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8. How many titles you found in the (each) selected database ?

if we want to choose a database title that we can use, we must enter 3 titles :

a. - Maternity Services OR Maternal health, Maternity Service OR Maternal

healthcare, Maternity Service OR Maternal health care, Maternity Service OR
Maternal service(s), Maternity Service OR Maternity care, Maternity Service
OR Maternity Service(s), Maternity Service OR Postpartum care/service(s),
Maternity Service OR Postnatal care/service(s), Maternity Service OR
Prenatal care/service(s), Maternity Service OR Antenatal care/service(s)


b. - Rural Population OR Roral community, Rural Populations OR Rural

population(s), Rural Populations OR Remote population(s), Rural Populations
OR Non-urban, Rural Populations OR Vilages


c. - Low Income Countries OR Developing country, Low Income Countries OR

Developing nation(s), Low Income Countries OR Developing world, Low
Income Countries OR Low resource setting, Low Income Countries OR
LMIC(s), Low Income Countries OR Africa(s), Low Income Countries OR
South East Asia(n), Low Income Countries OR South America(n)

if we found so many titles

we must apply limiters to ensure the literature are relatively current :

1 year : 10 years old approved ?

2. Language

3. Subject

4. Kind of articles : full text, studies, peer reviewed

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