
and are a well-recommended form of relaxation exploding head syndrome Disorder in which an
therapy (see JACOBSONIAN RELAXATION). awakening is accompanied by a sensation of an
There are differing opinions on the role of day- explosion having gone off in the head. This disor-
time exercise in improving the quality of nighttime der typically occurs in the elderly. The sensation
sleep. Initial reports have demonstrated that causes intense fear but no pain. The syndrome
intense daytime exercise will increase the amount mainly occurs in women with no neurological or
of SLOW WAVE SLEEP at night; however, this increase psychiatric disorder. The moment the sufferer is
appears to occur only in trained athletes. Initially it awake, the sensation is gone, but the syndrome
was suggested that exercise by means of producing causes anxiety, rapid heart rate and sweating; there
wear and tear on the tissues would lead to is usually a concern that one has had a stroke, or
enhanced deep sleep as a restorative process. How- that it is a sign of an intracerebral tumor.
ever, there is no evidence that deep sleep is restora- No known cause is evident for the disorder;
tive after exercise, and studies with invalids on however, disinhibition of the connection between
complete bed rest show little difference in the the inner ear and the brain has been proposed as
amount of slow wave sleep present compared with an explanation.
more active populations. This syndrome does not require a specific treat-
The role of exercise in improving slow wave ment other than reassurance. (See also SLEEP-
sleep in trained individuals is also controversial as RELATED HEADACHES.)
there are some who believe that the increase is due
Pearce, J.M.S., “Exploding Head Syndrome,” Lancet 11
to an increase in body TEMPERATURE. Trained ath-
(1988): 270–271.
letes on sustained exercise are more liable to pro-
duce an increase in their core body temperature
compared with unfit individuals. Other studies extrinsic sleep disorders Sleep disorders that
looking at the effects of body heating by artificial originate, develop or arise from causes outside of
means have demonstrated that slow wave sleep the body. Examples of extrinsic sleep disorders
can be increased in the absence of exercise. (See include environmental sleep disorder, ADJUSTMENT
the external factor usually resolves the sleep dis-
Manfredini, R., et al., “Circadian Rhythms, Athletic Per- turbance unless another sleep problem develops in
formance, and Jet Lag,” British Sports Medicine 32, no. the interim. For example, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL
2 (1998): 101–106.
INSOMNIA may occur after the removal of the
external factor, such as stress, that caused the
exhaustion A state of extreme mental or physical development of an adjustment sleep disorder, so
fatigue. Exhaustion is not synonymous with EXCES- the person becomes conditioned to insomnia. This
SIVE SLEEPINESS. Persons can become exhausted group of disorders is one of three subcategories
from mental strain and feel a tiredness and weak- of dyssomnias in the American Sleep Disorder
ness that has nothing to do with an increased phys- Association’s INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF
76 eye movements

SLEEP DISORDERS. (The other two subcategories are become quiescent during SLOW WAVE SLEEP. The
INTRINSIC SLEEP DISORDERS and CIRCADIAN RHYTHM REM stage of sleep (see REM SLEEP) is characterized
SLEEP DISORDERS.) by rapid eye movements that are similar to those
seen during wakefulness.
eye movements Typically recorded for the detec- The eye movement activity, in conjunction with
tion of sleep stages. Usually, awake persons will the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM pattern and ELEC-
have rapid eye movements; these slow during TROMYOGRAM, is one of the three main physiolo-
DROWSINESS so that slow eye movements are a gical variables that are recorded during
common feature of STAGE ONE SLEEP. The eyes POLYSOMNOGRAPHY.
Factor S A substance discovered in the cere- parents as well as promoting an adult-type sleep-
brospinal fluid that appears to have a sleep-induc- wake cycle. In the early months or years, if a
ing effect. In 1913, Henri Pieron reported that mother is breast-feeding, it can minimize the dis-
substances accumulating in the spinal fluid have ruption to her sleep if she just turns to the nearby
sleep-inducing properties. Pieron took spinal fluid infant for a feeding, rather than going into another
from sleep-deprived dogs and injected it into the room. However, infants have died because the
brain ventricles of normal dogs and found that it sleeping parent has accidentally smothered the
could induce sleep for up to 15 hours. Cere- child.
brospinal fluid taken from non-sleep-deprived dogs The child sleep expert Richard Ferber advises
did not have a similar effect. This sleep-inducing against letting a child sleep with a parent, except
substance was subsequently isolated from huge for a night or two when a child is ill or temporarily
amounts of human urine (4.5 tons). Factor S was upset. As a general rule, however, a separate bed
found to consist of three amino acids—glutamic, offers the child the opportunity to develop inde-
alanine and diaminopimelic—and the sugar, pendence. Children as young as two or three may
muriac acid. Therefore, Factor S appears to be a find a family bed offers intimacy with their parents
small glucopeptide that has been identified as a that is excessive and overstimulating. Ferber also
muramylpeptide. Muramylpeptides are found in cautions against allowing a child into a parent’s bed
the cell walls of bacteria and plants, but are not because one parent is away, on a business trip out
substances that are present in human cells. It has of town, for example.
Ferber suggests that if there are temporary or
been suggested that the production of
long-term circumstances that necessitate a child
muramylpeptide comes from bacteria that are
sleeping in a parent’s room—there is only one bed-
taken in with food and then synthesized into Fac-
room, grandparents have taken over the child’s
room or the family is away and sharing a hotel
Factor S induces an increase in SLOW WAVE SLEEP
room—the child should be given his or her own
when infused in rabbits. It also increases body TEM-
place to sleep, even if it is a mattress on the floor in
PERATURE, an effect that is thought to be due to the
the corner of the room. If possible, use curtains to
production of INTERLEUKIN-I. (See also DELTA SLEEP-
close off that area.
If a child enters a parent’s bed in the middle of
Pappenheimer, J.L., Miller, T.B. and Goodrich, C.A., the night, the parent should carry, or walk, the
“Sleep-Promoting Effects of Cerebrospinal Fluid child back to his or her own room. If the child has
From Sleep-deprived Goats,” Proceedings of the difficulty falling asleep, the parent could comfort
National Academy of Science 58 (1967): 513–517. the child till sleep occurs, or just sit in a nearby
chair, rather than allowing a return to the parent’s
family bed The practice of having an infant or bed. (See also BEDS, INFANT SLEEP, INFANT SLEEP DIS-
child sleep in bed with its mother, father or both ORDERS.)

parents. Advocates of the family bed emphasize Ferber, Richard, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New
that it helps promote bonding among child and York: Simon & Schuster, 1985.

78 fast sleep

fast sleep See REM SLEEP. SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER, which does not have a
progressively deteriorating course. Other sleep
fatal familial insomnia A rare disorder, primarily stages are generally intact in the REM sleep behav-
seen in people of Italian descent, characterized by a ior disorder, whereas in fatal familial insomnia, loss
severe insomnia associated with degeneration of of stage three and four sleep, and a severely dis-
the central nervous system; it is ultimately fatal. rupted sleep pattern, are characteristic.
This disorder is associated with abnormalities of the No treatment is known to affect the course of
autonomic neurological system that produce symp- the underlying disorder. (See also CEREBRAL DEGEN-
toms of insomnia, temperature changes, excessive ERATIVE DISORDERS, DEMENTIA, NOCTURNAL PAROXYS-
salivation, excessive sweating and rapid heart and MAL DYSTONIA.)
breathing rates. Lugaresi, E., Midori, R., Montagna, P. et al., “Fatal
Fatal familial insomnia has insomnia persistent Familial Insomnia and Dysautonomia with Selective
throughout the course of the disorder. As the auto- Degeneration of Thalmic Nuclei,” New England Jour-
nomic symptoms develop, sleep becomes more dis- nal of Medicine 315 (1986): 997–1003.
rupted and there is usually development of other
neurological features; dysarthria, tremors, muscle fatigue A state of reduced efficiency due to pro-
jerks (myoclonus) and dystonic posturing can longed or excessive exertion. Fatigue needs to be
occur. The patient has a deteriorating level of men- differentiated from EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, which is a
tal alertness and frequently lapses from wakeful- state of increased drive for sleep. The term
ness into sleep. Often there can be an “acting out” “fatigue” is often erroneously interpreted as mean-
of dreams during sleep. The disorder leads to coma ing sleepy; however, individuals can be severely
and finally to death. fatigued without the ability to fall asleep during a
Fatal familial insomnia is a prion disease which day of usual wakefulness. The state of EXHAUSTION
primarily occurs in adults between the fifth and is similar to fatigue and indicates primarily a men-
sixth decades of life, affecting males and females tal rather than a muscular form of fatigue.
equally. It appears to have a familial transmission
as several members of one family with the disease
have been reported. femoxetine See ANTIDEPRESSANTS.

Polysomnographic investigations in the early

stages of this disease generally show severely dis- Ferber, Richard A graduate magna cum laude of
rupted sleep patterns with wakefulness intervening Harvard College in chemistry and physics in 1965,
between short episodes of sleep. There is very dis- and of Harvard Medical School in 1970. From 1970
rupted REM SLEEP with maintenance of muscle tone to 1971 and 1973 to 1979, Dr. Ferber (1944– )
and abnormal movements associated with DREAMS. trained at the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in
Slow wave sleep diminishes and becomes absent Boston as pediatric intern and resident, psychiatry
during the course of the disease. The electroen- research fellow, and pediatric fellow in psychoso-
cephalogram gradually becomes less reactive to matic medicine. In 1978, he cofounded the Center
environmental stimuli and progressively decreases for Pediatric Sleep Disorders, where he has been
in amplitude until death. director since 1979. Affiliated with Harvard Med-
Fatal familial insomnia needs to be differenti- ical School since 1973, he is currently an associate
ated from other forms of degenerative neurological professor of neurology. Since that time, he has
disease such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which is helped to describe and characterize sleep disorders
characterized by a progressive deteriorating in children, and to develop new methods of evalu-
dementia and myoclonic jerks. Other forms of ation and treatment. Dr. Ferber’s major research
dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, are rela- interests include behavioral aspects of sleep disorders
tively easily distinguished from fatal familial in children, sleep apnea in children, chronobiolog-
insomnia. The abnormal movements that occur ical sleep disorders in children and parasomnias in
during REM sleep are similar to those seen in REM children.
fibrositis syndrome 79

Chesson, A.L. Jr., Ferber, R.A., Fry, J.M., Grigg- Patients for Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,” Laryngoscope
Damberger, M., Hartse, K.M., Hurwitz, T.D., John- 95 (1985): 1483–1487.
son, S., Kader, G.A., Littner, M., Rosen, G., Sangal,
R.B., Schmidt-Nowara, W. and Sher, A., “The Indica-
tions for Polysomnography and Related Procedures,” fibromyositis syndrome See FIBROSITIS SYN-
Sleep 20 (1997): 423–487. DROME.
Ferber, R., “Sleep Disorders of Childhood,” in Chokro-
verty, S. and Daroff, B.B., eds., Sleep Disorders Medi-
fibrositis syndrome Syndrome characterized by
cine. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. pp.
diffuse, nonspecific muscle aches and pains that are
———. Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New York: typically associated with complaints of unrefresh-
Simon & Schuster, 1985. ing sleep at night. The musculoskeletal symptoms
Ferber, R. and Kryger, M., eds., Principles and Practice of are not due to any articular, nonarticular or meta-
Sleep Medicine in the Child. Philadelphia: W.B. Saun- bolic disease.
ders, 1995. The sleep disturbance is one of frequent arousals
and brief awakenings and a feeling upon awaken-
fiberoptic endoscopy Otolaryngological proce- ing in the morning of being unrefreshed. There
dure typically performed in sleep medicine for the may be discomfort in the muscles and joints during
evaluation of the upper airway. The procedure the night and morning stiffness upon awakening.
involves passing a fiberoptiscope through the nose Tiredness, fatigue and, rarely, sleepiness may be
and into the pharynx and hypopharynx for the present during the daytime. An increased preva-
visualization of lesions in the upper airway. The lence of periodic limb movements has also been
fiberoptic endoscope, which is a few millimeters in described.
diameter, is a flexible tube that can allow an expe- There is a specific pattern to the muscular dis-
rienced individual to observe the pharynx by comfort, which primarily affects the muscles of the
means of the light transmitted in the optical fibers neck and shoulders. The upper border of the
of the device. This procedure is commonly per- trapezius, the muscles in the neck, the lumbar
formed in patients with OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA spine muscles and the mid-lateral thigh are partic-
SYNDROME in order to determine the site of upper ularly sensitive to pressure. The muscle discomfort
airway obstruction. is rapid in onset and becomes chronic. Usually the
Some examiners perform a test called a muller onset of the disorder occurs in early adulthood,
maneuver while the fiberoptiscope is in place in although it may present for the first time in the
order to observe movement of the tissues of the elderly. It is more common in females.
upper airway. This maneuver is performed by clos- Patients often go through intensive investiga-
ing the mouth and nares and having the patient tions for other forms of rheumatic disorders, such
inspire so that a negative pressure is exerted on as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythe-
the upper airway, thereby causing its collapse. This matosis or osteoarthritis, without diagnostic fea-
procedure has been reported to be helpful in the tures of these disorders being found.
evaluation of the site of upper airway obstruction Polysomnographic investigations show a charac-
and in predicating a patient’s response to UVULOPA- teristic pattern of alpha sleep in which ALPHA ACTIV-
LATOPHARYNGOPLASTY. CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHS ITY occurs superimposed on other sleep stages.
are often employed along with fiberoptic When this pattern occurs during slow wave sleep it
endoscopy in the evaluation of the upper airway is often termed ALPHA-DELTA ACTIVITY. The sleep
changes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea stages are otherwise normal in percentage; how-
syndrome. (See also SURGERY AND SLEEP DISOR- ever, there may be an increased number of brief
DERS.) awakenings and arousals. Patients usually lack evi-
Sher, A.E., Thorpy, Michael J., Shprintzen, R.J., Spiel- dence of pathological daytime sleepiness.
man, Arthur J., Burrack, B. and McGregor, P.A., There is no clear cause or pathology found to
“Predictive Value of Muller Maneuver in Selection of explain the discomfort.
80 final awakening

Fibrositis syndrome must be differentiated from 5-hydroxytryptamine The biochemical name for
other rheumatic disorders. When the sleep distur- SEROTONIN, which is a component of blood that
bance is prominent, other causes of nonrestorative causes constriction of the blood vessels, allowing
sleep need to be distinguished, such as psy- the blood to clot. This constricting agent has been
chophysiological insomnia or insomnia due to psy- found in neurons and is involved in the regulation
chiatric disorders. Sleep disturbances due to of the sleep-wake cycle. Serotonin is derived from
dysthymic disorder or neuromyasthenia may be the amino acid L-tryptophan (see HYPNOTICS),
more difficult to differentiate from the fibrositis which is present in normal dietary intake, usually
syndrome. However, such patients do not have the up to two grams per day. Extra L-tryptophan is
characteristic alpha sleep finding, and the specific sometimes taken by sufferers of insomnia to ele-
areas of muscle tenderness are not found in these vate brain serotonin levels in the hope that this will
other disorders. improve the quality of nocturnal sleep. L-trypto-
Treatment of the sleep disturbance is with the phan is believed to have some sleep-inducing prop-
tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANT medication amitriptyline. erties, although these are considered to be mild. A
In addition, attention to good SLEEP HYGIENE is help- metabolic product of L-tryptophan, which is called
ful. Typically the anti-inflammatory medications 5-hydroxytryptophan, has been demonstrated to
that are used for rheumatic disorders are not effec- increase both REM SLEEP and SLOW WAVE SLEEP.
tive in the fibrositis syndrome. However, this agent is not very useful in improving
Fibrositis syndrome has also been called sleep in patients with INSOMNIA. (See DIET AND SLEEP
rheumatic pain modulation disorder, fibromyositis for cautionary note about L-tryptophan because of
syndrome or fibromyalgia. 1989 report of 30 cases of eosinophilia-myalgia
linked to dietary supplements of L-tryptophan.)
Moldofsky, H., Saskin, P. and Lue, F.A., “Sleep and The serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a class of
Symptoms in Fibrositis Syndrome after a Febrile Ill- antidepressant medications that increase serotonin
ness,” Journal of Rheumatology 15 (1988): 1701–1704.
at the synapse. (See ANTIDEPRESSANTS.)
Moldofsky, H., Tullis, C. and Lue, F.A., “Sleep-related
Parachlorphenylamine (PCPA) inhibits the pro-
Myoclonus in Rheumatic Pain Modulation Disorder
(fibrositis syndrome),” Journal of Rheumatology 13 duction of 5-hydroxytryptamine, thereby leading
(1986): 614–617. to a reduction in brain serotonin levels and, typi-
cally, producing insomnia. But other medications
that affect the synthesis, storage and release of 5-
final awakening See ARISE TIME. hydroxytryptamine have little effect on sleep or
final wake-up See ARISE TIME.

first night effect A pattern of increased SLEEP

LATENCY, and reduced TOTAL SLEEP TIME on the first flurazepam See BENZODIAZEPINES.
night of a polysomnographic recording in the labo-
ratory. The first night effect is believed to be due to fluvoxamine See ANTIDEPRESSANTS.
several factors, including the discomfort to the sub-
ject of the recording electrodes, the new sleep envi- food allergy insomnia A disorder of initiating
ronment and psychological effects, including and maintaining sleep that is caused by food
anxiety regarding a polysomnographic recording. allergy; typically occurring in infants and associ-
However, the subject adjusts to the above factors, ated with irritability, frequent arousals, crying
and the disruptive effects on sleep typically are episodes and daytime lethargy. Other signs or fea-
present only on the first night of recording. (See tures of an allergic response may be present, but
also POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, SLEEP-WAKE DISORDERS CEN- they are usually not the predominant feature of
TER.) the disorder. For example, skin irritation, gas-
frequently changing sleep-wake schedule 81

trointestinal upset or respiratory difficulties may Fragmentary myoclonus is associated with

all occur. EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. The activity has been
Although this is a disorder that primarily affects described in other sleep disorders, including the
children, it can also occur in adults who may SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS, NARCOLEPSY,
develop an allergy to eggs or fish, with resultant PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER and other
insomnia. When the disorder occurs in children, it causes of INSOMNIA.
usually occurs in infancy and resolves sponta- This disorder should be differentiated from
neously by the age of four years at the latest. There PERIODIC LEG MOVEMENTS, which are of longer
may well be a family history of allergic phenomena. duration and are more typically associated with an
The allergy most commonly is related to the inges- EEG arousal or awakening. It should also be dif-
tion of cow’s milk and therefore may occur soon ferentiated from the physiological REM sleep
after the introduction of cow’s milk to the diet. myoclonus, which typically occurs throughout
Food allergy insomnia should be differentiated normal REM sleep and can be associated with the
from infant colic in which sleep disturbance may be eye movements of REM sleep. Neurological disor-
associated with acute crying spells that occur ders, such as the degenerative disorders, can pro-
episodically (gastrointestinal symptoms may duce myoclonus, which is typically present
accompany the acute episodes). SLEEP-RELATED GAS- throughout wakefulness and usually decreases
TROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX, INFANT SLEEP APNEA and during sleep. More generalized synchronous
infantile epileptic seizures need to be differentiated movements due to sleep starts are easy to distin-
from food allergy insomnia. guish from the asynchronous and briefer muscle
Treatment involves removal of the offending jerks of fragmentary myoclonus.
allergen. Allergy tests may be necessary to deter- In most situations, fragmentary myoclonus
mine the exact allergen, but once it is removed does not require treatment. However, if frequent
from the diet, the sleep disturbance usually EEG arousals are associated with the activity and
resolves rapidly. excessive sleepiness is a feature, then suppression
Kahn, A., Mozin, N.J., Casimir, G., Montauk, L. and of the arousals by means of BENZODIAZEPINES may
Blum, D., “Insomnia in Cow’s Milk Allergy in be helpful.
Infants,” Pediatrics 76 (1985): 880–884.
Broughton, Roger, Tolentino, M.A. and Krelenia, M.,
“Excessive Fragmentary Myoclonus in Non-REM
fragmentary myoclonus Disorder characterized Sleep: A Report of 38 Cases,” Electroencephalography
by clusters of brief muscle jerks that occur predom- and Clinical Neurophysiology 61 (1985): 123–309.
inantly in NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP. These involuntary
“twitch-like” contractions can occur in various fragmentation See NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.
skeletal muscles in an asynchronous and asymmet-
rical manner. Muscles of the limbs and face and
trunk can all be involved. The brief muscle con- free running A chronobiological term that
tractions can occur for prolonged periods through- applies to a biological rhythm isolated from ENVI-
RONMENTAL TIME CUES such as light, food, tempera-
out sleep. At times, the muscle jerks produce
ture, social interactions and clock time. Under
AROUSAL with a transient K-COMPLEX; however,
these conditions, the rhythm will continue with its
there is usually no change in the EEG in association own internal period length, which for CIRCADIAN
with the activity. RHYTHM is close to, but not exactly, 24 hours in
The muscle jerks are very brief, usually 75 to duration.
150 milliseconds in duration, with an amplitude of
about 50 to several hundred microvolts. The activ- frequently changing sleep-wake schedule One
ity usually commences soon after sleep onset and of the sleep-wake schedule disorders of the Diag-
continues throughout non-REM sleep, including nostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders,
SLOW WAVE SLEEP, and persists into REM SLEEP. which was published in the journal SLEEP in 1979.
82 Freud, Sigmund

This term refers to sleep disorders that are due to through symbolism, such as by using objects to rep-
persistent alteration of the sleep-wake schedule, resent sexual organs; by condensation, where one
such as those due to a changing work shift pattern dream image represents several aspects of a per-
or flight across time zones. The sleep-wake pattern son’s life; and by displacement, in which an unac-
is constantly disrupted. The terms SHIFT-WORK SLEEP ceptable wish is focused on something other than
DISORDER and TIME ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYN- the real object of the wish.
DROME are preferred. He also believed DREAM CONTENT took two forms:
the manifest content, or that part of the dream we
Freud, Sigmund “Father of Psychoanalysis” remember, and the latent content, the true under-
(1856–1939) who viewed DREAMS as doors to the lying meaning of the dream.
unconscious, the keys to understanding and even- In their treatment, Freudian psychoanalysts use
tually unblocking repressed sexual and aggressive dream interpretation to help patients gain insight,
forces that motivate and perhaps unconsciously and eventual control, over the unconscious forces
control a person’s behavior. In 1900, Freud pub- causing conflicts and emotional disturbances.
lished his groundbreaking treatise, The Interpreta- Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams, J. Strachey,
tion of Dreams, which explained dreams as the The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works
fulfillment of certain unconscious impulses consid- of Sigmund Freud, vols. 4 and 5. London: Hogarth
ered unacceptable on a conscious level. Press, 1953.
Freud believed repressed sexual and aggressive
desires are disguised in dreams in three ways:
GABA See GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID. rons that extend from the hypothalamus to the
cortex, and the release of GABA from the cortex
Gaillard, Jean-Michel Trained at the Medical has been shown to be highest during natural sleep
School of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) or in lesions that affect the midbrain reticular for-
and Paris between 1957 and 1963, Dr. Gaillard mation.
(1939– ) has been working since 1968 in the GABA will enhance sleep induced by benzodi-
research department of the University Psychiatric azepines, and therefore it appears to have an affect
Institute of Geneva, where he is presently chief of on the affinity of benzodiazepines for their final
the Division of Biochemistry and Clinical Neuro- receptor sites; however, the exact role in the induc-
physiology. tion of sleep is still undetermined.
His contributions to sleep research have
included development of an automatic sleep scor- gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) The precursor
ing system, which has been used continuously of the naturally occurring agent gamma-aminobu-
since 1971; the sleep pharmacology of benzodi- tyric acid. This agent has been found to be effective
azepines; pharmacological study of the involve- in controlling the auxiliary symptoms of NAR-
ment of brain catecholamine systems in the COLEPSY, primarily the symptom of CATAPLEXY.
regulation of paradoxical sleep and waking; study Gamma- hydroxybutyrate has been shown to have
of hemispheric activation during sleep; a detailed little effect in improving daytime sleepiness. It is
investigation of sleep onset; and a study of chronic known to increase SLOW WAVE SLEEP, with little
insomnia and the use of short-term dynamic psy- effect upon REM SLEEP. The medication is given
chotherapy. once or twice in two- or three-gram doses at night.
Gaillard, J.M., “Temporal Organization of Human Sleep: As the medication has a short duration of action, it
General Trends of Sleep Stages and their Ultradian is necessary to give a second dose halfway through
Cyclic Components,” Encephale 5 (1979): 71–93. the sleep period. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate may be
useful in the treatment of cataplexy in patients
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) An inhi- who are unable to use the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS
bitory amino acid neurotransmitter that is widely because of anticholinergic side effects. Very few
spread throughout the central nervous system. It side effects have been recorded with gamma-
is found in highest concentration in the hypothal- hydroxybutyrate. However, the drug has been
amus and is believed to be involved in the induc- abused, and when combined with benzodiazepines
tion of sleep. The BENZODIAZEPINES are known to has been called the “date rape” drug. One side
have their sedative action through binding to the effect reported is SLEEPWALKING, possibly due to the
GABA receptor. In addition, the BARBITURATES effect of gamma-hydroxybutyrate in increasing the
bind with GABA in the brain. Drugs that increase amount of slow wave sleep. Gamma-hydroxybu-
GABA levels in the brain, such as those that tyrate is available in Canada but unavailable in the
inhibit the breakdown enzyme of GABA, can United States except on a research basis for the
increase SLOW WAVE SLEEP. GABA is found in neu- treatment of narcolepsy.

84 Gardner, Randy

Gardner, Randy San Diego high school senior narcolepsy. The allele HLA DQB1-0602 is the most
who, in 1964, broke the Guinness Book of World specific genetic factor also found in more than 90%
Records record by staying awake the longest—264 of patients with narcolepsy. (See also HISTOCOM-
hours, or 11 days. Sleep researcher WILLIAM C. PATABILITY ANTIGEN TESTING, HLA-DR2.)
DEMENT observed Gardner during his ordeal and
Faraco, J., et al., “Genetic Studies in Narcolepsy, a Dis-
concluded, “staying awake for 264 hours did not order Affecting REM Sleep,” Journal of Heredity 90,
cause any psychiatric problems whatsoever.” In his no. 1 (1999): 129–132.
book The Promise of Sleep (1999), however, Dement
wondered if Gardner may have been sleepwalking
for some of the time since, back in 1965, the
recording devices for monitoring sleep were much
less sophisticated than today’s devices. gigantocellular tegmental field One of three
divisions of the reticular formation. (The other two
Gelineau, J.B.E. Jean Baptiste Edouard Gelineau divisions include the lateral tegmental field, FTL,
(1828–1906) was a French physician who is cred- and the magnocellular tegmental field, TM.) The
ited with first suggesting the term NARCOLEPSY for a gigantocellular tegmental field consists of large cells
mysterious syndrome characterized by sudden of the pontine and medullary reticular formation.
sleeping, especially at inappropriate times during The cholinergic cells of the pontine portion of the
the day. Gelineau, in his 1880 article published in gigantocellular tegmental field have been demon-
the Gazette des Hopitaux, proposed the word “nar- strated to increase their activity during the onset of
REM SLEEP. The cells have been called the REM-ON
colepsy” along with a detailed description of a 38-
CELLS in the reciprocal interaction model of sleep
year-old male wine barrel retailer who had sleep
attacks and accompanying falls. The falls are now regulation that was proposed by J. Allan Hobson,
ROBERT W. MCCARLEY and Peter W. Wyzinski in
known as CATAPLEXY but Gelineau called them
The next year, in his work “On Narcolepsy,”
Gelineau discussed 14 cases of narcolepsy, distin-
guishing two types of the syndrome, the first an Gillin, J. Christian Received his M.D. from Case-
idiopathic syndrome, and the second related to Western Reserve School of Medicine. Since 1982,
other illnesses. Gillin (1938– ) has been a professor of psychiatry
at the University of California at San Diego
Gelineau, J., “De La Narcolepsie,” Gazette des Hopitaux 53
(1880): 626–628.
(UCSD), and since 1986 he has been a director of
Passouant, Pierre, “Historical Note: Doctor Gelineau the Mental Health Clinical Research Center at
(1828–1906); Narcolepsy Centennial,” Sleep 3 (1981): UCSD.
241–246. Dr. Gillin’s areas of sleep research have included
the effects of depression and alcoholism on sleep,
genetics The science of the biological unit of pharmacologic studies of sleep, the use of hyp-
heredity that is transmitted from one cell to notics, and brain metabolism of sleep and sleep
another during the process of reproduction. deprivation. He is past president of both the Sleep
Although a number of sleep disorders, including Research Society and the Society for Biological
Rhythms and Light Therapy.
have a genetic origin, with a genetic predisposition Drummond, S.P., Brown, G., Gillin, J.C., Stricker, J.,
passed on through the family, only NARCOLEPSY has Wong, E. and Buxton, R., “Altered Brain Response
been demonstrated to have a specific genetic factor, to Verbal Learning Following Sleep Deprivation,”
which is present in nearly every patient with the Nature (February 10, 2000): 655–657.
disease. The human leukocyte antigen DR2 is pres-
ent in more than 90% of patients diagnosed with glottic spasm See LARYNGOSPASM.
Guilleminault, Christian 85

growth hormone Secreted from the pituitary Although prolactin, which is inhibited by
gland in relation to the onset of sleep, with maxi- dopamine, is very much affected by medications,
mal secretion occurring in the first third of the growth hormone secretion during sleep is largely
night. Although originally thought to be primarily unaffected. Medications that do influence the pro-
related to the onset of stages three and four sleep, duction of growth hormone during sleep include
it is now believed to be more related to the time cholinergic inhibitory medications, such as meth-
following the onset of sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). scopolamine, which causes a large increase in the
Growth hormone is tied to the sleep-wake cycle so sleep-related growth hormone release. (See also
that acute shifts of sleep by 12 hours will cause an ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIN HORMONE, CORTISOL,
acute shift of the growth hormone secretory pat- DOPAMINE, PROLACTIN.)
tern. There is minimal growth hormone secretion
during the daytime, with small peaks of production
Guilleminault, Christian Born in Marseilles,
that occur in relation to stress or exercise. A shift of
France, Dr. Guilleminault (1938– ) received his
the sleep pattern by several hours is immediately
medical degree from the University of Paris in 1956
accompanied by a shift of growth hormone secre-
and his doctorate in biology from the University of
tion. This shift is not accompanied by an immedi-
Grenoble. Since 1972, he has been affiliated with
ate shift in some other hormone rhythms, such as
the Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research
cortisol. The cortisol circadian rhythm, although
Center as associate director. Since 1985, Dr.
related to the sleep-wake cycle, can become disas-
sociated from sleep following an acute shift of the Guilleminault has been professor of psychiatry and
timing of sleep. After one or two weeks, the corti- behavioral sciences, Stanford University. In 1986,
sol pattern readjusts to the new time of sleep and he was the recipient of the NATHANIEL KLEITMAN DIS-
TINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD. He was editor in chief of
therefore its relationship with growth hormone is
reestablished. the journal SLEEP until 1998.
Growth hormone is important for growth, par- Dr. Guilleminault’s hundreds of journal articles,
ticularly in childhood. Maximal levels are secreted books, monographs and chapters in books reflect
around the time of puberty and are important in his research in the areas of sleep apnea, narcolepsy,
the maintenance of normal body size. Absence of insomnia, parasomnia and sleep disorders of chil-
growth hormone will lead to dwarfism and exces- dren.
sive production of growth hormone will lead to Guilleminault, C., “Sleep Apnea Syndromes: Impact of
gigantism. However, the removal of the pituitary Sleep and Sleep States,” Sleep 3 (1980): 227–246.
and loss of growth hormone secretion in adults Guilleminault, C. and Dement, W.C., eds., Sleep Apnea
appears to have few physical effects. Syndromes. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1978.
Halberg, Franz Born in Bistritz, Romania, Dr. and Freud, Hall, in collaboration with G.W.
Halberg (1919– ) received his medical degree in Domhoff, K. Blick and K. Weesner, wrote an article
1943. In 1959, Halberg coined the term “circadian in Sleep in 1982 that reaffirmed the results of his
rhythm” to describe physiologic rhythms with a research on dream content from 30 years before.
frequency of one cycle in about 24 (20 to 28) “The Dreams of College Men and Women in 1950
hours. The term was created from the Latin words and 1980: A Comparison of Dream Contents and
circa, meaning “about,” and dies (“a day”). Halberg Sex Differences” is a classic contribution in the field
contributed the science (logos) of life’s (bios) time of dream research.
(chronos) structure—CHRONOBIOLOGY. Hall, Calvin S., “What People Dream About,” Scientific
Halberg, Franz, “Chronobiology,” Annual Review of Physi- American 184 (1951): 60–63.
ology 31 (1969): 675–725. ———, The Meaning of Dreams. New York: Harper, 1953.
Editors, “In Memoriam: Calvin S. Hall,” Sleep 8 (1985):

Hartmann, Ernest Born in Vienna, Austria, Dr.

Hall, Calvin S. Well-known dream theorist. In
Hartmann (1934– ) received his M.D. from Yale
1961, Hall (1909–1985) founded the Institute of
University in 1958. Since 1962, Dr. Hartmann has
Dream Research. Hall was best known for his cog-
been involved in sleep research. He has contributed
nitive theory of dreaming and his research into the
basic studies on the chemistry and biology of REM
content analysis of DREAMS. One of his surveys of
and non-REM sleep as well as the role of serotonin
DREAM CONTENT found that only one-third of those
in sleep states. He has also studied sleep need in
surveyed dreamed in color.
terms of natural long, short and variable-length
After early work in the field of behavioral genet-
sleepers, leading to a theory on the functions of
ics, Hall, while professor and chairman of the psy-
sleep. He has carried out extensive work on night-
chology department at Western Reserve University
mares and nightmare sufferers. Dr. Hartmann is
from 1937 to 1957, turned his attention to dreams.
currently professor of psychiatry at the Tufts Uni-
In 1947, his first article, “Diagnosing Personality by
versity School of Medicine, director of the Sleep
the Analysis of Dreams,” was published in the Jour-
Research Laboratory at Lemurel Shattuck Hospital,
nal of Abnormal and Social Psychology. His cognitive
and director of the Sleep Disorders Center, New-
theory of dreams was presented in his book The
ton-Wellesley Hospital, in Boston.
Meaning of Dreams, published in 1953; and in 1966,
along with R. Van de Castle, he published The Con- Hartmann, Ernest, The Nightmare. New York: Basic
tent Analysis of Dreams, which surveyed 500 dreams Books, 1984.
of men and the same number for women, along ———, The Sleep Book. Glenview, Illinois: Scott, Fores-
with guidelines for scoring dreams according to man–AARP, 1988.
scales that they devised.
In addition to numerous books on dreams as Hauri, Peter J. Received his Ph.D. in clinical psy-
well as textbooks on introductory psychology, Jung chology at the University of Chicago in 1966. Since

headbanging (jactatio capitis nocturna) 87

1988, Dr. Hauri (1933– ) has been consultant to nightly basis, and usually last for about 15 minutes.
the Sleep Disorders Center and Division of Psy- The frequency of the movement can vary, but it
chology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Min- typically occurs at the rate of 45 episodes per
nesota, as well as professor of psychology at the minute and can be as fast as 120 episodes per
Mayo Medical School. Prior to that, Dr. Hauri held minute.
teaching positions at Dartmouth Medical School The disorder was first described clinically in
and College in New Hampshire (1971–88). 1905, by Zappert, when he coined the Latin term
His Ph.D. dissertation was on “The Influence of jactatio capitis nocturna, which is still commonly used.
Evening Activity on Sleeping and Dreaming.” The head movements in the headbanging form
Insomnia and the effect of depression on sleep and of this disorder are in an anterior/posterior direc-
dreaming have been some of his major sleep tion. Usually the head is banged into a pillow or a
research areas. Dr. Hauri is director of the Mayo mattress. Occasionally the head movement can be
Sleep Disorders Center. In 1989 he was the recipi- into solid objects, such as a wall or the side of a crib.
ent of the NATHANIEL KLEITMAN DISTINGUISHED SER- When the head movements occur side to side,
VICE AWARD presented by the Association of the condition is termed head rolling.
Professional Sleep Societies. Bodyrocking is most often performed on the
hands and knees. The whole body is rocked in an
Hauri, Peter, “Primary Insomnia,” in Kryger, M.H., anterior/posterior direction, with the head being
Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The Principles and
pushed into the pillow.
Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia: Saun-
It has been reported that as many as 66% of
ders, 1989. pp. 14–23.
———, The Sleep Disorders. 2nd ed. Kalamazoo, Michi- children exhibit some sort of rhythmical activity at
gan: Upjohn Company, 1982. nine months of age, and the prevalence decreases
Hauri, Peter J., and Shirley Lind, No More Sleepless Nights. to approximately 8% at four years of age. It is rare
New York: Wiley, 1991. for the condition to occur for the first time after
two years of age; however, it may persist through
adolescence into adulthood.
headaches Pain or discomfort in the head that is
Headbanging is reported to be more common in
experienced during wakefulness; however, some
males than in females, and rarely has been
headache forms can occur during sleep or may be
reported to occur in families. The mentally retarded
present upon awakening from sleep. MIGRAINE and
are more likely to exhibit the behavior. The disor-
der has to be distinguished from an epileptic disor-
demonstrated to have an association with REM
der and from the fine head oscillations of spasmus
SLEEP, and patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
APNEA SYNDROME can have headaches upon awak-
Polysomnograph studies of the activity usually
ening in the morning. (See also CLUSTER demonstrate frequent episodes during sleep, most
often in the lighter stages one and two sleep. Rarely
has the condition been reported to occur only dur-
headbanging (jactatio capitis nocturna) Also ing REM sleep, which may indicate a variant of the
known as rhythmic movement disorder. This disorder. Episodes can occur during deep slow
behavior is included in a group of three disorders— wave sleep, although, again, this has rarely been
headbanging, HEAD ROLLING and BODYROCKING— reported. Daytime electroencephalography is usu-
that have as their main characteristic a repetitive ally normal between episodes.
movement of the head and, occasionally, of the The cause of the movements is unknown, but
whole body. These disorders may occur during the numerous theories have been proposed. There is
time of rest, drowsiness, sleep or full wakefulness. little evidence to support a psychiatric or organic
The condition has been reported to occur during neurological disorder to account for the behavior.
deep slow wave sleep, as well as in REM sleep. The A neurophysiological basis for the activity is the
episodes occur very frequently, on an almost most likely, related to normal development. It has
88 head rolling

been suggested that the activity may be a pleasur- During hibernation, a sleep-like state exists with
able sensation, and therefore a form of vestibular a reduction of metabolic activity and respiratory
self-stimulation. and circulatory rates. Body temperature can gradu-
Treatment is usually unnecessary when the con- ally drop to near freezing point; this is associated
dition occurs in childhood, as it typically will disap- with a change in the electroencephalographic pat-
pear within 18 months, often at around four years tern, typically one of SLOW WAVE SLEEP with
of age. When the condition persists into adoles- reduced or almost absent REM SLEEP. During the
cence or adulthood, behavioral or pharmacological hibernation, the animal typically withdraws to its
approaches may be needed. Sedative medications usual sleeping environment and reserves of stored
have been beneficial, and some patients have had a fat are used to maintain the metabolic rate at only
favorable response to tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS. 10% to 15% of its normal rate. During the depth of
Measures may have to be taken to prevent injury the hibernation, the slow wave pattern of non-
from the repetitive movements in young children. REM sleep gives way to a flattening of the elec-
troencephalographic pattern, with no resemblance
head rolling Repetitive movement of the head to sleep or wakefulness.
from side to side, which may occur during rest, With the rising environmental temperatures at
drowsiness, sleep or wakefulness; more typical in the end of hibernation, the electroencephalo-
children below the age of four than in older chil- graphic patterns revert back to normal as the body
dren or adults. (See also HEADBANGING.) temperature slowly returns to a level typical during
warmer seasons. (See also ELECTROENCEPHALO-

histamine A naturally occurring substance that is

heartburn Discomfort experienced in the middle released during injury to tissues. The word is
of the chest; associated with reflux of acid from the derived from the Greek word for tissue, histos. His-
stomach into the esophagus. Heartburn commonly tamine appears to act via two distinct receptors, the
accompanies gastroesophageal reflux and can H1 and H2 receptors. The antihistamines have their
occur during sleep as a symptom of SLEEP-RELATED effects primarily through blocking the H1 recep-
GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX. Heartburn during sleep
tors; medications that inhibit gastric secretion work
may be due to the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- through blocking the H2 receptors.
DROME during which increased abdominal pressure
There is some evidence to suggest that histamine
produces a reflux of acid into the esophagus. is involved in the control of arousal and wakeful-
ness. Animal studies have demonstrated that hista-
hemolysis, sleep-related See PAROXYSMAL NOC- mine is increased in the brains of animals during
TURNAL HEMOGLOBINURIA. darkness, and that inhibition of histamine synthe-
sis reduces wakefulness.
hertz (Hz) Term synonymous with cycles per
second (cps); it refers to a rhythm frequency most histocompatability antigen testing A test of the
commonly applied to the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM genetic constituents that play a role in determining
(EEG). rejection of a tissue graft. The major histocompata-
bility complex (MHC) is composed of a group of
hibernation A state produced in animals as a genes that are located on chromosome 6, and the
response to seasonal environmental changes. Dur- products of these genes are present on cell surfaces.
ing winter, animals are at risk in the environment The MHC in humans is called the human leukocyte
due to the cold and the lack of food. Hibernating antigen (HLA). There are three classes of human
animals are typically those who are unable to travel leukocyte genes and products, which are called
long distances to make a major environmental class I, II, III. The HLA class I and class II products
change. are located on cell surfaces. HLA class I products
Horne, James Anthony 89

are found on most cell surfaces and consist of the cytological and not a serological method, the sub-
HLA types A, B, C and E. The HLA class II products group Dw2 is also found in 100% of narcolepsy
are found on the surface of the immune cells, such patients. (See also HISTOCOMPATABILITY ANTIGEN
as lymphocytes. The HLA class II products consist TESTING.)
of DR, DQ and DP.
The HLA D region has been found to have a spe- Honda, Yutaka Dr. Honda (1929– ) graduated
cific association with the sleep disorder NARCOLEPSY. in 1954 from the medical school of the University
(See also HLA-DR2.) of Tokyo and received his Ph.D. degree in 1960 in
clinical psychiatry from the graduate school, Uni-
HLA-DR2 This stands for the human leukocyte versity of Tokyo. His doctoral dissertation was a
antigen DR2, which is located on chromosome 6. clinical study of patients with both vegetative and
This particular genetic marker has been reported to mental symptoms (diencephalosis). That was the
be nearly 100% associated with the disorder NAR- beginning of his clinical activities with narcoleptic
COLEPSY. This high association has been found in and hypersomniac patients. His three major accom-
Japanese patients, compared to only 85% of plishments in sleep research have been: the 1961
African-American patients with narcolepsy. In the discovery, along with Dr. Yasuro Takahashi, of the
United States, there is a 95% positivity of Cau- effectiveness of imipramine and tricyclic antide-
casian patients with the HLA-DR2 antigen. The pressants on cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucina-
presence of this antigen indicates a genetic factor tions of narcolepsy; the 1968 discovery, along with
that is important in transmission of the narcolepsy Dr. Kiyohisa Takahashi, of sleep-induced secretion
disorder. It is possible that another factor, possibly of growth hormone in normal subjects; and the
infective or environmental, causes the expression 1984 discovery, in collaboration with Dr. Takeo
of the disease in a susceptible individual. Persons Juji, of 100% positivity of HLA-DR2/Dw2 in nar-
who are DR2 negative are believed to be unable to colepsy.
develop narcolepsy. Dr. Honda has been on the faculty of the Univer-
HLA-DR2 testing may be helpful in the diag- sity of Tokyo since 1959, except for several research
nosis of narcolepsy because DR2 positivity is fellowships in the United States from 1961 to 1963.
supportive evidence to other clinical and electro- Since 1969, he has been an associate professor of
physiological features of the disorder. HLA-DR2 the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the Univer-
negativity should raise the possibility of a disorder sity of Tokyo. Since 1985, he has been a director of
other than narcolepsy to account for the patient’s the Neuropsychiatric Research Institute and a
symptoms. HLA-DR2 testing may be useful in pre- superintendent of its affiliated Seiwa Hospital.
dicting whether a child of an affected parent has Akimoto, H., Honda, Y. and Takahashi, Y., “Pharma-
the likelihood of developing narcolepsy at a later cotherapy in Narcolepsy,” Disorders of the Nervous Sys-
date. However, the presence of HLA-DR2 positivity tem 21 (1960): 1–3.
does not mean that the individual will develop nar- Honda, Y., Takahashi, K., Takahashi, S. et al., “Growth
colepsy, since approximately 25% of the general Hormone Secretion During Nocturnal Sleep in Nor-
population is also HLA-DR2 positive. mal Subjects,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
Associated with HLA-DR2 positivity is the histo- Metabolism 29 (1969): 20–29.
compatability antigen HLA DQ1. Every individual
who is HLA-DR2 positive also has HLA DQ1. Horne, James Anthony Dr. Horne (1946– )
African-American patients with narcolepsy appear obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1972 from the Uni-
to have 100% positivity of HLA-DQ1, whereas versity of Aston in Birmingham in the field of psy-
HLA-DR2 positivity is present in only about 85%. chophysiology of sleep loss. A psychologist and a
HLA-DR2 can be subdivided into two groups: biologist, Dr. Horne has been in the Human Sci-
DR15 and DR16. One-hundred percent of Japanese ences Department of Loughborough University in
patients with narcolepsy have the DR15 subgroup. Leicestershire since 1973, first as a lecturer and,
In addition, if the DR2 is subtyped according to a since 1989, as a professor in psychophysiology.
90 hygiene

His principal fields of research have been in the hypernycthemeral sleep-wake syndrome Term
physiology and psychology of human sleep, includ- synonymous with NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-WAKE SYN-
ing its function, sleep loss and individual differ- DROME. The term hypernycthemeral is derived from
ences in circadian rhythms. Dr. Horne founded, the Greek word for hyper, meaning “above,” and
and directs, the Sleep Research Laboratory at nycthemeron, meaning “pertaining to both night and
Loughborough University and is editor of the Jour- day.” This term was first proposed by Kokkoris,
nal of Sleep Research. Weitzman and colleagues in 1978.
Horne, James, Why We Sleep: The Functions of Sleep in Kokkoris, C.P., Weitzman, E.D., Pollak, C.P., Spielman,
Humans and Other Mammals. London: Oxford Univer- A.J., Czeisler, C.A. and Bradlow, H., “Long-Term
sity Press, 1988. Ambulatory Temperature Monitoring in a Subject
with a Hypernycthemeral Sleep-Wake Cycle Distur-
bance,” Sleep 1 (1978): 177–190.
hygiene See SLEEP HYGIENE.

hypernycthemeral syndrome See NON-24-HOUR

hyoid myotomy A surgical procedure that SLEEP-WAKE SYNDROME.
involves a repositioning of the hyoid bone to
relieve upper airway obstruction associated with
tongue muscles often obstruct the airway because
they are positioned posteriorly. The tongue is hypertension An elevation of blood pressure typ-
attached to the hyoid bone, which is tethered to ically seen in patients who have a diastolic blood
the skull by several muscles. The hyoid myotomy pressure greater than 90 millimeters of mercury or
operation involves release of these muscles. a systolic blood pressure greater than 160 millime-
The muscles attached to the hyoid bone, such as ters of mercury.
the sternohyoid, thyrohyoid and omohyoid, are sev- Hypertension has been reported in approxi-
eral, and the hyoid bone is suspended to the mately 30% of patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
APNEA SYNDROME. Studies of groups of hypertensive
mandible by strips of fascia, the muscle lining that
has been taken from the thigh or temple muscles. patients have demonstrated that between 25% and
Usually the hyoid myotomy is performed in con- 30% have episodes of oxygen desaturation during
junction with an osteotomy of the tip of the jaw. The sleep or an abnormal number of apneic episodes
tip of the jaw is moved anteriorly to advance the during sleep.
anterior attachment of the muscles of the tongue. Treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
Many of the patients treated by this surgical pro- drome is typically associated with a lowering of
blood pressure or improved blood pressure control.
cedure have also undergone the UVULOPALATOPHA-
Hypertension typically is asymptomatic and can
RYNGOPLASTY operation, with or without a TONSIL-
be detected only by means of physical examina-
tion. Because of its association with the develop-
Hyoid myotomy is rarely performed now as it is
ment of cardiac and vascular disease, elevated
not as effective as other surgical procedures.
blood pressure requires treatment.
The majority of patients with hypertension have
hypercapnia Term describing an elevated blood- no known cause for the blood pressure elevation;
gas CARBON DIOXIDE level in the blood. (The carbon however, some patients develop hypertension as a
dioxide level during sleep may increase in patients result of kidney disease, endocrine disorders or ath-
The level of carbon dioxide in the blood can be Some medications used to treat hypertension
continuously measured during sleep by means of can affect the sleep wake cycle. Beta blockers, such
END-TIDAL CARBON DIOXIDE measurements, using an as propranol, can produce sleep disturbance that is
infrared carbon dioxide analyzer. characterized by INSOMNIA; and there is evidence
hypnalgia 91

that beta blockers may even worsen the obstructive hypnagogic Term applied to events occurring
sleep apnea syndrome. Other antihypertensive immediately prior to, or during, sleep onset; usu-
medications, such as clonidine, can produce exces- ally applied to dream activity during sleep onset,
sive sleepiness. which is termed HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS.
Because of the high association between hyper- Events that occur at the end of the sleep episode, in
tension and the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, the transition from sleep to wakefulness, are called
patients with hypertension should be questioned as HYPNOPOMPIC.
to the presence of snoring, obesity, disturbed sleep
and the occurrence of apneic episodes during sleep hypnagogic hallucinations Visual images that
to see if they have that disorder. occur at sleep onset; most typically associated with
REM SLEEP. Hypnagogic hallucinations are a charac-
hyperthyroidism A disorder associated with teristic feature of the sleep onset REM period that
excessive production of thyroid hormone from the occurs in patients with NARCOLEPSY. Occasionally
thyroid gland in the neck. This is usually caused by the imagery may be extremely frightening, and
enlargement or overactivity of the thyroid gland such situations have been termed TERRIFYING HYPN-
and produces characteristic symptoms of insomnia, AGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. Images that occur upon
weight loss, irritability, diarrhea, weakness, palpita- awakening or at wake times are called HYPNOPOM-
tions and tremulousness. Some patients with PIC hallucinations.
hyperthyroidism have a diffuse enlargement of the
thyroid gland associated with antibodies that stim- hypnagogic hypersynchrony This term applies to
ulate the thyroid gland. This disorder, which is rhythmical electroencephalographic activity of 5–6
termed Graves’ disease, characteristically produces Hz that occurs in the transition from wakefulness
eye protrusion due to accumulation of excessive to sleep, which is present in infants after the first
tissue behind the eyes. six months of life. Hypnagogic hypersynchrony
The sleep disturbance associated with hyperthy- usually disappears around six years, at which time
roidism is typically one of difficulty in initiating and it is replaced by increasing theta and delta activity,
maintaining sleep. Sleep may be more restless and with a gradual loss of ALPHA ACTIVITY. The adult
frequent arousals may be seen during polysomno- form of drowsiness, with alpha “drop out” and
graphic testing. However, some patients have an mixed frequency, low voltage activity, does not
increase in SLOW WAVE SLEEP. usually develop until early adolescence. (See also
Hyperthyroidism is treated by medications that BETA RHYTHM, DROWSINESS, INFANT SLEEP, THETA
suppress the activity of the thyroid gland, such as ACTIVITY.)
carbimazol, or by radioactive iodine, which destroys
a portion of the thyroid gland. Surgical treatment
hypnagogic jerk See SLEEP STARTS.
may also be indicated. With treatment of the hyper-
thyroidism, the sleep disturbance usually resolves.
Following treatment for hyperthyroidism, hypnagogic reverie Term applied to mentation
sometimes the thyroid gland is rendered incapable that occurs at sleep onset; may comprise features of
of producing an adequate amount of thyroid hor- dream activity. It is most vivid at the onset of REM
SLEEP but may occur at the onset of non-REM
mone, thereby producing a deficiency in thyroid
hormone. As a result, HYPOTHYROIDISM may occur sleep. When frightening hypnagogic reverie occurs,
many years after chemical treatment of hyperthy- the term TERRIFYING HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS
roidism. Hypothyroidism is associated with the may be applied.
development of excessive lethargy and sleepiness.
Muscle changes associated with the lack of thyroid hypnagogic startle See SLEEP STARTS.
hormone can produce impaired respiration during
sleep, with the development of CENTRAL SLEEP hypnalgia Term used for the occurrence of
APNEA SYNDROME or hypoventilation during sleep. painful sensations induced by sleep. Many pains
92 hypnic jerks

are increased in intensity during sleep; however, hypnosis A mental state induced in individuals,
hypnalgias are pains that occur only during sleep. who have increased suggestibility, by means of
(See also CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME, SLEEP PALSY.) focusing attention and eliminating distracting envi-
ronmental stimuli. An individual in the state of
hypnic jerks See SLEEP STARTS. hypnosis does not usually go into sleep, although
the relaxation can allow normal physiological sleep
to occur. Typically, hypnosis produces a slowing of
hypnic myoclonia See SLEEP STARTS.
the encephalographic pattern; however, typical
stage two features, such as SLEEP SPINDLES or the
hypnogenic paroxysmal dystonia The original characteristic delta waves of SLOW WAVE SLEEP, do
term used for the disorder now called NOCTURNAL not occur.
PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA. Some of the features of hypnosis are very simi-
lar to sleep-related phenomena, such as the AUTO-
hypnogram This term is synonymous with MATIC BEHAVIOR in SLEEPWALKING that typically
POLYSOMNOGRAM but is less commonly used. would be seen in deep slow-wave sleep. These fea-
tures are associated with the awake electroen-
cephalographic pattern in hypnosis.
hypnograph This term is synonymous with the
Hypnosis has been reported to be effective in
preferred term, “polysomnograph.” (See also
treating some sleep disorders, such as sleepwalking
or SLEEP TERRORS; however, other investigators
have failed to find it a useful treatment.
hypnolepsy A term used for EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS
that resembles NARCOLEPSY. Hypnolepsy occurs as a hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder A sleep dis-
result of a central nervous system lesion. The term turbance characterized by the intolerance for, or
is rarely used in current medical literature. withdrawal of, HYPNOTICS. The sleep disturbance
may be due to the chronic ingestion of hypnotic
hypnology Term not widely used that refers to medications or their acute withdrawal. During
the science of the phenomena of sleep. It is derived chronic ingestion, the hypnotic effect tends to wear
from the Greek words hypno, meaning “sleep,” and off and the underlying INSOMNIA may persist
ology, meaning “study of.” despite use of the medication. In some patients,
there may be an increase in the metabolism of the
hypnopedia This term refers to LEARNING DURING
hypnotic agent so that after an initial hypnotic
effect in the first part of the night, there may be an
increase in sleep disruption. After chronic ingestion
of hypnotics, complete cessation of their ingestion
hypnopompic Characteristic of events that occur leads to one or more nights of increased sleep frag-
in the transition phase from sleep to wakefulness, mentation, which often results in the reinstitution
most commonly at the end of the main sleep of hypnotic therapy.
episode. Occasionally, vivid hallucinations will be The medications most commonly associated
perceived at this time, particularly in patients with with hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder are the
NARCOLEPSY. The term hynopompic is also commonly BENZODIAZEPINES and BARBITURATES. However, other
used to apply to seizures that occur at the time of hypnotic agents may also produce this disorder.
awakening, or immediately thereafter. (See also Typically, the hypnotic agent is administered for
HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS.) an underlying insomnia disorder. So long as the
cause of the insomnia is removed, an acute course
hypnos The ancient Greek god of sleep. Many of only a few days usually does not result in a hyp-
words, such as hypnosis, hypnology and hypnopedia, notic-dependent sleep disorder. However, if the
have been derived form this Greek word. drugs continue to be taken and the underlying
hypnotics 93

insomnia disorder has not resolved, attempts to OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or PERIODIC
stop the medication are often associated with an LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER. MALINGERERS seeking
increase in the insomnia, leading to an increased central nervous system depressant medications for
dosage of medication, or its continuation. Increased drug abuse purposes must be distinguished from
dosage often leads to accumulation of the active patients who have the hypnotic-dependent sleep
drug or its metabolites, particularly in the elderly disorder.
population, resulting in daytime side effects. Exces- Treatment of hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder
sive sleepiness, fatigue, tiredness, impaired cogni- rests upon gradual reduction and withdrawal of the
tive and physical performance are typical features hypnotic agent, sometimes with the substitution of
of medication accumulation. a medication with hypnotic properties but less
Withdrawal of the hypnotic agent can lead to dependency effects. For example, a tricyclic ANTI-
drug withdrawal effects during the daytime, such DEPRESSANT medication might be substituted.
as nausea, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, and Encouragement of good SLEEP HYGIENE is essential
an increase in sleep disruption following with- during the withdrawal process. Patients need to be
drawal, precipitating the patient into a depression, reassured and counseled about a temporary reoc-
even with suicidal ideation. This psychiatric reac- currence of insomnia during the withdrawal of the
tion is more liable to occur if the patient’s original medication. (See also REBOUND INSOMNIA.)
insomnia was related to an underlying DEPRESSION.
Kales, Anthony, Bixler, E., Tan, T., Scharf, M. and Kales,
As a result of hypnotic-dependent insomnia,
J., “Chronic Hypnotic Drug Use: Ineffectiveness,
patients are often maintained on hypnotic medica-
Drug Withdrawal Insomnia and Dependence,” Jour-
tions for many years. This situation can arise from nal of American Medical Association 227 (1974):
transient insomnia that may have occurred due to 511–517.
underlying stress, such as a bereavement or hospi-
talization. Hypnotic agents are often prescribed in a
course that exceeds the typical duration of an hypnotics Also known as sleeping pills, sedative
ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER, so that instead of medications and sedative-hypnotic medications,
patients receiving a three to five day supply of hypnotics are medications that induce drowsiness
medication, they may receive a month’s supply. and facilitate the onset and maintenance of sleep.
Unless normal sleep occurs, there is little induce- Typically, hypnotics will induce sleep similar to nat-
ment to the patient to stop the medication after the ural sleep in that normal REM/NREM sleep cycling
first few days following an acute emotional stress. occurs, and the person is able to be easily aroused
Although hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder from sleep.
can occur at any age, it is often seen in the geriatric Various potions have been used to induce sleep
population as their sleep tends to be more frag- since antiquity; ALCOHOL was one of the most com-
mented than that of younger patients. Therefore monly used substances. Bromides were used as
sleep disruption upon withdrawal of hypnotic hypnotics in the middle of the 19th century, but
medication is more common. chloral hydrate is the only hypnotic agent still in
Patients receiving chronic hypnotic medications regular use that was introduced before the turn of
typically show alterations in the structure of sleep the century.
during polysomnographic monitoring. There may During the first half of the 20th century, the
be a decrease in the slow wave and REM sleep most commonly used hypnotic medications were
stages and an increase in the lighter stage one and the approximately 50 derivatives of the BARBITU-
two sleep. There may be frequent sleep stage tran- RATES. The barbiturates were widely used for their
sitions, reduced K complexes, an increase in spin- central nervous system depressant effects and
dle activity, and the presence of an increased employed as antiepileptic agents, antianxiety med-
amount of alpha and beta activity. Hypnotic- ications, muscle relaxants and hypnotics. They
dependent sleep disorder needs to be differentiated were also effective in inducing anesthesia and are
from insomnia due to other causes, such as the currently still used for their anesthetic effect.
94 hypnotics

Because of the unwanted sedative and sleep- hypnotic effects of chloral hydrate disappear within
inducing effects of the barbiturates, other non- two weeks of continuous use.
sedative anticonvulsants were discovered in the The main side effect is irritation of the mucous
1930s and 1940s. Subsequently, the BENZODI- membranes and gastrointestinal tract. It can pro-
AZEPINE hypnotics were introduced into clinical duce an unpleasant taste, nausea, vomiting and
medicine in the 1960s. More than 3,000 benzodi- flatulence. There can be undesirable central ner-
azepine derivatives have been synthesized and vous system effects, such as lightheadedness,
about 25 are in current clinical use. The benzodi- malaise, ataxia and NIGHTMARES. Occasionally,
azepines have the advantage of being effective allergic reactions can occur and there may be idio-
sedatives and hypnotics with little potential for syncratic reactions, such as paranoid behavior and
serious side effects; in particular, they have low SLEEPWALKING. Chloral hydrate is sometimes
potential for producing serious central nervous sys- administered rectally because of the unpleasant
tem depression. The most common benzodiazepine taste and gastric irritation. The combination of
hypnotics in the United States include flurazepam chloral hydrate and alcohol led to the so-called
(Dalmane), temazepam (Restoril), triazolam (Hal- Mickey Finn, a potion popularized in movies and
cion) and zolpidem (Ambien). crime fiction.
Although the barbiturates now comprise less Habitual use of chloral hydrate can result in tol-
than 10% of all prescription hypnotics, they are erance, dependence and addiction. Withdrawal
still very effective hypnotics. Because of their abuse after chronic addiction can lead to SEIZURES that can
potential, possible interaction with alcohol, the even result in death. Chloral hydrate is adminis-
possibility of lethal overdose and their effect of tered in doses of 0.5 gram to a maximum of 2
inducing liver enzymes that can increase the grams. The medication is best taken with milk or
metabolism of many medications, the barbiturates food in order to prevent gastrointestinal upset.
are of limited usefulness as everyday hypnotics. Ethchlorvynol
The barbiturates that have most commonly been
An oral hypnotic, brand name Placidyl, indicated
used as hypnotics are secobarbital (Seconal), amo-
for the management of insomnia as short-term
barbital (Amytal) and pentobarbital (Nembutal). hypnotic therapy for periods up to one week.
Other nonbarbiturate, nonbenzodiazepine hyp- Placidyl is available as dark red capsules containing
notic agents are also available and come from a either 200 milligrams or 500 milligrams of
variety of pharmacological groups. One of the most ethchlorvynol, or green capsules containing 750
commonly prescribed agents is chloral hydrate milligrams of ethchlorvynol. It can cause gastroin-
(Noctec), which is a relatively mild hypnotic but is testinal upset and hypersensitivity reactions.
useful in the elderly because of its low potential for
adverse reactions. Triclofos
Triclofos sodium is the sodium salt of chloral,
Chloral Hydrate which is a hypnotic agent limited in use because of
One of the oldest hypnotics, used for the treatment its mild effects upon sleep and its gastrointestinal
of insomnia. It is derived from chloral, a irritation. Chloral is more commonly used in the
trichloroacetaldehyde, an unstable and unpleasant hydrate form called chloral hydrate.
tasting oil that is produced in the hydrate form for
more pleasant ingestion. As well as being a hyp- L-tryptophan
notic agent, chloral hydrate has anticonvulsant A naturally occurring amino acid that is a precur-
properties. sor of the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydrox-
This hypnotic has been shown to reduce SLEEP ytryptamine). L-tryptophan (or tryptophan) can
LATENCY and reduce the number of awakenings, induce drowsiness and therefore has been used as
with a variable change in the total sleep time. a hypnotic agent. It typically is available in 500 mil-
There is usually a slight decrease in SLOW WAVE ligram tablets, and up to five grams have been nec-
SLEEP and variable suppression of REM SLEEP. The essary to improve sleep. The effect of L-tryptophan
hypnotoxin 95

upon sleep is controversial as some studies have number of awakenings. It has few side effects but
shown little benefit in insomniac patients, whereas can cause a bitter taste in the mouth and difficulty
other studies have shown a reduced sleep latency with concentration during the daytime.
and an increased depth of sleep. L-tryptophan also
tends to have an irritant effect on the gastrointesti- Other sedative medications that have hypnotic
nal tract and can produce nausea and vomiting. properties include glutethimide (Doriden), mepro-
In general, L-tryptophan has little usefulness in bamate (Miltown) and methyprylon (Noludar).
the management of chronic insomnia. The U.S. Other agents that are now rarely prescribed as hyp-
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) requested physi- notics because of their serious side effects include
cians to temporarily stop prescribing L-tryptophan paraldehyde (Paral) and methaqualone.
in 1989 due to reports of 30 cases of eosinophilia- A variety of nonprescription hypnotic medica-
myalgia (some fatal). Three-quarters of those who tions are available as OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICA-
TIONS. Many of these medications are ANTIHISTAMINES
developed this rare blood disorder were discovered
to have been taking supplements of L-tryptophan. that have sedative side effects, such as doxylamine,
phenyltoloxamine and pyrilamine. These agents are
Zaleplon not very effective in the treatment of INSOMNIA, can
A novel pyrazolopyrimidine compound, brand lead to the development of TOLERANCE and promi-
name Sonata, that acts as a hypnotic by selectively nent residual daytime central nervous system
binding to the BENZODIAZEPINE type-1 receptor situ- depression, and are not recommended for general
ated on the alpha subunit of the GABA receptor hypnotic use.
complex. Zaleplon possesses attributes that many In recent years, there has been the realization
insomniacs would consider ideal: fast sleep onset, that insomnia is not a primary diagnosis but rather
short duration, a low incidence of adverse effects a symptom of many underlying causes. Many of
and no residual effects four hours after dosing. the causes of insomnia can be treated without the
Zaleplon has equal efficacy with TRIAZOLAM and use of a hypnotic agent. The use of hypnotics for
zolpidem in decreasing time to sleep onset. It is safe LONG-TERM INSOMNIA is to be avoided because of the
and effective in the elderly at doses of 10 mil- potential problems of tolerance and the potential
ligrams or less. There is no tolerance to the hyp- for drug abuse. Chronic insomnia can be managed
notic effect, so the dosage does not need to be by behavioral means, psychotherapy or non-hyp-
increased over time. There is no anterograde notic medications. The most appropriate use of
amnesia or residual sedative effects at doses of less hypnotic medications appears to be in the treat-
than 20 milligrams four hours after administration. ment of transient or SHORT-TERM INSOMNIA, such as
It has a very low potential for REBOUND INSOMNIA. JET LAG, where their use is for a few days only. The
selection of a hypnotic is ideally made according to
Zolpidem its duration of action so that people with daytime
A nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic agent that is the tiredness and fatigue are best treated by means of a
most widely used hypnotic in the United States. It short-acting hypnotic. Patients with mild features
has few side effects, does not cause rebound insom- of anxiety are best treated by an intermediate-act-
nia, and is safe if taken in overdose. ing hypnotic, whereas patients with more severe
Zopiclone anxiety are best treated by a long-acting hypnotic.
A hypnotic medication derived from cyclopy- Darcourt, G., et al., “The Safety and Tolerability of
rrolone that is not available in the United States but Zolpidem: An Update,” Journal of Psychopharmacology
is available in Europe. This medication has proper- 13, no. 1 (1999): 81–93.
ties that are similar to the more commonly-used
benzodiazepine hypnotics, and it appears to bind to hypnotoxin Term applied to a substance pre-
the same central nervous system receptor. Zopi- sumed to be contained in the cerebrospinal fluid,
clone produces an improvement in sleep efficiency, which was able to produce sleep. In 1911, Henri
with an increased total sleep time and a decreased Pieron demonstrated that the cerebrospinal fluid of
96 hypocretin (orexin)

sleep-deprived animals could induce sleep when The hypothalamus has connections with the
injected into non-sleep-deprived animals and that retino-hypothalamic tract, which leads from the
a substance was transmitted capable of producing retina to the optic chiasm, and synapses in the
this sleep effect. The term SLEEP PROMOTING SUB- SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEI for the control of CIRCA-
STANCE (SPS) is more commonly used than hypno- DIAN RHYTHMS. Isolation of the suprachiasmatic
toxin. (See also SLEEP-INDUCING FACTORS.) nuclei of the hypothalamus will disrupt circadian
rhythmicity although the temperature rhythm will
hypocretin (orexin) A peptide first identified in continue. Transplantation of fetal suprachiasmatic
1998. Produced by prehypocretin mRNA, hypocre- nuclei cells into other animals who have had the
tin exists as two related peptides: hypocretin-1 suprachiasmatic nucleus destroyed will return cir-
(orexin A) and hypocretin-2 (orexin B). These cadian rhythmicity.
neuropeptides are produced in neurons of the Other experiments of either stimulating or
hypothalamus and affect two receptors: hypocretin lesioning cells of the hypothalamic region have
receptor-1 and hypocretin receptor-2. The demonstrated effects on sleep or sleepiness; how-
hypocretins are localized in the synaptic vesicles ever, the exact role of the hypothalamic centers in
and possess neuroexcitatory effects. the control of sleep and wakefulness is unknown.
An abnormal hypocretin receptor gene has been
shown to be responsible for canine narcolepsy. hypothyroidism A disorder characterized by a
Abnormalities of either the hypocretin receptor loss of production of thyroid hormone from the
gene or of the production of hypocretins may be thyroid gland; caused by an intrinsic abnormality
responsible for human NARCOLEPSY. Hypocretin of the thyroid gland, or by reduced stimulation
cells are reduced or absent in patients with nar- of the thyroid gland due to the loss of the brain
colepsy. thyroid-stimulating hormone. Thyroid deficiency
can produce respiratory muscle failure with
hypopnea An episode of shallow breathing dur- ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION, which when severe
ing sleep that lasts 10 seconds or longer; associated
may require the institution of mechanical ventila-
with a reduction in airflow of 50% or more and a
tion. Hypothyroidism impairs the ventilation res-
fall in the oxygen saturation level. The presence of
ponses to HYPOXIA or HYPERCAPNIA and, in addition,
some airflow distinguishes this event from apneic
leads to increased weight gain and deposition of
episodes. Hypopneas are usually seen in persons
mucopolysaccharides in the tissues of the upper
Severe hypothyroidism can also produce tired-
ness, fatigue and sleepiness because of the reduced
body metabolism. The diagnosis is made by the
demonstration of a low free-thyroxine level in the
hypothalamus A region at the base of the brain blood, typically in association with an elevated,
believed to have an important role in the mainte- thyroid-stimulating hormone level. A thyroid scan
nance of sleep and wakefulness. Original investiga- is usually necessary to provide information on the
tions by Constantin von Economo on patients function and anatomy of the thyroid gland. If the
suffering from ENCEPHALITIS LETHARGICA in the sec- thyroid-stimulating hormone level is abnormally
ond decade of this century showed that the ante- low, a brain CT scan, or MRI scan, is necessary to
rior hypothalamus was commonly responsible for assess pituitary function.
INSOMNIA, whereas lesions of the posterior hypo- The presence of sleep-related disorders, such as
thalamus were associated with excessive sleepi- obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, can be con-
ness. The hypothalamus is also involved in many firmed by polysomnographic monitoring and the
other autonomic processes including thermoregu- degree of daytime sleepiness by MULTIPLE SLEEP
lation and control of food and fluid intake. LATENCY TESTING.
Hz 97

The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be quite means of either CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRES-
subtle, and it is therefore an important diagnosis to SURE (CPAP) or artificial ventilation devices. Oxygen
consider in any patient who has the obstructive therapy, respiratory stimulant medications or relief
sleep apnea syndrome. Thyroid levels should be of UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION by surgery are other
checked in all patients, especially before surgical means employed to relieve hypoxemia in some
management of the syndrome. patients.
Treatment of hypothyroidism involves replace-
ment of thyroid hormone, typically with between hypoxia A reduction of oxygen supply to tissues
50 and 200 micrograms of thyroxine per day. The below the level necessary to maintain normal
symptoms of daytime sleepiness and the features of cellular metabolism. Hypoxia can be produced
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS rapidly either by a reduction in the oxygen level of the
improve with replacement therapy. As hypothy- inspired air, such as that seen at high altitudes or
roidism leads to a general increase in body weight, due to UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION, or by means of
treatment often leads to weight reduction. an abnormality of the lung whereby oxygen is
Severe hypothyroidism results in MYXEDEMA, unable to adequately diffuse into the blood. Lung
which is characterized by generalized mucopoly- disease is a common cause of tissue hypoxia due
saccharide accumulation throughout the body, to the deficient oxygenation of the blood (hypox-
resulting in thickening of the facial features and emia).
doughy induration of the skin. Respiratory depres- Hypoxia due to low inspired levels of oxygen
sion is common in myxedema as are sleep-related can produce periodic breathing, which causes an
breathing disorders, and the patient can lapse into alternating pattern of hyperventilation and hypo-
myxedema coma, which is a hypothermic, stu- ventilation that is a characteristic feature of ALTI-
porous state. Myxedema coma is frequently fatal. TUDE INSOMNIA (acute mountain sickness). Upper
(See also POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, UPPER AIRWAY airway obstruction, which occurs in the OBSTRUC-
a reduction in lung oxygen levels, thereby produc-
hypoventilation See ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION. ing hypoxemia with resultant arousal and ventila-
tory stimulation.
hypoxemia A low level of oxygen in the blood. Chronic lung disease, such as that seen in
Hypoxemia during sleep typically occurs in patients CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE, particu-
with SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS such as larly emphysema, is associated with impaired blood
the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. The gas transfer and hypoxemia. Patients with chronic
hypoxemia is usually detected by an oximeter, obstructive pulmonary disease can develop wors-
which measures the oxygen saturation of the ening hypoxemia during sleep, especially during
hemoglobin. Hypoxemia can have important REM sleep.
effects upon the body, particularly the cardiovascu- As a result of hypoxia, sleep becomes frag-
lar system, as chronic hypoxemia can produce pul- mented, with an increased number of arousals and
monary hypertension that in turn can produce awakenings related to the hypoxemia. The direct
right-sided heart failure. Hypoxemia can also cause effects of hypoxemia can be detrimental on the car-
cardiac irritation, leading to cardiac irregularity or diovascular as well as other body systems. (See also
cardiac ischemia. CHEYNE-STOKES BREATHING.)
Assisted ventilation during sleep may be
required for patients who have hypoxemia, by Hz See HERTZ.
idiopathic hypersomnia Disorder associated with Guilleminault, Christian, “Disorders of Excessive Day-
EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS; believed to be of central ner- time Sleepiness,” Annals of Clinical Research 17 (1985):
vous system cause. This disorder has similarities to 209–219.
Roth, Bedrich, Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. Basel: Karger,
narcolepsy but lacks the associated REM phenom-
ena. Features such as CATAPLEXY, SLEEP PARALYSIS
idiopathic insomnia A lifelong form of insomnia
patients with idiopathic hypersomnia.
that is believed to have a neurochemical basis; orig-
Idiopathic hypersomnia has its onset during
inally termed childhood onset insomnia. This insomnia
adolescence and early adulthood and is character-
is believed to be due to an inability to achieve a sus-
ized by gradually increasing daytime sleepiness.
tained high quality of sleep. Idiopathic insomnia is
Typically, patients with idiopathic hypersomnia will
typically characterized by a prolonged SLEEP LATENCY,
take frequent NAPS, usually of one to two hours in
frequent awakenings at night and sometimes an
duration. The major sleep episode may be of nor-
EARLY MORNING AROUSAL. It is possible that people
mal or longer than normal duration.
with idiopathic insomnia are those who comprise
Polysomnographic studies (see POLYSOMNOGRA- the lower 5% of the normal distribution of ability to
PHY) demonstrate a normal or prolonged total sleep
have a normal quality sleep period. Elements of ANX-
time without evidence of sleep disruption. Daytime IETY and hyperarousal may be present in such indi-
viduals, but there is no gross psychopathology
mean sleep latency that is consistent with patho- warranting a diagnosis of ANXIETY DISORDER nor any
logical sleepiness but is characterized by the evidence to suggest a diagnosis of DEPRESSION.
absence of naps with REM sleep. Typically, patients Idiopathic insomnia needs to be differentiated
with idiopathic hypersomnia will develop deep from PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA, which
sleep stages, such as stage three or four sleep dur- involves learned negative associations with sleep.
ing nap opportunities. Idiopathic insomnia is more likely to be stable over
Central nervous system tests, including brain time, with poor quality sleep occurring in all sleep
imaging and encephalography, are usually environments; the insomnia does not have the
normal. intermittent exacerbations that are seen with psy-
Treatment is similar to that for improving alert- chophysiological insomnia. Psychophysiological
ness in patients with narcolepsy. It involves the use insomnia also rarely occurs from childhood. Indi-
of STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, such as pemoline viduals who are SHORT SLEEPERS typically awake
(Cylert), methylphenidate (Ritalin) or dextroam- refreshed in the morning and lack a complaint of
phetamine (Dexedrine). Treatment is initiated with poor quality sleep or of frequent awakenings as do
pemoline and may be changed to methylphenidate those with idiopathic insomnia.
or dextroamphetamine if pemoline does not give INADEQUATE SLEEP HYGIENE may be confused with
an adequate response. Usually treatment is life- idiopathic insomnia, although the intermittent
long; there is no evidence for remission of the nature of inadequate sleep hygiene contrasts with
underlying sleepiness. the more fixed complaint of idiopathic insomnia.

impaired sleep-related penile erections 99

Polysomnographic studies of individuals with spinal cord injury, alcoholism, back injury and
idiopathic insomnia have demonstrated severe multiple sclerosis can also be common causes of
sleep disruption, which is characterized by a long impaired erections. Rarely, severe psychiatric dis-
sleep latency and frequent arousals with early ease, such as DEPRESSION, may be associated with
morning awakening. Sleep efficiencies are usually impaired sleep-related penile erections. However,
greatly reduced and there may be specific sleep patients with PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS are typically
stage abnormalities, such as reduction of spindle able to achieve several erections during REM sleep,
activity in stage two sleep or reduced rapid eye although erections during wakefulness may be dif-
movements during REM SLEEP. As with psychophys- ficult to attain. Sleep-related impaired erections
iological insomnia, a reversed first night effect may may occur following urogenital disorders such as
be seen in which individuals sleep much better in prostatic hypertrophy or Peyrone’s disease and fol-
the sleep laboratory on the first night because of lowing prostatic removal. Medications, particularly
the change in their habitual environment. antihypertensives, ANTIDEPRESSANTS, narcotics or
Idiopathic insomnia is typically lifelong and antipsychotic medications (see NEUROLEPTICS), may
appears to be genetically transmitted. There is some be associated with impaired erectile ability.
suggestion that babies born during a difficult labor Impaired sleep-related erections may occur at
may be predisposed to developing this disorder. Its any age; however, most commonly patients appear
prevalence is unknown. There is some evidence to at a sleep disorders center with the problem after
suggest an alteration in serotonin metabolism with the age of 45 years.
inadequate production of serotonin. The majority of patients with a complaint of
Treatment of idiopathic insomnia is generally impotence have impaired sleep-related penile erec-
unsatisfactory. Attention to SLEEP HYGIENE and tions demonstrated during polysomnographic eval-
BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT OF INSOMNIA, such as STIMU- uation. It is estimated that approximately 10% of
LUS CONTROL THERAPY and SLEEP RESTRICTION THER- adult males suffer from IMPOTENCE, the majority of
APY, are useful. whom have organic impotence.
Polysomnographic monitoring of erectile ability
imipramine See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. is obtained by the use of strain gauges placed
around the penis and by the demonstration of ade-
impaired sleep-related penile erections The quate REM SLEEP. The absence of adequate penile
inability to achieve a penile erection during sleep. erections either in rigidity or duration of erection is
(This term is preferred to sleep-related penile tumes- evidence for organic impotence. Typically erections
cence.) All males, from infancy to old age, have during REM sleep will last longer than five minutes
penile erections that occur during REM SLEEP. The and erections of shorter duration are inadequate.
inability to achieve an adequate erection during The rigidity of the penis can be determined by a
sleep at night may help differentiate an organic buckling pressure once the patient is awakened
from a psychogenic cause of impotence. MEDICA- during sleep. If a pressure of less than 500 grams
TIONS and sleep disorders that disrupt REM sleep causes a buckling of the penis then this is evidence
may also cause impaired sleep-related penile erec- of an insufficient degree of penile rigidity. In most
tions. The measurement of penile circumference healthy males, the buckling of the penis will not
and rigidity during sleep is an important test for dif- occur unless the pressure exceeds 1,000 grams.
ferentiating organic impotence. Typically at least two nights of polysomnographic
Diseases that affect the neurological or vascular recording, with measurement of penile tumes-
supply of the penis can produce impaired erectile cence, is necessary in order to determine a diagno-
ability during sleep. In addition, neurotransmitter sis of organic impotence. However, many sleep
and endocrine disorders can also be contributing laboratories require three nights of recording for
factors. Disorders such as diabetes mellitus and confirmation.
HYPERTENSION are common causes of organic impo- If impaired sleep-related penile erections are
tence but other disorders, including renal failure, present, other investigations, including penile
100 impotence

blood pressure, penile neurodiagnostic tests and ance counselor may be indicated in such cases. If
hormonal tests may be indicated in order to deter- PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS such as MOOD DISORDERS are
mine the cause of the impaired erectile ability. present, then psychiatric treatment is usually nec-
Occasionally, sleep disorders, such as OBSTRUCTIVE essary.
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, are associated with Patients with physical disorders, such as vascu-
impaired sleep-related penile erections, which are lar disorders or diabetes, may require the implanta-
improved by treatment of the sleep apnea syn- tion of an artificial penile prosthesis if Viagra is not
drome. The medication Viagra is effective at effective. Penile prostheses are manufactured in
improving erectile ability if taken one hour before two forms: an erect form, which is continuously
sleep, in those who have erectile difficulties. erect, and an inflatable prosthesis that is made
In many patients with organic impotence, the erect at the time of sexual activity. (See also
only means of treatment is by the surgical implan- IMPAIRED SLEEP-RELATED PENILE ERECTIONS, NOCTUR-
tation of an artificial penile prosthesis. Patients NAL PENILE TUMESCENCE TEST, SLEEP-RELATED PENILE
with normal erectile ability during sleep, but with ERECTION.)
a complaint of impotence, may best be treated
by means of sex, marital or psychiatric therapy. inadequate sleep hygiene Disturbance that
(See also ALCOHOLISM, SLEEP-RELATED PAINFUL EREC- results from practices that can have a negative
TIONS.) effect on the sleep pattern. Improved SLEEP HYGIENE
Fisher, C., Schiavi, R.C., Edwards, S.A., Davis, D.M., involves enhancing factors that will allow sleep to
Reitman, M. and Fine, J., “Evaluation of Nocturnal become more organized. Substances such as CAF-
Penile Tumescence in the Differential Diagnosis of FEINE, NICOTINE from cigarette SMOKING and other
Sexual Impotence: A Quantitative Study,” Archives of stimulants are likely to cause sleep onset difficulties
General Psychiatry 36 (1979): 431–437. or the inability to sustain quality sleep. ALCOHOL
Ware, J.C., “Evaluation of Impotence—Monitoring Peri- can also cause AROUSAL, but more commonly pro-
odic Penile Erections During Sleep,” Psychiatric Clinics duces sedation followed by an arousal during the
of North America 10 (1987): 675–686.
withdrawal phase.
Vigorous exercise before bedtime, intense men-
impotence The inability to attain an adequate tal stimulation late at night or late night social
penile erection for sexual intercourse. Impotence activities clearly increase arousal and reduce sleep
may be due to psychological or psychiatric disorders, quality. Spending an excessive amount of time in
such as DEPRESSION or ANXIETY DISORDERS. Physical bed, irregular sleep onset and wake times or daily
causes of impaired erectile ability commonly include NAPS can all disturb the normal circadian pattern of
vascular disorders, such as peripheral vascular dis- sleep and wakefulness, leading to a breakdown in
ease of HYPERTENSION, or neurological disorders, the sleep organization.
such as peripheral neuropathies or spinal cord Inadequate sleep hygiene can lead to a persistent
lesions (such as those due to a spinal cord injury). It sleep disturbance, which develops into a PSY-
is also a common manifestation of diabetes, proba- CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA because of the learned
bly because of a combination of vascular and neuro- negative associations due to the sleep disruption.
logical abnormalities associated with that disorder. Inadequate sleep hygiene can also accompany sleep
Impotence also can occur in the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP disorders of other types. For example, INSOMNIA due
APNEA SYNDROME, where it appears to have a higher to DEPRESSION may be complicated by spending an
prevalence than in the general population. Treat- excessive time in bed and varying sleep onset and
ment of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome leads wake times. The start of the sleep disturbance typi-
to improve erectile ability. cally occurs between young adulthood and old age;
The assessment of impotence involves an under- however, it can occur in adolescence.
standing of the patient’s psychological and medical Sleep studies document prolonged sleep latency,
condition. Marital problems are a primary cause of frequent nocturnal awakenings, early morning
sexual difficulty and treatment by a marriage guid- arousal and reduced sleep efficiency.
infant sleep 101

Treatment of inadequate sleep hygiene is to thereby causing a change in the measure that is
eliminate the negative behaviors, which usually typically called the sum. In a central apneic pause,
leads to rapid resolution of the sleep disturbance. all activity at the rib cage and abdomen is absent,
and hence the sum tracing is without change.
Hauri, Peter, The Sleep Disorders. 2nd ed. Kalamazoo,
Michigan: Academic Press, 1982. Inductive plethysmography is most commonly
Spielman, Arthur J., Saskin, Paul and Thorpy, Michael used as a research procedure for the assessment of
J., “Treatment of Chronic Insomnia by Restriction of VENTILATION during sleep; however, it can also be
Time in Bed,” Sleep 10 (1987): 45–56. used clinically in the evaluation of patients with
incubus Latin term that applies to a form of
nightmare that occurs in adults. The word comes
from in and cubare, which signifies “to lie on.”
Incubus is an old term of SLEEP TERROR in adults.
The term incubus refers to a demon lying on a infant sleep Infant sleep is first recognized at a
sleeper and therefore causing the sleeper discom- conceptual age of about 32 weeks. At this time, the
fort and pain. This is most clearly demonstrated in infant state can be differentiated into WAKEFULNESS,
the painting entitled “The Nightmare,” by Johann QUIET SLEEP and ACTIVE SLEEP.
Heinrich Fuseli (1741–1825), located in the Detroit At the time of birth, the infant demonstrates a
Institute of Art. sleep pattern totaling 16 to 18 hours of sleep dur-
Closely related to the term incubus is the term ing the 24 hours. Sleep is achieved in short
inuus, which is the oldest of all Latin terms for episodes of three to four hours, with brief awaken-
“NIGHTMARE.” This term was first used in Virgil’s ings. Sleep is evenly distributed over the day, and
Aeneid (VI, 775) and may have led to the develop- gradually the amount of sleep at night compared to
ment of the word incubus. during the daytime increases, so that a clear night-
day differentiation is evident by three months of
indeterminant sleep Term applied to INFANT The sleep episodes of the infant are character-
SLEEP that cannot be clearly differentiated into ized by approximately 50% of REM and 50% of
ACTIVE SLEEP or QUIET SLEEP. Typically, indetermi-
non-REM sleep. Infants will go from wakefulness
nant sleep consists of a short episode of sleep, usu- directly into REM sleep, a feature that is not seen
ally occurring between sleep changes or during the in older children or adults unless some pathology is
transition from wakefulness to sleep. Sometimes present. The NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE is slower than
the term intermediate sleep has been used as syn- that seen in adults, occurring approximately every
onymous with indeterminant sleep. (See also NON- 60 minutes.
REM-STAGE SLEEP, REM SLEEP, WAKEFULNESS.) The EEG pattern begins to resemble the sleep of
adults by three months of age. SLEEP SPINDLE activ-
inductive plethysmography Noninvasive tech- ity begins at this time and within the next few
nique that has been used for the evaluation of ven- months K-COMPLEXES can be seen. The total
tilation during sleep. This device consists of a amount of sleep gradually falls so that by six
transducer of insulated wire placed around the months the infant is sleeping approximately 15
chest to determine expansion of the lungs. A sec- hours per day. As the sleep-wake pattern becomes
ond loop of wire is placed around the abdomen; by more consolidated at night, the latency into REM
utilizing the changes in electrical current generated sleep becomes biphasic so that the shortest REM
by the movements of the bands of wire, tidal vol- latencies are usually seen between 4 and 8 A.M.
ume and evidence of UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION whereas the longer latencies are typically seen
can be determined. During apneic phases, the between midday and 4 P.M. Longer REM latencies
excursions of the rib cage component in the become more apparent following longer periods of
abdomen are equal and in opposite directions, wakefulness, and the prevalence of REM sleep dur-
102 infant sleep apnea

ing the daytime gradually reduces over the first color, either by cyanosis or pallor, and who is often
year of life. very limp at the time, is a frightening occurrence
Because REM and non-REM sleep cannot be for a mother or father. Although the majority of
thoroughly distinguished at this stage, the terms such witnessed episodes are not associated with
active sleep and quiet sleep are used. Active sleep is any significant cardiorespiratory events during
characterized by body movement activity with infancy, there are a number of disorders in which
occasional vocalizations, whereas quiet sleep con- respiration may be greatly compromised during
sists of cessation of body movements as well as the sleep.
EEG features consistent with non-REM sleep. The Infants who suffer other medical illnesses at the
characteristic EEG pattern of active sleep is a low time of birth, either infection, trauma or hemor-
voltage, irregular pattern with 5 to 8 Hz theta and rhages, are more likely to develop respiratory
1 to 5 Hz delta activity. irregularity that will be most prominent during
Quiet sleep is characterized by high voltage, sleep; in such circumstances some children may
slow wave activity in the delta range. There is also require aggressive intervention in order to main-
the trace alternant pattern of high voltage slow tain adequate VENTILATION. A number of sleep-
waves mixed with rapid low voltage activity that related respiratory disturbances can occur in
occurs in bursts alternating with periods of low infants, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
voltage “flat” periods. The eye movement activity is DROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, CENTRAL
increased during active sleep and absent during ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME and APNEA
slow wave sleep. The muscle tone activity is ele- OF PREMATURITY. The obstructive sleep apnea syn-
vated during quiet sleep and relatively low during drome is characterized by UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUC-
active sleep. TION that occurs predominantly during sleep,
Some sleep is not able to be differentiated into particularly during REM sleep, and is associated
active and quiet and is often called INDETERMINANT with a reduction in oxygen levels in the blood as
SLEEP. This type of sleep decreases as the infant well as increases in carbon dioxide values. Apneic
develops. (See also ONTOGENY OF SLEEP, TRACE episodes of similar duration can occur in the cen-
ALTERNANT.) tral sleep apnea syndrome, but in this disorder
Hoppenbrouwers, T., Hodgman, J.E., Harper, R.N. and upper airway obstruction is not the primary event,
Sterman, M.B., “Temporal Distribution of Sleep although there is a decrease in central nervous
States, Somatic Activity, and Autonomic Activity system respiratory drive. This form of apnea is
During the First Half Year Of Life,” Sleep 5 (1982): more common in infants who have central ner-
131–144. vous system lesions. Some infants do not have
apneic pauses but will have prolonged episodes of
infant sleep apnea A variety of respiratory dis- reduced ventilation during sleep, with associated
turbances that can occur in infants, predominantly oxygen desaturation and increases in carbon diox-
during sleep. Infants who stop breathing during ide levels. This form of respiratory disturbance,
sleep often raise a fear of the SUDDEN INFANT DEATH termed central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome–
SYNDROME (SIDS), in which otherwise healthy congenital type, may require assisted ventilation
infants die suddenly during sleep. However, brief until the infant is able to sustain ventilation spon-
apneic pauses are common in infants; even for taneously after maturation of the respiratory sys-
infants who have longer respiratory pauses, there tem.
is little evidence to substantiate that this is predic-
tive of SIDS. Children who have very prolonged infant sleep disorders INFANT SLEEP is very differ-
apneic pauses, greater than 20 seconds in duration, ent from the sleep of young children or adults. It
particularly premature infants, will have approxi- has a high percentage of REM sleep that fills 50%
mately a 5% greater risk of SIDS than otherwise of the total sleep time, and sleep occurs in brief
healthy children. However, the observation of an episodes throughout the 24-hour day. Approxi-
infant who stops breathing and has some change in mately two-thirds of the day is spent in sleep.
infant sleep disorders 103

During the first three months of life, the child’s Usually the time between the second and sixth
sleep appears to occur with a cyclical pattern that is months of life is associated with a consolidated
slightly greater than 24 hours; therefore, the major nighttime sleep episode and several daytime NAPS
sleep episode occurs slightly later on each succes- and is a relatively peaceful time for the mother. It
sive day. This pattern, which is known as FREE RUN- is during this time that the major changes in the
NING, is due to the underlying tendency of our structure of the infant’s sleep are occurring and so
biological circadian rhythms to have a PERIOD it is a critical time for the infant. Patterns of corti-
LENGTH slightly longer than 24 hours. This ten- sol and growth hormone production are develop-
dency in the infant is usually not a concern so long ing and become established by six months of age.
as the typical ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES are insti- During the first six months of life, the respira-
tuted to maintain the major sleep episode over the tory system undergoes development. It is one of
nighttime hours. If these environmental time cues, the most fragile body systems and is susceptible to
such as quieter nights and daytime stimulation, are variations that can be noted by the mother. Most
not instituted, a delayed sleep pattern will develop. healthy infants will have episodes of cessation of
As a result, the major sleep episode occurs at a breathing that occur and last up to 20 seconds in
slightly later time and so the sleep episode will duration. These episodes may concern a mother
rotate around the clock. This is called the NON-24- but may be a part of normal development and
HOUR SLEEP-WAKE SYNDROME and occurs in infants decrease in frequency as the child develops. Pre-
only if appropriate environmental cues are not mature infants are more likely to have these
instituted. apneas. A syndrome called APNEA OF PREMATURITY
Colic is perhaps the most widely recognized cause can exist where prolonged episodes may be associ-
of awakenings and crying at night in infants within ated with changes in oxygenation of the blood, and
the first four months of age. Usually colic occurs therefore a child may briefly turn blue or pale in
within the first three weeks of age and reduces in color. Within the first few months of life, these
frequency so that about 50% of infants with colic episodes spontaneously decrease as a more healthy
will not have attacks after two months of age, and infant pattern of ventilation develops. Healthy pre-
most infants will have outgrown colic by four mature infants with persistence of prolonged
months of age. The cause of colic is unknown and, episodes of apnea may be predisposed to the SUD-
although it is suspected of being due to stomach DEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME, a disorder that is of
cramps, there is no scientific evidence to indicate concern to most mothers because it is sudden,
that colic is of gastrointestinal cause. Current belief unexpected and occurs in otherwise healthy
is that it is due to an immature central nervous sys- infants.
tem. There are some irregularities of behavior with At six months of age, the infant’s sleep pattern
increased arousal and sensitivity to environmental becomes lighter and the number of awakenings
stimuli that cause the awakenings. Colic can lead to can increase. It is at this time that the infant is
the development of more chronic sleep disturb- becoming more aware of the world, and the fre-
ances in the older infant if it is not appropriately quent awakenings and difficulty in initiating sleep
managed in the first few months of life. The institu- may cause the parents concern and anxiety. It is
tion of good SLEEP HYGIENE and providing the appro- important during this time that positive sleep
priate sleep times is essential to ensure that more hygiene practices are put into place, particularly
persistent sleep disturbances do not occur. the institution of limits on the time that the child is
A benign form of abnormal movements can put down for sleep and the time that the child is
occur in newborn infants and is called BENIGN allowed to sleep undisturbed. An appropriate
NEONATAL SLEEP MYOCLONUS. This disorder is associ- amount of daytime stimulation is necessary so that
ated with jerking movements of limbs, and even of the development of a full period of wakefulness
the face or trunk, but is not associated with under- can gradually occur. Physical illnesses, such as ear
lying epilepsy, and usually resolves within the first or other infections, can cause the sleep pattern to
few weeks of life. be interrupted, but as long as the appropriate cues
104 initiating and maintaining sleep

and positive associations with sleep are instituted, has improved so that spontaneous control is possi-
the disturbance is usually only temporary. ble. There has not been demonstrated a clear asso-
One form of insomnia, related to an allergy to ciation between infants with apneic episodes of less
cow’s milk, is called FOOD ALLERGY INSOMNIA and than 20 seconds in duration and the subsequent
can produce irritability in the infant, resulting in development of sudden infant death syndrome.
frequent arousals and crying. Very often there are Central nervous system disorders, such as
other manifestations of the allergy, such as skin dif- epilepsy, can cause abnormal movements in infants
ficulties and gastrointestinal upset. The close asso- during sleep. These episodes are often the result of
ciation of the onset of the insomnia with the central nervous system lesions, such as an intra-
change from breast-feeding to cow’s milk is the first cerebral tumor. Metabolic abnormalities due to a
indication that this form of sleep disturbance might change in the blood electrolytes are a common
be present. Elimination of cow’s milk in the diet cause of seizures in the newborn infant, and with
brings about a resolution of the insomnia. correction of the biochemical changes the seizure
The main forms of pathological sleep distur- manifestations resolve. Sometimes epilepsy can be
bance in the infant include ventilatory abnormali- the cause of apneic episodes.
ties, such as the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,
Ferber, Richard, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New
or neurological disorders, such as epilepsy. The York: Simon and Schuster, 1985.
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS are evidenced Guilleminault, C., ed., Sleep and Its Disorders in Children.
by difficulty in breathing during sleep or prolonged New York: Raven Press, 1987.
episodes of cessation of breathing. Apneic episodes
of greater than 20 seconds in duration are an indi-
initiating and maintaining sleep See DISORDERS
cation of pathology, and may be due either to
upper airway obstruction or a central cause. Typical
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is less likely to
occur in the infant than in the older child who has insomnia Term derived from the Latin words in,
enlarged tonsils. When upper airway obstruction meaning “no,” and somnus, meaning “sleep.” In-
occurs, it usually occurs in both wakefulness and somnia strictly means the inability to sleep.
sleep. Excessive sleepiness is not evident in the Insomnia is applied to people who have a com-
infant, and the main features of upper airway plaint of unrefreshing sleep, or difficulty in initiat-
obstruction are difficulty in breathing and the ing or maintaining sleep. Although the term has
change in coloration or heart rate. Upper airway been used to refer to a disorder in which sleep dis-
obstruction is more common in infants with cran- turbance can be objectively documented, it is more
iofacial abnormalities, such as those due to a small generally used for any disorder associated with a
jaw or an enlarged tongue. Central apnea may be complaint of disturbed or unrefreshing sleep.
due to neurological disorders that may be have Most, but not all, patients with insomnia have
occurred during the time of a difficult delivery, daytime effects of the disturbed nighttime sleep,
such as an intracerebral hemorrhage. Central ner- such as fatigue, tiredness, irritability or inability to
vous system lesions can affect the control of concentrate, that can impair the ability to work or
breathing and lead to frequent episodes of breath- socialize. Insomnia has been used as a diagnosis in
ing cessation during sleep, commonly called the the past, but in recent years, with the recognition of
CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. the many different causes of insomnia, the term is
Many illnesses of an infective, biochemical or now largely applied to the symptom complaint of
anatomical nature can predispose the infant to cen- the patient and should not be viewed as a specific
tral apnea. For most infants, treatment of the disorder. With the development of SLEEP DISORDERS
underlying medical disorder will lead to resolution MEDICINE, many new disorders have been recog-
of the apneic episodes. However, some infants with nized that can produce a complaint of insomnia. The
primary respiratory difficulty may need to have physician should determine the exact cause of the
artificial ventilation until the respiratory symptom symptom in order to initiate appropriate treatment.
insomnia 105

