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a matter of life and death: cuestión de vida dosage: dosis

o muerte
drowsy: adormilado/a
adjust: ajustar
feast on: darse un banquete de
adjustment: ajuste; cambio
gain weight: ganar peso
allergic: alérgico/a
go beyond: ir más allá de
boost: aumentar
incurable: incurable
break out: escaparse
life-threatening: potencialmente mortal
call off: cancelar
livelihood: sustento
carry out: llevar a cabo
maintain: conservar
cheer up: animar
on the verge of: a punto de
come down with: coger
out of breath: sin aliento
crash diet: dieta de choque
out of shape: en baja forma
disorder: trastorno
overcome: recuperarse de

Out of breath:



Don’t let people:

Lifestyle changes:

Suffer from:


Out of breath:



It’s all in your head:

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