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CONG TY CP BAO HIEM. CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP Doc lp - Ty do - Hanh Phiic $6:1349/2014/QD-ABIC-TSKT Ha Noi, ngay 05 théng 09 nam 2014 QUYET DINH (VA Ban hanh Diéu khoan bé sung bao hiém Moi ritt ro xdy dung) ,___TONG GIAM BOC CONG TY CO PHAN BAO HIEM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP > Cin ete Gidy phép thanh ldp va hogt dng sé 38/GP-KDBH ngay 18/10/2006 ctia B6 Tat chinh va cde Giay phép diéu chinh; + Clin cit Diéu Ie 16 chite va hoat déng cia Céng ty eé phan Béo hiém Nedn hang néng nghiép; Cain cit dé nghj ciia Ong Trudng Phang Tai stin Ky thugt, QUYET DINH Digu 1: Ban hanh BO diéu khoan bd sung bao hiém Moi ri ro xdy dung (tiéng Viét, tiéng Anh) inh kém theo quyét dinh nay; Didu 2: Quyét dinh nay cé higu lye thi hanh ké tir ngay ky. Didu 3: Thanh vién Ban Téng Giém déc, Tring cdc Ban/Phéng tai Tru sé chinh va Gidm déc cée chi nhénh tryc thude chju trach nhiém thi hanh Quyét dinh nay. quin tr (88 b/edo); ~ Ban diéu hanh (dé hién); = Mur Did 3; = Lieu TSKT, TCHC. Hoang Thj Tink CONG TY CO PHAN BAO HIEM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP (ABIC) CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Dé6c lap - Ty do - Hanh phic DIEU KHOAN BO SUNG BAO HIEM MOI RUI RO XAY DUNG (Ban hanh kém theo Quyét dinh sé 2349/201: 14/QD-, )-ABIC-TSKT ngay 05 thang 09 ndm 2014 cia Téng gidm déc Céng ty Cé phan bao hiém Ngan hang Nong Nghiép) Tén ngi dung Diéu khoan bé sung Tiéng Viet Tiéng Anh DKBS MR 001 - Bao hiém cho céc tn that hoge thigt hai gay ra bdi dinh cOng, néi loan, xung d6t ni b6 Endorsement MR 001: Cover for Loss or Damage due to Strike, Riot and Civil commotion (SRCC) DKBS MR 002 - Bao hiém trich nhiém chéo Endorsement MR 002 - Cover for Cross Liability DKBS MR 003 - Bao hiém cho céng tac bio hank Endorsement MR 003 - Maintenance visits cover DKBS MR 004 - Bao hiém bao hanh m& rong Endorsement MR 004 - Extended | Maintenance DKBS MR 005 - Digu kign die bigt lién quan t6i tién 46 xay/Kip Endorsement MR 005 - Special conditions concerning the Construction and/or erection time Schedule DKBS MR 006 - Bao hiém d6i véi cée chi phi phy vé lam them gia, lam dém, lam ngay 1g, cuée phi chuyén phat nhanh Endorsement MR 006 - Cover of extra Charges for overtime, night work, work on public Holidays, express Freight DKBS MR 007 - Bao hiém chi phi phy déi vi cuéc phi vin chuyén bing duéng khong Endorsement MR 007 - Cover of extra Charges for Airfreight DKBS MR 008 - Cam két lién quan dén cdu tric céng trinh trong khu vue déng dat Endorsement MR 008 - Warranty concerning structures in earthquake zones DKBS MR 009 - Loai trir tén that, thiét hai hay trach nhiém phat sinh do dong dat Endorsement MR 009 - Exclusion of loss, damage or liability due to Earthquake DKBS MR 010 - Loai trix tén that, thiét hai hoc trich nhiém phat sinh do 10 va lut Endorsement MR 010 - Exclusion of loss, damage or liability due to flood and ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 inundation om 187 12 DKBS MR 012 - Loai trix d6i véi t6n that, thigt hai hoe trich nhigm phat sinh do gid bdo, mua bao hodc séng gid Endorsement MR 012 - Exclusion of Loss, Damage or Liability due to windstorm or wind-related water damage 13 DKBS MR 013 — Tai sin Iu kho ngoai c6ng trudng Endorsement MR 013 - Property in off - site Storage 14 DKBS MR 100 - Bao hiém cho vige van +hanh thir may méc va lip dat Endorsement MR 100 - Cover for Testing of Machinery and Installations 15 DKBS MR 101 - Céc diéu kign dic bigt li quan dén viée xy dung dudng ham va cic duéng him & him m6, cdu trac/thiét bj tam théi hoge vinh ciru nim dudi bé mat