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f : fie Page 2 of 4 The header height control (HHC) will not function, unless the header height sensors are / configured correctly for the 10 volt Bosch HHC system (see the 800C Series draper header operator's manual for instructions on configuring the sensors). NOTE: Header lift capacity on CR900/CX800 Series combines is significantly less than newer series CX/CR combines. Installation of 800C headers larger than 35ft is not recommended, due to issues with lifting capacity and HHC performance. Due to the software development for the CR900/CX800 series combines being “frozen”, and the-fact that the header was not officially designed to run on this prior series combine, expect to see the following issues with the header swap functions. “if eaybped, the header transport function will not work, due to necessary safety inteflocks that are built into the software, that are not available for the CR900/CX800 sefies combines. * Due to differences in wiring, plumbing, and software, the header fore / aft tit function will not work without modification. To correctly operate the tilt function on the header, you will need to wire in an additional switch, and run this switched 12 volt power out to the tilt valve block on the header. Power for this function will go out of pin 20 on connectorX032 . Remove the pin (if there is one) out of pin 20, on the combine side of connectorX032 . Run the 12V switched power supply down to this pin. After running the 12V switched power supply down to connectorX032 , the swap function should work as follows: Flip the switch to run the 12V switched power down to pin 20 on connectorX032 Use the reel up and down buttons to tilt the header fore/aft. After getting the header set where desired, flip the 12v power switch back off and the reel up and down buttons will again operate the ree! up / down function ué to differences in wiring, plumbing, and software, the in cab floatation adjustment ‘equipped) will not work without modification. To correctly operate the in cab adjustment on the header, you will need to wire in a second additional ( and run this switched 12 vott power out to the floatation valve block on the Power for this function will go out of pin 10 on connectorX032 . Remove the re is one) out of pin 10, on the combine side of connectorX032 . Run the 12V wer supply down to this pin. After running the 12V switched power supply iown to coNgectorX032 , the swap function should work as follows: Flip the switch to run the 12V switched power down to pin 10 on connectorx032 https://tidb.cnh.comv/etimonline/ O78

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