It is difficult to determine the prevalence of ferent groups associated with the following causes:
insomnia; however, it is clearly a widespread com- behavioral or psychophysiological causes; psychi-
plaint. Everyone, at some point, has experienced atric causes; environmental causes; drug-depen-
insomnia, if only temporarily. National surveys dent factors; those associated with respiratory or
have reported that up to one-third of the popula- movement disorders; those associated with alter-
tion has some degree of insomnia, and 50% of that ations in the timing of the sleep-wake pattern or
third regard the insomnia as serious. Ten percent of associated with the parasomnias or neurological
people reporting severe insomnia have been pre- disorders; those without any objective sleep distur-
scribed HYPNOTICS and 5% have used OVER-THE- bance; idiopathic insomnia; and a miscellaneous
COUNTER MEDICATIONS. group of other causes of insomnia.
In general, insomnia has not been well treated
in the past because clinicians lacked a good under- Insomnia Associated with Behavioral or
standing either of its causes or of the different Psychophysiological Causes
treatment options available. Although it was clear Insomnia associated with behavioral or psy-
that PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS were associated with chophysiological causes includes ADJUSTMENT SLEEP
tle understanding of the importance of physical SLEEP-ONSET ASSOCIATION DISORDER, NOCTURNAL EAT-
causes of insomnia. ING (DRINKING) SYNDROME.
Research studies have demonstrated that the These disorders often respond to the institution
total amount of sleep does not necessarily correlate of SLEEP HYGIENE or BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT OF
with the complaint of insomnia. Many patients INSOMNIA.
who complain of insomnia have an amount of Insomnia Associated with
sleep that would be regarded as normal, and some Psychiatric Disorders
patients very clearly have normal sleep without
Includes the mood disorders, such as depression or
any interruptions or disruptions. Insomnia may
manic-depressive disease, PSYCHOSES, anxiety disor-
also be related to impaired perception of sleep
ders, including PANIC DISORDERS, and ALCOHOLISM.
quality; for example, an infant may be brought to
Specific treatment of the psychiatric state is
medical attention by a mother who complains that
required; good sleep hygiene and behavioral treat-
the child has frequent awakenings at night, which
ments of insomnia can assist the resolution of the
may be entirely normal in number and duration.
sleep complaint.
Therefore, the assessment of insomnia is most
important, as treatment depends upon the cause of Environmental Factors
the insomnia and may vary from simple reassur- Particularly noise, temperature, or abnormal light
ance to behavioral, pharmacological or mechanical exposure; may be important in the production of
means. The age of the patient will influence the some forms of insomnia. The ingestion of some
likelihood of certain sleep disorders being responsi- foods can produce a FOOD ALLERGY INSOMNIA, and
ble for the complaint of insomnia. A clear under- toxins can produce a TOXIN-INDUCED SLEEP DISOR-
standing of the nature of the complaint and, when DER.
indicated, further investigations, such as
polysomnographic monitoring, may be required to Medications and Insomnia
determine the exact cause of insomnia in order to Medications can be associated with the develop-
develop a successful treatment plan. ment of insomnia, with the chronic use of hyp-
Although many different classifications of notics leading to HYPNOTIC-DEPENDENT SLEEP
insomnia have been developed, the differential DISORDER, which may exacerbate upon withdrawal
diagnosis developed in the International Classification of the hypnotic agent. The chronic use of stimu-
of Sleep Disorders has been clinically very useful. lants, such as CAFFEINE, or weight-reduction med-
However, insomnia can be divided into slightly dif- ications, such as amphetamines, can produce a
106 insomnia

use of alcohol for sleep purposes can lead to an with excessive movement and abnormal behavior
ALCOHOL-DEPENDENT SLEEP DISORDER. Gradual with- during sleep. Insomnia also occurs in NOCTURNAL
drawal of the offending agent under clinical super- PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA and RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT
vision, with maintenance of good sleep hygiene, is DISORDER, when it persists into adolescence or
usually all that is required for the treatment of adulthood.
these forms of insomnia.
Insomnia Related to the Timing of Sleep
Sleep-related Breathing Disorders With the development of the science of CHRONOBI-
Can be associated with the complaint of insomnia, OLOGY, there has been the recognition that disor-
particularly in the elderly. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA ders of the timing of sleep are also associated with
SYNDROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME and CEN- disturbed sleep quality. This is most evident to the
TRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME can all general population through its awareness of TIME
produce awakenings at night, with little evidence of ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYNDROME and SHIFT-WORK
daytime impairment of respiratory function. SLEEP DISORDER. A delay in the onset of sleep can
Polysomnographic investigation is usually neces- produce a sleep onset insomnia in adolescence
sary to understand the severity and extent of these termed DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME. In this dis-
disorders to determine appropriate treatment. order, the sleep pattern is delayed with regard to
Other respiratory disorders, such as CHRONIC typical sleep times. Similarly, the opposite sleep
ASTHMA, can have direct sleep effects. Insomnia cause an EARLY MORNING AROUSAL and a complaint
may also be exacerbated by the RESPIRATORY STIMU- of insomnia. Sleep occurs at an earlier time than
LANTS, such as the xanthines, that are used to treat desired. This particular sleep pattern is more com-
these disorders. mon in the elderly, who find it difficult to stay
awake late at night and yet awaken early in the
Altitude Insomnia morning, while it is still dark.
Occurring at high altitudes and caused by the low Behavioral or neurological disorders can pro-
level of inspired oxygen tension, which produces a duce an irregular sleep pattern characterized by
periodic pattern of breathing often associated with frequently interrupted sleep episodes throughout
insomnia. It usually resolves upon return to a the 24-hour day—the IRREGULAR SLEEP-WAKE PAT-
lower altitude. TERN. Rarely, the NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-WAKE SYN-
DROME can occur; here, the sleep pattern continues
Insomnia and Abnormal
to rotate around the clock, with a PERIOD LENGTH of
Movement Disorders
25, and not 24, hours.
Insomnia may be associated with abnormal move-
ment disorders during sleep. Typical SLEEP STARTS, Neurological Disorders and Insomnia
or hypnic jerks, can cause a sleep-onset insomnia, Neurological disorders are common causes of the
as can the RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME, which is asso- inability to maintain sleep, and those most com-
ciated with disagreeable sensations in the legs. monly seen, particularly in the elderly, include
Rarely, nocturnal CRAMPS may cause sudden awak- PARKINSONISM and DEMENTIA. Degenerative disor-
enings during sleep, leading to the complaint of ders and epilepsy are two other neurological disor-
insomnia. ders that commonly present with the complaint of
The PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER is a disturbed sleep. Appropriate treatment of these
movement disorder that occurs solely during sleep. neurological disorders includes attention to good
The patient may not be aware of it, but it is typi- sleep hygiene, with or without the use of hypnotic
cally seen by a bed partner. It is associated with agents. FATAL FAMILIAL INSOMNIA, a rare form of
periodic movements of the limbs and disturbed insomnia, has a progressive deteriorating course
quality of sleep, often leading to the complaint of that eventually leads to death. There is no known
insomnia or unrestful sleep. treatment.
insomnia 107

Insomnia Associated with Parasomnias that can lead to a complaint of insomnia include
not typically produce complaints of insomnia or TIS SYNDROME, MENSTRUAL-ASSOCIATED SLEEP DISOR-
(sweating) may cause awakenings that lead to RELATED ABNORMAL SWALLOWING SYNDROME and
All of the above-mentioned sleep disorders need
Insomnia with No Objective to be considered in the differential diagnosis of the
Sleep Disturbance patient presenting with insomnia. A detailed clini-
A form of insomnia due to a misperception or mis- cal and psychological history will often point to the
interpretation of sleep. SLEEP STATE MISPERCEPTION, cause of the insomnia without the need for objec-
previously known as pseudoinsomnia, occurs tive polysomnographic evaluation (see POLYSOMNO-
when patients find sleep totally unrefreshing, GRAPHY); however, many of the above disorders
when they deny having been asleep, despite hav- need polysomnographic documentation. When
ing had a full night of good quality sleep. This there is no evident cause for the insomnia,
unusual disorder is poorly understood and is often polysomnographic monitoring may be indicated.
resistant to attempts at treatment. Typically, the patient will be evaluated for the qual-
Awakening at night with a sensation of an ity of sleep, as well as for abnormal physiological
inability to breathe, termed the SLEEP CHOKING SYN- events during sleep. One or two nights of recording
DROME, can occur, yet polysomnographically docu- in a SLEEP DISORDER CENTER is usually necessary.
mented sleep is entirely normal. This disorder This information, along with the historical infor-
might be an unusual manifestation of an anxiety or mation taken at the initial evaluation, usually leads
panic disorder. to a precise diagnosis so an accurate treatment plan
Some people have a physiological requirement can be outlined.
for less sleep than most and can be classed as SHORT
SLEEPERS. However, the desire for longer sleep may
lead to the complaint of insomnia. Reassurance Most patients with insomnia deal with it without
that the short sleep is physiologically appropriate the need for professional help. The TRANSIENT
may be all that is required. INSOMNIA that occurs following stress usually lasts
only a few days and then spontaneously resolves.
Idiopathic Insomnia However, the patient who suffers from continuing
Some patients appear to have a lifelong inability to insomnia may be reluctant to seek medical help for
sustain good quality sleep, and the term IDIOPATHIC fear of being prescribed medications with potential
INSOMNIA (or childhood-onset insomnia) has been adverse side effects. Many people suffer from
applied. This sleep disorder is believed to be due to chronic insomnia in the hope that it will eventually
a genetic or acquired abnormality in the sleep spontaneously resolve itself.
maintenance systems of the brain so that normal If the insomnia does not resolve, the patient has
good quality sleep is never obtained. These patients several avenues to pursue for help. Popular books
are particularly susceptible to minor stressful or and articles on insomnia are a source of informa-
environmental stimuli, which cause an exacerba- tion that is commonly used; for many patients,
tion of the insomnia. Lifelong attention to good they provide successful treatment strategies. Over-
sleep hygiene is necessary for such patients. the-counter medications for the treatment of
insomnia are plentiful and are widely publicized in
Other Causes of Insomnia the media. Some patients will find these over-the-
There are many other causes of insomnia, the counter medications helpful, although it is unclear
majority of which are related to underlying med- whether the insomnia would have resolved spon-
ical disorders. Other causes of sleep disturbance taneously despite their use. However, many
108 insomnia

patients initially seek help from their physician, or limb movement disorder or obstructive sleep apnea
turn to their physician after trying over-the- syndrome, may require specific treatment by
counter medications. In the past, physicians tended means of pharmacological or mechanical means,
to take a brief history and considered prescribing such as the use of CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY
hypnotic medications. But today, a more detailed PRESSURE (CPAP) devices.
history is usually taken to try to understand the
source of the insomnia. If necessary, the patient Case History
will be referred to a specialist in sleep disorders A 50-year-old social worker had insomnia that had
medicine for further investigation or treatment. been present most of her life. Over the years, she
If the insomnia is clearly related to a situational had been treated by medications, mainly hyp-
stress, such as bereavement, hospitalization or notics, and had undergone behavioral therapy and
travel that included a time zone change, specific psychotherapy. There had been little improvement
treatment is usually unnecessary since patients in her sleep disturbance and in recent months she
know that the insomnia will be temporary, but had been treated with a benzodiazepine antianxi-
good sleep hygiene is still essential. However, if the ety agent, alprazolam (Xanax). However, although
condition is severe, treatment may be necessary, this produced some slight improvement, she still
particularly with a short course of hypnotic med- could sleep only one-and-one-half to two hours at
ication. When insomnia lasts less than three weeks, night and was extremely fatigued and tired during
but more than a few days, the term SHORT-TERM the daytime. She was aware of loud snoring, which
INSOMNIA is occasionally used, although it is clear had been commented upon by her husband, and
that there may be many different causes of the she wondered whether the breathing difficulty
onset of insomnia. contributed to her sleep disturbance. She had occa-
If the insomnia lasts longer than three weeks, sional feelings of restless leg syndrome; although
then LONG-TERM INSOMNIA (or chronic insomnia) she had been effectively treated with quinine for
may develop, with specialist help and further this symptom in the past, she did not require treat-
investigation often warranted. At this time, consid- ment at the current time.
eration of the full differential diagnosis is necessary, She typically would go to bed around 12:30 at
and polysomnographic investigation may be night and awaken at 6:30 in the morning. She had
needed. Treatment is usually directed to one or numerous awakenings during the night, and an
more of the above specific causes of insomnia and assessment of her SLEEP LOG demonstrated that she
very often also requires instituting good sleep had much variability in both the time of going to
hygiene practices. Behavioral techniques that have bed and the time of awakening in the morning. She
been found to be useful for patients with behav- also had bronchitis, for which she occasionally took
ioral or psychophysiological insomnia include STIM- bronchodilators; as these medications have a stim-
ULUS CONTROL THERAPY, SLEEP RESTRICTION THERAPY, ulant effect, they tended to exacerbate her sleep
BIOFEEDBACK, AUTOGENIC TRAINING, PARADOXICAL She had a number of other somatic complaints,
TECHNIQUES and PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION. The judi- which included mild generalized arthritis and gas-
cious use of hypnotic medications can be helpful trointestinal discomfort. She regarded herself as
and consideration should be given to the use of being a slightly tense and anxious person who was
appropriate psycho-pharmacological agents—such rather particular about things and a little compul-
as the BENZODIAZEPINES, zolpidem or other antianx- sive.
iety agents, or the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS—in Her examination revealed that she had normal
patients with anxiety and depression. Antianxiety blood pressure, and her breath sounds were rather
agents, or sedative antidepressants, can be useful harsh without any evidence of significant obstruc-
when given at night to improve the quality of sleep tive airways disease. Examination of the orophar-
and lead to resolution of the underlying psychiatric ynx revealed a long soft palate and the posterior
disorder. Occult sleep disorders, such as periodic pharyngeal wall was slightly difficult to visualize.
insufficient sleep syndrome 109

The initial impression was one of difficulty in less than 15 minutes. She consistently was getting
initiating and maintaining sleep with mild daytime about five hours of sleep and her sleep time was
sleepiness. This disturbance appeared to be related extended from 1:30 A.M. to 7 A.M. After several
to a number of factors, including her psychological weeks on the sleep program, she progressed to get-
state with the tendency for anxiety, and her physi- ting between five and five-and-a-half hours of
cal illnesses, such as arthritis and bronchitis. And sleep, a great increase over the one and a half or
there was evidence to suggest she might have a two hours she was getting previously. The Xanax
mild degree of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, was continued throughout her treatment and she
and periodic limb movements in sleep with the was delighted with her improvement and regarded
presence of restless legs syndrome. her new sleep pattern as the best she could remem-
It was recommended that she should undergo ber.
polysomnography, which demonstrated 34 brief
American Sleep Disorders Association, International Clas-
awakenings during the night, one of which was sification of Sleep Disorders, prepared by the Diagnostic
longer than five minutes in duration. However, her Classification Steering Committee, Michael J. Thorpy,
SLEEP EFFICIENCY was quite good at 86%. She had a Chairman. Rochester, Minnesota: American Sleep
few shallow episodes of breathing and one central Disorders Association, 1990.
apnea with a slight fall in oxygen but not below Kales, Anthony and Kales, J.D., Evaluation and Treatment
91%. She had 41 periodic leg movements giving of Insomnia. New York: Oxford University Press, 1984.
her an index of 6 episodes per hour of sleep. She Eddy, M. and Walbroehl, G.S., “Insomnia,” American
had some restlessness of her legs, indicative of the Family Physician 59, no. 1 (1999): 1911–1916, 1918.
restless legs syndrome, which was present during Meyer, T.J., “Evaluation and Management of Insomnia,”
Hospital Practice 33, no. 12 (1999), 75–78, 83–86.
the recording.
mean sleep latency of 7.3 minutes with one sleep insufficient sleep syndrome Disorder character-
onset REM period at 2 P.M., indicating a mild ized by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day due to
degree of daytime sleepiness. A second night of an inadequate amount of sleep at night; typically
polysomnography confirmed the initial findings follows episodes of sleep deprivation that have
but demonstrated 177 periodic leg movements at reoccurred over weeks or months. Often the inad-
a rate of 25 episodes per hour, confirming the equate nocturnal sleep is unappreciated by the
presence of significant periodic leg movement dis- patient, who presents the complaint of excessive
order. sleepiness of unknown cause. Examination of a
Treatment consisted of avoiding the use of bron- SLEEP LOG may demonstrate the characteristic fea-
chodilator medications for her bronchitis close to tures: shorter than normal major sleep episode
the time of sleep onset. The Xanax was continued with a short latency to sleep onset; and an early
at 0.5 milligrams, taken one hour before sleep in morning awakening, usually by an alarm or other
order to assist with treating the periodic leg move- disturbance. Polysomnographic monitoring may be
ments. She was placed on a strict sleep restriction necessary if the cause of daytime sleepiness is
therapy schedule of going to bed at 1:30 A.M. and unclear or if other disorders of excessive sleepiness
arising at 6:30 A.M. are considered.
After two weeks, her sleep pattern considerably Typically, insufficient sleep syndrome is a disor-
improved. There was less variability in the time of der seen in adolescents or young adulthood; how-
going to bed and getting up, and the majority of her ever, it can occur at any age. Usually it is associated
sleep was occurring between the hours of 1 and 6 with nocturnal or daily commitments that require
A.M. Her sleep latencies, which consistently were an individual to go to bed or arise early.
more than 30 minutes in duration, and sometimes This disorder needs to be differentiated from
as long as four hours, gradually reduced so that IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, which is characterized by
after a period of two months of adhering to this reg- a normal or prolonged sleep episode at night, and
imen of sleep restriction her sleep latencies fell to from NARCOLEPSY, which is typically associated with
110 interleukin-I (IL-I)

REM sleep phenomena such as CATAPLEXY, SLEEP called the KLEINE-LEVIN SYNDROME, is distinguished
PARALYSIS and HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. by recurrent hypersomnia, gluttony and hypersex-
Treatment rests upon a regular extension of uality. A form of the disorder exists in which recur-
TOTAL SLEEP TIME to ensure that the individual’s rent episodes only of hypersomnia occur at
sleep duration meets his or her physiological needs. intervals of weeks or months. Each episode of
The amount of sleep time required varies among hypersomnia lasts one to two weeks.
individuals; for some it may need to be as long as A form of recurrent hypersomnia occurs in asso-
nine hours on a regular basis. (See also DISORDERS ciation with the MENSTRUAL CYCLE and is called the
der can also be characterized by recurrent episodes
Roehrs, Timothy, Zorick, F., Sickelsteel, R., Wittig, R.
and Roth, T., “Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Associ- of insomnia in association with the menses.
ated with Insufficient Sleep,” Sleep 6 (1983):
319–325. internal arousal Term occasionally used for the
effect of excessive mental activity inducing insom-
interleukin-I (IL-I) A substance produced by the nia. This process is a typical feature of PSYCHOPHYS-
body in response to injury, inflammation and fever. IOLOGICAL INSOMNIA and is often produced by
It appears to be a single polypeptide or a group of apprehension over the inability to sleep and con-
factors that are produced in response to the stress. scious efforts to induce sleep.
The most prominent effect of interleukin-I is to
induce fever, but amongst its other effects is the internal arousal insomnia Term used for a state
induction of SLOW WAVE SLEEP. During the acute of heightened arousal that impairs the ability to fall
phase response of injury, there is an increased ten- asleep or to stay asleep. This form of heightened
dency for rest and sleep, possibly to allow affected arousal is typically seen in insomnia disorders such
cells to rest so repair is enhanced. Interleukin-I, as PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA, ANXIETY DISOR-
when infused into rabbits, will induce slow wave DERS or agitated DEPRESSION. At the desired sleep
sleep, along with fever. When interleukin-I is time, patients become more alert with an increase
administered, along with an antipyretic medica- in mental activity, because a flood of thoughts pre-
tion, the body TEMPERATURE does not rise, but slow vents them from “turning off” their minds. (See
wave sleep increases, indicating that the tempera- also INSOMNIA, MOOD DISORDERS.)
ture effect is not the primary cause of the sleep-
inducing effect.
Blood levels of interleukin-I have been shown internal desynchronization During normal
to increase shortly after sleep onset at a time that entrainment to a 24-hour day, or during the initial
appears to coincide with the onset of natural slow part of a FREE RUNNING experiment in TEMPORAL ISO-
LATION, all of an individual’s biological rhythms are
wave sleep. When FACTOR S is injected into animals,
it produces fever and slow wave sleep, a reaction internally synchronized. During this time the
that appears to be mediated by the production of rhythms have the same PERIOD LENGTH of approxi-
interleukin-I. (See also SLEEP-INDUCING FACTORS.) mately 24 hours; however, during prolonged stud-
ies of an individual in time-isolation, the biological
rhythms may lose their synchrony and two or
“intermediary” sleep stage See NON-REM-STAGE
more rhythms will run at different period lengths.
For example, the body temperature rhythm may
continue with a period length of about 24 hours,
intermediate sleep See INDETERMINANT SLEEP. whereas the sleep-wake cycle may have a period
length of 33 hours. In humans, the two main
intermittent DOES (periodic) syndrome Term rhythms are determined by the so-called x and y
referring to a group of disorders characterized by oscillators, which are believed to be two indepen-
RECURRENT HYPERSOMNIA. One form of this disorder, dent sets of processors that determine the rhythm
interpretation of dreams 111

of most physiological circadian rhythms. (See also MEDICINE, CIRCADIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS, DYS-
International Classification of Sleep Disorders
In 1985, the ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CEN- international sleep societies A number of sleep
TERS initiated the process of revising the original societies have been developed around the world for
DIAGNOSTIC CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP AND AROUSAL the purposes of fostering sleep research or for pro-
DISORDERS. The original classification was published moting the development of clinical sleep disorders
in 1979 in the journal SLEEP. This classification has medicine. In the United States, the ASSOCIATION FOR
been very widely used throughout the world; how- THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP was
ever, with the recent advances in SLEEP DISORDERS founded in 1961, and it subsequently led to the
required. first society to be founded outside of the United
A committee was headed by Michael Thorpy, States was the EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, in
M.D., and consisted of 18 clinical sleep disorder 1971, followed by the JAPANESE SLEEP RESEARCH
specialists who set about the process of revising the SOCIETY in 1978, the BELGIAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE
classification. STUDY OF SLEEP in 1982, the SCANDINAVIAN SLEEP
The classification scheme differs from that of
1979 in that it breaks the sleep disorders into four
groups: the dyssomnias; the parasomnias; medical
ETY OF CANADA in 1986. The bimonthly journal
and psychiatric sleep disorders; and the proposed
SLEEP, originally published by Raven Press, was
sleep disorders. This classification system differed
sponsored jointly by the Association of Professional
from the original system in order to bring the clas-
Sleep Societies, European Sleep Research Society,
sification more in line with the international classi-
Latin American Sleep Research Society and the
fication of diseases. The original classification was
Japanese Sleep Research Society. The journal Sleep
considered most useful as a differential diagnostic
is now published by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
listing for physicians but was not useful as an inter-
national classificational schema because many dis-
orders were represented more than once. In the
new classification system, each disorder has only
one entry. In addition, the classification system dif- interpretation of dreams The most significant
ferentiates those disorders that are primarily sleep advance in the interpretation of DREAMS occurred
disorders from those that are sleep disturbances with SIGMUND FREUD’s psychodynamic writings on
associated with other medical disorders. (See dreams in his initial publication The Interpretation of
Appendix III for outline of the international classi- Dreams, published in 1900. Freud wrote: “The Inter-
fication of sleep disorders.) pretation of Dreams is the royal road to a knowledge
The development of the international classifica- of the part the unconscious plays in the mental life.”
tion of sleep disorders involved the cooperation of Dreams were regarded by Freud as protecting
individuals in sleep societies from around the mental health by allowing sleep to continue while
world and led to the recommendation that the mental conflict was being expressed and managed
name “International Classification of Sleep Disor- without producing sleep disruption.
ders” be applied to the new system. The new clas- Freud also regarded dreams as being symbols of
sification was published in 1990 by the American internal conflicts and a representation of deep-
Sleep Disorders Association, a member society of seated, unfulfilled desires, particularly of a sexual
minor revision of the classification was carried out Although Freud’s interpretation of dreams is still
in 1998. (See also AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP widely held, modern science has added neurophys-
112 intrinsic sleep disorders

iological information that refutes some of Freud’s SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME and NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-
hypotheses. (See also REM SLEEP.) WAKE SYNDROME in that these other disorders have
regular sleep-wake cycles, although they may be
Freud, Sigmund, The Interpretation of Dreams. New York:
Basic Books, 1953; first published, 1900. temporarily displaced in relationship to a 24-hour
clock time. Furthermore, patients with disorders
producing EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day may
intrinsic sleep disorders Medical or psychologi-
show a similar pattern of frequent sleep episodes,
cal sleep disorders that originate or develop from
but most disorders of excessive daytime sleepiness
within the body, or arise from causes within the
occur in the presence of a relatively intact noctur-
body. Examples of intrinsic sleep disorders include
nal sleep period. However, NARCOLEPSY, which typ-
ically produces frequent daytime sleep episodes,
can be associated with a disrupted nocturnal sleep
SLEEP DISORDERS, originating from causes outside of
pattern, particularly when the disorder is severe.
Irregular sleep-wake pattern also has to be differ-
and intrinsic sleep disorders are three groups
entiated from irregular cycles due to either shift
within the category of the DYSSOMNIAS, disorders
work (see SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER) or time zone
that produce difficulty in initiating or maintaining
sleep, excessive sleepiness or both. (See also INTER-
In irregular sleep-wake pattern, daytime sleepi-
ness and complaints of INSOMNIA are common. Full
alertness is usually decreased, and memory and
inuus The oldest of all Latin terms for the NIGHT- other cognitive functions are often impaired.
MARE, first used in Virgil’s Aeneid (VI, 775). This Because of the unpredictability of sleep episodes
term may have led to the development of the word occurring throughout the 24-hour day, many indi-
incubus, a Latin term once used for nightmares viduals with this pattern tend to remain in an envi-
occurring in adults. SLEEP TERRORS is now preferred ronment where they can be close to a bed. Elderly
over INCUBUS. patients may become more housebound and less
likely to expose themselves to environmental stim-
irregular sleep-wake pattern A sleep pattern uli that, ironically, could help them to maintain a
without the usual circadian cycle of sleep and more regular sleep-wake pattern.
wakefulness. Episodes of sleep and wakefulness of This sleep pattern may be induced by the use of
variable duration occur throughout the 24-hour medications that provoke daytime sedation, such
day, with sleep occurring unpredictably at any time as tranquilizers, or stimulants that can increase
of the day. However, in any 24-hour period, total arousal at night.
sleep duration is normal. This particular sleep disorder is relatively rare,
This sleep pattern is commonly seen in individ- although the prevalence in individuals with central
uals who are institutionalized, where there is a loss nervous system dysfunction is thought to be
of the normal ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES to help greater than in other groups (although the exact
maintain a regular sleep-wake cycle. In addition, prevalence is unknown). The pattern may occur at
such patients usually have neurological disorders any age, although it is much more prevalent in the
that predispose them to an inability to maintain a elderly. It does not appear to have any particular
normal sleep-wake cycle. But this pattern can also gender predominance.
occur in non-institutionalized individuals who do Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated
not have strong environmental stimuli to ensure short (two-to-three-hour) episodes of sleep or
a regular sleep-wake cycle, such as persons who wakefulness that occur at random throughout the
work or sleep on irregular schedules. 24-hour day. Sleep cycle monitoring is usually
This chronobiological sleep disturbance differs required for 48 hours or longer to substantiate this
from the ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, DELAYED diagnosis. An alternative means of documenting
irregular sleep-wake pattern 113

this sleep-wake pattern is by using ACTIVITY MONI- during the day and preventing daytime sleep
TORS, which are movement detectors sensitive to episodes. Appropriate environmental measures
the presence of sleep or wake episodes. Prolonged need to be in place to ensure a suitable nocturnal
monitoring over days or weeks can be an effective sleeping environment. Assistance in maintaining a
way of documenting this sleep disorder. Because of good sleep episode at night might be brought about
the disruption of the sleep-wake cycle, the NREM- by the use of HYPNOTICS or, conversely, in order to
REM SLEEP CYCLE is often disrupted, and the ELEC- assist alertness during the day, stimulant medica-
TROENCEPHALOGRAM may show a reduction in SLEEP tions may be used. However, these medications are
SPINDLES and K-COMPLEX activity, as well as reduced often of little assistance, and attention to the sleep-
SLOW WAVE SLEEP. REM SLEEP may also be disrupted. wake scheduling is usually most effective. Patients
Treatment of irregular sleep-wake pattern who have a central nervous system disease may
involves trying to maintain a regular major sleep lack the ability to maintain both a regular sleep
episode at night and a full period of wakefulness episode at night and full awakeness during the day-
during the day. In the institutionalized elderly, time; therefore, attempts at correcting the irregular
treatment includes providing stimulating activities sleep-wake pattern may be unsuccessful.
Jacobsonian relaxation Term for relaxation meth- The symptoms of jet lag include sleep disruption,
ods proposed by Edmund Jacobson for promoting gastrointestinal disturbances, reduced vigilance and
restful sleep. The relaxation methods involve attention span, and a general feeling of malaise. The
sequential relaxation of muscle groups of the limbs severity of the symptoms depends upon the number
and trunk in order to reduce heightened arousal and of time zones crossed and usually occurs with a
muscle tension. This form of relaxation is commonly change of more than one or two hours. The symp-
recommended for patients who have INSOMNIA, toms gradually abate as adaptation to the new time
either of psychophysiological cause or insomnia due zone occurs over the ensuing days. There is evidence
to ANXIETY DISORDERS. (See also SLEEP EXERCISES.) to suggest that individuals may differ in their ability
to adapt to the time zone changes. The ability to
Jacobson, Edmund, You Can Sleep Well. London: Whittle-
sey House, 1938.
adapt is also dependent on the direction of travel,
either eastward or westward: Studies of circadian
rhythmicity suggest that adaptation occurs at a rate
jactatio capitis nocturna This term is synony- of 88 minutes per day after westbound travel, and
mous with HEADBANGING or RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT only 66 minutes per day after eastbound travel. (See
DISORDER. The term was first proposed in 1905 by
Julius Zappert who provided the first clinical SLEEP DISORDERS, PHASE RESPONSE CURVE, TIME ZONE
description of headbanging when he described six CHANGE [JET LAG] SYNDROME.)
children with the disorder.
Stone, B.M., et al., “Promoting Sleep in Shiftworkers
and Intercontinental Travelers,” Chronobiology Interna-
Japanese Sleep Research Society Founded in tional 14, no. 2 (1977): 133–143.
1978, one of a number of sleep societies developed
around the world to assist sleep research and pro-
mote the growth of clinical SLEEP DISORDERS MEDI- Jouvet, Michel Dr. Jouvet (1925– ) attended
CINE. In the United States, the ASSOCIATION FOR THE medical school in Lyons, France. Since 1956, he has
PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP was founded conducted research in neurophysiology, and since
in 1961, and it subsequently led to the ASSOCIATION 1958 he has carried out research into the neurobiol-
OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES. The first society to ogy of sleep. Professor and chairman of the Depart-
be founded outside the United States was the EURO- ment of Experimental Medicine of Claude-Bernard
PEAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, in 1978. (See also University in Lyons, Dr. Jouvet was elected in 1977
INTERNATIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES.) to the French Academy of Sciences.
Through his research on cats, Dr. Jouvet’s con-
jet lag Term applied to symptoms experienced fol- tributions to sleep have included the study of para-
lowing rapid travel across multiple time zones. The doxical sleep, the role of SEROTONIN and
serotonergic neurons in the brain stem. (See also
term derives from jet air travel, which enables trav-
elers to cross time zones much more quickly than by
other, slower forms of transportation, such as by Jouvet, Michel, “Neurophysiology of the States of
boat, where adaptation to the change in time occurs. Sleep,” Physiological Review 47 (1967): 117–177.

Kales, Anthony Dr. Anthony Kales (1934– ) is required for the definition of stage two sleep (see
coauthor, with Alan Rechtschaffen, Ph.D., of A SLEEP STAGES). They can be detected by electrodes
Manual of Standardized Terminology, Techniques, and placed over a wide area of the scalp, but they are
Scoring Systems for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects, pub- most clearly detected in the fronto-central regions.
lished in 1968 by the Brain Information Service Frequently, K-complexes are associated with SLEEP
(Los Angeles, California). SPINDLES.
Along with Joyce Kales, M.D., Dr. Kales K-complexes need to be distinguished from ver-
founded the Sleep Disorders Clinic and Sleep tex sharp waves, which are usually short in dura-
Research and Treatment Center, initially located in tion (less than 0.3 second), low in amplitude and
1962 at the University of Los Angeles and now at usually restricted to the vertex area of the skull. K-
the Pennsylvania State University College of Medi- complexes are thought to be manifestations of cen-
cine in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Dr. Anthony Kales tral nervous system-evoked stimuli, and can be
is also professor and chairman of the Department elicited during sleep by external stimuli, such as a
of Psychiatry at Pennsylvania State University Col- loud noise.
lege of Medicine, and Dr. Joyce Kales is director of
the Sleep Disorders Clinic and associate professor Kleine-Levin syndrome Syndrome characterized
in the Department of Psychiatry. by RECURRENT HYPERSOMNIA, gluttony and hyper-
Dr. Kales has been concerned with the diagnosis sexuality. This disorder was first described in part
and treatment of sleep disorders, including insom- by Willi Kleine in 1925, and subsequently by Max
nia, the parasomnias, enuresis, narcolepsy, and Levin in 1929. Michael Critchley, in 1942, coined
sleep apnea. Along with Dr. Ian Oswald, Dr. Kales the term Kleine-Levin Syndrome. (See also DIET AND
pioneered the use of the sleep laboratory in assess- SLEEP).
ing the effects of central nervous system-active
drugs, such as the hypnotics and antidepressants.
Kleitman, Nathaniel Dr. Kleitman (1895–1999)
Kales, Anthony and Kales, Joyce, Evaluation and Treat- is called “the father of modern sleep research”; in
ment of Insomnia. New York: Oxford University Press,
1952, at the University of Chicago, along with
Eugene Aserinsky and, later, WILLIAM DEMENT,
Kleitman discovered the REM phase of sleep. Dr.
K-alpha A type of microarousal consisting of a K- Kleitman, who retired in 1960, stated for this ency-
COMPLEX followed by several seconds of ALPHA clopedia: “After rediscovering the REM phase of
RHYTHM. sleep, with E. Aserinsky and W. Dement, my most
significant contribution was to demonstrate the
K-complex A high-voltage ELECTROENCEPHALO- operation of a BASIC REST-ACTIVITY CYCLE during
GRAM wave that consists of a sharp negative com- wakefulness as well as in sleep, where it is repre-
ponent followed by a slower positive component. sented by REM-non-REM repetition—thus demys-
K-complexes typically have a duration exceeding tifying the function of REM sleep (reported in Sleep,
.5 second, occur during non-REM sleep, and are 5[1982], 311–317).”

116 Kleitman, Nathaniel, Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Kleitman received his Ph.D. from the Univer- Kripke, D.F., Simons, R.N., Garfinkel, L. and Hammond,
sity of Chicago and was a National Research Council E.C., “Short and Long Sleep and Sleeping Pills: Is
Fellow in Utrecht, Paris and Chicago. Kleitman’s Increased Mortality Associated?” Archives of General
1939 work on sleep, in which he quoted more than Psychiatry 36 (1979): 103–116.
1,400 references (more than 4,300 in the revised
edition), was the first comprehensive book on the Kryger, Meir H. Dr. Kryger (1947– ) received
subject. Until 1960, he was a professor of physiology his M.D. from McGill University in Canada. He is
at the University of Chicago. currently director of the Sleep Research Laboratory
Dr. Kleitman received the APSS Pioneer Award at the University of Manitoba and professor of med-
for his work in sleep research, as well as the 1966 icine in the Department of Medicine at the same
Distinguished Service Award of the Thomas W. university, where he has been teaching since 1977.
Salmon Committee on Psychiatry and Mental Dr. Kryger has been chairman of the Continuing
Hygiene of the New York Academy of Medicine. Medical Education committee of the Association of
The AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE’s annual Sleep Disorders Centers (1986– ) as well as vice
award for outstanding contributions to sleep med- president of the Canadian Sleep Society (1986– ).
icine was named after Kleitman and is called the Dr. Kryger was the recipient in 1996 of the William
Kleitman Award. Dr. Kleitman died in 1999 at the C. Dement Award of the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF
GUISHED SERVICE AWARD, REM SLEEP, SLEEP DEPRIVA- Dr. Kryger’s sleep research areas, represented in
TION.) his more than 100 publications, are: sleep-related
Kleitman, Nathaniel, Sleep and Wakefulness. Chicago: breathing disorders—such as hypoventilation,
University of Chicago Press, 1939; revised and chronic airflow obstruction, the PICKWICKIAN SYN-
enlarged, 1963. DROME and obstructive sleep apnea—as well as
Kleitman, Nathaniel and Kleitman, H., “The Sleep- chronic mountain sickness.
wakefulness Pattern in the Arctic,” Scientific Monthly
Kryger, M., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The Princi-
76 (1953): 349–356.
ples and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadel-
phia: Saunders, 1989.
Kleitman, Nathaniel, Distinguished Service Award Kryger, M.H., “Sleep Apnea: From the Needles of
See NATHANIEL KLEITMAN DISTINGUISHED SERVICE Dionysius to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure,”
AWARD. Archives of Internal Medicine 143 (1983): 2301.

Klonopin See BENZODIAZEPINES. Kupfer, David J. Dr. Kupfer (1941– ) received

his M.D. from Yale University. He was a clinical fel-
Kripke, David F. Dr. Kripke (1941– ) received low in psychiatry at Yale University School of Med-
his medical degree from Columbia Medical School. icine, Department of Psychiatry (1966–67) and has
He was a resident in psychiatry at Albert Einstein been a professor in the Department of Psychiatry at
College of Medicine in New York (1968–1971). In the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
1972, he founded the Sleep Disorders Clinic at the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, since
San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center 1975, and chairman of the Department of Psychia-
in California. From 1979 to 1981 he was editor of try since 1983.
Sleep Research, and he was the program chair of the Dr. Kupfer’s sleep research areas have been
Society for Light Treatment and Biological sleep disturbances in patients with psychiatric
Rhythms. He has been professor of psychiatry at problems (manic-depression, schizophrenia) and
the University of California, San Diego, since 1982. sleep disturbances in the elderly.
Dr. Kripke’s sleep research areas, reflected in his Kupfer, D.J., Grochocinski, V.J. and McEachran, A.B.,
more than 500 publications, have included chrono- “Relationship of Awakening and Delta Sleep in
biology, light treatment, and sleep apnea. Depression,” Psychiatry Research 19 (1987): 297–304.
kyphoscoliosis 117

kyphoscoliosis Curvature of the spine in the tho- exhibited as this may exacerbate apneic episodes
racic region that causes a backward and lateral cur- and lead to a dangerous rise in carbon dioxide.
vature of the spinal column. The space available for Assisted ventilation may be required for some
the lungs is reduced and patients therefore are patients, either by a negative pressure ventilation,
unable to adequately inflate the lungs, producing a such as a cuirass, or by means of a positive pres-
restrictive lung disorder. The breathing pattern sure ventilator applied to either a nasal mask or
during sleep in patients with kyphoscoliosis may through a TRACHEOSTOMY. If patients with
resemble a CHEYNE-STOKES RESPIRATION pattern— kyphoscoliosis have an obstructive sleep apnea
with or without central apneic episodes, solely component to their SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DIS-
with central sleep apnea, or even with obstructive ORDER, then treatment by means of a CONTINUOUS
sleep apnea. The breathing disturbance is greatest POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) device applied
in REM sleep and is usually associated with blood through a nasal mask can be effective in improv-
oxygen desaturation. ing nocturnal oxygen saturation. Tracheostomy is
The impairment of VENTILATION may produce usually not helpful unless there is a severe degree
daytime ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION with a reduc- of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome present. RES-
tion in blood oxygen saturation and an elevation in PIRATORY STIMULANTS, such as medroxyprogeste-
carbon dioxide. More commonly, the ventilatory rone or acetazolamide, by themselves are not
impairment may be restricted to sleep so that oxy- effective in improving ventilation in patients with
gen desaturation occurs solely during REM sleep. kyphoscoliosis; however, there is some evidence to
Kyphoscoliosis produces an increased number of suggest that a combination of both might be useful
awakenings and can lead to a complaint of dis- in some patients.
turbed nocturnal sleep due to the sleep-related Kryger, M.H., “Restrictive Lung Disease,” in Kryger,
breathing abnormalities. If the HYPOXEMIA is severe M.H., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The Principles
and the number of awakenings frequent enough, and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia:
symptoms of daytime sleepiness may develop. Saunders, 1989. pp. 611–616.
Treatment in the initial stages may include noc-
turnal oxygen therapy, although caution should be
laboratory for sleep-related breathing disorders laryngospasm Term applied to acute and tran-
A medical facility providing diagnostic and treat- sient obstruction at the laryngeal level of the respi-
ment services for patients with SLEEP-RELATED ratory tract, most commonly due to vocal cord
BREATHING DISORDERS. The laboratory is under the spasm. Laryngospasm is synonymous with the
directorship of a physician specializing in sleep- term glottic spasm. Laryngospasm can occur during
related breathing disorders, such as a pulmonary wakefulness or sleep and may be induced by irrita-
physician, and provides overnight polysomno- tion of the vocal cords, anesthesia or psychogenic
graphic services. Some laboratories also perform mechanisms.
Laboratories for sleep-related breathing disor- due to irritation of the vocal cords by gastric acid.
ders can be accredited by the AMERICAN ACADEMY Episodes of laryngospasm can be precipitated by
OF SLEEP MEDICINE if they fulfill the standards and gastroesophageal reflux in the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
guidelines set by the association. However, these APNEA SYNDROME. However, episodes of laryn-
facilities are not required to have an accredited gospasm can occur during sleep independent of
clinical polysomnographer on staff or the facilities gastroesophageal reflux or the obstructive sleep
for the diagnosis of other sleep disorders, such as apnea syndrome. In such patients, a psychogenic
INSOMNIA and excessive sleepiness. (SLEEP DISORDER cause is suspected. Some patients can produce
CENTERS, comprehensive centers for patients with laryngospasm voluntarily, sometimes even to the
all forms of sleep disorders, provide appropriate point of producing loss of consciousness.
services for such patients.) SLEEP-RELATED LARYNGOSPASM has some features
in common with other forms of sleep-related ANXI-
ETY DISORDERS, such as PANIC DISORDER. It is associ-
lamboid waves See POSTS.
ated with panic and fear, which occurs out of sleep,
and lasts only a few seconds before subsiding.
lark An early-to-bed-and-early-to-rise person. However, in sleep-related laryngospasm, the stridor
This term is used as the opposite of the EVENING (high-pitched sound during inspiration of air) is a
PERSON or night owl, who is typically a person characteristic feature.
who goes to bed late at night and arises late in the Laryngospasm due to gastroesophageal reflux is
day. The tendency for being a lark appears to treated by the standard means of controlling gas-
increase with age as it is common for the elderly troesophageal reflux, such as sleeping in a semi-
to fall asleep relatively early in the evening and upright position or taking medications such as
awaken early in the morning. Some larks may Prilosec. Surgery on the lower esophageal sphinc-
erroneously think they have INSOMNIA due to the ter may be required to prevent reflux. If obstructive
early hour of awakening. However, the duration sleep apnea is the cause of laryngospasm, then
of the sleep time is usually normal. (See also treatment is directed toward relief of the obstruc-
ADVANCED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, OWL AND LARK tive sleep apnea. Patients with the sleep-related
QUESTIONNAIRE.) laryngospasm of the idiopathic form, presumably

learning during sleep 119

psychogenic, have episodes so infrequently that (1998–2000). His areas of sleep research have
specific therapeutic interventions have not been included sleep disorders, chronobiology and
explored. dreaming. His book, The Enchanted World of Sleep,
was originally published in Hebrew in 1993 and
laser uvulopalatoplasty A surgical procedure has since then been translated into 11 languages by
that involves the removal of the uvula and a Yale University Press.
change in the shape of the soft palate. The proce- Lavie P., “Ultrashort Sleep-waking Schedule. III. ‘Gates’
dure is performed for the relief of SNORING. It may and ‘Forbidden Zones’ for Sleep,” Electroencephalogra-
also slightly reduce mild OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA phy and Clinical Neurophysiology 63 (1986): 414–425.
SYNDROME. The procedure is performed under local Lavie, P., Herer, P. and Hoffstein, V., “Obstructive Sleep
anesthesia in the physician’s office and lasts about Apnoea Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Hypertension:
20 minutes. It may need to be repeated several Population Study,” British Medical Journal 320 (2000):
times until a satisfactory reduction in snoring is
achieved. The main complication of the procedure
is pain, which can be likened to a very bad sore L-dopa An antiparkinsonian medication that has
throat that lasts for up to 10 days after the proce- been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the
dure. severity of episodes of RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME and
PERIODIC LEG MOVEMENTS during sleep. (See also
latency to sleep See SLEEP LATENCY.

Latin American Sleep Research Society Founded learning during sleep Some years ago, it was a
in 1986, the Latin American Sleep Research Soci- vogue to try to develop ways of learning while
ety is one of several sleep societies around the asleep. But playing tape recordings through ear-
world founded to foster sleep research and the phones that were plugged into sleeping subjects
growth of clinical sleep disorders medicine. In the met with poor success. It is currently believed that
United States, the ASSOCIATION FOR THE PSYCHOPHYS- exposure to auditory stimuli during sleep does not
IOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP was founded in 1961, and assist in learning. However, there is some evidence
it subsequently led to the ASSOCIATION OF PROFES- that learning during wakefulness immediately
SIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES. The Latin American Sleep before sleep is often associated with better memory
Research Society is one of the four international retention of information after several hours of
societies that originally sponsored the bimonthly sleep compared with learning following a similar
journal SLEEP. (See also INTERNATIONAL SLEEP SOCI- number of hours of wakefulness. But, the differ-
ence is relatively small and is not thought to be of
great benefit.
Lavie, Peretz Lavie (1949– ) obtained his Ph.D. Material exposed to an awakened sleeper will be
in 1974 in physiological psychology from the Uni- remembered more following awakenings from REM
versity of Florida at Gainesville. He became a lec- SLEEP than from awakenings out of SLOW WAVE
turer in the unit of behavioral biology at the SLEEP. However, there is no evidence to suggest that
Faculty of Medicine, Technion, at the Israel Insti- learning following an awakening from REM sleep
tute of Technology, and he has been a full professor poses any benefits over learning during usual
there since 1989. From 1993 to 1999, he was the wakefulness. Also, the element of sleep deprivation
dean of the faculty of medicine at the Technion. Dr. conveyed by awakening out of REM sleep may be
Lavie was a member of the executive committee of detrimental to learning. EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS can
the Sleep Research Society (1982–85; 1988–99) produce memory difficulties that may be due to the
and vice president of the European Sleep Research inability to retain information as a result of fre-
Society (1988–90) as well as chairman of the scien- quent microsleep episodes. (See also COGNITIVE
tific committee of the European Sleep Society EFFECTS OF SLEEP STATES, MICROSLEEP.)
120 Lemmi, Helio

Lemmi, Helio Dr. Lemmi (1929– ) received his end of the habitual major sleep episode. The light
medical degree from the Faculdade de Medicina da exposure assists in producing a phase advance of
Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil in 1955. Since the sleep period.
1976, he has been clinical professor of neurology at Bright light exposure may also be useful for
the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in treating sleep disorders due to shift work (see SHIFT-
Memphis, as well as director of the Sleep Disorders WORK SLEEP DISORDER) or jet lag (see TIME ZONE
Center of Baptist Memorial Hospital (1977– ). Dr. CHANGE [JET LAG] SYNDROME) as well as other causes
Lemmi was the recipient of the 1988 Nathaniel of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS or INSOMNIA.
Kleitman Prize for Distinguished Service awarded Although bright light systems are commercially
by the Association of Sleep Disorder Centers. available, natural bright light can also be utilized.
Dr. Lemmi’s main research contributions have In the course of good SLEEP HYGIENE, those prone to
been in the application of neurophysiological tech- sleep disturbances should be exposed to natural
niques in a variety of neurological and sleep disor- light soon after awakening in the morning. Con-
ders. He is a former chairman of the Accreditation versely, reduction of light exposure in the hours
Committee of the American Sleep Disorders Asso- prior to bedtime can be useful in improving sleep
ciation. He retired from sleep medicine in 1999. onset.
The effect of light is believed to be mediated
Lemmi, Helio, “Clinical, Neuroendocrine, and Sleep through the retino-hypothalamic pathway to the
EEG Diagnosis of ‘Unusual’ Affective Presentations: hypothalamus. In addition, light is known to affect
A Practical Review,” Psychiatric Clinics of North America the secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland,
6 (1983): 69–83.
which may be important in the regulation of circa-
dian rhythmicity. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS,

Terman, Michael, “Light Therapy,” in Kryger, M.H.,

light therapy Light has been shown to be effec- Roth, Thomas and Dement, William C., The Principles
tive in treating a number of psychiatric and sleep and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadelphia:
disorders. The effect of light is most evident in the W.B. Saunders, 1989. pp. 771–772.
which most commonly occurs in the mid- to late limit-setting sleep disorder A childhood sleep
fall as the nights grow longer. The increased ten- disorder characterized by inadequate limits on bed-
dency for DEPRESSION is believed to be in part time. A child who consistently refuses or stalls
related to the reduced light exposure at that partic- going to bed will delay bedtime—leading to resul-
ular time of year. Those with SAD have other fea- tant, insufficient TOTAL SLEEP TIME. When parents or
tures of depression, such as increased weight gain, caregivers institute limits, sleep normally occurs at
fatigue, loss of concentration and greater time the appropriate time. By adolescence, children are
spent in bed. Exposure to light of more than 2,000 able to institute their own limits and this disorder
lux for two or more hours in the morning, from, does not occur. This disorder may be present in
say, 6 to 8 A.M., can improve mood and decrease individuals who, for neurological or physiological
the seasonal affective disorder. reasons, are unable to institute their own bedtime.
The individual with SAD may notice an In childhood, limit-setting sleep disorder gener-
improved daytime mood; however, there may be a ally begins once a child is at an age of being able to
mid-afternoon reduction in mood associated with climb out of the crib, or is placed in a bed. The
the circadian variation in daytime alertness. stallings are frequently associated with the need to
Another exposure of light at that time, shorter than either get something to eat or something to drink,
the first treatment, may improve the symptoms to watch television or to play a game or to have a
and reduce the need for a mid-afternoon nap. story read. These behaviors may progress to report-
Patients with DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME can ing unfounded fears regarding sleep, such as mon-
benefit from exposure to bright light toward the sters in the bedroom.
locus ceruleus 121

The bedtime problem may be exacerbated by SYNDROME may have sleep onset difficulties. Limit-
oversolicitous parents and is more likely to occur setting sleep disorder may develop into the disorder
when both parents are working. They readily give of INADEQUATE SLEEP HYGIENE if a child fails to
in to the child’s desire to spend extra time with the assume responsibility for his own sleep hygiene
parents. Children with physical or mental handi- and sleep pattern when it is appropriate to do so.
caps may induce feelings of parental guilt, promot-
Ferber, Richard, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New
ing inadequate limit-setting. York: Simon & Schuster, 1985.
Parents may inadvertently contribute to limit-
setting sleep disorder by allowing their school-age
children to take a nap at any time during the day, lithium Lightest of the alkali metals; in a form
which makes it more difficult to go to sleep at an such as lithium carbonate, it is used for the treat-
appropriate hour at night. Furthermore, if parents ment of mania in patients who have manic-depres-
have inconsistent evening schedules, or a child sive disease. Lithium has been shown to have
would miss seeing a working parent if he does go beneficial effects upon the sleep-wake pattern, par-
to bed at the designated hour, the parents may be ticularly in individuals who have sleep distur-
unwittingly contributing to limit-setting sleep dis- bances related to cyclical MOOD DISORDERS. Lithium
order. Allowing a drastically different bedtime on increases the latency to REM sleep and enhances
the weekends, versus weekday school nights, may the amount of SLOW WAVE SLEEP. Wakefulness and
also contribute to limit-setting sleep disorder. lighter stage one sleep is usually reduced.
The course of this sleep disorder varies upon Lithium has been used in the treatment of the
whether caregivers institute and adhere to appro- RECURRENT HYPERSOMNIA due to the KLEINE-LEVIN
priate limits, or the child develops a sense of matu- SYNDROME.

rity related to school and other activities, which

reinforces the need to set one’s own limits. This locus ceruleus A region of darkly stained cells
type of sleep disorder may be more common in that extends in two columns from the PONS to the
children who have a natural tendency to be “owls,” midbrain. The cells of the locus ceruleus contain
either because of a genetic tendency or through melanin, which causes its dark pigmentation. The
learned behaviors due to parents tending to delay locus ceruleus was originally thought to be primar-
their own bedtime. ily responsible for the generation of REM SLEEP, but
Limit-setting sleep disorder leads to inadequate recent evidence has indicated that the area ventral
sleep at night, with resulting irritability, fatigue, to the locus ceruleus, the nucleus reticularis pontis
decreased attention, reduced school performances oralis (RPO), is the area primarily responsible for its
and tensions in interfamily social relationships. generation. However, the caudal third of the locus
Children with limit-setting sleep disorder gener- ceruleus is important in the maintenance of REM
ally show few abnormalities on polysomnography sleep atonia.
because appropriate limits are usually instituted in The cells of the locus ceruleus contain the neu-
the course of performing sleep studies. rotransmitter noradrenalin and their stimulation
Treatment of limit-setting sleep disorder induces wakefulness. The region around the locus
involves instituting, adhering to and enforcing ceruleus and the pons is important in the mainte-
appropriate bedtimes and wake times. A regular nance of the atonia of REM sleep, and destruction
routine before sleep, as well as a consistent bedtime of this area leads to an increase in muscle tone.
and wake time, will help to eliminate limit-setting Experimental lesions in cats produce a state in
sleep disorder. which cats move around during REM sleep. A sim-
This disorder needs to be differentiated from ilar state has been described in some humans who
SLEEP ONSET ASSOCIATION DISORDER in which a bed- have brain stem lesions. The pontine region
time object becomes necessary for good quality around the locus ceruleus stimulates the
sleep and its withdrawal throws off the sleep pat- medullary area of Magoun and Rhines, causing
tern. Children who have the DELAYED SLEEP PHASE inhibition of the spinal motor neurons, resulting in
122 long sleeper

muscle atonia. (See also PGO SPIKES, RAPHE NUCLEI, resulting daytime sleepiness. Stimulant medica-
SLEEP ATONIA.) tions should not be given.

long sleeper Term for someone who has a habit- long-term insomnia Term proposed by the con-
ual sleep episode longer than the average for some- sensus development conference convened by the
one of the same age group. The quality of the sleep National Institute of Mental Health and the Office
episode and the timing of sleep is normal. A long of Medical Applications of Research of the National
sleeper has a usual sleep duration of 10 hours or Institutes of Health in November of 1983. The sum-
greater. Someone with a physiological need for a mary statement of the conference broke down
long sleep episode may regularly reduce the total insomnia into TRANSIENT, SHORT-TERM and LONG-
sleep time by one or more hours, thereby leading TERM. Long-term insomnia was defined as insom-
to a state of chronic SLEEP DEPRIVATION, which may nia that lasted more than three weeks. The
be compensated for on the weekends with longer conference suggested that nondrug strategies, such
Long sleepers have EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during INSOMNIA, be the initial approach to treating this
the day if they get less sleep than they require. Full type of insomnia. In addition, a short trial of a
daytime alertness with a long sleep episode is nec- sleep-promoting medication (see HYPNOTICS) could
essary to confirm the diagnosis. also be indicated. “Long-term insomnia” is not a
The sleep pattern of the long sleeper has usually specific diagnostic entity but rather refers solely to
been present since childhood and persists through- duration. A large number of sleep disorders, such
out life. Polysomnographic studies have demon- as PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA or insomnia due
strated normal amounts of the deeper stages three to psychiatric disorders, can produce insomnia, and
and four sleep, but increased amounts of REM can produce long-term insomnia. (See also ADJUST-
ness without pathological sleepiness.
Long sleepers need to be differentiated from L-tryptophan See HYPNOTICS.
patients with other causes of excessive nocturnal
sleep that typically can be due to impaired sleep
quality. Disorders such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA L-tyrosine See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.
may produce a long sleep episode. In addition, a lucid dreams DREAMS in which the dreamer is
tendency to sleep later in the day may be due to actually aware of dreaming, as though the dreamer
DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, but those with is almost conscious—although he or she is in a state
delayed sleep phase syndrome fall asleep at a later of REM SLEEP. Lucid dreams are more likely to hap-
hour than those who are long sleepers. Patients pen in the later REM sleep episodes of the night,
with NARCOLEPSY generally lack a long sleep and they happen only infrequently. Some individ-
episode and have other features indicating the uals seem to be particularly susceptible to having
diagnosis, such as CATAPLEXY and sleep attacks. lucid dreams. Attempts to increase lucid dreams
A diagnosis of a long sleeper is determined by have been partially successful by means of certain
the documentation of daily prolonged sleep training procedures, including posthypnotic sug-
episodes over a two- to four-week period. gestion and somatosensory stimulation. However,
Treatment is usually not required and individu- auditory information, when presented to the
als need to be reassured that their long sleep dreamer, does not appear to induce lucid dreaming.
episode reflects one end of a continuum or pattern There is no evidence that there are differences in
of normal sleep durations. Long sleepers may need personality features of lucid dreamers compared
to be counseled to maintain a regular full sleep with those who do not have lucid dreams; there are
episode at night to avoid sleep deprivation with differences in alpha activity of lucid dreamers.
lung disease 123

Lugaresi, Elio Professor Lugaresi (1926– ) nervous system, spinal cord, nerve or muscle dis-
obtained his degree in medicine and surgery in eases. Typically, these disorders are associated with
1925. From 1977 to 1988 he headed the Depart- hypoventilation during sleep (see ALVEOLAR
ment of Neurology of the Faculty of Medicine of HYPOVENTILATION) which may take the form of
Bologna University. His numerous professional CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
appointments include president of the Italian Soci- APNEA SYNDROME, or nonapneic hypoventilation.
ety of EEG and Neurophysiology (1969–1972), KYPHOSCOLIOSIS due to thoracic spine curvature as a
president of the Italian League against Epilepsy result of bone or neurological disease also results in
(1972–1975), and president of the Italian Society of sleep-related hypoventilation with HYPOXEMIA and
Neurology (1984–1987). In 1983, he received a HYPERCAPNIA. Restrictive lung disease can be pro-
special award for his work on sleep medicine from duced by kyphoscoliosis as well as by other disor-
the Association of Sleep Disorder Centers. In 1996 ders that impair the ventilation of the lungs, such
he received the Pisa sleep award of the European as severe OBESITY. Obstruction to airflow may be
Sleep Research Society. In 1997 he was awarded due to UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION as a result of
the Potamkin Prize of the American Academy of lesions that produce the obstructive sleep apnea
Neurology and the Giuseppe Moruzzi award of the syndrome. Small airways disease, such as that seen
World Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Dr. in patients with asthma or CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE
Lugaresi’s major fields of investigation have been PULMONARY DISEASE, or destruction of lung tissue,
clinical EEG, epilepsy and sleep disorders, and he such as seen in patients who have emphysema, can
was one of the first to polysomnographically study also produce hypoventilation during sleep. Intersti-
patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syn- tial lung disease is associated with the abnormal
drome. Dr. Lugaresi has authored or edited 18 accumulation of cells, tissues or fluid in the lung,
books. thereby impairing gas transfer. Many disorders,
Lugaresi, E., Cirignotta, F. and Montagna, P., “Nocturnal
including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoido-
Paroxysmal Dystonia, ” Journal of Neurology, Neuro- sis, malignancy, adverse effects of medications or
surgery, and Psychiatry 49 (1986): 375–380. other toxic effects on the lung, can produce inter-
Lugaresi, E., Pazzaglia, P. and Tassinari, C.A., Evolution stitial lung disease.
and Prognosis of Epilepsies. Bologna: Aulo Gaggi, 1973. Treatment depends upon the cause of the respi-
Lugaresi, E., Medori, R., Montagna, P. et al., “Fatal ratory disturbance and may involve the use of MED-
Familial Insomnia and Dysautonomia with Selective ICATIONS or oxygen therapy, or artificial ventilation
Degeneration of Thalmic Nuclei, ” New England Jour- devices, such as CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRES-
nal of Medicine 31 (1986): 997–1003. SURE devices or negative pressure ventilators.
Lugaresi, E., Tobler, I., Gambetti, P. and Montagna, P.,
Surgery that may relieve upper airway obstruction
“The Pathophysiology of Fatal Familial Insomnia,”
Brain Pathology 8 (1998): 521–526.
Provini, F., Plazzi, G., Tinuper, P., Vandi, S., Lugaresi, E. PHARYNGOPLASTY, thoracic spine straightening,
and Montagna, P., “Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy: diaphraghmatic pacemaker stimulation or reduc-
A Clinical and Polygraphic Overview of 100 Consec- tion of obesity by gastric surgery are other alter-
utive Cases,” Brain 122 (1999): 1017–1031. natives. (See also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
lung disease Many medical disorders are associ- Fletcher, E.C., ed., Abnormalities in Respiration During
ated with impaired lung function. Disorders can be Sleep: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment.
due to impaired respiration as a result of central Orlando, Florida: Grune and Stratton, 1986.
maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT) A test malingerers Persons pretending to have sleep
of the ability to maintain alertness during the day- disturbances for such self-serving reasons as want-
time. The maintenance of wakefulness test is car- ing medications that may be abused. A malingerer
ried out in a manner similar to the MULTIPLE SLEEP may complain of INSOMNIA to obtain prescriptions
LATENCY TEST (MSLT) in that there are five nap for HYPNOTICS, which will really be used for recre-
opportunities, two hours apart, each 20 minutes in ational purposes. Alternatively, some individuals
duration. However, the difference between these report EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS and falsify the symp-
two tests is that in the MWT, the patient is encour- toms of NARCOLEPSY in an attempt to obtain STIMU-
aged to try to stay awake, whereas in the MSLT, the LANT MEDICATIONS. A patient may even go so far as
patient is encouraged to relax and fall asleep. to attempt to falsify the results of polsymnographic
In the maintenance of wakefulness test, the testing in order to convince a physician of the pres-
patient is seated in a semi-reclining position in a ence of a sleep disorder. However, if someone is
darkened room. The latency from lights out to suspected of being a malingerer, careful analysis of
sleep onset is recorded (see SLEEP LATENCY). Elec- POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, which cannot be falsified, will
trodes are placed on the head in order to electro- confirm or refute such suspicions.
physiologically determine sleep onset. Thorpy, Michael, Wagner, D.R., Spielman, Arthur J. and
For an individual who usually sleeps from 11 Weitzman, E., “Objective Assessment of Narcolepsy,”
P.M. to 7 A.M., the five nap opportunities are carried Archives of Neurology 40 (1983): 126–127.
out at 10 A.M., 12 noon, 2 P.M., 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. The
average sleep latency over the five naps is mandibular advancement surgery Surgery occa-
recorded. Average latencies of 10 minutes or longer sionally performed for individuals with OBSTRUC-
indicate normal daytime alertness, and latencies of TIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME produced by a
less than 10 minutes indicate pathological sleepi- retroplaced lower jaw. This procedure consists of a
ness. sliding osteotomy that is a splitting of the mandible
The maintenance of wakefulness test is most so that the anterior half can be moved forward. It
useful in determining treatment response to STIMU- is primarily performed on patients who have ret-
LANT MEDICATIONS, such as Cylert or Ritalin, to rognathia (a jaw that is placed posteriorally), which
determine whether treatment of EXCESSIVE SLEEPI- produces either facial abnormalities or severe
NESS has been effective. obstructive sleep apnea.
Although the maintenance of wakefulness test This procedure usually requires long orthodon-
has less diagnostic usefulness than the multiple tic preparation, which may include temporarily
sleep latency test, it is sometimes performed along advancing the jaw by means of rubber bands
with the MSLT in order to determine whether a attached to teeth clips. Repeated polysomnographic
patient with a disorder of excessive sleepiness has evaluation is usually necessary, with the jaw tem-
the ability to remain awake. This assessment can be porarily advanced to determine the likelihood of
useful for determining an individual’s ability to surgical success. Postoperatively, patients have the
drive a vehicle or operate dangerous machinery. teeth wired together until the healing is complete.

medications 125

Mandibular advancement surgery has few acute was president of the Sleep Research Society in
or long-term complications, and its main disadvan- 1991 and in 1995 he received its Distinguished Sci-
tage is the prolonged preoperative assessment and entist Award.
postoperative recovery periods. Dr. McCarley’s sleep research contributions,
reflected by his more than 160 journal articles, his
mastoids Protuberances of the skull that are situ- books, and contributions to books, include cholin-
ated behind the ear canals. The mastoids form the ergic and monaminergic brain stem mechanisms of
standard placement for reference electrodes, partic- REM sleep and adenosine as a non-REM sleep fac-
ularly in the monitoring of the ELECTRO-OCULO- tor. He has also written on dreams and depression
GRAM. as related to sleep, and neuroimaging in schizo-
maxillo-facial (maxillofacial) surgery In SLEEP McCarley, R.W., “Neurophysiology of Sleep: Basic
DISORDERS MEDICINE, maxillo-facial surgery is per- Mechanisms Underlying Control of Wakefulness and
formed to prevent UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION dur- Sleep,” In Chokroverty, S., ed., Sleep Disorders Medi-
ing sleep in patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP cine. 2nd ed. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
APNEA SYNDROME. Surgery may involve moving the pp. 21–50.
jaw forward by means of a surgical procedure McCarley, R.W., Ito, K. and Rodrigo-Angulo, M.L.,
“Physiological Studies of Brainstem Reticular Con-
nectivity: II. Responses of mPRF Neurons to Stimula-
surgery involves splitting of the mandible to pro- tion of Mesencephalic and Contralateral Pontine
duce a sliding osteotomy so that the anterior por- Reticular Formation,” Brain Research 409 (1987):
tion of the jaw can be advanced. Alternatively, a 111–127.
small portion of the tip of the jaw, which contains Steriade, M. and McCarley, R.W., Brainstem Control of
the attachments of the tongue muscle, can be Wakefulness and Sleep. New York: Plenum Press, 1990.
advanced to bring the tongue muscle forward.
Sometimes the maxilla needs to be advanced to
medications Most medications can have an effect
obtain appropriate dental relationships in conjunc-
on sleep either by disturbing the quality of night-
tion with the mandibular advancement surgery.
time sleep or by producing impaired alertness or
HYOID MYOTOMY is sometimes performed in con-
drowsiness during the daytime. The HYPNOTICS,
junction with the anterior advancement of the tip
of the jaw. This procedure allows the muscles of the
have a profound effect on inducing sleepiness and
tongue to be advanced anteriorly to prevent
therefore are given at night to improve the quality
obstruction at the base of the tongue during sleep.
of nighttime sleep. If given during the daytime,
these medications are less effective in inducing
Coleman, J., “Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for the sleep, although they will allow underlying sleepi-
Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syn- ness to occur.
drome,” Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 32, no. In general, the effect of hypnotic medications on
2 (1999): 235–241. nighttime sleep is short-lasting, and they are not
recommended for chronic INSOMNIA. There may
mazindol See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS. also be daytime side effects, such as impaired alert-
ness, a particular concern in the elderly, especially
McCarley, Robert William Dr. McCarley (1937– ) with long-acting hypnotic medications. Some med-
received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. ications, such as the short-acting benzodiazepines,
Since 1984, he has been professor of psychiatry at have been reported to increase the level of alert-
Harvard Medical School, as well as director of the ness during the daytime but can also induce feel-
Laboratory of Neuroscience at Harvard Medical ings of ANXIETY and tension.
School Department of Psychiatry, among other aca- The other group of medications that have pro-
demic and hospital appointments. Dr. McCarley found effects upon the sleep-wake cycle are the
126 medications

STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, including the ampheta- side effects or adverse reactions. ANTIHISTAMINES are
mines and their derivatives used for the treatment typically associated with the production of DROWSI-
of disorders of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. RESPIRATORY NESS or sleepiness, and sometimes this side effect
STIMULANTS, such as the xanthines, are used for the has been used for sleep-inducing purposes. One of
treatment of CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DIS- the most commonly used hypnotic medications in
EASE. When administered at night, they can impair childhood is chlorpheniramine. Promethazine, a
the ability to fall asleep. phenothiazine derivative used for its antihistamine
The stimulant medications, when given during effects in the treatment of upper respiratory tract
the daytime, increase the level of arousal, causing infections, also has sedative effects.
patients with disorders such as narcolepsy to be less The use of antihistamines as hypnotics is not
likely to have undesired sleeping episodes. How- considered appropriate because more specific hyp-
ever, these medications have only a small effect on notics are available, if necessary (though rarely
preventing sleepiness, so that someone with a dis- required in childhood).
order of excessive sleepiness will find it relatively Anticonvulsant and analgesic agents can have
easy to fall asleep if put in a situation conducive to sedative properties that impair daytime alertness,
sleep. When the stimulant medications are taken such as the benzodiazepines or barbiturates, which
too close to nighttime sleep, they will impair the can cause increased sedation at night or in the day-
ability to stay awake at night and lead to frequent time. Similar effects can occur with the analgesics,
interruptions and awakenings of nighttime sleep. A which can impair VENTILATION during sleep. The
new medication, MODAFINIL, is called a “wake-pro- opioid analgesics, such as MORPHINE, and the seda-
moting agent” as it improves alertness by decreas- tive anticonvulsives are therefore contraindicated
ing sleepiness. It is not a stimulant and therefore in patients with breathing disorders, such as the
has little in the way of side effects. obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Medications used for other medical disorders, Cardiac medications, particularly the beta-
such as the treatment of PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, blockers (drugs commonly used to treat hyperten-
also impair the ability to stay awake. The NEU- sion or cardiac irregularities), can have detrimental
ROLEPTICS, which include medications such as the effects upon the quality of nighttime sleep by
phenothiazines, and the minor tranquilizers, such increasing the number of arousals and awaken-
as the benzodiazepines, will enhance sleep onset in ings. Medications such as propranolol and meto-
some people and may lead to impaired alertness prolol are particularly associated with disturbed
during the daytime. Some of these medications are sleep at night. Sometimes the beta-blocker medica-
used for their hypnotic properties in the treatment tions will increase dreaming at night and lead to
of patients with abnormal behavior during sleep, more frequent nightmares. Excessive sleepiness
for example, haloperidol and chlorpromazine. As during the daytime may occur either because of
with other medications with hypnotic properties, the impaired quality of sleep at night or as a direct
TOLERANCE to their beneficial effects may develop effect of the medication during the daytime. The
in time. hypertensive medication clonidine, which has the
Medications used for weight reduction purposes effect of stimulating adrenoreceptors, can produce
are often amphetamine derivatives, and therefore sleepiness.
these medications can have an ability to impair the Another group of medications that can have a
quality of nighttime sleep or reduce the tendency profound effect on sleep and wakefulness are the
for daytime sleepiness. Medications such as mazin- ANTIDEPRESSANTS, particularly the tricyclic antide-
dol and diethylpropion have been used for the pressant medications, such as amitriptyline. These
treatment of excessive sleepiness due to disorders medications are commonly used for their sedating
such as narcolepsy, even though their primary use effects in improving the nighttime sleep of patients
is for the treatment of obesity. with depression. When administered during the
Most other groups of medications have effects daytime, they can produce unwanted sedation.
on the sleep-wake cycle that are predominantly When given at night, the tricyclic antidepressants
menstrual-associated sleep disorder 127

suppress REM sleep; their abrupt withdrawal can tonin in humans have produced variable results.
lead to a REM sleep rebound with associated
Zisapel, N., “The Use of Melatonin for the Treatment of
Insomnia,” Biological Signals and Receptors 8, nos. 1–2
Because many medications can disturb night- (1999): 84–89.
time sleep and daytime alertness, the role of med-
ication should be considered in any patient
presenting with symptoms related to sleep and
alertness. SLEEP HYGIENE practices, along with alter-
ation in the timing or dosage of medications, may Mendelson, Wallace B. Dr. Mendelson (1945– )
have a very beneficial effect on the sleep com- received his M.D. from Washington University
plaints. School of Medicine in St. Louis in 1969. From 1982
to 1987, Dr. Mendelson was chief of the Section on
Nicholson, A.N., Bradley, C.M. and Pascoe, P.A., “Med- Sleep Studies at the Clinical Psychobiology Branch
ications: Effect on Sleep and Wakefulness,” in of the National Institute of Mental Health in
Kryger, M.L., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., The Princi-
Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Mendelson, a past presi-
ples and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. Philadel-
dent of the Sleep Research Society, is currently a
phia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 228–236.
professor of psychiatry, medicine and clinical phar-
macology at the University of Chicago as well as
medroxyprogesterone See RESPIRATORY STIMU-
director of the Sleep Research Laboratory.
Dr. Mendelson’s sleep research areas of interest,
reflected in his numerous books and publications,
melatonin A neurohormone that is found pri- are the neuropharmacology of sleep and wakeful-
marily in the PINEAL GLAND at the back of the brain. ness and clinical sleep disorders.
The pineal gland releases melatonin at night, in
darkness, and its level in the blood reaches a peak Mendelson, W.B., Owen, C., Skolnick, P., Paul, S.M.,
between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. The secretion of mela- Martin, J.V., Ko, G. and Wagner, R., “Nifedipine
Blocks Sleep Induction by Flurazepam in the Rat,”
tonin is inhibited by light through pathways that
Sleep 7 (1984): 64–68.
extend from the retina through the SUPRACHIAS-
MATIC NUCLEUS to the pineal gland. The secretion of
melatonin changes over life and appears to be max- menopause Gradual reduction in ovarian func-
imal around the time of puberty, at which time it tion occurs in late to middle age in women associ-
appears to be important in the development of sex- ated with symptoms of emotional variability,
ual maturation. depression and autonomic disturbances, such as
The neurotransmitter serotonin is converted hot flashes and night sweats. There is atrophy of
into melatonin in the pineal gland; therefore, med- estrogen-dependent tissues, such as breast tissue
ications that effect the synthesis of serotonin will and the vaginal lining. Sleep becomes more frag-
also effect melatonin synthesis. Beta-blocker med- mented, with awakenings often related to hot
ications used in the treatment of cardiac disorders flashes or night sweats. These symptoms are par-
will suppress melatonin levels, whereas agents that tially relieved by estrogen replacement treatment.
stimulate serotonin production, such as 5-hydroxy- (See also MENSTRUAL-ASSOCIATED SLEEP DISORDER,
tryptophan (5-HT), will increase secretion. MENSTRUAL CYCLE.)
Melatonin appears to be important in giving sea-
sonal time cues. In animals, its administration can menstrual-associated sleep disorder A disorder
be used to affect the breeding season by inducing of unknown cause characterized by INSOMNIA or
breeding behavior at an earlier time. Melatonin EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS related to the menses or
may also be able to alter circadian rhythmicity, as it menopause. This disorder exists in three main
appears to be able to synchronize the rest-activity forms: insomnia or hypersomnia, related to the
cycle of animals. Attempts at manipulating the MENSTRUAL CYCLE; and insomnia related to the
sleep-wake cycle by the administration of mela- MENOPAUSE. Insomnia, when it occurs in relation to
128 methylphenidate hydrochloride

the menses, usually occurs during the week prior menstrual cycle Studies of sleep during the men-
to the onset of the menses. The insomnia is charac- strual cycle have shown that during the premen-
terized by an inability to fall asleep, frequent awak- strual time, when progesterone and estrogen levels
enings at night and the inability to maintain sleep. are high, there is a decrease in SLOW WAVE SLEEP.
Hypersomnia can also occur intermittently, but not The amount of wake time during the major sleep
necessarily during the week prior to the onset of episode is also increased during the premenstrual
the menses. There is no evidence of sleepiness at week. However, the change in healthy females is
any other time of the menstrual cycle. relatively small. There are slight differences in the
Insomnia related to the menopause is character- amount of REM sleep throughout the menstrual
ized by other features of the menopause, such as cycle. (See also MENOPAUSE, MENSTRUAL-ASSOCIATED
hot flashes and night sweats. The insomnia is pri- SLEEP DISORDER.)
marily a maintenance insomnia with frequent
awakenings rather than a sleep onset insomnia. methylphenidate hydrochloride See STIMULANT
Polysomnographic monitoring has demonstrated MEDICATIONS.
fragmented sleep with prolonged awakenings and
reduced SLEEP EFFICIENCY in the premenstrual
insomnia form. Polysomnography during premen-
strual hypersomnia demonstrates a normal major
sleep episode. MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TESTING can micrognathia A term used to describe a small
demonstrate increased sleepiness during the symp- lower jaw. People with micrognathia are more liable
tomatic time. Spontaneous awakenings with fea- to have UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION due to posterior
tures of night sweats or temperature variation are positioning of the tongue when the mouth is closed.
seen in menopausal insomnia. The upper airway obstruction may induce the
Menstrual-associated sleep disorder needs to be
differentiated from PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS produc- by means of surgery, such as MANDIBULAR ADVANCE-
MENT SURGERY, may be necessary to bring the ante-
ing insomnia or hypersomnia. In particular, the
rior attachment of the tongue forward.
premenstrual syndrome, which is associated with
Micrognathia should be differentiated from ret-
marked emotional liability, may produce an insom-
rognathia, which refers to a normal-sized lower
nia in addition to other symptoms, such as exces-
jaw that is situated posteriorly in relation to the
sive fluid gain, emotional symptoms of irritability,
maxilla or the base of the skull.
The menstrual-associated sleep disorder may be
improved by the use of replacement hormone microsleep An episode of sleep lasting only a few
medications, such as progesterone or estrogen. seconds that occurs during wakefulness.
Estrogen replacement also improves insomnia in Microsleep episodes are associated with disorders
some menopausal women. Attention to good SLEEP of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day and may
HYGIENE is helpful, and occasionally a short course impair the ability to form new memory, and hence
of a hypnotic medication given premenstrually are a cause of AUTOMATIC BEHAVIOR. They most typ-
may be useful. (See also DISORDERS OF EXCESSIVE ically occur in patients with NARCOLEPSY; however,
SOMNOLENCE, DISORDERS OF INITIATING AND MAIN- they can also be seen in patients with other disor-
TAINING SLEEP, HYPNOTICS.) ders of excessive sleepiness.

Billiard, M., Guilleminault, C. and Dement, W.C., “Men-

struation-Linked Periodic Hypersomnia,” Neurology
middle ear muscle activity (MEMA) Middle ear
25 (1975): 436–443. muscle activity (MEMA) has been reported during
Ho, A., “Sex Hormones in the Sleep of Women,” in sleep and has been correlated with RAPID EYE MOVE-
Chase, M.H., Stern, W.C. and Walter, P.L., eds., Sleep MENTS during REM SLEEP. This MEMA is thought to
and Research, vol. 1. Los Angeles: Brain Information reflect the phasic muscle activity that is character-
Service/Brain Research Institute, UCLA, 1972. p. 184. istic of REM sleep. However, middle ear muscle
Monday morning blues 129

activity occurs simultaneously with rapid eye tute as well as a clinical professor of psychiatry in
movements only 34% of the time. The muscle the Department of Psychiatry, University of Califor-
activity can therefore also occur during the tonic nia, San Diego.
phase of REM sleep. Skeletal muscle activity that Dr. Mitler’s sleep research contributions include
can occur during REM sleep includes the rapid eye new methods of daytime testing for excessive som-
movements, diaphragmatic activity and middle ear nolence, efficacy studies of drug treatments for a
muscle activity. variety of sleep disorders, and, along with Dr.
William Dement, the discovery of narcolepsy in
migraine Vascular headaches that are usually dogs.
unilateral but can also be bilateral. These Dr. Mitler has been actively involved with pub-
headaches can occur during sleep and, if so, are lic policy and sleep, and he authored the often-
often associated with REM SLEEP. Migraine cited committee report on the relationship between
headaches are often characterized by a throbbing sleep and health risk.
sensation that can awaken an individual from Mitler, Merrill M., Boysen, B.G., Campbell, L. and
sleep—with the usual migrainous prodrome of Dement, William C., “Narcolepsy-cataplexy in a
visual aura with flashes of light followed by the Female Dog,” Experimental Neurology 45 (1974):
development of the headache, most commonly in 332–340.
the fronto-temporal region of the head. Anorexia Mitler, Merrill M., Carskadon, M.A., Czeisler, C.A.,
Dement, W.C., Dinges, D.F. and Graeber, R.C., “Cata-
(loss of appetite), nausea, vomiting and photopho-
strophes, Sleep and Public Policy: Consensus
bia (eyes sensitive to bright light) may develop in
Report,” Sleep 11 (1988): 100–109.
association with the migraine headaches. There
may also be other neurological features, such as
paresthesiae or muscular weakness. (See also modafinil (Provigil) A unique compound for the
treatment of NARCOLEPSY. It has become the first-
line treatment for narcolepsy in the United States
since being made available early in 1999.
Mirapex See PRAMIPEXOLE. Animal studies suggest that modafinil may act in
part through gamma-aminobutyric acidergic
Mitler, Merrill M. Born in Racine, Wisconsin, (GABA) systems and does not interact with central
Mitler (1945– ) received a Ph.D. in psychology alpha l-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, serotonergic,
from Michigan State University. While a postdoc- opioid or cholinergic systems. Recent research has
toral fellow from 1973 to 1976 at the Sleep indicated that modafinil inhibits the tuberomam-
Research Center at Stanford University School of millary nucleus (TMN). The TMN is an important
Medicine, Dr. Mitler helped to found the first Sleep nucleus that causes arousal by means of histamine.
Disorders Center, under Dr. WILLIAM C. DEMENT, and Modafinil’s pharmacologic profile is distinctly
served as administrative director from 1977 to different from amphetamine and methylphenidate
1978. In 1978, Dr. Mitler relocated his research (see STIMULANT MEDICATIONS). The compound has
activities to the State University of New York at low abuse potential in humans. It is less effective at
Stony Brook, where he founded the SUNY-Stony relieving sleepiness than amphetamine but has a
Brook Sleep Disorders Center. In 1983, Dr. Mitler better safety profile. It is well tolerated. The most
moved to Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation frequent adverse event reported is headache,
in La Jolla, California. For 12 years, Dr. Mitler which is usually mild and transient. Other effects
served as executive secretary-treasurer of the Asso- include dry mouth and nausea.
ciation of Sleep Disorder Centers, later known as
the American Sleep Disorders Association and now Mogodon See BENZODIAZEPINES.
Mitler is currently a professor in the Department of Monday morning blues The feelings experienced
Neuropharmacology at the Scripps Research Insti- at or soon after awakening on a Monday morning;
130 monoamine oxidase inhibitors

characterized by difficulty in awakening, tiredness, The monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been
fatigue and grogginess. The symptoms are due to shown to be very powerful REM SLEEP suppressant
an insufficient amount of sleep that occurs because medications. Nocturnal use of monoamine oxidase
the sleep pattern has been shifted to a later phase inhibitors can induce total suppression of REM
over the prior Friday and Saturday nights. (Many sleep at night. The REM sleep suppressant effect of
people prefer to go to bed later on a Friday and Sat- the monoamine oxidase inhibitors is thought to be
urday night compared to their usual time of going related to their effectiveness as antidepressants.
to bed during the workdays or school days of the The withdrawal of monoamine oxidase inhibitors
week.) The sleep pattern shift on the weekend can be associated with exacerbation of REM sleep
causes difficulty in initiating sleep at an earlier time phenomena, such as NIGHTMARES, SLEEP PARALYSIS
on Sunday night, resulting in a later-than-desired and HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. In NARCOLEPSY
sleep-onset time. This is compounded by the fact there can be an exacerbation of CATAPLEXY.
that the time of arising on Monday is typically ear- The monoamine oxidase inhibitors exist in two
lier than that which occurred on the prior Saturday forms, types A and B, that affect the two isoen-
and Sunday mornings. As a result, the total sleep zymes. The type A inhibitors, such as phenelzine
duration prior to awakening on Monday morning (Nardil), have been shown to be more effective in
is less than is required for full alertness. the treatment of narcolepsy than the type B
Ensuring regular sleep hours seven days a week inhibitors, such as selegiline (Deprenyl). However,
will prevent the Monday morning blues. Other- because of their potential for side effect, the
wise, a brief Monday afternoon nap will lessen monoamine oxidase inhibitors have a very limited
some of the sleepiness. role in the treatment of narcolepsy.
The natural tendency to delay the timing of the
sleep pattern, and the difficulty in making an ade- montage The manner in which a variety of phys-
quate advancement, is due to the chronobiological iological variables are displayed on the polysom-
PHASE DELAY of the sleep pattern. There is less phys- nograph paper. The montage defines not only the
iological capability to make phase advances of the number of physiological variables measured but
sleep episode. (See also DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYN- also the sequence in which they are displayed.
DROME, FREE RUNNING, PHASE RESPONSE CURVE, SUN- For example, in epilepsy recordings the electrodes
DAY NIGHT INSOMNIA.) may be connected to each other in varied
monoamine oxidase inhibitors A group of drugs
that have the ability to block the breakdown of the mood disorders PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS charac-
metabolism of naturally occurring monoamines. terized by a partial or a full manic or hypomanic
These medications are primarily used when the tri- episode, or by one or more episodes of DEPRESSION.
cyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS are ineffective in treating A common feature of mood disorders is sleep dis-
depression. However, the monoamine oxidase turbance characterized primarily by INSOMNIA but
inhibitors are limited in their usefulness because also by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. Mood disorders com-
there are often severe and unpredictable interac- prise a variety of disorders, including bipolar disor-
tions between the monoamine oxidase inhibitors der, cyclothymia, major depressive disorders or
and many drugs and foods. In particular, foods con- dysthymia.
taining tyramine, such as cheese, are liable to pro- Patients with bipolar disorder have episodes of
duce a hypertension crisis. The monoamine oxidase mania or hypomania. The patient has a degree of
inhibitors can also produce excessive central ner- inflated self-esteem, is more talkative than usual,
vous system stimulation, with the production of has a flight of ideas, is more distractible, has an
INSOMNIA or excessive sweating. Severe hypoten- increase in goal-directed activity, and has a height-
sion can occur. Other side effects, such as dizziness, ened involvement in pleasure activity. In addition
headache, difficulty in urination, weakness, dry to episodes of mania, there are often episodes of
mouth, constipation and skin rashes, are common. depression. However, during the manic episode the
mood disorders 131

sleep disturbance is characterized by a reduced there may be more sleep disruption with low REM
sleep duration, often requiring only three or four sleep percentages, particularly in older patients.
hours of sleep, and at times going without sleep for Patients with bipolar depression may have an
several days in a row. In contrast, at times of improved sleep efficiency, with a longer total sleep
depression, excessive time may be spent in bed, time than that seen in patients with a more typical
with feelings of fatigue, tiredness and sleepiness major depression. However, bipolar patients typi-
that occur throughout the daytime. cally will complain of feeling unrefreshed upon
Patients with cyclothymia have numerous awakening. There may also be complaints of exces-
episodes of mania that are less intense (hypoma- sive daytime sleepiness, especially during the
nia) and alternate with numerous episodes of depression phases. During the manic phases, REM
depressive symptoms. The sleep pattern of those sleep, as well as stage three/four sleep, may be
with cyclothymia may fluctuate between a night greatly reduced, as may the total sleep time.
with one short sleep duration and one with much Polysomnographic features, particularly those of
longer sleep durations. REM sleep, may be useful in confirming a diagno-
Those with major depression have one or more sis of depressive disorder and may be helpful in
episodes of depressed mood, with loss of interest in differentiating a diagnosis of depression from
pleasurable activities, that lasts at least two weeks. DEMENTIA in elderly patients.
During this time, sleep is commonly disturbed, The treatment of the mood disorder is primarily
with insomnia as the typical complaint. There is by the use of psychoactive medications, particu-
difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, with larly the ANTIDEPRESSANTS, including the tricyclic
a characteristic EARLY MORNING AROUSAL. Some- antidepressants, the serotonin reuptake inhibitors
times patients with major depression also com- and the MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBITORS. In addi-
plain of excessive sleepiness or tiredness during tion, electroconvulsive therapy and psychotherapy
the daytime and may spend prolonged periods in may be helpful in some patients. Patients with
bed. Excessively long sleep durations are more bipolar disorder may be helped with the use of
commonly seen in adolescents with major depres- mood stabilizing medications such as lithium car-
sion. This severe depression is seen in individuals bonate. In addition to medication directed to the
who have dysthymia in whom the depressed underlying mood disorder, the sleep disturbance
mood is constantly present, with features of poor can be helped by means of attention to SLEEP
appetite, low energy, low self-esteem, feelings of HYGIENE and behavioral treatments, such as STIMU-
hopelessness and poor concentration. Sleep distur- LUS CONTROL THERAPY and SLEEP RESTRICTION THER-
bance in such dysthymic patients is similar to APY. Because DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME may
that seen in individuals with major depressive dis- be associated with atypical depression, treatment
orders and is characterized by insomnia but occa- by means of CHRONOTHERAPY may be useful in
sionally by the complaint of excessive daytime patients who have a sleep phase delay.
sleepiness. Other sleep disorders that produce a complaint
Polysomnographic features of patients with of insomnia or excessive sleepiness must be con-
major depressive disorder particularly show chan- sidered in any patient with a mood disorder who
ges in REM SLEEP. Typically, sleep latency is complains of sleep disturbance. SLEEP-RELATED
increased and there may be frequent awakenings BREATHING DISORDERS and PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT
and an early morning awakening; however, there DISORDER may produce tiredness and fatigue, which
is often reduced slow wave sleep and an increased may be confused with depression. The effects of
amount of REM sleep. The first REM period of the medications and drugs such as ALCOHOL should also
major sleep episode often occurs earlier than nor- be considered to be a complicating factor in the
mal, with a short first non-REM sleep period. The sleep disturbance. Patients who have NARCOLEPSY
density of rapid eye movements, particularly in the not uncommonly will have depression secondary
first REM period, is increased. Patients with depres- to the excessive sleepiness. If not recognized as due
sion may show a sleep onset REM period, and to the narcolepsy, excessive sleepiness may erro-
132 morning person

neously be ascribed solely to depression. Patients Morphine may be dangerous to patients with
with other disorders of excessive sleepiness, such as impaired ventilation. The combination of mor-
IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, can easily be misdiag- phine with other sedative medications is particu-
nosed as having depression as the cause of their larly dangerous and can lead to respiratory arrest.
daytime sleepiness. Other sleep disorders are com- (See also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS.)
mon causes of sleep symptoms similar to that seen
in depression and, when appropriate, polysomno- morphology The shape of a particular wave form
graphic monitoring may be indicated to help arrive or tracing recorded during POLYSOMNOGRAPHY. The
at an accurate diagnosis. morphology of ALPHA ACTIVITY is a sinusoidal wave
Gillin, J.C., Duncan, W., Pettigrew, K.D., Frankel, B.L. form, whereas that of a K-COMPLEX is a biphasic
and Snyder, F., “Successful Separation of Depressed, slow wave. The morphology of abnormal EEG
Normal, and Insomniac Subjects by EEG Sleep Data,” waves can help in determining the type of seizure
Archives of General Psychiatry 36 (1979): 85–90. and its location.
Reynolds, C.F. and Kupfer, D.J., “Sleep Research and
Affective Illness: State of the Art Circa 1987,” Sleep
mountain sickness See ALTITUDE INSOMNIA.
10 (1987): 199–215.

morning person Term applied to persons who go movement arousal A lightening of sleep associ-
to bed early and awaken earlier than what is typi- ated with a body movement; typically defined as an
cal for the general population. Morning persons increase in EMG (ELECTROMYOGRAM) activity in
awaken early because their sleep pattern is association with a change in pattern seen in
advanced—the pattern of body temperature and another recorded channel of either the EEG (ELEC-
other circadian rhythms are ahead of most other
people’s. A morning person conforms to the “early
to bed, early to rise” maxim. movement time When a subject moves during a
polysomnographic recording, the tracing pen will
Morpheus The Greek god of dreams. The word move widely, obscuring the recording of sleep
MORPHINE was derived from Morpheus. (See also stages. Movement time must last at least 15 sec-
HYPNOS, SOMNUS.) onds to be scored as movement time. Movement
time is usually not counted with either sleep or
morphine A derivative of the opium poppy, wake time but is scored as a separate state, unless
papaver somniferum, which in 1806 was one of the sleep can be scored for more than half of the epoch.
first substances to be isolated from opium. It was In that case, the record is scored according to the
named after MORPHEUS, the Greek god of dreams. prevailing sleep stage. If wake time precedes or fol-
Morphine has been used in medicine primarily as lows the movement activity, then movement time
an analgesic to relieve PAIN but also as a treatment is scored as wake time.
for acute congestive heart failure. It has sedative
and respiratory depressant effects that limit its use multiple sleep latency testing (MSLT) First
in medicine. Morphine is also a drug that is abused developed in 1978 by MARY CARSKADON as a means
for its euphoric properties, often being adminis- of determining levels of daytime sleepiness. This
tered by intravenous injection in drug addicts. test measures an individual’s ability to fall asleep
Morphine has sedative effects that are associated when given five nap opportunities throughout an
with increasing SLOW WAVE SLEEP, often at the average day. Naps would typically occur at 10 A.M.,
expense of REM SLEEP. Following morphine’s 12 noon, 2 P.M., 4 P.M. and 6 P.M. for an individual
administration, mental impairment commonly on an average 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. sleep schedule.
occurs and is characterized by learning and mem- Electrodes are attached to the head for the mea-
ory difficulties, as well as impaired psychomotor surement of the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM, ELECTRO-
function and mood changes. OCULOGRAM and ELECTROMYOGRAM in order to
myxedema 133

determine the onset and type of sleep. The patient necrosis of the heart muscle. Acute myocardial
is asked to lie down in a darkened room and the infarction is associated with a 35% mortality.
time from lights out to the start of stage one sleep There is a circadian pattern of myocardial infarc-
is the sleep latency on a particular nap. The patient tion with an increase in episodes occurring
is usually given a 20-minute opportunity to fall between 6 A.M. and 12 noon. The cause of this cir-
asleep. If sleep does not occur during this time, the cadian variability is unknown but may be related
test is terminated until the next nap opportunity. If to factors set in process by sleep mechanisms or
sleep occurs, the individual is given a 10-minute may be related to the sudden increase in activity
opportunity to continue sleeping in order to deter- upon awakening following a relatively quiet state
mine the type of sleep that occurs. If sleep does not during sleep. Infarction may also be related to cir-
occur, then the latency is scored as lasting 20 min- cadian changes in biochemical, platelet and fibri-
utes, and at the end of the five nap opportunities, nolytic factors.
the mean SLEEP LATENCY is determined. A mean Following myocardial infarction, patients typi-
sleep latency of greater than 10 minutes over the cally have poor quality sleep, which is character-
five naps is regarded as being normal. Values of less ized by an increased number of awakenings,
than 10 minutes indicate pathological sleepiness, reduced REM sleep and reduced sleep efficiency.
and those less than five minutes indicate severe Daytime sleep episodes are also more common in
daytime sleepiness. The presence of two or more such patients. SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS
sleep-onset REM periods on a multiple sleep have been implicated as a cause of myocardial
latency test following a night of documented nor- infarction during sleep due to the associated HYPOX-
mal sleep is indicative of NARCOLEPSY. EMIA. Cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS are known to be more
common in patients with sleep-related breathing
muramyl dipeptide (MDP) A compound found disorders. (See also VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS,
primarily in bacterial cell walls. This substance DEATHS DURING SLEEP, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
came to attention when FACTOR S was found to be DROME.)
similar to muramyl dipeptide. Muramyl dipeptide,
when infused into the brains of rats, has been myoclonus Term that refers to brief muscle con-
shown to increase non-REM sleep and, in addition, tractions detectable by electromyographic record-
appears to increase body temperature. Muramyl ing. The term is used to denote muscle activity that
dipeptide appears to increase serotonin turnover in lasts less than one second in duration. However, in
the brain, and may therefore have its effect on sleep-related NOCTURNAL MYOCLONUS or PERIODIC
sleep primarily by means of a serotonergic mecha- LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER, the muscle activity
nism. (See also DELTA SLEEP-INDUCING PEPTIDE, exceeds one second in duration and has a recurring
SLEEP-INDUCING FACTORS.) pattern of characteristic frequency (20 to 40 sec-
muscle tone Term applies to resting muscle activ-
ity that is measured by means of the ELECTROMYO- myxedema A severe form of HYPOTHYROIDISM
GRAM. Muscle tone is usually present during that is characterized by generalized accumulation
wakefulness but decreases during non-REM sleep of mucopolysaccharide. A patient with myxedema
stages. During REM sleep, muscle tone activity is will have a bland, expressionless face, doughy
almost absent. induration of the skin and hypothermia.
Myxedema coma may result in a hypothermic, stu-
myocardial infarction Commonly known as a porous state that is often fatal. SLEEP-RELATED
heart attack; occurs when the blood supply to a BREATHING DISORDERS and EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS are
portion of the heart muscle is impaired, leading to typical features of patients with myxedema.
nadir The lowest point of a biological rhythm. time, they often feel very lethargic, confused and
The nadir may be applied to a CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, unrefreshed.
such as body TEMPERATURE, which has its nadir dur- Naps are to be discouraged in individuals who
ing the major sleep episode, typically two to three have a primary complaint of INSOMNIA, particularly
hours before awakening. (See also ACROPHASE, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA or insomnia related
CHRONOBIOLOGY.) to psychiatric disorders. Any daytime sleep will
take away sleep from the nighttime sleep episode,
thereby leading to greater nighttime sleep distur-
naps Brief sleep episodes taken outside of the
major sleep episode. Naps vary in duration, from
Naps commonly occur in children from infancy
five minutes to four or more hours. The time that
and gradually reduce in number and in duration as
naps are most likely to occur is in the mid-after-
the child develops. Young children who have dis-
noon, when there is a reduced degree of alertness
turbed nighttime sleep often benefit from a day-
because of the biphasic circadian pattern of alert-
time nap, and the elimination of the nap may
ness. Some cultures will take a SIESTA in the mid-
contribute to sleep difficulties at night. However, in
afternoon; consequently, nighttime sleep is
some children excessive sleeping during the day-
reduced in duration.
time contributes to nighttime sleep disturbances.
Frequent daytime naps are seen in sleep disor-
Napping in children has been shown largely to be
ders, particularly those associated with EXCESSIVE
culturally determined, particularly in older chil-
SLEEPINESS. The naps that occur in NARCOLEPSY are
dren. For example, in a study of children in Zurich,
typically short in duration—often five minutes of
21% at age five had daytime naps compared with
sleep will be refreshing—and are characterized by
5% of five-year-olds surveyed in Stockholm.
the presence of REM SLEEP. Naps taken by persons
As multiple daily naps are indicative of a sleep
with disorders that cause fragmentation and dis-
disturbance, one should consider disorders of
ruption of nighttime sleep, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE
excessive sleepiness as being the cause. Naps that
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, are commonly of longer
are taken at times when maximal alertness is to be
duration, lasting 30 minutes or more, and are
expected, for example about two hours after awak-
largely composed of non-REM sleep. The refresh-
ening and about four hours before the time of
ing quality of naps varies from individual to indi-
usual sleep onset at night, are particularly impor-
vidual, but typically naps in narcoleptics are found
tant in considering whether napping behavior is
to be very refreshing, whereas the naps in patients
reflective of an underlying sleep disorder. Mid-
with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are often
afternoon naps are of less significance.
perceived as inducing even greater sleepiness and
sometimes are associated with headaches upon
awakening. narcolepsy A disorder of excessive sleep that is
Persons who go into deep, SLOW WAVE SLEEP in associated with CATAPLEXY and other REM sleep
naps are often difficult to awaken until their time phenomena, such as SLEEP PARALYSIS and HYPNA-
of spontaneous awakening. If aroused prior to that GOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. This disorder was first

narcolepsy 135

described by JEAN GELINEAU in 1880. Since that time ceived as an unusual sensation by the sufferer. The
it has been recognized as a common cause of exces- symptoms of cataplexy can be dramatically elimi-
sive sleepiness. The sleepiness is characterized by nated by the use of tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS,
brief episodes of lapses into sleep that occur including protriptyline, clomipramine and imipra-
throughout the day, usually lasting less than an mine. Other medications that have been shown to
hour. Sometimes only five or 10 minutes of sleep is be helpful in the treatment of cataplexy are
sufficient to refresh the patient with narcolepsy. gamma-hydroxybutyrate and L-tyrosine. (See
The daytime episodes of sleep are often accom- STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.) Episodes of cataplexy may
panied by DREAMS and a sensation of inability to be rare or infrequent, or may occur on a daily basis,
move the body (sleep paralysis) upon awakening, causing severe incapacity.
which are typically associated with RAPID EYE MOVE- In addition to excessive sleepiness and cata-
MENT (REM) SLEEP. The sleepiness in narcolepsy usu- plexy, patients with narcolepsy often have other
ally becomes manifest when the individual is in a features indicative of an abnormality of REM sleep,
quiet situation, such as relaxing, reading or watch- such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucina-
ing television, as well as in situations with minimal tions. Sleep paralysis is an inability to move upon
participation, such as while attending meetings, awakening from sleep and is often perceived as a
movies, theater or concerts. Sleep is also liable to be frightening sensation of being unable to breathe.
induced when the patient with narcolepsy travels Episodes usually last only a few seconds following
in a moving vehicle, such as an automobile, train, which the individual comes to full wakefulness and
bus or airplane. Due to the induction of sleepiness is able to move. These episodes are thought to be
while driving, motor vehicle accidents are more partial manifestations of REM sleep that occur in
common in individuals who have narcolepsy. the transition from REM sleep to wakefulness.
Sometimes the episodes of sleep that occur dur- In addition, when REM sleep occurs at the onset
ing the daytime occur quite suddenly and the of sleep, vivid, dreamlike images are often per-
individual is unable to prevent them, in which ceived. Termed hypnagogic hallucinations, these
case they are often termed “sleep attacks.” When images may be frightening. The sufferer may imag-
the sleepiness is severe, it can occur while the ine that someone is in the bedroom or the house is
individual is talking, eating, walking or actively on fire, yet have difficulty in being able to respond
conversing. to these images. These images occur in the transi-
In addition to the excessive sleepiness, the char- tion from wakefulness to sleep, usually during noc-
acteristic and unique feature of narcolepsy is the turnal sleep, but they also occur during sleep
presence of cataplexy, the onset of muscular weak- episodes in the daytime. Less frequently the
ness that occurs with emotional stimuli. A sudden, episodes will occur upon awakening from a sleep
intense emotional response, such as laughter, episode, at which time the episodes are termed
anger, surprise, elation or pride, can induce a loss of hypnopompic hallucinations.
muscle tone manifested by a weakness in the legs, An additional feature of narcolepsy is AUTOMATIC
with an occasional fall to the ground. If the precip- BEHAVIOR, which is characterized by a seemingly
itating stimulus continues, the sufferer may have a normal behavior that occurs when an individual is
continuing state of paralysis that affects all skeletal tired or sleepy. These episodes of behavior are not
muscles, and the individual will be completely recalled afterward. An example: When driving a
paralyzed, in a state sometimes called “status cata- car and arriving at a destination the individual may
plecticus.” During episodes of cataplexy, conscious- not recall the trip. Sometimes rather unusual
ness, memory and the ability to breathe and move behavior can occur during such states, so that a
the eyes are retained. In milder forms of cataplexy, narcoleptic patient may erroneously put clothing in
the weakness may occur in one or more groups of a refrigerator or stove and afterward not recall hav-
muscles, so that the jaw may droop or the head ing done so. These episodes of inappropriate
may sag or the wrist may go limp. Sometimes the behavior are less common than normal behavior
weakness is not evident to observers, but is per- for which the individual is amnesiac.
136 narcolepsy

