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_ eh. by, ; WA ue 5 ie TLS ORACLE U.S. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC i Daa Vie, OUR ACRE AE by Jody Bergsma Copyright © 2018 USS. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. All rights reserved, The illustrations, cover desig, and contents are protected by copyright No part of this booklet may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from che publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote briet passages in con. nection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper or website 109876543 Published by ULS. GAMES SYSTEMS, INC. 179 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT-06902 USA Made in China “The power and ways are given to us to be passed onto others... We get more by giving them away, and if we do not give them away, we lose them.” Fools Crow, Ceremonial Chief of the Teton Sioux 1890-1989, Acknowledgements Special thanks to my first Native teacher Grey Wolf who shared with me the secrets of the sweat lodge, medicine pipe and Native rituals. Old Chinese “Chung Fu,” who introduced me to the wisdom of the Tao, which taught, “Everything you need to know you can learn from observ Ing ature.” ‘Thanks to Tara McKee for her understanding of animal otems and help with editing and graphics AA special thanks goes to my daughter Lily Sky Rockenbach, ‘who also contributed greatly to the creation of this deck Introduction Animal Medicine, Animal Totems, and Animal Mascots have had cultural significance throughout our history: Eu ropeans adopted animals as tribal symbols that were later incorporated into crests for nations. China has an animal associated with every birthday. The Romans celebrated the cagle asthe symbol for an empire, Our ancestors observed the appearance of animals as omens and signs. Shamans and mystics rely on sprit animal helpers. Native ‘Americans have vision quests to discover their personal animal totem. School sports teams choose animal mascots. Ieis no wonder that the interest in animals as emblems and how they relate tous still persists. Animals as symbols live in our deepest memory Thave acquired many inspirations for this deck from my ppetsonal life. As a child, | was blessed with vivid dreams of animals. My mother asked me to draw them. It was my 4 first step toward life as a mystic artist. My curiosity about ‘what it all meant was unquenchable. I looked to books (on shamanism for animal insights and finally discovered animals as tosems Come with me on a journey into the world of animals and their teachings, This isa path that will enliven your intuition, open the door to your personal power, and strengthen your relationship with the earth ‘What is an Animal Totem? ‘The word totem refers to a natural object or animal be lieved by a particular society or person to have spiritual significance and power. We are all connected to the “All ‘That Is" and some of those connections are animal souls Across the web of life animal guardians reach out to ive us guidance in time of need. Pay attention to your creature encounters and ask the question, “What wisdom does this animal bring today?” For some of us the animal appears in dreams, for others there is a strong attraction to an image, while others experience a physical rendez vous. Whatever way an animal soul appears to you is valid and every encounter is an omen with a story to tell, The challenge is to figure out what that story is and what it means to you. ‘What is your animal totem? Do you know already? Would ‘you like to figure it out? Do you have more than one to- tem? Working with your totem is a way of connecting with nature's wisdom and your own intuition. By observing an animal's environment, social patterns, skills and behaviors and relating those attributes to our own lives, we create a bridge to our own inner teacher Sayings like, “clever asa fox,” “strong as an ox” or “flerce asa tiger” are an introduction to animal wisdom. Spirit ofthe Animals seeks to expand this simple concept and facilcate a deeper under: standing of the mystery that is animal medicine Preparing Your Cards For a Reading 1 always suggest that you approach animal wisdom with reverence. Before you begin to work with the deck, take a moment to quiet your mind and turn within, Ask for guid- ance. Light a candle and create a sacred space, Place the ‘ards in your hands and ask the question, “What wisdom do the animals have for me today?” Start with al the cards upright in the deck and then shuflle them. Place the cards face dawn across the surface in front of you and spread them out, Pick the ones that speak to you and turn them over. Contemplate the affirmation the card brings to your personal situation and look within to see how it applies. For more details, look up the animal in this Spirit ofthe Awinals guidebook. They are presented in alphabetical order. Ifa card is pulled upside down refer to the contrary comments to discover actions that can be taken to harmonize your situation. The single card reading is the simplest use of this deck and can be repeated daily, Contrary Cards ‘When the card chosen is upside down itis called contrary It is sometimes a warning. You can look up the contrary statement in this guidebook under each animal’s name for action suggestions card in the deck with no animal on the face. Itis included so that you can have an alternate choice for a totem. If you pull this card, take a moment and close your eves Envision the animal and ask, “Whar message do you have for me2” Let the answers come to you through the animal’s traits and your intuition, Multiple Card Readings Another simple reading is the two-eard “Yin Yang” spread. Prepare the cards. Ask the question. “Where do I need to.create more balance in my life?” Pick two cards, one with your left hand and one with your right. Turn them ‘over. The left hand is your female, receiving, feeling, relationship self. The right is male, mental, doing, warrior self. These two cards will work in tandem to shed light on attributes that will help center your energy. The feminine side receives and the masculine side acts and moves. Ask these two energies to speak to you and illuminate when to sive more and when to receive. Both are needed ‘This simple layout is enlivening your intuition and helping, it grow. Whatever you feel, sense, hear or see is important. Let the answers flow up from your own inner sage. Another two-card spread works with the question, “Who walks with me” Pick two cards and let the spirit essence of both of these animals walk with you throughout your day. Affirm, “am never alone for my helpers are by my side.” Keep their cards and affirmations on your altar until vyou draw again, The Medicine Wheel Spread The Medicine Wheel Spread is a five-card layout hon: coring the four cardinal directions and che Spirit withia. Prepare yourself and ask the question, “What is my situation and who are my totem helpers?” The cards will be placed east, south, west, north and within, Turn them over and place the first card you pick in the east. All cards in your layout inter: act with and influence the others, Your intuition will be stretched even further. Let images and answers rise initially and then for more clari fication refer to the details in the book. Note, the upside down cards are read in context of their contrary meaning, Eastis for new beginnings. What isthe spiritual seed? How can you help it grow? Who is here o help you a create your dream? What energy is with you at this begin ning. and what does it ask you to do? The south card is for the creator energy within, What action should be followed? What do you need to do now? Who helps you ‘The west card is for your inner emotional life and