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Values in Fitness Activities

Module 013 Values in Fitness Activities

At the end of this module you are expected to:

1. Know how to take initiative, responsibility and leadership in fitness

The Many Positive Effects of Physical Fitness

The values of physical fitness cannot be overstated as they have an impact on our life that
permeates into many different spheres.
Physical exercise has a host of positive effects:
 Contributes positively to maintaining a healthy weight - being at the proper weight
and maintaining a good muscle-to-fat ratio (high % of muscle and low % of fat)
helps us reduce risk for heart disease and allows for better mobility, agility and sets
the stage for improved cardiovascular health.
 Builds and maintains healthy bone density - having a stronger "frame" benefits us in
many ways and allows for better motor function and resistance to physical stress.
 Increases muscle strength - more muscle strength translates into being able to
perform everyday chores with much less stress to our system.
 Improves muscle endurance - this allows our muscles to resist muscle fatigue when
we are exposed to prolonged physical activity.
 Improving joint mobility - if we do not perform any exercise over time our joints will
have a reduced range of motion. Thus, exercise will keep them flexible.
 Promotes physiological well-being - this is a state of mind in which you alter your
perception of self and your environment in a positive way. Well-being is a broad
concept that includes any and all positive effects that you will "feel" as a result of
physical fitness.
 Reduces surgical risks - if a person is fit, undergoing any surgical procedure(s)
improves chances of going through surgery with minimal risk. A strong body, strong
heart and good cardio vascular system will help in lowering risk during surgery.
 Strengthens the immune system - if the immune system is stronger we are able to
resist diseases and other toxins that attack our body. Even our resistance to a
common cold increases.
 Improves metabolism - the ability to digest food better and easier helps our system
in becoming more efficient at utilizing all the calories we ingest. For example, those
who perform regular exercise will elevate their metabolism and be mo re efficient at
fat-burning compared to those that don't do any type of physical exercise.
 Slows down the ageing process - physical fitness can shave off years from our
appearance. Maintaining a smaller, youthful looking waistline, increased muscle
tone and strong and proper posture are only some of the resulting factors of
physical fitness that will make you look younger than your age.

Course Module
 Improves cardiovascular endurance - cardio endurance is very important. If we are
"cardio-fit" we are more resistant to fatigue and we are able to perform any and all
activities without getting winded or excessively tired. Cardio fitness will increase
our lung capacity and strengthen our heart so that we are able to raise our
endurance levels.

Values attained through Physical Activities

However, physical activities offer more benefits. Physical activities develop not just the body,
but the individual’s character as well. Sports, for instance, helps develop not just the muscle
build and reflex of a person – it also develops sporting attitude and spirit. Moreover, it
promotes positive attitude towards life and its struggles. Most importantly, it shapes one’s
personality and character.
The following are some of the things that sports, and fitness activities in general, could teach
1. Team spirit: One of the great values in physical activities is that it lets students to
work towards a common goal as a member of a team, selflessly, personal interests
2. Leadership skills: Lead different people from all walks of life towards a common
goal/objective. A good leader is one who leads others on to leadership.
3. Fair play: Though winning is important, losing is not a disgrace. Being generous and
graceful in victory as well as defeat. Have respect for the vanquished.
4. Never give up: Physical activities teach you to never give up. ‘Success is just round the
bend’, being persistent, nothing is impossible. You never know how close you are to
success when you give up.
5. Great leveler: Sport is a great leveler - you lose 1-day only to bounce back the next.
No loss is permanent. Even a loss teaches you how not to do something, or how it
could be done better. No setback is permanent, never should one lose hope.
6. Focus: Sport teaches you to focus on the present. Past is irrelevant, and f uture, who
7. Strengths and abilities: Physical activities teaches you to focus on your strengths and
abilities, not on your opponents’ strengths and capabilities.
8. Process and result: Sports, for instance, teaches you that the process is more
important than the result. If the process is right, success will soon ensue. According
to Basketball Coach John Wooden:
 Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing
you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.
9. Planning: Physical activities let students understand the importance of planning. It
teaches you to plan ahead, see through the consequences of your act. You need to
quickly assess the situation, adjust, adapt and act accordingly. Being flexible a nd not
carry a fixed mindset.
Values in Fitness Activities

10. Earnestness and sincerity: Physical fitness teaches you not to take any situation
lightly or display casualness, and that every situation should be handled with
earnestness and sincerity.
11. Observation and analysis: Physical activities improve your observatory powers and
analytical skills.

References and Supplementary Materials

Values of Physical Fitness;
physical-fitness.html; September 28, 2017
Role of Sports in the Development of an Individual and Role of Psychology in Sports;; September 28, 2017

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