Patients with narcolepsy will note disruption of Narcolepsy greatly affects an individual in
nocturnal sleep that is characterized by frequent almost every situation. Children with narcolepsy
awakenings and the inability to continuously sus- may have great difficulty in concentration, with
tain normal sleep. The treatment of the nocturnal memory difficulties that lead to impaired educa-
sleep disruption can lead to some improvement in tion. Adults will have frequent job changes and are
the daytime sleepiness but does not eliminate day- prone to accidents due to sleepiness while driving a
time sleepiness, even if nocturnal sleep is returned car or operating dangerous equipment.
to an entirely normal pattern. Some patients with The diagnosis of narcolepsy is made by a clini-
narcolepsy may require treatment of severe noc- cal history of excessive sleepiness or the presence
turnal sleep disruption. of cataplexy. In the absence of a clear history of
Narcolepsy generally occurs around the time of cataplexy, objective confirmation of the diagnosis
puberty (usually just after puberty, but occasion- by polysomnographic testing (see POLYSOMNOGRA-
ally before). Initially, excessive sleepiness is the PHY) is essential. Polysomnographic testing typi-
presenting complaint and cataplexy occurs either cally will show a reduced SLEEP LATENCY at night,
concurrently or a period of months or years after- often with the appearance of a sleep-onset REM
ward. Due to the gradual onset of symptoms and period. Nocturnal sleep is also characterized by an
the difficulty of diagnosis in the early years, most increased amount of the lighter stage one sleep but
patients present in early adulthood, at which time normal amounts of deep sleep and REM sleep.
the diagnosis is made. The disorder is lifelong and There may be a disruption of the sleep-wake cycle,
reaches a peak in middle age; however, there is with frequent intermittent awakenings. Daytime
considerable individual variability, and occasion- sleepiness is demonstrated by the MULTIPLE SLEEP
ally patients have maximal symptoms around the LATENCY TEST (MSLT), which usually shows a mean
time of onset, with a gradual decrease over a life- sleep latency of less than 10 minutes (typically
time. below five minutes), indicating severe sleepiness.
The complete disappearance of daytime sleepi- Also, the presence of two or more sleep-onset
ness is not, however, thought to occur. Much of the REM periods during a five-nap multiple sleep la-
improvement in symptoms is the individual’s tency test is diagnostic and characteristic. Poly-
learning to cope with the disability and the devel- somnographic testing must be performed while
opment of either denial for symptoms or subcon- the patient is on the usual sleep-wake pattern and
scious unawareness of symptoms that may be seen free of medications that influence sleep and wake-
by others. fulness.
Narcolepsy is thought to occur in approximately Disorders such as PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DIS-
40 per 100,000 of the general population, a preva- ORDER and CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME are
lence rate similar to multiple sclerosis. Some ethnic more liable to occur in patients with narcolepsy
groups appear to have a lower incidence of nar- but are not the primary cause of the daytime
colepsy, such as Israeli Jews. The disorder affects sleepiness.
both males and females equally, and there does Recent evidence has demonstrated the presence
seem to be a familial tendency, with a narcoleptic of a specific genetic marker in patients with nar-
patient’s child having an eight-times-greater risk of colepsy. Histocompatibility typing (see HLA-DR2)
developing the disorder than the child of a non- has demonstrated the presence of the DR2 and
narcoleptic. DQ1 groupings in nearly every patient with nar-
Narcolepsy is of unknown origin but is believed colepsy. But since these histocompatibility charac-
to be due to a central nervous system abnormality. teristics are also present in 25% to 30% of the
Some alterations in neurotransmitter levels, such general population, some additional factor must
as for dopamine, have been found to be in the fluid also be present to cause narcolepsy. It is believed
that bathes the brain (cerebrospinal fluid); how- that the presence of this genetic marker suggests
ever, an exact site of neuroanatomical abnormali- that certain individuals are predisposed to develop-
ties has not been determined. ing narcolepsy; and the addition of another factor,
narcolepsy 137

possibly another viral or genetic factor, may be Even with adequate dosages of medications,
responsible for the expression of the disease. The individuals with narcolepsy are still often handi-
presence of DR2 positivity varies with ethnic capped by the tendency to fall asleep easily. How-
groups, being approximately 100% associated in ever, the medications can greatly improve
the Japanese population, approximately 96% in functional performance and allow an individual to
the Caucasian population and about 85% associ- maintain regular employment and social contacts.
ated with the African-American population. The As well as the treatment of excessive sleepiness,
HLA testing may be useful in aiding the diagnosis other medications are required for the treatment of
of individuals where there is some uncertainty as cataplexy. Tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS are the most
to the nature of the disorder producing excessive effective, with protriptyline, clomipramine and
daytime sleepiness, or can be useful in determining imipramine being the most commonly used med-
if children of narcoleptic patients are predisposed to ications. Recently the amino acid L-tyrosine has
developing the disorder. A DR2 negative child is been reported to be effective in relieving cataplexy
unlikely to ever develop narcolepsy. The allele HLA and improving daytime alertness in some patients
DQB1-0602 is the genetic factor most highly asso- with narcolepsy. Other effective medications
ciated with narcolepsy. include GAMMA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE, which can also
In 2000 it was discovered that most narcoleptic improve cataplexy. Viloxazine has been shown to
patients are deficient in HYPOCRETIN, and patholog- be effective in the treatment of cataplexy in
ical studies have demonstrated the loss of hypocre- patients with narcolepsy. Viloxazine hydrochloride
tin cells in the hypothalamus. is a derivative of propranolol, the beta-adrenergic-
The presence of cataplexy is a major factor in blocking cardiovascular drug used for the treat-
differentiating this disorder from other disorders of ment of hypertension. The medication is available
excessive sleepiness. In the absence of cataplexy, in Europe but not in the United States.
other disorders, such as idiopathic hypersomnia, In addition to the treatment by medications,
subwakefulness syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea attention has to be given to SLEEP HYGIENE, with the
syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, insuf- maintenance of regular sleep onset and wake
ficient sleep syndrome, psychiatric disorders, recur- times, as well as an appropriate nocturnal sleep
rent hypersomnia and menstrual-associated sleep duration. Naps during the daytime should be kept
disorder must be considered as possible causes. to less than 20 minutes and should not be pro-
Treatment of narcolepsy is mainly symptomatic longed or they may cause a breakdown of the
and consists of the use of STIMULANT MEDICATIONS nighttime sleep pattern.
for daytime sleepiness. The amphetamines,
methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) and pe- Case History
moline (Cylert), are often used. Dextroampheta- A 35-year-old fireman presented with a history of
mine is used less commonly now than in the past. excessive sleepiness that had been present since his
These medications appear to have the ability to teenage years. This sleepiness had become more
improve arousal during the daytime so the individ- severe during the three years prior to presentation
ual can prevent himself from falling into sleep at the SLEEP DISORDER CENTER. The pattern of sleepi-
episodes; however, these medications appear to ness was somewhat complicated by the irregular
have less effect in preventing sleep episodes when shift work that was necessary as a fireman. How-
the individual is relaxed and in a situation con- ever, it was clear to himself and others around him
ducive to sleep. In other words, these medications that he would fall asleep more readily than other
improve the ability to remain awake but do not firemen who were on similar shift work. On sev-
impair the ability to fall asleep. The medication eral occasions, he had been erroneously accused of
MODAFINIL (PROVIGIL), a wake-promoting agent, is taking drugs or having alcohol, as he appeared to
effective at reducing sleepiness in patients with be extremely drowsy and lethargic. His work was
narcolepsy. The medication is replacing the use of in jeopardy; his sleepiness was clearly excessive
Cylert and methylphenidrate for many patients. and he was not allowed to drive the fire truck.
138 Narcolepsy and Cataplexy Foundation of America

However, when he was aroused he was fully alert with narcolepsy as it kept him active during the
and could actively and accurately perform his day and also enabled him to have a more regular
duties. sleep-wake pattern. (See also AMERICAN NAR-
The sleepiness affected his social life in that he COLEPSY ASSOCIATION, HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN
would fall asleep very easily when sitting and talk- TESTING, NARCOLEPSY NETWORK, NARCOLEPSY PROJECT,
ing, watching television or reading. When he went SLEEP ONSET REM PERIOD.)
to the movies, he would always fall asleep within Altrich, M.S., “Diagnostic Aspects of Narcolepsy,” Neu-
the first 20 minutes of the picture. When he went rology 50, no. 2, Suppl. 1 (1998): S2–S7.
out for a drive with friends, he would let them Guilleminault, C., Passouant, P. and Dement, William
drive because he was too sleepy to do so. C., Narcolepsy. New York: Spectrum, 1976.
He also noticed the onset of a weakness that Mitler, Merrill, Nelson, S. and Hajdukovic, R., “Nar-
would come on when he became emotional, partic- colepsy: Diagnostic, Treatment, and Management,”
ularly with anger and to a lesser extent with laugh- Psychiatric Clinics of North America 10 (1987): 593–606.
ter. He felt a very strange sensation that was Roth, B., Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. Basel: Karger,
unpleasant and he would try to fight it internally by 1988.
Wise, M.S., “Childhood Narcolepsy,” Neurology 50, no. 2,
suppressing his emotions; however, he would even-
Suppl. 1 (1998): S37–S42.
tually have to sit or lie down. Although he was close
to falling on many occasions, he never did so. These
episodes were extremely embarrassing. Narcolepsy and Cataplexy Foundation of America
He had very excessive dreams and regarded him- Nonprofit organization, based in New York City;
self as being the world’s greatest dreamer. Usually founded in 1975 by Professor Helen Demitoff, R.N.,
the dreams were of pleasant events; however, many Ph.D. Its purpose is the dissemination of informa-
were characterized by a perception of flying through tion on NARCOLEPSY to the public and to physicians.
the air while viewing himself lying in bed. (This per- (See also AMERICAN NARCOLEPSY ASSOCIATION, NAR-
ception has been called an “out-of-body” experi-
ence.) At times he also would see hallucinations of
people or events just before falling asleep at night. narcolepsy-cataplexy syndrome See NARCO-
The patient underwent polysomnographic test- LEPSY.
ing that showed a rapid onset of REM sleep on the
nighttime test, with a high amount of stage one Narcolepsy Institute A state-funded program
sleep—features that were consistent with the diag- developed in 1985 by Michael Thorpy, M.D., at the
nosis of narcolepsy. His sleep otherwise was nor- Sleep-Wake Disorders Center of Montefiore Med-
mal; however, during a daytime multiple sleep ical Center in New York City; it provides support
latency test he fell asleep in less than two minutes services to individuals who have NARCOLEPSY as
on average of the five naps, and during four of the well as to their families. Originally called the Nar-
naps he went into REM sleep. These features on colepsy Project, it was renamed the Narcolepsy
both the polysomnographic tests were diagnostic Institute in 1997.
for narcolepsy. The project serves all five boroughs of New York
He was initially treated with Cylert, which in his City, with counseling and crisis intervention pro-
particular case was only partially effective, and at grams for individuals or groups who are diagnosed
times he needed the extra help of a short-acting as having, or suspected of having, narcolepsy. It
stimulant. Ritalin was occasionally used in con- provides basic information and helps individuals
junction with a background, stable dosage of and their families to develop skills necessary to
Cylert. His cataplexy episodes were completely cope with the social and physical impact that this
controlled by the use of Vivactil. condition has on their lives.
He gave up his job as a fireman and trained as a The project is directed and run by professionals
mechanical engineer serving home electric equip- in counseling; it also offers training in counseling as
ment, a position more appropriate for someone well as research opportunities in the area of the
nasal positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) 139

psychosocial factors of narcolepsy. The program tral nervous system and can induce analgesia,
produces educational materials for patients that sleepiness, mood changes, respiratory depression,
include videotapes, patient handbooks and a regu- constipation, nausea and vomiting. These medica-
lar newsletter called Perspectives. tions affect specific receptors in the central nervous
For information, contact the Narcolepsy Insti- system that can be blocked by agents such as
tute, Montefiore Medical Center, 111 E. 210th naloxone. (See also MORPHEUS.)
Street, Bronx, New York 10467.
nasal congestion Normally breathing occurs
Narcolepsy Network Incorporated as a not-for- through the nose during sleep, unless there is
profit organization in 1986 and organized on a upper airway obstruction—when mouth breathing
local, state and national basis. Its motto, “CARE” is necessary. Nasal congestion produces impaired
(Communication, Advocacy, Research and Educa- nasal breathing during sleep, whether the conges-
tion), embodies its goals of sharing information tion is due to acute nasal stuffiness or allergic rhini-
about NARCOLEPSY, advocating for needs at all lev- tis. It can also exacerbate preexisting OBSTRUCTIVE
els, supporting and encouraging narcolepsy SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or can induce apneas in a
research and helping to make the general public person who otherwise does not have apnea during
aware of narcolepsy and its consequences. sleep. Nasal infection and congestion need to be
Persons having narcolepsy, their families, friends treated in any patient with obstructive sleep apnea
and those interested in narcolepsy and related day- syndrome to avoid a worsening apnea.
time sleepiness disorders are welcome to attend Nasal congestion can be treated surgically by
meetings and to become active members. The orga- submucous resection, the removal of polyps or
nization publishes a newsletter, The Network, as treatment with mucosal medications. Medications
well as numerous other printed and taped educa- used to treat allergic rhinitis include ANTIHISTA-
MINES, topical steroids and related medications.
tional materials. Contact Narcolepsy Network, 227
Fairfield Road, Suite 310B, Fairfield, New Jersey Patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
07004. (See also AMERICAN NARCOLEPSY ASSOCIA- drome who are treated by CPAP (CONTINUOUS POSI-
TIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE) may have an exacerbation or
a new onset of allergic rhinitis. Initial treatment by
nasal decongestants often will settle the nasal con-
gestion; however, medications such as the antihist-
Narcolepsy Project See NARCOLEPSY INSTITUTE. amines, anticholinergics or steroids may be
required to allow the patients to continue the
narcotics The word “narcotic” is derived from CPAP. (See also NASAL SURGERY.)
the Greek word narkosis, meaning a benumbing.
Narcosis is a nonspecific and reversible form of nasal positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) A
depression of the central nervous system, marked new treatment modality that can be useful for
by stupor that is produced by drugs. The term patients who have SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISOR-
“narcotics” primarily refers to the opioid deriva- DERS that are not responsive to CONTINUOUS POSITIVE
tives of opium. The opioids include MORPHINE, pen- AIRWAY PRESSURE devices (CPAP). Nasal positive
tazocine, oxycodone, heroin and CODEINE. The pressure ventilation (NPPV) consists of the applica-
narcotic derivatives have been used in sleep medi- tion of intermittent positive pressure ventilation
cine for the treatment of RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME, through a nasal mask. Because of the increased
particularly the medication oxycodone. Codeine ventilatory pressure, compared with continuous
has been shown to be helpful in improving sleepi- positive airway pressure devices, the lungs can be
ness in some patients with NARCOLEPSY; however, inflated in patients who otherwise have difficulty
because of its potential for addiction it is rarely inspiring. This method is particularly useful for the
used. treatment of CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, espe-
The narcotic derivatives mainly affect the cen- cially in those with NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASES that
140 nasal surgery

prevent adequate VENTILATION during sleep, as well and recognition, the achievements of those who
as for patients with KYPHOSCOLIOSIS. toil in the above areas may go unnoticed.”
The award, presented by the ASSOCIATION OF
nasal surgery Occasionally performed to relieve PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES, was named for
NATHANIEL KLEITMAN, Ph.D., one of the founders of
Surgery to reduce the bulk of the nasal mucosa, modern sleep research, who at the University of
submucuous resection, produces initial improve- Chicago, along with Eugene Aserinsky and WILLIAM
C. DEMENT, discovered the REM phase of sleep.
ment in the severity of obstructive sleep apnea.
However, it is unusual for the syndrome to be com- Recipients of the Nathaniel Kleitman award
pletely relieved by this procedure. As a result, sub- have included: David P. White, M.D. (2000); John
mucous resection has infrequently been performed Sassin, M.D. (1999); Mark Mahowald, M.D.
(1998); Paul Fredrickson, M.D. (1997); Alan Pack,
for the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It can be
M.B., Ch.B., Ph.D. (1996); James Walsh, Ph.D.
useful in combination with other surgical treat-
(1995); Richard Ferber, M.D. (1994); Michael
Thorpy, M.D. (1993); Phillip Westbrook, M.D.
(UPP) operation.
(1992); Mary Carskadon, Ph.D. (1991); Thomas
Submucuous resection in combination with UPP
Roth, Ph.D. (1990); Peter Hauri, Ph.D. (1989); Hel-
is only useful for those patients with a major
mut Schmidt, M.D. and Helio Lemmi, M.D. (1988);
degree of NASAL CONGESTION. Some patients who
William C. Dement, M.D., Ph.D. (1987); Christian
are prescribed the nasal CPAP (CONTINUOUS POSITIVE
Guilleminault, M.D. (1986); Alan Rechtschaffen,
AIRWAY PRESSURE) system find that the nasal con-
Ph.D. (1985); Mitchel B. Balter, Ph.D. and Merrill
gestion prevents the routine use of CPAP. Surgical
M. Mitler, Ph.D. (1984); Elliot D. Weitzman, M.D.
management of mucous congestion can improve
(1983); William C. Dement, M.D., Ph.D. (1982);
airflow, thereby allowing the patient to tolerate
Ismet Karacan, M.D. and Howard P. Roffwarg,
CPAP more easily.
M.D. (1981).
Submucous resection is required for sleep apnea
due to severe deviation of the nasal septum. A
major improvement in nasal breathing can result National Commission on Sleep Disorders
from the surgery. Mild septal deviation does not Research Established on November 4, 1988,
with a mandate to conduct a comprehensive study
require corrective surgery because little beneficial
of the knowledge of the incidence, prevalence,
effect on the sleep apnea is likely to be seen.
morbidity and mortality resulting from sleep disor-
Nasal obstruction may occur at the nares, partic-
ders and of the social and economic impact of such
ularly in patients who have previous submucous
disorders. In addition, the commission was to eval-
resection with a subsequent nose droop. Choanal
uate the public and private facilities and resources
obstruction at the posterior nasopharynx may also
(including trained personnel and research activi-
be treated and is more likely to occur in patients
ties) available for the diagnosis, treatment and
who have cranial facial abnormalities contributing
research into sleep disorders. It also was developed
to the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. (See also
to identify programs, including biological, physio-
logical, behavioral, environmental and social by
which improvements in the management of sleep
disorders could be accomplished.
Nathaniel Kleitman Distinguished Service Award The commission conducted an extensive survey
“. . . created in 1981 to honor service to the field of to determine the total sleep-related health needs
sleep research and sleep disorders medicine, espe- of the American public. Many areas of govern-
cially generous and altruistic efforts in the areas of ment were involved in this commission, including
administration, public relations, and legislation. the Department of Health and Human Services,
Whereas research and academic contributions pro- with all of its agencies and institutes. Many other
duce their own rewards in publications, tenure, federal departments, including those of Defense,
neuroleptics 141

Transportation, Commerce, Energy, Labor and

Education were involved in providing information
for the National Commission on Sleep Disorders National Sleep Foundation (NSF) A nonprofit
Research. organization dedicated to improving the quality of
The commission represented the entire field of life for the millions of Americans who suffer from
sleep disorders medicine, and over three years doc- sleep disorders and to the prevention of cata-
umented the impact of sleep research and SLEEP DIS- strophic accidents related to sleep deprivation or
ORDERS MEDICINE to the United States population. sleep disorders. The NSF was founded in 1990 with
a grant from the American Sleep Disorders Associ-
National Narcolepsy Registry A registry of ation (now called the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP
patient information and DNA samples established MEDICINE). The first executive director was Carol
by the NATIONAL SLEEP FOUNDATION to further Westbrook. The first president was Tom Roth, fol-
genetic research of NARCOLEPSY. This confidential lowed by John Hoag (1994), Alan Pack (1995) and
registry will enable researchers to construct family Lorraine Wearley (1996). Originally established in
trees, coordinate family history data and establish Los Angeles, the NSF moved to Washington, D.C.,
cell lines for DNA analysis. The registry’s ultimate in October 1994.
goal is to improve treatment of narcolepsy by iden- The foundation seeks public and private funding
tifying the gene or genes associated with the disor- to support research, education, training and infor-
der. The registry is housed at the Sleep-Wake mation programs. Programs have included: the
Disorders Center at Montefiore Medical Center in “Drive Alert—Arrive Alive” campaign to reduce
New York. The director is Michael Thorpy, M.D. the high incidence of sleep-related auto crashes;
The blood samples are stored and the DNA publications designed to inform and educate pri-
extracted at the Human Genetics Program of the mary care physicians on the diagnosis and treat-
Department of Molecular Genetics at Albert Ein- ment of sleep disorders; educational symposia for
stein College of Medicine under the chairmanship physicians; public education; research grants; and
of Raju Kucherlapati, Ph.D. partnerships with business and government to
The National Narcolepsy Registry establishes cell extend educational reach.
lines on all affected patients and all DNA produced. In 1996 the NSF sponsored the development of
The laboratory of Dr. Emmanuel Mignot, M.D., at a NATIONAL NARCOLEPSY REGISTRY at Montefiore
Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, ana- Medical Center in New York, to help determine the
lyzes DNA samples for HLA DQB1-0602. DNA sam- genetic cause of narcolepsy. The NSF established
ples are available to any approved research study the Pickwick Club for physicians and other health
for genetic analysis. Requests for information on care workers to assist in providing funds for
how to apply for samples must be forwarded to the research and other foundation activities. The Pick-
National Sleep Foundation. wick Club hosts an annual dinner at the ASSOCIA-
As of February 1998 more than 800 patients had TION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES annual
volunteered for the registry. Emphasis is primarily meeting to solicit corporate and individual dona-
on obtaining at least 100 sibling pairs and multiplex tions for research. For further information, contact
with narcolepsy, but all affected individuals and the National Sleep Foundation, 1522 K Street NW,
their families are encouraged to participate. #500, Washington, D.C. 20005. E-mail: natsleep
The registry is overseen by an advisory group; Web:
established by the National Sleep Foundation com-
posed of experts in science, research, ethics, advo- neuroleptics Medications that have beneficial
cacy, treatment and patient support. effects upon mood and thought and are used pri-
For additional information, contact the National marily to treat severe PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS. This
Narcolepsy Registry, c/o The National Sleep Foun- group of drugs, also known as the antipsychotic
dation, 1552 K St. NW, #500, Washington, D.C. medications, has side effects that are characterized
20005. E-mail:; Web: www. by abnormal neurological function. The neurolep-
142 neuromuscular diseases

tic medications include the phenothiazines and ing sleep.

medications such as haloperidol. These medications Nicotine is contained in cigarette tobacco. The
can have pronounced sedative effects and are often content of nicotine in tobacco varies between 1%
used for patients with psychiatric disorders to con- and 2% and the average cigarette delivers approx-
trol the underlying psychiatric state and also to imately 1 milligram of nicotine (range 0.05 to 2.0
improve sedation at night. The haloperidol and milligrams). Nicotine is also present in chewing
thioridazine are also commonly used for patients tobacco and can be obtained in a gum form (Nico-
with DEMENTIA in order to produce nocturnal seda- rette). Nicorette has 2 milligrams of nicotine con-
tion. (See also CEREBRAL DEGENERATIVE DISORDERS, tained in small pieces of gum and is often used by
MOOD DISORDERS, NOCTURNAL CONFUSION.) smokers in an attempt to prevent or decrease some
of the withdrawal effects when trying to stop
neuromuscular diseases Term applied to those smoking.
disorders that are due to an abnormality of the Nicotine produces an alerting pattern in the
muscle or its nerve supply. Typically these disorders ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM. In addition, it can pro-
will lead to muscle weakness and feelings of duce hand tremor, decreased skeletal muscle tone
fatigue. Many neuromuscular disorders affect the and reduction in deep tendon reflexes.
muscles of VENTILATION, and SLEEP-RELATED BREATH- TOLERANCE develops to some of the effects of
ING DISORDERS occur. nicotine with chronic use. Withdrawal syndromes
Neuromuscular disorders that affect ventilation may occur in individuals who are chronic smokers
in sleep include: lesions that affect the peripheral and are characterized by daytime DROWSINESS,
nerves, such as those due to poliomyelitis; viral headaches, increased appetite and sleep distur-
infections, such as Landry-Guillain-Barre syn- bances.
drome; and spinal cord lesions, such as Help for quitting the cigarette habit is available
myelopathies, trauma and vascular diseases of the from a variety of programs or organizations, such
spinal cord. as Smokenders, the American Lung Association,
Muscle disorders, such as the dystrophies, ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), based in
dystonia myotonica and acid maltase deficiency, Washington, D.C., the American Cancer Society’s
can all be associated with sleep-related breathing FreshStart Program, and local or state affiliates of
disorders. GASP (Group Against Smoking Pollution). A pop-
Typically the neuromuscular diseases will pro- ular book about the history of the cigarette in
duce a decrease of ventilation during REM sleep, America and the development of the cigarette habit
with the development of HYPOXEMIA and some- is Robert Sobel’s They Satisfy (Garden City, New
times HYPERCAPNIA. Depending upon the course of York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1978). (See also
the neuromuscular disorder, treatment can be by INSOMNIA, SMOKING.)
oxygen, RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS, assisted ventila- United States Surgeon General, The Health Consequences
tion devices or diaphragmatic pacemakers. (See of Smoking: The Changing Cigarette. Washington, D.C.:
also ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION, CENTRAL SLEEP U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981; Department
APNEA SYNDROME, PULMONARY HYPERTENSION.) of Health and Human Services Publication No. (pHs)
nicotine Stimulant that can interfere with the
quality of sleep. It may produce a SLEEP ONSET night blindness A disorder of persons who have
INSOMNIA if taken immediately prior to the sleep difficulty seeing at night but whose vision is rela-
episode, or it may prevent sleep from recurring if a tively normal during the daytime or when in bright
cigarette is smoked during the night. People who light. Night blindness is an early symptom of defi-
have disorders of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, such as ciency of vitamin A, a vitamin that is important in
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, are liable to maintaining the integrity of the retina. With vita-
fall asleep while smoking in bed. A fire may result min A deficiency, the retina degenerates and vision
and can be a major cause of accidental death dur- decreases. In addition, there usually are changes of
nightmare 143

the conjunctiva, which becomes dry, and there ularly if the dream was especially frightening, but
may be accumulations of foam-like lesions on the this is to be discouraged (see FAMILY BED).
surface of the conjunctiva. These lesions, called Sometimes night fears are a technique used to
Bitot’s spots, can deteriorate and cause ulceration, stall going to bed at night, and parents should be
with breakdown of the cornea, resulting in com- aware if their children are using these fears to
plete blindness. manipulate their bedtime hours. It is important for
Vitamin A deficiency occurs in developing Third the parents to establish limits, and if parents sus-
World countries, and blindness in children is not pect this is the cause of the night fears, then appro-
uncommon. Night blindness usually responds well priate management may be necessary or a form of
to the daily administration of 30,000 IU of vitamin LIMIT-SETTING SLEEP DISORDER may develop.
A for one week. (See also NYCTALOPIA.) A child with recurrent or frequent fears or
nightmares may require intervention with psycho-
night fears Fears common in children, particu- logical counseling, but this is unnecessary for the
larly around the time of nursery school. The fears majority of healthy children. (See also CONFUSIONAL
usually represent insecurity about some aspect of AROUSALS, REM SLEEP, SLEEP TERRORS, SLEEP ONSET
growing up, whether it is beginning school or being ASSOCIATION DISORDER.)
left with a baby-sitter, which leads to the develop-
Ferber, Richard, Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. New
ment of fears at bedtime. Anxiety may not be York: Simon and Schuster, 1985.
apparent during the daytime; however, when the
child goes to bed and is alone in the dark, mental
images may begin and turn into fantasies. Com- nightmare A frightening dream that usually pro-
monly, a child may say there is a monster under duces an awakening from the dreaming stage of
the bed or hiding behind the curtains. In such situ- sleep. It often consists of having been chased or of
ations, the parent should reassure the child that personal injury. The nightmare sufferer will sit
there is nothing to be afraid of; however, exhaus- upright in bed in an intensely scared state. Dream
tive searches in the bedroom are unnecessary and recall is immediate, and the person is fully awake,
will not aid in relaxing the child. The best way to often with a petrified look, breathing rapidly and
manage these concerns is for the parents to with a rapid heart rate. Sometimes the nightmares
demonstrate love and concern for the child, and may not cause awakenings, and the frightening
look for the daytime anxieties that are the cause of content of the dream will be recalled upon awak-
the nighttime fears. ening the next morning.
Fear of the dark is also common in older children Nightmares are very common in childhood, par-
and the fear can be exacerbated by some event dur- ticularly between the ages of three and six years;
ing the daytime, such as watching a scary movie. however, it is not uncommon for nightmares to be
The parents should not insist that the child sleep in reported from the age of two years. Nightmares
the dark but should accommodate the child by leav- appear to be a common phenomenon, occurring in
ing a door partly open or using a night-light in the 10% to 50% of children between the ages of three
bedroom or hall. The sounds of other family mem- and five years; treatment is usually unnecessary.
bers moving around the house can reassure the child The child should be reassured and usually can
that he or she is protected by the parents, which will return to sleep without great difficulty.
help to reduce some of the fears of the dark. The tendency for nightmares appears to
NIGHTMARES commonly occur in children, and decrease with increasing age; however, episodes
bad DREAMS are associated with the REM state of commonly occur after the age of 60 years. When
sleep. Nightmares may be a reflection of daytime episodes occur in adulthood they may be associated
concerns. Because nightmares are so common, with underlying PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, particu-
reassurance at the time is all that is required to set- larly borderline personality disorders, schizophre-
tle the child. The child may come into the parent’s nia or schizoid personality disorder. However, 50%
bedroom and wish to remain for the night, partic- of adults with nightmares have no psychiatric diag-
144 night owl

nosis. Emotional stress is clearly associated with an Psychophysiological Study of Nightmares,” Journal of
increased frequency of nightmares, as well as trau- the American Psychoanalytic Association 18 (1970):
matic event stress. The use of medications, espe- 747–782.
cially L-DOPA and the beta adrenergic blockers, used Hartmann, E., “Nightmare After Trauma as Paradigm for
All Dreams: A New Approach to the Nature and
for the treatment of hypertension or cardiac dis-
Functions of Dreaming,” Psychiatry 61, no. 3 (1998):
ease, are often precipitants of nightmares.
There does not appear to be any gender differ-
ence in the incidence of nightmares in childhood;
however, in adulthood, nightmares appear to be night owl See EVENING PERSON.

frequent in women. There is little evidence of any

familial predisposition. night person See EVENING PERSON.
Polysomnographic monitoring of nightmares
demonstrates an abrupt arousal occurring out of night shift Work during the nocturnal hours,
REM sleep. Episodes will usually occur after a pro- typically from 11 P.M. through to 7 A.M. (Work
longed period of REM sleep, and there may be an from 3 P.M. till 11 P.M. is usually called an EVENING
increased number of rapid eye movements and a SHIFT.) Night shift workers typically have disturbed
variation in the heart and respiratory rates. Night- chronobiological rhythms because of the altered
mares can also occur from REM sleep that is pres- sleeping pattern. A night worker will usually
ent in daytime NAPS. attempt to sleep upon returning home from the
Nightmares should be differentiated from SLEEP night work but often has a short sleep period of
TERRORS, which are abrupt awakenings from the four hours (from about 8 A.M. to 12 noon). A nap
deep stage three or four sleep, usually heralded by in the late afternoon or evening is usually required
a loud, piercing cry. The features that differentiate before going to work.
nightmares include the full awakening that is pres- Typically, night shift workers will revert to a
ent in nightmares, whereas arousal is difficult in normal time of sleeping, from 11 P.M. to 7 A.M., on
someone suffering from sleep terrors. Frightening the days off work. However, because of the fluctu-
dream content is always present in nightmares, ating time for sleep, the sleep pattern is usually dis-
whereas no dream content is typical for sleep ter- rupted on the days off, and brief sleep episodes can
rors. Very often an individual with a sleep terror occur at other times of the day. Most shift workers
will go back to sleep and not recall the episode the find it very difficult to maintain full alertness dur-
next morning, whereas this is extremely unusual ing the night shift-work, particularly if the work is
following nightmares. monotonous and boring. However, if the shift
Episodes of REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER may worker has a circadian drop of body temperature
have features similar to a nightmare; however, in that occurs during the shift work hours, it may be
REM sleep behavior disorder there is more “acting extremely difficult to maintain full alertness, par-
out” of the dream content, with less fear and panic. ticularly between 4 A.M. and 7 A.M. Studies of night
Usually sufferers of REM sleep behavior disorder shift work have failed to show complete adaptation
do not fully awaken during the behavior. to the shift work, even after 10 years of shift-work
experience. (See also CHRONOBIOLOGY, SHIFT-WORK
Treatment for nightmares is not necessary in
childhood, whereas adults can benefit from attempts
to reduce emotional stress or withdrawal of precipi-
tating medications. In some instances, suppression night sweats See SLEEP HYPERHIDROSIS.
of episodes can occur with medications such as the
tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS. However, their abrupt night terrors See SLEEP TERRORS.
withdrawal may lead to an increase in the night-
mare frequency. (See also REM SLEEP, STRESS.) nitrazepam See BENZODIAZEPINES.
Fischer, C.J., Byrne, J., Edwards, T. and Kahn, E., “A
nocturnal cardiac ischemia 145

noctambulation Term derived from the Latin nocturnal angina See NOCTURNAL CARDIAC
word noctambulatio and synonymous with SLEEP- ISCHEMIA.
WALKING. Noctambulatio is from the Latin words
nox, for “night,” and ambulare, “to walk.” nocturnal cardiac ischemia Ischemia (lack of
oxygen that causes damage to the tissue) of the
Noctec See HYPNOTICS. myocardium (heart muscle) that occurs during the
major sleep episode. Cardiac ischemia may be symp-
noctiphobia Term synonymous with nyctopho- tomatic, in which case it is often termed nocturnal
bia; refers to an irrational fear of night and dark- angina, or the ischemia may be asymptomatic. It
ness that may be a manifestation of ANXIETY may be detected by electrocardiographic monitoring
DISORDERS. Some children may experience nocti- during sleep, either by Holter monitoring (a 24-
phobia during their early childhood, but they out- hour electrocardiograph) or during nocturnal
grow it. (See also ANXIETY, NIGHTMARE.) polysomnographic monitoring. When symptomatic,
cardiac ischemia produces a chest pain that is
nocturia Term referring to frequent urination at described as a tightness within the chest, often like
night, compared with the daytime; synonymous a vise. The pain may be felt in the jaw, left arm or
with nycturia. Patients with nocturia will have a the back. The pain may be mild, in which case the
full bladder, causing them to arise several times person may not believe it is of cardiac origin, or it
from sleep to go to the bathroom. Urinary fre- may be severe, requiring acute medical attention.
quency may be due to a variety of urological prob- Patients who have nocturnal cardiac ischemia
lems, including infections, local tumors, such as will also usually have daytime ischemic episodes.
bladder or prostate tumors, bladder prolapse or However, nocturnal cardiac ischemia may be inde-
other disorders affecting sphincter control. Patients pendent of any prior or current daytime ischemic
with sleep disturbance typically will have an features, and it may be related solely to underlying
increase in the number of episodes of nocturia at pathological disorders that occur during sleep, such
times of the sleep disturbance. Some patients with as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME.
insomnia may arise five or six times at night to go Episodes of nocturnal cardiac ischemia are more
to the bathroom, and each time will typically void common in the later half of the night, particularly
only a small amount of urine. during REM SLEEP. Severe cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS and
There is a strong association between the devel- even sudden DEATH DURING SLEEP may result.
opment of OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME and Cardiac ischemia is usually a feature of coronary
the need for nocturia. Relief of the obstructive artery disease—either intrinsic disease, such as ath-
sleep apnea syndrome relieves the nocturia, as does erosclerosis or coronary artery spasms, or valvular
the treatment of insomnia in patients who have disease, such as aortic stenosis.
nocturia related to insomnia. If urinating occurs Patients at most risk for coronary artery disease
during sleep, then the term SLEEP ENURESIS is used. are overweight males. Other risk factors include
Many other medical disorders can produce noc- HYPERTENSION, cigarette smoking, a family history
turia, such as diabetes and bladder disorders, as of cardiac disease and an elevated cholesterol level.
well as medications, particularly diuretics. Electrocardiographic monitoring during sleep
may demonstrate cardiac ischemia, which is evi-
nocturnal Pertaining to night, night-related. It denced by ST wave changes of 1 millimeter or
does not necessarily imply a sleep-related phenome- greater, either elevation or depression. Polysomno-
non. Although many nocturnal disorders are sleep- graphic monitoring may demonstrate either the
related, some occur during the night hours, when cardiac ischemia or predisposing disorders, such as
the person is either awake or asleep, such as noctur- SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS.
nal epilepsy. The term is used to differentiate night Patients demonstrating cardiac ischemia require
from day, and is the opposite of the word “diurnal.” further cardiac investigations, which may include
146 nocturnal confusion

cardiac exercise testing with echocardiography or be due to other disorders that produce difficulty in
coronary angiography. breathing at night, for example, CENTRAL ALVEOLAR
Nocturnal cardiac ischemia needs to be differen- HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME, CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE
tiated from other causes of chest pain that occur PULMONARY DISEASE or OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
during sleep, such as left ventricular failure pro- SYNDROME.
ducing PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL DYSPNEA, gastroe- Marked OBESITY can cause compression of the
sophageal reflux or peptic ulcer disease. lower lung fields, thereby leading to impaired VEN-
Treatment of nocturnal cardiac ischemia rests on TILATION during sleep and a sensation of dyspnea.
treatment of the underlying cardiac disease. Anti- Most often, individuals with nocturnal dyspnea
anginal agents, such as long acting nitroglycerine, will use several pillows in order to sleep in a semi-
may need to be given before bedtime. Other med- reclining position, which assists in improving ven-
ications and surgical management of coronary tilation during sleep. Sometimes nocturnal dyspnea
artery disease need to be considered. If underlying may be so severe that a person needs to sleep
sleep-related disorders induce cardiac ischemia, upright in a chair for the entire night.
such as the CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, Treatment of many sleep-related respiratory dis-
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL orders will relieve nocturnal dyspnea and allow
ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME, then treat- improved quality of nocturnal sleep.
ment of these disorders is necessary.
Nowlin, J.B., Troyer, W.G., Jr., Collins, W.S. et al., “The nocturnal eating (drinking) syndrome Disorder
Association of Nocturnal Angina Pectoris with characterized by one or more awakenings that
Dreaming,” Annals of Internal Medicine 63 (1965): occur during the night with a desire for food or
1040–1046. drink. Sleep cannot be reinitiated until the intake
Burack, B., “Hypersomnia Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Its has been completed, after which sleep occurs eas-
Recognition in Clinical Cardiology,” American Heart ily. This sleep disorder usually occurs in children,
Journal 107 (1984): 543–548. although it can occur in adults. Typically, an infant
would require nursing at the breast, or bottle feed-
nocturnal confusion A typical occurrence in ing, after which the baby will return to sleep. The
patients who have DEMENTIA. Patients will arise older child may request something to eat or drink
from sleep at night in a confused state, not know- and is unable to sleep until the requested food or
ing where they are, and start to behave as if it is drink has been taken. This disorder is also seen in
daytime rather than nighttime. The activity of such adults who occasionally will awaken with a strong
patients may pose some major problems for care- desire to eat. Again, sleep cannot be initiated until
takers and often can lead to institutionalization of the desired food or drink has been ingested.
the patient. The nocturnal confusion can be wors- An infant’s ability to sleep through the night
ened by some HYPNOTICS or acute underlying med- without the need for food or drink is usually
ical illnesses. Attention to good SLEEP HYGIENE and attained by the age of six months. Frequent awak-
the judicious use of sedative medications may be enings may lead to the production of a disturbed
helpful. sleep-wake pattern, with the need for sustenance
at frequent intervals.
nocturnal dyspnea Respiratory difficulty that The need for food or drink in infants generally
occurs during sleep at night. This commonly occurs persists until the child is weaned completely, typi-
in association with lung or cardiac disease. Noctur- cally by age three to four months. However, if bot-
nal dyspnea (also known as paroxysmal nocturnal tle feeding or drinks are allowed to be given
dyspnea) is typically seen in patients who have left- throughout the night until an older age, then the
sided heart failure that causes fluid to accumulate sleep disturbance may occur.
in the lungs, thereby producing discomfort and dif- Caregiver factors are very important in the
ficulty in breathing and leading to an awakening development of this sleep disorder. In infants and
with a sensation of respiratory distress. It may also children, the caregiver needs to recognize appro-
nocturnal myoclonus 147

priate hunger signals; repeated demands without nocturnal leg cramps A painful feeling associated
true need should not be complied with. with muscle tightness or tension in the calves of the
The increased weight gain may be a source of legs, but occasionally in the feet. The tightening of
concern, anxiety and depression. the muscle lasts a few seconds and usually stops
Approximately 5% of the population from six spontaneously, but the discomfort may persist for
months to three years of age may exhibit the noc- up to about 30 minutes. When the nocturnal
turnal eating (drinking) syndrome and the preva- cramps occur during sleep, they will cause an awak-
lence in adults is unknown. ening. Episodes may also occur during the daytime;
Adults who ingest more than 50% of their however, patients with daytime cramps rarely have
caloric intake during the sleeping hours are episodes during sleep. Some patients have a predis-
regarded as having the nocturnal eating (drinking) position for having only sleep-related cramps.
syndrome. This condition is frequently associated Nocturnal cramps have also been called by the
with increasing weight gain and concern over fre- term “charley horse,” derived from the old term for
quent nocturnal awakenings. a horse that was lame due to the stiffness of its
Treatment of this disorder involves weaning the muscles.
young child from the breast or bottle, the recogni- The cause of the muscle cramps is poorly under-
tion of any true need for sustenance during sleep, stood, but metabolic disturbances, such as diabetes
the elimination of compliance with the false or calcium abnormalities, can contribute. The
demands of children, behavior modification with cramps also appear to be more common during
sleep consolidation, and eliminating the need in pregnancy.
adults to awake and eat or drink. There have been The peak age of onset of nocturnal cramps
reports that there may be benefits from reducing appears to be in adulthood, but they can occur in
carbohydrate intake, and increasing protein intake, children. However, this type of cramping has never
before sleep. In the adult, hypoglycemia can occur been reported in infants or very young children.
during sleep and, if indicated, a glucose tolerance This discomfort can be relieved by stretching the
test may be necessary to explore this possibility. involved muscle, by movement and massage of the
(Hypoglycemia is a disorder that is associated with muscle, or by local heat to the affected area. Qui-
intermittent low blood sugar levels. Treatment may nine is an effective medication.
require an adult to eat small portions of food at fre-
The disorder needs to be distinguished from
quent intervals to stabilize the blood sugar level.)
other forms of muscle disorder that can occur dur-
nocturnal emission Ejaculation of sperm that DER, sleep-related seizures, NOCTURNAL PAROXYSMAL
occurs during sleep in relationship to a dream that is DYSTONIA and sleep-related tonic spasms, which all
sexually motivated. (A common term for this phe- have differing clinical features and history.
nomenon is “wet dream.”) According to the Kinsey
Saskin, Paul, Whelton, Charles, Moldofsky, Harvey and
study of American males, approximately 85% of the
Akin, Frank, “Sleep and Nocturnal Leg Cramps”
male population will experience one or more “wet
(Letter to the Editors), Sleep 11 (1988): 307–308.
dreams” during their lifetime. The highest incidence Simons, D.G., et al., “Understanding and Measurement
of nocturnal emissions occurs during the late teens of Muscle Tone as Related to Clinical Muscle Pain,”
and diminishes with age. Nocturnal emissions occur Pain 75, no. 11 (1998): 1–17.
in association with the SLEEP-RELATED PENILE EREC-
TIONS that occur during REM SLEEP.
nocturnal myoclonus Term applied by Charles
Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B. and Martin, C.E., Sexual Symonds in 1953 for repetitive leg jerks that occur
Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: W.B. Saun- during sleep. The movements are 0.5 to 5 seconds
ders, 1948. in duration and occur at an interval of 20 to 40 sec-
onds. The movements can occur simultaneously or
nocturnal enuresis See SLEEP ENURESIS. asynchronously in either leg or both, or simultane-
148 nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia (NPD)

ously in the upper limbs. As the movements are of bed partner can be disturbed and injuries can
longer duration than typical myoclonic jerks, the occur, either to the patient or the bed partner.
term PERIODIC LEG MOVEMENTS is preferred. When Short-lasting episodes rarely occur during the
the movements reach sufficient frequency to dis- daytime, and generalized tonic-clonic seizures have
rupt sleep, the resulting disorder is called the PERI- also been reported.
ODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER. (See also RESTLESS Episodes of nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia have
LEGS SYNDROME.) occurred in infancy or can occur for the first time
as late as the fifth decade. It appears to have an
nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia (NPD) A neu- equal prevalence in men and women, and episodes
rological disorder that produces abnormal move- do not subside spontaneously but have been
ment activity during sleep, particularly non-REM known to occur for at least 20 years.
sleep. This disorder produces dystonic or dyskinetic Polysomnographic investigation has demon-
movements that are characterized by a twisting or strated that the episodes occur during stage two
writhing type of movement. Nocturnal paroxysmal sleep and rarely can occur in stages three and four
dystonia appears to be of central nervous system sleep; they do not occur during REM sleep. Imme-
origin (caused by mechanisms inside the brain) and diately prior to the onset of the abnormal motor
seems to have a long course lasting many years movement activity the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
without spontaneous resolution. shows evidence of an arousal or a brief awakening.
There are two forms of nocturnal paroxysmal Other forms of investigation, including brain imag-
dystonia that are differentiated by the duration of ing, have failed to reveal any specific central ner-
the abnormal movement activity. One form, with vous system pathology to account for the disorder.
short-lasting episodes, generally has movements Patients with generalized tonic-clonic seizures may
that last only one minute or less, and episodes can have abnormal epileptiform activity seen on rou-
occur up to 15 times every night. They are usually tine daytime electroencephalograms.
preceded by evidence of an arousal or an awaken- The abnormal movement needs to be differenti-
ing that occurs immediately prior to the onset of ated from other forms of sleep-related movement
the abnormal movements. Typically the patient disorders, such as the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER,
will open his eyes during the arousal and then the which occurs predominantly during REM sleep and
movements will occur. They usually consist of can be easily discerned by polysomnography. Other
writhing or twisting movements of the arms or forms of parasomnia activity, including SLEEP TER-
legs. Following an episode, the patient is able to go RORS and SLEEPWALKING, are easily differentiated by
back to sleep without difficulty. These brief their characteristic features. There may be difficulty
episodes are believed to be manifestations of in differentiating from SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY, par-
frontal lobe epilepsy. ticularly that of frontal lobe origin. Electroen-
Another form of nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia cephalographic patterns consistent with epilepsy
has long episodes that are more than two minutes are rarely seen in paroxysmal dystonia and suggest
in duration. These long episodes tend to occur less that nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia is not an
frequently and there may be only two or three epileptic phenomenon. Polysomnographic docu-
episodes in a night. They are also characterized by mentation of episodes has failed to show any pre-
the writhing and twisting movements of the limbs. ceding or following epileptic features.
This type of dystonia has been known to occur Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia is responsive to
before the onset of other degenerative neurological the anticonvulsive medication CARBAMAZEPINE
disorders, such as Huntington’s chorea. (Tegretol).
Episodes of nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia can Bhatia, K.P., “The Paroxysmal Dyskinesias,” Journal of
lead to severe sleep disruption and therefore a Neurology 246, no. 3 (1999): 149–155.
complaint of INSOMNIA. The patient will feel tired Lugaresi, E. and Cirignotta, F., “Hypnogenic Paroxysmal
and not rested upon awakening in the morning. Dystonia: Epileptic Seizures or a New Syndrome?”
Also, because of the movements, the sleep of the Sleep 4 (1981): 129–138.
noise 149

nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) This term puberty age groups, diminishes through adulthood
is usually applied to the NOCTURNAL PENILE TUMES- to old age and is typically not present after 60
CENCE (NPT) TEST, a test of the ability to obtain an years. The total sleep time decreases from 16 hours
adequate erection during sleep. per day in infancy to between 6.5 and 8.5 hours in
adolescence and through adulthood to old age.
The number of awakenings and arousals during
nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test A test
the sleep period is typically at a minimum around
of the ability to attain an adequate erection during
the time of puberty and increases in middle age to
sleep. This test involves monitoring the erectile
old age.
ability during an all-night polysomnogram (see
The nocturnal sleep episode may be reduced in
POLYSOMNOGRAPHY). Usually two or three nights of
duration in some ethnic groups or in some individu-
recording are required to adequately determine
als who prefer to take prolonged daytime NAPS
whether normal erections occur during sleep. All
(SIESTA) that can last two to four hours. Then the
healthy males from infancy to old age have erec-
nocturnal sleep episode is reduced by the amount of
tions during REM sleep. If there is an inadequate
time of the siesta. In such individuals, the typical
amount or reduced quality of REM sleep, normal
nocturnal sleep episode duration is only four to six
erections will not occur. The NPT test is used to
help differentiate organic causes of erectile dys-
function from psychological causes. Impaired
sleep-related erections during normal REM sleep NoDoz See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
are indicative of an organic cause of impotence.
noise A common cause of sleep disturbance.
nocturnal sleep episode The typical nighttime or Environmental noise, due to traffic, aircraft or
major sleep episode that is determined by the daily neighbors, can cause a person to have difficulty in
rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. The nocturnal initiating or maintaining sleep and can contribute
sleep episode is the conventional or habitual time to an EARLY MORNING AROUSAL. It is one of many
for sleeping. For the majority of individuals, the environmental effects that can produce an envi-
nocturnal sleep episode lasts eight hours and com- ronmental sleep disorder. In addition to its more
monly occurs between the hours of 11 P.M. and 7 obvious effect of causing awakenings and insom-
A.M. The nocturnal sleep period usually consists of nia, noise can also disturb the quality of sleep by
alternating cycles of REM and non-REM sleep and inducing brief arousals, which do not lead to full
typically is comprised of about 5% stage one sleep, awakenings. This disturbance may lead to EXCES-
45% stage two sleep, 5% stage three sleep, 15% SIVE SLEEPINESS that can be documented by a MUL-
stage four sleep and 30% REM sleep. There are TIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST.
usually four to six cycles of non-REM/REM sleep Environmental noise can be eliminated from the
(see SLEEP STAGES). The percentages of each sleep bedroom by ensuring tight seals around windows
stage and the duration of the nocturnal sleep and doors and the use of heavy curtains. Earplugs
episode vary according to age; in addition, there or the use of a white noise machine can be helpful
are individual differences at any one age. for some patients. (Overuse or improper use of ear
An infant’s sleep duration can be a total of 16 plugs, however, can lead to a buildup of wax,
hours; however, the sleep is spread throughout the which might necessitate removal by a physician.)
24-hour period and consists of a higher percentage Alternatively, HYPNOTICS, which prevent the
(about 50%) of REM sleep. In young adolescents, arousals and the awakenings, can be useful, partic-
the percentage of REM sleep falls to about 20% of ularly in the short term.
the total sleep time and remains at that level The subjective assessment of noise can vary
throughout adulthood and into old age. The among individuals. Some good sleepers may be
amount of stage three and four sleep increases in totally oblivious to loud sounds during the night
percentage, to 30% of total sleep time in the pre- and sleep is undisturbed. However, others find
150 nonfocal activity

even the quietest sounds especially disturbing. It is alertness. Many disorders that produce sleep inter-
well-recognized that the mother of the newborn ruption, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
infant is able to sleep yet responds to the softest DROME and PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER, can
whimper of her baby, which may not be heard by produce unrestful sleep. But in SLEEP STATE MISPER-
her sleeping spouse. Patients who, for other rea- CEPTION sleep may be normal and full, yet the
sons, have impaired sleep quality at night charac- patient may awaken with the complaint of not feel-
terized by a complaint of insomnia are usually ing fully refreshed.
especially sensitive to environmental sounds.
SNORING, which can reach very loud levels, as non-24-hour sleep-wake syndrome Character-
high as 80 or 90 decibels, is a common cause of dis- ized by a regular pattern of one-to-two-hour delays
turbance to a sleeping spouse. Although many bed in the sleep onset and wake times; also known as
partners are able to sleep beside a snorer without the hypernyctohemeral syndrome. (Hyper, over,
being bothered, loud snoring is usually very dis- above; nychthemeron, a full period of a night and a
ruptive. Often there will be complaints not only day.) This rare disorder is one of the CIRCADIAN
from the bed partner but also from other people RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS. The non-24-hour sleep-
sleeping in the house, either children or relatives. wake syndrome is a sleep pattern that is similar to
Snoring may be of concern even to strangers, par- that seen in human subjects who live in a time iso-
ticularly when the snorer sleeps in a hotel or motel lation facility, free of ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES.
room. Loud snoring is commonly associated with Such subjects have a sleep-wake 25-hour pattern
the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Snoring induced by the time period of the ENDOGENOUS CIR-
not associated with the syndrome is often termed CADIAN PACEMAKER. Such patients complain of dif-
PRIMARY SNORING. ficulty in falling asleep at night, or difficulty in
Lukas, J.S., “Noise and Sleep: A Literature Review and a awakening in the morning. Typically, this pattern is
Proposed Criteria for Assessing Effects,” Journal of the most disruptive when the major sleep episode
Acoustical Society of America 58 (1975): 1232–1242. occurs during the daytime and is least disruptive
when the sleep episode occurs during the noctur-
nonfocal activity See DIFFUSE ACTIVITY. nal periods. Attempts to control the sleep pattern
by the use of HYPNOTICS are usually unsuccessful.
Because the sleep pattern severely interferes
non-REM intrusion Imposition of non-REM
with daytime activities, individuals with this pat-
sleep during the REM SLEEP stage. Typically, a com-
tern are either self-employed or have flexible work
ponent of non-REM sleep, such as the SLEEP SPIN-
Some individuals with this sleep pattern have
during REM sleep. Non-REM intrusion is generally
psychopathology characterized by being schizoidal
associated with sleep disruption and is due to non-
or having an avoidant personality disorder. The
REM sleep occurring at a time of the sleep-wake
syndrome is also present in blind adults and has
cycle when it would otherwise not normally occur.
been described as occurring congenitally in blind
non-REM-REM sleep cycle See NREM-REM SLEEP
Polysomnographic studies have rarely been
reported but would be expected to show normal
sleep duration and quality that occurs with a pro-
non-REM-stage sleep Sleep is composed of two gressive daily delay in sleep onset time.
main sleep stages: non-REM and REM sleep. Non- The differential diagnosis of non-24-hour sleep-
REM is further divided into stages one, two, three wake pattern includes DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYN-
and four sleep. (See also SLEEP STAGES.) DROME, which is characterized by a stable sleep
onset and awake time. The IRREGULAR SLEEP-WAKE
nonrestorative sleep Sleep regarded as nonre- PATTERN has a variable sleep onset time, with occa-
freshing or insufficient to produce full daytime sional sleep episode advances.
NREM sleep 151

There are few reports of treatment attempts in doses of clonidine, but high doses seem to inhibit
patients with the non-24-hour sleep-wake syn- wakefulness.
drome, but recent evidence about LIGHT THERAPY
Gaillard, J.M., “Biochemical Pharmacology of Paradoxi-
being able to advance or delay sleep-onset time cal Sleep,” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 16
holds promise of enabling maintenance of a stable (1983): 205–230.
sleep-wake pattern. (See also FREE RUNNING, TEMPO-
nosology The science of the classification of dis-
Kokkoris, L.P., Weitzman, E.D., Pollack, L.P. et al., ease. The term is derived from the Greek word
“Long-term Ambulatory Monitoring in Subject With nosos, meaning disease. Many classification systems
a Hypernychthemeral Sleep-wake Cycle Distur- have been developed over the years for the sleep
bance,” Sleep 1 (1978): 177–180. disorders; however, the system most commonly
used was developed in 1979 by the Association of
noradrenaline See NOREPINEPHRINE. Sleep Disorder Centers and was published in the
SLEEP AND AROUSAL DISORDERS has been widely used
norepinephrine A neurotransmitter, also
as the main classification for sleep disorders, not
known as noradrenaline, that is widely found
only in the United States but also internationally.
within the central and peripheral nervous system.
In 1985, the process of redefining the names and
Although norepinephrine was originally believed
classification of sleep disorders was undertaken by
to enhance sleep, it is now believed to be an
the American Sleep Disorders Association (now
important agent in the activation of wakefulness.
It is probable that norepinephrine works in con- In 1990, the INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP
junction with ACETYLCHOLINE in order to produce DISORDERS was published by the American Sleep
wakefulness. Studies with agents that inhibit the Disorders Association. It contains an extensive list-
synthesis of norepinephrine have shown an initial ing of all sleep disorders.
increase in REM sleep, but then REM sleep
appears to be suppressed. It is possible that the
norepinephrine in the LOCUS CERULEUS is impor-
tant in the maintenance of wakefulness and the
production of REM sleep. The receptors known NPPV See NASAL POSITIVE PRESSURE VENTILATION.

as the alpha 2 adreno-receptors appear to be most

important in the regulation of sleep and wakeful- NPT See NOCTURNAL PENILE TUMESCENCE.
Studies of pharmaceutical agents have demon- NREM-REM sleep cycle This term denotes a
strated that the role of norepinephrine in the con- recurrent cycle of non-REM alternating with REM
trol of sleep and wakefulness is very complex and sleep that occurs throughout the major sleep
poorly understood; further research is needed to episode. This term is synonymous with the terms
define its exact role. sleep cycle and sleep-wake cycle. Any non-REM
Medications that have an effect on norepineph- sleep stage may alternate with REM sleep to form
rine synthesis, such as the MONOAMINE OXIDASE the NREM portion of the NREM-REM sleep cycle.
INHIBITORS, can markedly suppress REM sleep. In a typical adult sleep period of 6.5 to 8.5 hours,
However, these inhibitors have effects other than there are five non-REM-REM sleep cycles. The
their effects upon norepinephrine synthesis. Cloni- duration of the cycle increases from about 60 min-
dine, an antihypertensive agent, stimulates the utes in infancy to 90 minutes in young adulthood.
adreno-receptors, and yet REM sleep is inhibited (See also NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP, REM SLEEP.)
by very small doses of clonidine. However, cloni-
dine also has an effect on wakefulness in that NREM sleep See NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP and SLEEP
wakefulness can be increased with relatively small STAGES.
152 NREM sleep period

NREM sleep period Usually applies to the NREM occasionally used in regard to sleep reversal, mean-
sleep portion of the NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE. The ing that the night and day sleep pattern is reversed.
non-REM period usually consists mainly of stages The word is also used for a specific disorder where
two, three and four sleep. (See also NON-REM-STAGE an individual has a day that is slightly longer than
which is synonymous with hypernycthemeral syn-
nutrition and sleep See DIET AND SLEEP. drome.

nyctalgia This word refers to pain that occurs in nyctophilia Derived from the Greek nyctos,
sleep only. The word is developed from the Greek meaning night, and philein, meaning to love. This
NYCTOS, meaning night, and algia, referring to pain. term refers to a preference for night over day and
This term is synonymous with HYPNALGIA. could be applied to individuals who prefer social-
izing or working at night rather than during the
nyctalopia Synonymous with the term NIGHT
BLINDNESS.It is developed from the Greek nyctos,
meaning “night,” and alaos, meaning “blind.” nyctophobia See NOCTIPHOBIA.

nyctohemeral A full cycle of night and day. Nyc- nycturia See NOCTURIA.
tohemeral is derived from the Greek nyctos, for
“night,” and hemera, meaning “a day.” This term is Nytol See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
obesity Defined as a body weight that is greater with a major degree of clinical improvement in
than the ideal body weight. The Metropolitan Life obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Insurance Co. weight tables are a commonly used The theory that effective treatment of obstruc-
source of determining ideal weight; these tables tive sleep apnea syndrome would increase activity,
determine weight according to the patient’s age, and thereby lead to improved weight reduction,
weight, sex and height. Morbid obesity is regarded has not been demonstrated in research studies.
as 100 pounds of weight over the ideal body weight Even following a TRACHEOSTOMY, which is usually
as expressed on the Life tables. performed in the most severe cases of the syn-
Obesity is a common feature of OBSTRUCTIVE drome (the majority of whom are obese), five and
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME and is most graphically por- 10 years after the surgery a significant loss of
trayed in the story of Joe the Fat Boy in The Pick- weight is not seen. Some patients, despite optimum
wick Papers by Charles Dickens. The PICKWICKIAN treatment of their sleep apnea syndrome, will put
SYNDROME, which applies to persons with obesity, on more weight.
sleepiness and evidence of right-sided heart failure, Obesity appears to affect obstructive sleep apnea
was reported in the medical literature in 1954; in three ways: it may contribute to the narrowing
since that time the relationship between obesity of the upper airway by increasing the bulk of tis-
and sleepiness has been increasingly recognized. sues in the pharyngeal and neck region; the
Up to 80% of patients with obstructive sleep increased bulk of tissues may cause the tongue to
apnea syndrome are overweight, and the syn- prolapse back, thereby contributing to the blockage
drome itself is exacerbated by obesity. Reduction of (occlusion) of the upper airway during sleep. Sec-
body weight sometimes reduces the severity of ond, the excessive weight on the chest wall may
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, although this is contribute to impaired VENTILATION during sleep;
not a universal finding. Many patients find that this appears to be a more significant factor in
there is a critical weight at which symptoms of females with large, pendulous breasts. Third, the
obstructive sleep apnea become evident, and there large abdominal size affects diaphragm function.
may be little improvement in the symptoms until For most patients with obstructive sleep apnea
that weight is reached. For some people, reduction syndrome, obesity impairs diaphragmatic function
of body weight by as little as five or 10 pounds during sleep, thereby impairing the function of the
causes a major degree of improvement in symp- lungs (perfusion of the basal lung fields). The
toms, whereas in other patients even 100 pounds resulting right-to-left shunt allows unoxygenated
of weight loss may not produce any useful blood to pass through the heart, which in turn
improvement. causes arterial oxygen desaturation. Many
In general, because there is a possibility that the extremely obese patients find they are unable to
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can be breathe adequately when lying on their backs
improved, all patients are recommended to obtain because of this effect and therefore sleep in a semi-
an ideal body weight. For some morbidly obese reclining or even in a sitting position.
patients, weight reduction by surgical means has In addition to surgical management of the obe-
been shown to produce a profound weight loss sity, which is typically reserved for patients over

154 obesity hypoventilation syndrome

300 pounds in weight, dietary programs, such as obstructive sleep apnea syndrome A disorder
liquid diets, can be very effective in producing a characterized by repetitive episodes of UPPER AIRWAY
rapid weight reduction. However, the long-term OBSTRUCTION that occur during sleep and are usually
effects of the liquid diet programs have not been associated with a reduction in the blood oxygen sat-
demonstrated, and initial results tend to suggest an uration. It is synonymous with upper airway sleep
early recurrence of the lost weight. Some patients apnea. The clinical features of this disorder were
find the more well-known dietary programs to be clearly described by Charles Dickens in his novel
very effective, such as Weight Watchers or Over- The Pickwick Papers. It was only in the 1960s that its
eaters Anonymous. Dietary suppressant medica- pathophysiological basis could be understood.
tions, such as the amphetamine derivatives, are not Several hundred apneic episodes can occur dur-
only ineffective but are also potentially dangerous, ing a night of sleep, thereby leading to severe sleep
as their cardiac stimulant properties may lead to disruption and fragmentation, with the develop-
serious cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS. ment of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the daytime.
Although weight reduction is important for all The apneic episodes are most severe during the
overweight patients with obstructive sleep apnea REM stage of sleep, in part due to the associated
syndrome, it cannot be relied upon as a primary loss of muscle tone, but also because of the change
form of treatment except in the mildest cases. As in metabolic control of VENTILATION.
a primary treatment strategy weight reduction is The disorder is associated with loud SNORING,
poorly achieved by patients, and during the which is indicative of intermittent upper airway
weight reduction attempts the patient’s life may obstruction that at times can be complete and cause
be at risk because of the effects of obstructive sleep a cessation of airflow and obstructive apnea. The
apnea syndrome. Therefore, any recommenda- loud snoring is disturbing to bed partners or others,
tions for weight reduction must be pursued con- which often leads to the presentation of the patient
currently with effective treatment of the to a SLEEP DISORDERS CENTER.
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, which is most A typical feature of obstructive sleep apnea syn-
commonly carried out by either a CONTINUOUS drome is excessive sleepiness. Sleepiness occurs
POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE device or upper airway whenever the patient is in a relaxed situation,
surgery. (See also DIET AND SLEEP, SURGERY AND varies from mild to severe and can lead to automo-
SLEEP DISORDERS.) bile ACCIDENTS. Typically patients with the obstruc-
tive sleep apnea syndrome fall asleep while reading,
Whittels, E.H., “Obesity and Hormonal Factors in Sleep watching TV or even while attending business or
and Sleep Apnea,” Medical Clinics of North America 69 social meetings. The patient may purposefully take
(1985): 1265–1280.
a daytime nap, but the NAPS are usually not suffi-
Chin, K. and Ohi, M., “Obesity and Obstructive Sleep
ciently refreshing. Awakenings are associated with a
Apnea Syndrome,” Internal Medicine 38, no. 2 (1999):
dull, groggy feeling and sometimes a headache.
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is also associ-
ated with very restless sleep, particularly in chil-
obesity hypoventilation syndrome Applied to dren who have varied positions in bed, often
the condition of obese individuals who suffer sleeping on their hands and knees. Occasionally
severe hypoventilation during sleep and wakeful- the restlessness can result in a fall out of bed, but
ness. The hypoventilation causes a lowering of the more typically movements of the arms and legs
oxygen level and an elevation of carbon dioxide, greatly disturb the sleep of a bed partner.
usually above 60 millimeters of mercury. The term Primary or secondary enuresis can occur during
describes any number of disorders characterized by sleep, particularly in children. (See SLEEP ENURESIS.)
hypoventilation during sleep, including OBSTRUC- Gastroesophageal reflux may also be produced by
TIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
SYNDROME. sleep, but they are usually more severe in REM
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome 155

sleep. Repetitive episodes of upper airway obstruc- malities and also the soft tissue changes of the
tion last from 20 to 40 seconds. Apneic episodes as upper airway.
long as several minutes in duration can occur and Consequences of the obstructive sleep apnea
are associated with a severe drop in blood oxygen syndrome include social difficulties related to the
and an increase in carbon dioxide. The apneic snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness;
episode is terminated by an arousal, which leads to increased risk of motor vehicle accidents because of
an awakening with return of increased muscle the sleepiness; cardiovascular consequences, which
tone and several large breaths. After several can include a MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION during sleep
breaths, sleep returns and another apneic event or sudden death during sleep; severe oxygen desat-
will occur. uration during sleep, which can be associated with
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can be inves- development of pulmonary hypertension and
tigated by means of all-night POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, right-sided heart failure.
with appropriate measurement of breathing, oxy- Treatments of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
gen saturation and heart rate. All-night include behavioral as well as medical or surgical
polysomnography confirms the diagnosis and also measures. Weight reduction is an essential recom-
allows determination of its severity. Apneic mendation for any overweight patient (see OBE-
episodes of more than 60 seconds in duration, oxy- SITY) with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
gen desaturation that falls below 70% and an SMOKING may cause irritation and swelling of the
APNEA-HYPOPNEA INDEX of greater than 50 episodes upper airway, thereby exacerbating the upper air-
per hour of sleep are features that indicate severe way obstruction as well as impairing pulmonary
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. function, leading to deterioration of blood-gas
Electrocardiographic changes typically occur in exchange.
association with apneas and oxygen desaturation. ALCOHOL exacerbates obstructive sleep apnea
A slowing of the heart rate during the apneic pause syndrome by causing central nervous system
followed by reflex tachycardia (ARRHYTHMIA char- depression resulting in the increasing severity of
acterized by speeding of the heart rate) during the apneic events.
few breaths of hyperventilation commonly occurs The most effective medical treatment for
and is termed the brady-tachycardia (arrhythmia obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is by use of a
characterized by slowing and speeding of the heart nasal CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP)
rate) syndrome. This electrocardiographic pattern, device. CPAP provides an air splint of the upper air-
when it occurs solely during sleep, is diagnostic of way preventing collapse of the soft tissues and
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Occasionally, thereby eliminating the apneic events. Unfortu-
sinus pauses lasting 10 or more seconds, episodes nately, up to 40% of the patients are unable to use
of atrial tachycardia or VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS the CPAP device, either for psychological reasons
can occur. or because of medical complications of the treat-
Other investigations include documentation of ment. Chronic rhinitis is a common cause of inabil-
the degree of severity of daytime sleepiness by ity to use nasal CPAP and may result from irritation
means of the MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST (MSLT). of the nasal tissues by the airflow. A variation of
Mean sleep latencies of less than five minutes are CPAP allows the air pressure to be reduced during
commonly seen in patients with severe sleep apnea expiration. These devices offer bilevel control of
syndrome. Studies of the upper airway, including positive pressure. One device is called a BiPAP.
FIBEROPTIC ENDOSCOPY, can determine both the site Surgical management of obstructive sleep
of upper airway obstruction and the potential for apnea syndrome includes adeno-tonsillectomy—
success of operative procedures such as UVU- uvulopalatopharyngoplasty surgery in which the
LOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY or TONSILLECTOMY AND soft tissue at the level of the soft palate is removed.
ADENOIDECTOMY. Other surgical procedures involve enlarging the air
In addition, CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHS of the space at the back of the tongue by jaw surgery; this
upper airway will help demonstrate skeletal abnor- may be indicated in some patients who have
156 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. TRA- His daytime sleepiness would occur whenever
CHEOSTOMY is also an effective treatment for severe he was in a quiet situation. He would fall asleep
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, particularly for when sitting and watching TV in the evening or
those who are unable to respond to nasal CPAP while reading. He was a smoker and, as a result of
therapy. dropping cigarettes beside his favorite chair, had
RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS can be partially effec- burnt holes in the carpet. He had fallen asleep
tive in treating the obstructive sleep apnea syn- while driving on at least two occasions and fre-
drome. Medroxy-progesterone and protriptyline quently would find himself veering to the side of
are most commonly used but have the potential for the road because of sleepiness while driving. His
complications and may not be entirely effective. wife was particularly concerned about his driving
Excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive and therefore did most of it herself when they were
sleep apnea syndrome needs to be distinguished together in the car.
from other disorders of excessive sleepiness. NAR- He was a very restless sleeper and this con-
COLEPSY and PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER can tributed to his wife seeking refuge in another bed
produce excessive sleepiness and can occur concur- in another room. He also had a dry mouth upon
rently with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. awakening and occasionally would have severe
Other breathing disorders, such as CENTRAL SLEEP morning headaches that would last for one to two
APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTI- hours. He was 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighed
LATION SYNDROME, can be differentiated from 210 pounds, which was the heaviest that he had
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome by polysomnog- ever been. Five years previously he had weighed
raphy. Patients who present with the primary com- 185 pounds and had tried to lose weight but found
plaint of INSOMNIA need to be differentiated from it very difficult to do so.
patients with other insomnia disorders, such as PSY- A physical examination showed an elevated
CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA or insomnia associated blood pressure with diastolic level of 95. He had a
with psychiatric disorders. very compromised posterior oropharynx, which
Effective treatment of obstructive sleep apnea appeared to be the site of his upper airway obstruc-
syndrome can lead to a dramatic resolution of the tion. He had bilateral conjunctivitis that was prob-
clinical symptoms and features. Respiration during ably due to the chronic and constant sleep
sleep will return to normal without apneic episodes disturbance.
or oxygen desaturation. Electrocardiographic He underwent polysomnographic evaluation
changes can be improved. and had 222 obstructive sleep apneas, the longest
being 66 seconds, and he had 161 episodes of shal-
Case History low breathing (HYPOPNEAS). The oxygen saturation
A 45-year-old tour guide noticed the gradual onset value fell from a baseline level of 93% while awake,
of excessive sleepiness over a five-year period. He to a low of 77% during the most severe apneas. He
was also a very loud snorer and the snoring, as well underwent a daytime multiple sleep latency test,
as the excessive sleepiness, were major concerns. which confirmed severe sleepiness with a mean
The snoring bothered his wife, who had to sleep in sleep latency of 5.3 minutes. However, he did not
another room because the snoring would disturb have any REM sleep during the naps.
her sleep. As he was a tour guide, and often slept He underwent a repeat night of polysomno-
in hotels, he was unable to share a room with oth- graphic monitoring while using a nasal continuous
ers because of the loudness of his snoring. During a positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. During the
trip to eastern Europe, the hotel maid had awoken recording he had only 10 obstructive sleep apneas
him in the middle of the night because of com- during the adjustment phase. When the CPAP sys-
plaints about his snoring from people in other tem was adjusted to a pressure of 10 centimeters of
rooms. He recalled that 25 years earlier, during a water, he was entirely free of apnea episodes. His
ski trip, he had to be separated from the rest of the oxygen level did not fall below 90% at that pres-
group because of his snoring. sure. The study demonstrated a great improvement
ontogeny of sleep 157

in the quality of sleep, with a REM sleep rebound long episodes of cessation of breathing that
as well as a great increase in the amount of slow occurred particularly while asleep. They needed
wave sleep. Upon awakening in the morning he assisted ventilation during sleep, but the patients
felt much more alert and was energetic for the rest were able to breathe voluntarily during the day.
of the day. The term CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME is now
He was prescribed a CPAP system to use on a most commonly used to refer to similar forms of
regular basis at night and with this treatment his sleep-induced apnea.
sleepiness was eliminated. He was able to drive A number of neurological disorders have been
without getting sleepy and stay up and watch his associated with Ondine’s Curse, such as brain stem
favorite TV programs without falling asleep. In lesions affecting the respiratory centers or spinal
addition to the improvement in his breathing at cord lesions. Patients with Ondine’s Curse require
night and his sleepiness, the CPAP system also assisted VENTILATION at night, usually by means of a
eliminated his snoring and restlessness, and his positive pressure ventilator.
wife was able to return to sleeping in the same bed. Giraudoux, Jean, Ondine, adapted by Maurice Valency.
Henderson, J.H., II, and Strollo, P.J., Jr., “Medical Man- New York: Random House, 1954.
agement of Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” Progress in Car- Severinghouse, J.W. and Mitchell, R.A., “Ondine’s
diovascular Diseases 41, no. 5 (1999): 377–386. Curse: Failure of Respiratory Center Automaticy
While Awake,” Clinical Respiratory 10 (1962): 122.

obtundation Term applied to a reduced level of

oneiric Derived from the Greek oneirus, which
mental acuity often associated with decreased psy-
means a dream; an event or activity pertaining to
chomotor activity. The alertness and awareness of
dreaming. Oneirism refers to an abnormal dream-
the environment are reduced, although the patient
like state of consciousness and is occasionally used
may act in an appropriate manner to various inter-
to describe the unusual behavior that occurs in REM
nal needs and stimuli. The quiet state is often char-
SLEEP in disorders such as REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DIS-
acterized by drowsiness and a tendency for
excessive sleepiness. This altered state of conscious-
ness may be due to metabolic, pharmacologic or
intracerebral lesions. (See also COMA, DELIRIUM,
ontogeny of sleep There are major changes in
sleep from infancy to old age. It is uncertain when
sleep first occurs in infants; however, differentia-
tion of an infant’s state into WAKEFULNESS, ACTIVE
Ondine’s Curse From Act III of Ondine by Jean SLEEP or QUIET SLEEP cannot be made until around
Giraudoux; means the inability to breathe during 32 to 35 weeks of age. Because sleep in the infant
sleep. is immature, it cannot be clearly differentiated into
REM and non-REM and therefore the terms active
Ondine: Hans, you too will forget. and quiet sleep reflect the state of EEG and body
Hans: Live! It’s easy to say. If at least I could work activity. These terms are believed to be synony-
up a little interest in living, but I’m too tired to mous with REM and non-REM sleep, respectively.
make the effort. Since you left me, Ondine, all the
things my body once did by itself it does now only
by special order . . . It’s an exhausting piece of
The total amount of sleep gradually decreases
management I’ve undertaken. I have to supervise over the first decade and the percentage of non-
five senses, two hundred bones, a thousand mus- REM sleep reaches a peak around the middle of the
cles. A single moment of inattention and I forget to first decade. Normal developmental behavioral
breathe. He died, they will say, because it was a phenomena that occur from SLOW WAVE SLEEP, such
nuisance to breathe . . . as SLEEPWALKING and SLEEP TERROR episodes, are
commonly seen at this time.
It was first described by John Severinghouse and The total duration of sleep by around the time of
Robert Mitchell in 1962 in three patients who had puberty is seven to nine hours, with the onset of
158 oral appliances

the teenage years often associated with a tendency Airway Patency Appliance, Snore Guard, TONGUE
to go to bed later, which may lead to SLEEP DEPRI- RETAINING DEVICE, Klearway, PM Positioner and
VATION. The amount of REM sleep reaches 20% and Therasnore.
25% around the time of puberty and stays at that
level in adulthood. Herbst Appliance
Throughout adulthood, sleep remains relatively An oral appliance developed from an orthodontic
stable, with the exception of a gradual reduction in appliance that has been used for many years. It
the total amount of stages three and four sleep and holds the jaw forward in both the open and closed
an increase in the number of arousals and awaken- positions. It has the advantage of allowing jaw
ings during sleep. By age 60, less than 10% of noc- opening during sleep. The Herbst Appliance usually
turnal sleep is slow wave sleep, and there are holds the jaw open 75% of the patient’s maximal
greater amounts of wakefulness and an increasing protrusion and can be adjusted to allow further
tendency for daytime sleepiness after this age. protrusion if it initially is ineffective. Polysomno-
Pathological disturbances in sleep become more graphic studies have shown improvement in
common, such as obstructive or central apneas and obstructive sleep apnea indices in patients using
periodic limb movements. (See also ELDERLY AND this appliance.
SLEEP.) Mandibular Repositioner
Roffwarg, Howard P., Muzio, J.N. and Dement, William A device that primarily moves the mandible for-
C., “Ontogenetic Development of the Human Sleep- ward to prevent tongue occlusion of the posterior
Dream Cycle,” Science 152 (1966): 604–619. airway. A rigid mandibular positioner moves the
jaw forward 3 to 12 millimeters and has been
oral appliances Appliances that are indicated for shown to be effective in improving obstructive
use in patients with primary snoring or mild sleep apnea syndrome in several studies.
Nocturnal Airway Patency Appliance
not respond to or are not candidates for treatment (NAPA)
with behavioral measures such as weight loss or
A device that advances the mandible 6 millimeters
sleep-position change. Patients with moderate to
anteriorly and 9 millimeters inferiorly. It has an
severe OSAS should have an initial trial of nasal
oral breathing beak to prevent the lips from clos-
ing, and it stabilizes the mandible in both the hori-
because greater effectiveness has been shown with
zontal and vertical directions. The NAPA has been
this intervention than with the use of oral appli-
shown to be effective in obstructive sleep apnea
syndrome in a small number of studies and was
Oral appliances are indicated for patients with
granted marketing clearance by the U.S. Food and
moderate to severe OSAS who are intolerant of or
Drug Administration (FDA) for snoring and OSAS.
refuse treatment with nasal CPAP. Oral appliances
are also indicated for patients who refuse treatment Snore Guard
or are not candidates for TONSILLECTOMY AND ADE- An appliance that positions the mandible 3 mil-
NOIDECTOMY, craniofacial operations or TRA- limeters behind maximal protrusion and opens the
CHEOSTOMY. jaw 7 millimeters. It is easy to fit, covers the ante-
At least 37 different oral appliances have been rior teeth only and is soft and comfortable. Studies
developed to maintain airway patency during have shown improvement in snoring and obstruc-
sleep. They can be categorized into two groups: tive sleep apnea syndrome in most patients. It is
devices that hold the mandible anteriorly in rela- FDA-approved for snoring only.
tion to the maxilla, and devices that hold the
tongue in an anterior position. Commercially avail- Therasnore
able oral appliances include the following: Herbst A mandibular repositioner. It is one of the few
Appliance, Mandibular Repositioner, Nocturnal appliances that requires no laboratory construction
over-the-counter medications 159

and is easily fitted chairside from a boil-and-bite apnea syndrome. FDA approval has been obtained
blank. This appliance retains the mandible in a pro- for snoring and OSAS.
trusive position with pliable thermoplastic material
Bennett, L.S., Davies, R.J. and Stradling, J.R., “Oral
and affords the wearer limited jaw movement. Pro- Appliances for the Management of Snoring and
trusive adjustability is possible to a small degree. Obstructive Sleep Apnea,” Thorax 53, Suppl. 2
Data supporting the effectiveness of the Therasnore (1998): S58–S64.
is not yet published. FDA marketing clearance for
snoring has been granted. orexin See HYPOCRETIN.
PM Positioner
A mandibular repositioner that may be laboratory- orthopnea Term used for shortness of breath that
constructed from thermoplastic material allowing occurs in the recumbent position, not necessarily
for easy insertion and removal when warmed. It is associated with nocturnal sleep. (See also NOCTUR-
tooth-retained via friction grip and may be con- NAL DYSPNEA, OBESITY.)
structed with unique acrylic projections located in
the cervical areas of the posterior teeth to aid Oswald, Ian A recipient of degrees in medicine
retention. Protrusive adjustability is made quick, and experimental psychology from the University
easy and accurate by movement of two expansion of Cambridge, Dr. Oswald (1929– ) began sleep
screws located bilaterally in the buccal region. research in 1956, while he was in the Royal Air
When indicated, patients may self-adjust the appli- Force. From 1982 to 1989, Dr. Oswald was chair-
ance at home. Its unique positioning of the expan- man of the Department of Psychiatry of Edinburgh
sion screws affords lateral and vertical movement University in Scotland.
to the mandible. Data demonstrating effectiveness Dr. Oswald’s early sleep research included stud-
of the PM Positioner has not yet been published. ies of drowsiness caused by monotony, the effects
FDA marketing clearance is pending. of sleep deprivation, and auditory discrimination
Tongue Retaining Device (TRD) during sleep. Other areas of special interest to him
include the effects of hypnotic and antidepressant
An appliance that holds the tongue forward in
drugs on sleep and the restorative function of sleep.
sleep by means of a suction effect on the tongue.
The tongue fits into a bulge anteriorly. Lateral air- Oswald, Ian, with Kirstine Adam, Get a Better Night’s
way tubes can be added if necessary. The device has Sleep. London: Martin Dunitz, 1983.
been extensively studied with and without addi- Oswald, Ian, Sleeping and Waking. Amsterdam: Elsevier,
tional behavioral measures such as position train-
ing and is effective in many patients both for
snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It OTC See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
has been granted FDA marketing clearance for
snoring. over-the-counter medications Medications that
are available without a prescription. In sleep medi-
cine, the medications commonly available include
An appliance with a unique mechanical protrusive the sleep aids and the stimulants.
mechanism that permits the lower jaw to be moved Sleep aids for those with INSOMNIA include
forward in small steps of 0.25 millimeter until Goody’s PM Powder (Block), Sleepinal (Thompson
symptoms abate. It permits 1 to 3 millimeters of Medical), Sominex (Beecham Products) and Uni-
vertical and lateral movement, which allows som (Leeming).
patients to yawn, swallow or drink water while the
device is in place. Published studies have shown Goody’s PM Powder
significant reduction in APNEA-HYPOPNEA INDEX Each dose contains 500 milligrams acetaminophen
(AHI), an improvement in sleep quality and fewer and 38 milligrams diphenhydramine citrate. This
awakenings and arousals for obstructive sleep medicine is for temporary relief of occasional
160 overlap syndrome

headaches and minor aches and pains with accom- Unisom

panying sleeplessness. Unisom is a 25-milligram tablet of doxylamine suc-
Nytol cinate, which is an antihistamine with a sedative
effect. Because of the possible anticholinergic side
Nytol is composed of the antihistamine diphenhy-
effects of this antihistamine it should not be used
dramine hydrochloride in a 25-milligram tablet.
by persons with asthma, glaucoma or prostatic
This medicine can induce drowsiness and may
interact with other depressant drugs, including
alcohol. It should not be given to children under 12 The stimulants most commonly used for those
years of age. It has anticholinergic properties and is with EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS include NoDoz (Bristol
contraindicated if someone has asthma, glaucoma Myers) and Vivarin (Beecham Products).
or prostatic enlargement. Other possible side effects
NoDoz Maximum Strength Caplets
include dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea and
hypotension. A tablet with 200 milligrams of CAFFEINE, used to
counteract tiredness and sleepiness; often used by
Nytol Natural Tablets long-distance drivers. It can interact with such caf-
Each tablet contains equal parts ignatia amara 3X feine-containing beverages as coffee, tea or sodas
(St. Ignatius bean) and aconitum radix 6X (aconite and produce a greater level of stimulation. Caffeine
root). It is indicated for occasional treatment of may induce tachycardia, elevation of blood pres-
sleeplessness. sure and insomnia and may produce a drug depen-
dency sleep disorder.
Contains 50 milligrams of diphenhydramine Vivarin Alertness Aid Tablets
hydrochloride in a tablet form. This medication is a A tablet with 200 milligrams of caffeine, used to
help for difficulty in falling asleep. The diphenhy- improve daytime alertness and wakefulness. It may
dramine is an antihistamine with anticholinergic interact with such caffeine-containing beverages as
effects and should not be given to children under coffee, tea or sodas and may produce a greater level
the age of 12 years. of stimulation.
The anticholinergic effects can produce dry Caffeine may induce tachycardia, elevation of
mouth, dilated pupils and constipation, and the blood pressure, insomnia and drug dependency
medication is contraindicated in patients who have sleep disorders.
asthma, glaucoma or prostatic enlargement. Tinsley, J.A. and Watkins, D.D., “Over-the-Counter
Sominex Original Formula Stimulants: Abuse and Addiction,” Mayo Clinic Pro-
Nighttime Sleep Aid ceedings 73, no. 10 (1998): 977–982.

The pharmaceutical (Beecham Products) name for

a 25-milligram tablet of diphenhydramine overlap syndrome Term used for patients who
hydrochloride that has antihistamine and anti- have a combination of OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
cholinergic effects. Sominex is not recommended SYNDROME and CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY
for children under 12, and there may be drug inter- DISEASE. This combination of disorders produces a
actions with alcohol and other central nervous sys- more sustained degree of HYPOXEMIA during sleep
tem medications. and increases the risk of developing PULMONARY
HYPERTENSION and right-sided cardiac failure. Most
Tylenol PM patients with this syndrome present with typical
Sold in caplet, geltab or gelcap form, each dose features of obstructive sleep apnea, including
contains 500 milligrams acetaminophen plus 25 EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day and SNORING.
milligrams diphenhydramine. It is useful as a rem- Patients with the overlap syndrome may be more
edy for sleep onset difficulties, especially when susceptible to developing elevations of carbon
pain is a problem. dioxide levels following the administration of OXY-
oxygen 161

GEN during sleep. Following relief of the obstructive In infants, a transcutaneous partial pressure of
sleep apnea syndrome, REM sleep-related oxygen oxygen oximeter is used that gives a more stable
desaturation typical of chronic obstructive pul- assessment of the blood oxygen level. These
monary disease can require treatment by the oximeters are less liable to damage the sensitive
administration of oxygen. skin of infants compared with the probe of the
infrared oximeters, which can get quite hot. The
Flenley, D.C., “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”
in Kryger, M.H., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., infrared oximeter can give a pulse to pulse deter-
The Principles and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. mination of oxygen saturation according to each
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 601–610. heartbeat, whereas the transcutaneous oximeter
can give only a trend of oxygen change, which
owl and lark questionnaire Survey developed in requires several minutes for equilibration.
1977 by JAMES HORNE and Olov Ostberg to deter-
mine morning or evening activity preference. This oxycodone See NARCOTICS.
questionnaire determines the time of day that indi-
viduals are most active, least active or sleeping. oxygen Oxygen is an effective treatment for
Individuals who are alert until late evening, and do some SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS associ-
not arise early in the morning, are termed owls, ated with HYPOXEMIA. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PUL-
whereas those who are early to bed and awaken MONARY DISEASE, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
early in the morning are termed larks. There is a SYNDROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME and
range of preference for morning or evening ten- CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME are
dency, and the most extreme forms of evening ten- disorders where the nocturnal use of oxygen may
dency are seen in patients who have the DELAYED be indicated.
SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME. Conversely, the most Studies of patients with chronic obstructive pul-
extreme form of a tendency to being a morning monary disease have demonstrated that 15 hours
person is seen in someone who has the ADVANCED of oxygen therapy at 3 liters per minute adminis-
SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHM tered by nasal prongs is associated with improved
SLEEP DISORDERS, PHASE RESPONSE CURVE.) survival. However, similar levels of oxygen given to
patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
oximetry The measurement of oxygen levels that have produced prolonged apneic episodes during
reflects the oxygen presence in the blood. Two sleep with elevations of carbon dioxide. Low-flow
forms of oximetry are commonly used, the pre- oxygen at approximately 0.5 or 1 liter per minute,
dominant form being an infrared oximeter that however, can be useful for some patients with sleep
measures the oxygen saturation of the capillaries apnea. But the reports are variable, and in some
by infrared light waves. Typically, an infrared studies oxygen has not been beneficial; therefore it
oximeter has a probe that attaches to a patient’s ear should initially be administered under polysomno-
and the infrared light shines through the tissues graphic control.
and gives an estimation of the oxygen saturation. Some patients with obstructive sleep apnea
Such oximeters are most accurate for oxygen satu- treated by CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE
ration levels greater than 50%. They are routinely (CPAP) may still have sleep-related hypoventilation
used during POLYSOMNOGRAPHY to determine oxy- that is not caused by UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION.
gen saturation values in patients who have respira- The administration of oxygen through the CPAP
tory disturbance, such as patients with OBSTRUCTIVE mask may be an effective way of dealing with this
pacemaker In sleep medicine, this term is often chological and environmental factors, such as hos-
used to denote a group of neurons responsible for pitalization, probably add to the sleep disturbance
maintaining a biological rhythm. Most often it is for this group. In a study of patients with chronic
used for the circadian pacemaker, a term used to pain compared with a group of patients with
refer to the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS, which insomnia of psychiatric cause, the insomnia
determines the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, patients had more sleep disturbance than the
or rest and activity in animals. Many pacemakers patients with chronic pain.
are present in the body for the timing of different Several disorders have sleep complaints that may
rhythms, such as cardiac rhythm or the control of have a basis in pain. Patients with rheumatoid
the MENSTRUAL CYCLE. Some pacemakers are arthritis have frequent awakenings and disturbed
believed to be a subtle network of cells, such as the sleep; however, sleep is usually not greatly dis-
system that may be responsible for the circadian turbed unless there is an acute exacerbation of the
rhythm of body TEMPERATURE. arthritis. Patients with FIBROSITIS SYNDROME com-
The term pacemaker is used in cardiology for an plain of NONRESTORATIVE SLEEP, which is predomi-
artificial device that maintains cardiac rhythm. A nantly a complaint upon awakening. Polysomno-
cardiac pacemaker may be required for certain graphic studies show the presence of ALPHA ACTIVITY
sleep disorders, such as REM SLEEP-RELATED SINUS throughout the sleep recording of these patients.
ARREST, which may induce a fatal episode of sinus Tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS can be useful for treat-
arrest. Sometimes patients with bradycardia occur- ing pain and also for the sleep disruption and alpha
ring during sleep, due to the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP sleep seen in patients with fibrositis syndrome. HYP-
APNEA SYNDROME, have a pacemaker inserted as a NOTICS can be useful in improving the quality of
temporary measure. Treatment of the obstructive sleep of the patient in acute pain, such as is seen
sleep apnea syndrome will reverse the bradycardia postoperatively.
and episodes of sinus arrest associated with the
syndrome. However, when investigative facilities panic disorder A psychiatric condition character-
for obstructive apnea are unavailable or where ized by discrete episodes of intense fear that occur
treatment cannot be immediately initiated, a tem- unexpectedly and without any specific precipita-
porary pacemaker may be necessary. A permanent tion. Panic disorder can occur during sleep and is
pacemaker usually is not required for cardiac associated with a sudden awakening with intense
ARRHYTHMIAS due to obstructive sleep apnea syn- fear. A number of somatic symptoms occur with
drome. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, CIRCADIAN panic disorder, including shortness of breath, dizzi-
TIMING SYSTEM, NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.) ness, palpitations, trembling, sweating, choking,
chest discomfort, numbness and a fear of dying.
pain Pain is commonly thought to be a major Panic attacks can be associated with the symptoms
cause of sleep disturbance; however, research stud- of agoraphobia, in which there is a fear of being in
ies have shown that most patients with chronic certain places or situations. For example, an indi-
pain do not have complaints regarding sleep. Acute vidual may have the feeling of needing to escape
pain is associated with sleep disturbance, but psy- when outside of the home alone, in wide open

parasomnia 163

spaces, in a crowd or traveling in a vehicle. Most Ballinger, J.C., “Pharmacotherapy of Panic Attacks,”
panic attacks occur during the daytime and only Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 47 (1986): 27–32.
rarely do panic attacks occur during sleep.
A panic episode that occurs during sleep is char- paradoxical sleep See RAPID EYE MOVEMENT SLEEP.
acterized by a sudden awakening during NON-REM-
STAGE SLEEP, particularly stage two sleep (see SLEEP
STAGES), with a feeling of intense fear of dying.
paradoxical techniques Procedures commonly
Other somatic symptoms may be present. used for the treatment of INSOMNIA. These tech-
The panic disorders are most commonly seen in niques involve instituting wakeful activity, such as
young adults. There may be a prior history of child- reading, writing or watching television, whenever
hood separation anxiety, and the disorder tends to the patient is unable to sleep. The premise is that
run in families; it is more common in females. by trying to remain awake sleep will occur natu-
The cause of panic disorder is unknown; how- rally. (Very often sleep disturbance may be due to
ever, infusions of lactate can precipitate episodes in the strong attempts made to fall asleep.) The
susceptible individuals. patient undergoing a paradoxical technique of try-
Panic disorder needs to be differentiated from ing to remain awake, by diverting the attention
anxiety disorder, in which anxiety is generalized away from sleep, allows sleep to occur more
and less focused on a specific situation or place. rapidly. (See also AUTOGENIC TRAINING, BEHAVIORAL
Panic disorder also has to be distinguished from TREATMENT OF INSOMNIA, BIOFEEDBACK, COGNITIVE
three/four sleep and are heralded by a loud scream. CONTROL THERAPY, SYSTEMIC DESENSITIZATION.)
Patients with sleep terror episodes are confused or
disoriented compared with patients with panic dis- parasomnia Term used for the disorders of
orders, who are more typically aware of their sur- arousal, partial arousal and sleep stage transition. A
roundings. Agoraphobia is also not a feature of parasomnia represents an episodic disorder in
patients who have sleep terror episodes. The SLEEP sleep, such as SLEEPWALKING, rather than a disorder
CHOKING SYNDROME has some features that are sim- of sleep or wakefulness per se. The parasomnias
ilar to panic disorder; however, the focus of the may be induced or exacerbated by sleep but do not
anxiety is on the symptom of choking that occurs produce a primary complaint of INSOMNIA or EXCES-
during sleep, and agoraphobia is not present, nor SIVE SLEEPINESS. According to the INTERNATIONAL
are daytime panic attacks. CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP DISORDERS, the parasomnias
In addition to discrete episodes of panic occur- are divided into four groups: the first, the disorders
ring during sleep, patients with panic disorders of arousal, comprises sleepwalking, SLEEP TERRORS
may have other features of difficulty in initiating and CONFUSIONAL AROUSALS; the second, the sleep-
and maintaining sleep, and they demonstrate a wake transition disorders, comprises SLEEP STARTS,
prolonged sleep latency and frequent awakenings SLEEP TALKING, NOCTURNAL LEG CRAMPS and RHYTH-
with reduced total sleep time on polysomno- MIC MOVEMENT DISORDERS; the third, a group usu-
graphic investigation. The sleep disturbance ally associated with REM sleep, consists of
appears to parallel the course of the underlying NIGHTMARES, SLEEP PARALYSIS, IMPAIRED SLEEP-
Treatment of panic disorder is mainly pharma- ERECTIONS, REM SLEEP-RELATED SINUS ARREST and
cological. Alprazolam (see BENZODIAZEPINES) has REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER; and the fourth group
been demonstrated to be effective in suppressing of other parasomnias includes SLEEP BRUXISM, PRI-
ers have also been reported as being effective. ABNORMAL SWALLOWING SYNDROME, NOCTURNAL
Raj, A. and Sheehan, D.V., “Medical Evaluations of PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA, SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED NOC-
Panic Attacks,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 48 (1987): TURNAL DEATH SYNDROME and BENIGN NEONATAL
164 Parkinsonism

The parasomnias comprise those disorders that Patients with Parkinsonism, particularly those
are regarded as primary or major sleep disorders with the Shy-Drager syndrome, can have respira-
and do not comprise the occurrence of medical or tory disorders during sleep to the extent that the
psychiatric events during sleep that otherwise OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL
might not cause a complaint of insomnia or exces- SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME is present.
sive sleepiness. Such disorders, for example, the The medications used to treat Parkinson’s dis-
tremor of Parkinson’s disease, are not included in ease can also play a part in disturbing sleep-wake
the section entitled “parasomnias.” patterns. Medications primarily involve the use of
levodopa, which can decrease nighttime sleep and
Schenck, C.H. and Mahowald, M.W., “A Parasomnia
Overlap Disorder Involving Sleepwalking, Sleep Ter- exacerbate abnormal movement activity during
rors, and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder in 33 sleep. However, treatment of Parkinson’s disease is
Polysomnographically Confirmed Cases,” Sleep 20, essential to maintain mobility, full alertness and
no. 11 (1997): 972–981. activity during the daytime and restfulness at night.
Wise, M.S., “Parasomnias in Children,” Pediatric Annals SLEEP HYGIENE measures are essential to reinforce a
26, no. 7 (1997): 427–433. good sleep-wake cycle.
Polysomnographic monitoring may demonstrate
Parkinsonism Group of neurological disorders many features of disrupted sleep, including sleep
characterized by muscular rigidity, slowness of fragmentation with increased numbers of awaken-
movements and tremulousness. The term is ings and arousals, and prolonged wakefulness dur-
derived from the most well-known neurological ing the night with a reduced amount of REM sleep.
disorder that produces these symptoms, Parkin- Sometimes there is a reduced amount of stage
son’s disease. Associated with the neurological dis- three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). Tremulousness
orders are sleep complaints, typically INSOMNIA. occurs during wakefulness but usually disappears
Patients often have difficulty in maintaining both a during sleep; however, it can reappear during brief
regular sleep pattern and a full period of wakeful- arousals and episodes of awakening during the
ness during the daytime. In addition, there may be night. Sometimes patients can have abnormal
specific complaints related to the lack of body movements such as myoclonic jerks or PERIODIC LEG
movement that occurs during sleep, such as the MOVEMENTS that occur during sleep, and there can
inability to arise to go to the bathroom or the also be tonic contractions of the muscles. Disrup-
inability to turn over in bed. Muscular disorders, tion of REM sleep with frequent arousals, and fea-
such as leg cramping or jerking of the limbs, can tures of REM sleep occurring during other sleep
also occur during sleep. Vivid dreams and NIGHT- stages, is commonly seen. The presence of exces-
MARES, and REM sleep behaviors, may occur in sive dreaming and nightmares may lead to abnor-
patients with Parkinsonism. mal movement activities and behaviors during
Parkinson’s disease affects up to 20% of the pop- REM sleep. SLEEP SPINDLE activity is generally
ulation over 60 years of age. The disorder is associ- reduced in patients with Parkinsonism.
ated with loss of the dopamine cells of the brain, Episodes of hypoventilation with central or
particularly of the substantia nigra. Neurotransmit- obstructive apneas are occasionally seen in patients
ter abnormalities are present, particularly of with Parkinsonism but are more common in
dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which patients who have the Shy-Drager form.
may contribute to the sleep disturbance. Treatment of Parkinsonism is primarily through
The disruption of nighttime sleep can often lead the use of levodopa or dopaminergic medications
to increased sleepiness during the daytime. It is such as pramipexole or ropinerole. Other medica-
unclear whether the daytime sleepiness is primar- tions include anticholinergics, amantadine and
ily the result of impaired nighttime sleep or bromocriptine. The treatment of the sleep distur-
whether it is an affect of degenerative neurological bance involves good sleep hygiene and appropriate
systems responsible for maintaining a regular usage of the anti-Parkinsonism medications. Some-
sleep-wake pattern. times daytime STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, such as
peptic ulcer disease 165

pemoline, methylphenidate or dextroampheta- term for the destruction of cells), thereby releasing
mine, can be useful; however, the benefits are hemoglobin into the blood and predisposing the
often only temporary. The nighttime sleep may be individual to venous thrombosis (blood clot). The
helped by short-acting benzodiazepine hypnotics, thrombosis is a common cause of death in patients
and sometimes low doses of the sedative tricyclic who are severely affected by paroxysmal nocturnal
antidepressant amitriptyline. hemoglobinuria.
The disorder is diagnosed by either the acid
Nausieda, P.A., “Sleep Disorders.” in Koller, W.C., Hand-
book of Parkinson’s Disease. New York: Marcel Dekker, hemolysis test or the sucrose lysis test. The pres-
1987. ence of low leucocyte alkaline phosphatase and
Lowe, A.D., “Sleep in Parkinson’s Disease,” Journal of low red blood cell counts are other features of diag-
Psychosomatic Research 44, no. 6 (1998): 613–617. nostic significance.
The association between hemolysis and sleep is
somewhat tenuous. The increased hemolysis is
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Term referring to
often first noticed when awakening in the morning.
recurrent episodes of shortness of breath that occur
Sometimes referred to as sleep-related hemoly-
when an individual lies in the recumbent position,
sis, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is the
typically during nocturnal sleep. This condition
preferred term.
occurs in individuals with heart failure in whom
the ventricular dysfunction causes an increase in Hansen, N.E., “Sleep Related Plasma Hemoglobin Levels
the pulmonary venous pressure, thereby allowing in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria,” Acta Med-
fluid to pass from the blood vessels into the alveoli ical Scandinavia 184 (1968): 547–549.
of the lung, impairing respiratory gas exchange.
Upon assuming the sitting or standing position, the pavor nocturnus Term derived from the Latin
fluid is cleared from the lungs, and the shortness of pavor, for terror, and nocturnus, meaning at night;
breath diminishes. Individuals who suffer from refers to night terrors. The term SLEEP TERRORS is
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea require several pil- now commonly used because it specifies that
lows in order to be able to assume a semi-reclining episodes occur out of sleep.
position during sleep. In such a position, the accu-
mulation of fluid in the lungs is reduced and sleep pemoline See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS.
may occur with fewer disturbances. The term
ORTHOPNEA is also used for shortness of breath that
penile erections during sleep See ERECTIONS DU-
occurs in the recumbent position but is not neces-
sarily associated with nocturnal sleep. (See also
peptic ulcer disease This disease can awaken
individuals at night because of a pain or discomfort
paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia See NOCTURNAL
present in the abdomen. Spontaneous pain occurs
during sleep that is typically a dull, steady ache,
usually within one to four hours after sleep onset.
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) The pain can produce arousals and awakenings
An acquired chronic hemolytic anemia that is char- during sleep that lead to a complaint of INSOMNIA.
acterized by intravascular hemolysis, which is Peptic ulcer disease can be associated with SLEEP-
exacerbated during sleep and results in hemoglo- RELATED GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX with acid indi-
binuria (blood in the urine). gestion, HEARTBURN, and a sour, acid taste in the
The primary abnormality is an abnormal sensi- mouth. The pain of peptic ulcer disease often radi-
tivity of the red blood cells to complement (a med- ates to the chest or back. There is typically a hunger-
ical term for a substance produced by a certain type like sensation, often with nausea, and there may be
of cell that is involved in the breakdown of other a cramping discomfort. The pain becomes intense
blood cells). The red cells undergo lysis (a medical and constant if perforation of the ulcer occurs.
166 periodic breathing