intu ition. What strength do you need for your soul? Who will give you courage in the face of emotional challenges? ‘The north card is for your wisdom teacher. What do you need to learn and to succeed? How are you evolving? Where will you go? ‘The last card is for the center. What inner power stands with you? What do you need more of What do you need to avoid fora best outcome? Power Animals Spread The last layout thae I suggest is the nine-card Power Animals Spread, which reveals what animal totems you carry with you through life. These creatures will represent a field of gifts, tendencies, talents and attributes. The cards around you create an octahedron, You stand in the middle. The seven directions are to the right, let, before, behind, above, below and within. The last two cards are the animal guides who walk with you, You can use the pull-out spread sheet for this reading Prepare yourself within a sacred space and lay out the four directions. Sit in the middle and face the orth, Shutfie the cards, sic with them and reverently ask your totem animals to reveal themselves to you. Spread the cards in a 9 wide circle around you. Ask your animal guides to direct your hands to their cards, The first card you will place to the east, which is on your right side. The next will be the south and itis behind you. The third card place is the west on the left, and the fourth card place is before you in the north. The fifth card is the energy above you, sixth is below and seventh is within, Place them in front of you ‘The last two are beside you, representing the animal for your right and left sides. Pull the eighth card for the right side and the ninth card for the left. If you pull a blank card ‘within your nine animal totems ask your intuition what the blank card represents to you. It may be an animal that [have not included in the cards. In this reading acknowl cedge all cards as upright. Al of the animals in your spread are your nine totem ani mals. Write them down in your book. Let your judgments fall aside and look to the deeper beauty and significance of each of your helpers. Trust the wisdom of your reading and look at the traits and gifts cach totem brings to you and how they relate to one another. Nature isa very wise teacher and asks that you participate in finding a wisdom way through observation and contemplation. Different animals from your totem lodge will come forward strongly during times of need. Invoke their strengths and know shat they will come, There are many other ways to use these cards for per- sonal divination. Use your intuition and go where Spirit leads you Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, ‘my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my Sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious Sun. Lota Prayer Bees are honored as a good omen for success and a pow- erful symbol for Royal Families throughout the world Life in the hive represents the harmonious kingdom. Bees characterize meaningiul communal activity, hard work and diligence. Bee can be a great friend but misfortune will come to those who harm the hive. Their stingers are always ready to protect, All bees are pollinators and they are considered to be the most useful insect in nature. They are productive, focused, and do not get sidetracked from their goals, Bee reminds us that joy, purpose and “the sweetness in life” ean be found in cooperative work for bettering the world. Because of Bee's many industrious traits they represent good fortune in business matters. Adopt Bee as your per sonal symbol for a never-ending creation of abundance. If Bee is your totem you are on a “beeline” to success. Like the mysterious bee in fight, you will accomplish what others cannot. Your “Busy as a ee” nature brings unfai ing energy, robust health, and longevity, Embrace the bee’ life secret. Be productive while the sun shines, be ‘come fully engaged in your creative endeavors and enjoy the flowers. Do these and all good things will be yours. Contrary + Do you need to focus your efforts to create more success? + Do you have a “bee in your bonnet” and need fresh air for your mind? + Beware of those bear people who would try and steal your sweetness! 4+ Be more industrious, 15 Bison “Buffalo” Indomitable Sprit, Endurance, Survival, Stength, Abundance, Virly, Prosperity, Prayer The North American Bison, often called Buffalo, was the ruler of the American Plains. Bison represented the abundant lif, the will to survive and the ability to adapt. Native Americans relied on them for the blessings of ample food, shelter and warmth, They considered all bison sacred. If Bison comes to you, i signifies that you are walking in harmony with Mother Earth Call upon Buffalo for guidance and you will feel a great force rising within you. You can align with a surge from nature that will empower you ‘The White Buffalo was most sacred of all. She brought the peace pipe and visible prayer to the people. Ifyou area Bison person you will feel called to connect to the Great Spirit in prayer. From this deeper place all blessings and gilts will flow Bison invites you to discover your own sacred way, create your own ceremonies, and write your own prayers. The great mystery is right beside you, just open the door and walk through, White Buffalo is waiting, Contrary + Have you forgotten to be thankful forall of your blessings? * Have you lost connection to earth? + Have you forgotten how to pray and connect to the Great Spirit? ° Be grateful, Return to prayer. 7 ‘The Black Bear isthe consummate mother. She cares for her offspring with devotion. Woe to the one who gets between a mother bear and her cubs, her honey or her ideals. Huge power can roar in Bear and demands our respect. Their calm, gentle demeanor with their young is juxtaposed by explosive, primal, warrior ferocity. This is the dual nature of Black Bear, Bears hibernate in the winter and when they reappear in the spring they are renewed with energy and wisdom, They are revered for being shamanic messengers from spirit and dreamtime. IF you are a Black Bear person you have a formidable, dynamic totem that will give you the ‘map to survival and thriving. Bear brings vou fearless power, hidden strength and access to your dreams and in- tuition, This dualism of yin and yang, within and without, calm and ferocious is the balance and confidence Black Bear can bring. Contrary 4 Are you quick to anger and lose your temper too often? * Has your ruthless side unbalanced your peace? You need time in nature, + Have you lost your connection to your intuition? * Return to harmony with meditation and rest. Black Jaguar “Panther” Mystery, Cha Passion, Strength, Stealth, sna, Power, Prophet, Protection ‘cal, Grace, Rebirth, Reyal TAO SECA ee aaa LA Perea eee et seem er eesee le be Focus on what you really want. If the Black Jaguar is your power totem you are blessed. witha fierce guardian. Iti a spirit imbued with courage, ‘grace, valor and power. Panther is a symbol for the dark moon and all the things we can and must see beyond our carthly vision. Black Jaguar is the poet, prophet, protector and artist. They are associated with Old Souls and those who “know” Jaguars are always happy to be alone and they are never afraid. This fearlessness comes from know- ing what lies beyond the veil and that life san illusion hiding in an eternal truth of life everlasting. If you are ever lonely, frightened or lost, call upon the spirit of the Jaguar for company and direction. If Jaguar is, ‘your totem, she/he will be there for life’s changes, growth and discovery. Panther teaches that struggle, suffering and endings push us to become the persons we were born to be. Do not resist this gift. A new life awaits the brave souls who are