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1. Technology has the ability to persuade us that we are capable of far more than we are.

It provides us
a taste of what it's like to want to improve or be better. It effectively internationalizes our self-
perception. Changes to our personal identities, on the other hand, might be beneficial or harmful. We
can easily fabricate our identities and use them for nefarious reasons thanks to technological
advancements. For example, I am far more expressive to individuals on the internet than I am in real-life
settings. As a result, technology transforms our identity and moral values, in my opinion.

2. He does not want others to make assumptions about him based on his age. He wants to be treated
the same way he treats others. He said in the video that he carefully chooses the phrases he enters on
the internet so that people don't believe he's still young and undeserving of dialogue. He also expressed
his desire to be regarded like an intellectual, reasonable, and thinking human being rather than an
annoying 14-year-old.

3. The most notable difference between Henry and his digital persona is that in the digital world, he is
not the same person for his age. His is significantly more assertive and mature than the others, in my
opinion. He is not seeking to construct a character or persona, as he claimed in the video, but he is not
totally his actual self. And that proving oneself online is easy since he doesn't have to prove himself; all
he has to do is wow others.

4. I can express myself in a variety of ways online without fooling people. The first technique is to be
genuine to yourself, and remember that the best policy is honesty. As shown in the video, carefully
choose the words you will say. Finally, remember that you are lying to yourself when you lie to others.

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