There are hereditary factors involved in the causes a cessation of breathing, thereby allowing a
cause of peptic ulceration. Individuals whose rela- low carbon dioxide level to return to normal.
tives have peptic ulcers have an increased likeli- HYPOXEMIA or HYPERCAPNIA produces respiratory
hood of developing peptic ulcers; cigarette smoking stimulation with an increased depth and rate of
is associated with a greater risk of developing duo- breathing, which causes a lowering of the carbon
denal ulceration. Drug ingestion of anti-inflamma- dioxide level and an elevation of the blood oxygen
tory agents is also associated with a greater chance level. These changes lead to a reduction of respira-
of developing peptic ulceration. tory drive, thereby producing the oscillations of
Duodenal ulceration is most common at about ventilation. (See also ALTITUDE INSOMNIA, CHEYNE-
20 years of age whereas gastric ulcer peaks STOKES RESPIRATION, INFANT SLEEP APNEA.)
between 50 and 60 years of age. There is an in-
creased male predominance of peptic ulceration, periodic hypersomnia See RECURRENT HYPER-
with a male to female ratio of 2.5 to 1. SOMNIA.
Polysomnography demonstrates an awakening
that occurs just prior to the sensation of abdominal
discomfort. Confirmation of the peptic ulcer dis- periodic leg movements This term is synony-
ease is usually made by the demonstration of an mous with periodic limb movements, nocturnal
ulcer by radiological or endoscopic studies. myoclonus and periodic movements of sleep. It
Treatment of peptic ulcer disease is by reduction refers to periodic leg movements that occur with a
of gastric acid secretion and by such medications as stereotyped pattern of 0.5 to 5 seconds duration in
rantidine (Zantac) or cimetidine (Tagamet). (See one or both legs. The movement is typically a rapid
also ESOPHAGEAL PH MONITORING.) partial flexion of the foot at the ankle, extension of
the big toe and partial flexion of the knee and hip.
periodic breathing A breathing pattern that con-
sists of shallow episodes alternating with an periodic limb movement disorder A disorder of
increased depth of breathing. This can be seen at recurrent episodes of leg movements that occur
any age and commonly is seen in infants with during sleep that can be associated with a com-
breathing disorders (see INFANT SLEEP DISORDERS). It plaint of either INSOMNIA or EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS.
is also a typical pattern of the SLEEP-RELATED BREATH- Episodes of leg movements may be infrequent dur-
ING DISORDERS, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA ing sleep or may occur up to several thousand
SYNDROME or CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. The times during a typical sleep episode.
periodicity of the breathing may induce a slight The leg movements are of short duration, lasting
reduction in central respiratory drive that allows 0.5 to 5 seconds, and recur repetitively at intervals
the upper airway to collapse, thereby exacerbating of approximately 20 to 40 seconds. The movements
or inducing an obstructive apneic event. can occur in either leg or both simultaneously or
Periodic breathing is seen in normal, healthy asynchronously. The episodes typically occur in
individuals at high altitudes due to the low level of non-REM sleep and are usually absent during REM
inspired oxygen. This pattern of breathing is usu- sleep. Often they cluster throughout the night so
ally relieved by the administration of oxygen or by that there may be a run of 50 movements followed
treatment with medications such as acetazolamide. by uninterrupted sleep before a second or even a
A periodic pattern of breathing was first third cluster of movements.
described by Cheyne and Stokes in patients with Patients with periodic limb movement disorder
cardiac disease. It is a pattern of breathing that present with the complaint of being unrested upon
commonly occurs during non-REM sleep; it is awakening in the morning. There may be tiredness
believed to be produced by either an increased cir- and fatigue during the day and there may be fre-
culation time or intracerebral disease. quent awakenings during the major sleep episode.
Periodic breathing is produced by alteration in Typically this disorder has been present for many
the blood carbon dioxide and oxygen levels, which years, often having been present since childhood. If
pharynx 167

the frequency of the episodes is sufficient to cause fication of Sleep Disorders that was published in the
severe disruption of the nocturnal sleep episode journal SLEEP in 1979. The simpler term, PSYCHO-
then daytime sleepiness may result. Usually this PHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA, is the preferred term for
sleepiness is somewhat vague and nonspecific at the persistent type of psychophysiological insom-
the onset but may become more severe with the nia. (See also ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER.)
increasing duration of the disorder.
People with the RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME will PGO spikes PGO is an acronym for pontogenicu-
typically have periodic limb movement disorder looccipital spikes, which are generated from the
during sleep. The episodes of limb movements can
pons immediately prior to the onset of REM sleep.
be exacerbated by metabolic disorders, such as
They are rapidly conducted through the lateral
chronic uremia or hepatic disease. Medications,
geniculate body to the occipital cortex. PGO spikes
such as the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS, can aggra-
appear to be produced by cells in the pons that
vate this disorder and the withdrawal of central
have been called PGO “on” neurons. The spikes are
nervous system depressants, such as the HYPNOTICS,
associated with the development of phasic activity
during REM sleep, such as rapid eye movements,
erbate it.
and may be elicited by sensory stimulation, such as
Typically the patient is unaware of the leg move-
sound or touch.
ments, because they occur only during sleep;
Various explanations have been offered for the
polysomnographic documentation may be required
function of PGO spikes. It has been suggested that
to establish the presence of the disorder. The leg
PGO spikes may be involved in alertness during
movements are often associated with upper limb
REM sleep, general brain stimulation during REM
movements and hence the term periodic limb
sleep to enhance learning and memory, and may
movement disorder is preferred over such terms as
be important in the production of dream imagery
periodic leg movements in sleep.
during sleep. (See also DREAMS.)
Treatment may be by means of medications that
suppress the arousals related to the movements or
the use of the newer dopaminergic agents such as pharynx Derived from the Greek for “the throat”;
pramipexole. refers to the musculo-membranous passage among
the mouth, posterior nares and the larynx and the
Coleman, Richard, “Periodic Movements in Sleep (Noc-
turnal Myoclonus) and Restless Leg Syndrome,” in
esophagus. The pharynx is often divided into the
Guilleminault, Christian, ed., Sleeping and Waking Dis- portion above the level of the soft palate, which is
orders: Indications and Techniques. Menlo Park, Califor- called the nasopharynx, a lower portion between
nia: Addison-Wesley, 1982. pp. 265–295. the soft palate and the epiglottis, called the
oropharynx, and the hypopharynx, which lies
below the tip of the epiglottis and opens into the
periodic movements of sleep See PERIODIC LEG
larynx and esophagus. It has been suggested that
the portion of the pharynx that lies behind the soft
palate be called the velopharynx.
period length The interval between recurrences The pharynx is the prime site of obstruction in
of a particular phase of a biological rhythm. It can patients who have the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
be measured from peak to peak, or trough (low SYNDROME. Evaluation of the pharynx may involve
point) to trough, or at some other recurring point FIBEROPTIC ENDOSCOPY of the upper airway or
of the rhythm. The period length of the sleep-wake CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHS.
cycle is typically 24 hours. (See also CHRONOBIOL- Most patients with obstructive sleep apnea syn-
OGY, CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.) drome have obstruction at the level of the soft
palate caused by an elongated soft palate and nar-
persistent psychophysiological insomnia This rowing of the air passage at that level. Patients with
term was first presented in the Diagnostic Classi- obstruction of the pharynx at the soft palate level
168 phase advance

may be suitable for the UVULOPALATOPHARYNGO- phase transition This term is used to specify one
PLASTY procedure for the relief of SNORING and the of the two junctures between the major sleep
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Commonly the episode and the major portion of wakefulness in
obstruction in the airway is at the oropharyngeal or the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle.
hypopharyngeal level, in which case procedures to
bring the tongue forward, such as HYOID MYOTOMY
phasic event A brain muscle or autonomic event
or mandibular advancement surgery, may be help-
of an episodic or fluctuating nature that occurs
ful. Mechanical devices, including the TONGUE
during a sleep episode. Such a phasic event is seen
RETAINING DEVICE, or other dental appliances, such
during REM sleep and can comprise muscle
as the EQUALIZER, can be useful in maintaining a
twitches or the rapid eye movements. Usually, pha-
patent posterior pharyngeal airway in some
sic events have a duration that is measured in
patients. A more effective means is by the use of a
terms of milliseconds, and they last one to two sec-
onds at the most.
which applies a positive air pressure to the poste-
rior pharynx, thereby preventing the collapse of
the pharyngeal tissue. Phillipson, Eliot A. Born in Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, Dr. Phillipson received his doctor of medi-
cine degree, with distinction, from the University
phase advance A chronobiological term applied
of Alberta in 1963. Dr. Phillipson (1939– ), who
to an advancement of a rhythm in relationship to
is now a professor in the Department of Medicine
another variable, most commonly clock time. (See
of the University of Toronto, contributed to sleep
physiology by conducting the first systematic study
of the regulation of respiration during non-REM
phase delay The delay of a rhythm in relation to and REM sleep, and by demonstrating fundamen-
another variable, usually clock time. (See also tal differences in respiratory regulation between
PHASE RESPONSE CURVE, PHASE SHIFT.) the two sleep stages. His 1977 paper on ventilatory
and arousal responses to CO2 in sleeping dogs
phase response curve A plot of the change in the demonstrated the powerful overriding effect of
phase shift as a response to a stimulus given at dif- REM sleep on the metabolic respiratory control
ferent points of a biological cycle. The phase response system. Phillipson’s 1978 paper, with C.E. Sullivan
curve demonstrates an animal’s ability to advance et al., demonstrated the critical dependence of
or delay a particular rhythm, most commonly the breathing on the metabolic respiratory control sys-
rest activity or the sleep-wake cycle. (Although a tem during slow-wave sleep.
phase response curve has not yet been documented Phillipson, Eliot A. et al., “Ventilatory and Waking
in humans, there is evidence that a phase change of Responses to CO2 in Sleeping Dogs,” American Review
the sleep-wake cycle can be accomplished by altering of Respiratory Disease 115 (1977): 251–259.
the timing of exposure to bright light.) Sullivan, C.E. et al., “Primary Role of Respiratory Affer-
The phase response curve demonstrates that ents in Sustaining Breathing Rhythm,” Journal of
phase delays occur when the light stimulus is pre- Applied Physiology 45 (1978): 11–17.
sented early in the night, whereas phase advance
shifts occur when the stimulus is presented late in pH monitoring Technique used to evaluate the
the night; and little or no phase response shift acidity of esophageal contents in order to deter-
occurs when the stimulus is presented during the mine if gastroesophageal reflux has occurred. A pH
day portion of the light-dark cycle. (See also PHASE probe is usually placed through the nose approxi-
SHIFT, LIGHT THERAPY.) mately 5 centimeters above the esophageal sphinc-
ter. Esophageal pH is generally 7.0 and the reflux is
phase shift A displacement of a rhythm in rela- associated with drop in the pH of the distal esoph-
tionship to some other variable, usually clock time. agus below the level of 4.0. Following a drop in the
Pickwickian syndrome 169

pH, clearance of the acid in the esophageal sphinc- nization of the electroencephalogram and a reduc-
ter is associated with a rise to a pH of 5 or greater. tion in muscle tone. Suggestive of REM SLEEP, this
PH monitoring is usually performed over a 24- type of sleep is differentiated from the slow activity
hour period or over the sleep episode to determine that is more pronounced in mammals.
whether gastroesophageal reflux occurs in associa- On the evolutionary scale, slow wave sleep
tion with sleep or daytime activities. Esophageal appears to have arisen about 200 million years ago,
reflux can be the cause of esophageal disorders, and paradoxical sleep approximately 50 million
such as esophagitis, or sleep-related disorders, such years later.
as respiratory distress during sleep. (See also SLEEP- This evolution of sleep correlates with the
RELATED LARYNGOSPASM, SLEEP-RELATED GASTROE- degree of development of overall cerebral electrical
SOPHAGEAL REFLUX, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA activity and the level of development of the higher
SYNDROME.) regions of the brain. The evolution of the thalamo-
cortical system is of particular importance in the
development of sleep. This system first began in
photoperiod The duration of light in a light-dark
amphibians, became more specialized in reptiles,
cycle. Usually the photoperiod lasts approximately
and is most clearly developed in mammals. The
12 hours; however, in environments where dark-
development of mammalian sleep is clearly related
ness does not occur until 10 P.M. and sunrise occurs
to the development of the thalamo-cortical path-
at 4 A.M., the photoperiod will be 18 hours in dura-
ways. The development of REM sleep appears to
tion. In the extreme polar regions, the photoperiod
arise from the early forms of activated sleep.
may last 24 hours when there is continuous light.
The photoperiod is often varied during experi-
mental studies of the effects of light upon animals, Pickwickian syndrome Term applied to individu-
and so the portion of light to dark is varied. als who are overweight, with ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTI-
LATION, an elevated carbon dioxide level and
An abnormal photoperiod may be a factor in
producing sleep disturbance, and some CIRCADIAN abnormally low oxygen level in the blood, and,
most commonly, to patients who have severe
PHASE SYNDROME, may be induced by an abnormal
during the daytime, are loud snorers, obese and
photoperiod in the Arctic or Antarctic regions.
have impairment of daytime blood gases. The term
was derived from the description of Joe the fat boy
phylogeny The evolution or development of a in The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, pub-
plant or animal. The phylogeny of sleep is based on lished on March 31, 1836. Charles Dickens mod-
studies of the evolutionary physiology of vertebrate eled his description of the sleepy boy upon
sleep, which have revealed three distinct phyloge- someone who very clearly had all the typical fea-
netic stages. The first type of sleep, which is found tures of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
in fish and amphibians, is termed “primary sleep” Although the term Pickwickian syndrome had
and comprises different sleep-like forms of rest. been used prior to the 1950s, it was brought to
This type of sleep appears to be a non-differenti- more general attention in a paper published in
ated form compared to the sleep patterns found in 1956 by Burwell et al. The term may apply to dis-
higher vertebrates. An “intermediate sleep” form is orders of impaired respiration during sleep other
found in reptiles and is characterized by activated than obstructive sleep apnea, and it frequently is
and nonactivated stages, which divide sleep into used to describe people who have right-sided heart
two distinct phases. Nonactivated sleep has a more failure in association with the other typical fea-
pronounced, synchronized, electrical cerebral tures.
activity, with features that are indicative of SLOW It is preferable to use more specific terms than
WAVE SLEEP. Pickwickian syndrome to describe patients who
The third type of sleep, a “paradoxical phase of have sleep disorders characterized by OBESITY,
sleep” seen in birds, is characterized by desynchro- hypersomnolence, snoring and alveolar hypoventi-
170 pineal gland

lation, such as the obstructive sleep apnea syn- cannot be taken to mean that the patient has either
drome or CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYN- a “psychogenic” or “real” symptom. (See also MED-

Kryger, M.H., “Fat, Sleep, and Charles Dickens,” Clinics

and Chest Medicine 6 (1985): 555–562. Placidyl (ethchlorvynol) See HYPNOTICS.
Dickens, Charles, The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick
Club. London: Chapman and Hall, published in serial plethysmograph A biomedical instrument used
form, 1836–1837.
for measuring changes in the volume of an organ
or a part of the body. Plethysmography is used in
pineal gland A small, pea-sized protuberance sit- SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE for determining changes
uated at the back of the brain above the brain stem. in chest and abdominal volume and in the mea-
Rene Descartes in the 17th century regarded the surement of changes in TUMESCENCE (swelling) of
pineal as the seat of the soul. The pineal gland is the penis during sleep.
markedly influenced by light because its primary Plethysmography is most commonly performed
hormone, MELATONIN, is released at night and is for the determination of SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
suppressed during the day. The circadian pattern of DISORDERS by means of an inductive plethys-
melatonin levels peaks between 1 A.M. and 5 A.M. mograph. Loops of insulated wire are placed
and is maximal around the time of puberty. Mela- around the rib cage and abdomen and connected
tonin is an important hormone in the regulation of to a transducer so that changes in impedance of
circadian rhythms. It also appears to be important the wire bands reflect changes in the volume of
in the control of reproduction and in normal sex- the chest or abdomen. Typically, an increasing
ual development. lung volume is associated with a reduction in
The pineal gland is innervated (nerve fibers go abdominal volume. However, if UPPER AIRWAY
to the gland) by sympathetic fibers that arise in the OBSTRUCTION occurs, there is a reduction of lung
superior cervical ganglion of the neck. Light volume, with an increase in abdominal volume
impulses from the retina pass through the due to the diaphragm action. This paradoxical
SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS of the hypothalamus. pattern of respiration is indicative of obstructive
Pathways extend from the suprachiasmatic nucleus sleep apneic episodes, whereas a reduction of
to the spinal cord and innervate the superior cervi- activity of both bands is representative of central
cal ganglion and from there pass to the pineal apneic episodes.
gland. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS.) Mercury-filled STRAIN GAUGES are placed around
the penis in order to detect changes in the volume
placebo A sham or false treatment that most of the penis during sleep. Usually a strain gauge is
commonly is in the form of a tablet with no effec- placed around the base of the penis and another at
tive ingredient, used for either the psychological the tip. During REM sleep all healthy males will
effects or for control purposes in research studies. have penile erections and the measurement of the
The term is derived from the Latin, meaning “I will size of the penile erection by plethysmography
please.” gives an indication as to whether the patient has
A placebo is also known as a “dummy medica- the physiological capability of attaining normal
tion.” The placebo response depends upon the erections in sleep (which helps to assess if impo-
patient-physician relationship, with the sense of tence is of a physiological or psychiatric cause).
being helped by the physician an essential element Respitrace is the trade name for an inductive
to its effectiveness. The effects of a placebo are most plethysmograph that is capable of measuring
commonly experienced as changes in mood or changes in volume of the chest and abdomen to
other subjective feelings. The response can be determine ventilation. (See also CENTRAL SLEEP
either positive or negative, depending upon the APNEA SYNDROME, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
desired effect. Usually the response to a placebo DROME, SLEEP-RELATED PENILE ERECTIONS.)
polysomnography 171

poliomyelitis A viral infection that affects the measures include intraesophageal pressure, intra-
nerves that innervate skeletal muscles. This disor- esophageal pH changes, end-tidal carbon dioxide
der can affect the nerves within the brain stem or values and penile tumescence.
spinal cord, and as a result there can be wasting The polysomnogram is the recording upon
and atrophy of the muscles, leading to severe which sleep disorder specialists rely in order to
weakness or paralysis. Patients with severe obtain objective documentation of a patient’s phys-
poliomyelitis may have the inability to sustain res- iological status during sleep. It typically consists of
piratory movements on their own and therefore a paper tracing, approximately 1,000 pages long.
require assisted VENTILATION, particularly during However, it may be recorded on magnetic tape or
sleep. The late effect of poliomyelitis may produce on a computer disc.
worsening of the muscle strength many years after The polysomnogram is scored in a standard
the initial infective insult, and a picture of progres- manner according to epochs of 20 or 30 seconds in
sive ventilatory deterioration may be seen. Patients duration, and sleep is scored by the Alan Recht-
can present with increasing daytime sleepiness due schaffen and Anthony Kales method. (See also
to impairment of respiration during sleep, which POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS.)
leads to fragmented sleep with blood gas changes Rechtschaffen, Alan and Kales, Anthony, A Manual of
characterized by oxygen desaturation at night. In Standardized Terminology, Techniques, and Scoring System
such cases, assisted ventilation during sleep may be for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. Los Angeles: Brain
necessary, and if daytime ventilation is impaired, Information Service, 1968.
assisted ventilation 24 hours a day may be indi-
cated. (See also CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, polysomnography Studies of sleep require the
measurement of several physiological variables,
including activity of the brain, the eyes and the
polycythemia An increase in the size of the red muscles. Sleep is typically recorded on an elec-
blood cell mass of the blood. Polycythemia is occa- troencephalograph machine, which has the ability
sionally seen in patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP of measuring not only the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
APNEA SYNDROME, particularly when associated (EEG) but also the electromyographic (EMG) (see
with chronic obstructive lung disease (the OVERLAP ELECTROMYOGRAM) activity and electrooculography
SYNDROME), which produces a more constant level (EOG) (see ELECTRO-OCULOGRAM). The EEG records
of HYPOXEMIA. Approximately 7% of patients pre- the brain activity, the EMG records the muscle
senting with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are activity and the EOG monitors eye movements.
found to have polycythemia. The chronic hypox- The electroencephalogram electrodes are placed
emia stimulates the red blood cell marrow to on the scalp in the routine manner; however, only
increase the number of red cells so that the oxy- a few electrodes are required. For reporting sleep,
gen-carrying capacity of the blood is increased. an electrode is centrally placed on the head (in the
Treatment of the sleep-related hypoxemia leads to C3 or C4 position), and this electrode is referred to
improvement of the polycythemia. an electrically neutral lead usually placed on the
mastoid bone behind the ear (at either A1 or A2
polysomnogram The continuous and simultane- position). This produces a unipolar recording,
ous recording of physiological variables during which measures the difference in the electrical
sleep; includes the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG), activity between the C3 position and the A1 elec-
the ELECTRO-OCULOGRAM (EOG) and the ELEC- trode. The electrodes are usually attached to the
TROMYOGRAM (EMG). In addition, the electrocar- head by means of collodion, a temporary glue, in
diogram (ECG) (a graph of the electrical activity of order to prevent their dislodgment during a whole
the heart) records respiratory airflow, respiratory night’s recording. (Electrodes may be attached to
movements, blood oxygen saturation and lower the face with surgical tape, but collodion is used to
limb movement activity. Other commonly taken attach electrodes to the scalp.)
172 pons

The electromyogram is usually recorded from chin electromyogram recordings. Leg movement
chin-muscle activity. Two electrodes are placed just activity can be recorded by means of electromyo-
beneath the tip of the chin and the difference graphic measures of the right and left anterior tib-
between recorded potentials is measured, giving a ialis muscles in order to help confirm body
bipolar recording. movements associated with arousals that may occur
With the electro-oculogram, the electrodes are because of apnea episodes. In order to determine
attached to the outer canthus of each eye to record airflow, THERMISTORS that determine temperature
eye movements. Usually two eye channels are changes of inspired and expired air may be placed at
measured, so when the eyes move conjugately, the both left and right nasal passages and another at the
tracings appear as mirror images of each other. The mouth. A small microphone may be utilized in
electro-oculogram electrodes are referred to a ref- order to determine sounds of SNORING. Respiratory
erence electrode. Because the retina is negatively movements are detected by means of bellows pneu-
charged with respect to the surface of the eye, mographs placed around the abdomen and chest or,
movements of the eye induce a potential differ- alternatively, mercury strain gauges can be placed
ence, which is recorded by the electrodes. on the chest and abdomen. An electrocardiogram is
In addition to measuring sleep activity, recorded by chest leads. An infrared, transcuta-
polysomnography often involves the measurement neous sensor may be used for recording oxygen sat-
of other physiological variables during sleep, such as uration values, and end-tidal carbon dioxide levels
respiratory movements, airflow, electrocardiogram, may be recorded by means of a small tube placed in
blood-oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide levels, one of the nostrils attached to a capnograph.
urometry, skeletal muscle activity, pH monitoring Patients undergoing polysomnography for sus-
and penile tumescence (erections of the penis) to pected seizure disorders may have additional elec-
help in analyzing the cause of impotence. troencephalogram channels recorded, whereas a
The electrical signals of a polygraph go in just patient undergoing studies for SLEEP-RELATED PENILE
one direction—from the patient to the polygraph— ERECTIONS would have sleep measured along with
so there is little possibility of the patient receiving measurements of penile tumescence during sleep.
an electrical shock. The tracings for each sensor are Although patients typically undergo polysom-
recorded on a continuous roll of moving paper, nography over their habitual sleep period for a
which becomes the record of a night’s sleep, and minimum of eight hours of recording, in many
that record is known as a POLYSOMNOGRAM. Typi- clinical situations it may be necessary for the
cally, a patient will be asked to come to the sleep patient to undergo more than one night of record-
laboratory an hour or two before the patient’s ing in order to obtain adequate information. (See
usual bedtime. The electrodes are attached at the also ACCREDITED CLINICAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHER, SLEEP
appropriate place to enable recording of each DISORDER CENTERS.)
desired measure. An entire night of sleep will be
recorded on the polygraph, creating almost a thou- Chesson, A.L., Jr., et al., “The Indications for
Polysomnography and Related Procedures,” Sleep 20,
sand pages of chart paper monitoring of EEG
no. 6 (1997): 423–487.
waves, eye movements, muscle activity and the
other physiological variables.
For clinical or research studies, the different pons Region of the brain stem that lies between
parameters can be measured according to different the medulla and the midbrain; important in the
arrays called a MONTAGE, depending upon the clini- maintenance of sleep and wakefulness because it
cian’s preference and the particular variables under contains the LOCUS CERULEUS, RAPHE NUCLEI and
investigation. A standard recording for a patient reticular nuclei. Although the pons is clearly
with the disorder of OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- defined by the external anatomical landmarks, the
DROME might be as follows: two electroencephalo- nuclei extend across boundaries. Various and
gram measures, one at the C3 position and one at incompatible terms have been used to describe the
the O2 position, as well as electro-oculogram and reticular regions of nuclei.
pramipexole 173

The raphe nuclei, which are likely to be impor- autopsy so that the specific site causing post-trau-
tant in the regulation of phasic events of REM matic hypersomnia is unknown.
sleep, contain serotonin. Although the raphe Polysomnographic studies of this disorder have
nuclei of the pons were thought to be important in shown a slightly prolonged nocturnal sleep period
the maintenance of slow wave sleep, the region or relatively normal nocturnal sleep with excessive
around the nuclei appears to be more important. sleepiness, evident on MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST-
The pons is also the site of the pontogeniculooc- ING. The daytime sleep episodes are generally of
cipital (PGO) waves (see PGO SPIKES), which are non-REM sleep. It is possible that some patients
large phasic potentials generated from the pons with this disorder have microsleep episodes that
immediately prior to the onset of REM sleep. (See impair daytime functioning and may be detectable
also SLEEP ATONIA.) only by 24-hour polysomnographic monitoring.
Diagnosis of this disorder is made in part upon
pontogeniculooccipital spikes (PGO) See PGO the temporal association with the head trauma.
SPIKES. Other disorders of excessive sleepiness contribute
to motor vehicle accidents, which may lead to head
trauma. Patients suspected of having post-trau-
Positive Occipital Sharp Transients of Sleep See
matic hypersomnia should have other disorders of
sleepiness ruled out by appropriate polysomno-
graphic investigation.
POSTS POSTS is an acronym for Positive Occipi- Treatment of post-traumatic hypersomnia is
tal Sharp Transients of Sleep—a transient elec- largely symptomatic and rests on the use of daytime
troencephalographic potential that is commonly STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, such as methylphenidate
seen during stages two and three sleep in adoles- or pemoline, to alleviate the sleepiness.
cents and young adults. There is no known cause
Guilleminault, C., Faull, A.M., Miles, L. and Van den
or association of POSTS. (See also ELECTROEN-
Hoed, J., “Post-traumatic Excessive Daytime Sleepi-
ness: A Review of 20 Patients,” Neurology 33 (1980):
post-traumatic hypersomnia A disorder of Hall, C.W. and Danoff, D., “Sleep Attacks: Apparent
EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS that occurs within 18 months Relationship to Atlantoaxial Dislocation,” Archives of
of a traumatic event involving the central nervous Neurology 32 (1975): 57–58.
system. This disorder may consist of a changed
sleep pattern, such as a long sleep duration at pramipexole A clinically effective nonergot
night, as well as frequent sleep episodes during the dopamine agonist used in the treatment of RESTLESS
day on a background of excessive sleepiness. The LEGS SYNDROME (RLS). Pramipexole has preferential
sleep disturbance typically occurs within months affinity to the D3 receptor subtype; the D3 receptor
of the trauma and may resolve spontaneously subtype seems to be the most important in sup-
within a period of weeks to months. However, pressing the features of RLS. Pramipexole also
sometimes the sleep disturbance may be long-last- interacts with D2 and D4 receptors. However, it has
ing and may never resolve. This disorder is diag- seven times greater affinity for the D3 receptor
nosed in the presence of severe excessive daytime than it does for the D2 or D4 receptor. It has some
sleepiness if there are no other features of neuro- affinity for norepinephrine receptors but little
logical deficit. affinity for 5HT (SEROTONIN) receptors. Pramipexole
Certain parts of the central nervous system are may also provide neuroprotective effects through
more likely to induce this sleep disturbance if depression of dopamine metabolism, antioxidant
involved in the trauma, such as injury involving effects and stimulation of trophic activity.
the hypothalamic or brain stem regions. Pathologi- The limited studies available suggest that it is
cal studies have usually demonstrated widespread effective in treating restless legs syndrome and sup-
lesions throughout the central nervous system at presses periodic limb movements. Its profile and
174 predormital myoclonus

side effect profile appear to be better than those of SLEEP LATENCY, the number of awakenings and the
L-DOPA or pergolide: It causes less daytime aug- SLEEP EFFICIENCY tend to increase at this time.
mentation of RLS than L-dopa and less nausea Some of the sleep disturbances in the later
than does pergolide. The pharmacologic profile months of the pregnancy may be related to the
includes an elimination half-life of 12.9 hours. increase in the physical complaints at this time,
Pramipexole does not interact with cytochrome such as an uncomfortable sleep position due to
P450 enzymes and is not expected to alter back discomfort, increased urinary frequency and
responses to concomitant medications by interfer- fetal movements.
ing with their metabolism. It is an effective Because of increased abdominal pressure, it
antiparkinsonian medication. might be expected that sleep-related breathing
Doses are from 0.125 milligram to 4.5 milli- abnormalities would increase. However, respira-
grams. Side effects that have been encountered tory disturbance has not been described in preg-
include nausea, constipation, and insomnia. Sleepi- nancy, and this may be due to the increased
ness and visual hallucinations occur more com- progesterone levels at this time that act as a respi-
monly than with placebo. The brand name for ratory stimulant. TIDAL VOLUME is increased by
pramipexole is Mirapex. (See also L-DOPA, PERIODIC PROGESTERONE.
LEG MOVEMENTS.) Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated a
gradual reduction of deeper stages three/four sleep
predormital myoclonus See SLEEP STARTS. during the pregnancy (see SLEEP STAGES), with its
absence in the later stage of pregnancy in some
pregnancy-related sleep disorder Sleep disorder women. The sleepiness may be clinically evident
characterized by either EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS or and documented by MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST-
INSOMNIA occurring during the course of preg- ING. The polysomnographic features of the noctur-
nancy. Typically the disorder is a biphasic one, with nal sleep disturbance are typically those of an
the onset of sleepiness during the first trimester increased sleep latency, frequent awakenings,
and insomnia in the third trimester. In some increased stage one sleep and reduced sleep effi-
women, parasomnia activity, such as NIGHTMARES ciency.
and SLEEP TERRORS, can occur in association with There is some evidence to suggest that post-
the pregnancy. partum psychoses may be related to the sleep state
Complaints of tiredness, fatigue and sleepiness changes that occur in late pregnancy. Following
are common during the first trimester, sometimes delivery, REM sleep decreases markedly and nor-
even before the pregnancy has been diagnosed. The malizes over the subsequent two weeks, and there
TOTAL SLEEP TIME can be increased and a pregnant is a gradual recovery of stage four sleep after de-
woman will frequently have the need to take a nap. livery.
Normal pregnancy is associated with changes in Following delivery, the disturbed quality of sleep
the quality of nighttime sleep and an alteration in generally resolves itself unless other factors inter-
daytime alertness. Typically in the first trimester vene, such as postpartum depression, in which case
there is an increased sleepiness with a heightened insomnia or hypersomnia due to MOOD DISORDERS
desire to take a daytime nap. For some women who may occur. There may now be sleep-related prob-
experience ANXIETY related to the pregnancy, insom- lems because of the frequent awakening of the
nia may occur, related to the emotional components newborn, but those problems are environmentally
of the pregnancy and not due to any pregnancy- caused rather than a physical complaint associated
related physical condition. CAFFEINE or NICOTINE with the post-pregnancy period. The new mother
withdrawal may add to the sleep disruption. can minimize the effects of sleep deprivation that
During the second trimester, the tendency for often occur because she interrupts her sleep to
daytime napping disappears; however, the quality respond to the newborn, by taking turns with her
of the nocturnal sleep episode starts to deteriorate. spouse to respond to the newborn if the cries are
primary snoring 175

not food-related, or, if she is bottle-feeding, by premature morning awakening See EARLY MORN-
keeping the baby nearby so it is easier to go back to ING AROUSAL.
sleep after attending to the newborn, or by taking
naps during the day at the same time that the new- premature ventricular contraction See VENTRIC-
born naps so that she does not try to get through ULAR PREMATURE COMPLEXES.
the next night of interrupted sleep completely
primary insomnia See PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL
The onset of fatigue, tiredness and excessive
sleepiness (of relatively short duration) in a
woman of childbearing age should suggest the pos-
sibility of pregnancy-related sleep disorder. Other
primary snoring A disorder characterized by loud
sounds that come from the back of the mouth dur-
disorders contributing to sleep disruption, such as
ing breathing in sleep and in the absence of
impaired breathing. This disorder is differentiated
should be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Treatment of pregnancy-related sleep disorder is
which loud snoring is associated with impaired
purely supportive mainly by SLEEP HYGIENE mea-
VENTILATION during sleep, sleep disruption and
sures. Pregnant women should not take hypnotic
abnormal cardiovascular features. Usually, primary
medications. However, if the sleep disturbance is
snoring is noted by a disturbed bed partner. The
associated with the development of severe anxiety
snorer is typically unaware of the loud snoring;
or DEPRESSION, and the maternal or fetal well-being
however, there may be a brief gasp or choking sen-
is at risk, sedative hypnotics may be indicated in
sation at the termination of a loud snore.
the third trimester, but only under the guidance of
The snoring is usually rhythmical, with a con-
an obstetrician. (See also INFANT SLEEP DISORDERS,
tinuous sound made during inspiration and expira-
tion that can be worsened by body position, such as
sleeping on the back. (Sometimes this form of snor-
Karacan, I., Hine, W., Agnew, H., Williams, R.L., Webb, ing is eliminated when the snorer lies on the side.)
W.B. and Ross, J.J., “Characteristics of Sleep Patterns Any disorder that produces narrowing of the
During Late Pregnancy and the Post Partum Peri- upper airway, such as enlarged tonsils, acute rhini-
ods,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 101 tis or upper respiratory tract infections, may exac-
(1968): 579–586.
erbate or bring out the tendency for primary
snoring. Medications that impair arousal, such as
pregnancy and sleep See PREGNANCY-RELATED HYPNOTICS or ALCOHOL, may also exacerbate the
SLEEP DISORDER. tendency for snoring. Often the development of
snoring is associated with increasing weight gain
premature infant Infant born after the 27th and can be relieved in many patients by loss of
week of pregnancy and before full term, who body weight (see OBESITY).
weighs between 1,000 grams (2.2 pounds) and Snoring is more common in males than in
2,500 grams (5.5 pounds). Premature infants are females and is most common for both groups in the
more likely to have SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DIS- elderly population over the age of 65 years. How-
ORDERS characterized by APNEA. Apneic episodes ever, snoring may occur at any age and may be
occur predominantly during sleep but can also seen in infancy, but it is more commonly seen in
occur during wakefulness. This disorder, APNEA OF children associated with tonsillar or ADENOID
PREMATURITY, often spontaneously resolves as the enlargement before or around the time of puberty.
infant ages. Premature infants have a greater risk of Polysomnographic monitoring helps to distin-
suffering from SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME guish primary snoring from the obstructive sleep
than full-term infants. (See also INFANT SLEEP, apnea syndrome. UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION is not
INFANT SLEEP APNEA, INFANT SLEEP DISORDERS.) present during sleep, and the sleep episode is nor-
176 progesterone

mal without arousals or awakenings, nor is there MAINTAINING SLEEP, PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOM-
evidence of oxygen desaturation or associated car- NIA.)
diac ARRHYTHMIAS. Very often the snoring is more
pronounced during REM SLEEP. Project Sleep A program developed in 1979 by
Snoring can produce social consequences, such the United States Surgeon General’s office to create
as embarrassment and even marital discord. The materials and educate physicians and the general
sleep of a bed partner is liable to be disrupted, par- public about sleep and arousal disorders. This proj-
ticularly if the bed partner is a light sleeper or has ect was created in coordination with the ASSOCIA-
INSOMNIA. Primary snoring may be treated by TION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS, the American
means of behavioral measures, such as the avoid- Medical Association and members from the phar-
ance of smoking, alcohol or large meals before maceutical industry, including the Upjohn Com-
sleep. Sleeping on the side rather than on the back pany.
often lessens the severity of snoring. It may be In addition to disseminating printed information
necessary for a bed partner to use earplugs or use on sleep and arousal disorders, one of the pro-
a noise machine to muffle the sound of snoring. gram’s major contributions was the production of a
Sometimes a bed partner may try to fall asleep comprehensive series of slides with audio cassette
earlier in the night than the snorer so that the tapes on sleep and sleep disorders. It was dissemi-
sounds of snoring do not interfere with sleep nated to medical schools and other interested par-
onset. ties throughout the United States.
If the above behavioral means are ineffective in
removing the snoring, consideration can be given prolactin A hormone released from the pituitary
to surgical relief of the upper airway obstructive gland that accompanies GROWTH HORMONE release.
lesions, such as removal of enlarged tonsils or This hormone is under the close control of the
redundant nasal mucosa. Treatment of upper respi- neurotransmitter DOPAMINE, which inhibits pro-
ratory tract infections, or the use of nasal decon- lactin secretion. Prolactin is secreted during sleep
gestants or antihistamines, may be helpful. and has a CIRCADIAN RHYTHM that is tied to the
Specialized operative procedures, such as the UVU- sleep-wake cycle but is not related to specific sleep
LOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY operation, may be effec- stage activity.
tive in reducing the snoring in many patients; Prolactin is secreted in higher amounts during
however, careful selection is necessary as not all pregnancy and lactation and also appears to be
patients will respond to this procedure. important in the maintenance of the reproductive
Lugaresi, E., Cirignotta, F., Coccagna, G. and Pinna, C., system in both males and females.
“Some Epidemiological Data on Snoring and Cardio- Medications that affect dopamine levels will
circulatory Disturbances,” Sleep 3 (1980): 221–224. influence the secretion of prolactin. Phenothiazines
(antipsychotic drugs) that inhibit dopamine action
progesterone A female sex hormone, used in can produce elevated levels of prolactin whereas
sleep medicine in the form of medroxyproges- bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist (a drug that
terone (see RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS), for stimula- acts in the same manner as dopamine), will sup-
tion of respiration to treat some SLEEP-RELATED press the release of prolactin. (See also ADRENOCOR-

Urade,Y. et al., “Prostaglandin D2 and Sleep Regula-

progressive relaxation The sequential relaxation tion,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1463, no. 3 (1999):
of muscle groups to assist in sleep onset for those 606–615.
with INSOMNIA. This method of relaxation was first
proposed by Edmund Jacobson and is occasionally proposed sleep disorders A category of the
EXERCISES. (See also DISORDERS OF INITIATING AND that lists various disorders for which there is insuf-
psychiatric disorders 177

ficient information available to substantiate the pseudoinsomnia See SLEEP STATE MISPERCEPTION.
presence of a particular disorder. This category also
contains newly described disorders not yet substan-
psychiatric disorders A psychiatric diagnosis is
tiated by replicated data in the medical literature—
the most frequent diagnosis given to patients with
for example, the SLEEP CHOKING SYNDROME. In
the complaint of INSOMNIA who are seeking help at
addition, disorders representing one end of the
SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS; almost all patients with
spectrum of normality are included here—for
DEPRESSION have some sleep complaint. (Insomnia
due to acute situational stress is more common in
the general population.)
prostaglandins Chemicals (autocoid) derived The MOOD DISORDERS, typically disorders due to
from arachidonic acid (acid present in the body) mania, hypermania or depression, are common
that are widely distributed in almost every tissue causes of the complaint of insomnia, especially
and fluid in the body. The lipid-soluble acid EARLY MORNING AROUSAL. Patients with bipolar dis-
was first identified in seminal fluid, which led to order, such as manic-depressive disorder, will often
the name “prostaglandin.” In addition to their show periods of short sleep duration during the
widespread actions throughout the body, the manic episodes, alternating with episodes of EXCES-
prostaglandins are found in areas of the brain con- SIVE SLEEPINESS during the depressive phase. Typi-
cerned with sleep mechanisms. The presence of cally, patients with depression do not have true
prostaglandin D (PGD2) in the preoptic nuclei is hypersomnia, that is, the total sleep time during a
associated with sleep induction and maintenance, 24-hour period is not increased above normal lev-
whereas PGE2, which is found in the posterior els. However, an excessive amount of time spent in
thalamic nuclei, is believed to be responsible for bed is a common feature of depressed patients.
wakefulness. These newly discovered neurotrans- ANXIETY DISORDERS cause sleep disruption, char-
mitters are major factors in the control of sleep acterized by prolonged sleep latency with frequent
and wakefulness. (See also SLEEP-INDUCING FAC- awakenings and poor sleep efficiency. These fea-
tures are most commonly seen in patients who
have general anxiety disorders; however, poor
protriptyline See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. sleep quality is also seen in patients who have
PANIC DISORDERS. More typically, panic disorder
Provera See RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS. causes an acute event during sleep, with an awak-
ening and feelings of fear and intense anxiety.
These abrupt and infrequent episodes during sleep
Provigil See MODAFINIL.
at night are usually accompanied by similar panic
attacks during wakefulness. Patients with panic
provisionally accredited sleep disorder center A disorders may also suffer from agoraphobia, which
category of accreditation phased out by the AMERI- is characterized by a fear of being in certain situa-
CAN SLEEP DISORDERS ASSOCIATION in 1989; it was for tions where escape may be difficult, such as in a
sleep disorder centers that did not fully meet the crowded environment or a moving vehicle. The
standards and guidelines outlined by the associa- features of agoraphobia and daytime panic episodes
tion or centers that had not yet applied for accred- are important in order to differentiate panic disor-
itation. Centers now either meet all the standards der from awakenings with panic due to other dis-
and guidelines and become fully accredited or are orders, such as SLEEP TERRORS, which may have a
not accredited at all. (See also ACCREDITATION STAN- similar presentation.
SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS.) nia or schizoaffective disorder, may have very
severe sleep disturbance. This disturbance is char-
Prozac See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. acterized by sleep onset difficulties, with small
178 psychophysiological insomnia

amounts of nocturnal sleep that can alternate with there is an overconcern about the inability to fall
prolonged episodes of sleep. This pattern of sleep asleep, which makes it harder to fall asleep. This
may lead to a complete sleep reversal, with no apprehension may exist throughout the daytime
sleep at night and the major sleep episode during when thinking about the likelihood of little sleep
the day. Patients with a psychosis can have REM that night.
sleep disorders characterized by a reduced REM Sometimes individuals with psychophysiological
sleep latency and increased REM density, which is insomnia can fall asleep at times when it is unex-
similar to that seen in patients with depression. pected, such as relaxing in a chair in the early
However, these polysomnographic features are not evening. This reflects their ability to fall asleep
invariably present, as they are in the depressive dis- when unconcerned about sleep, but when in situ-
orders. ations of wanting to fall asleep, the harder the per-
ALCOHOLISM is associated with severe sleep dis- son tries, the less likely it is that sleep will occur.
turbance due to the acute ingestion of alcohol; it is Conditioning factors that contribute to this insom-
initially associated with an increase in SLOW WAVE nia include lying in bed awake. The usual sleep
SLEEP, but is followed by a withdrawal effect of environment becomes negatively associated with
sleep disruption, which is seen as the alcohol is good sleep. Therefore many individuals with this
metabolized. The chronic alcoholic who abstains type of insomnia find that when sleeping in bed-
from drinking alcohol will have severe sleep dis- rooms other than their own, sleep can occur rela-
ruption. This may be characterized by disrupted tively easily.
REM sleep, hallucinations and NIGHTMARES, as Psychophysiological insomnia may be precipi-
well as disturbed sleep related to autonomic tated by a stressful event and may develop sub-
hyperactivity as a result of the alcohol with- sequent to an ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER so that
drawal. Drinking alcohol during the day will cause after the precipitating event has resolved, the neg-
impaired daytime functioning because of atively learned associations with sleep continue,
increased lethargy and sleepiness; that effect is and the insomnia becomes chronic. This type of
often exacerbated if there was too little sleep the insomnia often becomes fixed over a period of
night before. time as intermittent life stress may exacerbate or
Other psychiatric disorders, such as substance produce recurrence of psychophysiological insom-
abuse, adjustment disorder, dissociative and nia.
somatoform disorder, can also be associated with Although elements of anxiety and depression are
either difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep present, particularly in relation to the sleep period,
or excessive sleepiness. there is little evidence of overt psychopathology.
Patients with this form of insomnia do not meet
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statisti- standard psychiatric criteria for the diagnosis of a
cal Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd ed., rev. Washing- general anxiety disorder or depression.
ton, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1987. Psychophysiological insomnia is uncommon in
Reite, M., “Sleep Disorders Presenting as Psychiatric Dis- childhood or adolescence. It will usually present for
orders,” Psychiatric Clinics of North America 21, no. 3
the first time in the twenties or thirties. More typi-
(1998): 591–607.
cally, individuals will seek help in middle age. It
appears to be more common in females, and there
psychophysiological insomnia A form of INSOM- may be a familial tendency.
NIA that develops because of learned associations Polysomnographic monitoring of sleep usually
that negatively impact on sleep. Typically, individ- demonstrates a prolonged sleep latency, multiple
uals with psychophysiological insomnia tend to awakenings, early morning awakening and a
react to stress with an increased level of agitation reduced sleep efficiency. There may be an increase
and tension that is often evident by physiological in the lighter stage one sleep and reduction in a
arousal with increased muscle tension and vaso- deeper slow wave sleep. Increased muscle tension
constriction. With psychophysiological insomnia, during sleep can be demonstrated by muscle activ-
pulmonary hypertension 179

ity monitoring. Not infrequently, individuals with EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, is a common feature of these
psychophysiological insomnia will show a reversed disorders.
“first night effect” in which they sleep much better Psychoses can be produced by organic neurolog-
in the lab on the first night because of the change ical disorders, as well as by DEMENTIA, ALCOHOLISM,
in their habitual environment; however, the drug effects, schizophrenia, AFFECTIVE DISORDERS,
learned negative associations with sleep return by paranoid states and autism.
the second night, which demonstrates the reduced The sleep disturbances associated with psy-
quality of sleep. choses are typically sleep disruption, with a severe
Psychophysiological insomnia needs to be differ- difficulty in initiating sleep. There may be an inad-
entiated from a number of other insomnia disor- equate amount of sleep because of hyperactivity
ders. INADEQUATE SLEEP HYGIENE can produce a associated with the psychotic disorder, which leads
chronic form of insomnia due to alterations in the to a partial or complete reversal of the sleep-wake
timing of sleep, excessive CAFFEINE intake, altered cycle. Daytime sleepiness may result due to the dis-
meal times or the ingestion of dietary factors that turbed sleep at night or the disrupted sleep-wake
can adversely affect sleep (see DIET AND SLEEP). An pattern.
environmental sleep disorder can develop because Polysomnographic studies of patients with psy-
of such factors as light, noise, abnormal tempera- choses have shown varied sleep patterns; some
ture or an uncomfortable or adverse sleeping envi- patients will even show normal sleep. Typically
ronment. If anxiety or depression are major factors there is an increased SLEEP LATENCY, decreased total
and warrant a psychiatric diagnosis of either anxi- sleep time, reduced SLEEP EFFICIENCY with frequent
ety or mood disorder, the appropriate psychiatric awakenings, and reduced SLOW WAVE SLEEP. There
treatment is indicated. If the sleep disturbance is may be features of disturbed REM sleep, such as
the result of an acute stressful situation, and lasts shortened REM latency, increased REM density
less than three weeks, then a diagnosis of adjust- and varied percentages of REM sleep.
ment sleep disorder is made. Treatment of the psychoses is by pharmacologi-
Treatment of psychophysiological insomnia cal means and typically involves the use of phe-
involves redeveloping positive associations with nothiazine medications. The drug therapy may
the sleeping environment. Attention to good sleep produce sedation, insomnia or withdrawal syn-
hygiene is essential, and behavioral management is dromes. Institutionalization may be required for
the most appropriate form of treatment. Relaxation patients with psychoses who have a severe impair-
ment of their ability to adequately function in
therapy, such as JACOBSONIAN RELAXATION, specific
behavioral treatments that may involve STIMULUS
CONTROL THERAPY or SLEEP RESTRICTION THERAPY can Kupfer, David J., Wyatt, R.J., Scott, J. and Snyder, F.,
be helpful. A short or intermittent course of HYP- “Sleep Disturbance in Acute Schizophrenic Patients,”
NOTICS may be useful; however, chronic and long- MJ Psychiatry 126 (1970): 1312–1323.
term use of hypnotics is to be discouraged. Zarcone, V.P., “Sleep and Schizophrenia,” in Williams,
R.L., Karacan, I. and Moore, C.A., eds., Sleep Disor-
Haure, Peter and Fischer, J., “Persistent Psychophysio- ders: Diagnoses and Treatment. New York: John Wiley,
logical (Learned) Insomnia,” Sleep 9 (1986): 38–53. 1988. pp. 175–188.
Perlis, M.L. et al., “Psychophysiological Insomnia: the
Behavioral Model and a Neurocognitive Perspective,”
pulmonary hypertension An increased pressure
Journal of Sleep Research 6, no. 3 (1997): 179–188.
in the pulmonary arteries that leads to hypertrophy
and dilation of the right side of the heart. The most
psychoses PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS characterized potent stimulus for pulmonary constriction leading
by the presence of delusions, hallucinations, inap- to pulmonary hypertension is alveolar HYPOXIA.
propriate effect, incoherence and catatonic behav- Hypoxia may be produced by SLEEP-RELATED
ior, which lead to impaired social and work BREATHING DISORDERS that impair ventilation of the
functioning. Sleep disturbance, either INSOMNIA or lungs. Pulmonary hypertension can be a conse-
180 pupillometry

quence of severe OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- with alertness, and small, unstable pupils are asso-
DROME or CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYN- ciated with decreased alertness and sleepiness.
DROME. Variations and fluctuations in pupil size can be
measured by a pupillometer. The pupillometry test
pupillometry The measurement of pupil diame- is mainly used as a research procedure to deter-
ter and activity. Large, stable pupils are associated mine sleepiness and has little diagnostic usefulness.
quiet sleep Term used to describe NON-REM-STAGE muscle tone recording. The term “non-REM” is
SLEEP that is seen in infants and animals when the preferred when specific SLEEP STAGES are able to be
specific sleep phases from one through four are determined. Quiet sleep is distinguished from
unable to be clearly determined. Quiet sleep usu- ACTIVE SLEEP, in which there is an increase in body
ally refers to an encephalographic pattern of sleep movement and faster electroencephalographic pat-
in the absence of eye movement recordings or terns.

raphe nuclei Serotonin-containing neurons in of REM sleep from wakefulness, although the pat-
two columns that extend from the medulla to the tern of the rapid eye movements usually differs and
upper border of the PONS. This region was consid- is characteristic in REM sleep. The movements
ered to be important in the maintenance of NON- often occur in discrete bursts in REM sleep. In addi-
REM-STAGE SLEEP and SLOW WAVE SLEEP because tion, the presence of the sawtooth EEG pattern in
lesions in the area of the raphe nuclei produced association with the rapid eye movements assists in
INSOMNIA in cats. If the cells of the raphe nuclei are the determination of REM sleep. The eye move-
exposed to an anti-serotonergic agent that inhibits ments are conjugate (move together) and can
the production of SEROTONIN, such as parachoro- occur in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction.
phenylalanine (PCPA), insomnia will result. How- The rapid eye movements can be seen under the
ever, more recent evidence has suggested that the closed eyelids.
serotonin-containing cells are not essential for the With the discovery of the association of dream-
production of non-REM sleep. But the serotonin- ing and rapid eye movement sleep it was initially
containing neurons may facilitate the onset of slow thought that the rapid eye movements reflected
wave sleep, possibly through a mechanism that visual scanning of the content of dreams. Subse-
stimulates synthesis of sleep factors. The serotoner- quent research suggested this was not the case; the
gic raphe neurons project to the hypothalamus, rapid eye movements bore no relation to the dream
which is thought to be the primary site of the pro- content. (See also REM DENSITY, REM-OFF CELLS,
duction of sleep factors. REM-ON CELLS, REM PARASOMNIAS, REM SLEEP, REM
Destruction of the raphe nuclei is associated SLEEP LATENCY, REM SLEEP ONSET, REM SLEEP PERCENT,
with an increase in PGO waves, whereas stimula- REM SLEEP PERIOD.)
tion of the raphe nuclei causes a reduction of PGO
activity. It has been suggested that the role of the Aserinsky, Eugene and Kleitman, Nathaniel, “Regularly
raphe nuclei is to inhibit the production of PGO Occurring Periods of Eye Motility and Concomitant
waves during wakefulness and contain their activ- Phenomena During Sleep,” Science 118 (1953):
ity to REM sleep. (See also LOCUS CERULEUS.)

rapid eye movements The presence of rapid eye rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) One of
movements during sleep was first discovered by the five stages of sleep that are scored according to
Eugene Aserinsky and NATHANIEL KLEITMAN in the method of Alan Rechtschaffen and Anthony
1953. This historic discovery of REM sleep led to Kales. REM sleep is defined by the appearance of a
the recognition that sleep was not a homogeneous relatively low voltage, mixed frequency EEG activ-
state but consisted of two major divisions, REM ity and episodic, rapid eye movements that occur
sleep and non-REM sleep. simultaneously. The EEG pattern resembles stage
Rapid eye movements are seen during wakeful- one sleep (see SLEEP STAGES), with the exception
ness but are also characteristic of the rapid eye that there are fewer vertex sharp transients and,
movement stage of sleep (REM sleep). The EEG sometimes, distinctive “saw tooth” waves. The
pattern and muscle tone distinguish the presence muscle activity is usually at its lowest degree of

Rechtschaffen, Alan 183

tone as the skeletal muscles become paralyzed in for the Pathophysiology of Psychosis,” The Journal of
this sleep stage (see REM ATONIA). Nervous and Mental Diseases 185, no. 12 (1997):
The loss of muscle tone is due to a hyperpolariz- 730–738.
ing inhibitory activation of the alpha motor neuron.
The REM phasic activity is due to excitatory input on rebound insomnia INSOMNIA that occurs upon
the motor-neurone, which is superimposed on a acute withdrawal of hypnotic medication. This
background of inhibitory input. All striated muscle is form of insomnia more commonly occurs in per-
affected by the phasic jerks and twitches that occur sons who are on high dosages of HYPNOTICS, partic-
during REM sleep. Rapid eye movements, contrac- ularly short-acting hypnotics. It is less likely to
tions of the middle ear musculature and the irregu- occur in persons who take hypnotic agents for a
lar contractions of the respiratory muscles are all brief period of time.
components of this phasic muscle activity. Rebound insomnia is characterized by increased
REM sleep typically comprises about 20% to sleep disruption with a greater number of awaken-
25% of normal adult sleep. However, the percent- ings and sleep stage changes that occur upon cessa-
age in childhood is greater, with up to 50% of sleep tion of the medication. It can be reduced by a
being REM sleep in infancy. gradual decrease in dosage prior to withdrawal. All
Usually there are five NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLES patients withdrawing from hypnotic medication
in a full night of sleep, with REM sleep occurring should be reassured that some sleep disruption is
in episodes of increasing duration from 10 to 30 likely for the first few days following cessation of
minutes. drug treatment. But as long as good SLEEP HYGIENE
REM sleep is also associated with other physio- is instituted, and other causes of insomnia are not
logical changes, such as an increased oxygen con- present, sleep should return to normal within a few
sumption of the brain compared with that during days. (See also BARBITURATES, BENZODIAZEPINES,
non-REM sleep, variability of blood pressure and HYPNOTIC-DEPENDENT SLEEP DISORDER.)
heart rhythm, variable respiratory rate and altered
blood gas control. Body TEMPERATURE control also Rechtschaffen, Alan Dr. Rechtschaffen (1927– )
differs during REM sleep compared with non-REM received his Ph.D. in psychology from Northwest-
sleep. ern University in 1956. In 1957, he became an
Certain pathological events are more likely to instructor in psychology in the Department of Psy-
occur during REM sleep, such as obstructive sleep chiatry at the University of Chicago. Beginning in
apneas (see OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME) 1968, he was a professor of psychology in the
and blood oxygen desaturation. Some disorders Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology at the
occur solely during REM sleep, such as the REM University of Chicago. He is now retired.
SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER, NIGHTMARES and SLEEP- Dr. Rechtschaffen’s sleep research areas included
RELATED PAINFUL ERECTIONS. The presence of penile the physiology of sleep and the effects of sleep
erections during REM sleep is an important finding deprivation, as well as work on dream psychophys-
in the differentiation of IMPOTENCE due to organic iology and phylogeny of sleep. (See also WILLIAM
versus psychogenic causes. Normal erections dur- DEMENT, DREAMS, NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP, REM SLEEP,
ing REM sleep in a patient complaining of impo- SLEEP DEPRIVATION.)
tence generally reflect a psychogenic cause of the Dr. Rechtschaffen received the Distinguished
impotence. Service Award of the Sleep Research Society in
1989. He is also the recipient of the Lifetime
Rechtschaffen, Alan and Kales, Anthony, eds., A Manual Achievement Award from the WORLD FEDERATION
of Standardized Terminology, Techniques, and Scoring Sys-
tem for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. Los Angeles:
Brain Information Service, University of California, Rechtschaffen, Alan, Gilliland, M.A., Bergmann, B.M.
1968. and Winter, J.B., “Physiological Correlates of Pro-
Howland, R.H., “Sleep-Onset Rapid Eye Movement longed Sleep Deprivation in Rats,” Science 221
Periods in Neuropsychiatric Disorders: Implications (1983): 182–184.
184 reciprocal interaction model of sleep

Rechtschaffen, Alan and Kales, Anthony, eds., A Manual Episodes occur very infrequently and, on aver-
of Standardized Terminology, Techniques, and Scoring Sys- age, occur twice a year. Some patients may go
tem for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. Los Angeles: many years without an episode or may have as
Brain Information Service, University of California, many as one episode each month.
During the period of hypersomnolence, there
can be great impairment of social and occupational
reciprocal interaction model of sleep First pro- functioning. The behavior changes can be so
posed by J. Allan Hobson, Robert McCarley and intense that the patient requires hospitalization.
Peter W. Wyzinski in 1975 to explain the cellular Polysomnographic investigation has tended to
interactions in the regulation of REM sleep. They show excessive sleepiness with high sleep efficien-
suggested that there are two sets of cells, the REM- cies and reduced awake time during sleep. A loss of
OFF CELLS and REM-ON CELLS, that are located in the the deeper stage three and four sleep has been
pontine region of the brain stem. The REM-on cells demonstrated; however, MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY
cause the initiation of REM sleep, and the REM-off TESTING during the daytime has shown the presence
cells cause the termination of REM sleep. The of sleep onset REM periods on one or more naps.
REM-on cells are situated near the REM-on cells in The disorder is believed to be in part due to a
a similar region of the brain stem and include the hypothalamic dysfunction. There have been some
serotonergic cells of the RAPHE NUCLEI. Since the reports of abnormal hormone secretory patterns
original proposal, the model has been modified to during sleep. GROWTH HORMONE and PROLACTIN
include both explanations of non-REM sleep and secretion may be abnormal.
waking. (See also GIGANTOCELLULAR TEGMENTAL A recurrent form of hypersomnia, MENSTRUAL-
ASSOCIATED SLEEP DISORDER, also occurs in relation-
ship to the MENSTRUAL CYCLE and is characterized by
insomnia and hypersomnia.
recurrent hypersomnia A group of disorders Recurrent hypersomnia needs to be differenti-
characterized by recurrent episodes of EXCESSIVE ated from hypersomnias due to central nervous
SLEEPINESS that occur weeks or months apart. These system tumors and other causes of excessive sleepi-
disorders may be associated with other symptoms, ness, such as IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, NARCOLEPSY
such as gluttony or hypersexuality. The combina- and INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYNDROME. Excessive sleepi-
tion of recurrent hypersomnia, gluttony and ness due to PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, such as major
hypersexuality is also known as the KLEINE-LEVIN DEPRESSION or bipolar depression, may present sim-
SYNDROME, which was first described by Willi ilarly, with the exception of the gluttony and
Kleine in 1925 and Max Levin in 1929. However, a hypersexuality.
form of recurrent hypersomnia can exist without Treatment of recurrent hypersomnia is largely
features of gluttony or hypersexuality; it is then supportive. Lithium carbonate has been reported to
called recurrent hypersomnia monosymptomatic stabilize the behavior in some patients but not in
type. others. The effect of STIMULANT MEDICATIONS in
Recurrent hypersomnia more commonly occurs improving alertness is usually only very temporary.
in adolescents or young adults. Typically an episode (See also DISORDERS OF EXCESSIVE SOMNOLENCE,
of excessive sleepiness will occur over a one-to- MOOD DISORDERS.)
two-week period followed by weeks or months of
normal daytime alertness. There often are person- Critchley, M. and Hoffman, H.L., “The Sojourn of Peri-
odic Somnolence and Morbid Hunger (Kleine-Levin
ality disturbances, such as withdrawal, irritability
Syndrome),” British Medical Journal 1 (1942):
and lethargy. Persons with this disorder may eat 137–139.
excessively and start to eat any food in sight. The Reynolds, C.F., Kupfer, D.J., Christianson, C.L. et al.,
hypersexuality is characterized by excessive discus- “Multiple Sleep Latency Test Findings in Kleine-
sion or display of sexual behavior along with pub- Levin Syndrome,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis-
lic masturbation. ease 172 (1984): 41–44.
REM rebound 185

relaxation exercises A variety of techniques to during REM sleep and other sleep stages may per-
enhance muscle relaxation in order to reduce mus- sist for as long as two weeks after the last ingestion
cle tension and help sleep onset. Various forms of of the hypnotic agent. (See also BETA RHYTHM, RAPID
relaxation exercises are utilized; however, one of EYE MOVEMENT SLEEP.)
the most commonly used is the JACOBSONIAN
RELAXATION method. BIOFEEDBACK exercises can REM density The frequency of eye movements
also enhance relaxation. (See also SLEEP EXERCISES.) that occur during REM SLEEP; usually expressed as
the number of eye movements per minute of REM
REM atonia The atonia (loss of muscle tone) of sleep. REM density may be increased in patients
REM sleep causes the skeletal muscles to become with DEPRESSION; treatment with tricyclic ANTIDE-
flaccid so that the arms and legs are paralyzed. PRESSANTS can reduce REM density. Although REM
REM sleep cannot be scored if the ELECTROMYO- density can be an indicator of depression, it is less
GRAM (EMG) muscle activity is increased. Only a useful than the presence of a shortened REM SLEEP
few muscles have the ability to move during REM LATENCY in aiding the diagnosis of such patients.
sleep, such as the eye muscles, the auditory mus-
cles, and the diaphragm for respiration. Occasional REM-off cells Cells believed to inhibit the REM-
phasic (short burst) muscle activity is seen during ON CELLS and, by so doing, stop the occurrence of
the atonia of REM sleep. REM sleep. These cells are believed to be located in
Some disorders, such as the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR the pontine region of the brain stem and include
DISORDER, are associated with a variable degree of the RAPHE NUCLEI. (See also GIGANTOCELLULAR
muscle activity that episodically occurs during TEGMENTAL FIELD, RECIPROCAL INTERACTION MODEL OF
REM sleep and leads to the behavior that is charac- SLEEP.)
teristic of the disorder. The polygraphic features of
REM sleep behavior disorder indicate a disrupted REM-on cells Cells believed to be responsible for
and dissociated form of REM sleep. The REM REM SLEEP; located in the GIGANTO-
the initiation of
behavior disorder is not too dissimilar to an exper- CELLULAR TEGMENTAL FIELD of the pons. (See also
imental condition seen in cats with neurological RECIPROCAL INTERACTION MODEL OF SLEEP, REM-OFF
lesions placed in the pontine region of the brain CELLS.)
stem. Cats with such lesions have the absence of
the REM atonia and are able to move around dur-
REM parasomnias Abnormalities that occur dur-
ing REM sleep. It has been proposed that there are
ing sleep that are not associated with excessive
two systems in the nervous system that control
sleepiness or insomnia but are usually associated
muscle tone and movement during REM sleep: a
with REM sleep; a subdivision of the parasomnias
locomotor system and a system that determines
atonia. Usually the locomotor system is inhibited
ORDERS. The parasomnias in this section include
by REM sleep simultaneously with activation of the
system producing the muscle atonia during REM
Morrison, A.R., “A Window on the Sleeping Brain,” Sci- REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER.
entific American (1983): 94–102.
REM rebound An increase in the amount, dura-
REM-beta activity Beta rhythm that occurs dur- tion and density of REM sleep that occurs follow-
ing REM sleep. This particular electroencephalo- ing the curtailment of a variety of techniques that
graphic pattern can be seen in patients who have have suppressed REM sleep. For example, REM
ingested medications, particularly the BENZODI- rebound can occur following medication suppres-
AZEPINE hypnotics (see also HYPNOTICS), such as flu- sion of REM sleep by such drugs as the tricyclic
razepam. The presence of increased beta activity ANTIDEPRESSANTS or MONOAMINE OXIDASE INHIBI-
186 REM sleep

TORS, commonly used for the treatment of DEP- The most common age of presentation is after
RESSION. age 60; however, episodes have been reported to
Another means of producing REM sleep depri- occur in childhood and in individuals of any age
vation is by mechanically arousing an individual with neurological disorders such as cerebral vascu-
whenever REM sleep is detected during a lar disease, degeneration or tumors of the brain
polysomnographic recording. This procedure not stem, and DEMENTIA. It has also been described in
only reduces REM sleep but also causes frequent association with multiple sclerosis. Recent evi-
arousals during the major sleep episode. Following dence indicates that REM sleep behavior disorder
this method of REM sleep deprivation there is a can be a precursor to the development of Parkin-
rebound of REM sleep. son’s disease.
Some disorders, such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP The majority of persons with REM sleep behav-
APNEA SYNDROME, can markedly interfere with the ior disorder appear to be male, and there is some
ability of the subject to maintain REM sleep; its evidence to suggest a familial pattern.
relief by either TRACHEOSTOMY or CONTINUOUS POSI- An identical disorder has been described in ani-
TIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE devices can lead to an initial mals who have suffered lesions in the brain stem.
REM rebound. REM sleep episodes lasting several Cats with lesions affecting the locomotor inhibitory
hours can sometimes be seen in these situations. region of the brain stem often will have motor
A REM rebound is often accompanied by an activity during REM sleep.
increase in awareness of having had long and com- Polysomnographic monitoring of persons with
plex DREAMS. Occasionally NIGHTMARE activity may this disorder has shown an intermittent absence of
be exacerbated by the REM rebound. ALCOHOL is muscle tone. Concurrent rapid eye movements
also a REM suppressant drug and its withdrawal, indicative of REM sleep alternate with high muscle
particularly in the chronic alcoholic, can lead to a activity lasting a few seconds prior to the immedi-
REM rebound, with an increase in nightmares. ate resumption of REM sleep. There may be an
increase in the density of the rapid eye movements
and also in the total amount of SLOW WAVE SLEEP.
REM sleep behavior disorder needs to be differ-
entiated from SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY or other dis-
REM sleep behavior disorder Disorder character- orders of arousal, such as SLEEPWALKING or SLEEP
ized by the acting out of dream content during the TERRORS. Nightmares may be somewhat similar but
dreaming stage (REM SLEEP) of sleep. Typically, are characterized by less motor activity and lack of
affected persons will have a predominance of vio- the typical polysomnographic features of REM
lent activity that occurs during sleep and involves sleep behavior disorder.
punching, kicking, running or other movements of Treatment of REM sleep behavior disorder
the limbs. These movements may injure a bed part- involves securing the bedroom—such as removing
ner, which precipitates the disorder being brought sharp objects from nightstands—so the individual
to medical attention. The episodes usually occur does not suffer injury. Clonazepam (see BENZODI-
about 90 minutes after the onset of sleep when the AZEPINES) in a dose of 0.5 to 1 milligram, given
person goes into REM sleep; however, it can occur before sleep at night, has been shown to be very
throughout the major sleep episode. Very often effective in suppressing the behavior. Occasionally
episodes may be precipitated by withdrawal from tricyclic antidepressants have been shown to be
ALCOHOL or other HYPNOTICS. The disorder has also effective as well.
been described as occurring in association with
NARCOLEPSY. There may be partial manifestations Case History
of the disorder, evidenced by episodes of SLEEP A 58-year-old real estate executive had episodes of
TALKING or limb movements that may antedate the excessive body activity in association with dreams
development of the more physically active be- at night. On occasion, he would hit the nightstand
havior. or his wife while moving about excessively during
REM sleep and dreaming 187

sleep. These episodes had occurred over the previ- duce frequent arousals and therefore the effects of
ous five years. He did have a history of sleepwalk- REM deprivation may be masked by the effects of
ing as a child; however, this went away in the frequent arousals or awakenings. A variety of
adolescence and had never reoccurred. The current medications, including antidepressant medications
activity during sleep was characterized by a lot of such as tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS or MONOAMINE
violent activity, particularly boxing or fighting an OXIDASE INHIBITORS, as well as BENZODIAZEPINES,
individual, and was very different from his child- STIMULANTS and ALCOHOL, can usually inhibit REM
hood sleepwalking episodes. At times, his wife, sleep.
who was lying quietly beside him, would become The initial effects of REM sleep deprivation are
the focus of his dream activity and occasionally an increase in brain activity; aggressive and sexual
would get in the way of some of his more violent behavior may be increased. Psychological difficul-
movements. On one occasion, his activity caused ties have been reported as the result of REM depri-
him to fall out of bed and he cut his head on the vation; however, recent evidence tends to suggest
nightstand. All of the activity was associated with that this is an unlikely effect.
dream content, and he appeared to be actually try- Positive effects of REM deprivation can include
ing to act out dreams during sleep. He was on no improvement of DEPRESSION, and several studies
medication at this time, and had sought help from have shown this to be clinically useful.
several physicians. His baseline blood work and The most pronounced effect of REM sleep depri-
brain scan were normal. There was no evidence of vation is REM REBOUND, with a dramatic increase in
any underlying neurological disorder. He under- the amount and duration of REM sleep episodes.
went an all-night POLYSOMNOGRAM, which demon- (See also DREAMS.)
strated much restlessness during REM sleep with
an abnormal amount of muscle activity; REM sleep REM sleep and dreaming In 1953, Eugene
was very fragmented. Aserinsky and NATHANIEL KLEITMAN at the Univer-
A diagnosis of REM sleep behavior disorder was sity of Chicago made a major scientific develop-
made on the clinical history and the polysomno- ment in the study of dreams when they recognized
graphic data. He was prescribed clonazepam (0.5 physiological changes during dreaming and rapid
milligram) to take before sleep at night. With this eye movements (REM). Over the next few years,
medication, the activity abruptly subsided and he joined by WILLIAM C. DEMENT, the researchers com-
had a quiet night’s sleep. The patient noticed con-
pared dream recall during REM versus NREM SLEEP
siderable improvement over the subsequent two
PERIODS. By 1957, the results of these experiments
months; however, some activity reoccurred and the
were published: Subjects awakened 191 times dur-
dosage was increased to 1 milligram, whereupon
ing REM periods had dream recall 80% of the time,
the episodes subsided and remained absent over
or in 152 of the awakenings. By contrast, subjects
the subsequent months.
were awoken 160 times during NREM periods,
Schenck, C.H., Bundlie, S.R., Patterson, A.L. and with only 6.9% or 11 dream recalls. Dement writes
Mahowald, M.W., “Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Some Must Watch While Some Must Dream: “When
Behavior Disorder: A Treatable Parasomnia Affecting compared to the overall NREM results, the REM
Older Males,” Journal of American Medical Association period was unquestionably established as the time
257 (1987): 1786–1789.
when the probability of being able to recall a dream
is maximal.”
REM sleep deprivation REM SLEEP deprivation Dement further notes that persons who keep
can be produced by mechanically preventing REM dream diaries at home will recall only one dream
sleep from occurring, or by the use of REM sup- when interviewed the next morning about their
pressant medications. A patient may be mechani- dreams. By contrast, subjects in a laboratory, when
cally aroused whenever a polygraph shows that he awakened throughout the REM periods, will
is entering REM sleep; however, this tends to pro- remember four out of the five dreams that occur
188 REM sleep intrusion

during the REM period, forgetting only 20% of will frequently initiate their short sleep episodes by
their dreams. (See also REM SLEEP.) an immediate occurrence of REM sleep; therefore,
a short REM sleep latency is commonly seen.
Dement, William C., Some Must Watch While Some Must
Dream. New York: W.W. Norton, 1976.
REM sleep-locked This term has been used for
the close association between CHRONIC PAROXYSMAL
REM sleep intrusion A brief episode of REM SLEEP
HEMICRANIA (a type of headache) and REM SLEEP.
that occurs during non-REM sleep. The term may
Episodes of chronic paroxysmal hemicrania during
also be applied to the occurrence of a single, disas-
sleep always occur in association with REM sleep.
sociated component of REM sleep, such as eye
movements or loss of muscle tone, that occurs in
the absence of all typical features of REM sleep. It
may also apply to a brief episode of REM sleep that REM sleep onset The occurrence of REM sleep at
occurs out of sequence with the normal NREM-REM sleep onset; occasionally used instead of the longer
SLEEP CYCLE. REM sleep intrusion may be seen in SLEEP ONSET REM PERIOD, which is the preferred term.
severe sleep disruption due to an INSOMNIA of many
causes or in disturbances of REM sleep, such as REM sleep percent The proportion of total sleep
fragmentation seen as a result of medication or time that is filled by REM sleep. For adults, a typi-
other sleep disorders, such as NARCOLEPSY. cal night of sleep is comprised of 20% to 25% REM
sleep; in an infant, REM sleep equals 50% of the
total sleep time. The percentage of REM sleep falls
REM sleep latency The interval from sleep onset
slightly from young adulthood to old age. (See also
to the first appearance of REM sleep during a sleep
episode. In normal, healthy adults, REM sleep usu-
ally occurs approximately 90 minutes after the
onset of non-REM sleep. A short REM latency is REM sleep period Occasionally used for an
seen in patients who have DEPRESSION and may be episode of REM SLEEP that occurs during the major
a biological marker of depression. Treatment of sleep episode. The term is discouraged from use
depression in such patients often leads to a nor- because the word “period” implies a cyclical event;
malization of the REM latency. REM latencies of therefore, REM sleep period may be confused with
less than 65 minutes are regarded as being shorter the NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.
than normal. A short REM latency may also be
seen in patients who acutely withdraw from a REM REM sleep-related sinus arrest A disorder of car-
suppressant medication, such as tricyclic ANTIDE- diac rhythm that produces episodes of sinus arrest
PRESSANTS, ALCOHOL or MONOAMINE OXIDASE during REM SLEEP in otherwise healthy individuals.
INHIBITORS. This disorder has been described in young adults
In NARCOLEPSY, the REM sleep latency is usually and appears to be associated with symptoms that
reduced. Patients may sometimes go directly into include acute discomfort, sudden palpitations,
REM sleep. However, this is not always present. light-headedness, feeling of faintness and blurred
The presence of REM sleep during a daytime MUL- vision. Some individuals with this disorder have
TIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST has more diagnostic use- reported episodes of syncope (fainting) that have
fulness. The occurrence of REM sleep within 10 occurred during the nocturnal hours.
minutes of initiating a daytime nap is regarded as The diagnosis is based entirely upon the pres-
supportive evidence of narcolepsy. Two or more ence of episodes of sinus arrest of at least 2.5 sec-
sleep onset REM periods during a multiple sleep onds in duration, which suddenly occur during
latency test that is performed following a night of REM sleep. Episodes as long as 9 seconds have
normal sleep is diagnostic of narcolepsy. been reported. Additional investigations, including
Infants (see INFANT SLEEP) have a much greater coronary angiography and electrical conduction
percentage of REM sleep (in contrast to adults) and studies, are normal.
respiratory stimulants 189

The episodes of ARRHYTHMIA are not associated complete airway obstruction may occur despite the
with sleep-related respiratory disturbance or oxy- presence of respiratory effort.
gen desaturation. They occur in clusters and do not Respiratory effort can be measured by means
induce arousals or awakenings. of a mercury-filled strain gauge, a bellows pneu-
This disorder must be differentiated from the mograph or INDUCTIVE PLETHYSMOGRAPHY. (See also
cardiac irregularity characterized by brady-tachy- APNEA, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME.)
cardia that is typically seen in the OBSTRUCTIVE
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. respiratory effort–related arousal (RERA) An
If the episodes are frequent in occurrence and arousal associated with increasing negative
long in duration, consideration should be given to esophageal pressure which is terminated by a sud-
implantation of a ventricular inhibited pacemaker den change in pressure to a less negative level with
in order to prevent episodes of cardiac arrest. an arousal. The event lasts 10 seconds or longer.
Guilleminault, Christian, Pool, P., Motta, J. and Gillis, Five or more RERAs per hour are regarded as
A.M., “Sinus Arrest During REM Sleep in Young abnormal and in association with other symptoms
Adults,” New England Journal of Medicine 311 (1984): are sufficient to produce a diagnosis of OBSTRUCTIVE
respiratory stimulants Drugs used in SLEEP DIS-
respiratory disturbance index (RDI) Also ORDERS MEDICINE for the stimulation of VENTILATION
sure of the number of apneas, both central and TRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
obstructive, plus the number of hypopneas, APNEA SYNDROME.
expressed per hour of sleep. A respiratory distur-
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
bance index of greater than five is regarded as
an abnormal frequency of respiratory events A carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used as a respira-
during sleep. This index is commonly used as a tory stimulant for the treatment of breathing disor-
measure of the severity of the sleep apnea syn- ders such as central sleep apnea syndrome. This
dromes. Many authors regard the term RDI as agent is primarily used for central sleep apnea syn-
preferable to the apnea-hypopnea index because drome due to central nervous system lesions or
it is more descriptive for those not familiar with impaired circulation time. It is also an effective
the term HYPOPNEA. (See also APNEA, CENTRAL SLEEP agent for the treatment of ALTITUDE INSOMNIA (acute
mountain sickness) and may be partially beneficial
in the treatment of the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
This drug affects carbonic anhydrase activity,
respiratory effort Applies to respiratory muscle leading to a rise in the carbon dioxide tension in
activity; typically measured during sleep to deter- the tissues that stimulates the chemoreceptors,
mine the degree of respiratory impairment. resulting in increased respiratory stimulation.
Patients who have cessation of respiratory move- Acetazolamide has diuretic properties and can
ments during sleep, as is seen during an apneic cause an increase in NOCTURIA. Other side effects
episode, will have no respiratory effort, whereas include paresthesia (abnormal sensory symptoms,
patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- such as numbness and tingling) and daytime
DROME may have an increased degree of respiratory DROWSINESS.
effort, particularly immediately prior to the termi-
nation of the obstructive event. Respiratory effort Medroxyprogesterone
does not imply that there is a transfer of air Medroxyprogesterone acetate is a derivative of
between the atmosphere and the lung because the naturally-produced hormone progesterone,
190 restless legs syndrome

which is used in sleep disorders medicine as a restless legs syndrome A disorder associated
respiratory stimulant for the promotion of venti- with discomfort experienced in both legs as well as
lation. Medroxyprogesterone has been demon- the uncontrollable urge to keep moving the legs.
strated to be effective in some patients with the This discomfort is described as a crawling, tickling,
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, although it itching sensation in the legs and is usually found in
may be more useful for patients who have central the calf, feet and sometimes in the thigh. It is rarely
sleep apnea syndrome or CENTRAL ALVEOLAR experienced as a pain. This syndrome was first
HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME. However, optimal described by K.A. Ekbom in 1945, and it is recog-
therapy still does not completely eliminate the nized as a cause of difficulty in falling asleep at
respiratory disturbance during sleep, and there- night. The legs are moved around in bed to find a
fore other treatments for the sleep-related breath- comfortable position, and often the patient has to
ing disorders are preferable, such as assisted get out of bed to walk around. Rubbing the calves
ventilation devices. and exercising the muscles often produces a tem-
The effect of medroxyprogesterone appears to porary relief.
be by means of increasing respiratory center The discomfort is typically present at sleep
chemosensitivity to alterations in the blood gases. onset, although it often can occur during wakeful
Adverse side effects of medroxyprogesterone episodes during the night. Sometimes the sensation
include reduced libido, fluid retention and an is also experienced during the daytime when lying
increased likelihood of thrombosis; therefore its down or sitting.
usefulness is limited. Provera is the trade or phar- The discomfort may be very intense and has
maceutical name for medroxyprogesterone. been said to have driven sufferers, on rare occa-
sion, to commit suicide.
Methylxanthines Since restless legs syndrome is typically associ-
A group of stimulant medications that includes ated with PERIODIC LEG MOVEMENTS, treatment may
CAFFEINE, theophylline and theobromine. These be required for both conditions. Polysomnographic
alkaloids occur in plants that are widely found in evaluation of restless legs syndrome demonstrates
nature, and the leaves are often used to create bev- movement of the legs that occurs at sleep onset and
erages such as tea, cocoa and coffee. a prolonged SLEEP LATENCY. There may be further
The methylxanthines are used to stimulate the episodes of leg movements occurring during wake-
central nervous system in order to improve alert- ful episodes throughout the night. Intermittent
ness but also to relax muscles, such as the muscle periodic leg movements can be seen in sleep
of the lung airways. Theophylline is particularly throughout the polysomnographic recording.
useful for the treatment of asthma and CHRONIC Restless legs syndrome needs to be differentiated
OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE because of its from other disorders that produce abnormal move-
effect of relaxing bronchial muscle. However, ments during sleep. SLEEP STARTS are whole body
theophylline is an even stronger central nervous jerks that occur only at sleep onset. The restless
system stimulant than caffeine. It can stimulate movements that occur during REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR
the medullary respiratory center and can be useful DISORDER typically occur during REM sleep at night
for treating sleep-related breathing disorders of and are associated with more violent movements,
infants and also Cheyne-Stokes breathing. The reflecting the acting out of DREAMS. NOCTURNAL
methylxanthines also cause cardiac stimulation PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA is a disorder associated with
and theophylline can produce an increase in heart abnormal posturing of the limbs; it typically occurs
rate, even precipitating cardiac irregularity in during non-REM sleep and not at sleep onset.
some sensitive people. Theophylline, if taken for Although the cause of this disorder is unknown,
breathing disorders during sleep, can cause so relief of the discomfort is available by using a vari-
much stimulation that INSOMNIA may result. (See ety of medications including the anticonvulsants as
ORDERS.) PRESSANTS) may be helpful in some patients; how-
restlessness 191

ever, many patients do not respond to this medica- the restless legs syndrome. However, in the major-
tion. The most effective BENZODIAZEPINE is clon- ity of individuals who suffer from insomnia due to
azepam, which is also effective against the periodic psychophysiological or psychiatric causes, the dis-
leg movements that can occur in association with comfort experienced is a result of being in a single
restless legs syndrome. However, other benzodi- position for a prolonged period of time while
azepines, such as trizolam, and narcotic derivatives, awake. Very often the discomfort is exacerbated by
such as oxycodone, have also been shown to be the increased muscular tension and ANXIETY that
useful in some patients. accompany insomnia. The generalized restlessness
L-DOPA has been shown to be effective in reduc- that accompanies insomnia often leads to the indi-
ing the number of episodes of both restless legs vidual getting out of bed and going to another
syndrome and periodic leg movement during sleep. room or walking about for a period of time before
Other dopaminergic agents such as PRAMIPEXOLE returning to bed. Although the SLEEP SURFACE is
have also proved to be very effective and now have sometimes responsible for the discomfort, in most
become the medications of choice. cases it is not the primary cause unless there was a
recent change in the sleep surface.
Ekbom, K.A., “Restless Leg Syndrome,” Neurology 10
(1960): 868–873. Patients with the obstructive sleep apnea syn-
Mahowald, M.W. et al., “Parasomnias Including the drome can be particularly restless. The termination
Restless Legs Syndrome,” Clinics of Sleep Medicine 19, of the apneic events is associated with an increase
no. 1 (1998): 183–202. in body movements, and not uncommonly there
Silber, M.H., “Restless Leg Syndrome,” Mayo Clinic Pro- are reports of an arm being raised from the bed or
ceedings 72, no. 3 (1997): 261–264. the legs changing position. The movements may
become excessive and lead the individual to fall out
restlessness Term applied to increased body of bed. Not uncommonly, children will adopt a
movements occurring during sleep. Restlessness hands/knees position in order to improve their
(a restless sleep) is often an indication of an under- breathing at night.
lying sleep disorder, and therefore investigation In the elderly population, in addition to the
by appropriate polysomnographic studies may be increased number of causes of insomnia, the REM
indicated. Although occasional awakenings are sleep behavior disorder is associated with increased
not uncommon in normal, healthy sleepers, in ge- motor activity during sleep. In this disorder, the
neral sleep should be relatively quiet for most indi- individual will tend to act out DREAMS and so there
viduals. may be quite violent arm and leg movements.
Restlessness predominantly occurs during disor- Restlessness may be the primary complaint of a
ders that produce INSOMNIA, such as PSYCHOPHYSIO- spouse.
LOGICAL INSOMNIA, or insomnia due to psychiatric The restless legs syndrome is characterized by a
disorders. However, it can also occur in other dis- discomfort experienced in the legs in which the
orders that disrupt sleep, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE legs have to be moved to relieve the discomfort.
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DIS- Typically, patients will get out of bed in order to
ORDER and the RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME. walk around thereby easing the pain. Once sleep
Individuals who complain of insomnia will often onset has occurred, generally the legs are still;
describe how they stay motionless during sleep however, brief interruptions or awakenings of
with the hope it will enhance sleep onset and sleep will often be associated with an increase in
reduce the amount of times they awaken during the leg movements.
sleep. However, lying in bed awake often makes Although a number of parasomnias, such as
the individual aware of discomfort related to body SLEEPWALKING, can be associated with abnormal
position. Restlessness occurs because of the need to movement activity, restlessness is usually not a
keep changing position. Some disorders may be common feature, in part due to the episodic nature
directly associated with discomfort of body posi- of the movements. SLEEP-RELATED EPILEPSY gener-
tion, such as PREGNANCY-RELATED SLEEP DISORDER or ally produces infrequent episodes during sleep, and
192 Restoril

therefore a complaint of restless sleep is uncom- graphic recording in the laboratory, and of much
mon. reduced quality during the second night. This pat-
tern can be seen in patients with IDIOPATHIC INSOM-

reticular activating system See ASCENDING RETIC-

ULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM. rheumatic pain modulation disorder See

reversal of sleep A 12-hour shift in the onset of

the major sleep episode. Reversal of sleep has been rhythmic movement disorder A disorder charac-
performed experimentally to determine the effect terized by repetitive abnormal movements during
on circadian rhythmicity. Sleep itself is less efficient sleep such as HEADBANGING, BODYROCKING or leg
when acutely moved, and there is usually a rolling. These movements usually occur during the
decrease in deep stages three/four sleep and REM lighter stages of sleep or immediately prior to sleep
sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). Total sleep time is shorter onset; however, rarely they can occur during deep
than before the shift, and the REM SLEEP LATENCY is sleep stages or RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (REM) SLEEP.
reduced. Usually treatment is limited to securing the envi-
Following an acute reversal of the sleep pattern ronment so that banging into solid objects does not
there are changes in underlying circadian rhythms harm the individual. For example, a child in a crib
in that some will shift with the change in the sleep may need to have padding affixed to crib bars to
pattern, but others will remain fixed at the previ- prevent injury. Medication treatment is usually not
ous phase. For example, the pattern of cortisol effective although the BENZODIAZEPINES have been
secretion and body temperature adjusts very slowly helpful in some patients. See also HEAD ROLLING.
over a period of one to two weeks to the new time
of sleep. Some body rhythms, such as urine volume rhythms This term applies to a cyclical process
and electrolyte excretions, shift to the new pattern and in sleep medicine mainly applies to the sleep-
of sleep within a few days, as does growth hor- wake rhythm. Rhythms that occur within a 24-
mone secretion. hour cycle are called CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. Rhythms
Reversal of sleep is also applied to individuals who less than 24 hours are called ultradian (see ULTRA-
are on a stable pattern of sleeping during the day and DIAN RHYTHM), and those greater than 24 hours are
awakening at night. In such individuals, the pattern called infradian.
of circadian rhythmicity has adjusted to the new The most frequently studied rhythms in human
time of sleep and therefore there is no dissociation physiology are the circadian rhythms, of which the
between circadian rhythms. This pattern is some- sleep-wake cycle, body TEMPERATURE and cortisol
times seen in individuals who have a severe form of pattern are examples.
the DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME. An acute rever- The term “biological rhythm” applies to the
sal of the sleep pattern also occurs in shift workers rhythmicity of biological variables; however, this is
and individuals who cross many time zones. (See not to be confused with BIORHYTHM, a term that is
TIME ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYNDROME.) terns of human behavior that are determined by
Weitzman, Elliot, Kripke, B.F., Goldmacher, D., astrological signs and have no scientific validity.
McGreagor, P. and Nogeire, C., “Acute Reversal of
the Sleep-Waking Cycle in Man,” Archives of Neurol- Rigiscan An ambulatory rigidity and tumescence
ogy 22 (1970): 483–489. monitor that is worn by the patient overnight to
determine whether normal erections occur. This
reversed first night effect Typically, sleep is of monitoring device is used to differentiate between
better quality on the first night of polysomno- IMPOTENCE of an organic or psychogenic cause. If
Roth, Thomas 193

full erections occur at night, then the problem is eye movements of sleep. Dr. Roffwarg has also
often considered to be due to psychogenic causes. researched the relationship of depression to sleep
The Rigiscan consists of two loops: one is placed and sleep markers, plasma testosterone and sleep,
around the base of the penis, and the other around and the relationship of REM sleep to brain matura-
the tip of the penis. The loops are pulled at inter- tion in mammals, among other topics.
mittent intervals to detect tumescence and rigidity.
Giles, D.E., Roffwarg, H.P. and Rush, A.J., “REM
Some patients find the loops to be uncomfortable; Latency Concordance in Depressed Family Mem-
however, most patients are able to sleep without bers,” Biological Psychiatry 22 (1987): 910–914.
difficulty while wearing the device. In some sleep Roffwarg, H.P. (chairman, Association of Sleep Disorder
laboratories, the Rigiscan has replaced the use of Centers), “Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and
STRAIN GAUGES in the determination of NOCTURNAL Arousal Disorders,” Sleep 2 (1979): 1–137.
Roth, Thomas Dr. Roth (1942– ) received his
Ph.D. in psychology in 1970 from the University of
Cincinnati. Dr. Roth has worked extensively in
Ritalin See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS. sleep and sleep disorders medicine, publishing
widely on sleep and breathing and the psychophar-
Roffwarg, Howard Philip Dr. Roffwarg (1932– ) macology of sleep. He is currently the chief of the
obtained his undergraduate degree from Columbia Division of Sleep Medicine and director of research
University and his M.D. from the College of Physi- at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, and
cians and Surgeons of Columbia University. Since clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry
1977, he has been professor of psychiatry at the at the University of Michigan School of Medicine in
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dr. Roth has served on the
at Dallas and director of the Sleep Research Labo- board of the SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY and is a past
ratories at the University of Texas Southwestern president of the American Sleep Disorders Associa-
Medical Center at Dallas, among other appoint- tion (now called the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP
ments. MEDICINE.) He is past chairman of the Scientific Pro-
In June 1988, Dr. Roffwarg became the presi- gram Committee of the ASSOCIATION OF PROFES-
dent of the American Sleep Disorders Association SIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES. Since 1999 he has been
(see AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE). Dr. editor in chief of the professional journal SLEEP.
Roffwarg is a past president of the SLEEP RESEARCH
Roth, Thomas, Roehrs, T., Koshorek, G. and Zorick, F.,
SOCIETY. He chaired the Diagnostic Classification
“Sedative Effects of Antihistamines,” Journal of
Committee that produced the first major classifica- Allergy Clinical Immunology 80 (1987): 94–98.
tion of the sleep disorders. Kryger, M., Roth, T. and Dement, W., eds., The Principles
One of Dr. Roffwarg’s earliest research studies and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine, 2nd ed.
was on the relationship of dream imagery to rapid Philadelphia: Saunders, 1994.
sandman A personification of sleep or sleepiness
that refers to someone who goes around sprinkling schizophrenia Group of psychiatric disorders
sand in the eyes as a way of inducing sleep. The (see PSYCHOSES) characterized by disturbances of
term developed from the gritty sensation that often thought process, with delusions and hallucinations.
occurs in the eyes upon awakening in the morning. Specifically there is a low level of intellectual and
The term “dustman” was first reported in P. Egan’s social functioning that typically occurs before mid-
Tom and Jerry in 1821: “till the dustman made his dle age. Sleep disturbances are common in schizo-
appearance and gave the hint to Tom and Jerry that phrenic patients and are characterized by INSOMNIA
it was time to visit their beds.” The term referred to or alterations in the sleep-wake cycle.
getting sleepy and the sensation of dust being in During acute schizophrenia, there may be a
the eyes. Over the years, “dustman” became asso- reduction in the TOTAL SLEEP TIME, and an alteration
ciated with garbage and refuse, and therefore the in the timing of REM SLEEP, with a short REM SLEEP
term was changed from “dustman” to “sandman.” LATENCY, similar to that seen in DEPRESSION. The
The term “sandman” is still commonly used in chil- amount of SLOW WAVE SLEEP may be reduced, but
dren’s fairy tales. the amount of REM sleep is usually normal.
The sleep symptoms often parallel the course of
Sanorex See STIMULANT MEDICATIONS. the underlying schizophrenia, which usually
requires psychiatric management.
sawtooth waves A form of THETA ACTIVITY that
occurs during REM SLEEP and is characterized by a SCN See SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS.
notched appearance on the wave form. This
notched appearance looks like the teeth of a saw, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) A disorder
hence the term “sawtooth waves.” These episodes that most often occurs in the mid-to-late fall as the
of EEG activity occur in bursts that last up to 10 nights grow longer. The increased tendency for
seconds and are a characteristic of REM sleep. DEPRESSION is believed to be in part related to the
reduced light exposure at that particular time of
Scandinavian Sleep Research Society Founded year. A clinical diagnosis of SAD is made if, for at
in 1985, the Scandinavian Sleep Research Society least two consecutive winters, someone experi-
is one of many sleep societies founded around the ences being depressed, sleeping too much, overeat-
world to stimulate sleep research and the growth of ing, craving carbohydrates, a diminished sex drive
clinical sleep disorders medicine. In the United and working less productively. Such individuals are
States, the ASSOCIATION FOR THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGI- relatively depression-free during the rest of the
CAL STUDY OF SLEEP was founded in 1961 and sub- year, when there is more light. Exposure to light of
sequently led to the ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL more than 2,000 lux (a unit of illumination) for
SLEEP SOCIETIES. The first society to be founded out- two or more hours in the morning from 6 A.M. to 8

seizures 195

A.M. can improve mood and decrease the seasonal with absence or petit mal disorder, which is associ-
affective disorder. But there may be a mid-after- ated with impaired cognition; its only outward
noon reduction in mood associated with the circa- manifestation may be blinking, lip smacking or
dian variation in daytime alertness. A shorter repetitive hand movements. Other forms of disor-
exposure of light at that time may improve the ders may be associated with more pronounced
symptoms and reduce the need for a mid-after- behavioral abnormalities, such as temporal lobe
noon nap. (psychomotor) seizures. Manifestations include
Although SAD is uncommon—an estimated half walking movements that can occur out of sleep and
a million people are affected in the United States— appear similar to sleepwalking episodes. Frontal
a related seasonal condition has been found in lobe seizures are typically associated with behav-
25% of the general population whereby clinically ioral disorders or abnormal mentation. Autonomic
depression is absent but there are mood swings seizures are characterized by changes in autonomic
related to the winter and diminished light. In the functions such as heart rate, respiratory rate, gas-
northern United States, light deprivation and trointestinal function, sweating or pupil diameter.
related mood swings seem to begin in October, Some seizure disorders, such as tonic seizures, may
achieve their most severe form in January and go produce a stiffening of the muscles that results in
into remission by the end of February. Bright light generalized increased muscle tone, and others,
systems are commercially available. (See also CIR- such as akinetic seizures, are often associated with
CADIAN RHYTHMS, LIGHT THERAPY, MOOD DISORDERS.) loss of muscle tone producing falls to the ground.
Seizures often occur during sleep and are typi-
sedative-hypnotic medications See HYPNOTICS. cally characterized by abnormal motor activity,
sometimes producing SLEEPWALKING episodes or
enuresis (bed-wetting, see SLEEP ENURESIS).
sedative medications See HYPNOTICS.
Epilepsy is a major cause in children of secondary
enuresis. Rarely SLEEP TERROR episodes may be due
seizures Term commonly used to denote a clini- to epilepsy. Some abnormal movement disorders,
cal manifestation of an epileptic discharge. (The such as NOCTURNAL PAROXYSMAL DYSTONIA, can
term “epilepsy” applies to a disorder of abnormal occur during sleep and have features similar to
brain electrical activity, whereas the term “seizure” those of seizures. These disorders can be differenti-
applies to the clinical manifestation.) Patients may ated from seizures by appropriate encephalo-
have epilepsy but may not have seizures if their graphic monitoring during sleep.
disorder is under good control with anticonvulsant Seizure disorders can affect an individual of any
medications. Rarely some forms of epilepsy do not age; however, some seizures are more commonly
have seizure manifestations, such as ELECTRICAL seen in childhood. Infantile spasms associated with
STATUS EPILEPTICUS OF SLEEP. hypsarrhythmia (abnormal EEG pattern) or the
Seizures may take many forms and may be asso- tonic seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (atonic
ciated with cognitive, motor or sensory symptoms. seizures) are seen in young children. Petit mal
The most commonly recognized seizure manifesta- epilepsy and generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal)
tion is that of a tonic-clonic seizure disorder, which seizure disorder are common in prepubertal and
produces jerking movements of the arms and legs, postpubertal children.
often in association with loss of consciousness. In adults, including the elderly, partial complex
However, focal forms of movement disorders are seizures (temporal lobe or psychomotor) are more
also seen in which only one limb or a portion of a commonly seen. Generalized seizures can also
limb may be involved in abnormal movement. occur as a result of central nervous system lesions,
Sometimes the seizure manifestation is very such as a stroke. A stroke typically produces a focal
subtle and may produce only blinking or a slight motor seizure that may become generalized, with
twitching of the mouth. This form of presentation whole body tonic-clonic movements similar to that
of a seizure disorder is typically seen in patients seen in grand mal epilepsy.
196 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Most seizure disorders can be adequately con- Jouvet, M., “Biogenic Amines and the States of Sleep,”
trolled by anticonvulsant medications such as Science 163 (1969): 32–41.
phenytion, phenobarbital, or carbamazepine (see
ANTIDEPRESSANTS). (See also BARBITURATES, BENIGN serotonin reuptake inhibitors See ANTIDEPRES-
Sterman, M.B., Shouse, M.N. and Passouant, P., Sleep
and Epilepsy. New York: Academic Press, 1982. SESE See ELECTRICAL STATUS EPILEPTICUS OF SLEEP.