willing to face the dark night of the soul wake up with the dawn and walk gracefully into a new world. Panther will be by your side. Contrary 4 Find guidance from your own inner light, # Drop old anger to let new blessings flow. + Don’t let your raw passion get you into trouble. Take time alone to renew your power. Butterfly [New Beginnings, Higher Plaves, Rebirth, Transformation, Prosperity, Personal Growth, Bliss, Love, Grace IF Butcerfly has uttered into your awareness know that change is in the air. If you see Butterfly in your garden expect new opportunities for prosperity and friendship. Butterflies bring beauty and color to life but it doesn’t always start that way. Butterfly asks us to be patient with ‘ourselves and to consider life's chapters, which are cater pillar, cocoon, emerging and fight, For Butterfly people the stages of beginning, strugee, birthing, and comple- tion must be viewed as one cycle of experience. This is Butterily’s law of progression. Relate this law to your daily activities and have faith in your future. Results will show in time. Butterfly people remember that change is good, a new day will soon be birthed and that endings are also a beginning IF Buttery is your totem you have grace, eloquence and understanding. Everyone is blessed by your beauty and indomitable faith in goodness. You love the garden and flowers are your friends. You understand that happiness is {ound in simple things. Know that you were born to fly and that you will have many glorious days in the sun Contrary * Have you been acting like a “social butterfly2” Is ie time to get real on relationships? * Are you stuck in your cocoon? * Have you lost connection to the nectar of life, which is happiness? © Do not resist change. 23 Cat Curious, Confident, Clever Elegant, Affection, Indepevdent, Inuit, ‘Mysterious, Selective, Subematural, Stoic, Many Lives AV ean e a Cats are unpredictable, independent and mysterious crea tures. They love the night. Cat people are highly selective when they choose friends and would be advised to guard against being so picky they become reclusive, Cat as totem brings psychic gifts and creativity. Cats are in con stant communication with Spirit and bridge the world of the seen and unseen. Who has not witnessed a cat looking around an empty room as though following a ghost? They will shuffie away from unsavory situations and step away from problems. If you area cat person pay close attention to the felines in your life. Reach out with your questioning mind and ask them to share their secrets, Listen to the intuition they share. Watch their body language. Learn the subtleties. Cats are healers. They lve in the now. They are natural yogis, Place them on your lap and pet them. Their counter- clockwise energy rotation will mingle with your clockwise spin and neutralize negative energy and set the world right Cats your totem you are blessed with many lives and many chances. Remember that your supernatural insights will guide you, Pamper yoursell ike the cat and remember how good itis to just be your content self. Contrary ¢ Have you become isolated because of being too selective? + Has laziness made you forget your zest for living? # Have life's challenges got you up a tree? + Don’t let the dogs bug you. 25 Cougar “Puma” Gameufage, Cuming, C roation, Competin of ( Silence, Sefussun Agility, Action, The noble Cougar, also called Mountain Lion or Puma, is a totem of courage and confidence. Cougar is a formidable protector who will tach you to observe from the shadows and see the truth in silence. Your intuition, hunches and knowing will be enhanced by your Cougar totem. You will sense threats and avoid them. You are capable of see ing and securing sanctuary and abundance. Cougar people are often leaders with keen and decisive minds, You know how to inspire others, complete tasks and set new goals. You may not be close to a lot of people but you are a great ‘encourager and loving friend to your inner circle, If Cougar is new to your life it means you are coming into ‘your power, It could also mean itis time to “Take a leap of faith” and to go for your desires. Opportunities are at hand ‘With Cougar by your side you will know better how to set, boundaries and protect your precious energy and time so you can pay attention to what really matters. With power- ful Puma you will have grace, passion and purpose. Contrary + Have you been losing your temper and lashing out? You need time alone. ¢ Are you leaving things unfinished? ¢ Are you spending enough nature time to regenerate your strength Refocus and try again. Coyote Suroial, Sth, Ingenuity, Cnng, Tks Escape from Traps, Wise Fol, Play, Tchr, Tawsformation, Wisdam Among Native American cultures Coyote has been ealled the “Trickster” or the “Wise and Foolish One.” We have all been the fool and we have all been tricked, but it’s all part of lfe, We make mistakes, fall down, suffer bad choices, yet lear from them all. The person that can learn will survive and thrive. Coyote teaches us to play and celebrate life daily. Coyote asks us to laugh, especially at ourselves, and not take life too seriously. Coyote medicine is associated with youthful energy childlike wisdom and lifelong learning. Coyote people are asked to be students of life Coyote wisdom is seldom delivered directly but comes from the “Long and Winding Roae.” Yes we will ail, be fooled, be deceived and worse. We may fall down seven times but get up eight and win. If Coyote is your totem animal you will be assured of success if you learn from mistakes and never give up. To laugh, adapt, transform and thrive is the heart of Coyote medicine Contrary * Have you been taking life coo seriously and lost your childlike joy? * Are you learning from your mistakes or are you caught in the same old trap? 4+ Is someone trying to deceive you? # Don’t be tricked, 29 Deer DEER + LOVE Deer are watehfl and wary. This vigilance helps them remain safe. Deer love a new path, adventure and lots of variety. Just watch them nibble through a garden, They love to taste all of life. Deer people are refined, loving and sraceful. IF Decr is your totem you instinctively know the benefits of plants and herbs. Plant knowledge along with sgzentle compassion is essential to your healing nature. You might sometimes feel victimized because others take advantage of your kindness and generosity If this happens, retake control by invoking the eneray of Stag, which demands respect and sets strong territorial bound- aries. Deer people naturally know who their enemies are and will artfully steer clear of them. Ifa Deer person is ‘your friend, pay attention to their intuitive advice, Deer are hard to fool. Let the natural harmony of Deer create a zgentle peace for your world, Contrary 4+ Have you forgotten your need fora safe haven? # Are you bounding ahead of yourself Slow down + Is your digestion affected by too many foods? Eat simply. # Set boundaries and do not allow abuse 3 Dog Friendship, Proton, Dis When we think of the word “Dog” its often followed by the term “best friend.” Dog people are some of the best ‘companions any of us can have. Those with Dog as totem have a tremendous capacity to love. Dog people are often found helping others and serving humanity. They have an uncanny ability to know the character of others, sniff out problems and sense the truth, Dogs have acute hearing This gift helps alert others to impending danger. IFDog is your totem you are a protector, friend and playmate. When you don’t like someone you are very vocal about it. You easily forgive the shortcomings of the ‘human family. You are brave in the face of danger, Dou people have a very kind anc! loyal nature that can be taken advantage of, Watch out for this and remember