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Name : Annisa Rizqi Ramadhani sitio

NIM : 213308010009

Discussion “Dentist”

A as Annisa and B as Azzahra

1. B: Do you enjoy visitting dentists? Why / why not ?

A: yes, i do enjoy it because i used to go to the dentist since i was little

2. B: Do you think dentists enjoy their job? Why / why not?

A: i don’t think all of them is enjoy their job because being a dentist is not easy it
takes a long time and lots of energy also, their responsibilities are many too.

3. B: do you think it’s easy to become a dentists? Why / why not?

A: no, it’s not, they need a long time and cost for their studies, learn a lot and practice
their skills.

4. B: how many times a day should you brush your teeth ?

A: i brush my teeth three to four times a day.

5. B: do you feel nervous when you visit a dentist ? why / why not?
A: not at all because i used to go to the dentist to get a dentak check up.

6. B : what color is your toothbrush?

A: my toothbrush color is pink.

7. B : do you ever use mouthwash? Why / why not ?

A: i did it every morning because it makes my mouth feel fresh.

8. B : do you know anyone who wears false teeth? If ‘yes’, who ?

A: yes, my mama, granma and uncle wears false teet.

9. B : how often should people get a dental check-up ?

A : i think people should have a dental check up twice a year.

10. B : what can you do if you have a toothache? (before you visit a dentist) ?
A: i would rinse my mouth first , with salt water or betadine gargle and then take the
painkillers pill if i couldn’t stand it.

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