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) settling Popular term that is often used to
See ANTIDEPRESSANTS. describe an infant who sleeps through the night
and does not awaken for feedings during the night.
serotonin A neurotransmitter that is found in Settling typically occurs within the first three
cells of the central nervous system, particularly months of life. (See also INFANT SLEEP, INFANT SLEEP
within the brain stem. Serotonin is a naturally- DISORDERS.)
occurring agent in the blood that has the effect of
producing vasoconstriction. It is believed to be shift-work sleep disorder Disorder that affects
involved in the regulation of sleep because inhibi- workers who work the night shift and who typically
tion of the synthesis of serotonin in animals has led have a disturbed sleep-wake pattern. Since most
to very profound INSOMNIA. MICHEL JOUVET in 1969 nighttime shift work is performed between 11 P.M.
first proposed that serotonin is involved in the and 7 A.M., sleep is typically delayed until after the
maintenance of sleep, particularly SLOW WAVE SLEEP. shift. SLEEP ONSET would begin anywhere between 6
The RAPHE NUCLEI of the brain stem are the primary A.M. and 12 noon. In addition, on days off the shift
site of the serotonin-containing neurons that are worker may attempt to return to a more normal
involved in sleep regulation. sleep-wake pattern, with sleep occurring during the
Precursors of serotonin, such as tryptophan, night hours when he would usually be working. As
have been shown to induce drowsiness in animals; a consequence of the delayed sleep pattern when
however, the effects in man are unclear. Research working the NIGHT SHIFT and the alteration and tim-
studies on L-tryptophan (see HYPNOTICS) have sug- ing in sleep on days off, complaints of INSOMNIA or
gested a beneficial effect on reducing SLEEP LATENCY EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS are common.
and improving the depth of sleep. L-tryptophan is The duration of sleep after the night shift is
a commonly used OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION in reduced to between one and four hours, often at
patients who have sleep disturbance; however, it the expense of the lighter stages one and two sleep
has a relatively weak hypnotic effect. L-tryptophan or rem sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). This sleep length is
has recently been withdrawn from the market in often found to be unrefreshing; a second sleep
the United States because of an association with episode is often taken prior to commencing the
potentially fatal eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. next night of shift work. The second sleep episode
Several ANTIDEPRESSANTS that inhibit the re- may commence at approximately 8 P.M. and last for
uptake of serotonin—the so-called serotonin block- two hours. Despite these attempts to maintain a
ers—tend to decrease REM SLEEP. Serotonin normal amount of sleep in a 24-hour period, a ten-
reuptake blockers, such as fluvoxamine, zimeldine, dency to sleepiness exists throughout all periods of
femoxitine and fluoxetine, have been reported to wakefulness, often impairing the mental ability of
be effective in suppressing the CATAPLEXY of NAR- the night shift worker while working. Reduced
COLEPSY. The tricyclic antidepressants that inhibit ALERTNESS and errors are commonly reported as
the uptake of serotonin have pronounced effects in consequences of shift work.
decreasing REM sleep. It has been proposed that In addition to disturbed sleep-wake patterns and
the antidepressant effect of these medications is reduced work capacity, there are medical and social
due to this suppression effect on REM sleep. consequences of shift work. Gastrointestinal disor-
shift-work sleep disorder 197

ders are reported as are drug and alcohol depen- rationalize their excessive sleepiness. The temporal
dency induced by attempts to correct the disturbed (time) association between the disturbance of sleep
sleep-wake pattern. The social consequences may and wakefulness and the onset of shift work is an
include marital discord and impairment of other important variable in excluding other causes of
social relationships. insomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness. A sec-
The disturbance of the sleep-wake pattern fol- ondary drug-dependent sleep disorder, or STIMU-
lows the shift work change. Rotating shifts will LANT-DEPENDENT SLEEP DISORDER, may result from
divide the day into three work periods: a night the disrupted sleep-wake patterns.
shift, day shift and EVENING SHIFT. A shift worker Treatment for shift-work sleep disorder requires
may rotate between one shift and another and typ- attention to the sleep-wake pattern and also to the
ically will have less sleep-wake difficulties when on nature of the shift work. The daytime sleep episode
the day shift. After resuming the night shift, the should occur in an environment that is conducive
first few days are associated with the most pro- to good sleep (see SLEEP HYGIENE). Elimination of
nounced disturbance of the sleep-wake cycle, and daytime noise and light as well as attention to
after a few days there is a partial adaptation. This appropriate temperature control is important in
adaptation, however, is typically disturbed by the order to assure a good sleep period during the day-
altered sleep-wake pattern that occurs on days off time. In addition, if an adequate sleep period can-
from work. not be obtained following a night of shift work, it
There is evidence to suggest that an individual may be preferable to break the sleep period into
who has been described as an “owl” or “night per- two portions, with an initial four-hour sleep
son” or EVENING PERSON is more able to adapt to episode after the shift, in the morning, and another
shift work than an individual described as a “lark” two-hour period, at night, prior to going to the
or MORNING PERSON. With increasing age, shift shift. This particular sleeping pattern seems to be
workers find it more difficult to sustain an ade- associated with improved alertness on the shift
quate sleep episode during the daytime after a work. Also, the work performed on the night shift
night of shift work. must be stimulating and not monotonous or boring
The prevalence of this sleep disorder is related to in order to maintain full alertness. If the sleep pat-
the number of shift workers in the community. tern that is established can be maintained seven
Between 5% and 8% of the total population work days a week, rather than five days a week, the shift
the night shift. worker is more likely to adapt to the altered sleep-
Polysomnographic monitoring of the 24-hour wake pattern.
day confirms the difficulty of maintaining an The direction of the rotation of shift work has
appropriate sleep duration during the morning been reported to influence a worker’s adaptation to
after the shift work, and the tendency to sleepiness shift work. Rotations that occur in a clockwise
during the waking portion of the 24-hour cycle. direction are said to be preferable to those rotations
Continuous monitoring of polysomnographic vari- that occur in an anticlockwise direction. (For
ables, or the use of an ACTIVITY MONITOR, can be example, a rotation from day to evening to night
helpful in documenting the tendency to sleepiness, shift is clockwise.) In addition, there is a contro-
and the pattern of sleep and wake episodes. versy over the duration of the shift rotation. Some
Other disorders of sleep and wakefulness must specialists consider that a short and rapidly rotating
be considered as causes of sleep disturbance in shift shift period of only a few days on each night or day
workers. Patients with insomnia may adopt night shift is preferable to one in which the night shift
work in order to help deal with their excessive worker will work for several weeks on a particular
wakefulness at night. Sometimes patients on shift shift. The tendency for sleepiness also increases
work may present with a complaint of excessive with the length of the night shift so that 12-hour
sleepiness and be mistaken for having a disorder shifts are associated with a greater sleepiness in the
such as NARCOLEPSY. Very often, patients with nar- final few hours of the shift than in shorter, six- or
colepsy may adopt shift work in an attempt to eight-hour shifts.
198 short sleeper

HYPNOTICS have been reported to be beneficial Studies have indicated that most short sleepers
for the shift worker. A short course of a short-act- are males and the prevalence of this disorder is
ing hypnotic can enhance a shift worker’s daytime rare. There is some evidence to suggest it is more
sleep episode and lead to improved alertness dur- common in families.
ing the waking portion of the sleep-wake cycle. A psychological profile of short sleepers by
New treatments that are being explored include the Ernest Hartmann, Frederick Baekeland and George
use of MELATONIN to shift sleep and MODAFINIL to Zwilling indicated that they generally are not psy-
improve alertness. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHM chiatrically disturbed but tend to be high achievers
SLEEP DISORDERS.) who are efficient and who have a tendency to
hypomania, an increase in activity, with an ele-
Van Reeth, O., “Sleep and Circadian Disturbances in
Shift Work: Strategies for Their Management,” Hor- vated, expansive mood.
mone Research 49, nos. 3–4 (1998): 158–162. A survey by Daniel Kripke, R. Simons, L.
Garfinkel and E. Hammond that involved over one
million individuals indicated that people with a
short sleeper An individual who consistently nocturnal sleep period of less than five hours had a
sleeps less than someone of the same age. Typically, shorter life expectancy than those with more usual
the total sleep time is less than 75% of the lowest sleep durations.
normal sleep time for someone of that age. Objective documentation of the sleep patterns of
Although exact limits for the total sleep times of a short sleepers is relatively sparse. It is difficult to
particular individual are unknown, a sleep episode confirm the habitual tendency to short sleeping
of less than five hours in any 24-hour day, before because of the difficulty in monitoring someone for
the age of 60 years, is regarded as an unusually 24 hours a day for many consecutive days. Studies
short sleep episode. (After the age of 60, the noc- that have been performed have tended to show
turnal sleep period is usually reduced in duration, normal amounts of stages three and four sleep,
but daytime sleep episodes are more common, so with reduced lighter sleep stages and REM sleep.
the normal total sleep within any 24-hour period is There is no evidence for any sleep disorder causing
still typically greater than five hours in duration.) disrupted nighttime sleep or for a tendency to day-
Sleep lengths in short sleepers may vary from time sleepiness.
two hours to five hours in duration; however, most Short sleepers need to be differentiated from
short sleepers sleep for only three to five hours, individuals who have psychopathology that may
without any tendency for daytime sleepiness. cause a short-term reduction in total sleep time,
Monitoring of sleep-wake patterns by means of an such as is seen during the manic phase of manic-
activity monitor may be useful in documenting the depressive disease.
sleep length of short sleepers over a period of Short sleepers also have to be differentiated
weeks or months. from those who have short sleep but then make up
Short sleepers, because of a complaint of INSOM- for it by an excessively long sleep episode, such as
NIA at night, often have the expectation that they on the weekends. Those individuals are classified as
should sleep for eight hours. Excessive time spent having insufficient sleep and may be chronically
in bed awake is considered an inability to fall asleep sleep deprived.
and, hence, induces a complaint of insomnia. No treatment is indicated or necessary for a
Although the pattern of short sleep has its onset in short sleeper other than the reassurance that the
early adolescence, when the more typical adult sleep length is normal for that individual and that
sleep pattern is being established, it is not usually an appropriate time spent in bed will allay concerns
regarded as a problem until adulthood, when a full regarding insomnia. Many short sleepers, particu-
eight-hour sleep period is desired. An adolescent larly in middle or old age, are concerned about
short sleeper very often has fewer complaints being awake at night when others are sleeping; it
about the sleep period and usually enjoys the lux- should be suggested that they find activities to
ury of being able to stay up late at night. occupy them during their period of wakefulness.
Siffre, Michel 199

(See also ACTIVITY MONITOR, INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYN- Longer siestas of four hours may be accompanied
DROME, MOOD DISORDERS.) by a short nocturnal sleep episode of a similar dura-
tion. Most persons in cultures where siestas are typ-
Hartmann, E., Baekeland, F. and Zwilling, G.R., “Psy-
chological Differences Between Long and Short ical tend to stay up later at night because the NAP
Sleepers,” Archives of General Psychiatry 26 (1972): necessitates shorter nocturnal sleep.
463–468. There is some debate as to whether a pattern of
Kripke, D.F., Simons, R.N., Garfinkel, L. and Hammond, daytime and nighttime sleep is preferable to a pat-
E.C., “Short and Long Sleep and Sleeping Pills: Is tern of a single longer nocturnal sleep episode. The
Increased Mortality Associated?” Archives of General natural tendency for increased sleepiness twice
Psychiatry 37 (1979): 103–116. during a 24-hour period tends to imply that a day-
time siesta may be preferable. In addition, lunch
short-term insomnia Term proposed by the con- has a soporific effect and although the tendency for
sensus development conference that was held in sleepiness in the midafternoon is not entirely due
November 1983 by the National Institute of Mental to food intake at midday, it will exacerbate the ten-
Health and the Office of Medical Applications of dency for tiredness. Many cultures that take a
the National Institutes of Health. The conference siesta will purposely have a large midday meal,
summary suggested the terms “TRANSIENT INSOM- which is an additional stimulus to taking a
NIA,” “SHORT-TERM INSOMNIA” and “long-term midafternoon nap. Consequently, the evening
insomnia.” Short-term insomnia was defined as meal is often taken at a later hour, approximately 9
lasting up to three weeks, usually in association to 10 P.M.
with a situational stress—such as an acute loss, It is believed by many that the sleep pattern seen
work or marital stress—or due to a serious medical in prepubertal children of eight or nine hours of
illness. SLEEP HYGIENE and nondrug procedures are nocturnal sleep along with a daytime of maximal
primarily recommended for the treatment of this alertness is preferable. Therefore in many societies
type of sleep disturbance. However, sleep-promot- the tendency for a daytime nap or siesta is discour-
ing medications, such as the BENZODIAZEPINES, aged. The avoidance of a midafternoon nap is espe-
could be considered. This form of insomnia is cially important for persons who suffer from sleep
equivalent to ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER; how- disorders such as INSOMNIA, as it may lead to a fur-
ever, other causes of insomnia, such as jet lag or ther breakdown and disruption of nighttime sleep.
shift work, when seen within three weeks of their (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, NAPS.)
onset, could also be regarded as short-term insom-
nia. (See also HYPNOTICS.) Siffre, Michel A speleologist (cave expert) who
began an experiment on July 16, 1962, of living in
SIDS See SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME. an underground cavern in the Alps between
France and Italy. The underground cavern con-
siesta A voluntary nap usually taken in the mid- tained an ice glacier at a depth of 375 feet below
afternoon by certain cultural and ethnic groups, the surface. Siffre stayed in a tent on the under-
such as the Latin Americans and the Spanish. Many ground ice shelf for 59 days and recorded his sleep-
societies adopt the midafternoon siesta to avoid the wake pattern while isolated from ENVIRONMENTAL
TIME CUES. The sleep-wake pattern showed a
hottest part of the day, particularly in tropical envi-
ronments. A siesta usually lasts two hours and is rhythm of 24 hours and 30 minutes over the
taken at a point in the biphasic circadian ALERTNESS course of the experiment. This study was one of the
cycle when there is an increased amount of sleepi- first demonstrations of man’s FREE RUNNING pattern
ness, typically between 2 P.M. and 4 P.M. Prolonged of sleep and wakefulness in an environment iso-
siestas are taken at the expense of nighttime sleep lated from time cues. (See TEMPORAL ISOLATION.)
so that total sleep time within any 24-hour period Siffre, Michel, Beyond Time. New York: McGraw-Hill,
is still one-third of the day, or about eight hours. 1964.
200 sigma rhythm

sigma rhythm Previously-used term for SLEEP is differentiated from episodes of partial obstruc-
SPINDLES. Sigma rhythm is derived from the shape tion, which are termed HYPOPNEAS, in which there
of the Greek “sigma” character. is an incomplete reduction of airflow (but a reduc-
tion of 50% or more) associated with a reduction
situational insomnia See ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DIS- in blood oxygen saturation.
ORDER. Some people have frequent episodes of sleep
apnea and may develop a sleep apnea syndrome.
sleep A behavioral state characterized by rest,
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME are the two apnea syn-
immobility and reduced perception of environ-
dromes seen in infancy, childhood or adulthood. A
mental stimuli in which cognition and conscious-
physiological form of central sleep apnea may
ness are suspended. Sleep occurs when the brain
occur in premature infants and is called APNEA OF
waves slow, and the erratic activity of many parts
of the brain starts to coalesce into a coordinated
synchronized background rhythm. The heart rate
slows, the muscles relax, and the wakeful brain
mentation calms to the point that a satisfying sense sleep architecture The organization of the NREM-
of contentment occurs as we mentally drift away REM SLEEP CYCLE and wakefulness as it occurs dur-
from our environment into peaceful unconscious- ing a sleep episode. The duration of SLEEP STAGES
ness. See also BEDTIME, DREAM CONTENT, DREAMS, and the relationship to preceding and following
DREAMS AND CREATIVITY, SLEEP DEPRIVATION, SLEEP wakefulness is recorded so that the structure of the
DURATION, SLEEP NEED, SLEEP ONSET, SLEEP STAGES. sleep episode can be demonstrated, often as plotted
in the form of a histogram.
Sleep A leading scholarly journal originally pub- The sleep architecture is often described as being
lished bimonthly by Raven Press, Ltd., but now disrupted if there are frequent sleep stage changes
published by the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MED- and a greater number than normal of arousals or
ICINE. The journal was initially sponsored jointly by awakenings. A sleep episode that is normal may be
the ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES, described as having a normal sleep architecture.
AMERICAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY and the JAPANESE sleep atonia Term denoting the decrease of mus-
SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, but now it is the official cle activity during sleep. As sleep gets deeper, from
journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medi- the early stages of NON-REM STAGE SLEEP through to
cine. A peer-reviewed journal, Sleep contains schol- SLOW WAVE SLEEP, muscles reduce in activity and
arly articles on all aspects of sleep (clinical, tone. The most pronounced reduction of muscle
experimental, biochemical, etc.), reporting sleep tone is during REM SLEEP, when the alpha motor
research findings as well as announcements, book neurons of the spinal cord are inhibited by the
reviews and a bibliography of recent literature in medullary region of Magoun and Rhines. The
sleep research. Sleep is listed in Index Medicus, Cur- medullary inhibitory region is stimulated by the
rent Contents and PASCAL/CNRS. caudal region of the LOCUS CERULEUS.
Bilateral-lateral pontine lesions in cats can cause
sleep apnea Cessation of breathing that occurs destruction of the region around the locus
during sleep. APNEA in association with complete ceruleus, thereby preventing stimulation of the
cessation of respiratory movements is termed “cen- medullary inhibitory region, leading to a retention
tral sleep apnea” whereas apnea that occurs in of muscle tone during REM sleep. Cats with such
association with upper airway obstruction is called lesions will tend to “act out” DREAMS. A similar sit-
“obstructive sleep apnea.” A mixed form of apnea uation has recently been discovered in humans in
may occur if there is an initial central apnea that is whom muscle activity persists during REM sleep
continuous with an obstructive apnea. Sleep apnea and the patient also “acts out” dreams. This disor-
sleep choking syndrome 201

der, which has been called the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR Funch, P. and Gile, E.N., “Factors Associated with Noc-
DISORDER, is most commonly seen in persons over turnal Bruxism and Its Treatment,” Journal of Behav-
the age of 60 years, although it has been described ioral Medicine 3 (1980): 385–397.
in younger individuals, usually in association with Ware, J.C. and Rugh, J., “Destructive Bruxism: Sleep
Stage Relationship,” Sleep 11 (1988): 172–181.
neurological lesions of varied types. The majority of
cases of REM sleep behavior disorder have no
known neurological cause. (See also PONS.) sleep choking syndrome Disorder characterized
by choking episodes that occur during sleep and do
not have an apparent organic or psychiatric cause.
sleep bruxism Stereotyped movement disorder
The patient awakens with a sudden and intense
that involves clenching or grinding the teeth during
feeling of being unable to breathe associated with a
sleep. Some individuals have bruxism when awake
choking sensation. The episodes occur typically in
during the day; others have bruxism predominantly
the early part of the night. Once awake, there is a
while asleep. When bruxism occurs during sleep, it
sensation of fear, ANXIETY and the feeling of
commonly produces an unpleasant grinding sound
impending death. Within a few seconds, the anxi-
that may be disturbing to a bed partner; it can also
ety abates as the awareness develops that breathing
interfere with the sufferer’s quality of sleep by caus-
is unimpaired. This disorder commonly occurs
ing brief arousals. When the grinding occurs over either nightly or almost every night.
many years, the cusps of the teeth can be worn The sleep choking syndrome is not associated
down, and this may be detected during a routine with any objective evidence of difficulty in breath-
dental examination. The constant grinding during ing. There is no stridor, hoarseness or change in
sleep often leads to discomfort in the muscles of the color noted in these patients. Bed partners are usu-
jaw and there may also be gum damage. Bruxism is ally not aware of the episodes until reported to
a cause of an atypical headache and may also pro- them the next morning.
duce a temporomandibular joint discomfort. The episodes most commonly occur in females
Bruxism typically occurs in healthy adults or in early to middle adulthood.
children, but it is more common in children who Polysomnographically, patients demonstrate no
have a central nervous system disorder such as abnormalities and do not have choking episodes
cerebral palsy. Exacerbation of the bruxism may during the monitoring. Polysomnographic monitor-
occur with psychological stress. ing is usually necessary to exclude an organic cause
Although the majority of the population will at and to have sufficient information to reassure the
some time grind their teeth, if only infrequently, up patient of the benign nature of the syndrome.
to 5% of the population have more persistent teeth Episodes of awakening with a choking sensation
grinding. The onset of teeth grinding among need to be differentiated from several breathing
healthy infants occurs at a mean age of 10 months, disorders, including the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
affecting male and female children equally. SYNDROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME and
Studies of bruxism during sleep have shown CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME .
that it can occur during all stages but is most com- Other disorders that can produce a sensation of dif-
mon during stage two sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). ficulty in breathing and fear include PANIC DISOR-
Rarely will it occur predominantly in REM sleep. DERS, which are usually associated with
Bruxism may be helped by the use of a dental agoraphobia and the presence of daytime panic
appliance, the mouth guard, which is worn during episodes. SLEEP-RELATED LARYNGOSPASM can be dif-
sleep. Attention to underlying psychological stress ferentiated by the absence of stridor, hoarseness,
by using appropriate psychological or psychiatric cyanosis or pallor in association with the episodes.
treatment may also be helpful. For many individu- Treatment of the disorder is primarily by reas-
als, the disorder does not require a specific treat- surance. However, antianxiety agents, or HYP-
ment. Particularly in children, it appears to be a NOTICS, may be required for some patients. The
transient phenomenon. cause of the disorder is thought to be psychological.
202 sleep cure

sleep cure See SLEEP THERAPY. Subsequent research studies have given conflict-
ing results, with some brief psychiatric disturbances
following sleep deprivation of up to 10 days. How-
sleep cycle See NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.
ever, prolonged and complete sleep deprivation is
usually not possible because of the intrusion of
sleep deprivation One of the most intriguing brief sleep episodes, even though the subject is
questions in sleep research is, “Why do we need to active and conversant.
sleep?” As this is a difficult question to answer, There are major changes in mood and perfor-
experimenters have studied the opposite phenom- mance, with fatigue, irritability, impaired percep-
enon of what happens if you do not sleep. Sleep tion and orientation, and inattentiveness due to
deprivation has been studied extensively to deter- sleep deprivation. These features begin after about
mine the effect of sleep loss, as well as the loss of 36 hours of sleep deprivation and are most notable
specific components of sleep, such as REM SLEEP. during the time that would usually be the time of
Although it is clear that most people who are the habitual sleep period. Even during the first
deprived of sleep become sleepy, no one had ever night of sleep deprivation, subjects have great diffi-
tried staying awake for a prolonged period of time culty in maintaining full alertness at the time that
until 1959, when PETER TRIPP, a New York disc correlates with the low point in body TEMPERATURE,
jockey, stayed awake for some 200 hours as a fund- typically between 4 A.M. and 6 A.M. This particular
raising publicity stunt. Toward the end of Tripp’s time is most crucial in studies of sleep deprivation
200-hour vigil, psychotic features became evident, because a few minutes of inattention will allow a
with hallucinations. As a result of this unscientific nonactive subject to fall asleep.
experiment of sleep deprivation, it was erroneously Activity and mood following one night of sleep
believed that the loss of sleep would be accompa- deprivation do not show a linear decrease from the
nied by severe mental deterioration. time of the last sleep episode but rather there is a
The first opportunity to scientifically study cyclical fluctuation in the relation to the circadian
somebody who had been deprived of sleep pattern of alertness and sleepiness. The mid-after-
occurred in 1964 when RANDY GARDNER, a San noon following a night of sleep deprivation is a
Diego resident, remained awake for 260 hours. time of increased sleepiness and decreased alert-
During the later part of his stint of wakefulness, he ness, which is related to the physiological, biphasic
was observed by the sleep researcher WILLIAM C. pattern of alertness. However, there is increasing
DEMENT, and subsequently studied by Dr. Laverne alertness in activity a few hours later although the
Johnson in the sleep laboratory at the San Diego level of activity may be much reduced.
Naval Hospital. Toward the end of the attempt at There are some neurological features of sleep
keeping awake, it was clear that Gardner was in a deprivation, such as weakness of the muscles and
state of partial sleep and wakefulness that could tremulousness of the limbs, as well as incoordina-
not be separated. One of the intriguing questions tion and unsteadiness.
that arose was whether he would have a prolonged Short episodes of sleep deprivation have been
sleep episode following the wakefulness. After the beneficial in some situations. It is often used as an
11 days, Gardner slept for 14 hours and 40 minutes activating procedure for the diagnostic monitoring
and appeared entirely refreshed upon awakening. of patients with suspected seizure disorders. Total
He subsequently remained awake for 24 hours sleep deprivation has also been demonstrated to
before having a second sleep episode of normal improve mood in patients suffering from DEPRES-
duration of approximately eight hours. Gardner did SION.
not have any psychiatric disturbance related to the Polysomnographic monitoring after a brief
sleep deprivation; subsequent sleep episodes episode of sleep deprivation demonstrates a short
demonstrated that the accumulated lost sleep was SLEEP LATENCY with an increased amount of SLOW
not made up by the body, as a short sleep episode WAVE SLEEP that often occurs at the expense of REM
appeared to be fully refreshing. sleep. On subsequent nights, there may be an
sleep disorder centers 203

increase in REM sleep until the pattern returns to Chronic sleep deprivation is a common feature
normal sleep stage percentages (see SLEEP STAGES). of adolescents who go to bed late and have to rise
Studies of selective sleep deprivation are largely early for school. Adolescents who get less sleep
limited to suppression of slow wave sleep or REM than is required develop sleepiness during the day-
sleep. It is almost impossible to suppress non-REM time, which may become manifest as daytime NAPS.
sleep due to its universal occurrence at sleep onset. People who live in tropical countries often take a
REM sleep deprivation is typically produced by mid-afternoon SIESTA, but subsequently have a
an auditory or physical stimulus that mechanically shorter nighttime sleep episode with a later bed-
awakens the subject whenever entering into the time and an early time of arising. Such people have
particular sleep stage as determined by polysomno- a total sleep time in a 24-hour period that is nor-
graphic monitoring. REM sleep deprivation is asso- mal. Some people who do not allow themselves to
ciated with an increased pressure for REM sleep take a daytime sleep episode can become chroni-
that is evident during the subsequent sleep episode. cally sleep-deprived by the limited amount of time
The amount and percentage of REM sleep is they sleep at night. Sleep of five or less hours may
increased, and there often is a short REM SLEEP produce severe chronic sleepiness in a person who
LATENCY. These are features indicative of REM usually requires seven hours of sleep. Chronic
REBOUND. sleep deprivation needs to be differentiated from
REM sleep deprivation has been used as a treat- NARCOLEPSY or other disorders of excessive sleepi-
ment means for patients who have depression and ness. The INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYNDROME is the term
has been found to be effective. The association used for the disorder characterized by chronic sleep
between improved mood and reduction in REM loss and excessive sleepiness.
sleep has led to the hypothesis that the tricyclic Rechtschaffen, Alan, Bergmann, B.M., Everson, C.A.,
ANTIDEPRESSANTS work because they are effective Kushida, C.A. and Guilland, M.A., “Sleep Depriva-
REM sleep suppressants. MONOAMINE OXIDASE tion in the Rat: X. Integration and Discussion of the
INHIBITORS, which are particularly powerful REM Findings,” Sleep 12 (1989): 68–87.
sleep medications, are also strong improvers of Horne, J.A., “Sleep Function: With Particular Reference
mood and depression and are usually associated to Sleep Deprivation,” Annals of Clinical Research 17
with severe reduction and almost total elimination (1985): 199–208.
of REM sleep during their administration.
Animal studies with REM sleep deprivation in sleep diary See SLEEP LOG.
controlled experiments have recently suggested
that deprivation of REM sleep may be associated sleep disorder centers Facilities designed for the
with early death in animals, which may have rele- diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of patients
vance for humans as well. with sleep disorders. A comprehensive sleep disor-
Sleep deprivation as a clinical feature is common der center has the expertise and facilities for diag-
in disorders that affect the quality of nighttime nosing and evaluating disorders that occur during
sleep, leading to disruption of sleep stages. Disor- sleep as well as disorders of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS
ders such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or during the day. The disorders that are able to be
PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER produce EXCES- evaluated cover all medical specialties and age
SIVE SLEEPINESS due to the frequent disruption of groups from infancy to old age. The first sleep dis-
sleep stages. However, patients with INSOMNIA typ- order center in the United States was developed in
ically do not have an increased amount of daytime the early 1970s at the Stanford University Medical
sleepiness despite complaints of very little sleep. Center. By the end of 1988, 110 sleep disorder cen-
Research studies have demonstrated that the dura- ters had been accredited in the United States. Sim-
tion of sleep in patients with insomnia is only ilar centers are being developed in many other
slightly shorter than that of the normal population, countries, including Japan, England and Germany.
whereas the subjective assessment of sleep reduc- A typical sleep disorder center comprises a spe-
tion is much greater. cialist in SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE, usually a physi-
204 sleep disorder centers, accreditation standards for

cian, and consultants from a variety of different ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME. Chronic res-
medical specialties, including otolaryngology, pul- piratory diseases including nocturnal asthma can
monary medicine, cardiology, neurology and psy- also produce sleep-related breathing abnormalities,
chiatry. Patients typically undergo a full clinical characterized by reduction in blood oxygen satura-
evaluation that may involve seeing a psychologist tion during sleep as well as disrupted sleep. Sleep-
and, if necessary, patients will undergo polysomno- disordered breathing may consist of a pattern of
graphic testing. hyperventilation or hypoventilation with or with-
A sleep disorder center will have at least one out apneic episodes. The term sleep-disordered
recording room for POLYSOMNOGRAPHY, and typi- breathing has also been applied to the APNEAS and
cally will have two or three rooms. These rooms HYPOPNEAS that occur during sleep and is often
consist of a hotel-like bedroom with specialized expressed as the RESPIRATORY DISTURBANCE INDEX.
monitoring equipment housed in an adjacent con- (See also CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE,
trol room. Patients will undergo all-night polysom- SLEEP-RELATED ASTHMA, SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
nographic monitoring as needed, which may be DISORDERS.)
followed by an assessment of excessive daytime
sleepiness by MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TESTING. Some sleep disorders medicine A clinical specialty
patients require several nights of polysomno- concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of dis-
graphic monitoring to determine an accurate orders of sleep and wakefulness. In the last 25
diagnosis, or to provide for treatment under years, there has been a rapid development of this
polysomnographic monitoring. Bathroom and kit- subspecialty area due to the recognition of the
chen facilities are usually available for the patient’s importance of sleep in health and disease. It is esti-
comfort. mated that approximately 100 million people in all
In addition to clinicians’ offices and the age groups in the United States have a disturbance
polysomnographic recording areas, a sleep disor- of sleep and wakefulness, which can manifest itself
ders center usually will have a conference room in many different ways. SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYN-
where multidisciplinary clinical case conferences DROME affects some 7,000 normal infants every
are held. year. Approximately 250,000 people have a disor-
The development of quality standards for sleep der of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS termed NARCOLEPSY,
disorder centers throughout the United States is pro- which causes them to have impaired ALERTNESS
vided through the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MED- during the day—a lifelong and incurable disorder.
ICINE. Sleep disorder centers are accredited if they Approximately 18 million shift workers have
meet the standards and guidelines of the American disturbed sleep-wake patterns due to the altered
Academy of Sleep Medicine. (See also ACCREDITATION relationship of sleep and their underlying circadian
EFFECT, REVERSED FIRST NIGHT EFFECT.) recent years, it has become known that breathing
disturbances during sleep can produce daytime
sleep disorder centers, accreditation standards sleepiness and are associated with sudden death
ORDER CENTERS. DROME is believed to occur in up to two million
Americans. About 30 million people have INSOMNIA
at some time of their lives that causes significant
sleep disorder clinics See SLEEP DISORDER CEN-
concern and stress. The recognition that these and
other disorders are associated with the pathophys-
iology of sleep has led to the development of sleep
sleep-disordered breathing Term applied to a disorders medicine.
variety of breathing disorders that can occur during Sleep disorders medicine in the United States
sleep, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- has evolved from basic and clinical research of
DROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME or CENTRAL sleep disorders. Research programs were developed
sleep duration 205

to understand the anatomy and physiology of nor- 1989, the first comprehensive teaching text was
mal sleep. In 1961, the first sleep research society, developed, The Principles and Practices of Sleep Disor-
STUDY OF SLEEP, was developed; its name was subse- ROTH and WILLIAM C. DEMENT.
quently changed to the SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, out Sleep disorders medicine has clarified the many
of which sleep disorders medicine arose. Sleep dis- disturbances of sleep and wakefulness that not only
order centers were developed in the early 1970s threaten physical and emotional health and lives
and standards and guidelines for such facilities but also greatly impair the ability to adequately
were established in 1975 by the ASSOCIATION OF perform during the working part of the day.
SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS. This led to the develop-
ment of the CLINICAL SLEEP SOCIETY, a society of clin- sleep disorder specialist A physician (M.D.) who
icians from all medical specialties with a specific is trained and knowledgeable in the practice of
interest in sleep and sleep disorders medicine. The SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE. In the United States, the
Association of Sleep Disorder Centers and the Clin- majority of sleep disorder specialists have under-
ical Sleep Society merged to form the AMERICAN gone appropriate certification by passing the exam-
ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE (formerly called the
ination in sleep medicine that is given by the
American Sleep Disorders Association), which cur- AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE. Most sleep
rently oversees the standards and guidelines for the disorder specialists have polysomnographic moni-
accreditation of sleep disorder centers and provides toring equipment available to assist in the diagno-
information and professional education in all sis and management of sleep disorders. Sleep
aspects of patient care. The AMERICAN BOARD OF disorder specialists usually practice in a SLEEP DIS-
SLEEP MEDICINE has developed examinations for the ORDER CENTER, which is a comprehensive diagnos-
certification of physicians in sleep medicine. In tic and treatment facility capable of diagnosing and
addition, the technologists trained in performing treating all types of sleep disorders.
polysomnographic studies have formed the ASSOCI-
provides training courses and certification exami- sleep drunkenness Term applied to the condition
nations for sleep technicians. In 1987, the three of people who have difficulty awakening in the
main sleep societies formed the ASSOCIATION OF morning and who often awaken in a confused and
PROFESSIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES, which comprised the disoriented state. Although originally proposed as a
Sleep Research Society, the American Sleep Disor- distinct disorder, sleep drunkenness is no longer
ders Association and the Association of Polysomno- thought to be a specific diagnostic entity. Instead,
graphic Technologists. In 1995, the Association of sleep drunkenness, or confusion and disorientation
Polysomnographic Technologists left the group to upon awakening, is a feature of many DISORDERS OF
organize its own annual meeting.
Major events that impacted on the development
of sleep disorders medicine included the discovery
of REM SLEEP in the early 1950s, the recognition of
the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the late
1960s, the development of the first diagnostic clas- sleep duration The time one spends sleeping
sification of sleep disorders in 1979 (see DIAGNOSTIC varies according to age, and there are individual
CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP AND AROUSAL DISORDERS) differences at any particular age. A number of fac-
and the development of physical facilities (see tors can influence sleep duration, such as an indi-
SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS) for the practice of sleep vidual’s voluntary control of sleep duration (by
disorders medicine, with the capability of perform- going to bed earlier or later, or waking up earlier or
ing polysomnographic evaluations during sleep later) and genetic determinants. Variation in sleep
(see POLYSOMNOGRAPHY) and for assessing daytime time may be determined by nighttime or daytime
sleepiness (see MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TESTING). In social or work commitments. When a short sleep
206 sleep duration

episode persists on a regular basis it may impair taken. Siestas that last four hours may be accom-
daytime alertness and EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS may panied by a nocturnal sleep episode that is only
occur. In such circumstances, the individual will four to six hours long. The total amount of sleep
have a tendency to fall asleep at inappropriate within a 24-hour period is usually normal, and is
times and may take frequent daytime NAPS. equivalent to that seen in societies without a siesta.
Sleep duration varies from approximately 16 Research has demonstrated that sleep duration
hours in infancy (see INFANT SLEEP) to six hours in may be reduced voluntarily if one gradually cuts
the elderly (see ELDERLY AND SLEEP). In general, back on the amount of sleep at night. This sleep
there is a gradual decline in the sleep duration as reduction is done at the expense of the lighter
one ages. Sleep in infancy is characterized by short stages of sleep and REM sleep, which become
episodes of REM and non-REM sleep that alternate reduced. If sleep duration is reduced below the
with short episodes of wakefulness. Approximately physiological need for an individual then excessive
seven episodes of sleep occur throughout the 24- sleepiness will result. Many people who report a
hour day. The number of episodes decreases, and long sleep duration often spend an excessive
the duration of the nocturnal sleep episode amount of time in bed awake at night. Reduction
increases, so that by one year of age a child may be in hours spent sleeping will eliminate this wake
sleeping nine hours at night with two short naps of time and lead to more consolidated and efficient
about two hours each during the rest of the 24- nocturnal sleep. Although individuals have been
hour day. By age four years, the major sleep reported to sleep as little as two hours per night,
episode comprises about 10 hours in duration and this is very rare. (Individuals who have a genetic
there may or may not be one nap. Most prepuber- predisposition to less sleep are termed SHORT SLEEP-
tal children have a nocturnal sleep duration of ERS.) In order to confirm a short sleep duration, an
approximately 10 hours without a tendency for individual must be studied in an environment free
daytime naps, and this length of nocturnal sleep of time cues (see ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES) for at
gradually reduces to six hours after 60 years of age. least seven days so that both nocturnal and day-
Most young adults sleep 7.5 hours each night, time sleep can be recorded. Some individuals
with a slight increase in sleep duration on week- report the complete absence of sleep for months
ends by approximately one hour. However, there is and even years. Such people, when studied in the
a normal distribution of sleep length across each sleep laboratory, are seen to be sleeping, yet upon
age group, with some individuals having less than awakening do not perceive that they slept. This dis-
five hours of sleep a night and others having more order is called SLEEP STATE MISPERCEPTION or pseu-
than nine hours. Recent research has indicated that dosomnia.
adults who receive less than five hours of sleep on Some persons have a genetic tendency for a pro-
a regular basis, or more than nine hours of sleep, longed nocturnal sleep episode (greater than nine
have an increased mortality (see DEATHS DURING hours of sleep per day). For others, very often pro-
SLEEP). longed nocturnal sleep episodes occur at the
In addition to a reduction of total sleep duration expense of consolidated sleep so that frequent or
as one gets older, there is also a change in the ratio lighter stages of sleep occur throughout the sleep
of REM to non-REM sleep. In infancy, about 50% episode. Long sleep episodes may alternate with
of all sleep is REM SLEEP, and this percentage short sleep episodes; this is particularly seen with
decreases as one gets older so that by age two years, people who have mental disease characterized by
about 25% of the sleep period is REM sleep and at manic-depressive stages. Rarely, some people can
age 60 years, about 20% is REM sleep. In addition, extend their nocturnal sleep for one or two nights
the frequency and number of awakenings during for periods as long as 15 hours in total duration.
the major sleep episode increases from childhood When an episode of prolonged sleep occurs, there
through adulthood to old age. is usually a return of stage three or four sleep
In some societies, the nocturnal sleep episode is toward the end of the sleep episode. Awakening
of shorter duration because a daytime SIESTA is from this sleep can lead to a complaint of fatigue,
sleep enuresis 207

tiredness and DROWSINESS for the remainder of the dren. Usually sleep enuresis is not considered to be
day. Such prolonged sleep durations in healthy a diagnosis before the age of five; up to that time
people rarely occur for more than two nights at a frequent bed-wetting may be a normal develop-
time. However, a genetic predisposition to long mental behavior. Primary enuresis indicates that
sleep rarely occurs and those individuals are control of urination at night has never occurred
termed LONG SLEEPERS. and therefore bed-wetting has occurred since
Many sleep disorders can affect sleep duration. infancy. Secondary enuresis indicates that there
Patients with insomnia typically report a short has been a period of time when complete urinary
sleep duration at night, although recent studies control has occurred during sleep but then some
have shown that sleep duration in insomnia factor caused the control of urination to become
patients is very similar to people without a com- disturbed, and bed-wetting occurred. At least three
plaint of insomnia. Disorders that affect the quality to six months of dryness is considered necessary
of nocturnal sleep may lead to a change in sleep before the term secondary enuresis is used.
duration; for example, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Polysomnographic studies of bed-wetting have
SYNDROME and PERIODIC LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER indicated that it occurs in any stage of sleep, most
are two disorders commonly associated with an commonly at the end of the first third of the night.
increased nocturnal sleep duration. In addition, As children between the ages of five and eight
patients with the disorder IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA years of age have a larger percentage of stage
typically have a rather prolonged nocturnal sleep three/four sleep at night than adults, it is more
episode. likely that an episode of enuresis will occur during
Roffwarg, Howard P., Muzio, J.M. and Dement, William stage three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). Originally
C., “Ontogenic Development of the Human Sleep- it was thought that there might be a specific sleep
Dream Cycle,” Science 152 (1966): 604–619. stage association with enuresis; however, this has
Hartmann, Ernest, Baekeland, F. and Zwilling, G.R., not been proven. Bed-wetting episodes appear to
“Psychological Differences Between Long and Short occur in relation to the amount of time that has
Sleepers,” Archives of General Psychiatry 26 (1972): passed since the last episode of voiding urine and
463–468. are not due to a particular sleep stage.
It is estimated that approximately 10% of all six-
sleep efficiency The amount of sleep that occurs year-old children are enuretic and this percentage
during a sleep episode in relation to the amount of decreases with age to 3% of 12-year-olds. In early
time available for sleep. During POLYSOMNOGRAPHY adulthood, approximately 1% to 3% continue to
it is usually expressed as a percentage of TOTAL be enuretic. Primary enuresis comprises the major-
SLEEP TIME according to the TOTAL RECORDING TIME. ity of all enuretic patients—up to 90%—the
The sleep efficiency is an indication of how much remainder being secondary enuretics. The male to
wakefulness occurred during the time available for female ratio is three to two.
sleep. Usually a sleep efficiency of greater than The cause of primary enuresis is unknown. Cur-
80% is regarded as normal in the sleep laboratory. rent theories suggest it is due to a central nervous
Efficiencies greater than 95% are indicative of an system maturational defect, as it spontaneously
abnormally high sleep efficiency and are typically resolves with age. Rarely enuresis may be due to
seen in patients with NARCOLEPSY or IDIOPATHIC bladder abnormalities, such as a small bladder or
HYPERSOMNIA. Sleep efficiencies of less than 80% urinary sphincter abnormalities. In the adult, sec-
are typical of disorders that produce a complaint of ondary enuresis may be caused by a variety of dis-
INSOMNIA. orders, including urinary tract infections, and
lesions that affect the urinary sphincter mecha-
sleep enuresis Also known as bed-wetting, this is nism, such as local bladder or prostatic tumors.
a disorder that is characterized by urinating during Sleep disorders may increase the frequency of NOC-
sleep. This disorder can occur in both children and TURIA, although enuresis during sleep does not
adults, although it is much more common in chil- occur. However, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
208 sleep exercises

DROME is a common cause of secondary enuresis in obstructive sleep apnea is present, treatment of this
both children and adults. Rarely enuresis may be disorder can lead to resolution of the enuresis.
related to emotional immaturity. It may be seen in
Cendron, M., “Primary Nocturnal Enuresis: Current
the child who demonstrates regression or passive- Concepts,” American Family Physician 59, no. 5
aggressive behavior due to family or social stresses. (1999): 1205–1214, 1219–1220.
Treatment is not required before age five, and if Ferber, Richard, “Sleep-Associated Enuresis in the
there is evidence that the frequency of urination is Child,” in Kryger, M., Roth T. and Dement, W., eds.,
decreasing, treatment may be unnecessary even The Principles and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine.
after age five. Studies have demonstrated that Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 643–664.
patients who undergo treatment by a variety of dif- Forsythe, W.F. and Redmond, A., “Enuresis and Sponta-
ferent means can usually be helped. However, neous Cure Rate: Study of 1129 Enuretics,” Archives
approximately 15% of all patients will have a spon- of Disease in Childhood 49 (1974): 259–263.
Mikkelsen, E.J. and Rappoport, J.L., “Enuresis: Psy-
taneous remission of the enuresis.
chopathology, Sleep Stage, and Drug Response,” Neu-
Bladder training exercises such as controlling rological Clinics of North America 7 (1980): 361–377.
urination by preventing frequent daytime urina-
tion may be helpful. It is reported that up to 30%
of children are helped by such exercises. Sphincter sleep exercises Exercises prior to sleep at night
training exercises—where the child is asked to are often recommended for patients who have an
interrupt the urinary stream repeatedly, approxi- increase in muscle tension and a difficulty in relax-
mately 10 times for each voiding of the bladder— ing that impairs the ability to fall asleep. The exer-
have also been reported to be helpful. A variety of cises are composed of relaxation techniques that
conditioning processes have been utilized, such as lower arousal so that natural sleep can occur. They
using an alarm system. These means are often suc- can be performed during the daytime (wakeful-
cessful but require motivation on the part of the ness) to assist in recognizing when muscle tension
enuretic. Reinforcement of positive urinary control is high, and prior to the sleep episode to relax the
during sleep by means of a star chart or other tension and facilitate sleep onset. BIOFEEDBACK
reward system is helpful. techniques have also been developed to aid in rec-
Along with any management of enuresis it is ognizing when muscle tension is high.
very important that the individual is supported by Typical relaxation exercises involve tensing and
other members of the family. A loss of the support tightening up one or more muscles and then per-
will often lead to the relapse of urinary control. ceiving the sensation that occurs when they relax.
Other positive reinforcement processes, such as Relaxation exercises can be performed while lying
removing the child from diapers or transferring on the back with the eyes closed and the legs
from a crib to a bed, can often be positive steps in uncrossed. They should last at least 30 minutes;
encouraging emotional maturation. however, up to 60 minutes may be necessary if a
Medication can be useful for patients who have great deal of muscle tension is present. Exercises of
not responded to behavioral techniques. The tri- the legs involve bending both feet downward at the
cyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS, such as imipramine, may be ankles and clawing the toes at the same time. The
useful in some patients, as also an anticholinergic knees are straight and should not bend. The feet
medication, such as oxybutynin chloride and toes are then allowed to go limp suddenly. Sev-
(Ditropan). Antidiuretic hormones have also been eral minutes of relaxation should then occur before
shown to be useful, such as the intranasal desmo- repeating the tension and relaxation phase of the
pressin (DDAUP). Although medications are not the feet. Following relaxation of the legs, the rest of the
complete answer to treatment of enuresis, they can body, including the arms, should be relaxed. Simi-
be useful, particularly for a child who may be stay- lar exercises can be used for other muscles in the
ing over at a friend’s place or staying at overnight legs, arms, trunk, head and neck.
camp. Other causes of enuresis must be excluded. The muscle exercises proposed by Edmund
Urinary tract infections must be treated, and if Jacobson in 1983 have been found useful by many
sleep-inducing factors 209

patients with increased muscle tension (see JACOB- some patients, the disorder can be relatively brief
SONIAN RELAXATION). in duration, but in others it is a lifelong tendency.
Excessive sweating can be exacerbated by chronic
sleep hygiene A variety of different practices that febrile (feverish) illness and a variety of other dis-
are necessary in order to have normal, good qual- orders, including diabetes insipidus, hyperthy-
ity nocturnal sleep and full daytime alertness. roidism, pheochromocytoma, hypothalamic lesions,
epilepsy, cerebral and brain stem strokes, cerebral
These practices ensure that a regular pattern of
sleep and wakefulness will occur in association
infarction, head injury and spontaneous periodic
with a pattern of underlying circadian rhythms.
hypothermia. Sleep hyperhidrosis can also be a fea-
ENVIRONMENTAL TIME CUES are an important compo-
ture of pregnancy and can be induced by the use of
nent of ensuring that the sleep-wake cycle main-
antipyretic medications.
tains a normal rhythm and timing; disturbances of
There does not appear to be any gender differ-
these cues will lead to a weakening of the circadian
ence in the presence of this disorder, and it can be
rhythmicity with consequent disturbances of the
seen at any age but most commonly is seen in early
sleep-wake pattern.
adulthood. Sleep hyperhidrosis can occur in older
The strongest environmental time cues are those
age groups in association with the development of
that occur around the time of awakening and
involve the maintenance of a regular wake time
Treatment is dependent on the cause of the
with adequate exposure to light.
sweating. Some patients may respond to amitrypti-
Practices that are associated with a normal
line or clonidine given before sleep. However, for
sleep-wake pattern are: avoidance of napping dur-
many patients no cause can be determined; for
ing the daytime; regular wake and sleep onset
most patients, treatment is not required. (See also
times; ensuring that an appropriate length of time
is spent in bed, which is neither too short nor too
excessive; avoidance of stimulants such as CAF- Lea, M.J. and Haber, R.C., “Descriptive Epidemiology of
FEINE, NICOTINE and ALCOHOL in the period immedi- Night Sweats Upon Admission to a University Hospi-
ately preceding bedtime; avoidance of stimulating tal,” Southern Medical Journal 78 (1985): 1065–1067.
exercise before bedtime; an adequate relaxation
period before bedtime; avoidance of emotionally- sleep hypochrondriasis See SLEEP STATE MISPER-
upsetting activities or conversations immediately CEPTION.
before bedtime; avoidance of activities associated
with wakefulness in bed, for example, watching
sleep-inducing factors Various natural factors
television or listening to the radio; a pleasant sleep
that are produced by the body are thought to have
environment, which includes sleeping on a com- the effect of inducing sleep. The presence of these
fortable mattress with adequate bed covers, and factors was first suggested by Henri Pieron in 1913
ensuring that the bedroom environment is not too when the cerebrospinal fluid of a sleep-deprived
cold, too hot or too bright; avoidance of dwelling dog had induced sleep in another dog after being
on mental problems in bed. (See also INADEQUATE injected into the ventricles of the brain. Since that
time, studies have confirmed the presence of sleep-
inducing properties of natural fluids, and various
sleep hyperhidrosis Term for profuse sweating substances have been isolated that appear to have
that occurs during sleep; also known as night a sleep-inducing property. In 1967, Pappenheimer
sweats. The patient may have an excessive amount took spinal fluid from sleep-deprived goats and
of sweating during daytime hours as well. This dis- injected it into the ventricles of other animals and
order can produce discomfort due to the excessive found that sleep could be induced. The compound
wetness of the bed clothes, which may need to be that was known as FACTOR S was eventually iso-
changed several times throughout the night. In lated from the urine of healthy males and this com-
210 sleepiness

pound, when injected into rabbits, produced SLOW occurs in situations where sleep would be inappro-
WAVE SLEEP. Since that time, a variety of other priate, such as during the day, it is termed EXCES-
sleep-promoting peptides have been discovered, SIVE SLEEPINESS. A variety of disorders that affect
including delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) and the quantity or quality of nocturnal sleep can lead
SLEEP-PROMOTING SUBSTANCE (SPS). Factor S appears to excessive sleepiness; however, normal sleepiness
to be very similar to a substance, which is found in occurs in relation to the major sleep episode at
bacterial cell walls, called MURAMYL DIPEPTIDE night. Although sleepiness may be predominant,
(MDP). This compound, when infused into animals, the arousal system can allow the individual to
has been shown to increase NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP. maintain full alertness, despite there being a strong
However, it also affects increasing body TEMPERA- physiological need for sleep. For example, this
TURE. Further work with MDP suggested a relation- occurs in individuals working the night shift or in
ship between the immune system and sleep individuals staying up late at night because of work
because the compound INTERLEUKIN-I, a polypep- commitments or social interactions.
tide, is produced in the acute phase response to
injury and has marked slow wave sleep–inducing sleeping pills See HYPNOTICS.
Other natural compounds that may have a sleeping sickness Also known as trypanosomiasis
sleep-inducing effect include CHOLECYSTOKININ (brucei), sleeping sickness is an acute infection
(CCK), which is a peptide that is found in both the caused by a protozoan that induces sleepiness asso-
gastrointestinal tract and the brain. Injection of ciated with a chronic meningoencephalomyelitis.
CCK into animals has produced a reduction in the This protozoan is transmitted to humans by the
SLEEP LATENCY. However, it may be associated more
tsetse fly. There are two main forms of the disease:
with behavioral sedation rather than the induction the Gambian, or West African type; and the Rhode-
of true sleepiness. sian, or East African type. Trypanosomiasis differs
Somatostatin is another agent that has been in its sensitivity to medication, and the Rhodesian
localized to the cells in the brain stem that are asso- form is often more severe, and more often fatal,
ciated with the induction and maintenance of than the Gambian form.
sleep. It may well have a direct effect on the regu- The infection usually presents in the acute phase
lation of sleep. with high fever and lymphadenopathy, often
Various neurotransmitter agents, including accompanied by severe headaches. Gradually the
SEROTONIN, NOREPINEPHRINE and ACETYLCHOLINE, are major sleep episode becomes disrupted and EXCES-
known to be agents that have a pronounced effect SIVE SLEEPINESS develops. The central nervous sys-
on inducing alertness or sleep; agents such as tem features may develop several years after the
prostaglandin-D2 and uridine also have been onset of the acute infection. Seizures, coma and
demonstrated to have some sleep-inducing proper- eventually death can occur if the disorder is un-
ties. treated.
Thus a variety of agents are believed to be Sleeping sickness can be diagnosed by demon-
involved in the regulation of sleep and wakeful- strating the presence of the trypanosome in the
ness, and the exact role of each has yet to be eluci- blood, lymph nodes or spinal fluid. Serum abnor-
dated. However, it is clear that the control of sleep malities include increases in the IgM, and there is
and wakefulness is a complex system that involves an increase of cerebrospinal fluid protein with cen-
numerous neurochemical agents. tral nervous system involvement. The disease is
easily recognized if there has been exposure in
sleepiness Difficulty in maintaining the alert endemic areas.
state so that, if an individual is not kept active and Polysomnographic studies demonstrate that the
aroused, he will readily fall into sleep. Sleepiness is non-REM sleep loses its characteristic features of
not just a form of tiredness and fatigue, but a spindle activity (see SLEEP SPINDLES) and K-com-
reflection of a true need for sleep. When sleepiness plexes, and the SLEEP STAGES become unrecogniz-
sleep medicine and clinical polysomnography examination 211

able. However, REM sleep maintains its polysom- ful activities. Sleep log is synonymous with the
nographic features, but sleep onset REM periods term “sleep diary.”
may be present during daytime episodes of sleepi-
ness. sleep maintenance (DIMS) This term applies to
Early in the disease, suramin is the most effec- people who complain of INSOMNIA and have diffi-
tive medication; however, melarsoprol is recom- culty in maintaining sleep once it has been initi-
mended once there is central nervous system ated. Sleep maintenance insomnia can comprise
involvement. An alternative medication is alpha- either awakenings during the sleep episode or an
difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), which has early final awakening. It is a common feature of
recently been shown to be more effective and less most forms of insomnia with the exception of the
toxic than melarsoprol. DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, which is character-
Mhlanga, J.D. et al., “Neurobiology of Cerebral Malaria ized by a prolonged SLEEP ONSET without any sleep
and African Sleeping Sickness,” Brain Research Bul- maintenance difficulty. The 1979 edition of the
Schwartz, B.A. and Seskande, C., “Sleeping Sickness: DISORDERS listed nine major groups of disorders of
Sleep Study of a Case,” Electroencephalography and initiating and maintaining sleep.
Clinical Neurophysiology 3 (1970): 83–87.
sleep medicine and clinical polysomnography
sleep interruption A break in the SLEEP ARCHI- examination This examination was held for the
TECTURE that results in an arousal or an episode of first time in 1990 for applicants with a degree in
wakefulness. Sleep interruption occurs in persons the health field. Applicants can be either a Ph.D.,
who have disorders during sleep that lead to an M.D. or D.O. This examination replaces the pre-
arousal or an awakening, such as INSOMNIA, vious accredited CLINICAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHER
LIMB MOVEMENT DISORDER. both sleep medicine and clinical polysomnography,
and Ph.D.s can receive certification in clinical
sleep latency The amount of time from lights
Physician applicants for the examination are
out, or bedtime, to the commencement of the first
required to hold an M.D. or D.O. and be licensed to
stage of sleep, either non-REM or REM sleep. The
practice medicine in a state, commonwealth or ter-
sleep latency is usually within 20 minutes in nor-
ritory of the United States or Canada. They must
mal sleepers and is typically 30 minutes or longer
have undergone a one-year training in SLEEP DIS-
in persons suffering from INSOMNIA. Short sleep
latencies of less than 10 minutes are usually seen in
supervision of a board-certified sleep specialist and
disorders of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, such as NAR-
at least two years of an accredited residency pro-
This term is preferred over the term “latency to
Both part one and part two of the examination
were reorganized to be more specific to the appli-
cant’s background training. Part one is entirely
sleep log A written record for 24 hours or longer multiple-choice questions; however, the questions
of a person’s sleep-wake pattern. Sleep logs typi- focus on medical, diagnostic and treatment deci-
cally comprise information on sleep for at least two sions for the physician.
weeks. The information recorded includes the BED- Applicants for the Ph.D. examination need a
TIME, SLEEP ONSET time, SLEEP DURATION, awake Ph.D. degree with doctoral specialization in the
times, final wake-up, ARISE TIME and the timing health field and two years of clinical experience.
and length of daytime NAPS. Other information can They must have one year of training in clinical
also be recorded, such as the use of sleep-inducing polysomnography under the supervision of an
or STIMULANT MEDICATIONS, and the nature of wake- accredited clinical polysomnographer. (See also
212 sleep mentation

ACCREDITATION STANDARDS FOR SLEEP DISORDER CEN- increased daytime activity and improved quality or
TERS, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE, CLINI- duration of nighttime sleep. Some studies, how-
CAL POLYSOMNOGRAPHER.) ever, have tended to show that there is an increase
in stage three/four sleep, particularly if the exercise
is performed in the late afternoon. However, other
sleep mentation The imagery and thinking expe-
studies have tended to show different results with
rienced during sleep. Sleep mentation usually con-
delay and decrease in REM sleep. The means of
sists of a combination of thoughts and images that
analyzing electroencephalographic sleep may affect
can occur during REM SLEEP. The imagery is most
these results because more specialized forms of
vividly expressed in DREAMS, which are clear repre-
analysis (by means of spectral analysis, EEG fre-
sentations of waking activity. This form of imagery
quency analysis) have given different information
is usually expressed during REM sleep, but it may
than studies that have been scored by more tradi-
occur less vividly during NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP, par-
tional methods. The spectral analysis studies have
ticularly during stage two sleep (see SLEEP STAGES).
tended to give support to the restorative theory of
Sometimes mentation and dream imagery can
exercise and SLOW WAVE SLEEP by demonstrating
occur at SLEEP ONSET and may be termed HYPNA-
improved slow wave sleep.
A second theory, called the Cleansing Theory,
was first proposed in 1958 by Hughlings Jackson, a
sleep need Like the need for air and water, sleep neurologist. The Cleansing Theory suggests that
is a necessity for humans, not an optional activity sleep affects memory, it cleans away unwanted
or even a skill that has to be learned. About a third memories and allows consolidation of memories
of our lives is spent sleeping. It is possible for a that are important and need to be retained. The
short while to get by on less sleep, or to put off theory has been extended by others, including
sleeping, but the need to sleep will eventually force Francis Crick in 1983, who has proposed that it is
anyone to succumb (see SLEEP DEPRIVATION). the REM sleep that is particularly valuable in clean-
The question “Why do we need to sleep?” is one ing out unwanted memories, perhaps by a mecha-
that has intrigued scientists over the centuries, ever nism that involves dreaming.
since Aristotle, in the fourth century B.C., noted The third theory of sleep need is the Circadian
that afternoon sleepiness appeared to follow mid- Theory developed in the 1970s. This theory
day meals. Lucretius in 55 B.C. perceived a connec- hypothesizes that sleep is necessary in order to
tion between sleep and wakefulness. maintain CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS. It has been proposed
We know that all animals, and fish, sleep for that the interaction of the circadian rhythms is the
part of the 24-hour day, yet there is little under- most effective and efficient means of maintaining
standing about why sleep is necessary. physiology in a state so that it can adequately adapt
There are currently three main theories about to changes in environmental or internal factors. A
why we need to sleep. The first, the Restorative normal sleep-wake cycle has been shown to pro-
Theory, hypothesizes that sleep restores some com- mote the maximal and ideal rhythm amplitude and
ponent of our physiology that is used up during phase relationships. Body temperature has its nadir
wakefulness. This restoration may be of a physical, during sleep and rises to a maximum amplitude 12
chemical or mental nature. However, no one has hours later. The strength of the cyclical pattern is
yet been able to determine exactly what might be diminished by a disrupted sleep pattern. (See also
lost during wakefulness that is restored during AGE.)
Studies have centered around trying to deter- sleep onset The transition from wakefulness to
mine if there is any direct association between day- sleep that usually comprises stage one sleep. In cer-
time physical activity and nighttime sleep. But tain situations, particularly in infancy (see INFANT
investigations into athletes who are well-trained SLEEP) and in NARCOLEPSY, sleep onset may occur
have failed to show any association between with REM SLEEP. Sleep onset is usually characterized
sleep onset insomnia 213

by: a slowing of the ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (EEG); age, when falling asleep to a television or radio is
the reduction and eventual disappearance of ALPHA typical.
ACTIVITY; the presence of EEG vertex sharp tran- This sleep disturbance can also occur at any age
sients; and slow rolling eye movements. Although in response to a household disturbance, such as a
an EPOCH (one page of a POLYSOMNOGRAM) of stage move to a new home, marital difficulties, sibling
one sleep is usually required as documentation for rivalries or other forms of emotional stress that
sleep onset, some researchers prefer to take the necessitate getting a comforting object in order to
first epoch of any stage of sleep other than stage initiate sleep.
one as being the criterion for sleep onset. The rea- Polysomnographic monitoring demonstrates
son is that stage two sleep is more associated with essentially normal sleep patterns, particularly if the
subjective recall of sleep onset. Sometimes the sleep onset association object is present. However,
sleep onset will be regarded as the onset of contin- sleep onset difficulties and an increase in the fre-
uous sleep, which may comprise the beginning of quency and duration of awakenings at night may
three or more continuous epochs of stage one or occur if the object is unavailable.
other stages of sleep. This form of sleep disturbance needs to be dif-
Sleep onset usually occurs within 20 minutes of ferentiated from LIMIT-SETTING SLEEP DISORDER
the bedtime; however, people who complain of where inadequate limits on bedtimes and wake
INSOMNIA may have a sleep onset that occurs 30 times are the primary cause of the sleep distur-
minutes or longer from the attempt to initiate bance. It also needs to be distinguished from PSY-
sleep. Sleep onset may occur rapidly in disorders CHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA in the adult, in which
characterized by EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the negative associations to sleep are developed rather
day or by hypersomnia, such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP than the positive associations seen in sleep onset
APNEA SYNDROME or narcolepsy. (See also SLEEP association disorder.
LATENCY, SLEEP STAGES.) Treatment involves a gradual withdrawal of the
object so that positive associations are developed to
sleep onset association disorder Primarily a dis- sleep, in the sleeping environment, without the
order of childhood where a child typically needs to need for a specific object. During the time of with-
have a favorite object (teddy bear, stuffed toy, blan- drawal of the object, good SLEEP HYGIENE measures
ket or bottle) or behavior (rocking in a mother’s are essential in order to prevent a breakdown of
arms, hearing lullabies) for SLEEP ONSET to occur. In the sleep pattern or the development of psy-
adults, the associated behavior may be the use of a chophysiological insomnia.
television or a radio. When the object or behavior
is not present, sleep onset becomes more difficult, sleep onset insomnia A form of insomnia char-
and awakenings may occur throughout the night. acterized by difficulty in initiating sleep; there is an
The sleep onset association is often reinforced by increased SLEEP LATENCY, but once sleep is initiated,
a caregiver. A child may be put to bed with a paci- little, if any, sleep disruption occurs. Sleep onset
fier or a bottle, and the pattern or association with insomnia is typically seen in patients with the
sleep becomes fixed until the child reaches a level DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, where the timing
of independence when it can maintain its own of sleep is altered in relationship to the 24-hour
sleep pattern without the use of the object. If the day. There may be a prolonged sleep latency but,
behavior is not spontaneously eliminated with in- once sleep is initiated, sleep is normal in quality.
creasing maturity, it may be necessary to actively Rarely, a sleep onset insomnia may be produced as
limit the introduction of the object. a result of a PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL INSOMNIA or an
This form of sleep disorder can be present from ANXIETY DISORDER; a pure sleep onset insomnia is
the first few days of life, but most commonly it also a rare feature of DEPRESSION. Some disorders,
becomes set between six months and three years of such as the RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME or excessive
age. The disorder can occur for the first time at any SLEEP STARTS, may also be associated with a sleep
age, and it is frequently seen in adulthood to old onset insomnia.
214 sleep onset nightmares

sleep onset nightmares See TERRIFYING HYPNA- sumption, causing sleep to occur with the person in
GOGIC HALLUCINATIONS. an unusual position, often with the radial nerve of
the arm being compressed, leading to paralysis of
the muscles supplied by that nerve. Typically a wrist
sleep onset REM period (SOREMP) Typically
drop will result after sleep has occurred in a chair
the onset of REM SLEEP is 90 minutes after sleep
and the arm is draped over the hard chairback. (See
onset. But a sleep onset REM period is character-
ized by the initiation of REM sleep within 20 min-
utes of sleep onset. Sleep onset REM periods are a
characteristic feature of NARCOLEPSY during the sleep paralysis A condition of whole body mus-
major sleep episode as well as during daytime NAPS. cle paralysis that occasionally may be present at the
Two or more sleep onset REM periods seen during onset of sleep, or upon awakening during the night
a daytime MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST, in an indi- or in the morning. It is a manifestation of the mus-
vidual who otherwise has a normal preceding night cle atonia (loss of muscle activity) that occurs in
of sleep, may be diagnostic of narcolepsy. However, association with the dreaming (REM) stage of sleep
sleep onset REM periods may also be seen in other (see DREAMS). Dream activity can accompany the
disorders of disrupted REM sleep, such as in severe limb paralysis; however, the patient is usually
OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. awake and fully conscious during the phenome-
Most patients with narcolepsy will have three non. Typically an individual will attempt to move a
sleep onset REM periods during a five-nap multiple limb and, finding an inability to do so, will feel fear,
sleep latency test; however, not uncommonly five panic and at times the sensation of impending
sleep onset REM periods will occur. A single sleep death. Respiratory movements are usually unim-
onset REM period, particularly on the first or sec- paired, but the sensation of an inability to breathe
ond nap of the multiple sleep latency test, may be is common.
seen in normal individuals who otherwise do not The episodes last from seconds to several min-
have a sleep disorder. However, two or more sleep utes and usually terminate spontaneously. The
onset REM periods are regarded as being distinctly individual may make some moaning sounds during
abnormal for people without a sleep disorder. the episode, which may attract the attention of the
bed partner; being touched or some other stimulus
sleep palsy A muscle weakness, present upon will assist in terminating the episode.
awakening, that is associated with pressure over The condition, when seen frequently in any
nerves supplying a particular muscle or group of individual, raises the possibility of the diagnosis of
muscles. Some nerves in the limbs, such as the NARCOLEPSY and typically is associated with EXCES-
ulnar, radial and peroneal, are superficially placed SIVE SLEEPINESS during the day and CATAPLEXY.
in the limbs and therefore are liable to compression Unless the condition is associated with narcolepsy,
interfering with their conductive properties. A it usually does not warrant therapeutic interven-
sleep palsy is commonly experienced if the limb is tion. Reassurance is often required, and the initial
not moved and pressure is sustained over the nerve episodes are often those of most concern, since in
for half an hour or longer. time recognizing the benign nature of the episodes
Sleep palsies generally resolve within a few min- reduces the concern.
utes after resuming a more comfortable position; A familial form of the condition has been recog-
however, if an individual sleeps deeply and does not nized that is unaccompanied by other abnormal
awaken because of the discomfort, the muscle neurological features.
weakness that results may last hours, days or even Sleep paralysis can sometimes be seen where
weeks. A typical form of sleep palsy occurs in indi- there has been insufficient or poor-quality noctur-
viduals who have their arousal threshold increased nal sleep, such as with patients who have been
because of drinking ALCOHOL. The so-called Satur- sleep deprived (see SLEEP DEPRIVATION) or who have
day night palsy is related to excessive alcohol con- OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME.
sleep-related asthma 215

If the treatment is indicated, a REM suppressant passes into the larynx and trachea. This choking
medication, such as one of the tricyclic ANTIDEPRES- and coughing can cause INSOMNIA.
SANTS, may be useful. This disorder was first described by CHRISTIAN
GUILLEMINAULT in 1976 as an unusual cause of
Goode, G. B., “Sleep Paralysis,” Archives of Neurology 6
(1962): 228–234. insomnia. The patient described by Guilleminault
Hishikawa, Y., “Sleep Paralysis.” in Guilleminault, Chris- had frequent episodes of coughing and gagging that
tian, Dement, William C. and Passouant, P., eds., were associated with “gurgling” sounds, probably
Narcolepsy. Vol. 2: Advances in Sleep Research. New due to the pooling of saliva in the lower part of the
York: Spectrum, 1976. pp. 97–124. pharynx. Because of the frequent aspiration,
McKecknie, J., “Incidence and Diagnosis of Sleep Paral- patients with this disorder may be prone to respira-
ysis,” Nursing Times 94, no. 22 (1998): 50–51. tory tract infections that can be worsened by
Roth, B., Bruhova, S. and Berkova, L., “Familial Sleep increased use of HYPNOTICS, which may be pre-
Paralysis,” Archives Suisses Neurological Neurochir Psy- scribed to help the insomnia.
chiatry 102 (1968): 321–330.
Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated a
very disturbed sleep pattern with frequent awak-
sleep pattern A person’s routine of sleep and enings occurring throughout all the sleep stages;
waking behavior that includes the clock hour of however, deep SLOW WAVE SLEEP does not occur.
BEDTIME and ARISE TIME, as well as NAPS and time This disorder needs to be differentiated from other
and duration of sleep interruptions. A typical 24- disorders that cause choking episodes during sleep,
hour sleep pattern comprises eight hours of sleep at in particular, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME.
night, followed by 16 hours of wakefulness. A Episodes of SLEEP-RELATED GASTROESOPHAGEAL
biphasic sleep pattern is seen in individuals who REFLUX can also lead to coughing and choking dur-
have a prolonged sleep episode in the late after- ing sleep, but daytime episodes of acid reflux asso-
noon, such as a SIESTA, in association with a major ciated with heartburn, chest pain and other
sleep episode at night. (See also CIRCADIAN features indicative of reflux are usually present in
GOSPASM may appear to have a disorder similar to
sleep-promoting substance (SPS) SPS has been sleep-related abnormal swallowing syndrome;
isolated from the brains of rats that have been sleep however, the episodes of laryngospasm are rare,
deprived. This agent, when infused intracerebrally and between episodes patients are typically asymp-
into rats, produces an increase in SLOW WAVE SLEEP tomatic.
and REM SLEEP. This substance has not yet been The pathology of sleep-related abnormal swal-
chemically identified and other researchers have lowing syndrome is unknown; however, abnor-
failed to confirm its existence. (See also SLEEP- malities in either the swallowing reflex, its motor
INDUCING FACTORS.) component or the protective mechanism guarding
the larynx are considered to be possible causes.
sleep-regulating center Term proposed by Con- Treatment is largely symptomatic, and one can
stantin Von Economo following his careful ana- consider the use during sleep of anticholinergic
tomic studies of patients with ENCEPHALITIS agents, such as amitriptyline (see ANTIDEPRES-
LETHARGICA. He believed that a sleep-regulating SANTS), which reduce upper airway secretion.
center was present in the upper brain stem in the Guilleminault, C., Eldridge, F.L., Philipps, J.R. and
posterior hypothalamus. Dement, W.C., “Two Occult Causes of Insomnia and
their Therapeutic Problems,” Archives of General Psy-
sleep-related abnormal swallowing syndrome chiatry 33 (1976): 1241–1245.
Disorder that occurs during sleep in which there is
aspiration of saliva that produces coughing and sleep-related asthma Frequent asthmatic attacks
choking episodes, due to inadequately swallowed that occur during sleep. Typically these episodes
saliva that collects in the pharynx and erroneously will lead to an arousal or an awakening from sleep.
216 sleep-related breathing disorders

The awakenings are characterized by difficulty in ———, “Nocturnal Asthma,” in Martin, Richard J., ed.,
breathing, wheezing, coughing, gasping for air and Cardiorespiratory Disorders During Sleep. New York:
chest discomfort. Often there may be excessive Futura Publishing Company, 1984. pp. 119–146.
mucus produced during these episodes. Typically
the patient will use a medication, such as a bron- sleep-related breathing disorders This term
chodilator, that relieves the acute episodes. applies to breathing disorders that are induced or
Asthma attacks during sleep appear to be more exacerbated during sleep. Although many different
common in children, and it is reported that up to respiratory disorders are affected by sleep, the three
75% of asthmatic patients have some nighttime main syndromes associated with sleep are the
episodes. Generally the severity of the sleep-related OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, CENTRAL SLEEP
asthma parallels the severity of daytime asthma. APNEA SYNDROME and the CENTRAL ALVEOLAR
The cause of sleep-related asthma is unknown; HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME.
however, circadian factors are thought to play a The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is charac-
part. There is a circadian variation in bronchial terized by UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION that occurs
resistance, which tends to be increased in the early during sleep, leading to a change in the arterial
morning hours, and there may also be a circadian blood gases. HYPOXEMIA produces cardiac effects
change in the intensity of airway inflammation at and disrupts sleep, leading to the development of
night. There are also nighttime reductions in the EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during the day.
serum level of epinephrine (chemical produced by Central sleep apnea syndrome is characterized
the adrenal gland) and CORTISOL (hormone pro- by cessation of breathing that occurs without upper
duced by adrenal gland) that may predispose an airway obstruction and leads to blood gas changes
individual to an asthmatic attack. In addition, the that also can produce disrupted sleep and daytime
effect of medications during the daytime may wear sleepiness.
off during the nocturnal sleep episode. Central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome is
Polysomnographic evaluation of persons with due to shallow breathing that occurs during sleep,
sleep-related asthma tends to show that episodes with associated blood gas changes. Typically there
are more likely to occur during the second half of is the development of daytime sleepiness but some-
the sleep episode. However, there does not appear times a complaint of INSOMNIA.
to be a specific sleep stage relationship. The sleep-related breathing disorders can occur
Episodes of acute difficulty in breathing at night at any age, from infancy through old age, and can
need to be differentiated from a variety of other have a spectrum of severity ranging from very mild
SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS, as well as to life threatening.
SLEEP-RELATED GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX, SLEEP- Treatment varies depending upon the primary
RELATED LARYNGOSPASM or the SLEEP CHOKING SYN- cause of the respiratory disturbance but can range
DROME. from behavioral techniques, such as weight loss,
Treatment of sleep-related asthma involves the use of RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS, the use of
appropriate management of daytime asthma. mechanical devices to prevent upper airway
Appropriate treatment of the acute sleep-related obstruction, or assisted ventilation, to surgical
attacks is also required. In addition, elimination of treatments (see SURGERY AND SLEEP DISORDERS)
any potential bedroom allergens may reduce the ranging from TONSILLECTOMY to TRACHEOSTOMY, in
frequency of sleep-related asthma. order to relieve the upper airway obstruction.
Clark, T.J.H., “The Circadian Rhythm of Asthma,” British Fletcher, E.C., ed., Abnormalities of Respiration During
Journal of Chest Disease 79 (1985): 115–124. Sleep: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology, and Treatment.
D’Ambrosio, C.M. et al., “Sleep in Asthma,” Clinics of Orlando: Grune and Stratton, 1986.
Sleep Medicine 19, no. 1 (1998): 127–137.
Martin, R.J., “Nocturnal Asthma and the Use of Theo-
phylline,” Clinical & Experimental Allergy 28, Suppl. 3 sleep-related cardiovascular symptoms Symp-
(1998): 64–70. toms that arise from a variety of cardiac disorders,
sleep-related epilepsy 217

including those that affect cardiac rhythm and car- Correction of the sleep-related breathing disorders
diac output. The symptoms are primarily discom- can reduce symptoms during sleep and reduce the
fort or pain in the chest, or respiratory difficulty. likelihood of a catastrophic cardiovascular event.
One of the most common symptoms related to Patients with REM sleep-related sinus arrest may
cardiovascular disease is PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL require the insertion of a permanent pacemaker as
DYSPNEA, which is shortness of breath related to a preventative measure.
recumbency (lying down), which is usually associ- Chest discomfort during sleep may be due to a
ated with sleep. This symptom is indicative of heart number of different sleep disorders. SLEEP-RELATED
failure as a result of either myocardial or valvular GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX commonly produces
disease and features difficulty in breathing and a chest discomfort that may be difficult to distinguish
sensation of suffocation that induces the patient to from that of a cardiac cause. Difficulty in breathing
sit up or get out of bed. There may be a sensation at night is commonly produced by the sleep-related
of needing air, “air hunger,” and persons may need breathing disorders, such as obstructive sleep
to open a window in order to inspire cooler air. apnea syndrome, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME
Due to the difficulty in breathing when lying and CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME.
down, a large proportion of the night may be spent Occasional awakening with the sensation of the
sleeping in a semi-reclining or sitting position. The heart having stopped is not uncommon in patients
shortness of breath while lying flat is called who have ANXIETY DISORDERS, PANIC DISORDER or
ORTHOPNEA. SLEEP TERRORS. Choking episodes during sleep can
Chest pain may occur during sleep. The terms also be seen in patients with the SLEEP CHOKING SYN-
have been used to describe the chest pain that
Nolan, J.B., Troyer, W.G., Collins, W.F., Silverman, T.,
occurs in sleep at night. Precipitation of chest pain
Nichols, C.R., McIntosh, H.D., Estes, E.L. and Bog-
during sleep may be the result of REM sleep fea- donoff, M.D., “The Association of Nocturnal Angina
tures, such as variability in blood pressure and heart Pectoris with Dreaming,” Annals of Internal Medicine
rate. It is also possible that the lowering of blood 63 (1965): 1040–1046.
pressure during SLOW WAVE SLEEP may precipitate
coronary artery insufficiency, leading to angina.
Sleep disorders, such as the SLEEP-RELATED sleep-related enuresis See SLEEP ENURESIS.


SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, are also believed to be a sleep-related epilepsy Epilepsy is a disorder
cause of nocturnal angina and cardiac ischemia characterized by the sudden occurrence of an
during sleep. Cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS may also be excessive cerebral electric discharge. Epilepsy has a
precipitated by sleep-related breathing disorders very specific relationship with the sleep-wake
and may induce symptoms of chest discomfort or cycle, which can lead to epilepsy being exacerbated
shortness of breath. during sleep.
Some cardiovascular disorders during sleep are The generalized seizures (grand mal), the partial
essentially asymptomatic; for example, REM SLEEP- or focal motor seizures, and complex partial
RELATED SINUS ARREST generally does not have any seizures are three forms of epilepsy that can occur
sleep-related symptoms. Individuals who die from during sleep. Although epilepsy can produce sleep
SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED NOCTURNAL DEATH SYNDROME disruption and lead to a complaint of INSOMNIA, in
(SUND) are asymptomatic prior to the terminal general the primary complaint is of abnormal
event. movement activity during sleep. Episodes of sud-
Patients with sleep-related cardiovascular symp- den awakening with movements or walking raise a
toms need to undergo electrocardiography possibility that the episode is due to epilepsy, par-
throughout sleep, in association with POLYSOMNOG- ticularly if there is associated confusion.
RAPHY, to determine oxygen saturation levels and Because sleep is a powerful activator of epilepsy,
the presence of sleep-related breathing disorders. sleep is used for diagnostic purposes.
218 sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux

Electroencephalography (see ELECTROEN- Sometimes epileptic seizures are heralded by a

CEPHALOGRAM) is often performed after a night of loud cry, followed by a generalized tremor, and such
SLEEP DEPRIVATION so that the effects of either sleep an episode may be difficult to differentiate from
loss or the subsequent sleep episode can be utilized sleep terrors. However, other behavioral manifesta-
to enhance detection of abnormal epileptic activity. tions of epilepsy are usually present, such as repeti-
Sometimes HYPNOTICS such as chloral hydrate are tive movements like lip-smacking or jerking of the
given to the patient, when epilepsy is suspected, to limbs, and there is the absence of the intense fear
enhance the detection of epileptic discharges dur- and panic that is characteristic of sleep terrors.
ing sleep. The diagnosis of epilepsy is confirmed if a spe-
The form of epilepsy that causes the most diffi- cific electroencephalographic pattern is seen during
culty in its differentiation from other sleep disor- the behavioral event. For tonic-clonic epilepsy,
ders, such as SLEEPWALKING, is the partial complex generalized spike and wave activity occurring bilat-
seizure. In this particular seizure type, a patient erally and in a synchronous manner is diagnostic.
may awaken from sleep, pick at the bedclothes, These spike and wave episodes occur with a fre-
have lip-smacking, get out of bed and walk around quency that is generally in the delta range (2 to 4
and appear to be unaware of other people in the Hz), lasting up to five seconds in duration in the
environment. Usually the walking is performed in interictal period. Repetitive spike activity, called
a semi-purposeful manner; however, the individ- polyspikes, is also frequently seen during non-REM
ual may be difficult to awaken and may go back to sleep in patients with generalized seizure disorders.
bed without assistance. If the person does awaken Abnormal EEG activity is often suppressed during
there is generally confusion followed by lethargy. REM sleep. Polysomnographic monitoring of
What distinguishes this seizure disorder from sleep- patients for seizure disorders is aided by using an
walking episodes is the presence of the automatic extensive electroencephalographic array (arrange-
and repetitive type of limb movements and lip- ment or montage) with 12 to 16 channels of infor-
smacking behavior. mation, coupled to simultaneous audiovisual
In generalized tonic-clonic seizures that occur monitoring.
during sleep, there is little difficulty in diagnosis Treatment of the epilepsy depends upon the
because of the repetitive jerking of the limbs and underlying type of epilepsy, and usually one or
associated urinary or fecal incontinence. The patient more anticonvulsant medications are required.
is also typically confused following the episode. (See also RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT DISORDER.)
A focal epilepsy characterized by small jerking
movements of one part of the body needs to be dis- Degan, R. and Neidermeyer, E., eds., Epilepsy, Sleep and
Sleep Deprivation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984.
tinguished from other forms of movement disorder,
times a whole body jerk can occur at SLEEP ONSET, sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux A disor-
due to epilepsy, that is difficult to differentiate from der characterized by a reflux (backward flow) of
SLEEP STARTS; however, such episodes usually recur acid from the stomach into the esophagus during
during sleep, whereas sleep starts are present only sleep. Usually this disorder will cause the patient to
at sleep onset. awaken with a discomfort or pain in the chest or an
A patient who presents with a single epileptic awareness of a sour, acid taste in the mouth. The
seizure during sleep may not proceed to have fur- pain that is experienced is usually in the mid-chest
ther episodes; however, most patients will develop behind the sternum and is often associated with a
not only sleep-related epileptic seizures but also general tightness in the chest.
daytime episodes. In the initial stages, a daytime Gastroesophageal reflux can cause pharyngitis
electroencephalogram may help diagnose epilepsy. (inflammation of the throat), laryngospasm and dif-
Polysomnographic monitoring with extensive elec- ficulty in swallowing because of the acid irritation.
troencephalographic recording during sleep is nec- Although episodes of gastroesophageal reflux can
essary in some patients to confirm the diagnosis. occur during the day, episodes occur more fre-
sleep-related laryngospasm 219

quently at night. Ulcers and inflammation of the all associated with autonomic (involuntary neuro-
esophageal mucosa can occur that may progress to logical system concerned with involuntary func-
a complete constriction of the esophagus. Long- tions) features, especially cluster headache and
standing gastroesophageal reflux may lead to the chronic paroxysmal hemicrania. Polysomnographic
development of an abnormal lining to the lower monitoring has demonstrated that these headache
esophagus, which may be a premalignant condition. forms are more likely to occur in REM SLEEP, and
Approximately 7% to 10% of the general popu- chronic paroxysmal hemicrania is more closely tied
lation has HEARTBURN due to gastroesophageal to REM sleep than the other two.
reflux. It is a more common disorder in persons These headaches need to be differentiated from
over the age of 40 years. the group of headaches termed muscle contraction
Gastroesophageal reflux may be precipitated by or tension headaches, which may be associated
causes an increased intra-abdominal pressure due typically occur upon awakening in the morning
to the increasing respiratory muscle activity. Reflux and do not usually cause an abrupt awakening
of acid may lead to pulmonary aspiration with sub- from sleep.
sequent pneumonia. Treatment of sleep-related headaches depends
Sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux can be upon the particular headache form involved and
demonstrated by 24-hour esophageal acid (pH) may require the use of medications such as cafer-
monitoring. An acid-sensitive probe is placed got, Midrin, beta-blockers, calcium channel block-
through the nose and into the lower esophagus ers or morphine derivative analgesics, in the case
where changes in the acid content of the lower of migraine headaches. Cluster headaches may
esophagus are detected. Concurrent polysomno- be treated by steroids, methysergide or oxygen
graphic monitoring demonstrates whether a physi- therapy.
ological event, such as an obstructive sleep apnea, Muscle contraction headaches that occur upon
is associated with the precipitation of an episode of awakening in the morning may be helped by relax-
sleep-related gastroesophageal reflux. ation therapy, amitriptyline (see ANTIDEPRESSANTS)
Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux is primar- or anxiolytic agents. Muscle contraction headaches
ily by weight reduction in those patients who are need to be differentiated from headaches that
overweight. Prilosec is the drug of choice. Antacids occur upon awakening in the morning due to the
and inhibitors of acid secretion such as rantidine OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, which respond
(Zantac) or cimetidine (Tagamet) may be pre- to specific treatment for that syndrome.
scribed. Small meals taken at two- to three-hour
intervals during the day may be useful in reducing sleep-related hemolysis See PAROXYSMAL NOC-
gastroesophageal reflux; large meals should be TURNAL HEMOGLOBINURIA.
avoided before going to bed at night. (See also
sleep-related laryngospasm Condition charac-
Orr, William C., Johnson, L. and Robinson, M.G., “The terized by an abrupt awakening from sleep with an
Effect of Sleep on Swallowing, Esophageal Peristalsis, intense inability to breathe and the development of
and Acid Clearance,” Gastroenterology 8 (1984): stridor (a high-pitched inspiration sound). Stridor
814–819. is characterized by a high-pitched sound made
when trying to inspire through a partially closed
sleep-related headaches The headache forms upper airway. Patients with this disorder are
that are most likely to occur during sleep are abruptly awakened from sleep and typically will
MIGRAINE, CLUSTER HEADACHE and CHRONIC PAROXYS- jump out of bed in intense fear and panic of dying.
MAL HEMICRANIA. The patient will clutch his throat and try to inspire
These three headache forms appear to have a and often produce a loud and rather frightening
common pathophysiological basis in that they are gasping sound. Bed partners are always awoken by
220 sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea

the event, which is very dramatic, and the patient an underlying cause, if one can be established. Usu-
may be seen to be slightly cyanotic (blue in color). ally sleep-related laryngospasm does not require
Typically the episode will subside within five min- treatment due to its very infrequent occurrence.
utes; sometimes the individual requires a drink to
speed the resolution of the episode. Following the sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea Disorder
episode of stridor, there may be hoarseness of the characterized by a sustained increase in respiratory
voice, and the anxiety and panic gradually subsides
rate that occurs during sleep as compared with
and the individual returns to sleep. Episodes usu-
wakefulness. The respiratory rate increase is not
ally occur only once a night and are very rare,
due to alterations in blood gases that might result
recurring only two to three times a year.
from cardiac or respiratory factors; it appears to be
In most patients, the cause of the episodes is
of central nervous system origin. Some patients
unknown. However, episodes can occur with gas-
with sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea have
troesophageal reflux of acid. Sleep-related laryn-
been reported to have EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS during
gospasm is also known to occur in patients who
the day that appears to be related, at least in part,
to the underlying tachypnea.
ally as a result of associated gastroesophageal
Neurological disorders have been associated
reflux. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux and
with sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea, particu-
laryngospasm will usually be aware of an acid taste
larly lesions of the brain stem, such as the lateral
in the mouth at the time of the awakening.
medullary syndrome and multiple sclerosis. An
The cause of the stridor is believed to be vocal
idiopathic (without a known cause) form of the
cord spasm; however, endoscopic evaluations
disorder can occur.
immediately following the episodes have failed to
There have been only a few reports of this dis-
show any abnormality of this laryngeal region.
order and its exact cause is not understood.
The episodes of inability to breathe need to be
Polysomnographic monitoring has demonstrated
distinguished from other causes of respiratory diffi-
sleep fragmentation, which appears to be related to
culty during sleep, such as the obstructive sleep
the respiratory rhythm. Although excessive sleepi-
apnea syndrome. The intense panic and anxiety
ness would be expected, sleep latency testing has
associated with the episode requires one to distin-
not been reported in this disorder.
guish it from SLEEP TERRORS or a panic attack due to
Sleep-related neurogenic tachypnea must be dif-
ferentiated from other SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING
characterized by a sensation of an inability to
breathe, but stridor and cyanosis do not occur in
sleep choking syndrome, nor do episodes of the
sleep choking syndrome disrupt the bed partner.
disorders can all produce an increase of respiratory
Episodes of sleep choking syndrome, unlike sleep-
rate during sleep. Left-sided heart failure and
related laryngospasm, occur on numerous occa-
sions, often more than once at night. The
increase of respiratory rate during sleep.
which is also associated with choking during sleep, No specific treatment is known for this disorder.
can be differentiated by its typical clinical features,
which include “gurgling” sounds during sleep. sleep-related painful erections Condition where
Many patients with daytime stridor have been penile erections occurring at night are very painful.
demonstrated to have the stridor as a result of psy- All males, from infancy to old age, have erections
chogenic factors. Such patients can voluntarily during REM sleep, and the occurrence of a partial
induce stridor during wakefulness. The occurrence or full erection may be associated with intense pain
of stridor during sleep in such patients has not been that awakens the person during sleep. The frequent
reported to occur. Treatment of the sleep-related interruptions of sleep can cause the sufferer to
laryngospasm is dependent upon the discovery of have daytime tiredness and fatigue.
Sleep Research Society (SRS) 221

Typically erections during wakefulness are not erections during sleep. This form of testing, termed
painful. Some disorders, such as Peyrone’s disease NOCTURNAL PENILE TUMESCENCE TESTING, is often
and phymosis, can be present concurrently with used to determine the cause of the impotence
painful erections, but these disorders are not the before the patient is referred either for implanta-
cause of the discomfort. tion of an artificial penile prosthesis or for psychi-
This disorder is rare and typically will occur in atric or sex therapy. (See also IMPAIRED
the age group over 40, although it can occur at an SLEEP-RELATED PENILE ERECTIONS, IMPOTENCE, SLEEP-
earlier age. It tends to become more severe with RELATED PAINFUL ERECTIONS.)
increasing age. No clear penile pathology has been
shown to explain this disorder. sleep-related penile tumescence See SLEEP-
Polysomnographic studies will demonstrate an RELATED PENILE ERECTIONS.
awakening during an episode of sleep-related
penile tumescence accompanied by the complaint
of penile pain. Sleep Research Online (SRO) A sleep research
Treatment of the disorder is usually sympto- journal published online by the SLEEP RESEARCH
matic, although medications such as tricyclic ANTI- SOCIETY. There are no subscription fees for Sleep
DEPRESSANTS, which impair sleep-related erections, Research Online. Individuals may download and
may be effective. (See also IMPAIRED SLEEP-RELATED print single copies for the noncommercial purpose
PENILE ERECTIONS.) of scientific or educational advancement. Reprints
for each article in SRO may be requested directly
Karacan, I., “Painful Nocturnal Penile Erections,” Jour-
and automatically from the author by simply click-
nal of the American Medical Association 215 (1971):
ing on the web site’s “Reprint Request” button. In
Matthews, B.J. and Crutchfield, M.B., “Painful Noctur- the near future, reprints for articles that are cited in
nal Penile Erections Associated with Rapid Eye the list of references at the end of each SRO article
Movement Sleep,” Sleep 10 (1987): 184–187. may be requested, automatically, in a similar fash-
ion. In addition, a special command will allow indi-
sleep-related penile erections All healthy males viduals to print any SRO article, formatted as it
from infancy to old age have penile erections dur- would appear in a traditional print journal. Sleep
ing sleep. The erections occur with each REM sleep Research Online will also be printed in an annual
episode, that is, approximately five times in a night, volume which will include all articles that were
each erection lasting about 30 minutes in duration. published electronically during the preceding year.
The total amount of time that the penis is erect The printed volume will be distributed, free of
decreases slightly with age to a total of approxi- charge, to libraries worldwide and on a subscrip-
mately 100 minutes in the elderly. tion basis to individuals.
Erections during sleep have their onset in For further information, contact Sleep Research
infants between three and four months of age. Online, c/o WebSciences, 10911 Weyburn Avenue,
They are usually not produced by sexual excite- Suite 348, Los Angeles, California 90024. E-mail:
ment, but are an automatic response generated; Web:
by the nervous system. However, some erections
during sleep occur in association with sexual Sleep Research Society (SRS) Originally
dreams, and NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS (“wet dreams”) founded in Chicago in 1961 as the ASSOCIATION FOR
during sleep are always associated with sexual THE PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF SLEEP. In 1983,
dreaming. the association changed its name to the Sleep
An assessment of normal penile erectile ability Research Society, in part because the society no
during sleep can be used to determine whether a longer primarily concerned itself with the psy-
complaint of IMPOTENCE has an organic or psycho- chophysiological aspects of sleep research.
logical cause. Patients with an organic cause of the The Sleep Research Society joined with the
impotence have an inability to obtain adequate American Sleep Disorders Association (see AMERI-
222 sleep restriction therapy

CAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDICINE) to form the feder- ing, and the time for sleeping is extended, the ten-
ation called the ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SLEEP dency for daytime sleepiness reduces.
SOCIETIES which holds a combined annual meeting This therapy improves sleep by consolidating
of sleep research. sleep and also by reducing the number of disrupt-
ing factors associated with sleep disturbance. Main-
taining regular SLEEP ONSET and wake times and the
sleep restriction therapy A treatment for
occurrence of sleep at the time of the maximum
patients with INSOMNIA based upon the recognition
circadian phase for sleep are some of the features
that excessive time spent in bed often perpetuates
that make sleep restriction therapy effective. In
insomnia. Typically, patients with insomnia go to
addition, because the patient knows that sleep
bed on some nights earlier than usual in order to
onset will occur rapidly as a result of the sleep
obtain more sleep, or to counteract feelings of day-
restriction, there is less concern and worry over
time tiredness and fatigue. In addition, patients
being able to fall asleep at night. As the amount of
may stay in bed longer in the morning to make up
sleep is predictable from night to night, the indi-
for lost sleep at night, or because of feelings of
vidual has less concern over having a night with no
tiredness or fatigue. Because sleep is often spread
sleep. As the sleep restriction pattern is continued,
out over a longer portion of the 24-hour day, often
the patient becomes conditioned to improved
as much as 12 hours, sleep becomes fragmented,
sleep, and the heightened anxiety and arousal
with frequent intervals of wakefulness. Maintain-
related to sleep dissipates, allowing the individual
ing a consolidated nighttime sleep and a full
to sleep peacefully.
episode of wakefulness for the rest of the day is
Sleep restriction therapy has been shown to be
most helpful in promoting normal and strong cir-
useful for young and middle-aged adults; however,
cadian rhythms.
recent studies have shown that this form of treat-
Sleep restriction therapy involves reducing the
ment may be less effective in geriatric patients.
amount of time spent in bed by one or more hours
Sleep restriction therapy has some similarities with
and ensuring that sleep occurs only during the set
STIMULUS CONTROL THERAPY, which has a similar
BEDTIME and awake times. In that way, sleep
basis of encouraging the reduction of the amount
becomes more consolidated after one or two days of wakefulness spent in bed.
on the new pattern. In some cases, the total time
recommended for sleep may be as little as 4.5 Case History
hours, but typically it is on the order of 6 to 7.5 A 48-year-old research scientist at a medical school
hours. Once the sleep restriction produces an had a lifelong history of sleeping difficulties, which
increased consolidation of sleep with less wakeful- had deteriorated even further several years prior to
ness and more continuous and longer durations of her presentation at the sleep disorders center. The
sleep, the total time available for sleep may be presentation was related to a recent increase in
increased slightly by 15 or 30 minutes. In this man- anxiety that accompanied changing her employ-
ner, an initial restricted pattern of 4.5 hours may be ment. She occasionally would take a benzodi-
increased to 5 hours after one week, and then to azepine hypnotic to help her sleep, although she
5.5 hours one week later, with sequential increases preferred to avoid taking medications. She would
until a point is reached where allowing additional awaken several times at night and would go to the
time contributes only to increased wakefulness at bathroom each time but generally would stay in
night. bed between the hours of 10 P.M. and 7 A.M. Sleep
People who undergo sleep restriction therapy onset times were variable and she often would not
may notice an increased tendency for sleepiness in go to bed until she was very tired and sleepy. On
the first few days, often because the reported TOTAL other occasions, following a night of very poor
SLEEP TIME is less than the actual sleep and there- sleep, she would go to sleep a little earlier than
fore there may be an element of SLEEP DEPRIVATION. usual. She regarded herself as slightly tense and
However, as sleep fills the available time for sleep- anxious, although she denied any evidence of
sleep stage demarcation 223

depression. She had undergone relaxation exer- Spielman, Arthur J., Saskin, P. and Thorpy, Michael J.,
cises in the past and occasionally would play a “Treatment of Chronic Insomnia by Restriction of
relaxation tape, which would somewhat help her Time Spent in Bed,” Sleep 10 (1987): 45–56.
to sleep.
She had visited a number of physicians, and had sleep schedule The pattern of sleep that occurs
undergone a number of unorthodox treatments for within a 24-hour day. Typically, the sleep schedule
her sleep disturbance. She had seen a nutritionist, involves the sleep onset and awake times in rela-
an acupuncturist, a chiropractor and a homeopath. tionship to the 24-hour clock time. The sleep
All these treatments had produced slight improve- schedule may vary if the times for sleep change, in
ment but none had produced any consistent bene- which case an irregular sleep schedule may occur.
fit. She received a number of diagnoses that However, a typical sleep schedule is one that has a
included hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), regular sleep onset time at night and a regular
hypothyroidism (low blood thyroid hormone) and awake time in the morning. (See also CIRCADIAN
infectious mononucleosis, although there was no RHYTHMS, IRREGULAR SLEEP-WAKE PATTERN, NREM-
strong evidence for the presence of any of those REM SLEEP CYCLE, TOTAL SLEEP TIME.)
The initial impression was one of a psychophys-
Sleep Society of Canada See CANADIAN SLEEP
iological insomnia exacerbated by elements of
underlying anxiety and depression. However, a
psychiatric diagnosis of anxiety disorder or depres-
sion could not be established. sleep spindles A pattern of electrical activity
It was recommended that she be placed on a occurring during sleep that appears in an elec-
strict pattern of sleep restriction with a bedtime of troencephalographic recording. Sleep spindles are
11 at night and an awake time of 6 in the morning. an identifying feature of stage two sleep. A sleep
She was advised to restrict her use of hypnotic spindle consists of a spindle-shaped burst of 11 to
medication and to complete a sleep log, which 15 Hz waves that lasts for 0.5 to 1.5 seconds. Spin-
would assist in determining any change in her dles can occur diffusely over the head and are of
sleeping pattern. highest voltage over the central regions, with an
The strict adherence to the regular pattern of amplitude that is usually less than 50 microvolts in
going to bed later and awakening at a fixed time in adults. Sleep spindles, although characteristic of
the morning produced a major benefit in her over- stage two sleep, may persist into deeper stages
all sleep. From having sleep times that could vary three and four sleep but usually are not seen in
between 3 hours and 7.5 hours, she developed a REM sleep. Reduction of spindle activity may be
consistent pattern of sleeping 6.5 to 7 hours on a seen in the elderly, and an increase can be seen in
regular basis. During this treatment program, she association with disorders of the basal ganglia of
took a trip across time zones and although her stay the brain, such as dystonia, or as a result of med-
in the new time zone was only a few days and she ications, such as the BENZODIAZEPINES. Sleep disrup-
tried to keep to her new schedule, she found that tion, if severe, can cause spindle activity to occur in
her sleep deteriorated. Upon returning to her orig- other sleep stages, including REM sleep. (See also
inal environment, she reduced her total time in bed ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM, HYPNOTICS, SIGMA RHYTHM,
by half an hour so she would awaken at 5:30 in the SLEEP STAGES.)
morning. This brought about a resolution of the
exacerbation produced by the time-zone travel. sleep stage demarcation Term that refers to the
After several weeks, she was able to return to specific changes that mark the boundary between
her more usual pattern of going to bed at 11 P.M. one sleep stage and another, or a sleep stage and
and arising at 6 A.M., and her sleep pattern was sig- wakefulness. Typically the boundary between one
nificantly improved. (See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, sleep stage and another is very clearly defined;
FATIGUE, SLEEP PATTERN.) however, in some sleep disorders sleep may
224 sleep stage episode

become very fragmented and features of one sleep speed of 30 millimeters per second. In addition to
stage may occur with another and therefore the the electroencephalogram, electrodes placed to re-
demarcations may become very blurred. A similar cord eye movements and muscle tone are required
situation can occur in individuals who are taking to more adequately determine sleep stages.
MEDICATIONS, such as HYPNOTICS. (See also SLEEP The electroencephalogram electrode placement
STAGES.) is at either C3 or C4 position. Eye movements are
detected by electrodes placed at the outer CANTHUS
sleep stage episode An interval of sleep that rep- of each eye and referred to a reference electrode,
resents a specific sleep stage in the non-REM/REM and the ELECTROMYOGRAM is typically recorded by
cycle. For example, the first REM sleep episode is electrodes placed over the muscles at the tip of the
the first interval of REM sleep that occurs in the chin.
major sleep episode and will comprise a part of the Stage One Sleep
NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE. Typically, four to six recur-
Stage one sleep occurs right after the awake stage
ring cycles of non-REM-REM sleep occur, therefore and comprises 4% to 5% of TOTAL SLEEP TIME. It is
four to six discrete stage episodes of non-REM and characterized by medium amplitude, mixed fre-
REM sleep will occur. (See also SLEEP STAGES.) quency activity that is mainly theta and comprises
more than 20% of an epoch. During this stage
sleep stage period See SLEEP STAGE EPISODE. there may be SLOW ROLLING EYE MOVEMENTS in con-
trast to the RAPID EYE MOVEMENTS seen during
wakefulness. There are no SLEEP SPINDLES, K-COM-
sleep stages Following the development of the
Berger, sleep was recognized to consist of changes Stage Two Sleep
in the electroencephalographic activity of the Stage two sleep is characterized by sleep spindles
brain. Based on these electroencephalographic pat- and K-complexes; it accounts for 45% to 50% of
terns, sleep was originally classified into four total sleep time. The sleep spindles are 11 to 15 Hz
stages, sometimes characterized by letters of the activity occurring in episodes greater than .5 second
alphabet, excluding REM sleep, which was not dis- in duration and reaching 25 microvolts in ampli-
covered for another two decades. With the discov- tude. K-complexes consists of a negative vertex,
ery of REM sleep in 1953 by NATHANIEL KLEITMAN, sharp wave followed by a positive slow wave and
Eugene Aserinsky and WILLIAM DEMENT, sleep was are frequently seen accompanied by sleep spindles.
recognized to be a continuous state of alternating Electrode EEG studies, in which the electrodes
rhythm with very pronounced physiological are inserted directly through the scalp into the
changes. REM sleep was occasionally termed stage brain, performed concurrently with scalp electrode
five sleep, or D sleep. The electroencephalographic recordings suggest that spindle activity appears first
pattern of REM sleep was also termed desynchro- in the thalamic nucleic of the brain and undergoes
nized sleep, compared with the synchronized EEG a certain degree of synchronization before it is
activity of non-REM or SLOW WAVE SLEEP. detectable at the scalp EEG electrodes. Superior
In 1968 a group of researchers headed by ALAN frontal regions appear to be the starting point for
RECHTSCHAFFEN and ANTHONY KALES developed a the spindle activity.
standardized method of sleep scoring, and sleep
was divided into four stages, plus REM sleep. The Stage Three Sleep
four stages of sleep came to be called NREM or A deep level of sleep that comprises 4% to 6% of
non-REM sleep. In order to standardize the scoring total sleep time. This stage is sometimes combined
of sleep, the record was divided into epochs of 20 with stage four into NREM stages three and four
or 30 seconds in duration. The electroencephalo- because of the physiological similarities between
gram is performed at a slower rate of 10 or 15 mil- the two stages, and called slow wave sleep. Stage
limeters per second than the more typical EEG three is present when between 20% and 50% of
sleep state misperception 225

the epoch contains delta waves of .5 to 2.5 Hz, occurrence of sleep starts. Physical exercise and
which are 75 microvolts or greater in amplitude. emotional STRESS have also been reported to be
Typically eye movement activity is absent during associated with such episodes.
this stage. Sleep starts may occur at any age, although most
typically they are reported in adulthood. There
Stage Four Sleep does not appear to be any gender or familial ten-
Stage four sleep is scored when over 50% of the dency.
epoch contains delta waves of the same frequency Polysomnographic monitoring of sleep starts
and amplitude as those seen in stage three sleep. demonstrates a brief (generally 75–250 millisec-
Although rarely, sleep spindles may occur in stage ond), high amplitude muscle potential that can be
four sleep. This stage, the deepest sleep of the four associated with an arousal pattern seen on the
non-REM stages, is synonymous with slow wave EEG. There may be accompanying increased heart
sleep and usually comprises 12% to 15% of total rate following an episode, but usually the heart
sleep time. It is during this stage that SLEEP TERRORS rate returns to normal and sleep resumes rapidly.
or SLEEPWALKING may occur. Sometimes stage four Sleep starts must be distinguished from hyper-
is combined with stage three into NREM stages explexia syndrome in which a generalized body
three and four because the stages are so similar. jerk can occur during wakefulness or during sleep.
Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM) The association of hyperexplexia with full wakeful-
ness differentiates that disorder from sleep starts.
REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye movement
An epileptic form of myoclonus can produce simi-
(hence its name, REM), loss of muscle tone (or REM
lar generalized body jerks; however, abnormal EEG
ATONIA) and a mixed frequency, low voltage EEG
activity can help differentiate that disorder. REST-
pattern with occasional bursts of “sawtooth” theta
LESS LEGS SYNDROME is not likely to be confused
waves of 5 to 7 Hz. Dreaming occurs during REM
because the leg movements are slower and not
associated with a whole body jerk. PERIODIC LEG
MOVEMENTS, as with restless legs syndrome, gener-
sleep starts Also known as hypnagogic jerks, ally have more prolonged muscle episodes and do
predormital myoclonus or hypnic jerks. Sleep starts not have the shocklike, brief character of the sleep
are sudden, shocklike sensations that involve most start. Periodic movements occur in a repetitive
of the body, particularly the lower limbs. They usu- manner during sleep and do not usually occur
ally consist of a solitary, generalized contraction solely at sleep onset.
that occurs spontaneously or is caused by a stimu- Treatment of sleep starts is usually unnecessary
lus. Sleep starts bring the individual to wakeful- as they are an infrequent occurrence and usually
ness, and a sensation of falling or a visual flash, are not associated with any great concern. How-
dream or hallucination may be experienced at ever, in some individuals sleep starts may be a
this time. Rarely the individual may call out with cause of sleep onset insomnia, in which case ben-
the acuteness of the episode. Multiple episodes zodiazepine muscle relaxants (see BENZODIA-
can occur at SLEEP ONSET, and SLEEP ONSET INSOM- ZEPINES), such as triazolam, may be useful in
NIA may develop. Not infrequently, individuals suppressing episodes and in allowing sleep onset to
will have multiple episodes that do not induce a be initiated.
full awakening. Such episodes may not be remem-
bered by the individual but will be reported by a Oswald, I., “Sudden Bodily Jerks Upon Falling Asleep,”
Brain 82 (1959): 92–93.
bed partner.
It is thought that most people experience sleep
starts at some time in their life, and only a few have sleep state misperception A disorder where
frequent episodes. There is some evidence to sug- there is a complaint of insomnia, yet the major
gest that the ingestion of stimulant agents, such as sleep episode is objectively normal. This disorder
CAFFEINE, or the use of NICOTINE may exacerbate the has also been called “subjective DIMS complaint
226 sleep surface

without objective findings,” “pseudoinsomnia” or soft, innerspring mattresses. Adaptation to the new
“sleep hypochondriasis,” but sleep state mispercep- surface needs to occur if someone changes from a
tion is the preferred term. Patients with this disor- hard to a soft surface, or vice versa. Many different
der present a very convincing history of sleep sleeping surfaces have been produced; hard mat-
disturbance and insomnia and typically will tresses have been marketed particularly for people
awaken feeling unrefreshed. When studied poly- who have back complaints, whereas softer sur-
somnographically in the sleep laboratory, sleep is faces, such as water BEDS, appear to have more
normal in duration, sleep stages and sleep effi- appeal to young adults.
ciency, yet the patient will awaken and report hav- Whether to change the sleeping surface should
ing had no sleep at all. depend solely on comfort. If a mattress is too soft or
The cause of the misperception of sleep is too hard, a change may be beneficial to sleep. For
unknown; however, it does appear to be an exag- most people, however, the sleeping surface plays a
geration of a normal phenomenon. Healthy indi- small role in the cause or maintenance of sleep dis-
viduals who have been asleep for only a few turbance. (See also INSOMNIA.)
minutes often will report not having slept at all. As
the duration of sleep increases, the awareness of
having slept also increases. However, patients with sleep talking Also known as somniloquy. Sleep
sleep state misperception, despite having prolonged talking is the production of utterances of speech or
periods of good quality sleep, misperceive sleep as other sounds during a sleep episode. Typically, indi-
being a time of no sleep. viduals suffering from sleep talking are unaware of
This disorder must be differentiated from indi- the content of their speech, which is reported after-
viduals who report a lack of sleep in order to obtain ward. The utterances may take the form of com-
MEDICATIONS. Such patients are often drug abusers, prehensible speech, isolated words, parts of
and the report of no sleep is usually not a convinc- sentences, moans or other nonverbal sounds. Typi-
ing or honest report (see MALINGERERS.) This disor- cally sleep talking is devoid of emotional content;
der also needs to be differentiated from other however, it can be associated with intense emo-
causes of insomnia, such as PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL tional stress, at which time calling out, crying,
INSOMNIA or insomnia related to a mental disorder. screaming or cursing may occur.
Sleep fragmentation, reduced total sleep time and Sleep talking is often a temporary phenomenon,
reduced sleep efficiency are characteristically seen although it may be a repetitive occurrence in those
in patients with insomnia due to these other who suffer from SLEEP TERRORS or somnambulism
causes. (See also DISORDERS OF INITIATING AND MAIN- (see SLEEPWALKING). It also is seen in individuals
TAINING SLEEP, PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS.) who have significant psychopathology, emotional
stress or medical illness, such as febrile (feverish)
Carskadon, M., Dement, W., Mitler, M., Guilleminault,
C., Zarcone, V. and Spiegel, R., “Self Report Versus illness, in which case it is related to that illness. It
Sleep Laboratory Findings in 122 Drug Free Subjects appears to be more common in males than females
with a Complaint of Chronic Insomnia,” Annual Jour- and a slight familial tendency is reported.
nal of Psychiatry 133 (1976): 1382–1388. Sleep talking has been demonstrated to occur
during all stages of sleep, including REM SLEEP. The
sleep surface The sleep surface has been subject majority of episodes, in fact, have been reported
to investigation over the years to determine its role out of REM sleep, with the next most common
in the maintenance of good quality sleep. Most of being sleep stage two, followed by slow wave sleep.
the research has tended to demonstrate that the Individuals who have somnambulism or sleep ter-
quality of sleep is independent of the surface on rors are more likely to have sleep talking out of
which a person sleeps; however, a change in the slow wave sleep, whereas individuals who have
sleeping surface can disrupt sleep. The inhabitants the REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER are more likely to
of some countries typically sleep on a hard surface have episodes out of REM sleep. (See also CONFU-
yet appear to sleep as well as people who sleep on SIONAL AROUSALS, SLEEP STAGES.)
sleep terrors 227

Arkin, A.M., “Sleep Talking: A Review,” Journal of Ner- choasthenia (weakness and reduced motivation),
vous Mental Disorders 143 (1966): 101–122. DEPRESSION and schizophrenia.
Children with sleep terror episodes either con-
sleep terrors Considered one of the disorders of currently have SLEEPWALKING episodes or develop
arousal as described by ROGER J. BROUGHTON in sleepwalking episodes subsequently. Sleep terror
1968. These episodes also go under the name of episodes rarely occur in adulthood after the fifth
night terrors and they have occasionally been decade.
called pavor nocturnus (derived from the Latin Because of the intense fear and anxiety, sleep
pavor, for “terror,” and nocturnus, for “at night”) in terror episodes are differentiated from more typical
children and INCUBUS in adults. NIGHTMARES or DREAM ANXIETY ATTACKS. Nightmares
Sleep terror episodes are characterized by an usually occur in the later half of the night, more
arousal during the first third of the night from typically during REM sleep. Nightmares also have a
deep stage three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES), less intense scream at their onset than sleep terrors,
and are heralded by a loud, piercing scream and usually the individual comes to full alertness,
along with intense fear and panic. An individual whereas the sufferer of night terrors does not usu-
experiencing a sleep terror will typically sit up ally become fully awake during an episode. Rarely
abruptly in bed with an agitated and confused does an epileptic seizure produce an episode simi-
expression. Following the intense and loud lar to sleep terror; other features of epilepsy would
scream, there may be other features of panic and typically be present in such individuals.
fear, such as rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, Some features of sleep terrors and sleepwalking
dilation of the pupils and profuse sweating. The overlap, and it appears that there is a spectrum of
individual will usually flee from the bedroom in disorders of which CONFUSIONAL AROUSAL appears
an intense panic and is often inconsolable until to be the most mild form, with sleepwalking
the episode subsides. Most episodes last less than episodes being a more severe form of AROUSAL DIS-
15 minutes; sleep usually follows very rapidly, ORDERS, and sleep terrors being the most extreme
and the individual is unable to recall the episode form.
the next morning. Treatment of sleep terrors is usually not neces-
The cause of the episodes is unknown, but it sary in the young child, but the child should be
appears to be a benign and maturational behavior reassured. In older children, a psychological cause
frequently seen in children. Up to 6% of prepubes- should be explored, and appropriate psychiatric
cent children will have recurrent episodes of night treatment instituted, if warranted. Medications,
terrors, with the peak frequency of the behavior such as the BENZODIAZEPINES, have been shown to
being around six years of age. Episodes then be useful, as well as tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS, such
decrease in frequency and generally cease in early as imipramine. However, these agents are best
adolescence. reserved for children or adults with the most severe
The frequency in adults is typically less than 1% form of the disorder.
and episodes usually persist from childhood, Since injuries might occur during the intense
although episodes may occur for the first time in fleeing from the bedroom, objects liable to cause
adulthood. Episodes occur equally in males and injury should be removed and appropriate steps
females, and there are no racial or cultural differ- made to secure the bedroom.
ences in the prevalence. However, there is a
marked familial incidence of the disorder, with up Case History
to 96% of individuals having a family history of the A 28-year-old woman came to a SLEEP DISORDER
disorder. CENTER with the primary complaint of episodes of
Episodes may be precipitated in susceptible indi- suddenly awakening and screaming. These
viduals by fatigue, emotional stress and febrile ill- episodes had occurred about once every month
ness. Adults with the disorder may also have over the prior five years and had begun when she
evidence of psychopathology characterized by psy- was in college, causing her considerable distress
228 sleep therapy

and embarrassment. The screaming would be sleep therapy Term related to a treatment that
frightening to those who slept around her as she employs the inducement of sleep in order to treat
would suddenly jump out of bed and rush to the various medical disorders. In its simplest form,
door or window. The rapid attempt to flee the bed sleep therapy can be viewed as treatment by rest—
and bedroom resulted in her knocking into fur- required by situations that promote fatigue. Sleep
niture and injuring herself on several occasions. therapy may also involve the inducement of sleep
Typically, during the episodes she would not by MEDICATIONS and drugs, the use of HYPNOSIS to
remember any dream content, but was aware of induce prolonged sleep, or the application of elec-
being intensely frightened and panicky, as if she trical current, which has been termed ELEC-
were about to die. The immediate reaction was to TROSLEEP, ELECTRONARCOSIS or electroanesthesia.
flee from the bed, although there was no clear Sleep therapy has been used to treat a variety of
comprehension of where she was going. Very disorders, most commonly the mental disorders,
often, her roommates were unable to console her but also cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, central
during these episodes. However, eventually she nervous system and infective disorders.
would gradually settle down and when taken back The majority of studies on sleep therapy
to bed would fall asleep easily. Occasionally she occurred around the turn of the century, and little
would have abrupt episodes with screaming and objective documentation of their effectiveness has
immediately go back to sleep, only to be told about been presented. Electrosleep is still performed in
the episodes the next morning. some European countries and is administered in a
Polysomnographic monitoring failed to reveal a variety of different manners. Electrodes may be
clinical episode; however, she did show frequent applied to the forehead and a limb, and then the
and abrupt arousals from SLOW WAVE SLEEP with a electrical current gradually increased to the
rapid change in heart rate. The arousals were con- amount of approximately three-quarters of a mil-
sidered to be minor and subclinical manifestations liamp, at which time the patient can feel a tingling
of the sleep terror episodes. sensation through his head, which is believed to
A psychological evaluation failed to reveal any induce sleep. The majority of publications on elec-
evidence of psychopathology and psychothera- trosleep come from the Russian literature.
peutic intervention was not considered to be use- The usefulness of sleep therapy is believed to be
ful. limited at best. There is a need for more research
The patient was prescribed triazolam, initially and documentation of its effectiveness before it can
0.125 milligram, which improved the episodes but be widely recommended.
did not terminate them. This dosage was increased Williams, R.L. and Webb, W.B., Sleep Therapy. Spring-
to 0.25 milligram and the episodes did not reoccur. field, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1966.
Five years later, the patient continued to remain
free of episodes so long as she took the medication. sleep-wake cycle See NREM-REM SLEEP CYCLE.
However, attempts at reducing the medication led
to the return of the sleep terror episodes. It is sleep-wake disorders center This term is occa-
expected that in time, probably before her mid-30s, sionally used to describe a facility that evaluates
the episodes will spontaneously subside. patients who have disorders of sleep and wakeful-
ness. The hyphenated term was used initially to
Broughton, R., “Sleep Disorders: Disorders of Arousal?”
Science 159 (1968): 1070–1078. emphasize the importance of disorders of both
Fisher, C., Kahn, E., Edwards, A. et al., ”A Psycho-phys- sleep and wakefulness, such as the disorders that
iological Study of Nightmares and Night Terrors,” produce EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS. The shorter term,
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 157 (1973): SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS, is more commonly used.
Thorpy, Michael J. and Glovinsky, P.B., “Parasomnias,” ORDER CENTERS, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP MEDI-
Psychiatric Clinics of North America 10 (1987): 623–639. CINE, ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS.)
sleepwalking 229

sleep-wake schedule disorders See CIRCADIAN walking being directed toward a specific individual.
RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS. Following a period of ambulation, the sleepwalker
usually returns to bed and rapidly returns to sleep.
sleep-wake transition disorders A subgroup of The next morning, the individual is typically unable
the PARASOMNIAS, as listed in the INTERNATIONAL to recall the episode and is often surprised by the
CLASSIFICATION OF SLEEP DISORDERS, consisting of accounts of others.
RHYTHMIC MOVEMENT DISORDER, SLEEP STARTS, SLEEP Sleepwalking episodes usually occur in children
TALKING, and NOCTURNAL LEG CRAMPS. These disor- in the prepubescent age group, and the peak fre-
ders occur mainly during the transition from quency is around 10 years of age. According to
wakefulness to sleep, or during the transition ANTHONY KALES et al., up to 30% of healthy chil-
from one SLEEP STAGE to another. Some of these dren are said to have sleepwalked at least once in
disorders may occur during sleep, but the pre- their lives, and up to 5% of healthy children are
dominant activity occurs in the transition to and reported to have frequent episodes.
from sleep. Following puberty, episodes decrease in fre-
quency, and usually children have outgrown them
sleepwalking Episodes characterized by move- by the age of 15. It is estimated that approximately
ment that occurs while the subject is still asleep 1% of adults sleepwalk, the majority having done
and in a partially aroused state. This disorder, so since childhood. Usually, episodes in adulthood
which is also known as somnambulism, typically resolve by the fifth decade.
occurs during deep SLOW WAVE SLEEP in the first Elderly persons who walk around a house at
third of the night. The behavior is often seen in night may be mistaken for sleepwalkers. They may
prepubescent children, although it can persist or be suffering from a brain dysfunction, such as
start anew in adulthood. DEMENTIA, and are typically awake when they walk
A typical sleepwalking episode is characterized about, although confused about their behavior.
by the individual sitting up in bed, usually with a Sleepwalking occurs equally in males and fe-
vacant and unresponsive look. Repetitive move- males, and there is little evidence for any cultural
ments, such as picking at the bedclothes, may occur or racial differences in the tendency to sleepwalk.
prior to the individual rising from the bed and walk- However, there is a strong pattern of inheritance,
ing around the room. Episodes last minutes or with a high rate of sleepwalking activity seen in
hours at most. Frequently the individual will open relatives of sleepwalkers.
doors and walk out of the bedroom, or sometimes The cause of sleepwalking is unknown; how-
walk out of the house. During the sleepwalking ever, sleepwalking can be provoked by arousing
episode, there is a limited capacity to appreciate sleepwalking-prone individuals and standing them
environmental stimuli, and there is an impaired on their feet when they are in a deep sleep. Exces-
ability to fully awaken. Occasional utterances may sive fatigue can precipitate episodes as can febrile
occur during sleepwalking, but verbalizations usu- (feverish) illness. Episodes of sleepwalking behav-
ally do not occur, and rarely is any cognitive or ior have been reported in association with medi-
mental content expressed. Although unresponsive ations such as LITHIUM and triazolam (see
to environmental stimuli, the individual is able to BENZODIAZEPINES), or other HYPNOTICS.
negotiate objects without difficulty, although occa- Polysomnographically, the episodes are charac-
sional stumbling or banging into walls or furniture terized by an abrupt arousal that occurs during the
may occur. Attempts at restraining a sleepwalker deep stage three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). The
are usually met with some resistance. Sleepwalking slow wave activity appears to persist throughout the
episodes may involve dangerous activities, such as walking episode with some faster rhythms, such as
opening windows and climbing onto fire escapes, theta and alpha activity. Individuals who sleepwalk
and serious falls have been reported. There are may demonstrate abrupt arousals from deep sleep
occasional reports of violent behavior during sleep- in the absence of full sleepwalking episodes.
230 sleepwalking

Sleepwalking in children is not associated with many situations sedatives, including imipramine,
any psychopathology, but Anthony Kales has diazepam or flurazepam, can be helpful in sup-
reported a clear association between psychopathol- pressing episodes, particularly if an individual
ogy and sleepwalking episodes in adults. Such indi- sleeps away from home.
viduals are reported to be more aggressive,
hypomanic and have a tendency for acting out. Case History
Sleepwalking episodes may be very similar to A 26-year-old woman sought help at a SLEEP DIS-
episodes of psychomotor epilepsy with ambulation. ORDER CENTER because of sleepwalking episodes
However, repetitive automatisms are more com- that had been occurring since she was 10 years of
mon during epileptic seizures and there is more age. When the episodes began, they were infre-
confusion upon awakening. quent and were regarded as being typical for child-
Recently a form of episodic nocturnal wander- hood sleepwalking in that she would be found by
ing has been reported to occur in young adults in her parents walking in the corridor and returned to
association with abnormal electroencephalographic her bedroom where she would go back to sleep
activity on a daytime, awake ELECTROENCEPHALO- without any difficulty. During the walking
GRAM. Such patients respond to anticonvulsant episodes, she was unaware of the environment
therapy, which may suggest that these individuals although she did not walk into objects or injure
have a form of epilepsy and not true sleepwalking. herself.
Sleepwalking episodes can be differentiated At age 13, the episodes became less frequent
from psychogenetic fugues, which usually occur in until age 16, when they again increased in fre-
individuals with severe psychopathology. Fugues quency. Over the following years, she would have
consist of episodes of wandering that usually last episodes of sleepwalking that caused her consider-
for hours and days and are often associated with able embarrassment, particularly when staying
complex behaviors that are more typically seen at the homes of friends. She would often have
during wakefulness. REM SLEEP BEHAVIOR DISORDER some DREAM CONTENT along with the episodes and
has similarities to sleepwalking in that motor activ- get up and start to walk around the house. On one
ity can occur during sleep, but such individuals are occasion she picked up some keys, put them in
usually elderly and the activity more clearly repre- her pocket and walked out the front door. She was
sents acting out of dream content. In addition, in found by a friend sleepwalking outside the
REM sleep behavior disorder the abnormal features house.
are seen during REM sleep and not slow wave With some of the episodes, she would awaken
sleep. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME can pro- and become aware of having been sleepwalking.
duce nocturnal wanderings that may simulate On other occasions, she would be returned to her
sleepwalking, although other typical features of bedroom by friends or family only to be told about
obstructive sleep apnea, such as snoring and the episodes the next morning.
episodes of cessation of breathing, usually allow an The sleepwalking episodes appeared to occur
easy differentiation from more typical sleepwalking less often when she was not in her usual environ-
episodes. ment. There was an increase in the frequency of
The child who infrequently sleepwalks requires the episodes if she became very tired, fatigued or
no specific treatment other than making sure that was ill with a fever. There was no evidence of
the bedroom is secure to prevent the child from underlying psychopathology except for one short-
injury. It may be necessary to place locks on win- lasting episode of DEPRESSION that had occurred
dows or doors for the child who walks excessively several years prior to her presentation at the sleep
at night. The older individual and adult should be disorder center. She would see a psychologist inter-
evaluated for underlying psychopathology, and the mittently in order to help her cope with everyday
appropriate psychiatric treatment should be insti- stress, but not because of any psychiatric distur-
tuted. There have been good reports of response to bance. She was successful in her occupation as a
psychotherapy and psychiatric management. In clerical administrator and outwardly was a bright
smoking 231

and energetic woman who was involved in many two and three sleep, the eye movements become
social activities. less active. The presence of slow eye movements
Polysomnographic evaluation during sleep did marks the onset of sleep from the rapid eye move-
not reveal any sleepwalking episodes, and there ments that are typically seen during wakefulness
was no evidence of any epileptic activity. However, and helps distinguish stage one sleep from REM SLEEP,
she had frequent, abrupt awakenings from stage which is also characterized by rapid eye movements.
four sleep. Chin muscle activity is usually lower in stage one
She was commenced on triazolam, 0.25 mil- sleep than in wakefulness but is much higher than
ligram taken on a nightly basis, and this completely the muscle activity seen during REM sleep.
suppressed the episodes. After six months, she
attempted to gradually withdraw from the medica- slow wave sleep (SWS) Sleep that is character-
tion in the hope that the episodes would no longer ized by electroencephalographic waves of a fre-
occur. However, as the dose was reduced she had a quency less than 8 Hz; typically comprises stages
return of the sleepwalking episodes and then three and four sleep combined. Slow wave sleep
recommenced the medication for a longer period of usually comprises approximately 20% of the sleep
time. Five years after being placed on medication, of the young adult; however, greater percentages
she was free of sleepwalking episodes so long as she are seen in prepubertal children. Gradual reduction
continued to take the medication. However, sev- in the total amount of slow wave sleep is seen with
eral additional attempts to withdraw from the aging so that after the age of 60 years, there is little
medication were associated with a recurrence of slow wave sleep. Slowing of the EEG (see ELEC-
episodes. She no longer had embarrassment or fear TROENCEPHALOGRAM), with increased amounts of
at staying over at other people’s homes, and she felt slow wave sleep, can be seen in several situations.
more secure and confident of having a sound night During partial SLEEP DEPRIVATION, the amount of
of sleep. stage three/four sleep (see SLEEP STAGES) is usually
If she ever decides to raise a family, she will need reduced. Following the sleep deprivation, slow
to consider coming off the medication prior to and wave sleep rebounds so that a greater percentage of
during pregnancy. The decision to continue med- slow wave sleep can be seen on the subsequent
ication in the pregnancy will need to be balanced sleep episode. In addition, disorders that affect the
against her potential for harm from the sleepwalk- cerebral hemispheres, such as a cerebral vascular
ing episodes at that time. It is likely that her ten- accident, can be associated with an increased
dency for sleepwalking will gradually lessen in amount of slowing and therefore an increased
time. amount of slow wave sleep. Drug effects, such as
the use of HYPNOTICS or other central nervous sys-
Kales, A., Jacobsen, A., Paulson, M.J., Kales, J.D. and
Walter, J.D. “Somnambulism: Psychophysiological tem depressants, can also increase EEG slowing
Correlates,” Archives of General Psychiatry 14 (1966): and lead to a greater amount of slow wave sleep.
586–594. Lithium is a known cause of increased slow wave
Thorpy, Michael J. and Glovinsky, P.B., “Parasomnias,” sleep.
Psychiatric Clinics of North America 10 (1987): 623–639.
smoking Smoking cigarettes can have an impor-
slow rolling eye movements Movements that tant effect upon INSOMNIA and the OBSTRUCTIVE
occur with the entrance into stage one non-REM SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Cigarettes contain NICOTINE,
sleep (see SLEEP STAGES). The eye movements begin a stimulant that causes central nervous system
a slow sinusoidal (cyclical) pattern of movement on arousal and therefore can contribute to difficulty in
a horizontal plane while other EEG (ELECTROEN- initiating sleep. People who suffer from insomnia
CEPHALOGRAM) and EMG (ELECTROMYOGRAM) fea- are advised not to smoke prior to bedtime, and it is
tures of stage one sleep are present. As the counterproductive to smoke cigarettes during
individual passes from stage one into deeper stage nighttime awakenings.
232 snoring

Smoking can also exacerbate the obstructive not differentiated simple snoring from that associ-
sleep apnea syndrome by irritating the pharyngeal ated with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,
tissues, thereby contributing to increasing ery- have shown a correlation of snoring with ischemic
thema and swelling. The carbon monoxide in heart disease and stroke.
smoke can contribute to impaired blood gas In addition to the direct cardiorespiratory conse-
exchange, and the smoke can irritate the large pul- quences of snoring, the noise of snoring may be a
monary airways with production of mucus, social annoyance and handicap. A spouse’s snoring
thereby leading to chronic bronchitis that can fur- may be the cause of marital discord that leads to
ther worsen the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. the snorer having to sleep in a separate bed, or
Smoking in bed at night is a major cause of fires, even in another room. Not only can snoring affect
many of which are fatal. People with sleep disor- a spouse, it can also affect other people who are
ders, or those who have ingested ALCOHOL or drugs, sleeping nearby. Snoring can be particularly dis-
may have difficulty in remaining alert while smok- turbing to roommates who have to share rooms,
ing. If sleep occurs, cigarettes will be dropped and such as on business trips, in the armed forces or at
can set fire to bedclothes or other materials. summer camp. Snoring has been measured at up to
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are 80 decibels, a level that can be potentially harmful
at particular risk, because of their severe lethargy, to hearing.
of accidentally starting a fire if they smoke in bed Some 300 mechanical devices have been
at night. (See also SLEEP HYGIENE, STIMULANT MED- patented in the United States to reduce or elimi-
ICATIONS.) nate snoring. However, the majority are ineffec-
tive. Very few effective treatments are available
for snoring, and, because most loud snorers will
snoring A noise produced by vibration of the soft tend to have some degree of obstructive sleep
tissue of the back of the mouth. Most typically the apnea syndrome, a medical evaluation may be ne-
soft palate and the anterior and posterior pillar of cessary.
fauces, which surround the tonsil, vibrate, causing Snoring may be affected by a number of factors,
the sounds. Snoring is associated with obstruction such as increased body weight, alcohol consump-
of the upper airway that occurs during sleep. Some tion, body position, respiratory tract infections and
snorers have only a very slight degree of UPPER AIR- central nervous depressant medications, such as
WAY OBSTRUCTION, and snoring will be rhythmical HYPNOTICS. Sleeping on the back is liable to induce
and regular on a breath to breath basis; lung venti- snoring in a person who otherwise does not snore
lation is not compromised. Alternatively, if the when sleeping on the side or stomach. However,
upper airway obstruction is more severe, there may most loud snorers will tend to snore in any position.
be a complete inability to inspire air, and conse- Treatment of snoring, if required, may encom-
quently the oxygen in the lung will decrease, caus- pass weight reduction, avoidance of alcohol, avoid-
ing blood HYPOXEMIA. When snoring is severe, with ance of depressant medications and training to
associated hypoxemia, the disorder of OBSTRUCTIVE sleep on the side rather than on the back. When
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME most likely is present. This these measures are ineffective, or if obstructive
disorder is characterized by repetitive episodes of sleep apnea syndrome is present, then other forms
upper airway obstruction, loud snoring and EXCES- of treatment may be necessary, such as surgical or
SIVE SLEEPINESS during the day. Individuals with mechanical treatment (see SURGERY AND SLEEP DIS-
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome are at risk of ORDERS).
developing cardiac irregularity during sleep and The most effective surgical treatment for loud
sudden death. snoring is removal of the upper airway obstructive
There is some evidence to suggest that snoring lesion. Children who can be loud snorers with
may be associated with elevated blood pressure, severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome most
even in the absence of obstructive sleep apnea syn- typically will have upper airway obstruction due
drome. Other epidemiological studies, which have to enlarged tonsils or adenoids, which, when sur-
somnofluoroscopy 233

gically removed will eliminate the snoring (see which are induced by external or behavioral factors
enlarged tonsils or adenoids are rarely the cause of SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER. It can be applied to
snoring in adults, who more typically have an DELAYED SLEEP PHASE SYNDROME, ADVANCED SLEEP
increase in the soft tissues of the pharynx, such as PHASE SYNDROME, and NON-24-HOUR SLEEP-WAKE
an elongated soft palate and excessive pillars of SYNDROME when the cause of the disorder is
fauces. An operative procedure termed UVU- induced by social or environmental factors. Exam-
LOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY (UPP) is usually very ples of social or environmental factors include
effective in reducing the sound of snoring. UPP social isolation, extremes of light exposure such as
consists of the removal of the uvula and the lower that seen in the polar regions, or excessive activity
portion of the soft palate as well as the removal of late at night.
the tissue associated with the pillar of fauces. In
general, this operation is not indicated for people Sominex See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
who have snoring in the absence of obstructive
sleep apnea syndrome because of the very slight
somniferous Term meaning “causing or inducing
risk that general anesthesia presents. However,
sleep.” The word is derived from the Latin word
this procedure may be performed on some snor-
somnus, for “sleep.”
ers, but more commonly is performed on patients
with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in whom
the snoring is associated with medically important somniloquy See SLEEP TALKING.

upper airway obstruction. Two new forms of

uvulopalatoplasty have been developed: LASER somnoendoscopy Procedure performed during
UVULOPALATOPLASTY and radiofrequency uvulo- sleep so the upper airway can be observed; involves
palatoplasty (see SOMNOPLASTY). Laser uvulo- placing a fiberoptic endoscope (see FIBEROPTIC
palatoplasty is a procedure that can be performed ENDOSCOPY) through the nose into the upper air-
within 20 minutes in a physician’s office. It is pri- way and observing the changes that occur in a
marily done to eliminate snoring. Radiofrequency sleeping patient. Somnoendoscopy is most com-
uvulopalatoplasty involves inserting a needle into monly performed on patients with the OBSTRUCTIVE
the tissues of the soft palate and exposing the tis- SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME to determine the exact site
sues to high-frequency radio waves. It is a less of UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION during sleep.
painful procedure than laser uvulopalatoplasty. Somnoendoscopy is a difficult procedure
Careful polysomnographic documentation of the because the presence of the fiberoptiscope can be
presence and severity of the sleep apnea is essen- uncomfortable and disturb sleep; it is hard for
tial before surgery is undertaken. someone to sleep through the procedure, and even
Alternative treatments of snoring can involve harder for patients with the obstructive sleep
the use of mechanical devices, such as CONTINUOUS apnea syndrome because of the frequent arousals
POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) devices or airway associated with the apneic events. (See also ENDOS-
patency devices such as the TONGUE RETAINING COPY.)
DEVICE (TRD) or other ORAL APPLIANCES. These appli-
ances may be useful in treating some patients who somnofluoroscopy Term that refers to a fluoro-
have snoring; however, with the exception of the scopic evaluation of the upper airway during sleep.
CPAP, these other mechanical devices have gener- This radiological procedure typically involves
ally not been effective for the treatment of obstruc- placement of barium in the upper airway to outline
tive sleep apnea syndrome. the upper airway cavity. When the patient falls
asleep, the barium outlines the upper airway so the
socially or environmentally induced disorders of radiographic images enable the dynamic changes of
the sleep-wake schedule This term has been the upper airway to be visualized. Somnofluo-
applied to the CIRCADIAN RHYTHM SLEEP DISORDERS, roscopy is rarely performed in patients with the
234 somnolence

OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME due to patients’ Somnus The ancient Roman god of sleep, who
difficulty in falling asleep during the radiological was the son of night and the brother of death. The
procedure. An alternative means of evaluating the words “somnambulism” (SLEEPWALKING) and “som-
upper airway is by SOMNOENDOSCOPY or by the use nolent” (sleepy) were derived from the Latin som-
of FIBEROPTIC ENDOSCOPY during wakefulness. (See nus. (See also HYPNOS.)
soporific Term derived from Latin sopor, meaning
somnologist Term applied to sleep specialists. “a deep sleep,” and ferre, “to bring,” that refers to
The word is derived from the Latin somnus, for the induction of a deep sleep, typically by the use
“sleep.” The term SLEEP DISORDER SPECIALIST is pre- of drugs. MEDICATIONS that can induce a deep sleep-
ferred. (See also ACCREDITED CLINICAL POLYSOMNOG- like state are the HYPNOTICS and anesthetic agents,
and opiate derivatives. These agents in high doses
will produce a slowing of the ELECTROENCEPHALO-
somnology Word meaning the study of sleep,
GRAM and the patient will be difficult to arouse.
derived from the Latin somnus, for “sleep,” and
ology, meaning “the study of.”


somnoplasty A surgical method that uses
radiofrequency heating to create targeted tissue
ablation to reduce tissue volume; also known as spindle See SLEEP SPINDLES.

radiofrequency thermal ablation. The procedure

uses very low levels of radiofrequency energy to SRS Distinguished Scientist Award An award
create small, finely necrotic lesions in soft tissue presented by the SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY (SRS) to
structures. The necrosis leads to scar formation and “recognize work of the highest distinction in the
retraction of tissue. This method has been applied field of basic sleep research.” The recipient is
to the soft palate of snorers to reduce soft palate tis- selected by the SRS Distinguished Scientist Award
sue and thereby reduce SNORING. The procedure Committee, and the award is presented by the
has been used successfully in clinical trials; patients committee chairperson at the annual meeting. A
experience a minimal amount of pain, mainly from plaque and cash prize are given by the SRS in the
the insertion of the needle into the soft palate to awardee’s name to subsidize the attendance of a
administer the local anesthesia. The procedure uses trainee at the annual meeting. Deadline for appli-
temperatures of less than 100 degrees centigrade, cations is March 1st of the year of the award, and
much less than those used in laser surgery (over applications should be sent to: Sleep Research Soci-
600 degrees centigrade). ety, 6301 Bandel Road, Suite 101, Rochester, Min-
The effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation has nesota 55901.
not been reported in patients with OBSTRUCTIVE
SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME; however, the procedure SRS Young Investigator Award A plaque and a
appears to be effective in reducing tongue-based travel honorarium of $750 are given to an author
soft tissue in animal studies and therefore could be whose paper or abstract in the field of basic sleep
an effective treatment for human obstructive sleep research is recognized for its scientific excellence.
apnea syndrome. Further research is required. (See The awardee must be younger than 36 years of age,
also LASER UVULOPALATOPLASTY, SURGERY AND SLEEP have received a doctoral degree within five years
DISORDERS, UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION, UVU- before the award and be the first or sole author of
LOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY.) the paper or abstract; abstracts submitted to the
Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) 235

annual meeting of the ASSOCIATION OF PROFES- D sleep consists of a pattern of spindle activity with
SIONAL SLEEP SOCIETIES are eligible. Applicants must small waves of high amplitude and is consistent
be a member of the SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY or with stage three sleep. (See also SLEEP STAGES.)
include a membership application and fee with the
Harvey, E.N., Loomis, A.L. and Hobart, G.A., “Cerebral
award application. For further eligibility require- States During Sleep: A Study by Human Brain
ments and application procedures, contact: Sleep Potential,” Science Monthly 45 (1937): 191–192.
Research Society, 6301 Bandel Road, Suite 101,
Rochester, Minnesota 55901. stage E sleep Stage of sleep according to the clas-
sification of E. Newton Harvey, Alfred L. Loomis
stage A sleep One of five sleep stages (A to E) and Garret Hobart, replaced by the Alan Recht-
that were first classified in the 1930s by E. Newton schaffen and Anthony Kales method of sleep scor-
Harvey, Alfred L. Loomis and Garret Hobart, ing. Stage E sleep consists mainly of small
according to their electroencephalographic pattern high-amplitude EG waves and the absence of sleep
(see ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM). This sleep stage clas- spindle activity and is synonymous with stage four
sification was replaced by the method of ALAN sleep. (See also SLEEP STAGES.)
ing the discovery of REM SLEEP. Stage A sleep is stage four sleep See SLEEP STAGES.
equivalent to presleep drowsiness and has no exact
correlation with the new sleep stage classification stage one sleep See SLEEP STAGES.
Stage A sleep consists of an interrupted alpha
stage three sleep See SLEEP STAGES.
EEG, which is typically found in relaxed wakeful-
ness or drowsiness. (See also SLEEP STAGES.)
stage two sleep See SLEEP STAGES.

stage B sleep The second stage of the original

sleep classification devised by E. Newton Harvey, Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) A subjective
Alfred L. Loomis and Garret Hobart in the 1930s. It measure of alertness developed at Stanford Univer-
consists of a low-voltage EEG pattern without sity in 1973. Individuals rate themselves according
alpha activity. This pattern represents the onset of to one of several statements that most closely
sleep and is reflective of stage one sleep of the Alan describes their level of ALERTNESS or SLEEPINESS. In
Rechtschaffen and Anthony Kales scoring method, order to achieve a spectrum of sleepiness across a
which replaced the Harvey and Loomis method. day, the Stanford Sleepiness Scale is administered
(See also SLEEP STAGES.) at two-hour intervals, most commonly across the
waking part of the day. It is often completed imme-
diately before and after the NAPS during a MULTIPLE
stage C sleep One of the five sleep stages first SLEEP LATENCY TEST.
classified in the 1930s by E. Newton Harvey, Alfred
The Stanford Sleepiness Scale is as follows:
L. Loomis and Garret Hobart, and now replaced by
the Alan Rechtschaffen and Anthony Kales scoring 1. Feeling active, vital, alert, wide awake.
method. Stage C sleep is characterized by the pres- 2. Functioning at a high level but not at peak. Able
ence of SLEEP SPINDLE activity and is indicative of to concentrate.
the stage of sleep that is now currently called stage 3. Relaxed, awake, but not fully alert, responsive.
two sleep. (See also SLEEP STAGES.) 4. A little foggy, let down.
5. Foggy, beginning to lose track. Difficulty in stay-
stage D sleep Sleep according to the classifica- ing awake.
tion of E. Newton Harvey, Alfred L. Loomis and 6. Sleepy, prefer to lie down, woozy.
Garret Hobart; replaced by the Alan Rechtschaffen 7. Almost in reverie, cannot stay awake, sleep
and Anthony Kales method of sleep scoring. Stage onset appears imminent.
236 status cataplecticus

Hoddes, E., Zarcone, V., Slythe, H. et al., “Quantification out with high activity, sometimes with paranoid
of Sleepiness: A New Approach,” Psychophysiology 10 ideas and repetitive behaviors. In the case of high
(1973): 431–436. doses of cocaine, for example, generalized convul-
sions can occur; with the amphetamines, a severe
status cataplecticus Continuous state of CATA- psychiatric state of psychosis may develop. Abnor-
PLEXY that occurs in a patient with NARCOLEPSY. The mal movement disorders can also occur with toxic
continuous cataplectic state can be induced by a levels of amphetamines. Addiction to stimulant
persistence of the stimulus causing cataplexy, such medications can develop, with severe DEPRESSION
as laughter, elation or anger. During the state of and often suicidal ideation and hallucinations.
cataplexy the individual generally is paralyzed and, The pattern of behavior associated with exces-
at most, can make moaning sounds. The episode sive stimulant ingestion often leads to denial of
may last several minutes and rarely can last up to drug use, which may be detected only by means of
one hour. The condition can also be precipitated by urinary and screening tests.
a sudden withdrawal of anticataplectic medica- Severe addiction to stimulants may lead to intra-
tions, such as the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS, in an venous administration, which increases the possi-
individual with a diagnosis of narcolepsy. bility of contacting infectious hepatitis, acquired
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or a systemic
stimulant-dependent sleep disorder Disorder arteritis. Infection with the AIDS virus is a real pos-
characterized by a reduction in the ability to fall sibility for intravenous stimulant abusers. Acute
asleep at night, produced by the use of central ner- severe toxicity of the medications may result in
vous system stimulants, or an increase in drowsi- death from cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS, brain hemor-
ness during the day, following drug abstinence. The rhages, convulsions and respiratory arrest.
central nervous system stimulants encompass Stimulant abuse is most common in adolescents
a wide variety of medications that include am- and young adults, and it appears to be equal among
phetamines (see STIMULANT MEDICATIONS), COCAINE, the sexes. The effects of stimulant abuse may be
thyroid hormones, CAFFEINE, methylxanthines seen on polysomnographic testing as a prolonged
and antihypertensives. Many OVER-THE-COUNTER increased number of awakenings. REM SLEEP is
MEDICATIONS also contain stimulants such as decon- often reduced and fragmented. Upon withdrawal
gestants, cough mixtures or diet suppression med- of the stimulants, there may be a REM REBOUND,
ications. Typically these medications are associated with an increased amount of REM sleep. The
with difficulty in the ability to fall asleep, especially chronic use of stimulants may give a picture on the
when treatment with the medications is first MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST suggestive of NAR-
started. After a period of time, TOLERANCE to this COLEPSY. A one- to two-week withdrawal period
effect develops so that sleep initiation difficulties from all medications may need to be documented
are less frequent. However, upon withdrawal of the before an accurate diagnosis of EXCESSIVE SLEEPI-
medication, symptoms of sleepiness, irritability, NESS can be given.
tiredness and fatigue are common. The recurrence Stimulant abusers may attempt to obtain stimu-
of daytime symptoms on withdrawal of the stimu- lant medications from physicians by falsely giving a
lant medications often leads to a cyclical pattern of history of another sleep disorder (see MALINGER-
administration. This can lead the individual to ERS), such as narcolepsy. Polysomnographic moni-
believe that the medication is required in order to toring of patients to confirm a bona fide diagnosis
maintain full daytime ALERTNESS. of a sleep disorder is necessary prior to the long-
Individuals can be oblivious to the pattern of term administration of stimulant medications.
medication use because it is not regarded as a prob- Patients who have stimulant dependency should
lem. However, others may become aware of the embark upon a program of drug withdrawal under
relationship of the stimulant medication to changes medical supervision and, if necessary, appropriate
in behavior that include periods of excessive acting psychiatric therapy. Individuals who suffer from
stimulant medications 237

severe drug dependency may require treatment in vous system effects can also provoke agitation,
a specialized drug detoxification clinic. confusion, anxiety, irritability, DELIRIUM and
DEPRESSION. However, in appropriate doses, am-
Nausieda, P.A., “Central Stimulant Toxicity,” in Vinken,
P.J. and Bruyn, G., eds., Handbook of Clinical Neurol- phetamines are very helpful in the treatment of
ogy. Amsterdam: Elsevier North Holland, 1979. pp. narcolepsy, improving patients’ functioning during
223–297. the daytime.
Oswald, I., “Sleep and Dependence on Amphetamine Other forms and derivatives of amphetamines
and Other Drugs,” in Kales, Anthony, ed., Sleep Physi- have been used more recently in the treatment of
ology and Pathology. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1969. narcolepsy because they have less tendency for
pp. 317–330. adverse reactions. Methamphetamine (Desoxyn)
was also used to improve alertness but, like
stimulant medications This term applies to drugs amphetamine, caused side effects and has largely
that stimulate the central nervous system. It been replaced by dextroamphetamine sulfate
includes methylxanthines, the amphetamines and (Dexedrine).
the RESPIRATORY STIMULANTS, such as doxypram and Dextroamphetamine is available in 5-, 10- and
nikethimide, as well as other miscellaneous med- 15-milligram tablets, a 5 milligram per 5 milliliter
ications, such as pemoline and methylphenidate Elixir, and in 5-, 10- and 15-milligram slow-release
hydrochloride. spansules. Initial doses are typically 5 milligrams,
In sleep disorders medicine, the stimulant med- three times a day, but may need to be increased to
ications are primarily used for the improvement as much as 100 milligrams per day. The tablets
and relief of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS, and the most have a duration of action of three to four hours,
commonly used medications are the ampheta- whereas the spansules have a duration of action up
mines, methylphenidate and pemoline. to 12 hours. Some patients find that a background
The major disadvantage of the stimulant medica- dose of the longer-acting form of the medication,
tions is that they produce general body stimulation such as a 15-milligram Dexedrine spansule, can be
and therefore can induce ANXIETY and cardiac stim- used with the extra stimulant effect of the shorter-
ulation, leading to HYPERTENSION or tachycardia acting tablets.
(abnormally rapid heartbeat). There may also be The adverse effects of dextroamphetamine are
gastrointestinal stimulation with resulting diarrhea. similar to those of the other amphetamines except
there is less peripheral stimulant effect. But
Amphetamines because of the potential for cardiac and mental
Stimulant medications that are derived from the stimulation, disorders of daytime sleepiness, such
sympathomimetic amines and consist of a benzene as narcolepsy, are now more frequently treated
and an ethylamine group. The amphetamines have with methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin) or
powerful central nervous system stimulant effects, pemoline (Cylert).
and therefore are used to produce ALERTNESS in dis- Amphetamine users develop a TOLERANCE to the
orders associated with excessive sleepiness during drug; consequently, prescribed dosages are
the day. Most often, they are used for the treat- increased in order to maintain improved alertness.
ment of NARCOLEPSY and related conditions. Due to Sudden cessation of medication will induce a level
their stimulant effects, these drugs can also be of sleepiness that is greater than baseline levels,
abused and illegally used for recreational purposes thereby promoting the continued use of the med-
to provoke central nervous system excitement. ication. An amphetamine psychosis and abnormal
Amphetamines were first used for the treatment movements have been reported to be associated
of narcolepsy in the 1930s and were found to be an with toxic doses of amphetamines.
effective agent for improving daytime sleepiness.
However, the powerful side effects were also recog- Anorectics
nized, such as elevated blood pressure and greater Anorectics are the appetite suppressant medica-
incidence of cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS. The central ner- tions. Anorectics typically are comprised of two
238 stimulant medications

groups, amphetamines and the non-ampheta- macological effects to the amphetamines, but has
mines. As the amphetamines have stimulant less central nervous system stimulation and also
effects, they are also used for the treatment of less peripheral stimulant effects, such as tachycar-
excessive sleepiness. When prescribed in appropri- dia, tremor or gastrointestinal stimulation. But side
ate dosages, they can be useful for the treatment of effects, such as dry mouth, transient irritability and
narcolepsy or IDIOPATHIC HYPERSOMNIA. However, headaches, may occur. Mazindol is sometimes used
some disorders that can produce daytime sleepi- in the treatment of disorders of excessive sleepi-
ness, such as the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- ness, including narcolepsy. It has some similar
DROME, may be adversely affected by the use of effects to the tricyclic ANTIDEPRESSANTS, in that it
amphetamines. These medications can be danger- blocks the uptake (ability to absorb) of the cate-
ous in the sleep apnea syndromes due to their car- cholamines, norepinephrine and dopamine.
diac stimulant effect. Also, the amphetamine Sanorex, the trade name for mazindol, is avail-
anorectic medications are liable for abuse because able in 1- and 2-milligram tablets, and the usual
of their general stimulant properties. dosage is 1 milligram, three times a day. Usually
Anorectics, because of their stimulant effects, doses of 2 to 12 milligrams per day are required for
can produce an impaired ability to sleep at night. the treatment of sleepiness in narcolepsy. Unlike
SLEEP ONSET and sleep maintenance difficulties are the amphetamine stimulants, mazindol has also
common. A STIMULANT-DEPENDENT SLEEP DISORDER been shown to be effective in the treatment of cat-
may result from their chronic ingestion. They can aplexy.
also produce a feeling of fatigue or sleepiness when Mazindol is less effective in treating excessive
not taken, thereby leading to repeated ingestion to daytime sleepiness than pemoline or methylpheni-
maintain full alertness. date.
Some non-amphetamine anorectic agents are
available, such as phentermine, mazindol or Methylphenidate Hydrochloride
diethylpropion. These agents are generally less This agent, a piperidine derivative, was first intro-
effective than the amphetamines in producing duced by Dan Daly and Robert Yoss in 1956 as the
weight reduction. Mazindol (see below) can be treatment of choice for narcolepsy. The reduced
helpful in improving alertness in some patients tendency for central nervous system stimulation
with narcolepsy. and peripheral stimulation, compared to ampheta-
L-tyrosine mines, was considered advantageous for the treat-
ment of sleepiness in narcolepsy. Methylphenidate
A naturally occurring stimulant agent, this amino
is still the treatment of choice for patients with
acid has been shown to be effective in the treat-
severe narcolepsy, although patients with mild
ment of narcolepsy. It is given in the dose of 100
cases of narcolepsy are more typically treated with
milligrams per kilogram, and the beneficial effect
upon cataplexy is seen within the first few days of
Methylphenidate is usually given in divided
use. The beneficial effects upon sleepiness take
doses, two to three times a day. It has a relatively
somewhat longer to occur. L-tyrosine is currently
recommended only as a dietary supplement; in short duration of action, from four to six hours.
high doses it can cause alteration of blood pressure, Although most patients can be controlled with a
nausea, vomiting and headaches. dose of about 20 milligrams per day, doses of up to
The initial reports of the beneficial effects of L- 60 milligrams may be required in some patients.
tyrosine need to be confirmed before this medica- Due to its poor absorption when taken with food,
tion can be recommended for the routine patients are instructed to take the medication on an
treatment of narcolepsy. empty stomach.
This drug is available in 5-, 10- and 20-milligram
Mazindol tablets and is also available in a sustained-release
This is an imidazoline chemical produced mainly as form of 20 milligrams (Ritalin-SR). Ritalin is the
a weight reduction medication. It has similar phar- trade name for methylphenidate. Although some
strain gauge 239

patients find the sustained-release form effective, fective yet dangerous to individuals, particularly
others prefer the intermittent use of the shorter- those with hypertension or cardiac disease.
acting form of the medication.
Flitman, S.S., “Tranquilizers, Stimulants, and Enhancers
Pemoline of Cognition,” Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clin-
ics of North America 10, no. 2 (1999): 463–472.
This is an oxizolidinone derivative stimulant that is
quite different structurally from the amphetamines
or methylphenidate hydrochloride. It is used for stimulus control therapy BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT
central nervous system stimulation to improve of INSOMNIA that counteracts the development of
arousal in patients with narcolepsy or other disor- negative conditioning in someone who lies in bed
ders of excessive daytime sleepiness. It has fewer awake at night, allowing the insomnia to persist.
peripheral stimulant effects than the ampheta- (Lying in bed awake at night heightens the ANXIETY
mines or methylphenidate. It also has a longer for insomnia patients and further disrupts sleep
duration of action, approximately 12 hours. It is and prevents its onset.)
available in 18.75-, 37.5- and 75-milligram tablets. Stimulus control instructions, ensuring that
Cylert is the trade or pharmaceutical name for wakeful activities are kept away from the bedroom,
pemoline. are as follows: 1) go to bed only when sleepy; 2) if
Pemoline has a slow onset of action over several not asleep within 10 minutes of getting into bed,
hours; initially, soon after ingestion, some patients get out of bed and, after returning to bed, if sleep
may notice a worsening of their excessive sleepi- does not occur within 10 minutes, again leave the
ness, which then dissipates. The clinical effects of bed; 3) an alarm should be set so that awakening
pemoline may take several days or even weeks to occurs at the same time every morning and the
occur. Because of its slow onset of action, and long taking of NAPS should be avoided; 4) the bed should
half-life, there can be a tendency for drug buildup, not be used for wakeful activities other than sexual
with a consequent development of excessive cen- activity. (See also SLEEP RESTRICTION THERAPY.)
tral nervous system stimulation. Bootzin, R., “A Stimulus Control Treatment for Insom-
There is less tendency for tolerance with pemo- nia,” Proceedings of the American Psychological Association
line than with other central nervous system stimu- 1 (1972): 395–396.
lants. Objective studies have shown that pemoline Bootzin, R. and Nicassio, P.M., “Behavioral Treatments
does not reduce the tendency or the ability to fall for Insomnia,” in Progress in Behavior Modification, vol.
6. New York: Academic Press, 1978. pp. 1–45.
asleep; however, it does improve the ability to
remain awake. This effect is demonstrated by an
individual’s ability to fall asleep in a situation con- strain gauge A mercury-filled tube that acts as a
ducive to sleep after having taken pemoline. How- transducer for movement; most commonly used
ever, tasks requiring alertness are improved when for the measurement of respiratory movements or
the individual tries to remain awake. penile tumescence (erection) during sleep. Strain
Pemoline can produce liver impairment, and gauges may be applied to the chest or abdomen in
therefore intermittent monitoring of blood liver several places in order to detect respiratory move-
enzymes is required for patients who chronically ment.
take the medication. The main disadvantage of strain gauges is that
they need to be taped to the skin and may break,
Over-the-Counter Medications with resulting leakage of mercury. Many sleep dis-
A number of nonprescription OVER-THE-COUNTER order centers therefore utilize chest electromyogra-
MEDICATIONS are available for weight reduction or phy, bellows, pneumobelts or respitrace for the
stimulant purposes. These include phenyl- detection of abdominal or chest movement.
propanolamine, which is sometimes given in com- Strain gauges are commonly used for determin-
bination with CAFFEINE. The use of these ing penile tumescence, with one strain gauge being
medications is controversial as they may be inef- applied to the base of the penis and the other to the
240 stress

tip. A commercially-produced device, the RIGISCAN, subwakefulness syndrome Also known as the
has supplanted the use of strain gauges in the subvigilance syndrome; a chronic disorder that is
determination of nocturnal penile tumescence in characterized by a complaint of EXCESSIVE SLEEPI-
some sleep laboratories. However, the Rigiscan NESS without objective evidence of impaired sleep
may be uncomfortable for some patients due to its at night or excessive sleepiness during the day.
method of action, which involves an intermittent Twenty-four-hour polysomnographic monitoring
constriction of bands around the penis. (See also of patients shows a tendency for intermittent, light
NOCTURNAL PENILE TUMESCENCE TEST, POLYSOMNOG- stage one sleep and, rarely, stage two sleep occur-
RAPHY.) ring throughout the daytime (see SLEEP STAGES). An
abnormality in the neurophysiological mechanism
stress Term applied to the body’s physical or psy- for maintaining ALERTNESS is postulated as its cause.
chological response to an unexpected or unpleas- The complaints of DROWSINESS and SLEEPINESS
ant environmental or emotional stimulus, such as are usually linked to a decreased ability to maintain
marital problems, pressure at work, upcoming full concentration and to carry out work and social
examinations, or even changes in everyday pat- activities.
terns, such as spending the night away from home This disorder needs to be differentiated from
or having to make a public speech. The term is other disorders of excessive sleepiness, such as
for the cause of a disturbed sleep pattern that HYPERSOMNIA, INSUFFICIENT SLEEP SYNDROME, hyper-
occurs due to a marital, financial or employment somnia related to PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS, and tired-
situation. Typically, the sleep disorder, termed ness and fatigue related to other causes of
chological stress produced by such events. When In view of the difficulty in objectively docu-
the event produces a greater degree of stress, an menting any pathological features of this disorder,
overt ANXIETY DISORDER may result. (See also there is some question as to whether this truly rep-
INSOMNIA, SHORT-TERM INSOMNIA.) resents a disorder in its own right or whether it is
an atypical form of one of the disorders to be con-
stupor A state of altered consciousness character- sidered in the differential diagnosis.
ized by unresponsiveness to strong stimuli. Such Roth, B., Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia. Basel: Karger A.G.,
patients are usually perceived as being in a deep 1980.
sleep, and electroencephalographic studies may
indicate slow wave activity. However, unlike in
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) The term
COMA, individuals can be awakened and become
used for the death of an otherwise healthy infant
aware of the environment, but they usually return
who dies suddenly and in whom a postmortem
rapidly to the unresponsive state.
examination fails to reveal a cause of death. The
Stupor may be produced by metabolic or phar-
majority (over 80%) of SIDS infants die during
macologic insults to the central nervous system.
However, this condition can also be seen in severe
Less than 5% of children who die of sudden
psychiatric illness, such as that seen with catatonic
infant death syndrome have been known to have
schizophrenia or severe DEPRESSION. (See also
some respiratory disturbance during sleep. How-
ever, the cause of the sudden infant death syn-
drome is unknown. Recent evidence suggests that
subjective DIMS complaint without objective it is not directly related to any prior respiratory
findings See SLEEP STATE MISPERCEPTION. irregularity.
There appear to be some predisposing factors,
subvigilance syndrome See SUBWAKEFULNESS derived from epidemiological studies, that indicate
SYNDROME. that premature infants, infants with low birth
sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUND) 241

weight, infants that are twins or of a multiple birth, Scragg, R.K. et al., “Side Sleeping Position and Bed
and siblings of another child who has died of SIDS Sharing in the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,”
are at greater risk. Sleeping on the stomach is also Annals of Medicine 30, no. 4 (1998): 345–349.
a major factor. In addition, there are a number of
maternal factors that appear to predispose some sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome
children to the development of SIDS: for example, (SUND) Syndrome primarily recognized in people
infants born to mothers who are substance abusers of Southeast Asian descent who die unexpectedly
of agents such as COCAINE or heroin. It does appear during sleep. It occurs in healthy young adults with-
that SIDS is more common in lower socioeconomic out any prior history of cardiac or respiratory dis-
and minority groups, such as American blacks and ease. Typically there will be a sudden awakening
American Indians. Sudden infant death syndrome with a choking or gasping sensation and difficulty in
has a prevalence of between one and two per 1,000 breathing. Cardiorespiratory arrest occurs with a
live births, with the peak onset around three fatal outcome. In very rare situations, patients have
months of age, and up to 90% of cases occur before been successfully resuscitated and found to have
the sixth month of age. There is a slightly increased cardiac irregularity called VENTRICULAR ARRHYTHMIAS.
male to female ratio. This rare and unusual syndrome primarily
After death, autopsy examinations have demon- affects persons between the ages of 25 and 45 who
strated a number of features that suggest that the are of Laotian, Kampuchean (Cambodian), or Viet-
infant may have suffered from an acute upper res- namese origin. It is primarily a male disorder,
piratory tract obstruction. There are petechiae and although rare cases have been reported in females,
evidence of pulmonary congestion and edema. and most of the reported cases have been described
Also, pathological abnormalities have been in refugees who have immigrated to the United
reported in the brain stem, suggesting a prior cen- States. However, the disorder has been recognized
tral nervous system insult, such as HYPOXIA. for a long time, and the Laotian term for the dis-
Polysomnographic investigations are rarely use- ease is non-laita, in Tagalog, bangungut, and in
ful. Although originally there was some suggestion Japanese, pokkuri.
that short apneic episodes may be predictive of Investigations have failed to reveal any specific
SIDS, subsequent research has not confirmed this cause for the disorder either clinically or by
finding. Infants who have significant apneic autopsy. There has been no evidence of exposure
events, such as those with APNEA OF PREMATURITY, to either biological or chemical toxins, or the use of
or infants requiring assisted ventilation following drugs or alcohol.
an apneic event, do have a higher risk for sudden Many of the victims of SUND have been
infant death syndrome, although this risk is less reported to have had prior SLEEP TERROR episodes
than 5%. with a sudden awakening and screaming. It has
Having an infant sleep on the back is the most been suggested that the sudden death during sleep
effective preventative measure a parent or care- may be due to a severe form of terror episode in
giver can take. (See also AGE, CENTRAL ALVEOLAR which the heart is so stimulated that it goes into a
SYNDROME, INFANT SLEEP APNEA, INFANT SLEEP DISOR- Most of the reported cases in the United States
DERS, OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME.) have been in the ethnic subgroup called the
Hmong, from the highlands of northern Laos. The
Blatt, S.D. et al., “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Child incidence of the disorder in the Hmong refugees in
Sexual Abuse, and Child Development,” Current
the United States is reported at 92 per 100,000. It is
Opinion in Pediatrics 11, no. 2 (1999): 175–186.
Naeye, R.L., “Sudden Infant Death,” Scientific American
slightly less common in Laotian refugees at 82 per
242 (1980): 42–56. 100,000; it is 59 per 100,000 in Kampuchean
Hoppenbrouwers, T. and Hodgman, J.E., “Sudden Infant (Cambodian) refugees.
Death Syndrome (SIDS),” Public Health Reviews 11 Although SUND cannot be predicted, healthy
(1938): 363–390. young adults with cardiorespiratory arrest during
242 SUND

sleep need to be examined for any underlying car- tral nervous system site that determines endoge-
diorespiratory disorder. A sleep-related disorder, nous circadian rhythms, the so-called ENDOGENOUS
SLEEP-RELATED SINUS ARREST, may be the cause of leus (SCN) has connections with the eye by means
the arrest. of the retino-hypothalamic pathway, which is com-
Baron, R.C., Thacker, S.B., Gorelkin, L., Vernon, A.A.,
posed of fibers that pass from the optic nerves to
Taylor, W.R. and Choi, I., “Sudden Death Among the hypothalamus. By means of the retino-hypo-
Southeast Asian Refugees,” Journal of American Med- thalamic tract (RHT), light and dark influence the
ical Association 250 (1983): 2947–2951. circadian pacemaker and act as entraining (main-
taining a regular 24-hour) stimuli for our circadian
SUND See SUDDEN UNEXPLAINED NOCTURNAL rhythms. Other connections pass to local areas of
DEATH SYNDROME. the central nervous system, as well as through the
brain stem and up to the pineal gland, causing the
release of the hormone MELATONIN in darkness.
Sunday night insomnia Difficulty in initiating
Destruction of the suprachiasmatic nucleus has
and maintaining sleep that commonly is seen on
produced loss of the circadian rhythmicity of vari-
Sunday nights. This form of insomnia occurs due to
the tendency to go to bed later on Friday and Sat-
urday nights than during the week (because of Moore, R.Y. et al., “Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Organiza-
social events). Typically the awake time on Satur- tion,” Chronobiology International 15, no. 5 (1998):
day and Sunday mornings is later than usual, 475–487.
thereby causing the sleep pattern to be slightly Silver, R. et al., “The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and Cir-
delayed on the weekends compared to that of cadian Function: An Introduction,” Chronobiology
weekdays. Consequently, many people will International 15, no. 5 (1998): vii–x.
attempt to fall asleep at an early time on Sunday
night in order to achieve an adequate amount of surgery and sleep disorders Surgery is a primary
sleep for work or school on Monday. Because the treatment form considered for patients who have
time of going to bed on Sunday night is much ear- the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME. Patients
lier than that of the previous two nights, there with this syndrome have UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
often can be difficulty in falling asleep, which is that occurs at the back of the mouth in the region
characterized by a long period of time spent in bed from the nose to the larynx. Surgical procedures
awake. If the time of falling asleep on Sunday night that remove excessive tissue or localized lesions in
is similar to the later time of initiating sleep that the upper airway have been shown to be effective in
occurs on the Friday and Saturday nights, then the treatment of some patients with this syndrome.
individuals may find that they are sleep deprived Obstructive sleep apnea may be due to enlarged
upon awakening for work or school on Monday tonsils or adenoids, craniofacial abnormalities
morning. This will lead to a degree of SLEEP DEPRI- including retrognathia (posterior-positioned lower
VATION that is often termed MONDAY MORNING BLUES.
jaw) or micrognathia (small lower jaw), or gener-
In order to prevent Sunday night insomnia, an
alized soft tissue enlargement, particularly at the
individual should maintain a regular time of going
level of the soft palate. Various forms of surgery
to bed seven days a week and not allow the time to
have been devised in order to improve the upper
be significantly later on Friday or Saturday nights.
airway so that obstruction during sleep does not
sundown syndrome See DEMENTIA. Surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea is
still widely performed; however, most patients
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) Cells that are with this disorder are now treated by means of
located at the bottom of the third ventricle in the CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP)
hypothalamus. This is believed to be the prime cen- devices, a treatment that has very few complica-
systemic desensitization 243

tions. The CPAP device provides a low pressure of however, the social problems associated with tra-
air to the back of the throat, thereby preventing its cheostomy prevent it from being commonly per-
collapse during sleep. However, some patients do formed today. (Patients are unable to swim with a
not find this device suitable for use, and surgery tracheostomy and its appearance can be undesir-
may be the only effective treatment available. able.) In some patients, tracheostomy can produce
The most common form of surgery used in chil- dramatic improvement in symptoms and features
dren with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is ton- of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and can
sillectomy with or without an adenoidectomy (see be lifesaving.
Sher, A.E., “Surgical Management of Obstructive Sleep
tonsils are a common cause of obstructive sleep Apnea,” Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases 41, no. 5
apnea in prepubertal children. Children with (1999): 387–396.
enlarged tonsils may also have craniofacial abnor-
malities that contribute to the upper airway
sweating There can be an increase of sweating
obstruction, such as an altered mandibular rela-
during sleep; if it is a regular occurrence it is called
tionship to the skull with or without retrognathia.
SLEEP HYPERHIDROSIS. An increase in sweating can
be due to febrile illness, specific neurological disor-
GERY can allow the tissues of the tongue to come
ders, such as stroke, or pregnancy. (See also PREG-
forward, thereby preventing pharyngeal obstruc-
tion. An experimental surgical procedure involves
the release of the hyoid muscles (see HYOID
MYOTOMY). These muscles fasten the base of the synchronized sleep Term used to denote NON-
tongue to the skull and their release allows the REM-STAGE SLEEP, particularly in ontogenetic or
tongue to be moved forward to open up the poste- phylogenetic sleep research. It is derived from the
rior pharyngeal air space. synchronized patterns of EEG (see ELECTROEN-
Patients who have a long soft palate, an CEPHALOGRAM) activity that are commonly seen in
enlarged uvula and narrow pillar of fauces may be non-REM sleep, and it reflects the slowing of the
suitable for the UVULOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY (UPP) EEG. The term is best avoided if other features of
operation, which is a soft tissue surgical procedure non-REM sleep can be determined. A more specific
performed at the back of the mouth. This proce- statement of the stage of sleep (see SLEEP STAGES),
dure is effective for patients with either the such as stage two or three sleep, should be given, if
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or simple SNOR- possible.
ING; however, only 40% to 50% of patients have a
successful result by means of this surgery. Two new systemic desensitization Behavioral technique
forms of palatoplasty are LASER UVULOPALATOPLASTY occasionally used to treat INSOMNIA, particularly in
and radiofrequency palatoplasty (see SOMNO- patients who have insomnia due to anxiety or neg-
PLASTY). CEPHALOMETRIC RADIOGRAPHS and FIBEROP- atively-conditioned associations. The patient is
TIC ENDOSCOPY aid in selecting patients for the required to make a list of various situations that are
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty procedure, thereby likely to contribute to the sleep disturbance, and
leading to improved surgical results. then concentrate upon those items while coupling
TRACHEOSTOMY is a procedure that was the pri- them with more restful thoughts. The aim of the
mary form of treatment for obstructive sleep treatment is to try to turn the unpleasant asso-
apnea in the past, but it has largely been replaced ciations into pleasant ones so they no longer
by the use of mechanical treatments or the UPP contribute to the disturbed sleep. Systemic desensi-
operation. However, it is still an effective and tization is sometimes used in conjunction with
commonly performed procedure. A hole is created RELAXATION EXERCISES procedures. (See also AUTO-
in the trachea (windpipe) so that breathing occurs GENIC TRAINING, BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT OF INSOM-
through the hole and the upper airway is bypassed NIA, BIOFEEDBACK, COGNITIVE FOCUSING, PARADOXICAL
during sleep. This procedure is very effective; TECHNIQUES, PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION.)
Tegretol See CARBAMAZEPINE. cycle had a period length of just over 24 hours as a
result of being isolated from ENVIRONMENTAL TIME
CUES. In 1962, Jules Ashchoff developed a research
facility in a German bunker and demonstrated that
with isolation from social and temporal cues, many
temperature Body temperature decreases during biological rhythms with a 24-hour cycle would free
sleep and reaches its minimum level before awak- run (see FREE RUNNING) with a PERIOD LENGTH of just
ening. It reaches its maximum level during the over 24 hours. Internally-generated rhythms were
middle of the period of wakefulness that typically termed CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS by FRANZ HALBERG in
occurs during the daytime. A fluctuation of 1.5 1959. Additional studies on humans were per-
degrees Fahrenheit is usually seen between the low formed by ELLIOT WEITZMAN at Montefiore Hospital
point and the highest point during any 24-hour in New York where healthy subjects were studied
period. The lowest point of body temperature is in an environment free of time cues for periods of
about three hours before awakening, typically up to six months. From such experiments much
between 3 A.M. and 5 A.M., and then rapidly rises was learned about the human circadian timing sys-
during the time of awakening. Chronobiological tem and the effect of environmental and time cues
studies have demonstrated that normal-sleeping in influencing circadian rhythms.
individuals in time isolation will awaken 85% of
the time during the rising phase of the body tem-
perature cycle. terminal insomnia See EARLY MORNING AROUSAL.
There is some evidence to suggest that exercise
and WARM BATHS may be beneficial to nighttime terrifying hypnagogic hallucinations Terrifying
sleep by raising the body temperature prior to sleep HYPNAGOGIC HALLUCINATIONS, also known as sleep
onset. However, elevation of the temperature of onset nightmares, are terrifying DREAMS that occur
the sleeping environment is generally not helpful at the beginning of sleep. These dreams are similar
to good sleep and can be an environmental stimu- to NIGHTMARES; however, nightmares usually occur
lus that contributes to INSOMNIA. Persons who sleep during REM SLEEP, well after sleep onset. The
in hot tropical areas can sleep well as long as the affected person will become drowsy, start to fall
environmental temperature is constant and the asleep, and then see images that become very ter-
person has adapted to it. A sudden change in the rifying. The images cause a sudden awakening,
environmental temperature during the sleeping with anxiety and fear; the content of the nightmare
hours can lead to a disturbed night of sleep. (See can be recalled. Sometimes the associated move-
also CHRONOBIOLOGY, CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, EXERCISE ment activity in sleep can be very excessive, with
AND SLEEP, THERMOREGULATION.) calling out and screaming.
Terrifying hypnagogic hallucinations occur in
temporal isolation In 1962, MICHEL SIFFRE spent disorders of disturbed REM sleep, such as in NAR-
59 days in an underground cavern in the French- COLEPSY, where a SLEEP ONSET REM PERIOD can occur,
Italian Alps and discovered that his sleep-wake or following the acute withdrawal of REM-sup-

thermoregulation 245

pressant medications, such as the tricyclic ANTIDE- ture can have important effects upon sleep. The
PRESSANTS. body maintains body temperature within a close
Terrifying hypnagogic hallucinations need to be range and usually varies it by no more than 1.5
differentiated from other forms of hallucinatory degrees throughout the day. Body temperature falls
behavior, such as that seen in more typical hypna- during sleep, reaching a low point approximately
gogic hallucinations where the dream content is three hours before the time of awakening. Even
not terrifying. SLEEP TERRORS occur during SLOW sleep during the daytime can cause body tempera-
WAVE SLEEP, well after sleep onset, and the terror ture to fall slightly. Therefore, sleep and circadian
episodes are associated with fear and anxiety but factors are important in the control of body tem-
little dream recall. Rarely, a mental disorder can perature.
produce nocturnal hallucinatory behavior; how- During sleep, there are specific effects of the sleep
ever, the occurrence only at sleep onset would be state upon the control of body temperature, which
atypical. is under the control of the preoptic and anterior
Treatment of terrifying hypnagogic hallucina- hypothalamic nuclei (POAH). Thermoregulation
tions involves treatment of the underlying disorder, changes reduce body temperature during NON-REM-
either narcolepsy or other causes of sleep onset STAGE SLEEP in association with the reduction in the
REM episodes, and may involve the use of REM- metabolic rate. During REM SLEEP, body temperature
suppressant medications, such as the tricyclic anti- in humans increases slightly; however, studies in
depressant medications. animals have tended to show that the metabolic
rate and body temperature typically are reduced in
Broughton, Roger, “Human Consciousness and Sleep-
Wake Rhythms: A Review and Some Neuropsycho- REM sleep. The slight increase in humans may be
logical Considerations,” Journal of Clinical Neuro- related to the increased central nervous system
psychology 4 (1982): 193–218. activity. Reduced muscle activity is likely to be
responsible for the reduction of metabolic rate and
body temperature that is seen in animals.
The control of body temperature varies between
sleep states so that the control mechanisms are
thermistor Heat-sensitive device used to mea- intact during non-REM sleep and are inhibited
sure airflow at the nostrils or mouth. The thermis- during REM sleep. Sweating does not occur during
tor responds to variations in temperature by REM sleep, and usual body responses to cold, such
changing its resistance when connected to an elec- as shivering, are not seen during REM sleep. The
trical current. The signal that is produced is ampli- body’s temperature is largely under the control of
fied by the polysomnograph (see POLYSOMNO- the environment temperature during the REM
GRAPHY) and a record of airflow is obtained on the sleep state.
POLYSOMNOGRAM. Changes in the environmental temperature also
Thermistors are used in polysomnographic have an effect on sleep itself. The amount of SLOW
monitoring to detect whether airflow occurs during WAVE SLEEP and REM sleep is maximal at an envi-
sleep, so that differentiation may be made between ronmental temperature of 29 degrees Celsius (84.2
obstructive (see OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- degrees Fahrenheit); as the body temperature
DROME) and central apneas (see CENTRAL SLEEP changes, the amount of each sleep stage reduces. In
APNEA SYNDROME). Thermistors are used in con- addition, there are changes in the quality of sleep
junction with measures of respiratory effort that with increased arousals and number of awaken-
are placed at both the chest and abdominal levels. ings, and an increased sleep latency. However, a
(See also SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DISORDERS.) person’s adaptation to the environmental tempera-
ture influences the effects on sleep that are seen.
thermoregulation The body’s ability to control Artificial changes in body temperature can have
body TEMPERATURE within a narrow range. Changes an effect on the quality of sleep. An increase in
in body temperature and environmental tempera- body temperature prior to the major sleep episode
246 theta activity

will lead to an increase in non-REM sleep (see number of time zones crossed but also the direction
WARM BATHS). of travel. Adaptation to time zone change is usually
The control of body temperature may have quicker following westward travel, where the onset
important effects upon the infant during its devel- of a new sleep episode is delayed in relation to the
opment. Because of the prevalence of SUDDEN prior sleep episode. The tendency for improved
INFANT DEATH SYNDROME, the possibility has been adaptation after westward travel is thought to be
raised that an abnormality in the control of ther- due to the natural tendency to delay the onset of the
moregulation during sleep stages may predispose sleep episode, the same tendency seen if one is
an infant to apneic episodes. Hypothermia has placed in an environment free of time cues.
been shown to cause laryngeal hyperexcitability, Once the individual is in the new time zone,
which can lead to UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION. Body adaptation occurs rapidly, with the symptoms of
temperature changes are also useful for the deter- sleep disturbance diminishing with each day in the
mination of circadian rhythmicity, as they are a new environment. Typically, the sleep episode in
marker of the phase of the circadian rhythm. Body the new time zone is of shorter duration and may
temperature changes are commonly recorded in be of lesser quality than that prior to the travel, and
the investigation of shift work and jet-lag effects. this produces a tendency to SLEEP DEPRIVATION and
(See also CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, EXERCISE AND SLEEP, consequent excessive sleepiness. As there is a
SHIFT-WORK SLEEP DISORDER, SLEEP LATENCY, TIME greater ability to delay our sleep onset than to
ZONE CHANGE (JET LAG) SYNDROME.) advance the sleep onset, travel to the east, where
sleep is scheduled to occur at a time earlier than
Glotzbach, S.F. and Heller, H.C., “Thermoregulation,” in
Kryger, M.H., Roth, T. and Dement, W.C., eds., The the prior sleep onset time, is associated with a
Principles and Practices of Sleep Disorders Medicine. greater SLEEP ONSET difficulty.
Philadelphia: Saunders, 1989. pp. 300–309. The disruption in the sleep episode and exces-
sive sleepiness produced by time zone change may
induce reduced work performance and interfere
with social and occupational activities, but the
activity with a frequency of 4 to 8 Hz that is gener-
sleep disturbance usually rapidly abates upon adap-
ally maximal over the central and temporal areas.
tation in the new environment. However, for busi-
Theta activity is commonly seen in lighter stages of
ness persons who frequently travel and have
NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP but also is present in REM
limited time to adapt to the time zone changes,
SLEEP. A specific form of theta activity called SAW-
chronic sleep disturbance and impaired work per-
TOOTH WAVES is characteristic of REM sleep.
formance may be of particular concern. Airline
crews are particularly susceptible to the effects of
tidal volume The amount of air usually taken time zone change.
into the lungs during a normal breath at rest. It is Polysomnographic studies following time zone
typically 500 cubic centimeters of air. change have shown a greater number of arousals
and increased stages of lighter sleep with a conse-
time zone change (jet lag) syndrome Syndrome quent reduction in SLEEP EFFICIENCY. SLOW WAVE
associated with complaints of difficulty in maintain- SLEEP generally occurs in normal amounts but
ing sleep and EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS; typically associ- there may be reduced REM sleep.
ated with rapid travel across multiple time zones. Time zone change sleep disorder can occur in
The sleep-wake pattern has to be temporarily shifted individuals of any age; however, the elderly are
to another time, the difference in time depending believed to be more likely to suffer from symptoms
upon the number of time zones crossed. In addition due to their difficulty in maintaining a regular and
to disturbance of the sleep-wake pattern, there are highly efficient sleep-wake cycle.
changes in alertness and performance and general JET LAG may be exacerbated by the use of HYP-
feelings of malaise. The severity and duration of NOTICS. Treatment is directed toward maintaining a
these symptoms is dependent upon not only the regular pattern of sleep in the new environment. A
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy 247

regular sleep onset time and wake time is recom- tongue retaining device works on the principle that
mended, with an appropriate sleep duration. An the position of the tongue contributes to UPPER AIR-
attempt to adapt to the new environmental time is WAY OBSTRUCTION, thereby adding to snoring. It is
preferable for individuals who plan to be in the particularly effective for patients who snore while
new time zone for episodes of one or more weeks. lying in a supine position.
However, if staying in the new time zone for only Polysomnographic studies have demonstrated
a few days, maintenance of the prior sleep-wake that the TRD can be useful for treating mild
pattern, even though it is not coordinated with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, especially in
new environmental time, is preferable. patients who are unable either to use a nasal CON-
If a delay in the sleep episode is to be expected TINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) device or
in the new environment, attempts to adapt may undergo UVULOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY. However,
involve initiating a gradual delay in the original many patients find the device uncomfortable and
environment prior to travel so the sleep episode is are unable to tolerate it for more than 50% of the
partially adapted. night. In addition, the device appears to be less suc-
Daytime flights are said to be preferable to cessful in patients who are more than 50% over-
nighttime flights, so the night sleep can occur in a weight. (See also ORAL APPLIANCES.)
more acceptable environment. Studies have shown
Cartwright, R., Stefoski, D., Caldarelli, D., Kravitz, H.,
that hypnotics use can be beneficial for the first one
Knight, S., Lloyd, S. and Samelson, D., “Toward a
or two nights in the new time zone in order to Treatment Logic for Sleep Apnea: The Place of the
enhance the efficiency of the sleep episode. (See Tongue Retaining Device,” Behavioral Research Therapy
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Tonsillectomy,
with or without an adenoidectomy, is a surgical
procedure that is performed for the relief of the
tolerance Term used when greater dosages of is most commonly performed in children because
medication are required to obtain the original tonsil enlargement is common in the prepubertal
effect. Certain MEDICATIONS, such as the ampheta- age group. However, some adults can also have very
mines (see STIMULANT MEDICATIONS), induce a resis- enlarged tonsils, or enlarged adenoids, which con-
tance to the drug so that greater dosages are tribute to UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION and therefore
necessary to achieve the initial results. In that way, may need to undergo this surgery. Many patients
tolerance to a drug necessitates the escalation of treated by a UVULOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY (UPP)
the dose in order to maintain the drug’s effect, such operation also have removal of tonsils or adenoids if
as improved ALERTNESS in the case of the ampheta- they are enlarged at the time of the UPP surgery.
mines. Since sudden cessation of the medication Tonsillectomy involves removal of the enlarged
will often worsen the original problem that was lymphoid tissue situated between the anterior and
being corrected, such as sleepiness, continued (and posterior pillar of fauces. This tissue is involved in
escalated) use of the medication is often inadver- the immune response to infections in childhood
tently promoted. but gradually regresses and is of little functional
importance in adulthood. Removal of the tonsils is
tongue retaining device (TRD) Dental appliance a simple procedure in children, but it assumes
designed to hold the tongue forward to prevent greater likelihood of complications, such as exces-
SNORING. The mouthpiece, which is inserted into sive bleeding, in adults.
the mouth and fitted over the upper and lower In the majority of children with enlarged tonsils
teeth, contains a compartment that holds the and obstructive sleep apnea, tonsillectomy entirely
tongue in a forward position by suction. The relieves the obstructive sleep apnea. However,
248 total recording time (TRT)

some patients who have craniofacial abnormalities duce depression-causing sleepiness and even
may continue to have obstructive sleep apnea fol- COMA. Other symptoms such as cardiac stimulation,
lowing removal of the tonsils or adenoids. Post- respiratory depression, and gastrointestinal upset
operative polysomnographic monitoring for can occur with the ingestion of the toxic agents.
obstructive sleep apnea is required for patients Liver, renal and cardiac poisoning can occur.
with severe obstructive sleep apnea who appear to This type of sleep disorder is most commonly
be symptomatic following surgery. Other surgical seen in industrial workers who are exposed to toxic
procedures, for example, MANDIBULAR ADVANCE- chemicals. It can also be seen in children, who may
MENT SURGERY, may be required, or the use of a ingest lead in paint or be excessively exposed to the
CONTINUOUS POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) exhaust fumes of leaded gasoline.
device. (See also CRANIOFACIAL DISORDERS, HYOID The treatment of the sleep disturbance involves
MYOTOMY, SURGERY AND SLEEP DISORDERS, TRA- removal of exposure to the offending agent as well
CHEOSTOMY.) as providing good SLEEP HYGIENE measures in order
to prevent continuation of the sleep disturbance.
total recording time (TRT) The duration of time
from sleep onset (lights out) to the end of the final trace alternant An encephalographic pattern
awakening. The total recording time comprises the that is characterized by bursts of slow waves inter-
TOTAL SLEEP TIME, including stages non-REM and mixed with sharp waves alternating with periods of
REM sleep, and episodes of wakefulness and move- relative low amplitude activity. This particular EEG
ment time that occur until the lights are on; arousal pattern is characteristically seen in the sleep of
time; or ARISE TIME. newborns. (See also INFANT SLEEP.)

total sleep episode The duration of the major tracheostomy Regarded as the most effective
sleep episode, which usually occurs at night. This is surgical treatment for OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
the total amount of time available for sleep, and SYNDROME; involves placing a hole in the trachea
typically it is approximately eight hours in dura- and inserting a tube so that the upper airway is
tion. The total sleep episode includes REM SLEEP and bypassed when the individual breathes. The tra-
NON-REM-STAGE SLEEP, as well as periods of WAKE- cheostomy typically is closed during the daytime
FULNESS that occur during the time available for and open at night so that sleep-related UPPER AIR-
TIME.) Tracheostomy is reserved for patients with
severe sleep apnea syndrome who are unable to be
treated effectively by medical and nonsurgical
total sleep time (TST) The amount of actual
means. The most effective alternative nonsurgical
sleep that occurs during a sleep episode; consists of
treatment is by means of a CONTINUOUS POSITIVE
the sum of the total amount of non-REM plus REM
AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) device. Some patients, for
sleep. The total sleep time varies according to age,
varying reasons, are unable to use such a system,
being greatest in infancy with a gradual reduction
and tracheostomy is considered if their obstructive
as one gets older. (See also SLEEP DURATION, TOTAL
sleep apnea is severe enough.
Immediately following the placement of the tra-
cheostomy, patients with severe obstructive sleep
toxin-induced sleep disorder A sleep disorder apnea notice a dramatic improvement in terms of
characterized by either INSOMNIA or EXCESSIVE the quality of sleep at night and relief of daytime
SLEEPINESS; produced by the ingestion of toxic sleepiness. There are improved objective clinical
agents such as heavy metals or organic toxins. The features, such as improved oxygen saturation dur-
poisoning due to the repeated ingestion of these ing sleep, reduced cardiac ARRHYTHMIAS, improved
agents produces central nervous system effects, quality of sleep and objective evidence of improved
such as stimulation and agitation, and can also pro- daytime alertness.
twitch 249

The complications of tracheostomy are primarily transient psychophysiological insomnia See

the social difficulties of having a hole at the base of ADJUSTMENT SLEEP DISORDER.
the neck. (Patients are unable to swim or go into
small boats where they might fall into the water.) triazolam See BENZODIAZEPINES.
The complications of tracheostomy include recur-
rent infections, development of granulation tissue
at the site of the tracheostomy, and recurrent irri- triclofos See HYPNOTICS.

tation or cough. More severe problems, such as tra-

cheomalacia (a weakness of the tracheal cartilage) tricyclic antidepressants See ANTIDEPRESSANTS.
may rarely occur. However, despite the potential
complications, tracheostomy can be a dramatically Tripp, Peter A 32-year-old New York City radio
effective and lifesaving treatment for many disc jockey who stayed awake for eight consecutive
patients. (See also HYOID MYOTOMY, MANDIBULAR days as a fund-raising event for the March of Dimes
ADVANCEMENT SURGERY, UVULOPALATOPHARYNGO- birth defects organization. Each day he performed
PLASTY, SURGERY AND SLEEP DISORDERS.) his regular three-hour broadcasts, but he went
without any sleep. By the fifth day, Tripp began
tranquilizers Term introduced in the early 1950s hallucinating and became increasingly paranoid. At
to characterize the calming effect of the medication the end of his ordeal, Tripp slept for 13 consecutive
reserpine. The tranquilizers are often divided into hours. Although his psychotic-like thinking cleared
two groups, the major and the minor tranquilizers. up after he slept, Tripp was slightly depressed for
The major tranquilizers include medications, several months, possibly linked to his SLEEP DEPRI-
such as phenothiazines, that are often used to treat VATION ordeal. (See also SLEEP NEED.)
the major psychiatric disorders. The minor tranquil-
izers are those that have lesser mind-altering effects TRT See TOTAL RECORDING TIME.
and are primarily used for reducing anxiety, such as
the BENZODIAZEPINE antianxiety agents. As the term trypanosomiasis See SLEEPING SICKNESS.
tranquilizer can apply to agents with very marked
effects on mood and thought, or can apply to agents
with very mild effects, the term is best avoided. The tryptophan See HYPNOTICS.

terms antipsychotic and antianxiety mediations are

tumescence Term used for the engorgement of
transient insomnia Insomnia that is differenti- the penis that occurs in relationship to sexual
ated from SHORT-TERM and LONG-TERM INSOMNIA. excitement or REM SLEEP at night. A measure of the
These terms were generally publicized as a result of ability of the penis to obtain adequate tumescence
a National Institutes of Health consensus develop- is used for a better understanding of the cause of
ment conference that was convened by the IMPOTENCE. (See also IMPAIRED SLEEP-RELATED PENILE
National Institute of Mental Health and the Office ERECTIONS, NOCTURNAL PENILE TUMESCENCE TEST,
of Medical Applications of Research in November SLEEP-RELATED PAINFUL ERECTIONS, SLEEP-RELATED
of 1983. The summary statement of the conference PENILE ERECTIONS.)
suggested that the term “transient insomnia” be
applied to normal sleepers who experience acute twitch A very small body movement such as a
stress or situational changes that lead to sleep dis- foot or finger jerk. A body twitch during sleep is
turbance that is temporary, lasting only a few days. not usually associated with an arousal but is con-
The term is synonymous with ADJUSTMENT SLEEP sistently detected either visually or by electromyo-
DISORDER and situational insomnia. graphic recordings. Body twitches are common
250 type-1 oscillator

during normal sleep, particularly of infants. These and are then termed SLEEP STARTS, particularly if
movements are often myoclonic jerks, and when they are associated with a whole body movement.
they occur in great frequency in neonates the dis-
present. In adults, twitches can occur at sleep onset PACEMAKER.
ulcer See PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE. with decreased awareness of the environment.
Such patients may have EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS or
ultradian rhythm Rhythms that have a cycle DROWSINESS.
length of less than 24 hours in duration. The term The term STUPOR is often applied to a loss of
is used for biological rhythms that occur with a responsiveness in which the individual can be
higher frequency than the 24-hour sleep-wake aroused only by very strong and vigorous stimuli.
cycle, such as respiratory or cardiac rhythms. Bio- The patient may be in deep sleep with slow wave
logical rhythms that have a period length greater activity from which it is difficult to be aroused.
than 24 hours (such as the MENSTRUAL CYCLE) are After arousal, such subjects typically will lapse back
known as infradian rhythms. (See also CHRONOBIOL- into the unresponsive state. This condition is often
OGY, CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS.) associated with organic cerebral dysfunction; how-
ever, severe schizophrenia or DEPRESSION can lead
to a similar state. (See also DEMENTIA, PSYCHIATRIC
unconsciousness A mental state in which there
is loss of responsiveness to sensory stimuli. States
of unconsciousness can be produced by metabolic,
pharmacologic or intracerebral lesions. Patients Unisom See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
who are unconscious are usually in COMA; how-
ever, impaired levels of consciousness may be pres- upper airway obstruction Term applied to
ent with intact sleep-wake cycling and retention of obstruction that typically occurs during sleep and is
some responses to stimuli. associated with the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN-
The term “clouding of consciousness” is often DROME. Obstruction can occur anywhere from the
applied to reduced states of wakefulness and nose to the larynx and may not be evident during
awareness in which the patient may be responsive wakefulness. Causes of such obstruction include a
to external stimuli but has a variation in the level very narrow nasal airway, enlarged adenoids or
of attention, with hyperexcitability and irritability, tonsils, an elongated soft palate, and obstruction at
that alternates with episodes of drowsiness. More the base of the tongue by tongue tissues, including
advanced degrees of clouding of consciousness can the lingual tonsil (tonsil sometimes found at the
produce a confusional state in which there is diffi- base of the tongue). Predisposing conditions to
culty in following commands. A state of DELIRIUM is upper airway obstruction include skeletal abnor-
characterized by disorientation, fear, irritability and malities such as a posterior-placed lower jaw (ret-
a misperception of stimuli. Such patients fre- rognathia).
quently will have visual hallucinations that can Surgery or appliances, such as a CONTINUOUS
alternate with periods when the mental state POSITIVE AIRWAY PRESSURE (CPAP) device, can relieve
appears intact. the upper airway obstruction during sleep and
The term OBTUNDATION often applies to an resolve the clinical features associated with the
impairment of full consciousness where the indi- obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. (See also HYOID
vidual has some reduction in level of alertness, MYOTOMY, MANDIBULAR ADVANCEMENT SURGERY,

252 upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS)

ORAL APPLIANCES, SURGERY AND SLEEP DISORDERS, during sleep. This surgical procedure shortens the
TONSILLECTOMY AND ADENOIDECTOMY, TRACHEOS- soft palate and removes the uvula and the anterior
TOMY, UVULOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY.) and posterior pillar of fauces that attach to the soft
palate. The tonsils, if present, are usually
upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) A removed.
disorder consisting of an increased effort of breath- UPP is a widely used procedure for the treat-
ing during sleep which produces an arousal that ment of snoring and the obstructive sleep apnea
results in sleep fragmentation and subsequent day- syndrome. However, studies have demonstrated
time sleepiness. These arousals occur in the that only 40% to 50% of an unselected group of
absence of APNEAS, HYPOPNEAS and oxygen desatu- patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
ration. The presence of frequent arousals in a will respond to this procedure. Patients who have
patient complaining of EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS who been screened by means of upper airway studies
does not have apneas and hypopneas should raise have an increased operative success; however, the
suspicion that upper airway resistance syndrome is procedure is ideal for only 20% to 30% of all
present. patients who are evaluated for the obstructive sleep
The best way to document the pressure change apnea syndrome.
is by esophageal pressure monitoring. However, in Potential complications of the surgical proce-
the absence of pressure monitoring an increased dure include insufficiency of the palate closure so
number of arousals (more than 10 per hour) dur- that fluids being swallowed may be regurgitated
ing sleep is typically associated with this syndrome. into the nose. (But this complication rarely occurs
Approximately 10% of all breaths have negative if the patient is well screened beforehand and an
intrathoracic pressures (less than -10 centimeters excessive amount of tissue is not removed.) Other
of water). Ten percent of all breaths involve an complications of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty are
increased effort that is greater than two standard those related to anesthesia and other nonspecific
deviations of the value monitored during quiet surgical complications. Two new forms of palato-
relaxed breathing. (See also OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP plasty have been developed: LASER UVULOPALATO-
APNEA SYNDROME.) PLASTY and radiofrequency palatoplasty (see
SOMNOPLASTY). These procedures have the advan-
tage of being able to be performed in a physician’s
upper airway sleep apnea See OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
office without the need for general anesthesia. (See
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPP) A surgical TOMY AND ADENOIDECTOMY, TRACHEOSTOMY.)
procedure that was developed by Tanenosuke Ike-
matsu in 1964. This surgical procedure was first Fujita, S., Conway, W., Zorck, F. and Roth, Thomas,
used in Japan for the treatment of SNORING and “Surgical Correction of Anatomic Abnormalities in
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Uvu-
was introduced into the United States by Shiro
lopalatopharyngoplasty,” Otolaryngal Head Neck
Fujita in 1979 as an alternative to TRACHEOSTOMY
Surgery 89 (1981): 923–934.
for the treatment of the OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA Sher, A.E., Thorpy, Michael J., Shprintzen, R.J., Spiel-
SYNDROME . The surgical procedure for uvu- man, Arthur J., Burack, B. and McGregor, P.A., “Pre-
lopalatopharyngoplasty involves the removal of dictive Value of Muller Maneuver in Selection of
redundant and excessive tissue from the pharynx Patients for Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty,” Laryngo-
in order to prevent UPPER AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION scope 95 (1985): 1483–1487.
Valium See BENZODIAZEPINES. assisted ventilatory devices, such as a positive pres-
VAS See VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE. SURE (CPAP) device, or upper airway surgery, such
vasointestinal polypeptide (VIP) A peptide iso-
lated in 1972 that contains 28 amino acid residues.
It is a naturally occurring peptide that is released ventricular arrhythmias Also known as ventricu-
into the cerebrospinal fluid. Studies have shown lar premature contractions, ventricular tachycar-
VIP to be associated with an increase in wakeful- dia, ventricular flutter and ventricular fibrillation.
ness; however, in high doses it appears to be able to Ventricular arrhythmias are commonly seen in
DERS, particularly at the end of an apneic episode
VIP is present in several regions in the central
when tachycardia (abnormally rapid heartbeat) is
nervous system and is located with the neurons
seen. The ventricular arrhythmias can reduce in
that contain ACETYLCHOLINE. The effects of vasoin-
frequency or be eliminated following the treatment
testinal polypeptide are similar to the effects of
of the sleep-related breathing disorder. Studies
acetylcholine in inducing wakefulness and REM
have demonstrated that the frequency of ventricu-
lar arrhythmias in sleep can vary; some reports
show a decrease of ventricular arrhythmias during
ventilation Movement of air in and out of the sleep, and others an increase in frequency of such
lungs. Ventilation can be impaired by a number of episodes.
disorders that affect the central nervous system, Studies on patients with chronic obstructive res-
and the nerves and muscles involved in the chest piratory disease have demonstrated that ventricu-
mechanics. Several SLEEP-RELATED BREATHING DIS- lar arrhythmias seen during sleep can be reduced
ORDERS, such as OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA SYN- by the administration of supplemental oxygen,
DROME, CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYNDROME, CENTRAL suggesting that HYPOXEMIA is directly related to
ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME and CHRONIC these arrhythmias. The effect of hypoxemia in
OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE, can affect ventila- inducing cardiac arrhythmias may be by a direct
tion. Ventilation abnormalities during sleep can mechanism of ischemia upon the cardiovascular
lead to ALVEOLAR HYPOVENTILATION (abnormal arter- system, or may be indirect, through the stimulation
ial blood gases during the daytime, with HYPOXEMIA of catecholamines such as adrenaline. Also, RESPI-
and HYPERCAPNIA). Relief of the sleep-related RATORY STIMULANTS may exacerbate the cardiac
breathing disorder can lead to resolution of these ARRHYTHMIAS seen in patients with CHRONIC
daytime blood gas impairments. Other disorders, OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE.
such as KYPHOSCOLIOSIS and intrinsic lung disease, Ventricular arrhythmias of the ventricular
can also have impaired ventilation during sleep. tachycardia, flutter or fibrillation type are medical
Treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders emergencies that require active intervention. Anti-
may involve weight reduction (see OBESITY), arrhythmic medications, such as beta-blockers,

254 ventricular fibrillation

verapamil, or quinidine-like medications, may be ment with antiarrhythmic medications necessary.

useful in suppressing or preventing such arrhyth- Medications used in this setting could include the
mias. Because of the increased incidence of ven- beta-adrenergic blockers. Other medications that
tricular arrhythmias in patients with sleep-related may be required include quinidine or quinidine-like
breathing disorders, stimulant medications should medications. (See also CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA SYN-
not be given to treat the excessive sleepiness. (See DROME, DEATHS DURING SLEEP, MYOCARDIAL INFARC-
CARDIOVASCULAR SYMPTOMS, VENTRICULAR PREMA- ventricular premature contractions See VEN-

ventricular fibrillation See VENTRICULAR ventricular tachycardia See VENTRICULAR


ventricular flutter See VENTRICULAR ARRHYTH- ventrolateral preoptic nucleus A nucleus

MIAS. believed to be important in the control of CIRCA-
DIAN RHYTHMS. There are two groups of neurons

ventricular premature complexes Also known responsible: the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) and
as premature ventricular contractions; very com- the dorsal SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS (SCN); and the
mon arrhythmias that occur in patients with or cells in the ventrolateral preoptic area (VLPO).
without heart disease. These complexes are com- It appears that sleep-activated VLPO neurons
monly seen during polysomnographic monitoring innervate the tuberomammillary nucleus of the
of patients. In those patients without cardiorespira- posterior hypothalamus to modulate arousal. The
tory disease, the premature ventricular contrac- neurons of the VLPO innervate cell bodies and
tions are usually benign and not associated with proximal dendrites of histaminergic cells in the
any increased incidence in mortality or morbidity. ipsilateral tuberomammillary nucleus (TMN).
However, ventricular premature complexes can These histaminergic neurons are involved in the
commonly occur in association with SLEEP-RELATED posterolateral hypothalamic arousal system. They
are tonically active during waking, become less
APNEA SYNDROME. Typically, a pattern of bradycardia
active during SLOW WAVE SLEEP, and cease firing in
(slow heart rate), followed by tachycardia (fast REM sleep. It is believed that the histaminergic sys-
heart rate), is seen in these disorders. The tachycar- tem is inhibited during sleep by GABA-ergic input
dia phase occurs at the end of the apneic episode, from the VLPO. Recent research has suggested that
during the hyperventilation portion of the apnea. the medication MODAFINIL, which is used for the
The ventricular premature complexes seen at this treatment of NARCOLEPSY, may act by means of
time can also be associated with the tachy- VLPO.
arrhythmias of ventricular tachycardia, which is
defined as three or more consecutive ventricular vertex sharp transients Rapid ELECTROEN-
contractions. Ventricular tachycardia imposes an CEPHALOGRAM (EEG) waves that occur either spon-
increased risk of sudden death. Usually the ventric- taneously during sleep or in response to a sensory
ular premature contractions that are associated with stimulus. They are characterized by a sharp nega-
sleep-related breathing disorders resolve once the tive potential, which is maximal at the vertex of
breathing disorder has been treated, and therefore the head. The amplitude of these negative poten-
additional treatment is not required. However, the tials varies but rarely exceeds 250 microvolts. Vertex
presence of frequent ventricular premature contrac- sharp transient is preferred to vertex sharp wave.
tions, or the inability to completely resolve the
sleep-related breathing disorder, may make treat- vertex sharp wave See VERTEX SHARP TRANSIENTS.
VPCs 255

vigilance Term first proposed by Henry Head in (MSLT) and MAINTENANCE OF WAKEFULNESS TESTING
1923 to refer to the physiological state of the cen- (MWT), which involve five nap opportunities and
tral nervous system. With the development of an measure SLEEP LATENCY on each nap. Evoked poten-
understanding of the reticular activating system, tial (an electroencephalographic wave response)
the term became indicative of the level of arousal. measurements by means of an auditory stimulus
Vigilance is now used synonymously with ALERT- show changes consistent with alterations in levels
NESS and is the opposite of SLEEPINESS. of alertness. Computerized electroencephalography
Impaired vigilance may be due to reduced cen- with analysis by power spectra can determine the
tral nervous system functioning as a result of presence of electroencephalographic slowing con-
increased sleepiness brought about by reduced sistent with a change in the level of alertness.
quality or quantity of nighttime sleep. Disorders of
unknown cause, such as NARCOLEPSY and IDIO- viloxazine See NARCOLEPSY.
PATHIC HYPERSOMNIA, are associated with impaired
Tests of vigilance can be made either by perfor-
mance measures, such as the WILKINSON AUDITORY
VIGILANCE TEST, or by means of electroencephalo-
visual analogue scale (VAS) Scale that gives a
quick subjective assessment of ALERTNESS or SLEEPI-
graphic testing for patterns consistent with sleepi-
NESS. The visual analogue technique has been used
ness or DROWSINESS, such as the MULTIPLE SLEEP
in research since the 1920s and is frequently
administered for rating sleepiness or alertness in
sleep research. The analogue scale consists of a
straight line that represents the range of alertness
from very sleepy, at one end, to very alert, at the
vigilance testing Tests of vigilance to assess the other. Subjects mark on the line the position that
level of alertness during the period of wakefulness adequately represents their status at a particular
as applied in clinical or research settings. Tests may time. The distance from the left end of the line is
be subjective, by rating scales such as the STANFORD measured and recorded in arbitrary units for com-
parison with the patients’ state at another point in
However, most vigilance testing involves some time.
physiological measure, such as the determination The VAS scale of alertness is frequently used in
of pupil diameter by PUPILLOMETRY. (The pupil is studies of shift work, time of day effects, sleep loss
very sensitive to changes in ALERTNESS and becomes and in chronobiological research. (See also
smaller as the level of alertness decreases.) CHRONOBIOLOGY.)
Other tests involve reaction time tests, such as
flicker fusion (rapid alternating pattern of light
flashes) studies and letter sorting tasks. These tests

determine the ability to concentrate and ade-

quately perform the task at hand. Vivarin See OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS.
Other electrophysical means of determining
wakefulness A brain state that occurs in the attributed to raising both the core body TEMPERA-
absence of sleep in an otherwise healthy individ- TURE and the more peripheral skin temperature.
ual. It is the state of being awake that is character-
ized by EEG wave patterns dominated by ALPHA Webb, Wilse B. Dr. Webb (1920– ) received his
RHYTHM, or electrocortical activity, between 8 Hz Ph.D. in experimental psychology in 1947 from the
and 13 Hz. This alpha activity is most pronounced State University of Iowa; in 1957 he published his
when the eyes are closed and the subject is relaxed. first paper on sleep. Using rats, he attempted to
Infants tend to have a slower rhythm of about 4 Hz predict the rate of sleep onset as a function of sev-
at four months of age, and this increases in fre- eral experimental variables. Beginning in 1961, at
quency with age. The wakefulness rhythm is about the University of Florida and in collaboration with
6 Hz at about 12 months of age, 8 Hz at three years Robert Agnew, Robert Williams, and students, Dr.
of age, and reaches 10 Hz to 13 Hz at 10 years of Webb began work on human sleep. Over the fol-
age. The alpha rhythm remains stable in adults; lowing decades, his sleep research has concerned
however, there is often a decline in the elderly, par- temporal variations, shift work, time-free environ-
ticularly in those with some degree of cerebral ments, short and long sleepers, the role of stage
pathology. The amplitude varies from person to four sleep, and the aging of sleep, among other top-
person, but most often amplitudes of 20 to 60 ics. Since 1969, he has been a graduate research
microvolts are found (rarely, amplitudes above 100 professor at the University of Florida. Dr. Webb was
microvolts can be seen). This wakefulness rhythm awarded the Distinguished Service Award of the
is thought to be of cortical origin. Sleep Research Society in 1992.
In addition to the characteristic alpha activity of Webb, Wilse B., ed., Biological Rhythms, Sleep and Perfor-
wakefulness, there are also BETA RHYTHMS, which mance. Chichester, England: John Wiley, 1982.
occur particularly with increased ALERTNESS, motor Webb, Wilse B., Sleep: An Experimental Variable. New
activity and in response to environmental stimuli. York: Macmillan, 1968.
Wakefulness is often subdivided into quiet wake- ———, Sleep: The Gentle Tyrant. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
fulness, where an individual is resting in a relaxed Prentice-Hall, 1975.
condition, compared with a period of active wake-
fulness, when the individual is more alert and may weight Weight plays an important part in exacer-
be engaged in talking or other motor activities. bating some sleep disorders. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP
APNEA SYNDROME more commonly occurs in per-
sons who are overweight, and weight reduction
wake time The total time that is scored as wake- can be associated with an improvement in the
fulness during a polysomnographic recording. This symptoms of the syndrome. However, the amount
period of wakefulness usually occurs between of weight loss required for improvement varies
SLEEP ONSET and the final wake-up time. greatly. Some individuals may lose 100 pounds
without there being any significant effect, whereas
warm baths Taking a warm bath just before sleep in others, five or 10 pounds of weight loss may pro-
may improve sleep, according to some scientific duce improvement. Most of the sleep-related
studies. The beneficial effect of a warm bath is breathing disorders are worsened by weight gain.