to love and protect yourself as well. With Dog as totem you may be drawn toa life of service and will be devoted to your friends and your worthy mission, Contrary + Have you forgotten to be your own best friend and take care of yourself? + Are others taking advantage of your generous nature, You can say ‘n0.” ¢ Have you been barking too much? You can play more. + Don’t let others abuse your loyalty 33 Dolphin Plafl Sociable, Cros, Communicator, Fredom Music, Hen Beth Joy. Lv Fly, Tras, Wisk, Peace If Dolphin is your totem you can be sure that a deeper reality awaits you. Dolphin helps you dive into hidden secrets and will teach you the sacred breath of life Dolphin people are natural healers through the strength of their love, endless joy and primordial sounds. Dolphin is the master of the power of breath. They ask us to med- itate with long, slow controlled breathing. This practice will energize every cell in your body and mind. Learn to breathe like the Dolphin and they will take you to new dimensions of consciousness, Tension and stress will drop away and playfulness will emerge. Dolphin represents gentle, friendly power unless endan gered, IF you have Dolphin medicine it is good to note the strength they gain from their pod. They know a shark when they see one and will gather to protect their group, Dolphins are messengers from Spiric and if you listen they will bring you guidance, healing: and opportunities. Be like Dolphin, go with che flow and live in love, laughter and joy. Contrary + Are you forgetting to breathe? + Do you feel tense and out of balance? You need to play. * Has negativity blocked your inner sonar? Love will open your gifts * Breathe deep and let wory wo. as Dragon Mase ofthe Eanes, Stength, Ra Good Luck, Wisdom, Achievement. Success, Confidence, Old Sou, Life Fo LOAM ELLEN ALLL aA 36 Dragon is a mysterious, powerful and dynamic totem. [tis the shamans’ and magicians’ wisest ally. Dragons are pure conscious energy and can shapeshift at will All four ele- ments have Dragons. Air Dragons control intellect, reason and illumination. Fire Dragons harness creativity, passion and mastery. Water Dragons are depth, insight and intu- ition, Earth Dragons rule wealth, riches and manifestation. HH you are drawn to Dragon you are called to step into your highest potential, You can lift yourself up from mun- dane struggles and become liberated from the common life, Ate you ready? The winged dragon is symbolic of transcendence, freedom and higher consciousness. It isa symbol for emperors and kings If Dragon is your totem, you are marked for power, Use it well. A purposeful life is your great treasure. Your wings are your breath, your body the earth, the water your blood and the fire is your eternal spirit. Let your life rise from the ordinary to become the extraordinary. Contrary # Are you “roaring” around + Have you misused your power? + Have you been hiding in your eave too long? * Do not be too reclusive 37 Dragonfly Prosperity, Parity, Good Lack Omens, Change, Teansforation Mesa Nati Spr cin Wison Dragontly isan ancient creature; it is estimated that they have been on the planet for millions of years. They are gifted survivors. Their brilliant colors come only with maturity. This i 2 core truth oftheir wisdom. Growth, enlightenment and your best self comes with time, Drag conily asks us to be patient with ourselves and the process. Ther ist two years are spent in the water as nymph. In late spring they craw! to land, dry themselves off and take to the air. The last stage oftheir life is stunningly short Dragonily people are urged to seize the brillant moment while they can |f Dragonfly comes fluttering into your awareness know that messages, change and opportunity are on the wind Perhaps a loved one wha is now spit i reaching out. Nature spirits and magic are always near Dragonity people. Pay attention to omens. If Dragonfly is your totem you have the power to continually transform into something better and more brilliant. You will always have everything you need to prosper. If you ever feel static, call upon the energy of Dragonfly to help change the situation and lift you to a brighter and more beautiful world. Contrary + Are you stuck in the swamp of the past? Rise above it. + Are you disconnected from the brilliance of your inner light? Look within, + Be reminded life is too short to be anything but happy. * Drop your burdens. Let go and fly. 39 Eagle Inge Pow, Victory Vio Ring Aa Protectan, Win Wrath, Sees Stet Soarg prin, Deena St ‘The Eagle as totem appears to those who have begun their spiritual journey to mastery and personal illumination. To have this majestic bird fly into your life isa portend ‘of protection and guidance. Eagle medicine allows one to have the gift of keen sight, knowing and a greater per spective. Eagle is said to carry prayers and requests to the Great Spirit and bring back the answers and wisdom that are needed. Eagle people know how to ride the wind and take advantage of opportunities in the uplifting currents of life. Engle people travel freely between the two worlds of earth and sky, matver and spirit IF Eagle has recently become your totem a new vision will ‘open and a new beginning emerge. You will understand situations with sharp discernment and be gifted with sight, swiftness and precision. To accept this totem is to embrace heightened spiritual growth. With Eagle as totem you will become a master of creative forces in the world and soar among the great ones. Contrary + Have you abandoned the connection to your mastery? Return to humility * Are your wings constrained by others’ expectations? Break free. 4 Tes not your nature to live earthbound. Look up, the sky awaits # Let no one bind your wings a Elephant Rayalty, Longevity, Iner Stength, Politics, Leadership, Power, Insperoious, Courage, Diseorament, Memory, Wisdom, Family Elephants are the mightiest land mammals. Nothing can stand in the way of their determination and strength. Elephant medicine helps us break down any barrier that might hold us back from success, Elephants are a symbol for good luck and prosperity. They have thick skin and litle things do not bother them. Elephant teaches us to let go of petty irritations and focus on what matters Elephants are matriarchal. Baby elephants are welcomed with squeals and tears, The entire group raises the young, Elephants live long and the females stay together for lite. Males leave the herd when they reach adulthood and ‘often form their own groups. I you are an Elephant person you are a take-charge individual. You are happy to lead. You are gregarious, and generous unless provoked to anger. If Elephant is your totem you have a fine mind and are a life-long learner. ‘Your strong sense of smell makes you very discerning. You are loyal and protective of your family and community. Call upon Elephant to enhance these traits in you, May all your friends be loyal and true. May you become the leader you were born to be. Taking charge is your natural gift and your wisdom and gentle strength will inspire everyone around you, Contrary + Are distractions making you forget things? Center yourself, + Do you need to develop a thicker skin? + How does your current situation smell? Use your nose! + Seck the truth—signs are everywhere, 43 Elk Nobility, Leadership, Warrior, Endurance, Virility, Fertility, Passion, Grace, Respect, Strength, Companionship, Blessings “4 ‘There are few animals as majestic as the mature bull elk They demand our admiration and respect. Elk medicine can help you stand tall and resolute against any situation including the mighty grizzly bear. Bull elk are protective of their families and spend most of their lives peacefully surrounded by the comfort oftheir tribe. Elk