Endorsement MR 101 - Special conditions conceming the construction of tunnels, galleries, temporary or permanent subsurface structures or installations 16 DKBS MR 102 - Diéu kign dic biét lién quan t6i cdc duémg cép, éng ngdm va cc thiét bj ngdim khéc Endorsement MR 102 - Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities 7 paps MR 103 - Loai trir tén that hoc thiét i Voi mia mang, rimg va trong trot Endorsement MR 103 - Exclusion of loss of or damage to crops, forests and cultures 18 DKBS MR 104 - Céc diéu kign dac biét lién quan dén vige xdy dmg dip va hd chia nude Endorsement MR 104 - Special conditions conceming the construction of dams and water reservoirs 19 DKBS MR 105 - Cam Ket lign quan t6i cde cdu tric cé sin vavhode céc tai sin xung quanh. Endorsement MR 105 - Cover for existing structures and/or surrounding property 20 DKBS MR 106 - Cam két thi cng theo timg doan. Endorsement MR. concerning sections 106 - Warranty 21 DKBS MR 107 - Nhiing bio dim lién quan dén cdc léu, kho chira hang Endorsement MR 107 - conceming Camps and Stores Warranty 2 DKBS MR 108 - Cam két lién quan dén trang thiét bi va may méc xdy dung Endorsement MR 108 - Warranty concerning construction Plant, Equipment and Machinery 23 DKBS MR 109 - Cam két lign quan dén vat ligu xay dung Endorsement MR 109° - Concerning Construction Material Warranty 24 DKBS MR 110 - Diéu kign dac bigt vé cae | | conceming safety measures with respect to bign php an ton di v6i mua, 10 va lut Endorsement MR 110 - Special conditions precipitation, flood and indudation 25 DKBS MR 111 - Cée diéu kign dc bigt lién quan dén chi phi don dep hign trusmg do sut lo. Endorsement MR 111 ~ Special conditions conceming removal of debris from landslides 26 DKBS MR 112 - Nhitng diéu kién dac biét lién quan t6i thiét bj phong chéng chdy va an toan vé chdy trén céc cng trinh xay dung Endorsement MR 112 - Special conditions concerning fire-fighting facilities and fire safety on construction sites ABIC- Danh mye BKBS CAR.2014 w 287 27_| DKBS MR 113 - Van chuyén dung 66 Endorsement MR 113 - Inland Transit 28 | DKBS MR 114 - Tén that hang loat Endorsement MR 114 - Serial losses 29 | DKBS MR 115 - Riiiro thiét ké Endorsement MR 115 - Cover for Designer's risk 30 | DKBS MR 116 - Bao hiém cho céc hang | Endorsement MR 116 - Cover for Insured muc cia céng trinh duge bao hiém da ban | contract works taken over or put into service giao hodc dura vao sir dung 31 | DKBS MR 117 - Céc diéu kign dae biét 4p | Endorsement MR 117 - Special conditions dung cho cng tac lip dat dutng éng cép | for Laying water supply and sewer pipes thodt nude. 32 |DKBS MR 118 - Cong téc khoan giéng | Endorsement MR 118 - Drilling work for nude water wells, 33 | DKBS MR 119 - Tai sin c6 sin ca chi dau | Endorsement MR 119 - Existing property or tw hodc thudc quyén sé hitu, trong coi, kiém | property belonging to or held in care, sodt cia Ngudi duge bao hiém ‘custody or control by the insured 34 | DKBS MR 120 - Chén d6ng, di chuyén hodc | Endorsement MR 120 - Vibration, removal suy yéu cita b6 phan chéng 46 or weakening of support 35 | DKBS MR 121 - Cac diéu kign de biét lién | Endorsement MR 121 - Special conditions quan dén céng tac déng coc méng va tubng | concerning piling foundation and retaining ham wall works 36 | Diéu khoan 50/50 Fifty - Fifty Clause 37. | Didu kign dc biét lién quan dén rdi ro ust _| Special condition concerning Wet works 38 | Loai trir dic biét ign quan dén kénh din | Special Exclusion for Diversion Channel dong va nude trin 42 quay and Overtopping / Overflowing of Cofferdam 39 ae khoan cam két vé bdo vé an to’in mii | Slope Protection Warranty 40 | Diéu khoan bom min