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Ana Mercado

Jacqueline Sgobba

EDU 201

18 December 2021

Field Observation

I very much enjoyed my field observation. I was able to interact with teachers, staff, and

students. Walking inside the classroom, I immediately felt the joy. All the students greeted me

with joy and smiles. Mrs. Brown welcomed me with a big smile and a hug. I could feel how

positive this classroom is. She greeted her students with positive affirmations, and the students

repeat after her. I could tell she very much cared for her students. She had these incredible bonds

with them that I was able to eventually have too. I was lucky enough to have a teacher who was

willing to include me in her lesson plan. I was able to interact with students by even giving them

a spelling test. She allowed me to pop in and answer students' questions. I was lucky enough to

help those who were struggling. I met a student who was at a very low level. He was not capable

of reading or writing yet. Mrs. Brown explained to me how they help them and taught him at his

own pace. She explained to me how she did not want to give him lower expectations but rather

give him additional help and different goals. She made individual lesson plans attending towards

him but with the same assignments. I worked with him throughout the lessons and reached his

goals for the day! My favorite thing I was able to take from this experience is creating safe bonds

with students. I saw how my teacher knew which students need further direct instruction and

others who could begin their work. She understands her students incredibly well and I desire to

create similar bonds with my future students.

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