have Few en- cemies. They pace themselves to maintain their endurance. Male elk enjoy the companionship of one another, except during the fall mating season. In September and October the bulls bugle with passion and the herd spits up for breeding rituals, The elk become fiercely competitive for the right to become fathers. IF you have Elk medicine and exhibit agaressive behavior you will need to learn the wisdom of restraint and mod: eration, If Elk is your totem you will be asked to conduct your life with fairness and concern for your tribe, You are a wise leader and others look to you for inspiration. You have the strength to never give up. Listen to the Blk, the bard of nature, Their song will help ‘you remember the great power that you are and every- thing you dream will be yours Contrary + Are you being too bullheaded? * Are you losing your temper? Take a time out. * Are you replenishing yourself with rest and good food or are you driving yourself too hard Pace yourself. Life needs balance. Fox Survival, Sifts, Cunning, Camouflage, Cleverss, Wit Lover, Family, Ingenious, Night Doel, Between Words Shapeshifte, Magician 46 The beautiful fox is recognized for cleverness and cunning throughout the world. They have mastered the art of camouitlage. They have the ability to remain invisible and observe life undetected. I Fox is your power animal you “wil share these traits along with quick wit, playfulness and lamily loyalty. You will ako be a good problem solver and easily think of new inventive solutions. Fox asks you to be watchful of others and note their actions rather than their words. Fox has a strong sense of smell and sharp eye: sight. These sills alert Fox people to unpleasant and even dangerous situations. Give yourself the permission to slip away from things that don’t look, smell or fel right If Fox is your totem you have a strong intuition and discernment. You have a clever mind and are difficult to deceive. Listen to yourself more than others and stay on track. You will never be happy if you let others control you. Fox is a creature with a strong sexual presence and expression, They are great with their kits (pups) and loyal to their mates. Fox people are natural night dwellers. The dusk starts their day and dawn is its end. Fox owns the time of dreams and magic and they easily travel between the worlds, When Fox is your totem you have everything you need to live a protected, loved and magical life Contrary 4 Look out for deceivers. + Has your foxy side led you down a wrong path? 6 Be on alert for things that don’t feel right. ¢ Watch carefully and heed the omens. a Frog Prosperity, Abundance, Fry, Lack, Tansformation, Adaptable Rainmaker, Clarsing, Resurecton, Change, Night Magic Weiathanes day Uy Abundance and good fortune await you. x y ae Al fogs are born in or near a watery world and mature to live on land, Frogs experience three stages in life eng, tadpole and frog. Frog people are comfortable with change and happily transform for the better. Because of the numeroits eggs they lay, frogs are symbols for pros- perity and fertility. You will find many homes with a fro, con the doorstep. This omen is meant to bring good luck, abundance and perhaps even a baby to the house, One of the most beloved folk stores is “The Frog Prince” in which love transforms the frog into a prince. Frog is = wonderful totem for anyone who has ever felt awkward or like an outsider, Frog medicine promises that one day we will transform our shadowy emotions of unworthiness into beauty and love of self I Frog is your totem you will always be drawn to water. Be sure to leanse in a salt or mud bath when needed and don’t forget to relax. IF tensions build up just let them 20, find a new lily pad and cal in the renewing rain. The magic of Frog people is their adaptability. They give themselves permission to hop away from a bad situation and towards a happier one, Frog medicine opens the doors to good luck and abundance. Call on the magic of Frog to lead you toa better, brighter life. Contrary ¢ Have you fost your focus by jumping around too much? # Are you stuck in the muck of others” negativity? # Are you feeling “swamped Let Frog energy cleanse and renew you. + Hop away from negativity 49 Giraffe Genileness, Grace, Beauty, Charm, Higher Perspective, Vision, Fors Prion. Moth’ Love. Intion Ve ie through Vou are able to see the right path. ‘Stans tall in your self-worth and love with a fig Fear. Giraffes are the tallest land mammals. They tower far above all others and stride with grace across the savanna ‘Their long, slender necks lilt their sight so they see life from a greater perspective. Girafe often appears when we ‘need to be reminded just how grand we are and that we Ihave the potential to rise above any challenge with grace. Giraffe people are encouraged to stretch themselves as far as they can go. IF Giraffe is your totem you are a natural visionary with keen perception. You can see things that are coming long before others can. Girae people have strong bonds with ther family and friends, Because giraffe mothers share a special protective love with their offspring, this isa meaningful totem for children and mothers. Girale is very ving and often needs to set boundaries to avoid being misused. A unique girae tits jast how ite sleep and water they need to maintain themselves and their lives, This characteristic signifies their conservative use of resources Giraffes have amazing stamina and are patient, silent and wise. Giraffe isan elegant power animal that bestows on you the gifts of friendship, grace, vision and charm Contrary Did you stick your neck out too far? Have you lost your balance? + Do you need a higher perspective on a tough situation? + Do you need to put yourself first and get more sleep and water? * Reach for the truth from a greater perspective, 3 Goose Jury, Lfe Pat, Stamina, Navigation, Knowing, Bravery, Valor Family, Fidei, Loyalty, Cooperation, Commeicaon Geese are remarkable navigators and always find their ‘way. They travel thousands of miles without worry. Geese make decisions based on what is best for the entire flock Ifa goose becomes injured their mate or one of the flock ‘remains behind to provide support until death or recovery. Such loyalty is rare. Geese bind themselves emotionally to their mate, to family and the flock. When they migrate they naturally help one another by taking the lead in turns to conserve energy. Geese are not pushovers. They are very ‘aggressive when protecting their young and their nest. IF Goose is your totem you will ove the excitement of the joumey and hear the calling of far-off lands. You will forge ahead with confidence and bravery. You are comfortable with change, adventure and new horizons. Like Goose, you will always have the comfort of family and commu: nity. There will always be enough because abundance is ‘your birthright. Contrary * Are you on your own path or is it a “wild goose chase” imposed by another? + Are you feeling the call to move on or change direction? + Have you been acting like a silly goose? * Do not be distracted from your true course. 