chua pha Unexploded bombs & mines ¥ a ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 3/37 sTT Tiéng Viet Tiéng Anh DKBS MR 001 - Bio hiém cho cic tén that hoje thigt hai gay ra béi dinh cong, ndi loan, xung dot Ti Cée bén théa thugn va hiéu ring voi digu kign la tat ea ede phuong dign khic phai tuan theo cdc diéu kign, diéu khoan va cdc diém loai trir duge quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoae duge bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, va véi diéu kién Ngudi duge bio hiém da tra thém sé phi bio hiém bd sung theo théa thugn, Bio hiém nay duge mé rng dé bio ’iém cho cdc tén that hay thiét hai gay ra boi ndi loan, dinh céng hoge bao loan quan chiing. Vi myc dich d6, Digu khoan bo sung nay (v6i digu kign ludn tudn thi "Cac digu kign dae biét" néu dudi day) bio hiém cho cae tn that hay thigt hai d6i v6i tai sin duge bao hiém ma nguyén nhan truc tiép gay boi: 1. Hanh dng cia bat kj cé nhén nao lién két véi nhing ngudi khée gay rOi trét te céng céng (cho di né e6 lién quan 16i bai céng hoie phong téa nha may hay khéng) nhung khéng nim trong céc hinh dng duge 48 cap dén 6 Didu Khoan 2 cua "Cae digu kign dic bigt" cha Diu Khon bd sung nay. 2. Hanh dong ca bit ky t6 chite quyén Iye hgp phap nio nhim tran ap hod cé ging tran dp bat ky sy gay rOi ndo nhu da ni & trén hode lam gidm t6i mic t6i da hau qua cia sy gay roi dé. 3. Hanh déng o6 ¥ ciia bat ky ngudi nao tham gia bai céng hoe céng nhén bj Phong ta nhlim mye dich diy manh bai céng hose nhim mye dich chéng lai su phong ta nha méy. 4, Hanh dong ca bit ky co quan quyén le hop phap nio nhim chéng lai hoge 6 ging chéng lai nhing hinh dong trén hoae lam gidm téi mite tdi da hau qua cia nhimg hanh dng 46. Voi digu kign 14 cée bén théa thudn thém va Endorsement MR 001: Cover for Loss or Damage due to Strike, Riot and Civil commotion (SRCC) It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this This Insurance shall be extended to cover loss or damage due to strike, riot and civil commotion which for the purpose of this Endorsement shall mean (subject always to the Special Conditions hereinafter contained) loss of or damage to the property insured directly caused by 1. the act of any person taking part together with others in any disturbance of the public peace (whether in connection with a strike or lock-out or not) not being an occurrence mentioned in condition 2 of the Special Conditions hereof, 2. the action of any lawfully constituted authority in suppressing or attempting to suppress any such disturbance or in minimizing the consequences of any such disturbance, 3. the wilful act of any striker or locked-out worker performed in furtherance of @ strike or in resistance to a lock-out, 4, the action of any lawfully constituted authority in preventing or attempting to prevent any such act or in minimizing the consequences of any such act. Provided that it is hereby further expressly agreed and declared that 1. all the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of this Insurance shall apply in all respects to the insurance granted by this extension save in so far as the same are expressly varied by the following Special Conditions, and any reference to ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 v 4/37 1, Tat cd nhtmg digu khoan, digu kign va diém loai trir cia Bao hiém nay st duge 4p dung day di déi voi Diéu khoan bé sung nay, trir nhimg tru’ng hop ohimg quy dinh d6 da duge thay 46i trong phan "ede digu kién diic bit" duge néu cy thé dudi day va lign quan dén bat ky tn that hay thigt hai duge quy dinh trong Bao hiem nay déu duge xem 1a nhting ton that do cdc rii ro duge bao hiém gay ra. 2. "Cée