World Federation of Sleep Research Societies 257

The NOCTURNAL EATING (DRINKING) SYNDROME is a School of Medicine in 1975. He is a past president
sleep disorder often associated with increasing (1996–97) of the American Sleep Disorders Associ-
body weight. People with this disorder will awaken ation (renamed the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF SLEEP
during the night with a compulsion to eat or drink; MEDICINE). He is the chair of the External Advisory
most of the day’s caloric intake may be taken dur- Board of the National Center on Sleep Disorders
ing the hours of sleep. Those with the disorder Research for the National Heart, Lung and Blood
often seek help in preventing the awakenings to Institute. Dr. White’s sleep research has been cen-
eat in the hope that this will lead to a reduction of tered on sleep-disordered breathing. In 2000, Dr.
body weight. (See also CENTRAL ALVEOLAR HYPOVEN- White, who is at the Sleep Disorders Program, Cir-
TILATION SYNDROME, DIET AND SLEEP, OBESITY, OBESITY cadian, Neuroendocrine and Sleep Disorders Sec-
HYPOVENTILATION SYNDROME, SLEEP-RELATED BREATH- tion, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston,
Weitzman, Elliot D. One of the founders of the
ASSOCIATION OF SLEEP DISORDER CENTERS, Dr. Weitz- Wilkinson auditory vigilance testing Proven to
man (1929–1983) was largely responsible for writ- be one of the most sensitive performance tests in
ing its first policy guideline, the Certification documenting ALERTNESS and EXCESSIVE SLEEPINESS
Standards and Guidelines. during the day. In this test, the subject listens
Dr. Weitzman was chairman of the Department through headphones to a recording of a repetitive
of Neurology and director of the Sleep/Wake Dis- series of timed pips. These pips of sound are 500
orders Center at Montefiore Medical Center. He milliseconds in duration, have a regular stimulus
founded its sleep disorders center, the first to be interval of 1.5 seconds, and occur on a background
accredited, in 1977, by the Association of Sleep Dis- of “gray” noise. Occasionally, at unpredictable
order Centers. He also founded and directed the intervals, one of the tone pips is slightly shorter in
duration than the rest (approximately 400 millisec-
Institute of Chronobiology at New York Hospital-
onds). The subject has the task of detecting the
Cornell Medical Center and was professor of neu-
shorter signals and indicating their presence by
rology in psychiatry, Cornell University Medical
pressing a button. The test continues for 30 min-
utes and is analyzed in terms of the signals cor-
He was editor of the eight-volume series of
rectly detected, the number of erroneously pushed
books entitled Advances in Sleep Research, published
buttons, and the reaction time from the presenta-
by SP Medical and Scientific Books. Weitzman is
tion of the stimulus to the response.
credited with being an outspoken advocate for the This test is mainly used for research purposes to
disciplines of SLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE and determine levels of alertness and has little clinical
CHRONOBIOLOGY. An annual award is given in his
World Federation of Sleep Research Societies
Weitzman, E.D., Schaumburg, H. and Fishbein, W., Founded in 1989 by the EUROPEAN SLEEP RESEARCH
“Plasma 17-hydroxy-corticosteroid Levels During SOCIETY, the JAPANESE SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, the
Sleep in Man,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology 26 LATIN AMERICAN SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY, and the
(1966): 121–127. SLEEP RESEARCH SOCIETY (of the United States).
Editors of Sleep, “In Memoriam: Elliot D. Weitzman,” International meetings are held every two years.
Sleep 6 (1983): 291–292. The first congress was held in 1991.
Programs include a sleep training workshop, a
wet dream See NOCTURNAL EMISSION. training fellowship program, and an equipment
and general exchange program. The first president
White, David P. Dr. White (1949– ) received his was MICHAEL H. CHASE, PH.D., of the United States.
B.S. degree from Washington and Lee University in For further information visit the federation’s web
1971 and his M.D. degree from Emory University site at:

yawning An involuntary movement of the even some fish. A yawn begins with a slow inhala-
mouth that occurs in humans as well as in such tion of air followed by a quicker expiration. Yawns
animals as dogs, cats, crocodiles, snakes, birds, and may signify sleepiness as well as stress or boredom.

zaleplon (Sonata) See HYPNOTICS. zolpidem See HYPNOTICS.



I. Cosmetic Ingredients

II. AASM-Member Sleep Centers

and Laboratories

III. The International Classification of

Sleep Disorders

IV. Diagnostic Classification of Sleep

and Arousal Disorders

Since addresses, websites, and even names of asso- Good Sleep and Circadian Learning Center
ciations, organizations or information resources Circadian Information, Inc.
may change at any time, accuracy of these listings 125 Cambridge Park Drive
cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, a listing does Cambridge, MA 02140
not imply an endorsement of that information E-mail:
resource nor should omission from this listing have
any implications.

Narcolepsy Institute
American Sleep Apnea Association
Sleep-Wake Disorders Center
2025 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Montefiore Medical Center
Suite 905
111 East 210th Street
Washington, DC 20006
Bronx, NY 10467
Narcolepsy Network
American Academy of Sleep Medicine 10921 Reed Hartman Highway
(AASM) Cincinnati, OH 45242
6301 Bandel Road NW
Suite 101
National Center for Sleep Disorders Research
Rochester, MN 55901
National Institutes of Health
NHLB1, Building 31, Room 4A11
9000 Rockville Pike
Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD)
Bethesda, MD 20892
P.O. Box 1166
Orinda, CA 94563 National Sleep Foundation
1522 K Street NW
Better Sleep Council (of the National #500
Association of Bedding Manufacturers) (BSC) Washington, DC 20005
501 Wythe Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 7050
Department CP
British Sleep Society
Rochester, MN 55903-7050
P.O. Box 247
Huntingdon PE28 3UZ
United Kingdom Sleep Medicine Home Page

Center for Sleep Research Sleep Research Online

Clinical Development Research Centre c/o WebSciences
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital 10911 Weyburn Avenue
Woodville Road Suite 348
Woodville, South Australia 5011 Australia Los Angeles, CA 90024

264 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Sleep Research Society Society for Light Treatment and Biological

6301 Bandel Road NW Rhythms
Suite 101 P.O. Box 591687
Rochester, MN 55901 San Francisco, CA 94159-1687
Sleep-Wake Disorders Center World Federation of Sleep Research Societies
Montefiore Medical Center (WFSRS)
111 East 210th Street http://www.
Bronx, NY 10467

The Sleep Well

Sleep disorders include problems with sleeping, Academy of Sleep Medicine. Member centers pro-
staying awake, and troublesome behavior during vide the diagnosis and treatment of all types of
sleep. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep-related disorders, and member laboratories
(AASM) is dedicated to maintaining high medical (identified by *) specialize only in sleep-related
standards in the diagnosis and treatment of these breathing disorders. The most up-to-date listing
difficulties. The following is a listing of sleep disor- may be obtained from the American Academy of
ders centers and laboratories that have been accred- Sleep Medicine on the Internet at http://
ited by and maintain membership in the American

ALABAMA Sleep Disorders Center of Brookwood Sleep Disorders

Alabama, Inc. Center
Sleep Disorders Laboratory* 790 Montclair Road Brookwood Medical Center
Northeast Alabama Regional Suite 200 2010 Brookwood Medical
Medical Center Birmingham, AL 35213 Center Drive
400 East 10th Street Vernon Pegram, Ph.D. Birmingham, AL 35209
P.O. Box 2208 Robert C. Doekel, M.D. Robert C. Doekel, M.D.
Anniston, AL 36202 205-599-1020 B.J. Slonneger, RPSGT
William J. Ferguson, M.D., Website: 205-877-2403
Medical Director
D. Larry Cash, RRT, Director Sleep-Wake Disorders Center Sleep Disorders Lab*
Louise Cosper, RPSGT, Lead University of Alabama at Carraway Methodist
Technician Birmingham Medical Center
256-235-5077 1713 6th Avenue South 1600 Carraway Boulevard
CPM Building, Room 270 Birmingham, AL 35234
Princeton Sleep/Wake Birmingham, AL 35233-0018 Kuruvilla George
Disorders Center Susan Harding, M.D. Aneshia Williams
Baptist Medical Center Princeton Vernon Pegram, Ph.D. 205-502-6164
701 Princeton Avenue SW John McBurney, M.D.
P.O. Box II, Suite 50 Len Shigley, RPSGT, Technical Breathing Related Sleep
Birmingham, AL 35211-1399 Director Disorders Center*
Stuart Padove, M.D., 205-934-7110 Marshall Medical Center
Medical Director South
Regina McClain, RPSGT, Director, Sleep Disorders Center P.O. Box 758
Patsy Stanberry, Secretary Children’s Hospital 601A Corley Avenue
Herb Caillouet, Administrative 1600 Seventh Avenue South Boaz, AL 35957
Vice-President Birmingham, AL 35233 Lori Johnson, RPSGT,
Janet Carlisle, CRT, CPAP Man- Christopher Makris, M.D. Coordinator
ager Juanita C. Bishop, RPSGT Robert Doekel Jr., M.D.
205-783-7378 205-939-9386 256-593-1226

266 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders Center/ Sleep Diagnostics of Northeast Website:

Neurodiagnostic Lab Alabama for Breathing Related
Cullman Regional Medical Disorders at Gadsden
Regional Medical Center* Sleep Apnea Center*
1007 Goodyear Avenue Providence Hospital
1912 Alabama Highway 157
Gadsden, AL 35903 6801 Airport Boulevard
Cullman, AL 35056-1108 Mobile, AL 36608
G. Scott Warner, M.D., Medical Denise J. Barton, RRT, RPSGT,
Lead Technologist James Hunter, M.D.
Director Nancy Whiteley, RPSGT
Lisa Nelson Barnett, RPSGT, Stephen Coleman, M.D., Medical
Director 334-639-2876
Administrative Director
256-737-2140 256-494-4551 Jackson Sleep Disorders
Website: http://www.crmc-bhs. Website: Center
com/services/sleep/sleep.htm Jackson—MedSouth
The Sleep Center at 1722 Pine Street
Decatur General Sleep Suite 300
Huntsville Hospital
Disorders Center 911 Big Cove Montgomery, AL 36106
1201 7th Street SE Huntsville, AL 35801 Cary Evans, RPSGT
Decatur, AL 35601 Paul LeGrand, M.D. 888-454-9067
Edward M. Turpin, M.D. Parke Keith Sleep Disorders Center
Marc A. Hays, RRT 256-517-8553 Baptist Medical Center South
The Crestwood Center for 2105 East South Boulevard
Sleep-Wake Disorders Sleep Disorders Montgomery, AL 36116-2498
Center 250 Chateau Drive David P. Franco, M.D.
Flowers Hospital Suite 235 Tammy Taylor, RPSGT
4370 West Main Street Huntsville, AL 35801 334-286-3252
P.O. Box 6907 Robert A. Serio, M.D. Sleep Disorders Lab*
Dothan, AL 36305 Richard M. Sneeringer, M.D. East Alabama Medical Center
Ronald C. Kornegay, RPSGT 256-880-4710 2000 Pepperell Parkway
Ann B. McDowell, M.D. Opelika, AL 36801-5452
Southeast Regional Center
Alan Purvis, M.D. for Sleep/Wake Disorders Gina White, RRT, RPSGT
David Davis, M.D. Springhill Memorial Hospital Steven E. Dekich, M.D.
334-793-5000 ext. 1685 3719 Dauphin Street 334-705-2404
Mobile, AL 36608 Website:
Thomas Hospital Sleep
Services* Lawrence S. Schoen, Ph.D. Sleep Disorders Lab*
Thomas Hospital 334-460-5319 Helen Keller Hospital
188 Hospital Drive USA Knollwood Sleep P.O. Box 610
Suite 201 Disorders Center Sheffield, AL 35660
Fairhope, AL 36532 University of South Alabama Larry Carmichael, M.D.
William E. Goetter, M.D., Knollwood Park Hospital Ronda Hood, RRT
FCCP 5644 Girby Road 256-386-4191
James J. Griffin, M.D. Mobile, AL 36693-3398 Tuscaloosa Clinic Sleep
334-990-1940 William A. Broughton, M.D. Center
334-660-5757 701 University Boulevard East
ECM Sleep Disorders Lab*
Eliza Coffee Memorial Sleep Disorders Center Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Hospital Mobile Infirmary Medical Richard M. Snow, M.D., FCCP
205 Marengo Street Center 205-349-4043
P.O. Box 818 P.O. Box 2144
Mobile, AL 36652 ALASKA
Florence, AL 35631
Felix Morris, M.D. Robert Dawkins, Ph.D., M.P.H. Sleep Disorders Center
Byron Jamerson, RPSGT Emerson Kerr, BS, RRT Providence Alaska Medical Center
256-768-9153 334-435-5559 or 800-422-2027 3200 Providence Drive
Appendix II 267

P.O. Box 196604 Sleep Disorders Center Janice K. Herrmann, RPSGT, MA

Anchorage, AK 99519-6604 University of Arizona Richard Stack, M.D.
Anne H. Morris, M.D., Medical 1501 North Campbell Avenue 916-864-5874
Director Tucson, AZ 85724
Sleep Disorders Institute
Gerald Trodden, RPSGT, Clinical Stuart F. Quan, M.D.
St. Jude Medical Center
Manager 520-694-6112 or 520-626-6115
1915 Sunny Crest Drive
ARKANSAS Fullerton, CA 92835
ARIZONA Louis J. McNabb, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center
Justine Petrie, M.D.,
Banner Regional Sleep Washington Regional
Robert Roethe, M.D.
Disorders Program Medical Center
Bruce Tammelin, M.D.
Thunderbird Samaritan Medical 1125 North College Avenue
Margaret H. White, Ph.D.
Center in Glendale Fayetteville, AR 72703
5555 West Thunderbird Road David L. Brown, M.D.,
Glendale, AZ 85306-4622 Director Glendale Adventist Medical
Bernard E. Levine, M.D. William A. Rivers, RPSGT, Center Sleep Disorders Center
Stephen Anthony, M.D. Coordinator Glendale Adventist
Connie Boker, RPSGT 501-713-1272 Medical Center
602-588-4800 1509 Wilson Terrace
Pediatric Sleep Disorders
Website: http://bannerhealthaz. Glendale, CA 91206
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
com/services/sleep/sleep.html David A. Thompson, M.D.
800 Marshall Street
Kathy Cavander
Banner Regional Sleep Little Rock, AR 72202-3591
Disorders Program May Griebel, M.D.
Desert Samaritan Medical Center Linda Rhodes, EMT, RPSGT Sleep Disorders Center
1400 South Dobson Road 501-320-1893 Grossmont Hospital
Mesa, AZ 85202 P.O. Box 158
Paul Barnard, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center
La Mesa, CA 91944-0158
Tom Munzlinger, BS, RPSGT Baptist Medical Center
Ellie Hoey, RPSGT
480-835-3684 9601 I-630, Exit 7
Website: http://bannerhealthaz. Little Rock, AR 72205-7299
com/services/sleep/sleep.htm l David Davila, M.D. Loma Linda Sleep Disorders
Buddy Marshall, CRTT, RPSGT Center
Banner Regional Sleep 501-202-1902 Loma Linda University
Disorders Program Website: Community Medical Center
Good Samaritan Regional 25333 Barton Road
Medical Center CALIFORNIA Loma Linda, CA 92354
1111 East McDowell Road Southern California Sleep Ralph Downey III, Ph.D.
Phoenix, AZ 85006 Disorders Specialists Joanne MacQuarrie, RRT,
Bernard Levine, M.D. 1101 South Anaheim RPSGT
David Baratz, M.D. Boulevard 909-478-6344
Connie Boker, RPSGT Anaheim, CA 92805 Website:
602-239-5815 Clyde Dos Santos, M.D., Medical
Website: http://bannerhealthaz. Director
Sleep Disorders Center
com/services/sleep/sleep.html Deborah Kerr, Director
Long Beach Memorial Medical
Sleep Disorders Center at Center
Scottsdale Healthcare 2801 Atlantic Avenue
Scottsdale Healthcare Shea P.O. Box 1428
9003 East Shea Boulevard Sleep Center Long Beach, CA 90801-1428
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Mercy San Juan Hospital Stephen E. Brown, M.D.
Jeffrey S. Gitt, D.O. 6401 Coyle Avenue Monir Kashani, RRT, RPSGT,
Sharon E. Cichocki, RPSGT Suite 109 Technical Coordinator
480-860-3200 Carmichael, CA 95608 877-536-3314
268 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

UCLA Sleep Disorders Center Catherine L. Rain, Coordinator P.O. Box 7013
24-221 CHS, Box 957069 Paul A. Selecky, M.D. Pasadena, CA 91109-7013
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7069 949-760-2070 Steven Lenik, RPSGT
Frisca Yan-Go, M.D. Website: Charles A. Anderson, M.D.
310-206-8005 Richard A. Shubin, M.D.
Sleep Evaluation Center
Clinical Monitoring Northridge Hospital
Center, Inc. Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center
Sleep Disorders Center 18300 Roscoe Boulevard Doctors Medical Center—Pinole
555 Knowles Drive Northridge, CA 91328 2151 Appian Way
Suite 218 Jeremy Cole, M.D. Pinole, CA 94564-2578
Los Gatos, CA 95032 David Brandes, M.D. Geoffrey Hux, RPSGT
Tom Pace, RPSGT, Clinical Dennis McGinty, Ph.D. Frederick Nachtwey, M.D.
Coordinator Ron Szymusiak, Ph.D. Richard Sankary, M.D.
Laughton Miles, M.D., Ph.D. 818-885-5344 510-741-2525 and 800-640-9440
408-341-2080 California Center for Website:
Website: Sleep Disorders Sleep Disorders Center 3012 Summit Street Pomona Valley Hospital
Mercy Hospital Sleep 5th Floor, South Building Medical Center
Laboratory* Oakland, CA 94609 1798 North Garey Avenue
Mercy Hospital and Health Services Jerrold Kram, M.D. Pomona, CA 91767
2740 M Street Glenn Roldan, BS, RPSGT Dennis Nicholson, M.D.
Merced, CA 95340 510-834-8333 Fares Elghazi, M.D.
A. Adam Williams, RRT, MBA Website: Robert Jones, M.D., FCCP
Sunit Patel, M.D. St. Joseph Hospital Sleep 909-865-9587
209-384-4726 Disorders Center The Center for Sleep
Sleep Disorders Institute 1310 West Stewart Drive Apnea*
27800 Medical Center Road Suite 403 Redding Medical Center
Suite 210 Orange, CA 92868 2701 Old Eureka Way
Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Sarah Mosko, Ph.D. Suite II
Louis McNabb, M.D. 714-771-8950 Redding, CA 96001
Justine Petrie, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center Everett Trevor, M.D.
Robert Roethe, M.D. University of California, Irvine Jean Amari-Melancon, RPSGT
Bruce Tammelin, M.D. 101 The City Drive, Route 23 530-242-6821
Margaret White, Ph.D. Orange, CA 92868
Sequoia Sleep Disorders
949-347-7400 Peter A. Fotinakes, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Sequoia Health Services
Community Hospital of the Premier Diagnostics, Inc. 170 Alameda de las Pulgas
Monterey Peninsula 1851 Holser Walk, Redwood City, CA 94062-2799
880 Cass Street Suite 210 J. Al Reichert, RPSGT
Suite 106 Oxnard, CA 93030 Bernhard Votteri, M.D., Medical
Monterey, CA 93940 Jerry Harris, RCP, RRT Director
Daniel Ehnstrom Rebecca Palmieri, RCP, RRT, 650-367-5137
Barbara Barrett, CRTT, RPSGT RN, BS Website:
831-641-0136 George Yu, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Website: Sutter Sleep Disorders Center
Hoag Memorial Hospital 650 Howe Avenue
Presbyterian Suite 910
One Hoag Drive Sleep Disorders Center Sacramento, CA 95825
P.O. Box 6100 Huntington Memorial Hospital David J. Groza, RPSGT, RCP,
Newport Beach, CA 92658-6100 100 West California Boulevard EEE
Appendix II 269

Lydia Wytrzes, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center at Sleep Disorders Laboratory*

James N. Nishio, M.D. Mount Zion Kaweah Delta District Hospital
916-646-3300 University of California, San 400 West Mineral King Avenue
Francisco Visalia, CA 93291
UCDMC Sleep Disorders 1600 Divisadero Street William R. Winn, M.D.
Center San Francisco, CA 94115 Gregory C. Warner, M.D.
University of California Davis David M. Claman, M.D. David Akins, RPSGT,
Medical Center Kimberly A. Trotter, MA, RPSGT Clinical Coordinator
2315 Stockton Boulevard 415-885-7886 559-624-2338
Room 5305 Website:
Sacramento, CA 95817 West Valley Sleep
Masud Seyal, M.D., Ph.D. departments/medicine/ Disorders Center
William Bonekat, D.O. pulmonary/sleep/sleep.html 7320 Woodlake Avenue
916-734-0256 Suite 140
The Sleep Disorders Center
of Santa Barbara West Hills, CA 91307
Inland Sleep Center 2410 Fletcher Avenue Gordon Dowds, M.D., Medical
401 East Highland Avenue Suite 201 Director
Suite 552 Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Pamela Pierce, Director
San Bernardino, CA 92404 Andrew S. Binder, M.D. 818-715-0096
Sunil Arora, M.D. Laurie Laatsch, RPSGT
909-883-8058 805-898-8845 Sleep Disorders Center
Woodland Memorial Hospital
Sleep Disorders Center St. John’s Medical Plaza 1325 Cottonwood Street
Scripps Mercy Hospital Sleep Disorders Center Woodland, CA 95695
4077 Fifth Avenue 1301 20th Street Richard A. Beyer, M.D.
San Diego, CA 92103-2180 Suite 370 Marie Kearney, Manager
Alex Mercandetti, M.D., FCCP, Santa Monica, CA 90404 530-669-5555
Medical Director Paul B. Haberman, M.D.
Cheryl L. Spinweber, Ph.D., 310-828-2293 COLORADO
Clinical Director Sleep Disorders Clinic Sleep Health Centers at
619-260-7378 Stanford University National Jewish
Website: Medical Center Medical Center
401 Quarry Road 1400 Jackson Street
San Diego Sleep Disorders Suite 3301-A A200
Center Stanford, CA 94305 Denver, CO 80206
1842 Third Avenue Jed Black, M.D. Robert D. Ballard, M.D.
San Diego, CA 92101 650-725-5917 303-270-2708
Renata Shafor, M.D.
619-235-0248 Southern California Sleep Center of
Pulmonary and Sleep Southern Colorado
Stanford Health Services Disorders Medical Center Parkview Medical Center
2230 Lynn Road 400 West 16th Street
Sleep Clinic in San Francisco
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
3700 California Street Pueblo, CO 81003
Ronald A. Popper, M.D.
San Francisco, CA 94118 James Pagel, M.D., Medical
Bruce T. Adornato, M.D. Director
Christopher R. Brown, M.D. Torrance Memorial Medical Craig Shapiro, M.D., Associate
Rowena Korobkin, M.D. Center Director
Alex Clerk, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center George Juszynski, BS, RPSGT,
Clete Kushida, M.D., Ph.D. 3330 West Lomita Boulevard Program Coordinator
Anstella Robinson, M.D. Torrance, CA 90505 719-584-4659
Rafael Pelayo, M.D. Lawrence W. Kneisley, M.D. Website:
415-750-6336 310-517-4617 sleep.htm
270 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

CONNECTICUT P.O. Box 400 Anne O’Donnell, M.D.

Danbury Hospital Sleep Wallingford, CT 06492 Kenneth Plotkin, M.D.
Disorders Center Debra Pollack, M.D. Richard E. Waldhorn, M.D.,
Danbury Hospital Paul Trigilia, RRT, MPH Medical Director
24 Hospital Avenue 203-624-3140 202-784-3610
Danbury, CT 06810 Website:
Arthur Kotch, M.D. Gaylord/Wallingford Sleep
Arthur Spielman, Ph.D. Services Boca Raton Sleep Disorders
David Oelberg, M.D. Gaylord Hospital Center
Stuart Moses, RPSGT, RRT Gaylord Farms Road 899 Meadows Road
203-731-8033 Wallingford, CT 06492 Suite 101
Carlos A.V. Fragoso, M.D. Boca Raton, FL 33486
Gaylord/Fairfield Natalio J. Chediak, M.D.
Thomas Whelan, RPSGT
Sleep Services Sheila R. Shafer, CMA
1495 Black Rock Turnpike 561-750-9881
Fairfield, CT 06430
Debra Pollack, M.D. Florida Hospital
DELAWARE Celebration
Paul Trigilia, RRT, MPH
203-624-3140 Sleep Disorders Center Florida Hospital
Website: Christiana Care Health Systems 400 Celebration Place
4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road Celebration, FL 34747
Sleep Disorders Laboratory* P.O. Box 6001 Morris T. Bird, M.D.
Manchester Memorial Hospital Newark, DE 19718 Robert S. Thornton, M.D.
Haynes Street John B. Townsend III, M.D. Martha McNamara
Manchester, CT 06040 Thomas C. Mueller, M.D. 407-303-4002
Richard M. Shoup, M.D., FCCP Mary Rose Hancock
Tom Farrell, BS, RPSGT, RPFT, Mayo Sleep Disorders
302-428-4600 Center
860-647-6881 Sleep Disorders Center Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Christiana Care Health 4500 San Pablo Road
Yale Center for Sleep Services Jacksonville, FL 32224
Disorders Wilmington Hospital Paul Fredrickson, M.D.
Yale University School 501 West 14th Street Joseph Kaplan, M.D.
of Medicine Wilmington, DE 19899 904-953-7287
333 Cedar Street John B. Townsend III, M.D.
P.O. Box 208057 Watson Clinic Sleep
Thomas C. Mueller, M.D. Disorders Center
New Haven, CT 06520-8057 302-428-4600
Vahid Mohsenin, M.D. The Watson Clinic, LLP
203-737-5556 1600 Lakeland Hills Boulevard
Website: P.O. Box 95000
Sibley Memorial Hospital Lakeland, FL 33804-5000
Sleep Disorders Center Eberto Pineiro, M.D.
The Sleep Disorders Center 5255 Loughboro Road NW 941-680-7627
Norwalk Hospital Washington, DC 20016
Maple Street David N.F. Fairbanks, M.D. Atlantic Sleep Disorders
Norwalk, CT 06856 Samuel J. Potolicchio, M.D. Center
202-364-7676 1401 South Apollo Boulevard
Edward B. O’Malley, Ph.D.,
Suite A
Sleep Disorders Center, 5 Melbourne, FL 32901
Judith Odell
Main Hospital Dennis K. King, M.D.
Georgetown University Hospital David R. Schneider, RPSGT
Gaylord/New Haven Sleep 3800 Reservoir Road NW 407-952-5191
Services Washington, DC 20007-2197 Website: http://doctor.medscape.
Gaylord Hospital Inc. Marilyn L. Faucette, RPSGT com/DennisKingMD
Appendix II 271

Sleep Disorders Center Baptist Hospital Sleep The Sleep Center

Mt. Sinai Medical Center Disorders Center University Community
4300 Alton Road Baptist Hospital Hospital
Miami Beach, FL 33140 1000 West Moreno Street 3100 East Fletcher Avenue
Alejandro D. Chediak, M.D. Pensacola, FL 32501 Tampa, FL 33613
305-674-2613 Thomas B. Williams, M.D. Daniel J. Schwartz, M.D.
Novie A. Jenkins, RPSGT David Bollinger, RPSGT, REEGT
University of Miami School 850-469-7042 813-979-7410
of Medicine, JMH and VA Website:
Medical Center Sleep Sleep Disorders Center
Disorders Center West Florida Regional Medical
Department of Neurology (D4-5)
P.O. Box 016960 8383 North Davis Highway Sleep Disorders Center
Miami, FL 33101 Pensacola, FL 32514 of Georgia
Bruce Nolan, M.D. Robert Dawkins, Ph.D., MPH 5505 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
305-324-3371 Jane Wilkinson, Director Suite 370
Website: 850-494-4850 Atlanta, GA 30342
neurology/centers/sleep.html Sleep Disorders Center D. Alan Lankford, Ph.D.
Charlotte Regional James J. Wellman, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Medical Center 404-257-0080
Miami Children’s Hospital 733 East Olympia Avenue Website:
6125 Southwest 31st Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Miami, FL 33155 Sleep Disorders Center
Carlos E. Maas, M.D., FACP,
Marcel J. Deray, M.D. Northside Hospital
Medical Director
305-669-7136 5780 Peachtree Dunwoody Road
Mary Darling, RPSGT, Coordi-
Suite 150
Orlando Sleep Disorders 941-637-3141 Atlanta, GA 30342
Center Russell Rosenberg, Ph.D.
1118 South Orange Avenue Sleep Disorders Center Michael Lacey, M.D.
Suite 102 Sarasota Memorial Hospital David Westerman, M.D.
Orlando, FL 32806 1700 South Tamiami Trail 404-851-8135
Barry Decker, M.D. Sarasota, FL 34239 Website:
Geri Lockhart, BS, RPSGT, RRT Glenn D. Adams, M.D., Medical
407-649-6869 Director Sleep Disorders Center
941-917-2525 Children’s Healthcare
Florida Hospital Sleep of Atlanta
St. Petersburg Sleep
Disorders Center 1001 Johnson Ferry Road
Disorders Center
601 East Rollins Avenue Atlanta, GA 30097
Palms of Pasadena Hospital
Orlando, FL 32803 Lesa Kervin, RRT, RPSGT
1501 Pasadena Avenue South
Morris T. Bird, M.D. Gary L. Montgomery, M.D.
St. Petersburg, FL 33707
Robert S. Thornton, M.D. 404-250-2096
Neil T. Feldman, M.D.
407-303-1558 813-360-0853 and
Atlanta Center for Sleep
800-242-3244 (in Florida)
Health First Sleep Disorders
Disorders Center Tallahassee Sleep Disorders 303 Parkway Drive
Palm Bay Community Hospital Center Box 44
1425 Malabar Road NE 1304 Hodges Drive Atlanta, GA 30312
Suite 250 Suite B Patrick Merrill, RPSGT
Palm Bay, FL 32907 Tallahassee, FL 32308-4613 Francis Buda, M.D.
John Jessup, M.D. George F. Slade, M.D. Jonne Walter, M.D.
Anna Barker, BA, RPSGT 800-662-4278 ext. 4 or Robert Schnapper, M.D.
321-434-8087 850-878-7271 404-265-3722
272 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

The Sleep Center at Anthony M. Costrini, M.D., Orchid Isle Sleep Disorders
Piedmont Hospital D,ABSM Laboratory*
1968 Peachtree Road NW 912-927-5141 Waimea Town Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30309 Website: 64-1061 Mamalahoa Highway
Reba Pearson 105
Walter S. James, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center Kamuela, HI 96743
404-605-4278 Memorial Health University Gilbert J. Ransley, RRT, Technical
Medical Center Director
Sleep Disorders Center
4700 Waters Avenue John P. Dawson, M.D., MPH,
Wellstar Cobb Hospital
Savannah, GA 31403 Medical Director
3950 Austell Road
Herbert F. Sanders, M.D. 808-885-9681
Austell, GA 30106
Stephen L. Morris, M.D.
Susan T. Keller, Coordinator
912-350-8327 IDAHO
Mark Letica, M.D.
Aris Iatridis, M.D., Medical Idaho Sleep Disorders
Department of Sleep
Director Center-Boise
Disorders Medicine
770-732-2250 St. Luke’s Regional
Candler Hospital
Medical Center
Sleep Disorder Center 5353 Reynolds Street
190 East Bannock Street
DeKalb Medical Center Savannah, GA 31405
James A. Daly III, M.D., Medical Boise, ID 83712
2665 North Decatur Road
Director Brett Troyer, M.D.
Suite 435
Pamela Rockett, RPSGT, RRT David K. Merrick, M.D.
Decatur, GA 30033
912-692-6673 Stephen W. Asher, M.D.
Mark T. Pollock, M.D., FCCP,
Mary R. Gable, RPSGT
Medical Director
HAWAII 208-381-2440
Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., Clinical
Director Orchid Isle Sleep Disorders SJRMC Sleep Lab
404-501-5927 Laboratory* St. Joseph Regional
Central Georgia Sleep 1404 Kilauea Avenue Medical Center
Disorders Center Hilo, HI 96720 415 Sixth Street
777 Hemlock Street Gilbert J. Ransley, RRT, Technical Lewiston, ID 83501
Second Floor Director Luke A. Pluto, M.D.
P.O. Box 1035 John P. Dawson, M.D., MPH, Bob Rosselle, RRT
Macon, GA 31202 Medical Director Patty Morgan, RPSGT
Charles C. Wells, M.D., Medical 808-935-6105 Joanne Bruegeman, RPSGT
Director Cheryl Wagoner, RPSGT
Todd Jones, Technical Director Queen’s Medical Center 208-799-5484
912-633-7222 Sleep Laboratory* Idaho Sleep Disorders
The Queen’s Medical Center Center-Nampa
Sleep Disorders Center 1301 Punchbowl Street
Wellstar Kennestone Hospital Mercy Medical Center
Honolulu, HI 96813 1512 12th Avenue Road
677 Church Street
Bruce A.G. Soll, M.D. Nampa, ID 83686
Marietta, GA 30060
Jamil Sulieman, M.D. Brett E. Troyer, M.D.
William Dowdell, M.D.
808-547-4396 David K. Merrick, M.D.
David Lesch, M.D.
Susan T. Keller, RPSGT Mary R. Gable, RPSGT
Sleep Disorders Center
770-793-5353 208-463-5820
of the Pacific
Savannah Sleep Disorders Straub Clinic & Hospital Idaho Diagnostic Sleep Lab*
Center at Saint Joseph’s 888 South King Street 526-C Shoup Avenue West
Hospital Honolulu, HI 96813 Twin Falls, ID 83301
1 St. Joseph’s Professional Plaza James W. Pearce, M.D. Ron Fullmer, M.D.
11706 Mercy Boulevard Linda Kapuniai, Dr. P.H. Richard Hammond, M.D.,
Savannah, GA 31419 808-522-4448 Medical Director
Appendix II 273

Brian Fortuin, M.D. Center for Sleep and C. Duane Morgan Sleep
Diana Lincoln-Haye, RRT, RCP Ventilatory Disorders Disorders Center
Robin Baggett, John Williams, University of Illinois at Chicago Methodist Medical Center
RPSGT 1740 West Taylor Street of Illinois
208-736-7646 Room 536E 221 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue
M/C 722 Peoria, IL 61636
ILLINOIS Chicago, IL 60612 Arthur W. Fox, M.D., Medical
Deborah E. Sewitch, Ph.D. Director
Sleep Disorders Center
Maureen Smith, RPSGT 309-672-4966 or 309-671-5136
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
201 East Huron 312-996-7708 Sleep Disorders Laboratory*
Galter 7th Floor Sleep Disorders Center Rockford Health System
Chicago, IL 60611 Alexian Brothers Medical Center 2400 North Rockton Avenue
Phyllis C. Zee, M.D., Ph.D., 810 Biesterfield Road Rockford, IL 61103
Director Suite 409 Theodore S. Ingrassia III, M.D.
Steve Baker, M.D. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 815-971-5595
Glenn Clark, RPSGT Robert W. Hart, M.D.
312-926-8120 SIU School of Medicine/
Clifford A. Massie, Ph.D. Memorial Medical Center
847-981-5926 Sleep Disorders Center
Sleep Medicine Center
Children’s Memorial Hospital Sleep Disorders Center Memorial Medical Center
2300 Children’s Plaza, Box 43 Evanston Hospital 701 North First
Chicago, IL 60614-3394 2650 Ridge Avenue Springfield, IL 62781
Stephen Sheldon, D.O. Evanston, IL 60201 Joseph Henkle, M.D.
Laura Becke, RPSGT, Team Richard S. Rosenberg, Ph.D. Steven Todd, RRT, RPSGT
Leader 847-570-2567 217-788-4269
Michelle Arrizola, RN, Carle Regional Sleep
Sleep Disorders Center
Administrator Disorders Center
Hinsdale Hospital
773-880-8230 Carle Foundation Hospital
120 North Oak Street
611 West Park Street
Sleep Disorder Service and Hinsdale, IL 60521
Urbana, IL 61801-2595
Research Center Peter Freebeck, M.D., Medical
Daniel Picchietti, M.D.
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Director
Donald A. Greeley, M.D.
Medical Center Lisa Paauwe, Manager
1653 West Congress Parkway 630-856-3901
Chicago, IL 60612 Sleep Disorders Center
Carle Regional Sleep Central Du Page Hospital
Rosalind Cartwright, Ph.D. Disorders Center/Mattoon
312-942-5440 Robert McCormick Pavilion,
Branch Entrance E, 3rd Floor
Website: 200 Lerna Road South
Med/Psych/sleep.html 25 North Winfield Road
Mattoon, IL 61938 Winfield, IL 60190
Daniel Picchietti, M.D. Robert Hart, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Donald A. Greeley, M.D.
The University of Chicago Linda Klora, RPSGT
217-383-3198 630-933-2975
5841 South Maryland Sleep Disorders Center
MC2091 Lutheran General Hospital INDIANA
Chicago, IL 60637 1775 Dempster Street Sleep Disorders Center
Jean-Paul Spire, M.D., Clinical Parkside Center, Suite B06 St. Francis Hospital and Health
Director Park Ridge, IL 60068 Centers
Wallace B. Mendelson, M.D., Barry Weber, M.D. 1500 Albany Street
Research and Training Director Wayne Rubinstein, M.D. Suite 1110
Helene Rubeiz, M.D. Lauren Witcoff, M.D. Beech Grove, IN 46107
773-702-1782 847-723-7024 Dianna L. Miller, RPSGT
274 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Manfred P. Mueller, M.D., FCCP Brian H. Foresman, D.O., FCCP Sleep Disorders Center
317-783-8144 Richard A. Fiero, M.D. Overland Park Regional
317-274-2136 Medical Center
St. Joseph Sleep Disorders
10500 Quivira Road
Center Sleep Alertness Center
P.O. Box 15959
St. Joseph Medical Center Lafayette Home Hospital
Overland Park, KS 66215
700 Broadway 2400 South Street
Lafayette, IN 47904 Michael W. Anderson, Ph.D.
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Frederick Robinson, M.D. John B. Nelson, M.D.
James C. Stevens, M.D.
765-447-6811 ext. 2840 913-541-5641
Thomandram Sekar, M.D.
219-425-3552 Sleep Disorders Center
IOWA St. Francis Hospital and
Sleep/Wake Disorders Center
Sleep Disorders Center Medical Center
Community Hospitals
Mary Greeley Medical Center 1700 Southwest Seventh Street
1111 Duff Avenue Topeka, KS 66606-1690
1500 North Ritter Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46219 Ames, IA 50010 Ted W. Daughety, M.D.
Hany W. Haddad, M.D. Selden Spencer, M.D., Director David D. Miller, RPSGT
Marvin E. Vollmer, M.D. Mark Hislop, RRT, RPSGT 785-295-7900
317-355-4275 515-239-2353 Sleep Medicine Center
Methodist Sleep Disorders Genesis Sleep Disorders of Kansas
Center Center Wichita Clinic
Clarian Health Genesis Medical Center 818 North Carriage Parkway
I-65 at 21st Street 1227 East Rusholme Wichita, KS 67208
P.O. Box 1367 Davenport, IA 52803 Thomas J. Bloxham, M.D.
Indianapolis, IN 46206-1367 Akshay Mahadevia, M.D. Robert Hendrickson, RPSGT
Thomas Sullivan, M.D. Carol Everson, MBA, RPSGT, 316-651-2250
Tom Ehle, Manager REEG/EPT Website: http://www.
317-929-5706 319-421-1525
Sleep Disorders Center Sleep Center at Mercy Sleep Disorders Center
St. Vincent Hospital and Mercy Medical Center Wesley Medical Center
Health Services 1111 Sixth Avenue 550 North Hillside
8401 Harcourt Road Des Moines, IA 50314-2611 Wichita, KS 67214-4976
Indianapolis, IN 46260-0160 Donald Burrows, M.D. Janice Oeltjenbruns, REEG/EPT,
Albert Wauquier, Ph.D. Jolee Fisk, RPSGT RPSGT
Thomas Cartwright, M.D. 515-247-3171 Emilio D. Soria, M.D.
Praveen Vohra, M.D. 316-688-2663
317-338-2152 Sleep Disorders Center
Website: The Department of Neurology KENTUCKY
The University of Iowa Hospitals
Sleep/Wake Disorders and Clinics Physicians’ Center for Sleep
Center Iowa City, IA 52242 Disorders
Winona Memorial Hospital Mark Eric Dyken, M.D. Graves-Gilbert Clinic
3232 North Meridian Street 319-356-3813 1555 Campbell Lane
Indianapolis, IN 46208 P.O. Box 90025
Kenneth N. Wiesert, M.D. KANSAS Bowling Green, KY 42102-9007
317-927-2100 Michael Zachek, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center
Randall Hansbrough, M.D.,
Center for Sleep Disorders Hays Medical Center
Indiana University School 201 East Seventh Street
Douglas Thomson, M.D., MPH
of Medicine Hays, KS 67601
550 North University Boulevard Suzanne Bollig, RRT, RPSGT,
Room S450 REEGT Sleep Disorders Center
Indianapolis, IN 46202 785-623-5373 Greenview Regional Hospital
Appendix II 275

1801 Ashley Circle Sleep Disorders Center Frank Taylor, M.D.

Bowling Green, KY 42101 Baptist Hospital East 502-825-5918
Gul K. Sahetya, M.D. 4000 Kresge Way
OMHS Sleep Laboratory
Steven Zeller, RPSGT Louisville, KY 40207
Owensboro Mercy Health
502-793-2175 Kenneth C. Anderson, M.D.
Vasudeva G. Iyer, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center 811 East Parrish
Karen Bell, RRT, Director
St. Luke Hospital West Owensboro, KY 42303
Marilee Burnside, RPSGT
7380 Turfway Road Robert N. Pope, M.D.
Florence, KY 41042 Kelly A. Morris, R.N., M.S.N.
Steven Scheer, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center 270-688-2078
606-525-5347 Norton Audubon Hospital
Diller Regional Sleep
One Audubon Plaza Drive
The Sleep Disorder Center of Disorders Center
Louisville, KY 40217
St. Luke Hospital Lourdes Hospital
St. Luke Hospital, Inc. Pamela McCullough, ARNP
1530 Lone Oak Road
85 North Grand Avenue David Winslow, M.D.
Paducah, KY 42001
Fort Thomas, KY 41075 502-636-7459
James Metcalf, M.D.
Steven Scheer, M.D. Website: www.nortonhealthcare.
Rick Irvan, R.EEG.T., RPSGT,
606-572-3535 com or
Caritas Sleep Apnea Center* 502-444-2660
Methodist Hospital
Sleep Lab* Caritas Medical Center The Sleep Lab*
Methodist Hospital 1850 Bluegrass Avenue 9 Linville Drive
1305 North Elm Street Louisville, KY 40215 Paris, KY 40361
Henderson, KY 42420 Pete Moore, M.D. Pamela Combs, M.D.
Steven G. Hollowell, BS, RRT William Lacy, M.D. Bruce Carter, RPSGT, CRT
270-827-7474 Richard Baker, M.D. 606-987-1127
Sleep Apnea Center* Breathing Disorders
Jennie Stuart Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center Sleep Lab*
320 West 18th Street University of Louisville Hospital Pikeville Methodist Hospital
Hopkinsville, KY 42240 530 South Jackson Street 911 South Bypass Road
Sanjay Chavda, M.D. Louisville, KY 40202 Pikeville, KY 41501
Manoj H. Majmudar, M.D. Barbara J. Rigdon, RPSGT, Ramanarao V. Mettu, M.D.,
Mark L. Pierce, RRT, RPSGT R.EEG.T. FACP, FCCP, Medical Director
502-887-0410 Vasudeva G. Iyer, M.D. Sally Compton, RRT, Director
Eugene C. Fletcher, M.D. Linda Greer, CRTT, Manager
Sleep Center 502-562-3792 Kathy Shaunessy, COO
Samaritan Hospital Website: 606-437-3989
310 South Limestone
Lexington, KY 40508 Sleep Medicine Specialists P.A.C. Sleep
Barbara Phillips, M.D., MSPH, 1169 Eastern Parkway Disorders Lab*
FCCP Suite 3357 Pattie A. Clay Hospital
Gary King, RRT, Director Louisville, KY 40217 P.O. Box 1600
606-226-7006 David H. Winslow, M.D., Director 801 Eastern Bypass
Website: or Diania Alsager, RPSGT, Clinical Richmond, KY 40475 Manager Rajan Joshi, M.D., FCCP
502-454-0755 Tom Grant
Sleep Disorders Center
David Broughton
St. Joseph’s Hospital Regional Medical Center Lab
One St. Joseph Drive for Sleep-Related Breathing
Lexington, KY 40504 Disorders* The Medical Center
James Thompson, M.D. 900 Hospital Drive Sleep Center
Kathryn Hansen, BS Madisonville, KY 42431 456 Burnley Road
606-313-1855 Thomas Gallo, M.D. Scottsville, KY 42164
276 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Walter Warren, M.D. Hans E. Schuller, M.D., FCCP, Frederick Sleep

Chris A. Barnett, RRT, RPSGT D,ABSM Disorders Center
270-622-2865 Craig Gravley, RPSGT Frederick Memorial Hospital
Website:\ 504-643-2200 ext. 2501 400 West Seventh Street
scottsville\sleep Frederick, MD 21701
NSRMC Sleep Disorders
Marc Raphaelson, M.D.
Konrad W. Bakker, M.D.
North Shore Regional Medical
The Neurology and Center Garland McDonald
Sleep Clinic 100 Medical Center Drive 301-698-3802
2205 East 70th Street Slidell, LA 70461 The Sleep-Breathing
Shreveport, LA 71105 Anwant Chawla, M.D. Disorders Center of
Nabil A. Moufarrej, M.D. Mary B. Jones, BS, MT, RPSGT Hagerstown*
Annette Berry, RPFT, RPSGT 504-646-5711 12821 Oak Hill Avenue
MAINE Hagerstown, MD 21742
Lourdes Sleep Disorders Abdul Waheed, M.D.
Center St. Mary’s Sleep Disorders Shaheen Iqbal, M.D.
Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Laboratory* Johny Alencherry, M.D.
Medical Center St. Mary’s Regional Medical 301-733-5971
611 St. Landry Center
97 Campus Avenue Shady Grove Sleep
Lafayette, LA 70506
Lewiston, ME 04240 Disorders Center
Christine Soileau, RPSGT,
Ralph V. Harder, M.D. 14915 Broschart Road
Peter J. Leavitt, RRT Suite 102
207-777-8959 Rockville, MD 20850
Jean Neuenkirch, RPSGT
Tulane Sleep Disorders Maine Institute for Sleep 301-251-5905
Center Breathing Disorders*
930 Congress Street Washington Adventist Sleep
1415 Tulane Avenue
Box HC17 Portland, ME 04102 Disorders Center
New Orleans, LA 70112 George E. Bokinsky Jr., M.D. 7525 Carroll Avenue
Denise Sharon, Ph.D. 207-871-4535 Takoma Park, MD 20912
504-584-1657 Marc Raphaelson, M.D.
MARYLAND Konrad W. Bakker, M.D.
Memorial Medical Center The Johns Hopkins Sleep 301-891-2594
Sleep Disorders Center Disorders Center
2700 Napoleon Avenue Asthma and Allergy Building, MASSACHUSETTS
New Orleans, LA 70115 Room 4B50 Sleep Disorders Center
Gregory S. Ferriss, M.D. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Beth Israel Deaconess
Li Yu, M.D. Center Medical Center
504-896-5439 5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle 330 Brookline Avenue, KS430
LSU Sleep Disorders Center Baltimore, MD 21224 Boston, MA 02215
Louisiana State University Philip L. Smith, M.D. Jean K. Matheson, M.D.
Health Sciences Center Alan Schwartz, M.D. Janet Mullington, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 33932 410-550-0571 617-667-3237
Shreveport, LA 71130-3932
Maryland Sleep Sleep Disorders Center
Andrew L. Chesson Jr., M.D.
Disorders Center Lahey Clinic
Greater Baltimore Medical Center 41 Mall Road
Sleep Disorder Lab* 6701 North Charles Street Burlington, MA 01805
Slidell Memorial Hospital and Suite 4100 Paul T. Gross, M.D.
Medical Center Baltimore, MD 21204-6808 David A. Neumeyer, M.D.
1001 Gause Boulevard Thomas E. Hobbins, M.D. Susan M. Dignan, RPSGT
Slidell, LA 70458 410-494-9773 781-744-8251
Appendix II 277

Sleep Disorders Institute of Sleep/Wake Disorders P.O. Box 30480

Central New England Laboratory (127B) Lansing, MI 48909-7980
St. Vincent Hospital VA Medical Center Alan M. Atkinson, D.O.
25 Winthrop Street 4646 John R. Street David K. Young, D.O.
Worcester, MA 01604 Detroit, MI 48201-1916 517-364-5370
Jayant G. Phadke, M.D. Sheldon Kapen, M.D.
M. Safwan Badr, M.D. Sleep & Respiratory
508-798-6066 (Office) or
Greg Koshorek Associates of Michigan
508-798-1485 (Lab)
313-576-3663 28200 Franklin Road
MICHIGAN Southfield, MI 48034
McLaren Sleep Diagnostic Harvey W. Organek, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Center 248-350-2722
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital McLaren Regional
P.O. Box 995 Medical Center Munson Sleep Disorders
Ann Arbor, MI 48106 401 South Ballenger Center
Thomas R. Gravelyn, M.D. Flint, MI 48532 Munson Medical Center
Sharon S. Potoczak, RPSGT Joseph Varghese, M.D., Medical 1105 Sixth Street
734-712-4651 Director MPB Suite 307
Kent Matthews, RRT, Manager of Traverse City, MI 49684-2386
Sleep Disorders Center David A. Walker, D.O., FCCP,
University of Michigan Hospitals Pulmonary Services
810-342-4980 Medical Director
1500 East Medical Center Drive Leon R. Olewinski, RRT,
UH8D 8702, Box 0117 Sleep Disorders Center at Director
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0117 Spectrum Health Marcia Rinal, CRTT, RPSGT,
Brenda Livingston, Coordinator 4100 Lake Drive Manager
Michael S. Aldrich, M.D. Suite 100 800-358-9641 or 231-935-6600
Ronald Chervin, M.D. Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Beth Malow, M.D. Lee Marmion, M.D. Sleep Disorders Institute
Alon Avidan,M.D. Ronald Van Drunen, RPSGT 44199 Dequindre
Alan Eiser, Ph.D. 616-391-3759 Suite 311
Timothy Hoban, M.D. Troy, MI 48098
734-936-9068 Sleep Disorders Center R. Bart Sangal, M.D.
Borgess Medical Center 248-879-0707
Sleep Disorders Center 1521 Gull Road Website:
Bay Medical Center Kalamazoo, MI 49001
1900 Columbus Avenue Sue Cammarata, M.D.
Bay City, MI 48708 Thomas Wittenberg, RRT MINNESOTA
John M. Buday, M.D. Sheri Dillon, RRT Duluth Regional Sleep
Mary K. Taylor, RPSGT, RRT 616-226-7081 Disorders Center
Ingham Regional Medical St. Mary’s Duluth Clinic
Sleep Disorders Center at Center Health System
Hutzel Hospital Sleep/Wake Center 407 East Third Street
Hutzel Hospital 2025 South Washington Avenue Duluth, MN 55805
4707 St. Antoine, 1 Center Suite 300 Peter K. Franklin, M.D.
Detroit, MI 48201 Lansing, MI 48910-0817 Paul J. Windberg, M.D.
James A. Rowley, M.D. Pamela Minkley, RRT, RPSGT Mary Carlson, RPSGT
David Calahan, RRT Gauresh Kashyap, M.D., FACP, 218-726-4692
313-745-9009 FCCP
Fairview Sleep Center
Sleep Disorders Center Fairview Southdale Hospital
Sinai-Grace Hospital Sparrow Sleep Center 6401 France Avenue South
6071 West Outer Drive Sparrow Hospital Edina, MN 55435
Detroit, MI 48235 1200 East Michigan Avenue John E. Trusheim, M.D.
313-966-3091 Suite 455 612-924-5053
278 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders Center Sleep Disorders Center and 4400 Wornall Road
Abbott Northwestern Hospital Division of Sleep Medicine Kansas City, MO 64111
800 East 28th Street at Chicago University of Mississippi Medical Ann M. Romaker, M.D.
Avenue Center 816-932-3207
Minneapolis, MN 55407 2500 North State Street Sleep Disorders Center
Wilfred A. Corson, M.D. Jackson, MS 39216-4505 Research Medical Center
612-863-4516 Howard Roffwarg, M.D., 2316 East Meyer Boulevard
Website: D,ABSM, Director Kansas City, MO 64132-1199
Alp Sinan Baran, M.D., D,ABSM, Jon D. Magee, Ph.D.
Minnesota Regional Sleep
Medical Director 816-276-4334
Disorders Center, #867B
Allen Richert, M.D., D,ABSM, Website:
Hennepin County Medical Center
Staff Specialist
701 Park Avenue South Cox Regional Sleep
Minneapolis, MN 55415 Disorders Center
Mark Mahowald, M.D. Sleep Disorder Center 3800 South National Avenue
612-347-6288 of Mississippi Suite LL 150
Mississippi Baptist Medical Center Springfield, MO 65807
Mayo Sleep Disorders Center
1225 North State Street Edward Gwin, M.D.
Mayo Clinic
Jackson, MS 39202 417-269-5575
200 First Street SW
William D. Frazier, M.D.
Rochester, MN 55905 St. John’s Sleep Disorders
Sallye Wilcox, Ph.D.
Lois E. Krahn, M.D., Center
Administrative Director St. John’s Regional Health Center
John W. Shepard Jr., M.D. Sleep Disorder Center 1235 East Cherokee
Suresh Kotagal, M.D. Baptist Memorial Hospital— Springfield, MO 65804
507-266-8900 North Mississippi John Brabson, M.D., Medical
2301 South Lamar Director
Sleep Disorders Center Terry M. Yarnell, REEGT, RCPT,
Oxford, MS 38655
Methodist Hospital Jeff Evans, M.D. Administrative Director
6500 Excelsior Boulevard Kevin Buie, RPSGT, RRT 417-885-5464
St. Louis Park, MN 55426 662-232-8146
Barb Feider, RPSGT St. Joseph Health Center
Salim Kathawalla, M.D. Sleep Disorders Laboratory*
MISSOURI St. Joseph Health Center
Unity Sleep Medicine and 300 First Capitol Drive
Health East Sleep Care Research Center St. Charles, MO 63301
St. Joseph’s Hospital St. Luke’s Hospital Thomas M. Siler, M.D.
69 West Exchange Street 232 South Woods Mill Road Susan Townsley, RPSGT,
St. Paul, MN 55102 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Laboratory Coordinator
Thomas Mulrooney, M.D. James K. Walsh, Ph.D. 636-947-5165
651-232-3682 Gihan Kader, M.D. Website:
314-205-6030 Sleep Disorders &
MISSISSIPPI Research Center
University of Missouri Sleep
Sleep Disorders Center Forest Park Hospital of Tenet
Disorders Center
Forrest General Hospital Health System
M-741 Neurology
6051 Highway 49 6150 Oakland Avenue
University Hospital and Clinics
P.O. Box 16389 St. Louis, MO 63139
One Hospital Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-6389 Sidney D. Nau, Ph.D.
Columbia, MO 65212
Geoffrey B. Hartwig, M.D. Korgi V. Hegde, M.D.
Pradeep Sahota, M.D.
John R. Harsh, Ph.D. 314-768-3100
573-884-SLEEP or
Dennis Kramer
601-288-1994 or 800-280-8520
Website: www.forrestgeneral. Sleep Disorders Center Sleep Disorders Center
com/sleepdisorders.htm St. Luke’s Hospital Deaconess Billings Clinic
Appendix II 279

2800 10th Avenue North Robert J. Ellingson, Ph.D., M.D. William C. Torch, M.D., MS
P.O. Box 37000 402-354-6305 or 402-354-6309 Paul Binks, Ph.D.
Billings, MT 59107 775-329-4060
Sleep Disorders Center
Terry Padgett, RPSGT, RRT Nebraska Health System Pulmonary Medical Associates
Robert K. Merchant, M.D. 987546 Nebraska Medical Center Sleep Center
406-657-4075 Omaha, NE 68198-7546 Pulmonary Medicine Associates
Website: Carie L. Smith, RRT, RPSGT 236 West Sixth Street
The Sleep Center at Stephen B. Smith, M.D. Suite 100
St. Vincent Hospital 402-552-2286 Reno, NV 89503
St. Vincent Hospital and Health Donna K. Bybee, CMPE
Center 775-329-1597
1233 North 30th Street Mountain Medical Sleep
Billings, MT 59101 Disorders Center NEW HAMPSHIRE
William C. Kohler, M.D. Mountain Medical Associates, Inc.
Sleep Disorders Center
710 West Washington Street
Karen Y. Allen, CRT, RPSGT Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Carson City, NV 89703-3826
406-238-6815 Medical Center
Robert L. McDonald, M.D.
One Medical Center Drive
St. Patrick Hospital John T. Zimmerman, Ph.D.
Lebanon, NH 03756
Sleep Center 775-882-2106 or 775-882-4139
Michael Sateia, M.D.
St. Patrick Hospital The Sleep Clinic of Nevada 603-650-7534
500 West Broadway St. Rose Dominican Hospital
Missoula, MT 59802 102 East Lake Mead Drive Center for Sleep Evaluation
Stephen F. Johnson, M.D. Henderson, NV 89105 Elliot Hospital
Richard B. Wall, R.EEG T. John F. Pinto, M.D. One Elliot Way
406-329-5650 Darlene Steljes, CEO Manchester, NH 03103
Website: 702-893-0020 Jeanetta C. Rains, Ph.D.,
Clinical Director
NEBRASKA Regional Center for Peter E. Corrigan, M.D., Medical
Sleep Disorders Director
Great Plains Regional Sleep Sunrise Hospital and 603-663-6680
Physiology Center Medical Center
Bryan LGH Medical Center West 3131 LaCanada NEW JERSEY
2300 South 16th Street Suite 107
Lincoln, NE 68502 SleepCare Center of
Las Vegas, NV 89109 Cherry Hill
Timothy R. Lieske, M.D. Paul Saskin, Ph.D., D,ABSM
Leigh Heithoff, RPSGT, R.EEG.T. 457 Haddonfield Road
Dory Markling, RPSGT Suite 520
402-481-5338 702-731-8365 Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Adult and Pediatric Sleep The Sleep Clinic of Nevada James La Russo, Chief Executive
Related Breathing Disorders 1012 East Sahara Avenue Officer
Laboratory* Las Vegas, NV 89104 John D. Miladin, President/Chief
Bryan LGH Medical Center East Darlene Steljes, CEO Operating Officer
1600 South 48th Street 702-893-0020 Kathleen L. Ryan, M.D., FCCP,
Lincoln, NE 68506 FACP
Debra Bailey, RN, Clinical Washoe Sleep Disorders 800-753-3779
Manager Center and Sleep Website:
William M. Johnson, M.D., Laboratory
Sleep Management, Inc., Center for Sleep Medicine
Medical Director
EYE-COM, Inc. Saint Clare’s Hospital
Washoe Professional Building 400 West Blackwell Street
Sleep Disorders Center and Washoe Medical Center Dover, NJ 07801
Methodist Hospital 75 Pringle Way Mark J. Atkins, M.D.
2566 St. Mary’s Avenue Suite 701 Sandy Fitzgerald, Coordinator
Omaha, NE 68105 Reno, NV 89502 973-989-3477
280 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Website: or Sleep Disorders Center of NEW YORK New Jersey Capital Region Sleep/Wake
2253 South Avenue
Institute for Sleep/Wake Disorders Center
Suite 7
Disorders St. Peter’s Hospital
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Hackensack University Pine West Plaza #1
David S. Goldstein, M.D.
Medical Center Washington Avenue Extension
Michael Lahey, RPSGT
30 Prospect Avenue 908-789-4244 Albany, NY 12205
Hackensack, NJ 07601 Website: Aaron E. Sher, M.D.
Hormoz Ashtyani, M.D. Paul B. Glovinsky, Ph.D.
Sue Zafarlotfi, Ph.D. Mercer Sleep 518-464-9999
201-996-3732 Disorders Center Website: MERCYCARE.COM
Capital Health System
Sleep Disorder Center 446 Bellevue Avenue Sleep/Wake Disorders
Morristown Memorial Trenton, NJ 08607 Center
Hospital Debra DeLuca, M.D. Montefiore Medical Center
95 Mount Kemble Avenue Rita Brooks, R.EEG/EP.T, RPSGT, 111 East 210th Street
Morristown, NJ 07962 CNIM Bronx, NY 10467
Robert A. Capone, M.D., FCCP 609-394-4167 Michael J. Thorpy, M.D.
Pamela Wolfsie, RPSGT
Snoring and Sleep 718-920-4841
Apnea Center* Website:
Capital Health System
750 Brunswick Avenue
SleepCare Trenton, NJ 08638 Sleep Disorders Center
Virtua Health Marcella Frank, D.O. New York Methodist Hospital
175 Madison Avenue Rita Brooks, R.EEG/EP T., 506 6th Street
Mount Holly, NJ 08060 RPSGT, CNIM Brooklyn, NY 11215
Kathleen L. Ryan, M.D. 609-278-6990 Gerard Lombardo, M.D., Medical
Jack Miladin Website: Director
800-753-3779 John M. Cunningham, RPSGT,
Website: NEW MEXICO Administrator
University Hospital Sleep 718-780-3017
Comprehensive Sleep Disorders Center
Disorders Center 4775 Indian School Road NE Sleep Disorder Center of
Robert Wood Johnson Suite 303 Western New York
University Hospital/UMDNJ Albuquerque, NM 87110 Kaleida Health
Robert Wood Johnson Rose Mills, Manager 3 Gates Circle
Medical School Amanda A. Beck, M.D., Ph.D., Buffalo, NY 14222
One Robert Wood Johnson Place Medical Director Daniel Rifkin, M.D.
P.O. Box 2601 505-272-6111 Edward Snusz, RRT, RPSGT
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2601
New Mexico Center for Barbara Simonian
Richard A. Parisi, M.D.
Sleep Medicine 716-88-SLEEP (887-5337)
Raymond Rosen, Ph.D.
732-937-8683 Lovelace Health Systems
4700 Jefferson NE Bassett Healthcare Sleep
Sleep Disorders Center Suite 800 Disorders Center
Newark Beth Israel Albuquerque, NM 87109 Bassett Healthcare
Medical Center Lee K. Brown, M.D., Medical One Atwell Road
201 Lyons Avenue Director Cooperstown, NY 13326
Newark, NJ 07112 Nancy L. Polnaszek, Director of Lee C. Edmonds, M.D.
Monroe Karetzky, M.D. Medical Group Operations Robert C. Reese, RRT, RPSGT
973-926-6668 505-872-6000 or 607-547-6979
Website: Toll Free: 887-805-REST Website: Website:
Appendix II 281

St. Joseph’s Hospital Sleep Neil B. Kavey, M.D. The Sleep Center
Disorders Center 212-305-1860 and 914-948-0400 Community General Hospital
St. Joseph’s Hospital Broad Road
555 East Market Street Sleep-Wake Disorders Center Syracuse, NY 13215
Elmira, NY 14902 The New York Presbyterian Robert E. Westlake, M.D.
Kathleen R. Reilly, BS, RRT Hospital—Cornell Campus Antonio Culebras, M.D.
Paula Cook, RPSGT, RRT 520 East 70th Street Bruce D. Hall, RPSGT, RRT
607-737-7008 New York, NY 10021 315-492-5877
Gabriele M. Barthlen, M.D., Website:
Parkway Hospital Sleep Director, Cornell Campus
The Mohawk Valley Sleep
Disorders Center Daniel Wagner, M.D., Medical
Disorders Center
The Parkway Hospital Director
St. Elizabeth Medical Center
70-35 113th Street Margaret Moline, Ph.D., Director
2209 Genesee Street
Forest Hills, NY 11375 212-746-2623
Utica, NY 13501
Jang B.S. Chadha, M.D.
Steven A. Levine, D.O., FCCP
718-990-4590 Sleep Disorders Institute
Mark Cassidy, RPSGT
Website: 1090 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10025
Sleep Disorders Gary K. Zammit, Ph.D. Sleep-Wake Disorders Center
Laboratory* 212-523-1700 or 888-SLEEPNY The New York Presbyterian
St. James Mercy Health Website: Hospital—Westchester
411 Canisteo Street Division
Hornell, NY 14843 Sleep Disorders Center 21 Bloomingdale Road
Randall L. Clark II, Director, of Rochester White Plains, NY 10605
Respiratory Care 2110 Clinton Avenue South Daniel R. Wagner, M.D., Medical
Joseph E. Modrak, M.D., Rochester, NY 14618 Director
Medical Director, Sleep Robert H. Israel, M.D. Margaret L. Moline, Ph.D.,
Laboratory 716-442-4141 Director
607-324-8781 914-997-5751
Sleep Apnea Center*
Sleep Disorders Center Staten Island University Hospital The Sleep Disorders Center—
Winthrop-University Hospital White Plains
375 Sequine Avenue
222 Station Plaza North Columbia-Presbyterian
Staten Island, NY 10309
Mineola, NY 11501 Medical Center
R. Ciccone, M.D., Medical Director
Michael Weinstein, M.D. 185 Maple Avenue
T. Kilkenny, D.O., Associate
Maritza Groth, M.D., FCCP White Plains, NY 10601
Medical Director
Claude Albertario, RPSGT Neil B. Kavey, M.D.
Nicholas Caruselle,
516-663-3907 914-948-0400
Sleep-Wake Disorders Center Steve Grenard, RRT, Program NORTH CAROLINA
Long Island Jewish Director
Medical Center 800-333-6533 or 718-226-2331 Mission/St. Joseph’s
270-05 76th Avenue Sleep Center
The Sleep Laboratory 445 Biltmore Avenue
New Hyde Park, NY 11042
St. Joseph’s Hospital Suite 404
Harly Greenberg, M.D.
Health Center Asheville, NC 28801
Jane Luchsinger, MS
945 East Genesee Street Charles O’Cain, M.D.
Suite 300 James McCarrick, M.D.
Jean C. Hardy, RPSGT
The Sleep Disorders Center Syracuse, NY 13210
Columbia-Presbyterian Edward T. Downing, M.D.
Medical Center Stephen F. Swierczek, RPSGT Carolinas Sleep Services
161 Fort Washington Avenue 315-475-3379 University Hospital
New York, NY 10032 Website: P.O. Box 560727
282 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

8800 North Tyron Street J. Baldwin Smith III, M.D. Sleep Disorders Program
Charlotte, NC 28256 Richard Doud Bey, M.D. MetroHealth Medical Center
Mindy B. Cetel, M.D., Medical 336-765-9431 2500 MetroHealth Drive
Director Cleveland, OH 44109
Michael Stolzenbach, RPSGT, NORTH DAKOTA David W. Hudgel, M.D.
Manager No Accredited Member Centers Kristina Port, RPSGT, R
704-548-5855 and 877-2SLEEPEZ EEG/EPT
OHIO 216-778-5985
Carolinas Sleep Services
Mercy Hospital South Cincinnati Regional PMA Cardiopulmonary
16028 Park Road Sleep Center Sleep Laboratory*
Charlotte, NC 28210 2123 Auburn Avenue Pulmonary Medicine
William C. Sherrill, M.D. Suite 341 Associates, Inc.
Scott Lindblom, M.D. Cincinnati, OH 45219 15805 Puritas Avenue
Mary Susan Esther, M.D. Bruce C. Corser, M.D. Cleveland, OH 44135
Mindy Beth Cetel, M.D. Joseph W. Zompero, RPSGT Paul C. Venizelos, M.D., FCCP
Michael Stolzenbach, RPSGT, 513-721-4680 Babu M. Eapen, M.D., FCCP
Manager Website: Petra Podmore, RPSGT, REEGT
704-543-2213 216-267-5933
TriHealth Sleep and
Sleep Disorders Center Alertness Center Sleep Disorders Center
Moses Cone Health System Good Samaritan Hospital The Cleveland Clinic
1200 North Elm Street 375 Dixmyth Avenue, 7H Foundation
Greensboro, NC 27401-1020 Cincinnati, OH 45220-2489 9500 Euclid Avenue
Clinton D. Young, M.D. Virgil D. Wooten, M.D. Desk S-51
Reggie Whitsett, RPSGT 513-872-4000 Cleveland, OH 44195
336-832-7406 Website: Nancy Foldvary, D.O., Director
Sleep Medicine Center of The Tri-State Sleep Disorders
Salisbury Center Regional Sleep Disorder
911 West Henderson Street 1275 East Kemper Road Center
Suite L30 Cincinnati, OH 45246 Columbus Community Hospital
Salisbury, NC 28144 Martin B. Scharf, Ph.D. 1430 South High Street
Dennis L. Hill, M.D. 513-671-3101 Columbus, OH 43207
Sharon Leach, RPSGT Allen Nicholson, Clinical
704-637-1533 Cincinnati Regional Sleep Coordinator
Centers West Robert W. Clark, M.D., Medical
Sleep Disorders Center 5049 Crookshank Road Director
North Carolina Baptist Hospital Suite G-3 614-437-7800
Wake Forest University School Cincinnati, OH 45238 Website:
of Medicine Bruce Corser, M.D.
Medical Center Boulevard James Armitage, M.D. Samaritan North Sleep
Winston-Salem, NC 27157 Joe Zompero Center*
W. Vaughn McCall, M.D. 513-347-0220 9000 North Main Street
Linda Quinlivan, RPSGT Suite 225
336-716-5288 University Hospitals Dayton, OH 45415
Website: or Sleep Center Rajesh C. Patel, M.D., FCCP,
University Hospitals of Cleveland Medical Director
Department of Neurology
department/diagneur.html Joyce E. Gray, Manager
11100 Euclid Avenue
Summit Sleep Disorders Cleveland, OH 44106
Center Carl Rosenberg, M.D., MBA The Center for Sleep &
160 Charlois Boulevard Lucica Buzoianu Wake Disorders
Winston-Salem, NC 27103 216-844-1301 Miami Valley Hospital
Appendix II 283

One Wyoming Street Website: P.O. Box 727

Suite G-200 Tiffin, OH 44883-0727
Dayton, OH 45409 Vijay K. Mahajan, M.D., Medical
Meridia Sleep Disorders
James Graham, M.D. Director
Kevin Huban, Psy.D. Lynette Clifton, RPSGT, CEEGT,
Meridia-Cleveland Clinic
937-208-2515 Clinical Coordinator
Health System
Sleep Disorders Center 6780 Mayfield Road
Kettering Medical Center Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 Sleep Disorders Center
3535 Southern Boulevard Daniel W. Sutton, BS, RRT, RCP Riverside Mercy Hospital
Dayton, OH 45429-1295 Raymond Salomone, M.D. 1600 North Superior Street
Donna Arand, Ph.D. Eva Hu-Whittemore, M.D. Toledo, OH 43604
937-296-7805 440-646-8090 E. Tomas Calderon, M.D.
MGH Sleep Related Breathing Cindy Miller, Director of Cardio-
Sleep Disorders Center
Disorders Lab* Pulmonary Services
Grady Memorial Hospital
Medina General Hospital 419-729-8600
561 West Central Avenue
Delaware, OH 43015 1000 East Washington Street Sleep Disorders Center
Suzanne M. Holt, BS, RPSGT, Medina, OH 44256 St. Vincent Medical Center
RRT, RCP Robert Castele, M.D., Medical 3829 Woodley
Steven M. Hirsch, M.D. Director Suite 1
740-368-5330 Michael Neuendorff, Director of Toledo, OH 43606
Sleep Lab Michael J. Neeb, Ph.D.
Marymount Hospital Sleep 330-725-1000 419-251-0570
Disorders Center
Marymount Hospital Ohio Sleep Disorders Center Northwest Ohio Sleep
12300 McCracken Road 150 Springside Drive Disorders Center
Garfield Heights, OH 44125 Montrose, OH 44333 The Toledo Hospital
Raymond J. Salomone, M.D. Jose Rafecas, M.D. Harris-McIntosh Tower,
A. Romeo Craciun, M.D. Frankie Roman, M.D. Second Floor
Gary L. Foreman, BS, Larry Saltis, M.D. 2142 North Cove Boulevard
RRT, RCP 330-670-1290 Toledo, OH 43606
216-587-8151 Website: Pam Lang, RPSGT
Ohio Sleep Disorders Center— Frank O. Horton, III, M.D.
St. Rita’s Sleep
Green 419-471-5629
Disorders Lab
St. Rita’s Medical Center 5590 Lauby Road
Sleep Disorders Center
730 West Market Street North Canton, OH 44720
Genesis Health Care System
Lima, OH 45801 Jose Rafecas, M.D.
Bethesda Hospital
Jeffrey E. Godwin, M.D., R.Ph., Michael Perry, RPSGT, R.EEG.T
2951 Maple Avenue
FCCP 330-498-5020
Zanesville, OH 43701
Mary L. Reed Northwest Ohio Sleep Roger J. Balogh, M.D.
419-226-9397 Disorders Center at Flower Thomas E. Rojewski, M.D.
Hospital Robert J. Thompson, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center
5200 Harroun Road 740-454-4725
St. Luke’s Hospital
Sylvania, OH 43560
5901 Monclova Road
Pamela K. Lang, Lead Therapist, OKLAHOMA
Maumee, OH 43537
E. Tomas Calderon, M.D., Sleep Disorders Center
Greg Stang, Director of
Medical Director of Oklahoma
Respiratory Care
Marty Ensman, RRT, Director Integris Health
Larry Martin, RPSGT, 4401 South Western Avenue
Supervisor Sleep Improvement Lab* Oklahoma City, OK 73109
419-897-8490 Mercy Hospital Tiffin Jonathan R.L. Schwartz, M.D.
284 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Elliott R. Schwartz, D.O. 1015 Northwest 22nd Avenue Sleep Disorders Center
Chris A. Veit, M.S.W., RPSGT Portland, OR 97210 Lower Bucks Hospital
405-636-7700 John J. Greve, M.D., Medical 501 Bath Road
Website: Director Bristol, PA 19007 Jan White, Manager Howard J. Lee, M.D.
503-413-7540 215-785-9752
Sleep Disorders Center
of Oklahoma Sleep Disorders Center
Penn Center for Sleep
Integris Baptist Medical Center Providence Portland
3300 Northwest Expressway Medical Center
800 West State Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112 4805 Northeast Glisan Street
Portland, OR 97213-1967 Doylestown, PA 18901
Jonathan Schwartz, M.D.
Chris Veit Louis Libby, M.D. Richard J. Schwab, M.D.
405-951-8333 Keith Hyde, MBA Allan I. Pack, M.D., Ph.D.
503-215-6552 Louis Metzger
OREGON 215-345-5003
Salem Hospital Sleep
Sleep Disorders Center Disorders Center Sleep Disorders Center
Sacred Heart Medical Center Salem Hospital of Lancaster
1255 Hilyard Street 665 Winter Street SE Lancaster General Hospital
P.O. Box 10905 Salem, OR 97309-5014 555 North Duke Street
Eugene, OR 97440 Mark T. Gabr, M.D. Lancaster, PA 17604-3555
Connie Dunks, CRTT, RCP Stephen J. Baughman, RRT, Harshadkumar B. Patel, M.D.
Robert Tearse, M.D. RPSGT James M. O’Connor, RPSGT, MPA
503-686-7224 503-370-5170 717-290-5910
Sleep Disorders Center MCMC Sleep Studies Lab*
Rogue Valley Medical Center Saint Mary Sleep/Wake
Mid-Columbia Medical Center
2825 East Barnett Road 1700 East 19th Street Disorder Center
Medford, OR 97504 The Dalles, OR 97058 Langhorne-Newtown Road
Eric Overland, M.D. Michael Wacker Langhorne, PA 19047
Michael Schwartz, RPSGT 541-296-7724 Howard J. Lee, M.D., Medical
Nic Butkov, RPSGT Director
Geoff Zanotto, RPSGT PENNSYLVANIA James J. Burke, Administrative
541-608-4320 Sleep Disorders Center Director
Abington Memorial Hospital 215-741-6744
Pacific Sleep Program
Suite 202 1200 Old York Road
Sleep Medicine Services
1849 Northwest Kearney Second Floor, Rorer Building
Paoli Memorial Hospital
Portland, OR 97209 Abington, PA 19001
255 West Lancaster Avenue
Gerald B. Rich, M.D. B. Franklin Diamond, M.D.
Paoli, PA 19301
503-228-4414 Albert D. Wagman, M.D.
Kevin R. Booth, M.D. Mark R. Pressman, Ph.D.
Website: Donald D. Peterson, M.D.
Sleep Disorders Center Website: 610-645-3400
Providence St. Vincent Temple Sleep Disorders
Medical Center Sacred Heart Sleep
Disorders Center Center
9205 Southwest Barnes Road Temple University Hospital
Portland, OR 97225 Sacred Heart Hospital
421 Chew Street 3401 North Broad Street
Lyn Miskowicz, Coordinator
Allentown, PA 18102-3490 Seventh Floor, Parkinson
Keith Hyde, Administrator
William R. Pistone, D.O. Pavilion
Ross Futerfas, M.D. Philadelphia, PA 19140
Legacy Good Samaritan K. Alexander Haraldsted, M.D. Samuel Krachman, D.O.
Sleep Disorders Center David J. Brooks, RRT, RPSGT Grace R. Denault, BA, RPSGT
Neurology, T-302 610-776-5333 215-707-8163
Appendix II 285

Penn Center for Sleep 215-535-3335 Sleep Medicine Services

Disorders Website: The Lankenau Hospital
University of Pennsylvania 100 Lancaster Avenue
Sleep and Chronobiology Wynnewood, PA 19096
Medical Center
Center Mark R. Pressman, Ph.D.
3400 Spruce Street
Western Psychiatric Institute Donald D. Peterson, M.D.
11 Gates West
and Clinic 610-645-3400
Philadelphia, PA 19104
3811 O’Hara Street
Allan I. Pack, M.D., Ph.D.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2593 SOUTH CAROLINA
Richard J. Schwab, M.D.
Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D. Roper Sleep/Wake Disorders
Louis F. Metzger
412-624-2246 Center
Roper Hospital
Center for Sleep Medicine, Pulmonary Sleep Evaluation 316 Calhoun Street
Department of Neurology Laboratory* Charleston, SC 29401-1125
MCP—Hahnemann University University of Pittsburgh William T. Dawson Jr., M.D.
3200 Henry Avenue Medical Center Wayne C. Vial, M.D.
Philadelphia, PA 19129 Montefiore University Hospital Graham C. Scott, M.D.
June M. Fry, M.D., Ph.D., 3459 Fifth Avenue, S639 John A. Mitchell, M.D.
Director Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Tim Fultz, MS, RRT, RPSGT
215-842-4250 Nancy Kern, CRTT, RPSGT 843-724-2246
Mark H. Sanders, M.D. Website:
Sleep Disorders Center Patrick J. Strollo, M.D. sleep/index.html
Thomas Jefferson University 412-692-2880
1015 Walnut Street Sleep Disorders Center of
Suite 319 University Services South Carolina
Philadelphia, PA 19107 1133 High Street Baptist Medical Center
Karl Doghramji, M.D. Pottstown, PA 19464 Taylor at Marion Streets
215-955-6175 Irvin M. Gerson, M.D. Columbia, SC 29220
Richard Bogan, M.D., FCCP
Pennsylvania Hospital Sleep Benjamin Gerson, M.D.
Sharon S. Ellis, M.D.
Disorders Center 610-326-6737
Pennsylvania Hospital Website:
803-296-5847 or 800-368-1971
Eighth and Spruce Streets Website:
Philadelphia, PA 19107 Crozer Sleep Disorders Center
Charles R. Cantor, M.D. at Taylor Hospital Southeast Regional Sleep
Ronald L. Kotler, M.D. 175 East Chester Pike Disorders Center Easley
Ridley Park, PA 19078 200 Fleetwood Drive
Calvin Stafford, M.D., Clinical P.O. Box 2129
Northeast Sleep Director Easley, SC 29640
Disorders Center 610-595-6272 Freddie E. Wilson, M.D., Medical
Nazareth Hospital Director
2601 Holme Avenue Sleep Disorders Center Katrinka Scalise
Philadelphia, PA 19152 Community Medical Center 864-855-7200
John P. Mahan, M.D. 1822 Mulberry Street Sleep Disorders Center
Timothy Flanagan, BS, Scranton, PA 18510 Greenville Memorial Hospital
RPSGT S. Ramakrishna, M.D., FCCP 701 Grove Road
215-335-6190 570-969-8931 Greenville, SC 29605
University Services Sleep Sleep Disorders Center Don McMahan
Disorder Centers Mercy Hospital 864-455-8916
6561 Roosevelt Boulevard 25 Church Street Southeast Regional Sleep
Philadelphia, PA 19149 Wilkes-Barre PA 18765 Disorders Center
Irvin M. Gerson, M.D. John Della Rosa, M.D. 440A Roper Mountain Road
Benjamin Gerson, M.D. 570-826-3410 Greenville, SC 29615
286 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Freddie E. Wilson, M.D., Medical Timothy L. Morgenthaler, M.D. 2000 Church Street
Director Lee Ann Covington, RRT, RPSGT Nashville, TN 37236
Robin Brown, GRT, RPSGT, 615-316-3495 J. Michael Bolds, M.D., Director
Clinic Coordinator Stephen J. Heyman, M.D.,
Katrinka Scalise, Facility Manager Sleep Disorders Center Co-Director
864-627-5337 Ft. Sanders Regional 615-284-7806
Medical Center
Sleep Disorders Center 1901 West Clinch Avenue Sleep Disorders Center
Spartanburg Regional Medical Knoxville, TN 37916 Centennial Medical Center
Center Thomas G. Higgins, M.D. 2300 Patterson Street
101 East Wood Street Bert A. Hampton, M.D. Nashville, TN 37203
Spartanburg, SC 29303 C. Keith Hulse, Ph.D. David A. Jarvis, M.D.
Shari Angel Newman, RPSGT 865-541-1375 Marcie T. Poe, RPSGT
Bill Hazen, RN, CHT 615-342-1670
864-560-6904 Sleep Disorders Center
St. Mary’s Medical Center Sleep Disorders Center
SOUTH DAKOTA 900 East Oak Hill Avenue Saint Thomas Hospital
Knoxville, TN 37917-4556 P.O. Box 380
The Sleep Center Nashville, TN 37202
Rapid City Regional Hospital Michael Eisenstadt, M.D., Medical
Director J. Brevard Haynes Jr., M.D.
353 Fairmont Boulevard Susan L. Snyder, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 6000 Steven C. Plenzler, Ph.D., Director
865-545-6746 615-222-2068
Rapid City, SD 57709
K. Alan Kelts, M.D., Ph.D. BMH Sleep Disorders Center TEXAS
Terry Anderson, BS, RRCP Baptist Memorial Hospital NWTH Sleep Disorders
605-341-8037 899 Madison Avenue Center
Sleep Disorders Center Memphis, TN 38146 Northwest Texas Hospital
Sioux Valley Hospital Robert Schriner, M.D. P.O. Box 1110
1100 South Euclid Sharon Burt, RPSGT Amarillo, TX 79175
Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5039 901-227-5337 Marshall Bradshaw, M.D.
Liz Grav John Moss, CRTT
Sleep Disorders Center 806-354-1954
Richard Hardie, M.D., Co-Medical Methodist Hospitals of Memphis
Director 1265 Union Avenue Sleep Medicine Institute
Brian Hurley, M.D., Co-Medical Memphis, TN 38104 Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Director Kristin W. Lester, Manager 8200 Walnut Hill Lane
605-333-6302 Jim Donaldson, Supervisor Dallas, TX 75231
Robert Neal Aguillard, M.D., Philip M. Becker, M.D.
Medical Director Andrew O. Jamieson, M.D.
Regional Sleep Center Srinath Bellur, M.D., Assistant Wolfgang Schmidt-Nowara,
Memorial Hospital Medical Director M.D.
2525 DeSalles Avenue 901-726-REST 214-345-8563
Chattanooga, TN 37404 Website:
Michael Dunn, RRT, RPSGT Sleep Disorders Center
Robert L. Lindsey, RPSGT Middle Tennessee Sleep Disorders Center
423-495-8340 Medical Center for Children
Website: 400 North Highland Avenue Children’s Medical Center
Murfreesboro, TN 37130 of Dallas
Summit Center for Timothy J. Hoelscher, Ph.D. 1935 Motor Street
Sleep Health William H. Noah, M.D. Dallas, TX 75235
Summit Medical Center Roya Tompkins
5655 Frist Boulevard John Herman, Ph.D.
MOB—Suite 401 Baptist Sleep Center Joel Steinberg, M.D.
Hermitage, TN 37076 Baptist Hospital 214-456-2793
Appendix II 287

Sleep Disorders Center UTAH Jacalyn A. Nelson, M.D., Medical

Del Sol Medical Center Intermountain Sleep Director
10301 Gateway West Disorders Center of Murray Kofi A. Doonquah, M.D.
El Paso, TX 79925 Cottonwood Hospital Nancy Craig Williams, BS,
Gonzalo Diaz, M.D. 5770 South, 300 East RPSGT
Jean R. Joseph-Vanderpool, M.D. Murray, UT 84106 Eileen Mullikin, RPSGT
Elizabeth Baird, RPSGT 804-792-2209
James M. Walker, Ph.D.
Robert J. Farney, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center for
John B. Krueger, M.D. Adults and Children
Sleep Disorders Center Patricia Nelson, M.D. Eastern Virginia Medical School
Providence Memorial Hospital 801-314-2015 Sentara Norfolk General
2001 North Oregon Hospital
Intermountain Sleep
El Paso, TX 79902 600 Gresham Drive
Disorders Center
Gonzalo Diaz, M.D., FCCP Norfolk, VA 23507
LDS Hospital
Joseph Arteaga, RPSGT J. Catesby Ware, Ph.D.
8th Avenue & C Street
915-577-6152 Jeffery A. Scott, M.D.
Salt Lake City, UT 84143
Sleep Consultants, Inc. James M. Walker, Ph.D. Nancy Fishback, M.D.
1521 Cooper Street Robert J. Farney, M.D. A.J. Quaranta, M.D.
Fort Worth, TX 76104 Tom V. Cloward, M.D. Robert D.Vorona, M.D.
Edgar Lucas, Ph.D. 801-408-3617 757-668-3322
Kristyna M. Hartse, Ph.D. Website:
John R. Burk, M.D. Sleep Disorders Center
University of Utah Hospitals Sleep Disorders Center
and Clinic of Virginia
50 North Medical Drive 1800 Glenside Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Suite 103
Sleep Disorders Center Christopher R. Jones, M.D., Richmond, VA 23226
Hermann Hospital Ph.D., Co-Medical Director Richard A. Parisi, M.D.
6411 Fannin Street Kenneth R. Casey, M.D., FCCP, Kathe G. Henke, Ph.D.
Houston, TX 77030 Co-Medical Director Read F. McGehee Jr., M.D.
Richard Castriotta, M.D. Laura Czajkowski, Ph.D. 804-285-0100
713-704-2337 Linda Webster, R.EEG/EP T., Website:
Website: RPSGT, Manager
hermannsleep/ Sleep Disorders Center
Medical College of Virginia
Sleep Disorders Center VERMONT 2529 Professional Road
Baylor College of Medicine and Richmond, VA 23235
VA Medical Center No Accredited Member Centers
Rakesh K. Sood, M.D.
Room 6C344 804-323-2255
2002 Holcombe Boulevard VIRGINIA
Houston, TX 77030 Fairfax Sleep Disorders Center Sleep Disorders Center
Constance Moore, M.D., 3289 Woodburn Road Carilion Roanoke Community
Director Suite 360 Hospital
Max Hirshkowitz, Ph.D., Annandale, VA 22003 P.O. Box 12946
Co-Director Konrad W. Bakker, M.D. Roanoke, VA 24029
713-794-7563 Marc Raphaelson, M.D. William S. Elias, M.D.
703-876-9870 540-985-8526
Sleep Disorders Center
Scott and White Clinic Virginia-Carolina Sleep Sleep Disorders Center
2401 South 31st Street Disorders Center Obici Hospital
Temple, TX 76508 159 Executive Drive 1900 North Main Street
Francisco Perez-Guerra, M.D. Suite D P.O. Box 1100
254-724-2554 Danville, VA 24541 Suffolk, VA 23439-1100
288 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Frances Davidson, RT, William J. DePaso, M.D., FCCP Swedish Sleep Medicine
Administrative Director 425-656-5340 Institute Ballard
Leah S. Pixley, CRT, REEGT, Website: Swedish Medical Center/
RPSGT, Clinical Manager Ballard
Richland Sleep Disorders
Hemang Shah, M.D., Medical 5300 Tallman Avenue NW
Director Seattle, WA 98107-1507
800 Swift Boulevard
757-934-4450 Gary A. DeAndrea, M.D.
Suite 260
Website: Richard P. Swanson, RPSGT,
Richland, WA 99352
Sleep Disorders Center A. Pat Hamner Jr., M.D.
Sentara Virginia Beach 509-946-4632
General Hospital Website:
1060 First Colonial Road Sleep Disorders Center
Columbia Sleep Lab*
Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Sacred Heart Doctors Building
780 Swift Boulevard
Bruce Johnson, M.D. 105 West Eighth Avenue
Suite 130
Yvonne Wright-Dunn, BA, Suite 418
Richland, WA 99352
RPSGT Spokane, WA 99204
W.S. Klipper, M.D., FACCP
757-395-8168 Elizabeth Hurd, RPSGT
Claudia Havner, CRTT, NRT,
PSGT Jeffrey C. Elmer, M.D.
WASHINGTON 509-455-4895
ARMC Sleep Apnea
Laboratory* Providence Sleep Disorders Kathryn Severyns Dement
Auburn Regional Medical Center Center Sleep Disorders Center
Plaza One 500 17th Avenue St. Mary Medical Center
202 North Division Department 4W 401 West Poplar
Auburn, WA 98001 Seattle, WA 98122 P.O. Box 1047
Julie Holdaas, RPSGT Noel T. Johnson, D.O. Walla Walla, WA 99362
Leslie Cuiper, M.D., Medical 206-320-2575 Richard D. Simon Jr. M.D.
Director Website: Kevin Hurlburt, RPSGT
253-804-2809 509-522-5845
Highline Sleep Disorder Website:
St. Clare Sleep Related Center
Breathing Disorders Clinic* Highline Community Hospital WEST VIRGINIA
St. Clare Hospital 14212 Ambaum Boulevard SW Sleep Disorders Center
11315 Bridgeport Way SW Suite 201 Charleston Area Medical Center
Lakewood, WA 98499 Seattle, WA 98166 501 Morris Street
Arthur Knodel, M.D. William J. DePaso, M.D., P.O. Box 1393
Erin Salsbury, RPSGT Medical Director Charleston, WV 25325
253-581-6951 John Lovelace, RRT George Zaldivar, M.D., FCCP
Sleep Disorders Center for Lamont Porter, RCP Karen Stewart, RRT, Manager
Southwest Washington 206-325-7396 304-348-7507
Providence St. Peter Hospital
413 North Lilly Road Sleep Disorders Center, St. Mary’s Regional Sleep
H10-SDC Center
Olympia, WA 98506
Virginia Mason Medical Center St. Mary’s Hospital
Kim A. Chase, RPSGT
925 Seneca Street 2400 First Avenue
John L. Brottem, M.D.
Seattle, WA 98111 Huntington, WV 25702
Daniel I. Loube, M.D., Director William R. Beam, M.D., FCCP
Sleep Center at Valley Steven H. Kirtland, M.D. David Imhoff, RRT, RN, MBA
Valley Medical Center Nigel J. Ball, D.Phil., Associate Kathy Johnson, R.EEG/EP T.,
400 South 43rd Street Director RPSGT
Renton, WA 98055 206-625-7180 304-526-1881
Appendix II 289

PM Sleep Medicine Sleep Disorders Sleep Disorders Center

3803 Emerson Avenue Laboratory* Meriter Hospital
P.O. Box 4179 Bellin Hospital Meriter Hospital, Inc.
Parkersburg, WV 26104 744 South Webster Avenue 202 South Park Street
Michael A. Morehead, M.D. Green Bay, WI 54301 Madison, WI 53715
M. Barry Louden, M.D. John Stevenson, M.D. Lyman Riley, Manager
304-485-5041 Lee Kvaley, RRT Mary Klink, M.D., Medical
920-433-7451 Director
WISCONSIN 608-267-5938
Sleep Disorders Center Franciscan Skemp Healthcare
Appleton Medical Center Sleep Laboratory* Marshfield Sleep Disorders
1818 North Meade Street Franciscan Skemp Medical Center Center
Appleton, WI 54911 700 West Avenue South Marshfield Clinic
Kevin C. Garrett, M.D. La Crosse, WI 54601 1000 North Oak Avenue
920-738-6460 Robert Gunnink, D.O., Medical Marshfield, WI 54449
Director Jody Scherr, RPSGT/R.EEG.T.
Marshfield Clinic Sleep Becky Appenzeller, R.EEGT, Kevin Ruggles, M.D.
Disorders Center RPSGT, Coordinator 715-387-5397
Chippewa Center Sleep 608-785-0940 ext. 2871 Website:
2655 County Highway I Wisconsin Sleep Disorders
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 Center St. Luke’s Sleep Disorders
Mary Jacks, RPSGT, R.EEG.T. Gundersen Lutheran Center
Nancy Bender Hausman, M.D. 1836 South Avenue St. Luke’s Medical Center
715-726-4136 La Crosse, WI 54601 2801 West Kinnickinnic
Alan D. Pratt, M.D. River Parkway
Luther/Midelfort Sleep 608-782-7300 ext. 2870 Suite 445
Disorders Center Milwaukee, WI 53215
Luther Hospital/Midelfort Clinic Sleep Disorders Center David Arnold, RPSGT
Mayo Health System St. Marys Hospital Medical Center Michael N. Katzoff, M.D.
1221 Whipple Street 707 South Mills Street 414-649-5288
P.O. Box 4105 Madison, WI 53715
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4105 Steve Dalebroux Milwaukee Regional Sleep
Donn Dexter, M.D. Kathryn L. Middleton, M.D. Disorders Center
David Nye, M.D. 608-258-5266 Columbia Hospital
715-838-3165 2025 East Newport Avenue
Comprehensive Sleep Suite 426Y
St. Vincent Hospital Sleep Disorders Center Milwaukee, WI 53211
Disorders Center D6/662 Clinical Science Center Marvin Wooten, M.D.
St. Vincent Hospital University of Wisconsin Hospitals Joni Tombari, Program Director
P.O. Box 13508 and Clinics 414-961-4650
Green Bay, WI 54307-3508 600 Highland Avenue
John Andrews, M.D. Madison, WI 53792 WYOMING
John Stevenson, M.D. Steven M. Weber, Ph.D. No Accredited Member Centers
Paula Van Ert, RPSGT John C. Jones, M.D.
920-431-3041 608-263-2387
A. Intrinsic Sleep Disorders
1. Psychophysiological Insomnia 307.42-0
2. Sleep State Misperception 307.49-1
3. Idiopathic Insomnia 780.52-7
4. Narcolepsy 347
5. Recurrent Hypersomnia 780.54-2
6. Idiopathic Hypersomnia 780.54-7
7. Posttraumatic Hypersomnia 780.54-8
8. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome 780.53-0
9. Central Sleep Apnea Syndrome 780.51-0
10. Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Syndrome 780.51-1
11. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder 780.52-4
12. Restless Legs Syndrome 780.52-5
13. Intrinsic Sleep Disorder NOS 780.52-9
B. Extrinsic Sleep Disorders
1. Inadequate Sleep Hygiene 307.41-1
2. Environmental Sleep Disorder 780.52-6
3. Altitude Insomnia 289.0
4. Adjustment Sleep Disorder 307.41-0
5. Insufficient Sleep Syndrome 307.49-4
6. Limit-setting Sleep Disorder 307.42-4
7. Sleep-onset Association Disorder 307.42-5
8. Food Allergy Insomnia 780.52-2
9. Nocturnal Eating (Drinking) Syndrome 780.52-8
10. Hypnotic-dependent Sleep Disorder 780.52-0
11. Stimulant-dependent Sleep Disorder 780.52-1
12. Alcohol-dependent Sleep Disorder 780.52-3
13. Toxin-induced Sleep Disorder 780.54-6
14. Extrinsic Sleep Disorder NOS 780.52-9
C. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
1. Time-Zone Change (Jet Lag) Syndrome 307.45-0
2. Shift Work Sleep Disorder 307.45-1
3. Irregular Sleep-Wake Pattern 307.45-3
4. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome 780.55-0
5. Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome 780.55-1
6. Non-24 Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder 780.55-2
7. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder NOS 780.55-9

Appendix III 291

A. Arousal Disorders
1. Confusional Arousals 307.46-2
2. Sleepwalking 307.46-0
3. Sleep Terrors 307.46-1
B. Sleep-wake Transition Disorders
1. Rhythmic Movement Disorder 307.3
2. Sleep Starts 307.47-2
3. Sleep Talking 307.47-3
4. Nocturnal Leg Cramps 729.82
C. Parasomnias usually associated with REM sleep
1. Nightmares 307.47-0
2. Sleep Paralysis 780.56-2
3. Impaired Sleep-related Penile Erections 780.56-3
4. Sleep-related Painful Erections 780.56-4
5. REM Sleep-related Sinus Arrest 780.56-8
6. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder 780.59-0
D. Other Parasomnias
1. Sleep Bruxism 306.8
2. Sleep Enuresis 780.56-0
3. Sleep-related Abnormal Swallowing Syndrome 780.56-6
4. Nocturnal Paroxysmal Dystonia 780.59-1
5. Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome 780.59-3
6. Primary Snoring 780.53-1
7. Infant Sleep Apnea 770.80
8. Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome 770.81
9. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 798.0
10. Benign Neonatal Sleep Myoclonus 780.59-5
11. Other Parasomnia NOS 780.59-9
A. Associated with Mental Disorders 290-319
1. Psychoses 292-299
2. Mood Disorders 296-301
3. Anxiety Disorders 300
4. Panic Disorder 300
5. Alcoholism 303
B. Associated with Neurological Disorders 320-389
1. Cerebral Degenerative Disorders 330-337
2. Dementia 331
3. Parkinsonism 332-333
4. Fatal Familial Insomnia 337.9
5. Sleep-related Epilepsy 345
292 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

6. Electrical Status Epilepticus of Sleep 345.8
7. Sleep-related Headaches 346
C. Associated with Other Medical Disorders
1. Sleeping Sickness 086
2. Nocturnal Cardiac Ischemia 411-414
3. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 490-494
4. Sleep-related Asthma 493
5. Sleep-related Gastroesophageal Reflux 530.1
6. Peptic Ulcer Disease 531-534
7. Fibrositis Syndrome 729.1
1. Short Sleeper 307.49-0
2. Long Sleeper 307.49-2
3. Subwakefulness Syndrome 307.47-1
4. Fragmentary Myoclonus 780.59-7
5. Sleep Hyperhidrosis 780.8
6. Menstrual-associated Sleep Disorder 780.54-3
7. Pregnancy-associated Sleep Disorder 780.59-6
8. Terrifying Hypnagogic Hallucinations 307.47-4
9. Sleep-related Neurogenic Tachypnea 780.53-2
10. Sleep-related Laryngospasm 780.59-4
11. Sleep Choking Syndrome 307.42-1
Reproduced by permission of the American Sleep Disorders Association. Diagnostic Classification Commit-
tee: Michael J. Thorpy, Chairman. International Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic and Coding Man-
ual. (Rochester, Minnesota: American Sleep Disorders Association, 1990).