53 Grizzly Bear Paws Fe Strength, Prsevrance, Commanding, tution, samtine, Nurturing, Protetive, Recluse im Winter LAMM aa eee 54 ‘The Grizzly Bear isa tremendous totem for strength and wisdom. A person with this totem is an Old Soul with many lessons already leamed. Awakened intuition and intro- spection combine with primordial power in Grizzly people In winter, bears hibernate and birth their young while sleeping and dreaming. One of the most dedicated mothers in the wild, grizzly shows fierce protection and tenderness toward her young. Grizzly bears emerge in spring with new wisdom from the dreamtime, which gives the Grizzly person a strong link to Spirit. They are often the chosen cotem of shamans, Another obvious lesson from Grizzly is their need for time alone. Bear Mastery reaches full potential only after many lives dedicated to the inner journey, At that time, the soul bursts into the light and becomes a blessing to all who are fortunate enough to know and be loved by these incredible beings. Contrary + Are you grumpy? Don’t let a busy life steal your peace + Have you been listening to the advice from others and lost your connection to your own inner knowing? + Have you lost your dream? Travel to the dream lodge to reawaken your own greatest self. 55 Hawk Courage, Swifness, Clear Sight, Focus, Intensity, Premonition, Fidelity, Higher Purpose, Discersment, Messages from Spirit The Hawk, with its extraordinary vision and high vantage point, has the ability 10 see what others cannot, Hawks are associated with the realms of the ancient gods. Jupiter and Mercury both had Hawk as their ally. Hawk is often called “Messenger of the Gods.” To see a hawk or hear its shrill ery can be a warning to be more aware. Look to all the derails and omens to pause and reflect on what may be amiss, Hawks mate for life and the pair raises their young in a strong and secure nest. Hawks look out for family. When embroiled in family issues take fight and breathe the fresh air. Too much emotion can cloud Hawk’s clear vision, Hawk always means Spirit is at hand. Hawk people benefit from focus and sharp observation to guide them toa best outcome. They believe in a bright future because they soar above others and see the way to success in all ventures. Optimism is one of Hawk's virtues, If Hawk calls you it may be wise to spend some time studying the currents of life and follow where they lead. The wind with its power and direction will be your guide. You can ly and reach the sky. You are stronger than you think, braver than you believe and wiser than you know. Contrary + Have you lost your “bird’s eye view” and are missing the obvious? 4+ Is it time to get more focused on family or goals? + Are you listening to the Messengers of the Gods? + Or has emotion clouded your perception? 7 Heron Patience, Grace, Introspection, Watcfuess, Wary, Tat, Supreme Hate, Courage, Magnificenc,Felngs ‘Take time alone to find Balance. ‘Step confidently toward your purpose. ‘Patience wil Bring you reward. 58 Herons live in two worlds at the same time. Their feet are planted inthe watery world of intuition and their head is in the sky ofthe mind, They stand for long hours staring into the water and their own reflection. Introspection helps Heron people know themselves and understand others. They need to be careful to not let self-absorption turn into self-criticism, The Heron is usually solitary and loves the peace of quiet isolation. They can be very happy alone. Their shyness is not weakness but self-preservation, Hf you are a Heron person you are intuitive, thoughtful graceful and authentic, You are a natural philosopher and ponder the deeper meanings of existence, You are aware and watchful and these traits keep you safe, Focusing on your goals assures that all your needs will be met. Her- ‘on people know how to wait for opportunities to arrive. ‘Their patience is a virtue. Those with Heron as totem have an elegant manner that is their natural way of being, Heron people know how ta look within to find answers that can lead them to their dreams. If Heron glides into ‘your world take some quiet time in self-reflection and ask the wise Heron to help you know yourself, your strengths and the path to your purpose. Contrary + Don't let your introspection tun into selfeitcism + Don’t let your frustration with others’ inadequacies swamp your joy of living, * Have you forgotten your need for solitude and quiet? Take some time alone to find balance, 50 Horse poration, Endurance, Ambition, Power, Stamina Friendship, Luck Beauty, Accomplishests Freedom, Ta HORSE + FREEDOM Horse is humanity’s greatest partner. Horse people accomplish great things and usually go further than others think is possible, They always get the job done and have energy to spare. The Horse is the friend of the shaman and mystic and faithfully carries them to realms of power. Horse signifies the need for freedom, exploration and, discovery, Horse medicine helps break stagnant patterns and creates opportunities for new life directions. If Horse shows up on your path they may be encouraging you to strive for more freedom. Has your life become boring? Horse eneray will reconnect you to new horizons and sreener pastures. If Horse is your totem you are a lover of travel and ad- venture. You can accomplish great things and you love to serve on your own terms. Your fulfillment comes from an ever-changing landscape. You need to watch out for those who would try to fence in your brave spirit, Call upon Horse to refresh your energy, endurance and: ambition. You have gifts for the world. Hold onto Horse and ride toward your destiny. Contrary + Have you lost control of the reins of your life? Say *no” more often + Have you lost your freedom? Find it in nature ¢ Breathe in fresh air to regain your authentic self * Don’t let the desires of others fence you in 6 Hummingbird Jey, Love, Aestbtics, Beauty, Ideals, Dtcate, Agile, Miracles, Tinglessness, Postvty 2 If Hummingbird is your totem you are a person of joy and ‘you bring a smile to everyone you meet. Hummingbird takes away sorrow, worry and sadness. Hummingbird medicine teaches us to let stress and troubles go. When Hummingbird appears it isa reminder to spend time in the garden, drink from the sweet nectar of life, and flit from flower to Rower helping to propagate all that is beau: tiful. Hummingbird people are the masters of healing with herbs, flowers, colorful stones, aromatherapy and love. Ifyou have Hummingbird as totem you naturally radiate the colors of the rainbow. Your bright, cheerful presence and sweet laughter isa blessing to all you meet. You are a person who creates happy life magic, Hummingbird, cenergy is associated with accomplishing that which seems impossible. You can even fly upside down! If Humming- bird isin your life you have the ability to see the good in others and beauty wherever you go. Acceptance and love are the healing powers you offer by just being yoursel. You have a very high energy, which naturally uplifts oth- ers, but even hummingbirds need a rest. Take time with the lowers for renewal and never let others take away your joy, sparkle or positivity. Happiness is who you are Contrary + Are you feeling caged? Open the door + Have you lost your joy? Visit the garden. + Don’t let worry dull your radiance. Let i go 4+ Fly away from anything that dims your happiness. 63 Humpback Whale Peaceful, Gentle Giant, Love, Singer, Teacher, Record Keeper, Pow Beth, Pratetn, Strength, Tce Tay, Telos Humpbacks are the record keepers of the world. Whale people can connect to this ancient knowledge but often do not understand where their knowing comes from. Humpbacks are the peaceful “bards” of the sea. The males sing long, complex ballads to court the female. They often sing in unison. Their soulful songs are frequencies that release tension and heal the ocean with love. Humpback isa great totem for the musician and composer. Singing isa powerful act that links us to our eternal soul, Music unlocks hidden joy, inner knowing and healing. Humpbacks travel long distances, using sonar to find their way. Sonar can travel hundreds of miles and is like asking, a question and then waiting patiently for the answer to ccome back to you. Humpback mothers carefully tend their newborns, They gently push them to the surface to breathe and teach them the way to lve. If Humpback is your totem you have strong protective forces around you. Your telepathy and knowing are strong, You will navigate the vast ocean of life with grace and sure success. Call upon Humpback to teach you to unlock your many gifts and help you remember your history and place inthe world Contrary + Are you asking questions and listening tothe answers? Is life so noisy that you have lost the sound of your inner sonar? Find some silence * Do you need to put the world right once more? Pause, breathe deeply and return to the water. 