didu kign dic bigt" dudi day sé chi duoc 4p dung cho Diéu khoan bé sung. nay, cdn tit cd cde quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay van duge ap dung vé moi phuong dign nhw trong trudng hop Diéu Khoan bé sung nay chua duge ap dung. Cae diku kign dic bigt 1) Bao hiém nay sé kh6ng bao hiém cho: a. Nhitng tén that hode thiét hai bit nguén tir viée gién doan toan b§ hod mét phin céng vige, hode 1 héu qua do bat ky qué trinh ho&c hoat ddng ndo bj chim tré, tri hofin, gin doan. b. Nhiing tén that hoac thiét hai gay ra béi ‘vige mat quyén si hiru tam théi hoge vinh_ vign do cae hanh dng tich thu, trumg thu hoc trung dung theo lénh cia bat ky t8 chite 6 thm quyén phap ly nao. c. Nhiing tén tht hodc thiét hai gay ra béi ‘vige mat quyén so hiru tam thoi hode vinh vién déi véi mOt khu nha ndo dé do sw lan chiém trai phép boi bat ky mét cd nhan nao trong khu nha d6. d. Nhiing tdn tht hode trich nhiém mang tinh chit hgu qua duéi bat ky hinh thie nao, bat ky khoan chi tra nao vugt qué sé tién béi thutng déi véi thigt hai vat chat ma n6i dung bao hiém nay quy dj Tuy nhién quy dinh ring Ngudi bio hiém van phai chju trich nhiém theo mye b va c néu trén déi v6i Ngudi duge bao hiém trong Toss or damage in the wording of this Insurance shall be deemed to include the perils hereby insured against, 2. the following special Conditions shall apply only to the insurance granted by this extension, and the wording of this Insurance shall apply in all respects to the insurance granted by this Insurance as if this Endorsement had not been made thereon. Special Conditions 1, This insurance shall not cover a. loss or damage resulting from total or partial cessation of work or the retarding, interruption or cessation of any process or operation, b. loss or damage occasioned by permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation, commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority, c. loss or damage occasioned by permanent or temporary dispossession of any building resulting from the unlawful occupation by any person of such building, 4d. consequential loss or liability of any kind or description, any payments over and above the indemnity for the material damage as provided herein. Provided nevertheless that the Insurers are not relieved under b or ¢ above of any liability to the Insured in respect of physical damage to the property insured occurring before dispossession or during temporary dispossession. 2. This insurance shall not cover any loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence, directly or indirectly, of any of the following occurrences, namely a. war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 v 5/37 rung hop e6 tn that vat chat xdy ra di voi nhing tai sin duge bio hiém truée hoae trong thi gian bj mat quyén sé hitu tam théi. 2. Didu khodn bb sung nay khéng bao hiém cho bat ky tn tht hay thigt hai nao gay ra béi ho’c do hau qua true tiép hay gidn tiép ca bat ky mOt nguyén nhan ndo duge néu tén dudi di a. Chién tranh, xém luge, hanh dong cita ké thi, bén ngodi, cée hanh dng thi dich géy chign tranh (cho di 6 duge tuyén chién hay khong), ndi chién, b. Binh bién, bao loan quan ching din t6i néi day toan dan, hanh dng quan sy, Khoi nghia vi trang, phién loan, céch meng hoac dao chinh quan sy, tiém quyén. c. Hanh d§ng cia bat ky ngudi nao dudi danh nghia hoge 6 lién quan téi bit ky mét t6 chite ndo cé hanh d6ng tryc tiép hanh d6ng tryc tiép nhim lat dé chinh quyén hop phap hay chinh quyén thye tai hodc ding khiing bé hay bao lye dé gay anh hudng t6i chinh quyén 46; Trong bat ky vu kign tung, xét xir hode ete qué trinh gidi quyét khac, néu Nguoi bao hiém cho ring theo nhimg qui dinh néu trong nio khdng thude pham vi bao chimg minh ring cdc tén that 46 duge bio hiém theo Bao hiém nay sé thuge trich nhiém cia Ngudi duge bio hiém. 3. Bao hiém nay c6 thé bi hiiy bo 6 bit ky thai diém ndo khi Nguéi bio hiém giti thong bio higu lye hiy bé cho Ngudi dugc bio hiém theo dia chi méi nhdt cha ho. Trong trudng hgp niy, Neudi bio hiém 6 trich nhiém hoan tra lai m§t so phi bao hiém tuong img véi thoi gian tinh tir khi Hop ding bao hiém duge hity b6. 