ASDC Code Recommended

ICD-9-CM Code
A. DIMS: Disorders of Initiating and Maintaining
Sleep (Insomnias)
1. Psychological
A.1.a a. Transient and Situational 307.41-0
A.1.b b. Persistent 307.42-0
A.2 2. Associated with Psychiatric Disorders
A.2.a a. Symptom and Personality Disorders 307.42-1
A.2.b b. Affective Disorders 307.42-2
A.2.c c. Other Functional Psychoses 307.42-3
A.3 3. Associated with Use of Drugs and Alcohol
A.3.a a. Tolerance or Withdrawal from CNS Depressants 780.52-0
A.3.b b. Sustained use of CNS Stimulants 780.52-1
A.3.c c. Sustained Use or Withdrawal from Other Drugs 780.52-2
A.3.d d. Chronic Alcoholism 780.52-3
A.4 4. Associated with Sleep-induced Respiratory Impairment
A.4.a a. Sleep Apnea DIMS Syndrome 780.51-0
A.4.b b. Alveolar Hypoventilation DIMS Syndrome 780.51-1
A.5 5. Associated with Sleep-related (Nocturnal) Myoclonus and
“Restless Legs”
A.5.a a. Sleep-related (Nocturnal) Myoclonus DIMS Syndrome 780.52-4
A.5.b b. “Restless Legs” DIMS Syndrome 780.52-5
A.6 6. Associated with Other Medical, Toxic and Environmental
Conditions 780.52-6
A.7 7. Childhood-Onset DIMS 780.52-7
A.8 8. Associated with Other DIMS Conditions
A.8.a a. Repeated REM Sleep Interruptions 307.48-0
A.8.b b. Atypical Polysomnographic Features 307.48-1
A.8.c c. Not Otherwise Specified 307.42-9 or
A.9 9. No DIMS Abnormality
A.9.a a. Short Sleeper 307.49-0
A.9.b b. Subjective DIMS Complaint Without Objective Findings 307.49-1
A.9.c c. Not Otherwise Specified 307.40-1

294 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

ASDC Code Recommended

ICD-9-CM Code
B. DOES: Disorders of Excessive Somnolence
B.1 1. Psychophysiological
B.1.a a. Transient and Situational 307.43-0
B.1.b b. Persistent 307.44-0
B.2 2. Associated with Psychiatric Disorders
B.2.a a. Affective Disorders 307.44-1
B.2.b b. Other Functional Disorders 307.44-2
B.3 3. Associated with Use of Drugs and Alcohol
B.3.a a. Tolerance to or Withdrawal from CNS Stimulants 780.54-0
B.3.b b. Sustained Use of CNS Depressants 780.54-1
B.4 4. Associated with Sleep-induced Respiratory Impairment
B.4.a a. Sleep Apnea DOES Syndrome 780.53-0
B.4.b b. Alveolar Hypoventilation DOES Syndrome 780.53-1
B.5 5. Associated with Sleep-related (Nocturnal) Myoclonus
and “Restless Legs”
B.5.a a. Sleep-related (Nocturnal) Myoclonus DOES Syndrome 780.54-4
B.5.b b. “Restless Legs” DOES Syndrome 780.54-5
B.6 6. Narcolepsy 347
B.7 7. Idiopathic CNS Hypersomnolence 780.54-7
B.8 8. Associated with Other Medical, Toxic and
Environmental Conditions 780.54-6
B.9 9. Associated with Other DOES Conditions
B.9.a a. Intermittent DOES (Periodic) Syndromes
B.9.a.i i. Kleine-Levin Syndrome 780.54-2
B.9.a.ii ii. Menstrual-associated Syndrome 780.54-3
B.9.b b. Insufficient Sleep 307.49-4
B.9.c c. Sleep Drunkenness 307.47-1
B.9.d d. Not Otherwise Specified 307.44-9 or
B.10 10. No DOES Abnormality
B.10.a a. Long Sleeper 307.49-2
B.10.b b. Subjective DOES Complaint Without Objective Findings 307.49-3
B.10.c c. Not Otherwise Specified 307.40-2
C. Disorders of the Sleep-Wake Schedule
C.1 1. Transient
C.1.a a. Rapid Time Zone Change (“Jet Lag”) Syndrome 307.45-0
C.1.b b. “Work Shift” Change in Conventional
Sleep-Wake Schedule 307.45-1
C.2 2. Persistent
C.2.a a. Frequently Changing Sleep-Wake Schedule 307.45-2
C.2.b b. Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome 780.55-0
C.2.c c. Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome 780.55-1
C.2.d d. Non-24-hour Sleep-Wake Syndrome 780.55-2
Appendix IV 295

ASDC Code Recommended

ICD-9-CM Code
C.2.e e. Irregular Sleep-Wake Pattern 307.45-3
C.2.f f. Not Otherwise Specified 307.45-9 or
D. Dysfunctions Associated with Sleep, Sleep Stages or
Partial Arousals (Parasomnias) 307.47-0
D.1 1. Sleepwalking (Somnambulism) 307.46-0
D.2 2. Sleep Terror (Pavor Nocturnus, Incubus) 307.46-1
D.3 3. Sleep-related Enuresis 307.46-2 or
D.4 4. Other Dysfunctions
D.4.a a. Dream Anxiety Attacks (Nightmares) 307.47-0
D.4.b b. Sleep-related Epileptic Seizures 780.56-1
D.4.c c. Sleep-related Bruxism 306.8
D.4.d d. Sleep-related Headbanging (Jactatio Capitis Nocturna) 307.3
D.4.e e. Familial Sleep Paralysis 780.56-2
D.4.f f. Impaired Sleep-related Penile Tumescence 780.56-3
D.4.g g. Sleep-related Painful Erections 780.56-4
D.4.h h. Sleep-related Cluster Headaches and Chronic
Paroxysmal Hemicrania 780.56-5
D.4.i i. Sleep-related Abnormal Swallowing Syndrome 780.56-6
D.4.j j. Sleep-related Asthma 780.56-7
D.4.k k. Sleep-related Cardiovascular Symptoms 780.56-8
D.4.l l. Sleep-related Gastroesophageal Reflux 780.56-9
D.4.m m. Sleep-related Hemolysis (Paroxysmal Nocturnal
Hemoglobinuria) 283.2
D.4.n n. Asymptomatic Polysomnographic Finding 780.59
D.4.o o. Not Otherwise Specified 307.47-9 or
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Boldface page numbers indi- psychophysiological and accidents 1 111, 115, 118, 151, 193,
cate main headings. insomnia and 178 and arousal 100 200, 205, 257
treatment of 31, 93 delayed sleep phase syn- American Board of Sleep
adolescents drome and 53 Medicine 3, 14–15, 45,
A delayed sleep phase syn- insomnia and xiii, 8, 93 205
AASM. See American Acad- drome in 7, 53–54, and obstructive sleep American Narcolepsy Associa-
emy of Sleep Medicine 74, 106 apnea syndrome 1, 8, tion (ANA) 15
abnormal movements 1 excessive sleepiness in 74, 155 American Sleep Disorders
abnormal swallowing syn- 131 and REM sleep latency Association (ASDA). See
drome, sleep-related 215, idiopathic hypersomnia in 188 American Academy of Sleep
220 98 and sleep palsy 214 Medicine
accidents 1–2, 5, 8, 64–65, insufficient sleep syn- and snoring 175 amitriptyline 16, 19, 80, 126,
135, 154 drome in 109 alcohol-dependent sleep disor- 209
accreditation standards for naps in 98, 203 der 8, 9 amobarbital 26, 94
sleep disorder centers 2–3 recurrent hypersomnia in alcoholism 9–10, 178 amphetamines 10, 15, 36, 61,
accredited clinical polysomno- 184 alertness xxxv, xxxix, 10–11, 126, 137, 154, 236, 237,
grapher 3, 14, 45 REM sleep in 149 255. See also wakefulness 238, 247
acetaminophen 159, 160 rhythmic movement disor- alcohol and 8 Amytal. See amobarbital
acetazolamide 39, 40, 117, ders in 87–88 assessment of 11, 74, 124, ANA. See American Nar-
166, 189 sexual dreams of 63, 147, 180, 235, 255, 257 colepsy Association
acetylcholine 3, 151, 210, 221 benzodiazepines and 32 Anafranil. See clomipramine
253 sleep deprivation in 52, cycle of 11 analeptic medications 15
achondroplasia 50 158, 203 diet and 59 analgesic agents 126, 132
acid hemolysis test 165 sleep disorders in 7 factors in 10 ancient times xiii–xvii
acromegaly 3–4, 35 total sleep time in 149, impaired 1 anemia 165
acroparesthesia 37 158 improving 46, 126 anemia theory xxiii
acrophase 4 adrenocorticotrophin hor- measures of 10, 11 “animal spirits” xix–xx,
ACTH. See adrenocorti- mone (ACTH) 5, 49 midafternoon dip in 10 xxii–xxiii, xxvii
cotrophin hormone Adrian, Lord 33 reduced 196 anorectics 237–238
actigraphy 4 adults sleep deprivation and antacids 219
acting out (dreams) 186–187, food allergy insomnia in 202 anticipatory anxiety xxxv,
200–201 81 stimulant medications and xxxviii
active sleep 4, 21, 102, 157, narcolepsy in 136 237 anticonvulsants 69, 94, 126,
181 nightmares in 101, almitrine 39 190
activity monitor 4, 113, 197 143–144, 227 alpha activity 11, 16, 30, 64, antidepressants 15–18, 57,
activity-rest cycle 4 nocturnal eating (drink- 69, 79, 162, 213 131
acupuncture xiv ing) syndrome in 146 alpha-delta activity 11, 79 and impaired penile erec-
acute anxiety 18, 19, 43 REM sleep in 6, 183, 188 alpha-difluoromethylornithine tions 99
acute coma 47 sleep disorders in 7–8 (DFMO) 211 monoamine oxidase
acute mountain sickness sleep duration in 206 alpha intrusion 11 inhibitors 15, 130,
11–12 total sleep time in 149, alpha rhythm 11, 48, 115, 131, 151, 185, 188,
acute pain 162 158 256 203
adenoidectomy 155, 158, advanced sleep phase syn- alprazolam 19, 32, 108, 163 selective serotonin reup-
243, 247–248 drome 5–6, 44, 66, 106, altitude insomnia 11–12, 97, take inhibitors (SSRIs)
adenoids 4–5, 7, 175 112 106, 189 15–16
adenosine 5 affective disorders 6 alveolar hypoventilation 12, serotonin reuptake
Adie, William John xxxi age 6–8. See also adolescents; 96, 117, 169 inhibitors 3, 15,
adjustment sleep disorder 5. adults; children; elderly; Alzheimer’s disease 56, 78 17–18, 38, 131, 196
See also transient insomnia infant(s) amantadine 164 tricyclic. See tricyclic anti-
alcohol and 9 agoraphobia 162, 163, 177 Ambien. See zolpidem depressants
anxiety and 18, 19, 43 airway obstruction 8 ambulatory monitoring 12–13 antihistamines 18, 64, 88, 95,
bereavement and 33 akinetic seizures 195 American Academy of Sleep 126, 139, 160
and excessive sleepiness Alcmaeon xv, xxii Medicine (AASM) vii, xiv, antipsychotic medication. See
74 alcohol 8–9, 232 xxxii, 2, 3, 13–14, 14, 45, neuroleptics

300 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

anxiety 18 arrhythmias 23, 133 B Bible, sleep in xvii–xviii

acute 18, 19, 43 carbon dioxide and 37, 40 babies. See infant(s) Billiard, Michel 33
and adjustment sleep dis- in hypoventilation 38 background activity 26 biofeedback xxxviii, 33, 208
order 18, 19, 43 hypoxemia and 43 Bacon, Francis xix biological clocks xxx, 33, 110.
anticipatory xxxv, xxxviii in REM sleep-related sinus Baekeland, Frederick 198 See also circadian rhythms
chronic 18, 19 arrest 189 Baird, William 15 biorhythm 34, 192
and headaches 219 stimulant medications and barbiturates xxx, 26, 30, 92, BiPAP 155
and insomnia xxxiv 237 93–94, 125, 167 biphasic sleep pattern xii, 10.
in premenstrual syndrome tachycardia 38, 155, 254 baseline 26, 48 See also naps
128 ventricular 23, 155, 241, basic rest-activity cycle bipolar disorder 130–131,
in sleep choking syndrome 253–254 (BRAC) 4, 26–27, 115 177
201 artifact 23 BASS. See Belgian Association Bitot’s spots 143
and sleep terrors 227 Ascending Reticular Activating for the Study of Sleep bladder training exercises 208
anxiety disorders 18–20, System (ARAS) xxix, bedroom 27 Blake, William 64
177 beds 27–28 Blick, K. 86
23–24, 48
in children 145 bedtime 28 blindness
Aschoff, Jules xxx, 244
and impotence 100 bed-wetting. See sleep enure- dreaming in 62
Asclepiades xvii
vs. laryngospasm 118 sis night 142–143, 152
Asclepieian medicine xv
vs. panic disorder 163 behavioral theories of sleep and non-24-hour sleep-
restlessness in 191 ASDA. See American Academy wake syndrome 150
treatment of 30–32 of Sleep Medicine Block, A. Jay 34
behavioral treatments
AOP. See apnea of prematurity ASDA sleep code 24 bloodletting xii, xiii, xvii, xix,
of insomnia
apnea 20, 200 ASDC. See Association of Sleep xxxvii–xxxviii, 25, xx
ambulatory monitoring in Disorder Centers 28–29, 108, 122, 179, blood pressure, high. See
12 Aserinsky, Eugene xxviii, 24, 239, 243 hypertension
central. See central sleep 55, 62, 115, 182, 187 of mood disorders 131 “blue bloaters” 43
apnea syndrome Association for the Psy- Bekhterev, Vladimir xxvii Blumenbach, Johann
confusional arousal and chophysiological Study of Belgian Association for the Friedrich xxiii
48 Sleep (APSS) xxxii, 24, 111, Study of Sleep (BASS) body clock 34. See also biolog-
hyperventilation and 11 114, 119, 194, 205, 221 xxxii, 29, 111 ical clocks
infant sleep 6, 15, 102 Association of Polysomno- Benadryl. See diphenhy- body movements 34
measure of 20 graphic Technologists (APT) dramine bodyrocking 34, 87
mixed 20 24 benign epilepsy with Rolandic body temperature 212, 244
obstructive. See obstructive Association of Professional spikes (BERS) 29, 69, 72 in advanced sleep phase
sleep apnea syndrome Sleep Societies (APSS) benign neonatal sleep syndrome 6
apnea-hypopnea index 20, xxxii, 24, 111, 114, 119, myoclonus 7, 29–30, 103 circadian pacemaker and
155, 189 140, 141, 194, 205 benign snoring. See primary 162
apnea index 20 Association of Sleep Disorder snoring and circadian phase deter-
apnea monitor 20–21 Centers (ASDC) xxxii, 2, benzodiazepine receptors 30 mination 71
apnea of prematurity (AOP) 13, 24–25, 46, 57, 58, 111, benzodiazepines xxx, 30–32, controlling 245
21, 103, 175, 241 176, 205, 257 94, 125, 126, 249 in delayed sleep phase
APSS. See Association for the asthma 50, 52, 190, 215–216 vs. barbiturates 30 syndrome 53
Psychophysiological Study of asymptomatic polysomno- and beta activity 185 exercise and xxxiv, 75
Sleep; Association of Profes- graphic finding 25 for confusional arousal 48 Factor S and 77
sional Sleep Societies atomism xvi, xx and GABA receptor 83 in hibernation 88
APT. See Association of atonia 7, 25, 38, 63, 185 and hypnotic-dependent interleukin-I and 110
Polysomnographic Technolo- sleep disorders 92 monitoring 48–49
atropine 3
gists for insomnia 68, 108 period length and xxxix,
autogenic training 25
arachidonic acid 177 for periodic limb move- 57, 110
automatic behavior 25, 128,
ARAS. See Ascending Reticular ment disorder 167 in REM sleep 183
Activating System for restless legs syndrome in reversal of sleep 192
arginine vasotocin (AVT) 22 autonomic seizures 195 sleep deprivation and 202
Argonne anti-jet-lag diet 22 Avicenna xviii for short-term insomnia warm baths and 256
arise time 22 AVT. See arginine vasotocin 199 Boerhaave, Hermann xxiii
Aristotle xvi, xxiv, 61 awakening 25 for sleep terrors 227 Bootzin, Richard xxxi, xxxvii
arousal 22 difficulty in 53 bereavement 32–33 Bouchard, Abel xxiv
confusional 47–48, 205, and exploding head syn- Berger, Hans xxviii, 33, 224 Boyle, Robert xx
227 drome 75 Berger rhythm. See alpha brachialgia parasthetica noc-
early morning. See early from REM sleep 46, 119 rhythm turna 37
morning arousal sleep choking syndrome BERS. See benign epilepsy Braid, James xxv
exercise and 75 and 201 with Rolandic spikes brain-wave rhythms 34
internal 110 sleep palsy and 214 beta activity 30, 69 breathing exercises xiv
movement 132 from slow wave sleep 46, beta blockers 90–91, 126, Bremer, Frederic xxix
arousal disorders 22–23, 119 127, 163, 219 British Sleep Research Society
163–164 awakening epilepsies 25 beta rhythm 33, 185, 256 (BSRS) xxxii, 34
Index 301

Broadbent, William Henry central alveolar hypoventila- growth hormone and 85 Chuang-Tzu xiv
xxvi tion syndrome (CAHS) language impaired 68–69 cigarettes. See smoking
bromide xxv 38–39, 43, 59, 161, 190, 216 limit-setting sleep disorder cimetidine 166, 219
bromocriptine 34–35, 164, central nervous system in 7, 120–121 circadian pacemaker 48, 71,
176 depressants. See barbiturates naps in 134 150, 162, 242
Broughton, Roger J. 22, 35, central nervous system stimu- narcolepsy in 7, 136 circadian rhythms xxx, xxxix,
47, 227 lants. See stimulant medica- night fears in 143 44, 86
Brown-Sequard, Charles tions nightmares in 143–144, age and 6–8
Edouard xxiv central sleep apnea syndrome 227 biphasic 10
bruxism 18, 35, 69, 201 20, 21, 29–41, 123, 200, 216 nocturnal eating (drink- of body temperature
BSRS. See British Sleep acromegaly and 3 ing) syndrome in xxxix, 162
Research Society apnea monitors in 21 146–147 cortisol and 49–50, 85
Bunning, Erwin xxx assisted ventilation in 157 obstructive sleep apnea desynchronization of 57
Burwell, Charles Sidney in elderly 8 syndrome in 7 effect of disrupted sleep on
xxxi and excessive sleepiness periodic limb movement 73
59 disorder in 7 hypothalamus and 96
hypothyroidism and 91 REM sleep behavior disor- internal, experiment prov-
C in infants 102, 104 der in 186 ing xxi, 34, 55
cafergot 219 and insomnia 60 REM sleep in 6, 183 melatonin and 120, 127
caffeine 1, 5, 10, 15, 36, 58, in narcolepsy 136 rhythmic movement disor- of myocardial infarction
65, 100, 160, 179, 190, 225, in Parkinsonism 164 ders in 34, 87–88 133
236, 239 periodic breathing in 166 seizures in 195 nadir of 134
CAHS. See central alveolar treatment of 40–41, 139, sleep duration in 206 and prolactin 176
hypoventilation syndrome 161, 189–190 sleep enuresis in 207 reversal of sleep and 192
Cajal, Santiago Ramon y cephalometric radiograph 41, sleep onset association dis- sleep hygiene and 209
xxiv 79, 155, 167 order in 7, 213 studies of 4
calcium channel blockers 219 cerebral degenerative disor- sleep terrors in 6, 7, 227 ventrolateral preoptic
Calkins, Mary 61 ders 41–42 sleepwalking in 6, 7, 229 nucleus and 254
Canadian Sleep Society xxxii, “charley horse” 147 snoring in 175, 232 weakening synchroniza-
35, 36, 111 Chase, Michael H., Ph.D. 42 tonsillectomy in 243, 247 tion of xxxvi
canthus 36, 70 chemical theories of sleep torsion dystonia in 41 circadian rhythm sleep disor-
Cappie, James xxiii xxiv total sleep time in ders xxxii, 44–45, 58, 233
carbachol 3 Chester Beatty papyrus xiii 157–158 advanced sleep phase syn-
carbamazepine 36–37, 148, Cheyne, John 42 upper airway obstruction drome 5–6, 44, 66,
190–191 Cheyne-Stokes respiration in 5 106, 112
carbimazol 91 39–40, 42, 48, 117, 166, 190 China, ancient xiv ambulatory monitoring in
carbon dioxide 37 childhood onset insomnia 18, chloral hydrate 94, 218 12
elevation of 43 98–99. See also idiopathic chlordiazepoxide 30 delayed sleep phase syn-
end-tidal 71, 90 insomnia chlorpheniramine 126 drome. See delayed
increase in 38, 90 children. See also adolescents; chlorpromazine 126 sleep phase syndrome
cardiac arrhythmias. See infant(s) cholecystokinin (CCK) 42, early morning arousal and
arrhythmias anxiety disorders in 145 58, 210 66
cardiac ischemia 145–146 apnea monitor for 20–21 choroid xxv free running and 72, 81,
cardiovascular symptoms, asthma in 216 Christianity xviii–xix 103, 110, 244
sleep-related 216–217 bedtime rituals and 28 chronic anxiety 18, 19 frequently changing sleep-
carpal tunnel syndrome 37 benign epilepsy with chronic coma 47 wake schedule 81–82
Carskadon, Mary A. xxxviii, Rolandic spikes in 29, chronic insomnia irregular sleep-wake pat-
37–38, 132 69, 72 xxxvi–xxxvii. See also long- tern 28, 106, 112–113,
Carus, Titus Lucretius xvi bodyrocking in 34 term insomnia 150
catalepsy 38 bruxism in 201 chronic obstructive pulmonary non-24-hour sleep-wake
cataplexy xxv–xxvi, 38, 84, central sleep apnea syn- disease 43, 123 syndrome 54, 90, 103,
135, 137 drome in 39 coughing in 50 106, 112,
continuous state of 236 confusional arousal in 7, hypoxia and 97 150–151
treatment of 3, 15, 16–17, 48 in overlap syndrome shift-work sleep disorder
18, 38, 83, 135, 137, congenital central alveolar 160–161 xxxii, 31, 106, 120,
196 hypoventilation syn- treatment of 126, 161, 144, 192, 196–198,
catatonia 38 drome in 38–39 190 204
Catlin, George xxvi delayed sleep phase syn- chronic pain 162 time zone change syn-
Caton, Richard xxviii drome in 53 chronic paroxysmal hemicra- drome. See time zone
CAT scan xxvi dreams of 62 nia 44, 188, 219 change (jet lag) syn-
CCHS. See congenital central electrical status epilepticus chronic rhinitis 155 drome
alveolar hypoventilation of sleep in 68 chronobiology xxix–xxx, 44, Circadian Theory 212
syndrome excessive sleepiness in 74 106 circadian timing system 45
CCK. See cholecystokinin food allergy insomnia in chronotherapy xxxii, 6, 44, circasmedian rhythm 45
Celsus, Cornelius xvii 81 131 Claparede, Edouard xxvii
302 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Cleansing Theory 212 Creative Dreaming (Garfield) and early morning arousal diet 22, 58–59, 179
clinical polysomnographer 45 64 66 diethylpropion 126, 238
clinical polysomnographer creativity, dreams and 64 neuroleptics for 142 diffuse activity 59
examination 45 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 78 and REM sleep behavior Digitalis purpurea xxi
Clinical Sleep Society (CSS) crib death 51 disorder 186 DIMS. See disorders of initiat-
xxxii, 2, 13, 46, 205 Crick, Francis 212 vs. sleepwalking 229 ing and maintaining sleep
clomipramine 16–17, 135, Critchley, Michael 115 sundown syndrome 8, 56, diphenhydramine 18, 159,
137 CSS. See Clinical Sleep Society 66 160
clonazepam 32, 186, 191 Cushing’s syndrome 5 Democritus xvi disorders of excessive somno-
clonidine 91, 151, 209 cyanosis 21, 39, 102, 220 Deprenyl. See selegiline lence (DOES) 57–58,
cluster headaches 44, 46, 219 cycles per second (CPS) 88 depression xxxi, xxxiv, 59–60. See also excessive
cocaine 46, 236 cyclothymia 131 56–57, 130–131 sleepiness; narcolepsy
codeine 46, 50, 139 Cylert. See pemoline and age 7, 8 disorders of initiating and
cognitive effects of sleep states Czeisler, Charles A. xxx, 44, early morning arousal in maintaining sleep (DIMS)
46 51, 53 6, 56, 66, 131, 177 57, 60, 211. See also insom-
cognitive focusing 46–47 and excessive sleepiness nia
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 64 56, 59, 177 disorders of the sleep-wake
colic 103 D vs. idiopathic insomnia schedule. See circadian
coma 47, 78, 240 Dalmane. See flurazepam 132 rhythm sleep disorders
computerized axial tomogra- Daly, Dan 238 and impaired penile erec- diurnal 60
phy (CAT) scan xxvi Darwin, Charles 27 tions 99 DOES. See disorders of exces-
conditioned insomnia xxxi, “date rape” drug 83 and impotence 100 sive somnolence
47 Davy, James George xxv and insomnia 56, 100, 177 Doll, Erich xxxi
conditioning xxvii, xxxvii daydreaming 52 vs. periodic limb move- Domhoff, G.W. 86
confusion, nocturnal 56, 66, daytime sleepiness. See exces- ment disorder 131 Donders, Frans Cornelius
146 sive sleepiness in premenstrual syndrome xxiii
confusional arousal 47–48, deafferentation theory 128 dopamine 60–61, 85, 136,
205, 227 xxviii–xxix REM density in 185 164, 173, 176
congenital central alveolar deaths during sleep 52, REM sleep latency in 188 Doriden. See glutethimide
hypoventilation syndrome 241–242 seasonal affective disorder doxapram 15, 39
(CCHS) 38–39, 102 de Candolle, Augustin Pyra- 57, 120, 194–195 doxylamine 95, 160
congestion theory xxiii mus xxv sleep deprivation and 202 dream anxiety attacks 61. See
congestive heart failure 48 deep sleep 47, 52–53. See also vs. sleep-related breathing also nightmare(s)
constant routine 45, 48–49, non-REM-stage sleep; stage disorders 131 dreams 61–64, 82, 86. See also
71 four sleep; stage three sleep treatment of 15–18, 57, daydreaming; sleep terrors
continuous positive airway Dejerine, Joseph Jules xxviii 120, 126–127, 130, acting out 186–187,
pressure (CPAP) xxxi, 49, delayed sleep phase 53 131 200–201
156 delayed sleep phase syndrome depth encephalography 57 in ancient China xiv
alcohol and 9 xxxii, 53–54 Descartes, René xix, 170 in ancient Egypt xiii
for central alveolar in adolescents 7, 53–54, Desoxyn. See methampheta- in ancient Greece xv, xvi
hypoventilation syn- 74, 106 mine in Bible xvii–xviii
drome 39 vs. irregular sleep-wake desynchronization, internal content of 61, 62–63, 82,
for central sleep apnea pattern 112 110–111 86, 186
syndrome 40 vs. long sleepers 122 desynchronization of circadian and creativity 64
for chronic obstructive vs. non-24-hour sleep- rhythms 57 incubus 101, 227
pulmonary disease wake syndrome 150 desynchronized sleep 52, 57. interpretation of 111–112
43 and reversal of sleep See also REM sleep inuus 112
for obstructive sleep apnea 192 Dewan, Edmond M. 62 lucid 63, 122
syndrome 97, 117, sleep onset insomnia in Dexedrine. See dextroamphet- in narcolepsy 135
139, 140, 155, 158, 213 amine nightmares. See night-
161, 242–243, 247, treatment of 44, 120 dextroamphetamine 98, 137, mare(s)
248 delirium 10, 54, 56 165, 237 oneirism 157
for snoring 233 delta activity 69 DFMO. See alpha-difluo- recalling 46
convulsions 49 delta sleep 54–55 romethylornithine in REM sleep 62–63, 182,
cortisol xxx, 5, 7, 49–50, 85, delta sleep inducing peptide diabetes mellitus 187–188
192, 216 (DSIP) 55, 210 and impaired penile erec- sexual 63, 147, 221
cot death 50 delta waves 55 tions 99 wet 63, 147, 221
coughing 50, 215 de Mairan, Jean Jacques d’Or- and impotence 100 drowsiness 52, 64, 126
CPAP. See continuous positive tous xxi, 34, 55 Diagnostic Classification of drowsy driving 1, 64–65
airway pressure de Manceine, Marie xxiv Sleep and Arousal Disorders drug abuse 124, 236–237
“C” process. See endogenous Dement, William C. xxviii, 57–58, 111, 151, 293–295 drugs. See specific drug
circadian pacemaker xxxi, xxxii, 14, 24, 55–56, Diamox. See acetazolamide DSIP. See delta sleep inducing
CPS 88 84, 115, 187, 202, 224 diazepam 32 peptide
cramps 50 dementia 41, 56 Dickens, Charles xxvi, 153, D sleep 52, 57. See also REM
craniofacial disorders 50–51 diagnosis of 131 154, 169 sleep
Index 303

Du Bois-Reymond, Emil xxiv benzodiazepines and 30 Epicurus xvi alcoholism and 9

duodenal ulceration 166 beta activity 33 epilepsies 72 ambulatory monitoring in
Durham, Arthur Edward xxiii of body movements 34 awakening 25 12
dustman 194 in cerebral degenerative benign epilepsy with assessing 72–73
dwarfism 50, 85 disorders 42 Rolandic spikes 29, in Bible xvii
Dynes, John Burton xxxi delta activity 54–55 69, 72 central sleep apnea syn-
dyspnea 146 in dementia 56 juvenile myoclonic 25 drome and 39
dyssomnia 65 diffuse activity 59 vs. periodic limb move- cerebral degenerative dis-
dysthymia 131 in drowsiness 64 ment disorder 218 orders and 41
in fragmentary myoclonus petit mal 25, 195 chronic obstructive pul-
81 seizures in 195–196 monary disease and
E in hibernation 88 sleep-related. See sleep- 43
early morning arousal (awak- hypnagogic hypersyn- related epilepsy delayed sleep phase syn-
ening) 60, 66 chrony 91 tonic-conic 25, 36, 195, drome and 53
in adjustment sleep disor- of infant sleep 101 218 depression and 56, 59,
der 5 K-complex 115 treatment of 30, 32, 177
in advanced sleep phase nicotine and 142 36–37 disorders associated with
syndrome 5–6, 106 in nocturnal paroxysmal epinephrine 60, 216 xxxiv
depression and 6, 56, 66, dystonia 148 epoch 72, 213 in elderly 68
131, 177 of REM sleep 182 Epworth Sleepiness Scale environmental factors 72
in idiopathic insomnia 98 of sleep onset 213 (ESS) 10, 72–73, 74 vs. exhaustion 75
noise and 149 in sleep-related epilepsy Equalizer 73, 168 vs. fatigue 78
in psychophysiological 218 erections during sleep 73, fragmentary myoclonus
insomnia 178 in sleepwalking 230 249 and 81
ear plugs 149 theta activity 246 age and 8 hypothyroidism and 91,
ECoG. See electrocorticogram vertex sharp transients impaired 99 96
Edison, Thomas A. xxxii 254 painful 220–221 insomnia and xxxviii
EDS. See excessive sleepiness electromyogram (EMG) 33, in REM sleep 73, 149, in insufficient sleep syn-
EEG. See electroencephalo- 34, 69, 69–70, 133, 171, 183, 220–221 drome 109
gram tests 149, 170, 172, irregular sleep-wake pat-
172, 185
Effexor. See venlafaxine 192–193, 221, 239–240 tern and 112
electronarcosis 70
Egypt, ancient xiii and wet dreams 63, 147, in long sleepers 122
electro-oculogram (EOG) 69,
Ehret, Charles 22 221 and memory difficulties
70, 125, 171, 172
Eichler, Victor B. xxx erratic hours 73 119
electrosleep 70, 228
ejaculation, during sleep. See Errera, Leo xxiv menstrual cycle and 127
wet dream EMG. See electromyogram
ESES. See electrical status microsleep in 128
Ekbom, K.A. 190 Empedocles xv–xvi
epilepticus of sleep mood disorders and 130,
Elavil. See amitriptyline encephalitis lethargica 70–71,
esophageal pH monitoring 131
elderly 7–8, 66–68, 106 96, 215
73 naps in 134
advanced sleep phase syn- encephalography, depth 57 esophageal reflux 73–74. See and nicotine 142
drome in 5–6 endogenous circadian pace- also sleep-related gastroe- noise and 149
benzodiazepines and 31, maker 48, 71, 150, 242 sophageal reflux obstructive sleep apnea
32, 68 endogenous circadian phase ESRS. See European Sleep syndrome and 59, 74,
central sleep apnea syn- assessment 71 Research Society 154, 155, 156, 232
drome in 40 endogenous rhythm. See ESS. See Epworth Sleepiness in overlap syndrome 160
depression in 131 endogenous circadian pace- Scale in Parkinsonism 164
exploding head syndrome maker estrogen 128 periodic limb movement
in 75 endoscopy 71 ethchlorvynol 94 disorder and 166
hypnotic-dependent sleep fiberoptic 71, 79, 155, European Sleep Research post-traumatic 173
disorders in 93 167, 233 Society (ESRS) xxxii, 74, in pregnancy 174
as lark 118 somnoendoscopy 71, 233 111, 114, 119 psychiatric disorders and
REM sleep behavior disor- end-tidal carbon dioxide evening person 74, 118, 152, 179
der in 186 71–72, 90 161, 197 shift-work sleep disorder
restlessness in 191 enuresis, sleep-related 10, 17, evening shift 74, 197 and 196
sleep duration in 206 22, 59, 145, 154, 195, excessive sleepiness 74, 92, in subwakefulness syn-
sleepwalking in 229 207–208 204. See also hypersomnia; drome 240
snoring in 175 environmental sleep disorder narcolepsy time zone change and 246
electrical status epilepticus of 72 and accidents 1 toxin-induced 248
sleep (ESES) 68–69 environmental time cues 44, achondroplasia and 50 treatment of 36, 46, 120,
electrocorticogram (ECoG) 69 45, 55, 57, 72, 73, 103, 112, adjustment sleep disorder 124, 126, 160,
electroencephalogram (EEG) 150, 199, 206, 209, 244 and 5 237–239
69, 171 EOG. See electro-oculogram advanced sleep phase syn- exercise 74–75, 100, 212,
abnormal, in non-REM eosinophilia-myalgia syn- drome and 6 225, 244
sleep 68 drome 196 and age 7 exhaustion 75, 78
alpha activity 11 ephedra xiv alcohol and 8 exorcism xix
304 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

exploding head syndrome 75 fluvoxamine 18, 196 excessive production of Hobart, Garret xxviii, 235
extrinsic sleep disorders focusing, cognitive 46 3–4 Hobson, J. Allan xxix, 84,
75–76 food allergy insomnia xxxii, prolactin and 176, 184 184
eye movement 70, 76 80–81, 104 suppressing 34–35 Holter monitoring 12
Forel, Auguste Henri xxx Guilleminault, Christian 55, Homer xiv–xv
fragmentary myoclonus 30, 85, 215 Honda, Yutaka xxxi, 89
41, 81 Horne, James Anthony
F Franklin, Benjamin 27 89–90, 161
Factor S 77, 110, 133, free running 72, 81, 103, H Howell, William Henry xxiii
209–210 110, 244 Halberg, Franz 44, 86, 244 human leukocyte antigen
family bed 77 frequently changing sleep- Halcion. See triazolam (HLA) 88–89
fast sleep. See REM sleep wake schedule 81–82 Hall, Calvin S. 62, 86 humoral system xiv, xvi
fatal familial insomnia xxxii, Freud, Sigmund xxvii, xxx, hallucinations 178 Huntington’s disease 41
78, 106 61, 82, 111 hypnagogic 91, 130, 135 hygiene. See sleep hygiene
fatigue 78 frontal lobe seizures 195 hypnopompic 91, 92 hyoid myotomy 90, 125, 168,
female(s) Fu Hsi xiv terrifying hypnagogic 63, 243
anxiety disorders in 19 Fujita, Shiro xxxi, 252 91, 244–245 hyoscyamine xiii
chronic paroxysmal hemi- haloperidol 126, 142 hypercapnia 37, 90, 96, 123,
crania in 44 Hammond, E. 198 142, 166
dreams in 61, 62 G Hammond, William Alexander hyperexplexia syndrome 225
exploding head syndrome GABA. See gamma-aminobu- xxiii hyperhidrosis 209
in 75 tyric acid Hartmann, Ernest 86, 198 hypernycthemeral sleep-wake
insomnia in 7 Gaillard, Jean-Michel 83 Harvey, E. Newton xxviii, 235 syndrome. See non-24-hour
menopause in 127 Galbraith, J.J. xxx Harvey, William xx sleep-wake syndrome
menstrual-associated sleep Galen xvii Hauri, Peter J. 86–87 hypersomnia. See also exces-
disorder in 110, Galvani, Luigi xxii, xxviii Hayaishi, Osamu xxvii sive sleepiness
127–128 gamma-aminobutyric acid Head, Henry 255 idiopathic. See idiopathic
menstrual cycle of 60, (GABA) 30, 83, 129 headaches 87, 219 hypersomnia
128 gamma-hydroxybutyrate chronic paroxysmal hemi- post-traumatic 173
nightmares in 144, 174 (GHB) 83, 135, 137 crania 44, 219 recurrent 59, 60, 110,
panic disorder in 163 Gardner, Randy 84, 202 cluster 44, 46, 219 115, 121, 184
psychophysiological Garfield, Patricia 64 migraine 129 hypersomnolence 184
insomnia in 178 Garfinkel, L. 198 muscle contraction 219 hypertension 90–91, 219
recurrent hypersomnia in Gastaut, Henri xxxi, 35 tension 219 and impaired penile erec-
110 gastroesophageal reflux. See headbanging (jactatio capitis tions 99
sleep choking syndrome in sleep-related gastroe- nocturna) 87–88 and impotence 100
201 sophageal reflux head rolling 87, 88 and nocturnal cardiac
sleep enuresis in 207 Gayet, Maurice Edouard heart attack 133 ischemia 145
ulcers in 166 Marie xxv heartburn 88, 165, 219 pulmonary 160, 179–180
femoxetine 17, 196 Gelineau, J.B.E. xxv–xxvi, heart rhythm irregularities. hyperthyroidism 91
Ferber, Richard 77, 78–79 84, 135 See arrhythmias hyperventilation 11, 12
fiberoptic endoscopy 71, 79, genetics 84, 99, 136–137 hemoglobinuria 165 hypnagogic hallucinations 91,
155, 167, 233 Georg Ebers papyrus xiii hemolysis, sleep-related 165 130, 135
fibromyositis syndrome. See GHB. See gamma-hydroxybu- Henneberg, Richard xxvi hypnagogic hypersynchrony
fibrositis syndrome tyrate Herbst Appliance 158 91
fibrositis syndrome 79–80, gigantism 85 Herodotus xiii hypnagogic jerk 225
162 gigantocellular tegmental field heroin 139 hypnagogic reverie 91
alpha-delta activity in 11 84 hertz (Hz) 88 hypnalgia 91–92
alpha intrusion in 11 Gillin, J. Christian 84 Hess, Walter Rudolph xxix hypnic jerk 225
alpha rhythm and 11 ginseng xiv hiatus hernia 73 hypnogenic paroxysmal dysto-
treatment of 16 Giraudoux, Jean 157 hibernation 88 nia 92. See also nocturnal
final awakening 22 glottic spasm 118–119 Hill, Sir Leonard Erskine xxiii paroxysmal dystonia
final wake-up 22 glutethimide 95 Hill, William xxvi hypnogram 92. See also
Findley, Knox H. xxxi Goldenhars syndrome 51 Hilprecht, Hermann V. 64 polysomnogram
first night effect 80, 179, 192 Golgi, Camillo xxiii Hippocrates xvi, xxii hypnograph 92. See also
Fischer, Franz xxvi Goody’s PM Powder histamine 18, 88 polysomnography
Fisher, Charles 55 159–160 histocompatability antigen hypnolepsy 92. See also exces-
5-hydroxytryptamine 80, 94, grand mal seizure disorder. See testing 88–89, 136–137 sive sleepiness
127 tonic-conic epilepsy history hypnology 92
Fleming, Alexander xxiii Graves’ disease 91 of beds 27 hypnopedia 92, 119
Flourens, Marie Jan Pierre Greece, ancient xiv–xvi of sleep xi–xxxii hypnopompic 91, 92
xxii Greenberg, Ramon 62 HLA. See human leukocyte hypnos 92
fluoxetine 3, 15, 17–18, 38, Griesinger, Wilhelm xxvii antigen hypnosis xxi–xxii, xxv, 25, 92
196 growth hormone 85 HLA-DR2 89, 136–137 hypnotic-dependent sleep dis-
flurazepam 30, 31, 94, 185 age and 6, 7, 8 Hoag, John 141 order 31, 92–93
Index 305

hypnotics xxx, 93–95, 125. I dreams in 62 and anticipatory anxiety

See also barbiturates; benzo- ICSD. See International Classi- erections in 221 xxxv
diazepines; specific hypnotic fication of Sleep Disorders in family bed 77 anxiety disorders and 19,
abuse 53 idiopathic hypersomnia 60, feeding intervals of 26 105
for adjustment sleep disor- 98 food allergy insomnia in behavioral or psychophysi-
der 5 ambulatory monitoring in 81, 104 ological causes of 105
alcohol and 8, 9 12 hypnagogic hypersyn- behavioral treatment of
antihistamines used as 18 confusional arousal and chrony in 91 xxxvii–xxxviii, 25,
and death during sleep 52 48 indeterminant sleep in 28–29, 108, 122, 179,
for dementia 56 vs. insufficient sleep syn- 101, 102 239, 243
for early morning arousal drome 109 naps in 134 in Bible xvii
149 sleep drunkenness in 205 nocturnal eating (drink- causes of 105–107
in elderly 66 treatment of 15, 238 ing) syndrome in central sleep apnea syn-
and electrosleep 70 idiopathic insomnia 98–99, 146–147 drome and 39, 40
for epilepsy 218 107 nocturnal paroxysmal dys- Cheyne-Stokes respiration
for irregular sleep-wake vs. depression 132 tonia in 148 and 42
pattern 113 vs. psychophysiological non-24-hour sleep-wake chronic xxxvi–xxxvii. See
for long-term insomnia insomnia 98 syndrome in 103 also long-term insom-
122 treatment of 18 non-REM-stage sleep in nia
malingerers and 124 IGL. See intergeniculate leaflet 101 chronic obstructive pul-
for non-24-hour sleep- Ikematsu, Tanenosuke xxxi, obstructive sleep apnea monary disease and
wake syndrome 150 252 syndrome in 102, 104 43
for periodic limb move- IL-I. See interleukin-I oximeters for 161 cocaine and 46
ment disorder 167 imidazoline 238 periodic breathing in 166 conditioned xxxi, 47
for rebound insomnia 183 imipramine 3, 16, 17, 38, 48, premature 175 and daytime sleepiness
for restless legs syndrome 135, 137, 208 quiet sleep in 102, 157, xxxviii
190 impaired sleep-related penile 181 delta sleep inducing pep-
for shift-work sleep disor- erections 99–100 REM sleep in 6, 101, 102, tide and 55
der 198 impotence 99, 100, 221 149, 183, 188 depression and 56, 100,
for sleep choking syn- inadequate sleep hygiene seizures in 195 177
drome 201 100–101 settling 196 disorders associated with
for sleep-related abnormal alcohol and 9 sleep apnea in 6, 15, 102 xxxiv
swallowing syndrome vs. delayed sleep phase sleep disorders in 6–7, environmental factors in
215 syndrome 54 102–104 72, 105
for sleepwalking 229 development of 28, 121 sleep duration in 206 epilepsy and 217
and snoring 175, 232 vs. idiopathic insomnia 98 sleep onset in 212 factors in xxxvi–xxxvii,
for time zone change syn- vs. psychophysiological sleep-related breathing 72, 73, 105
drome 246 insomnia 179 disorders in 104, 175 fatal familial xxxii, 78,
for transient insomnia 29, “incubation” ceremony xv snoring in 175 106
33 incubus 101, 227 total sleep time of 101, food allergy xxxii, 80–81,
withdrawal of 92–93 indeterminant sleep 101, 102 149, 157 104
hypnotoxin xxvii, 95–96 India, ancient xiii–xiv wakefulness in 101 hyperthyroidism and 91
hypocretin 96, 137 inductive plethysmography infant sleep apnea 6, 15, 102 hypnotic-dependent
hypomania 130–131 101 infant sleep disorders 92–93
hypopharynx 167 infant(s) 101–102. See also 102–104 hypothalamus and 96
hypopnea 20, 96, 200 sudden infant death syn- initiating and maintaining idiopathic 98–99, 107
hypothalamus xxviii–xxix, drome sleep. See disorders of initiat- vs. depression 132
83, 96, 96, 120, 242 active sleep in 4, 102, ing and maintaining sleep vs. psychophysiologi-
hypothermia 246 157, 181 insomnia xxxi, 104–109 cal 98
hypothyroidism 91, 96–97, apnea monitor for 20–21 and abnormal movement treatment of 18
133 apnea of prematurity in disorders 106 internal arousal 110
hypoventilation 123, 154 21, 103 adjustment sleep disorder. irregular sleep-wake pat-
alveolar 12, 96, 117, 169 benign neonatal sleep See adjustment sleep tern and 112
central alveolar hypoventi- myoclonus in 29–30, disorder long-term 108, 122
lation syndrome 103 alcohol and xiii, 8 congestive heart fail-
38–39, 43, 59, 161, bodyrocking in 34 alcoholism and 9 ure and 48
190, 216 bruxism in 201 alpha-delta activity in 11 hypnotics for 95
hypothyroidism and 91 central sleep apnea syn- alpha rhythm and 11 medications and 105–106
in Parkinsonism 164 drome in 39–40, 102, altitude 11–12, 97, 106, menstrual cycle and 127
hypoxemia 11, 12, 21, 37, 43, 104 189 monoamine oxidase
97, 117, 123, 142, 160, 166, changing from crib to bed ambulatory monitoring in inhibitors and 130
171, 232, 253 27–28 12 mood disorders and 105,
hypoxia 96, 97, 179, 241 congenital central alveolar in ancient times xiii, xiv, 130
hypsarrhythmia 195 hypoventilation syn- xvi neurological disorders and
Hz 88 drome in 38–39, 102 “animal spirits” and xx 106
306 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

nocturnal paroxysmal dys- intermediate sleep 169. See Kleitman, Nathaniel xxviii, Loomis, Alfred L. xxviii, 235
tonia and 148 also indeterminant sleep xxx, 14, 26, 55, 62, 65, L-tryptophan 58–59, 80,
with no objective sleep intermittent DOES (periodic) 115–116, 140, 182, 187, 224 94–95, 196
disturbance 107 syndrome 110 Klonopin. See Clonazepam L-tyrosine 61, 135, 137, 238
and parasomnias 107 internal arousal 110 Korsakoff psychosis 10 lucid dreams 63, 122
in Parkinsonism 164 internal arousal insomnia 110 Kripke, David F. xxxvii, 116, Lucretius 212
as pathology of sleep and internal desynchronization 198 Lugaresi, Elio xxxii, 14, 123
wakefulness 110–111 Kryger, Meir H. xxxi, 116 Lugaro, Ernesto xxiv
xxxv–xxxvi International Classification of Kuhlo, Wolfgang xxxi lung disease 123, 146
periodic leg movements Sleep Disorders (ICSD) 58, Kupfer, David J. 116
and 68 65, 111, 176, 290–292 kyphoscoliosis 117, 123
periodic limb movement international sleep societies M
disorder and 166 111 MacNish, Robert xxiii
in pregnancy 174 interpretation of dreams L Magoun, Horace W. xxix
prevalence of 105, 204 111–112 laboratory for sleep-related Maimonides xviii–xix
psychiatric disorders and intrinsic sleep disorders 112 breathing disorders 118 maintenance of wakeful test
15, 105, 179, 194 inuus 112 Landau-Kleffner syndrome (MWT) 11, 74, 124
psychophysiological. See irregular sleep-wake pattern 69 major histocompatability com-
psychophysiological 28, 106, 112–113, 150 Landry-Guillain-Barre syn- plex (MHC) 88
insomnia irritability xxxv–xxxvi drome 142 male(s). See also erections dur-
rebound 30, 183 ischemia 145–146 language impairment 68–69 ing sleep
REM sleep intrusion in Islam xviii lark 118, 161 central alveolar hypoven-
188 ITF. See interference theory of laryngospasm 118–119, 201, tilation syndrome in
restlessness in 191 forgetting 215, 218 39
serotonin and 196 laser uvulopalatoplasty 119, cluster headaches in 44
shift-work sleep disorder 233, 243, 252 delayed sleep phase syn-
and 196 J LASS. See Latin American drome in 53–54
vs. short sleeper 198 Jackson, John Hughlings Sleep Research Society dreams in 61, 62
short-term 32–33, 108, xxiii, 212 latency to sleep. See sleep nocturnal cardiac ischemia
199. See also adjust- Jacobson, Edmund 75, 114, latency in 145
ment sleep disorder 176, 208 Latin American Sleep obstructive sleep apnea
hypnotics for 95 Jacobsonian relaxation 75, Research Society (LASS) syndrome in 7
treatment of 31, 114, 176, 179 xxxii, 111, 119 rhythmic movement disor-
199 jactatio capitis nocturna Lavie, Peretz 119 ders in 87
sleep onset xxxv, 142, 87–88, 114 Lavoisier, Antonine-Laurent short sleepers 198
213, 225 Janota, Otakar xxxi xxi sleep enuresis in 207
sleep-related abnormal Japanese Sleep Research L-dopa 119, 144, 191 snoring in 175
swallowing syndrome Society (JSSR) xxxii, 111, learning during sleep 92, 119 sudden unexplained noc-
and 215 114 Leduc, Stephane Armand turnal death syndrome
smoking and 231 jet lag 114. See also time zone Nicolas 70 in 241
Sunday night 28, 242 change (jet lag) syndrome leg cramps 147 ulcers in 166
and timing of sleep 106 Johns, Murray W. 73 Legendre, Rene xxvii malingerers 124, 226, 236
toxin-induced 248 Johnson, Laverne 202 Lemmi, Helio 120 mandibular advancement sur-
transient xxxv, 31, 107, Jouvet, Michel xxix, 55, 114, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome gery 124–125, 128, 243
249 196 69, 195 Mandibular Repositioner 158
treatments of xxx, 16, 18, JSSR. See Japanese Sleep Lepine, Raphael Jacques xxiv mania 130–131
46, 73, 80, 93–95, Research Society Leucippus xvi manic-depressive disorder
107–108, 114, 120, Juji, Takeo 89 Levin, Max 115 130–131, 177
125, 159–160, 163, Jung, Carl Gustav 61 levodopa 164 MAO inhibitors. See
222–223 juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Lhermitte, Jacques Jean xxviii monoamine oxidase (MAO)
behavioral xxxvii– 25 light sleep. See stage one sleep inhibitors
xxxviii, 25, light therapy 57, 120, 151 massage xiv
28–29, 30–32, limit-setting sleep disorder 7, mastoids 125
108, 122, 179, K 28, 120–121, 143, 213 mattress 27
239, 243 Kahn, Andre xxxii Linnaeus xx–xxi Mauthner, Ludwig xxv
insufficient sleep syndrome 6, Kales, Anthony xxviii, 115, liquid diet 154 maxillo-facial (maxillofacial)
74, 109–110 182, 224, 229, 230, 235 lithium 121, 131, 184, 229 surgery 125
interference theory of forget- Kales, Joyce 115 locus ceruleus 121–122, 151, mazindol 126, 238
ting (ITF) 46 K-alpha 115 172, 200 McCarley, Robert William
intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) K-complex 81, 93, 101, 115 long sleeper 122, 206–207 xxix, 84, 125, 184
254 Kekule, Friedrich A. 64 long-term insomnia 108, McGregor, Peter Anderson
interleukin-I (IL-I) 77, 110, Klearway 159 122 xxxii, 24
210 Kleine, Willi 115 congestive heart failure MDP. See muramyl dipeptide
“intermediary” sleep stage. See Kleine-Levin syndrome 59, and 48 medications 125–127. See also
non-REM-stage sleep 60, 110, 115, 121, 184 hypnotics for 95 specific medication
Index 307

medroxyprogesterone 39, 40, and impotence 100 alcoholism and 10 REM sleep intrusion in
117, 156, 176, 189–190 and insomnia 105, 130 loss of 38, 183, 185 188
melanin 121 lithium and 121 reduction of 200 REM sleep latency in 188
melarsoprol 211 pregnancy-related 174 MWT. See maintenance of research on 141
melatonin 120, 127, 170, Moore, Robert Y. xxx wakeful test sleep onset in 212, 214
198, 242 morning person 132 myocardial infarction 133, 155 sleep paralysis in 214
MEMA. See middle ear muscle Morpheus 132 myoclonus 133 treatment of 15, 17, 46,
activity morphine 126, 132, 139, benign neonatal sleep 83, 126, 129, 137, 139,
men. See male(s) 219 29–30 196, 237–239
Mendelson, Wallace B. 127 morphology 132 fragmentary 30, 81 Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
meningoencephalomyelitis Mosso, Angelo xxiii nocturnal 147–148 Foundation of America
210 mountain sickness. See alti- predormital 225 138
menopause 127, 128 tude insomnia myxedema 97, 133 Narcolepsy Institute 138–139
menstrual-associated sleep dis- mouth guard 201 Narcolepsy Network 139
order 110, 127–128, 184 movement arousal 132 Narcolepsy Project. See Nar-
menstrual cycle 60, 110, 128, movement time 132 N colepsy Institute
162 moxibustion xiv nadir 134 narcotics 139
mental retardation, rhythmic MSLT. See Multiple Sleep NAPA. See Nocturnal Airway Nardil. See phenelzine
movement disorders and 87 Latency Test Patency Appliance nasal congestion 139
meprobamate 95 Muller maneuver 79 naps 59, 134 nasal positive pressure ventila-
Mesmer, Franz Anton multiple cerebral infarction in adolescents 98, 203 tion (NPPV) 139–140
xxi–xxii 56 in children 121 nasal surgery 140
mesmerism xxii Multiple Sleep Latency Test in idiopathic hypersomnia nasopharynx 167
Mesopotamia xiii (MSLT) 37, 132–133 98 Nathaniel Kleitman Distin-
methamphetamine 237 for alertness 10, 32 in infants 103 guished Service Award 140
methaqualone 95 vs. ambulatory monitoring in narcolepsy 134 National Commission on
methylphenidate hydrochlo- 12 in obstructive sleep apnea Sleep Disorders Research
ride 10, 17, 36, 61, 98, 137, in central sleep apnea syn- syndrome 154 140–141
165, 237, 238–239 drome 40 siesta 10, 134, 199, 203, National Narcolepsy Registry
methylxanthines 190, 236 in chronic obstructive pul- 206 141
methyprylon 95 monary disease 43 and sleep hygiene 100 National Sleep Foundation
metoprolol 126 for excessive sleepiness narcolepsy xxxi, 84, 134–138. (NSF) vii, 65, 141, 141
MHC. See major histocompata- 74, 118, 149 See also cataplexy Nauta, Walle Jetz Harinx xxix
bility complex in hypothyroidism 96 age and 7 nefazodone 18
“Mickey Finn” 94 in idiopathic hypersomnia ambulatory monitoring in Nembutal. See pentobarbital
micrognathia 128 98 12 NESS. See Northeastern Sleep
microsleep 128 in insomnia 109 arginine vasotocin and 22 Society
Middle Ages xviii–xix in long sleepers 122 associations 15 neural theories of sleep
middle ear muscle activity vs. maintenance of wake- central sleep apnea syn- xxiii–xxiv
(MEMA) 128–129 fulness test 124 drome and 40 neurochemistry xxvii–xxviii
Midrin 219 in menstrual-associated delta sleep inducing pep- neuroleptics 42, 126,
Mignot, Emmanuel 141 sleep disorder 128 tide and 55 141–142
migraine 129 in narcolepsy xxviii, xxxi, depression and 131–132 neuromuscular diseases 142
Miltown. See meprobamate 136 diagnosis of 136 neurophysiology xxviii–xxix
Mirapex. See pramipexole in obstructive sleep apnea dopamine and 61 newborns. See infant(s)
mirtazapine 18 syndrome 155 dreams in 63 nicotine 43, 100, 142, 145,
Mitchell, Robert A. xxxi, 157 in post-traumatic hyper- first description of 225, 231–232
Mitchell, Silas Weir xxv somnia 173 xxv–xxvi night blindness 142–143, 152
Mitler, Merrill M. 129 in pregnancy-related sleep genetic predisposition for night fears 143
mixed apnea 20 disorder 174 84, 89, 136–137 nightmare(s) 22, 61,
modafinil vii, 126, 129, 137, in recurrent hypersomnia human leukocyte antigen 143–144
198 184 associated with 89 in adults 143–144, 227
Mogodon. See nitrazepam in REM sleep latency 188 hypnagogic hallucinations in alcoholism 178
Monday morning blues 28, in sleep onset REM period in 91 alcoholism and 9
129–130 214 hypnopompic hallucina- in children 143–144, 227
monoamine oxidase (MAO) muramyl dipeptide (MDP) tions in 92 controlling 63
inhibitors 15, 130, 131, 77, 133, 210 hypocretin and 96 incubus 101
151, 185, 188, 203 muscle contraction headaches vs. insufficient sleep syn- inuus 112
monophasic sleep pattern xii 219 drome 109–110 MAO inhibitors and 130
montage 130, 172 muscle contractions 133 vs. long sleepers 122 in Parkinsonism 164
mood disorders xxxiii–xxxiv, muscle paralysis. See sleep microsleep in 128 in pregnancy 174
xxxv, xxxvi, 130–132, paralysis naps in 134 REM rebound and 186
177–178. See also depression muscle tension, relieving. See prevalence of 136, 204 vs. REM sleep behavior
and impaired penile erec- relaxation and REM sleep behavior disorder 186
tions 99 muscle tone 25, 39, 133 disorder 186 vs. sleep terrors 63, 144
308 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

vs. terrifying hypnagogic in coma 47 nyctohemeral 152 and impaired penile erec-
hallucinations 244 depression and 131 nyctophilia 152 tions 100
night owl/person 74, 118, dreams in 62 nyctophobia. See noctiphobia increased level of carbon
152, 161, 197 electrical status epilepticus nycturia. See nocturia dioxide in 37
night shift 144, 196, 197 of sleep in 68 Nytol Natural Tablets 160 in infants 102, 104
night sweats. See sleep hyper- electromyography of 69 and insomnia 60
hidrosis epilepsy in 72 vs. laryngospasm 220
night terrors. See sleep terrors eye movements in 70 O micrognathia and 128
nikethimide 15 fragmentary myoclonus in obesity 153–154, 169 naps in 134
nitrazepam 32 81 bed size and 27 nasal congestion and 139
NMR scan xxvi in hibernation 88 carpal tunnel syndrome and nicotine 142
noctambulation 145 hypnagogic reverie in 91 and 37 and nocturia 145
Noctec. See chloral hydrate increase in 133 and central sleep apnea nocturnal cardiac ischemia
noctiphobia 145 in infants 101 syndrome 40, 41 and 145
nocturia 145, 189 K-complex during 115 and gastroesophageal obesity and 153, 155,
nocturnal 145 in naps 134 reflux 219 169, 256
Nocturnal Airway Patency nocturnal paroxysmal dys- and lung disease 123 in overlap syndrome
Appliance (NAPA) 158 tonia in 148 and nocturnal cardiac 160–161
nocturnal angina. See noctur- panic episode in 163 ischemia 145 in Parkinsonism 164
nal cardiac ischemia REM sleep intrusion in and nocturnal dyspnea periodic breathing in 166
nocturnal cardiac ischemia 188 146 polycythemia in 171
145–146, 217 sleep mentation in 212 and obstructive sleep polysomnography of 155,
nocturnal confusion 56, 66, slow rolling eye move- apnea syndrome 153, 156, 172
146 ments in 230 155, 169, 256 prevalence of 204
nocturnal dyspnea xxxii, 48, nonrestorative sleep 60, 150, and snoring 175 vs. primary snoring 175
146 162 obesity hypoventilation syn- and respiratory effort 189
nocturnal eating (drinking) non-24-hour sleep-wake syn- drome 154 restlessness in 191
syndrome 59, 146–147, drome 54, 90, 103, 106, obstructive sleep apnea syn- sleep drunkenness in 205
257 112, 150–151 drome xxxi, 20, 123, and sleep enuresis
nocturnal emission 63, 147, noradrenaline. See norepi- 154–157, 167, 200. See also 207–208
221 nephrine upper airway obstruction and sleep hyperhidrosis
nocturnal enuresis. See sleep norepinephrine 60, 151, 164, and accidents 1–2 209
enuresis 210 acromegaly and 3–4 sleep onset REM period in
nocturnal leg cramps 147 Northeastern Sleep Society adenoids and 5 214
nocturnal myoclonus 133, (NESS) 37 age and 7–8 vs. sleep-related abnormal
147–148 nosology 151 airway obstruction and 8 swallowing syndrome
nocturnal paroxysmal dysto- NPD. See nocturnal paroxys- alcohol and 1, 8 215
nia (NPD) 36, 92, 106, 148, mal dystonia alcoholism and 10 vs. sleepwalking 230
190, 195 NPPV. See nasal positive pres- amphetamines and 238 smoking and 231–232
nocturnal penile tumescence sure ventilation and arrhythmias 23 and snoring 150, 154,
(NPT) 149 NPT. See nocturnal penile cephalometric radiograph 155, 156, 232
nocturnal penile tumescence tumescence in 41 somnofluoroscopy in 234
(NPT) test 149, 221 NREM-REM sleep cycle xii, 4, cocaine and 46 treatment of 49, 90, 117,
nocturnal sleep episode 149 27, 151, 183, 188, 200 and congestive heart fail- 119, 124, 125, 140,
NoDoz 1, 160 antihypertensive medica- ure 48 153, 155–156,
noise xxxvi, 72, 149–150, tions and 90–91 craniofacial disorders and 158–159, 161, 162,
232–233 in elderly 66 50 186, 189–190, 234,
Noludar. See methyprylon environmental time cues and death during sleep 52 242–243, 247, 248,
nonfocal activity. See diffuse and 72 diagnosis of 155 252
activity frequently changing diet and 59 obtundation 157, 251
non-REM intrusion 150 81–82 endoscopy in 71 oculo-auriculo-vertebral dys-
non-REM-REM sleep cycle. lithium and 121 esophageal reflux in plasia 51
See NREM-REM sleep cycle period length and 110 73–74 Ogle, William xxv
non-REM-stage sleep 52, sleep hygiene and 209 and excessive sleepiness olivopontocerebellar degener-
150. See also quiet sleep; NREM sleep. See non-REM- 59, 74, 154, 155, 156, ation 41
stage four sleep; stage one stage sleep 232 Ondine’s Curse xxxi, 39, 157
sleep; stage three sleep; NREM sleep period 152 first description of xxvi oneiric 157
stage two sleep NSF. See National Sleep Foun- gastroesophageal reflux in ontogeny of sleep 157–158
age and 206 dation 118, 219 opium xiii, xiv, xvi, xx, xxi,
benign epilepsy with Ro- nuclear magnetic resonance gender and 7 132, 139
landic spikes during 29 (NMR) scan xxvi and heartburn 88 oral appliances 158–159, 233
benzodiazepines and 30 nutrition 22, 58–59, 179 hypertension and 90–91 orexin. See hypocretin
body temperature in 245 nyctalgia 152 hypothyroidism and 96 oropharynx 167
Cheyne-Stokes respiration nyctalopia 152. See also night hypoxemia and 97 orthopnea 48, 159, 165
in 42 blindness hypoxia and 97 Osborne, Jonathon xxv
Index 309

Osler, Sir William xxxi pentobarbital 26, 94 obstructive sleep apnea syn- in menstrual-associated
Ostberg, Olov 161 peptic ulcer disease 165–166 drome sleep disorder 128
Oswald, Ian 115, 159 periodic breathing 166 Pieron, Henri xxvii, xxx, 77, in mood disorders 131
OTC. See over-the-counter periodic hypersomnia. See 95–96, 209 in narcolepsy 136
medications recurrent hypersomnia Pierre-Robin syndrome 50 in nightmares 144
“out-of-body” experience 138 periodic leg movements 41, pineal gland 127, 170 in nocturnal cardiac
overlap syndrome 160–161 69, 81, 166, 190 Pinel, Phillipe xxi ischemia 145
over-the-counter medications ambulatory monitoring in “pink puffers” 43 in nocturnal paroxysmal
36, 95, 159–160, 239 12 placebo 170 dystonia 148
owl. See night owl/person asymptomatic 25 Placidyl 94 nocturnal penile tumes-
owl and lark questionnaire in elderly 66, 68 Plato xvi cence test 149
161 and excessive sleepiness plethysmograph 170 in non-24-hour sleep-
oximetry 97, 161 60 plethysmography, inductive wake syndrome 150
oxycodone 139, 191 in Parkinsonism 164 101 in obstructive sleep apnea
oxygen vs. sleep starts 225 Pliny, Caius xvii syndrome 155, 156,
in blood 97 treatment of 119 PLMD. See periodic limb 172
supplied to tissues 97 periodic limb movement dis- movement disorder oximeters and 161
oxygen hypothesis xxiv order (PLMD) 1, 30, 133, PM Positioner 159 in Parkinsonism 164
oxygen therapy 123, 161 166–167 PNH. See paroxysmal noctur- in post-traumatic hyper-
in children 7 nal hemoglobinuria somnia 173
vs. depression 131 POAH. See preoptic and ante- in pregnancy 174
P vs. epilepsy 218 rior hypothalamic nuclei in psychophysiological
pacemaker 162 and insomnia 106 poliomyelitis 171 insomnia 178
Pack, Alan 141 in narcolepsy 136 polycythemia 171 in psychoses 179
pain 162, 165 treatment of 32 polyphasic sleep pattern xii in recurrent hypersomnia
acute 162 periodic movements of sleep. polysomnogram 171, 172. See 184
chronic 162 See periodic leg movements also electroencephalogram; in restless legs syndrome
hypnalgia 91–92 period length 4, 45, 103, 110, electromyogram; electro- 190
nyctalgia 152 167 oculogram in rhythmic movement
pallor 39, 102 persistent psychophysiologi- polysomnography 3, 45, disorders 87
panic disorder 18, 118, cal insomnia 167. See also 171–172 in shift-work sleep disor-
162–163, 177, 201, 220 psychophysiological insom- in adjustment sleep disor- der 197
Pappenheimer, John xxvii, nia der 5 in sleep choking syndrome
209 petit mal epilepsy 25, 195 alcohol use and 9 201
Paracelsus xix Pettenkofer, Max xxiv in altitude insomnia 12 in sleep deprivation 202
paradoxical sleep 169. See also Peyrone’s disease 99, 221 vs. apnea monitors 21 in sleep enuresis 207
rapid eye movement sleep Pfeffer, Wilhelm Friedrich asymptomatic abnormali- in sleeping sickness
paradoxical techniques 163 Phillip xxv ties detected by 25 210–211
Paral. See paraldehyde Pfluger, Eduard Friedrich Wil- benzodiazepines and 31, in sleep onset association
paraldehyde xxv, 95 helm xxiv 32 disorder 213
paralysis, sleep 70, 130, 135, PGO spikes 63, 167, 173, of body movements 34 in sleep-related abnormal
214–215 182 in central alveolar swallowing syndrome
parasomnia 58, 65, 107, pharyngitis 218 hypoventilation syn- 215
163–164, 174, 185, 229 pharynx 167–168 drome 39 in sleep-related asthma
Parkinsonism 41, 106, phase advance 168 in central sleep apnea syn- 216
164–165 phase delay 130, 168 drome 40 in sleep-related neuro-
paroxetine 15, 18 phase response curve 6, 168 in cerebral degenerative genic tachypnea
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea phase shift 168 disorders 41 220
xxxii, 48, 146, 217 phase transition 168 in chronic obstructive pul- in sleep starts 225
paroxysmal nocturnal dysto- phasic event 168 monary disease 43 in sleepwalking 229
nia. See nocturnal paroxys- phenelzine 130 in confusional arousal 48 in snoring 175
mal dystonia phenothiazines xxx, 126, in delayed sleep phase in sudden infant death
paroxysmal nocturnal hemo- 142, 176, 179 syndrome 53 syndrome 241
globinuria (PNH) 165 phentermine 238 in epilepsy 218 in time zone change syn-
Pasteur, Louis xxv phenyltoloxamine 95 of epoch 72 drome 246
Pavlov, Ivan xxiv, xxvii, phenytoin 29, 69 of erectile ability 99, pons 172–173
xxxvii Phillipson, Eliot A. 168 149 ponto-geniculate-occipital
pavor nocturnus 165, 227. pH monitoring 168–169 examination in 45, (PGO) spikes. See PGO
See also sleep terrors photoperiod 169 211–212 spikes
Paxil. See paroxetine phylogeny 169 in idiopathic hypersomnia Positive Occipital Sharp Tran-
pemoline 10, 15, 36, 61, 98, phymosis 221 98 sients of Sleep. See POSTS
137, 165, 237, 239 physical activity, and sleep in idiopathic insomnia 99 postpartum psychoses 174
penile erections during sleep. xxxiv in irregular sleep-wake POSTS 173
See erections during sleep Pickwickian syndrome 116, pattern 112 post-traumatic hypersomnia
pentazocine 139 153, 169–170. See also in long sleepers 122 173
310 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

pramipexole 164, 173–174, psychomotor seizures 195 chronic paroxysmal hemi- recurrent hypersomnia 59,
191 psychophysiological insomnia crania and 44 60, 110, 115, 121, 184
predormital myoclonus 225 60, 167, 178–179 cluster headaches in 46 reflexology xxvii
pregnancy-related sleep disor- vs. anxiety disorder 19 in coma 47 relaxation xxxviii, 33, 185,
der 28, 174–175, 191 anxiety in 18 decrease in 93, 94, 174 208–209
prehistoric times xii–xiii bereavement and 33 decrease in ventilation before bedtime 28
premature infant 175 conditioned insomnia during 142 Jacobsonian 75, 114, 176,
premature morning awaken- xxxi, 47 depression and 57, 131 179
ing. See early morning external factors of 75 discovery of xxviii, 182 progressive 176
arousal vs. idiopathic insomnia 98 disorders associated with REM atonia 185
premature ventricular con- inadequate sleep hygiene 163 REM-beta activity 185
traction. See ventricular pre- and 100 dopamine and 61 REM density 185
mature complexes internal arousal in 110 dreams in 62–63, 182, Remeron. See mirtazapine
premenstrual syndrome 128 and long-term insomnia 187–188 REM-off cells 184, 185
preoptic and anterior hypo- 122 EEG activity of 69 REM-on cells 84, 184, 185
thalamic nuclei (POAH) prevention of 5 in elderly 66 REM parasomnias 185
245 restlessness in 191 erections during 73, 149, REM rebound 185–186
Preyer, Thierry Wilhelm xxiv vs. sleep onset association 183, 220–221 REM sleep. See rapid eye
Priestley, Joseph xxi disorder 213 exercise and 212 movement sleep
prilosec 219 vs. sleep state mispercep- eye movements in 70, 76 REM sleep and dreaming
primary enuresis 207 tion 226 in fatal familial insomnia 187–188
primary insomnia. See idio- treatment of 31, 179 78 REM sleep behavior disorder
pathic insomnia; psy- psychoses 174, 177–178, 179, generation of 121 xxxii, xxxiv, 185, 186–187,
chophysiological insomnia 194 headaches during 129, 200–201
primary sleep 169 pulmonary hypertension 160, 219 abnormal movements in
primary snoring 150, 175–176 179–180 headbanging in 87 1, 41
progesterone 128, 176, pupillometry 10, 74, 180 hypnagogic hallucinations and accidents 2
189–190 Purkinje, Johannes Evangelis- in 91 age and 6
progressive relaxation 176 tica xxiii hypnagogic reverie in 91 electromyography of 70
Project Sleep 176 pyrilamine 95 increased 80, 122, 215 and insomnia 106
prolactin 7, 8, 85, 176, 176, Pythagoras xv inducing 253 vs. nightmare 144
184 in infants 6, 101, 102, vs. nocturnal paroxysmal
promethazine 126 149, 183, 188 dystonia 148
proposed sleep disorders Q kyphoscoliosis during 117 in Parkinsonism 164
176–177 quiet sleep 21, 102, 157, 181 lithium and 121 vs. restless legs syndrome
propranolol 126 quinine sulfate 50, 147 lucid dreams in 122 190
prostaglandins 177 menstrual cycle and 128 restlessness in 191
prostatic hypertrophy 99 monoamine oxidase vs. sleepwalking 230
protriptyline 16, 38, 39, 40, R inhibitors and 130 treatment of 32
135, 137, 156 Ranson, Steven Walter xxix in naps 134 REM sleep deprivation 187,
Provera. See medroxyproges- rantidine 166, 219 in narcolepsy 135, 136 202, 203
terone raphe nuclei 172, 173, 182, nightmares in 144 REM sleep intrusion 188
Provigil. See modafinil 196 nocturnal cardiac ischemia REM sleep latency 188, 192
provisionally accredited sleep rapid eye movements xxviii, in 145 REM sleep-locked 188
disorder center 177 182, 186 non-REM intrusion in REM sleep myoclonus 81
Prozac. See fluoxetine rapid eye movement sleep 150 REM sleep onset 188
pseudoinsomnia. See sleep (REM sleep) xii, xxix, 4, onset of 214 REM sleep percent 188
state misperception 115, 182–183, 225 in psychoses 178, 179 REM sleep period 188
psychiatric disorders acetylcholine and 3 reduced 16, 17, 18, 43, REM sleep-related muscle ato-
177–178. See also anxiety in adolescents 149 133, 196 nia xxix
disorders; depression; mood in adults 6, 183, 188 sleep deprivation and REM sleep-related sinus arrest
disorders; panic disorder age and 206 202–203 23, 162, 188–189, 217
vs. cerebral degenerative alcohol and 8, 9 sleep mentation in 212 Renaissance xix
disorders 42 alcoholism and 10 sleep paralysis in 214 RERA. See respiratory effort-
and impaired penile erec- apneic episodes in sleep talking in 226 related arousal
tions 99 154–155 snoring in 176 reserpine xiv, 249
and impotence 100 atonia in 25 theta activity in 194 respiratory disturbance index
and insomnia 105 awakening from 46, 119 RDI. See respiratory distur- (RDI) 20, 155, 189
vs. menstrual-associated barbiturates and 26 bance index respiratory effort 189
sleep disorder 128 benzodiazepines and 30, rebound insomnia 30, 183 respiratory effort-related
nightmares in 143 32 Rechtschaffen, Alan xxviii, arousal (RERA) 189
schizophrenia 70, 143, body temperature in 245 115, 182, 183–184, 224, respiratory stimulants 12, 39,
177–178, 194 central alveolar hypoventi- 235 40, 117, 126, 142, 156,
treatment of 126, lation syndrome in 38 reciprocal interaction model of 189–190
141–142 in children 6, 183 sleep 184 Respitrace 170
Index 311

restless legs syndrome (RLS) S treatment of 31, 199 in 20th century

xx, 190–191 SAD. See seasonal affective Shprintzen’s syndrome 51 xxvi–xxxii
abnormal movements in 1 disorder Shy-Drager syndrome 164 vascular theories of
and excessive sleepiness Sanctorious xxi SIDS. See sudden infant death xxii–xxiii
60 sandman 194 syndrome Sleep (journal) 200
and insomnia 106, 108, Sanorex 238 siesta 10, 134, 199, 203, 206 sleep apnea 200. See also
109 Saturday night palsy 214 Siffre, Michel xxx, 199, 244 apnea
periodic limb movement sawtooth waves 194 sigma rhythm 200 sleep architecture 200, 211
disorder in 167 Scandinavian Sleep Research Simons, R. 198 sleep atonia 200–201
restlessness in 191 Society (SSRS) xxxii, 111, Simpson, Sutherland xxx “sleep attacks” 135
vs. sleep starts 225 194 sinus arrest, REM sleep- sleep bruxism 35, 201
treatment of 36, 119, 139, Scheele, Karl xxi related 23, 162, 188–189 “sleep center” xxviii
173 Schenk, Carlos xxxii situational insomnia. See sleep choking syndrome 107,
restlessness 191–192 schizophrenia 70, 143, adjustment sleep disorder 163, 201, 220
Restorative Theory 212 177–178, 194 sleep 200 sleep cure. See sleep therapy
Restoril. See temazepam Schmidt, Helmut S. 14 active 4, 21, 102, 157, sleep cycle. See NREM-REM
reticular activating system. See SCN. See suprachiasmatic 181 sleep cycle
Ascending Reticular Activat- nucleus behavioral theories of sleep deprivation 7,
ing System scopolamine xiii xxiv 202–203
reticular formation, divisions seasonal affective disorder in Bible xvii–xviii in adolescents 52, 158,
of 84 (SAD) 57, 120, 194–195 chemical theories of 203
reticularis pontis oralis (RPO) secobarbital 26, 94 xxiv confusional arousal and
121 coughing during 50, 215 48
Seconal. See secobarbital
reticular nuclei 172 deaths during 52, vs. daydreaming 52
secondary enuresis 207
retino-hypothalamic tract 241–242 delayed sleep phase syn-
sedative-hypnotic medica-
(RHT) 242 desynchronized 52, 57. drome and 53
tions. See hypnotics
Rett’s syndrome 41, 42 See also REM sleep and epilepsy 72
sedative medications. See hyp-
reversal of sleep 192 diet and 22, 58–59, 179 in long sleepers 122
reversed first night effect 80, erections during. See erec- and psychological well-
seizures 2, 7, 195–196, 218
179, 192 tions during sleep being xxxiv–xxxv
ambulatory monitoring in
rheumatic disorders 79–80 exercise and 74–75, 100, REM sleep 187, 202, 203
rheumatic pain modulation 212, 225 time zone change and 246
in benign epilepsy with
disorder. See fibrositis syn- headaches during 129 sleep diary. See sleep log
drome Rolandic spikes 29 indeterminant 101 sleep disorder centers 2–3,
rheumatoid arthritis 162 vs. benign neonatal sleep interaction of wakefulness 41, 45, 177, 203–204,
Rhines, Ruth xxix myoclonus 29 and xxxiii, 265–289
RHT. See retino-hypothalamic chloral hydrate and 94 xxxv–xxxvi sleep-disordered breathing
tract selective serotonin reuptake intermediate 169 204. See also sleep-related
rhythmic movement disorder inhibitors (SSRIs) 15–16 learning during 92, 119 breathing disorders
106, 192 selegiline 130 neural theories of sleep disorders medicine
bodyrocking 34 self-esteem xxxv, xxxvi xxiii–xxiv 204–205
headbanging 87–88 self-hypnosis 25 nonrestorative 60, 150, sleep disorder specialists 3,
head rolling 87, 88 serotonin 58, 80, 94, 99, 127, 162 14, 45, 205, 234
rhythms 192 133, 164, 182, 196, 210 ontogeny of 157–158 sleep drunkenness 205
biorhythm 34, 192 serotonin reuptake inhibitors panic episode during sleep duration 205–207
circadian. See circadian 3, 15, 17–18, 38, 131, 196 162–163 sleep efficiency 109, 207
rhythms selective (SSRIs) 15–16 pathology of xxx–xxxii reduced 128, 178, 179
ultradian 192, 251 sertraline 15, 18 phylogeny of 169 sleep enuresis 10, 17, 22, 59,
Richardson, Gary xxviii Serzone. See nefazodone physical activity and 145, 154, 195, 207–208
Richter, Curt P. xxx SESE. See electrical status xxxiv sleep exercises 208–209
Rigiscan 192–193 epilepticus of sleep in prehistoric and ancient sleep hygiene 73, 209
Ritalin. See methylphenidate settling 196 times xii–xvii alcohol and 9
hydrochloride Severinghaus, John W. xxxi, primary 169 in children 7
RLS. See restless legs syn- 157 psychology and in dementia 56
drome sexual dreams 63, 147, 221 xxxiii–xxxix and exercise 75
Robin sequence 50 Shakespeare, William xix–xx quiet 21, 102, 157, 181 in hypnotic-dependent
Roffwarg, Howard Philip shift-work sleep disorder reciprocal interaction sleep disorder 93
xxxi, 57, 62, 193 xxxii, 31, 106, 120, 144, model of 184 inadequate. See inadequate
Rolando, Luigi xxii 192, 196–198, 204 restless 191–192 sleep hygiene
Rome, ancient xvi–xvii short sleeper 6, 98, 107, reversal of 192 in infants 103
ropinirole 164 198–199, 206 rhythm of xxxviii–xxxix in narcolepsy 137
Roth, Thomas xxxi, 141, 193 short-term insomnia 32–33, synchronized 243 in Parkinsonism 164
RPO. See reticularis pontis 108, 199. See also adjustment in 17th and 18th centuries sleep hyperhidrosis 209
oralis sleep disorder xix–xxii sleep hypochrondriasis. See
Ruckhardt, Rabl xxiii hypnotics for 95 in 19th century xxii–xxvi sleep state misperception
312 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

Sleepinal 160 and insomnia 106 sleep stage demarcation confusional arousal and 48
sleep-inducing factors laboratory for 118 223–224 epilepsy and 195, 218
209–210 neuromuscular diseases sleep stage episode 224 gamma-hydroxybutyrate
sleepiness xxxvii–xxxviii, 210 and 142 sleep stages 72, 224–225, and 83
“animal spirits” and xx periodic breathing 166 235. See also rapid eye genetic predisposition for
excessive. See excessive plethysmography of 170 movement sleep; stage four 84
sleepiness treatment of 161, sleep; stage one sleep; stage vs. nocturnal paroxysmal
sleeping pills. See hypnotics 189–190 three sleep; stage two sleep dystonia 148
sleeping sickness 210–211 ventricular arrhythmias alcohol and 8, 9 vs. REM sleep behavior
sleep interruption 211 and 253 barbiturates and 26 disorder 186
sleep latency 5, 211 sleep-related cardiovascular boundaries between and sleep talking 226
alcohol and 8, 9 symptoms 216–217 223–224 and sleep terrors 227
barbiturates and 26 sleep-related enuresis. See sleep starts 190, 225 treatment of 32, 92
benzodiazepines and 30, sleep enuresis sleep state misperception 107, slow rolling eye movements
31, 32 sleep-related epilepsy 7, 9, 206, 225–226 231
cholecystokinin and 42 25, 49, 148, 186, 191, sleep surface 191, 226 slow wave sleep (SWS)
hypnotics and 26, 30–32, 217–218 sleep talking 186, 226–227 xxxvii, 81, 231
94 sleep-related gastroesophageal sleep terrors 22, 165, absence of, in elderly 8
increased 43, 80, 98, 178, reflux 218–219 227–228 in alcoholics 10
179, 190, 213 and chest discomfort 217 and accidents 2 alpha activity during 11
recording 124 diet and 59 in adults 101 appearance of xii
reduced 136, 196 heartburn 88, 165, 219 alcoholism and 10 arginine vasotocin and 22
REM sleep 188 and laryngospasm 118 ambulatory monitoring in awakening from 46, 119
sleep log 54, 108, 109, 211 and peptic ulcer disease 12 barbiturates and 26
sleep maintenance 57, 60, 165 in children 6, 7, 227 benign neonatal sleep
211 pH monitoring 73, confusional arousal and myoclonus during 29
sleep medicine and clinical 168–169 48 benzodiazepines and 30
polysomnography examina- vs. sleep-related abnormal epilepsy and 195 decrease in 93, 94, 128
tion 211–212 swallowing syndrome genetic predisposition for delta sleep inducing pep-
sleep mentation 212 215 84 tide and 55
sleep need 212 sleep-related headaches 219 vs. laryngospasm 220 EEG activity of 69
sleep onset 9, 53, 73, sleep-related hemolysis. See vs. nightmares 63, 144 in elderly 66
212–213 paroxysmal nocturnal vs. nocturnal paroxysmal exercise and 75, 212
sleep onset association disor- hemoglobinuria dystonia 148 eye movements in 76
der 7, 28, 121, 213, 213 sleep-related laryngospasm vs. panic disorder 163, Factor S and 77
sleep onset insomnia xxxv, 118, 201, 215, 219–220 177 in fatal familial insomnia
142, 213, 225 sleep-related neurogenic pregnancy-related 174 78
sleep onset nightmares. See tachypnea 220 vs. REM sleep behavior headbanging in 87
terrifying hypnagogic hallu- sleep-related penile erections disorder 186 in hibernation 88
cinations 221, 249 and sleep talking 226 increased 80, 83, 91, 132,
sleep onset REM period age and 8 vs. terrifying hypnagogic 178, 202, 215
(SOREMP) 214 impaired 99 hallucinations 245 induction of 110
sleep palsy 214 painful 220–221 treatment of 32, 92 lithium and 121
sleep paralysis 70, 130, 135, in REM sleep 73, 149, sleep therapy 70, 228 in naps 134
214–215 183, 220–221 sleep-wake cycle. See NREM- rapid eye movements in
sleep pattern 215 test for monitoring 149, REM sleep cycle 186
sleep-promoting substance 170, 172, 192–193, sleep-wake disorders center reduced xxxiv, 43, 179
(SPS) 96, 210, 215 221, 239–240 228. See also sleep disorder serotonin and 196
sleep-regulating center 215 and wet dreams 63, 147, centers sleep talking in 226
sleep-related abnormal swal- 221 Sleep-Wake Disorders Unit sleepwalking in 229
lowing syndrome 215, 220 Sleep Research Online (SRO) xxxii smoking 43, 100, 142, 145,
sleep-related asthma 50, 52, 221 sleep-wake pattern, irregular 225, 231–232
190, 215–216 Sleep Research Society (SRS) 112 Snore Guard 158
sleep-related breathing disor- xxxii, 37, 111, 119, 193, sleep-wake schedule disorders. snoring xxxi, 172, 232–233
ders 37, 90, 96, 117, 139, 205, 221–222, 234 See circadian rhythm sleep and accidents 2
179, 216. See also specific dis- sleep restriction therapy disorders alcohol and 8
order xxxviii, 60, 73, 179, sleep-wake transition disor- as noise 150
barbiturates and 26 222–223 ders 163, 229 in obstructive sleep apnea
coughing 50 “sleep restriction therapy” sleepwalking 22, 191, syndrome 154, 155,
and death during sleep xxxii 229–231 156
52 sleep schedule 223 and accidents 2 primary 150, 175–176
vs. depression 131 Sleep Society of Canada (SSC). alcoholism and 10 treatment of 73, 119, 140,
in elderly 66 See Canadian Sleep Society ambulatory monitoring in 158–159, 168, 176,
hypothyroidism and 97 sleep spindles 41, 101, 115, 12 232–233, 234, 247,
in infants 104, 175 164, 200, 223 in children 6, 7, 229 252
Index 313

Snyder, Frederick xxxi depression and 131 SUND. See sudden unex- tobacco. See smoking
socially or environmentally in elderly 66 plained nocturnal death syn- Tofranil. See imipramine
induced disorders of the exercise and 212 drome tolerance 26, 126, 142, 236,
sleep-wake schedule 233. in pregnancy 174 Sunday night insomnia 28, 237, 247
See also circadian rhythm sleep enuresis in 207 242 tongue retaining device (TRD)
sleep disorders sleep terrors in 227 sundown syndrome 8, 56, 66 159, 168, 233
somatostatin 210 stage two sleep 224, 235 suprachiasmatic nucleus tonic-conic epilepsy 25, 36,
Sominex Original Formula bruxism in 201 (SCN) xxx, 71, 96, 127, 195, 218
Nighttime Sleep Aid 160 in elderly 66 162, 170, 242 tonsillectomy 155, 158, 243,
Sommer, Wilhelm xxiv increased 122 surgery and sleep disorders 247–248
somnambulism. See sleepwalk- K-complex during 115 242–243 torsion dystonia 41
ing nocturnal paroxysmal dys- swallowing, abnormal 215 total recording time (TRT)
somniferous 233 tonia in 148 sweating 209, 227, 243 248
somniloquy. See sleep talking panic episode in 163 SWS. See slow wave sleep total sleep episode 248
somnoendoscopy 71, 233 sleep mentation in 212 Sydenham, Thomas xx total sleep time (TST) 248
somnofluoroscopy 233–234 sleep talking in 226 Symonds, Chalres 147 in adolescents 149, 158
somnolence 234 Stahl, George xx synchronized sleep 243 in adults 149, 158
somnologist 234 Stanford Sleepiness Scale systemic desensitization 243 benzodiazepines and 31,
somnology 234 (SSS) 10, 74, 235–236 32
somnoplasty 233, 234, 252 status cataplecticus 38, 135, in children 157–158
Somnus 234 236 T decreased 179
Sonata 95 Stephan, F.K. xxx tachycardia 38, 155, 254 extension of 110
soporific 234 Stevenson, Robert Louis 64 tachypnea 220 of infants 101, 149, 157
SOREMP. See sleep onset REM stimulant-dependent sleep dis- Takahashi, Kiyohisa 89 insufficient 120
period order 197, 236–237, 238 Takahashi, Yasuro 89 in pregnancy 174
sphincter training exercises stimulant medications 10, 15, Tartini, Guiseppe 64 reduced 80
208 36, 46, 124, 126, 137, teeth, grinding 35, 69, 201 toxin-induced sleep disorder
Spielman, Arthur xxxii 164–165, 184, 190, 236, Tegretol. See carbamazepine 248
spindle. See sleep spindles 237–239 temazepam 30, 31–32, 94 trace alternant 248
spindle coma 47 stimulus control therapy 60, temperature tracheostomy 49, 117, 123,
SPS. See sleep-promoting sub- 73, 179, 239 body. See body tempera- 153, 156, 158, 243,
stance Stokes, William 42 ture 248–249, 252
SRO. See Sleep Research strain gauge 170, 239–240 environment 245 tracheotomy xxxii
Online stress 240 temporal isolation 57, 110, tranquilizers 249
SRS. See Sleep Research Soci- stridor 219–220 244 transient insomnia xxxv, 31,
ety strychine 15 temporal lobe seizures 195 107, 249. See also adjustment
SRS Distinguished Scientist stupor 240, 240, 251 tension headaches 219 sleep disorder
Award 234 subclinical electrical status terminal insomnia. See early TRD. See tongue retaining
SRS Young Investigator Award epilepticus (SESE). See elec- morning arousal device
234–235 trical status epilepticus of terrifying hypnagogic halluci- Treacher Collins syndrome
SSC. See Canadian Sleep Soci- sleep nations 63, 91, 244–245 50–51
ety subjective DIMS complaint Thales xv triazolam 30, 32, 68, 94, 191,
SSRS. See Scandinavian Sleep without objective findings. theobromine 190 229
Research Society See sleep state misperception theophylline 190 triclofos 94
SSS. See Stanford Sleepiness submucous resection 140 Therasnore 158–159 tricyclic antidepressants 15,
Scale subvigilance syndrome. See theriac xix 16, 88, 93, 108, 131, 144,
stage A sleep 235 subwakefulness syndrome thermistor 20, 172, 245 162, 163, 167, 185, 188,
stage B sleep 235 subwakefulness syndrome thermoregulation 245–246 196, 203, 221, 227, 236,
stage C sleep 235 205, 240 theta activity 69, 194, 246 249. See also specific antide-
stage D sleep 235 sucrose lysis test 165 theta coma 47 pressant
stage E sleep 235 sudden infant death syndrome thioridazine 142 Tripp, Peter 202, 249
stage four sleep 52, 54, 225, (SIDS) 7, 50, 51, 102, 204, Thorpy, Michael 111, 138 TRT. See total recording time
235 240–241 thrombosis 165 trypanosomiasis. See sleeping
age and 149 apnea of prematurity and thyroid gland xxiv–xxv sickness
depression and 131 21, 103 thyroid hormone tryptophan. See L-tryptophan
in elderly 66 central sleep apnea syn- deficiency in 91, 96–97 TST. See total sleep time
exercise and 212 drome and 40 excessive production of tuberomammillary nucleus
in pregnancy 174 in premature infants 175 91 (TMN) 129
sleep enuresis in 207 prevalence of 241 tidal volume 43, 71, 174, 246 tumescence 249. See also erec-
sleep terrors in 227 thermoregulation and 246 time zone change (jet lag) tions during sleep
stage one sleep 66, 70, 76, sudden unexplained nocturnal syndrome xxxii, 9, 22, 31, twitch 249–250
224, 235 death syndrome (SUND) 53, 74, 106, 114, 120, Tylenol PM 160
stage three sleep 52, 54, 23, 217, 241–242 246–247 type-1 oscillator. See endoge-
224–225, 235 sulfonal xxv TMN. See tuberomammillary nous circadian pacemaker
age and 149 Sullivan, Colin xxxi, 49, 168 nucleus tyramine 130
314 The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders

U vasointestinal polypeptide VPCs. See ventricular prema- X

UARS. See upper airway resist- (VIP) 253 ture complexes Xanax. See Alprazolam
ance syndrome velo-cardio-facial syndrome xanthines 126
ulcer 165–166, 219 51 X-oscillator. See endogenous
ultradian rhythm 192, 251 velopharynx 167 circadian pacemaker
unconsciousness 251 venlafaxine 18 W X-rays xxvi, 41
ventilation 253. See also Wadd, William xxvi
Unisom 160
hypoventilation; sleep- wakefulness 256
UPP. See uvulopalatopharyn-
related breathing disorders acetylcholine and 3 Y
upper airway obstruction 5, assessment of 101 beta rhythm and 33 yawning 259
123, 216, 251–252. See also assisted 157, 171. See also drowsiness and 64 Yin-Yang symbol xiv
obstructive sleep apnea syn- continuous positive in infants 101 Yoss, Robert 238
drome airway pressure interaction of sleep and Yu Hsiung xiv
endoscopy in 71 neuromuscular diseases xxxiii, xxxv–xxxvi
evaluation of 101 and 142 maintenance of 23–24
in infants 102 ventricular arrhythmias 23, wake time 73, 256 Z
micrognathia and 128 155, 241, 253–254 “waking center” xxviii zaleplon 95
ventricular premature com- Waldeyer, Heinrich xxiii Zappert, Julius 87, 114
nasal congestion and 139
plexes (VPCs) 254 warm baths 244, 256 zeitgeber 72
plethysmography of 170
ventrolateral preoptic nucleus Wearley, Lorraine 141 zimelidine 196
position of tongue and
254 Webb, Wilse B. 256 Zoloft. See sertraline
vertex sharp transients 254 Weesner, K. 86 zolpidem 94, 95, 108
prevention of 125
vertex sharp wave 254 weight 256–257. See also obe- zopiclone 95
snoring and 232
Viagra 100 sity Zucker, Irving xxx
thermoregulation and 246
vigilance 255. See also alert- weight loss 153–154
treatment of 90 Zwilling, George 198
upper airway resistance syn- Weitzman, Elliot D. xxx,
vigilance testing 74, 255
drome (UARS) 252 xxxii, 51, 53, 244, 257
viloxazine 137
urethane xxv Wells, William Hughes xxvi
VIP. See vasointestinal
uvulopalatopharyngoplasty Westphal, Carl Friedrich Otto
(UPP) xxxi, 49, 79, 123, visual analogue scale (VAS) xxvi
140, 155, 168, 233, 243, 255 wet dream 63, 147, 221
247, 252 vitalism xxi Wever, Kurt xxx
uvulopalatoplasty, laser 119, vitamin A deficiency 142–143 White, David P. 257
233, 243, 252 Vivactil. See protriptyline Wilkinson auditory vigilance
Vivarin Alertness Aid Tablets testing 257
160 Willis, Thomas xx
V Vogel, Gerald xxxi Withering, William xxi
Valium. See diazepam Voit, Carl xxiv women. See female(s)
Van Helmont, Jan Baptista xx Von Economo, Constantin World Federation of Sleep
VAS. See visual analogue scale xxviii–xxix, 70, 96, 215 Research Societies 257
vascular theories of sleep Von Haller, Albrecht xxi, wrist activity monitors 4
xxii–xxiii xxii–xxiii Wyzinkski, Peter W. 84, 184

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