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Hydrosil works heavily with industrial water filtration.

Industrial water

filtration typically begins with removal of suspended solids with the use of

a sand filter or bag filter. The next step toward clean water is removing

harmful contaminants (volatile organic compounds, heavy metals,

oil/grease, etc.). Hydrosil provides media to remove contaminants which

affect product quality, state water discharge limits, and performance of

industrial equipment.

Hydrosil has a wide range of filtration medias available to remove

cationic and anionic species. Based on water analyses provided to

Hydrosil—Hydrosil will deliver you the best filtration solution. To meet

every pollutant problem Hydrosil manufactures customized blends.

Hydrosil is a global manufacturer and supplier of organoclay also

known as organophilic clays. Organophilic clays which reject

adsorption of water, but will successfully remove cations, anions, and

oily liquids. Organophilic materials are important in the use of drilling,

industrial, and wastewater treatment. The Organoclay Series is a

modified clay that has a large surface area and has natural

hydrophobic characteristics.

Granular Activated Carbon:

Hydrosil is a global manufacturer and supplier of granular activated

carbon (GAC). Activated carbon is derived from a variety of raw

materials such as coconut, wood, coal (bituminous, anthracite, sub-

bituminous, and lignite), peat, and bamboo. Each raw material has

unique properties which effect the resulting pore structure, carbon

content, and ash content, which are important characteristics when

removing a contaminant of concern.

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