4. Han mite béi thung déi voi mdi su cd quy dinh dudi day s€ duge higu 18 han mite bdi thutmg cho tit ca cée tén that hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, b, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, military or usurped power, ©. any act of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization with activities directed toward the overthrow by force of the government de jure or de facto or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence. In any action, suit or other proceeding, where the Insurers allege that by reason of the provisions of this condition any loss or damage is not covered by this insurance, the burden of proving that such loss or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured. 3. This insurance may at any time be terminated by the Insurers on notice to that effect being given by registered post at the Insured’s last known ad- dress, in which case the Insurers shall be liable to repay a rateable pro-portion of the premium for the unexpired term from the date of termination. 4. The limit of indemnity any one occurrence as stated below shall be understood to limit the indemnity for all loss or damage covered by this Endorsement during a consecutive period of 168 hours. ‘The aggregate liability of the Insurers during the period of cover of this This Insurance shall be limited by twice the limit of indemnity any one occurrence. Limit of indemnity: occurrence any one Deductible: ........ any one occurrence Extra premium: ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 mn 6/37 hai duge bao hiém theo diéu ode thi ey nay trong vong 168 gid Khoan bi ign tue. Téng han mite tréch nhiém cia Ngudi bao hiém cho Diéu khoan bé sung nay trong toan bé théi han bao hiém cia Bao hiém nay gidi han bing hai lan han mie trach nhiém bdi throng cho méi sy c6. Han mite trich nhigm:. Mire mién thong: Phy phi bao hiém: DKBS MR 002 - Bio hiém trach nhigm chéo C4c bén théa thugn va hiéu ring voi diéu kién la tt ca cde phuong dign khdc phai tuan theo cdc diéu kign, diéu khoan va cae diém ogi trir due quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho%e duge bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, va voi diéu kign la Ngudi duge bao hiém da tra thém s6 phi bao hiém bé sung theo théa thugn, phan bao hiém vé trich nhiém bén thi: ba cla Bao hiém nay sé dp dung riéng cho cée bén duge bio hiém cé tén trong Hop déng bao hiém xem nhu mét hop déng bio hiém tach biét cdp cho mi bén, véi diéu kién Negudi bao hiém sé khéng bdi thudng cho Ngudi duge bao hiém theo Diéu khoan bd sung nay trach nhiém déi voi: - Mit mat hay thiét hai cia cde hang mye durge bao hiém hogc cé thé durge bao hiém theo phan I cia Bao hiém nay, ngay ci trudng hgp tén that d6 khéng thé doi bdi hon duge vi eé mite mign bdi thu’mg hay 6 han mie quy dinh nao khée. ~ Chét ngudi hay thuong tit, 6m dau cia ngudi lam thué ho%e cng nhén ma duge hay dang 1@ 06 thé duge bio hiém theo loai hinh bao hiém bdi thu’ng tai nan déi véi céng nhan vWho’e bao hiém tréch nhigm cita chi sir dung lao dng. Endorsement MR 002 - Cover for cross Liability It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, the Third Party Liability