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The Bet: Hindsight

If I would be in the lawyer’s position, I would have been hasty and foolish at first and but still would not
have probably taken the bet. 15 years is a long time; I would have taken the bet for 1 year. Given that
this bet happens at a young age, I would have failed to realize which is worse; life imprisonment or
capital punishment. Things would have been different, although, if I was a few years older. I wouldn’t
have gone through with it if someone depended on me financially; perhaps a wife, children or some

The decision to stay in the prison at a young age would be a very bad idea for me as I would be missing
out on so much happening in the outside world. My studies wouldn’t have continued which meant I
would have trouble getting a good and sensible job in the future. Secondly, I wouldn’t have time to find
a life-partner for myself which meant me ending up alone having wine and smoking in the backyard.
Most importantly, the golden years of people’s lives are in their 20s. There is all the fun and adventure,
hanging out with friends, meeting new people, going to parties and going on trips with your friends.

As an optimistic person, I strongly adhere to the opinion that money is not everything in a person’s life.
As long as you have enough money to fulfil your basic needs and commodities, your life should be in
peace. Having more money never becomes enough and there is always greed for more. Having to spend
even a single year in the prison having no contact with anyone and not being able to go out for even a
second would have made me really paranoid.

Name: Muhammad Asad Anwar Alavi

ERP: 24597

Class: 5385

Date: 18th November, 2021

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