65 Ladybug mer, Joy, Del ge, Release aA OMOEA Pere ee ee Die ce eee cece “The arrival of a ladybug is always an omen of good luck. ‘The person with a Ladybug totem is usually a lively and colorful companion. You are a bringer of joy. You are trustworthy, easygoing and happy. Ladybug people remind others to let things flow ata natural pace. Ladybug, Urges you to leave your worries behind and know that, in due time, your dreams will come true, Ladybus medicine asks you to be true to yourself and teaches you that you can never be happy living someone else’s idea of life ‘The name “Ladybug” came from its association with the Virgin Mary, Lady of Heaven. Ladybugs have often been tied to spiritual devotion and those with this torem do ‘well with daily meditation and prayer. Ladybugs have a short life cycle and reproduce many times each season. This links them to energies of renewal and abundanee. If a ladybug wanders into your life know that good luck and cheerful happiness are just around the corner Contrary * Don’t let worry ruin your happiness. + Life is short, seize the day. * Do not despair, joy is everywhere, + Don’t let others dim your colors, o Lion Confidence, Bravery, Power, Leadersbip, Majesty, Busines, Pride Patience, Enthusiasm, Rising Sun, Passion 68 Lion is symbol for royalty, mastery and power. Itis also, a strong female archetype. Lionesses do the hunting, care for the young and survive because of their cooperation. Lionesses create a carefree existence for their playful cubs. Lions are one of the few cats that ive in a community. The pride lives in the moment without care. The male Lions are charged ta be protective, passionate and possessive. Ii Lion is your totem use stealth and patience when pur suing your dreams for success. If you are a Lioness know you are responsible, a great leader and provider, You work well ina team. Some Lion people need to look out for sell-absorption and vanity. The evolved Lion person is given the task of protecting the pride and especially the young. Lion can be invoked in times of threat and are a ‘reat force against negative energies. Call upon Lion for confidence, vitality and the power to stand your ground with confidence. Contrary # Is your ego out of contol? Remember humily * Lion people need to look out for self-absorption, laz ness and vanity. + Isit time to cooperate more? Successful lions need the pride. + Let go of conflict and reclaim nobility, 6 Lizard nouflae, Regeneration, Growth, 3S Lizard is an Ancient One. They are reptiles from an older time. Their quick action and quirky maneuvers outwit and confuse their adversaries, Lizards survive Lizard is sometimes called the “tle dragon.” Lizard med icine has the power of regeneration and transformation, Lizards can shed their skin, thei tail, let go of the past and step into a positive future. Lizard people know they ‘can survive anything and heal against incredible odds, They are powerful dreamers and should pay attention to messages that come from their subconscious. You can receive warnings that will help you avoid pitfalls, IF Lizard is your totem you have the “litle dragon” with- in, Dragons are those who are free of the limitations of the past and transform into greater awareness of self and. personal power. With Lizard medicine, you can transcend injury and hardship. Lizard people re-grow and renew themselves into wholeness. Clairvoyance and extrasensory perception belong to the evolved Lizard, Contrary + Do you need to discard layers of your life? * Do you need to scurry away from something? * Do you have old wounds? Take time to bask in the sun’s healing rays. + Hurry and scurry away from worry ‘The call of the Loon stirs the soul, Their sounds evoke reverence and imagination, Loons have a complex com: munication system that is highly evolved. Loons are pow- erful and intuitive. Knowing from within comes quickly for Loon people, Their flashes of insight and imagination are highly developed. Loons mate for life and teach the ideals of family and fidelity to those with this totem, Loons are excellent partners and parents, They olten catry their offspring on their backs. Loons are also excellent ‘communicators and they relate well with others, When Loon arrives or you hear them call it may be time to pay attention to your own intuition and be discerning Of your situation. IF Loon is your totem you will be a great communicator. Insights and answers easily rise from the depths of your subconscious. Family love is important and, you protect the ones you love. Take time at dawn on the still lake of your mind and connect with your song, Be vocal, Chant, Love your family. You will always succeed if you listen to the wisdom within, Look to your own reflection to see how beautiful, Unique and elegant you are, Contrary ¢ Are you ignoring warnings from your loved ones? Are you so busy you have forgotten the sanctuary of love? * Are you communicating your feelings? * Be brave and speak your truth. nm a Lynx are solitary animals that live in the mountains or in| the harsh climate of the cold north. They spend much of their life alone, out of sight and in the shadows. Lynx is the ultimate introvert. This trait is sometimes misinter preted as aloofness, shyness or arrogance but this is not the case. Lynx people are observers and listeners and pre fer the independent life, Those who walk with Lynx will have the uncanny ability to see what others cannot. This includes others’ agendas, fears, hopes and plans. Lynx hhave long tufts of fur rising from the tips of their ears that act as antenna so Lynx can hear the unspoken word. If Lynx is your totem you will be difficult to deceive be: ‘cause you are telepathic. You naturally lve the life of a mystic. You cannot fulfil your role as Spirit Messenger if ‘your mind is cluttered with the noise of a too busy life. ‘Alone time is essential and secrecy is your medicine. Patience and silence are your friends. Asa Lynx person xyou will ind contentment and happiness in reflection and contemplation. Spirit is always by your side. Contrary ¢ Are you irritated because you have not had enough alone time? + Don’t tell secrets that you should not. Keep “the cat in the bag.” # “Cat got your tongue" That's okay—remember that silence is your friend, Regain balance in solitude s Moose Accomplishments, Opportaniis, Sistem, Worthiness, Greatness, Majesty, Wisdom from the Elders, fnstinct, Honor, L Steadfasness, Fearless The Moose is a powerful totem. Itis a unique eneray with many contradictions, awkward yet graceful and plain but beautiful, Moose are masters of wisdom and perception In spite of their arge size they are swift, confident and fearless. Moose people always have a strong presence. Their totem stands seven feet tall with a crown of antlers almost as wide, Their antlers are said to act as antenna to the secrets and teachings from the wise ones. If Moose is your totem you are a mystic and sit in the ‘council of the Ancestors. You are smart and outstanding, im your field. You are intuitive, and from an early age you hhave experienced connections to Spirit that have eluded others. You are a strong survivor. Moose lives a long life Your lofty heights are not for the many but for the few. With Moose as totem you are sure to travel the long winding path to your destiny, wisdom and mastery. Contrary ‘+ Have you wandered into negative territory? Head for higher ground. + Have you ignored your intuition and been led down a wrong path? * Do not worry. You are a strong individual that ean handle anything. # When ina struggle, take the higher ground. 