cover of this Insurance shall apply to the insured parties named in the Schedule as if a separate this Insurance had been issued to each party, provided that the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured under this Endorsement in respect of liability for = loss of or damage to items insured or insurable under Section 1 of this Insurance, even if not recoverable due to an excess or any limit, + fatal or non-fatal injury or illness of employees or workmen who are or could have been insured under workmen's compensation and/or employers’ liability insurance. The Insurers’ total liability in respect of the insured parties shall not however exceed in the aggregate for any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule. ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 w 737 Tuy nhién, toin 69 trich nhiém cha Nguoi béo hiém cho ede bén duge bio hiém sé khéng vugt qua tong han mite béi thudng da duge quy dinh wong Hgp déng bao hiém déi v6i méi mét tai nan hay hang loat tai nan phat sinh tir cing mot sy 6. Phy phi bao hiém: Extra Premium: DKBS MR 003 - Bao hiém cho cing tic bao hanh Céc bén théa thufn va hiéu ring, véi digu kign la vé tat ed cde phwrong dign khic, pha tun theo cdc diéu khoan, digu kign va cdc diém loai trir quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoe durge bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, va voi diéu kign la Nguoi duge bao hiém da tra thém s6 phi béo hiém bé sung theo thoa thun, Diéu khodn bd sung nay sé mé rng pham vi bio hiém cho thdi gian bio hanh, due quy dinh cy thé trong diéu khoan nay, tuy nhién Diéu khodn nay chi bio hiém cho céc tén tén that hode thiét hai déi véi céng trinh duge bio hiém do céic Nha thiu (Nguéi durge bao hiém) gay ra khi tién hanh c6ng tac bao hanh theo quy dinh trong diéu khoan cia Hop déng xay dung. ‘Thoi gian bao hanh tir: dén Phy phi bio hiém: Endorsement MR 003 - Maintenance visits cover It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover solely loss of or damage to the contract works caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract. Maintenance cover: from to Extra Premium: ¥ ABIC- Danh myc BKBS CAR.2014 8/37 DKBS MR 004 - Bao hiém bao hanh m& rong Cée bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kién 1a vé tt cd cdc phuong dién khdc phai tudn theo cdc diéu khoan, diéu kign va cée iém logi trix quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho&c duge bd sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, va v6i diéu kién Ngudi duoc bio hiém da tra thém sé phi bé sung theo théa thuan, Diéu khoan bé sung nay sé mé réng pham vi bao | hiém cho thdi gian bio hanh duge quy dinh cu thé trong diéu khoan nay dé bao hiém cho nhimng tén that hode thiét hai déi voi céng trinh duge bao hiém trong nhiing truéng hop sa = Do cdc nha thdu duge bio hiém gay ra khi tién hanh céng tac bao hanh theo quy djnh trong diéu khodn cia hgp déng xéy dung. = XAy ra trong giai doan bao hanh, véi diéu kign céc tn that hog thigt hai trén céng trudng voi nguyén nhin duge bat ngudn tir trong giai doan xay dung truée khi chimg chi hoan thanh cdp cho cdc hang myc bj tén that hoac thigt hai dé duge ban hanh, Endorsement MR 004 - Maintenance Extended It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended for the maintenance period specified hereunder to cover loss or damage to the contract works - caused by the insured contractor(s) in the course of the operations carried out for the purpose of complying with the | obligations under the maintenance provisions of the contract, = occurring during the maintenance period provided such loss or damage was caused on the site during the construction