7 Orca Whale Determination, Positive Atta, Energetic, Layal, Longevity, Bol, Balanced, Integrity, Cratoity, Sound Healing, Breath, Hearing = a CAN aaa The fierce Orca is a powerful totem. Orcas live in pods and have tremendous respect for their guiding matriarchs who can live to be one hundred years old, Orcas are family oriented and the group members take care of each ‘other. Those with Orca as totem are strong, determined and protective. When leeling joyful they rise up power- fully from the water and create “Orca Thunder.” Orca teaches us the power of breath. If Orca is swimming in your consciousness, try breathing like Orca to release any negativity you may have absorbed, Breathe in as deeply as you can, hold your breath then expel with an explo: sive swoosh or try making an Orca ry. This can release resentments and greatly increase your ci. If Orea is your totem you are highly telepathic. Inner sonar guides you to your goal. Others will perceive your jpreat strength and resolve. You can lead. You always find success. Your family will bring you comfort throughout your very long life. Follow Spiit’s signals and inner guid- ance to help you get back on track when feeling lost. You are a creature born to happiness. Jump through the water, make a splash and share your joy of living with the wortd. Contrary + Are you feeling tense? Remember to breathe deeply. * Are you lost? Are you beached? Are you not following your sonar? ¢ Ask Orca to help you find your way, * Beware of false guidance. Look within and learn 7 C Ow £0 Owl is the messenger and revealer of secrets. The totem ‘of oracles and seers, Ow! sits on their shoulder and is their advisor. When Owl flies into your life know that a time of unveiling is at hand and the truth will be made known, Change is on the wind. Owl medicine can help you release the past and fly into a beter future. Owls are Creatures of the night. Their silent light and superior vision make them supreme hunters. They capture the prize. If they cross your path repeatedly itis a warning, to review your situation and see where deception is lurking. To see an owl can be an omen that a profound ‘change is coming. If Owl is your totem you are an Old Soul. You succeed ‘with wisdom, No one can deceive you and you see into others” souls. Be sure to keep your knowledge secret unless asked to provide counsel. Trust should not be broken. The night is auspicious for Owl people. When the moon is full you are creative and energized. You can see in the dark and appreciate life’s magic. Ask your Owl totem to sit on your shoulder and guide you. Become the conscious student of Owl Embrace your gifts and fly with the masters. Contrary + Have you allowed yourself to be deceived? ¢ Is Owl asking you to release the past so you can change and take flight) ‘Are you in the dark about a situation? + What secrets do you need to discover to know the eruth? 8 acock The Peacock is the most iridescent ofall birds. Their feathered cloak of blue, aqua and gold is worthy of royal ty. Their boisterous cries hold both mockery and laughter, which comes from their regal self-confidence. Peacocks are blessed with clear vision that notices the smallest detail, Because of their ability to eat poisonous snakes, Peacocks were used as protectors in ancient temples. If Peacock appears good hick will follow. The feathers of Peacock are symbols for protection, prosperity and sen salty. They can be used in smoke rituals to cleanse and renew the aura. The Peacock is a symbol for rebirth and new beginnings like its cousin the elusive Phoenix. IF Peacock is your totem you have a colorful and vibrant personality that is sure to win admirers. You can raise yourself to great heights of briliance in your field. Peacock people have the gift of observation and keen perception YYour inner vision brings you wisclom and foresight. You must guard agains letting your vanity or pride get the bet ter of you. The best Peacocks ae just their authentic selves. ‘Your positivity and radiance helps lift others up to realize their own worth, You are crowned with beauty and grace. Contrary + Have you been hiding your inner beauty? + Have you los sight ofthe value of others? 4+ Has vanity made you arrogant? # Practice humility 8 Penguin Digwity, Sura, Social, Unique, Adaptable, Conmusicative Resourceful, Faithful, Partnership, Family, Love Penguin is the bied that cannot ly but instead swims. “They can see better underwater than on land, symbol- izing better access to the subconscious mind than usual Penguins are fll of surprises jus ike the people they rep- resent. The males and females experience role reversals. ‘Male penguins will sit on the eggs for months while their female counterparts hunt for food. Penguin urges you to adapt to extreme circumstances, break free from expecta tions and reinvent yourself, Penguin says adapt, change, find your tribe, sing and celebrate your uniqueness Penguin people often feel awkward or out of place Tapping into Penguin energy can help you embrace your differences. Sel-acceptance is a big part of Penguin med: icine, They remind us that there is no one right way to be! Like all diving birds, Penguin relates to the truth that lies below the surface. Maybe Penguin is telling you to 0 below, find your deeper truth and your most authentic self, These ae the things in life that really matter. Finding like-minded people (your tribe) will help you see your beauty as you see theirs. The wisdom of Penguin asks you to just be the unique and colorful person that you are Contrary * Are you feeling disconnected? Find a group, join a club and get in the flow. ¢ The storms of life come but you always make it through. + Don't worry about what others think of you. Let it go and Love yourself * Have you been hiding your inner beauty? 85 Polar Bear Strength, Adaptability, Patience, Endurance, Survival, Feats, Solitary, Psyebie, Traveler, Dreams, Mysticism, Spirit Helper, Shaman’s Ally ‘The great and invincible polar bears of the far north are the largest hunters among land mammals. The males can weigh up to 1500 pounds and are figures of fear less strength. There is nota stronger totem to help you survive the challenges of lif. Polar Bears are revered by native people for their ability to travel through the veil and gather treasures from beyond, Polar Beat is one who carries the shaman to the land of Spirit. Their stark envi ronment helps to hone their psychic abilities. They listen to theirintuition to find their way. Their incredible sense of smell helps them gather food and locate openings in the ice. Polar Bears know the wisdom of long rests and the richness of solitude ‘Those with Polar Bear medicine are likely to have faced adversity and become stronger from it If Polar Bear is ‘your totem you are fearless. You are psychic. You are re silent. You will be able to swim through the icy waters of life and be a strong survivor. You have thicker skin and da not let things bother you. If Polar Bear has just come into ‘your life know thac your Spirit helper has arrived. Call "upon Polar Bear to create more adaptability, endurance and fearlessness Contrary + Did you forget that you need to spend time alone? ¢ Has too much activity got you cranky? Be sure to res. ¢ Is something not smelling quite right? Ask your totem for clarity, * Make time for dreaming in solitude, 7

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