period before the certificate of completion for the lost or damaged section was issued. Maintenance cover from to Extra Premium: Thi han bio hanh: .... ké tir ngay két thic va ban giao céng trinh. Phu phi bio hiém: i ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 9137 DKBS MR 005 - Diéu kign dic biét lién quan téi tién a6 xay/ip Cae bén théa thufin va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign Ia vé tat ca cdc phuong dign khdc phai tuan theo cdc diéu khodn, diéu kién va cdc diém loai trit quy dink trong Bao hiém nay hoge durge bé sung thém vio Bao hiém nay, nhing quy dinh sau day st duge 4p dung khi tién hanh bao hiém cho cng trinh nay: Quy trinh tién 4 thi cong xay/lip cing voi cde van ban do Ngudi duge bio hiém dua ra nham myc dich c6 duoc Bao hiém nay cing nhu cdc tai ligu vé ky thugt duge cung cdp cho Ngudi bio hiém sé duge xem 1a mot b> phan cau thinh cia Hop ding bao hiém. Ngudi bao hiém sé khéng béi thuémg cho Ngudi duge bio hiém d4i vi cdc tén that hay thigt hai gay nén béi hoe phat sinh tir hoac tram trong thém do tién d6 thi céng xAy/lip bj kéo dai vugt qua thoi gian quy dinh dui day, trir khi Ngudi bio hiém da duge théng béo va chap nhan bang van ban viée kéo dai tién d6 thi céng nay truée khi xay ra tén that. Thi gian quy dinh cho vige kéo di 9 thi cong: Endorsement MR 005 - Special conditions concerning the Construction and/or erection time Schedule It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the following shall apply to this insurance: The construction and/or erection time schedule together with any other statements made in writing by the Insured for the purpose of obtaining cover under this Insurance as well as technical information forwarded to the Insurers is deemed to be | incorporated herein. ‘The Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured | in respect of loss or damage caused by or arising out of or aggravated by deviations | from the construction and/or erection time | schedule exceeding weeks, unless the Insurers had agreed in writing to such a | deviation before the loss occurred. Deviation from time shedule: weeks: DKBS MR 006 - Bao hiém d6i véi ede chi phi phy vé lam thém gid, lam dém, lim ngay 12, cwée phi chuyén phat nhanh Cée bén théa thuan va hiéu ring, voi dié kign 1a tat c& cde phuong dign khdc phai tuan theo cdc digu khodin, dieu kign va cdc diém loai trix quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho&c bo sung vio Bao hiém nay va véi diéu kign 1a Negudi duge bio 4a tra thém so phi bao hiém bé sung theo théa thudn, Diéu khodn bé Endorsement MR 006 - Cover of extra Charges for overtime, night work, work on public Holidays, express Freight It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover extra charges for overtime, night work, work on sung nay sé mé rong pham vi bao hiém cho | public holidays and express _ freight cée khodn chi phi phy vé lam thém gid, lim | (excluding airfreight).. dém, lam ngiy 1@ va cuée phi chuyen phat ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 10/37 nhanh (trir cue phi hang khéng). Luén véi diéu kién 1a cée chi phi phat sinh thém d6 phai lién quan dén tén that hoae thiét hai cia hang mye duge bao hiém ma cé thé duge béi thuéng theo Bao hiém nay. Néu Sé tién bao hiém cia hang myc bj tén that nho hon sé tién yéu cdu duge bao hiém thi sé tién bdi thudmg theo Diéu khodn bd sung nay d6i v6i khoan chi phi phu dé sé duge gidm theo ty 1¢ tuong img. Han mite trich nhigm: Phu phi bao hiém: Provided always that such extra charges are incurred in connection with any loss of or damage to the insured items recoverable under this Insurance. If the sum(s) insured of the damaged item(s) is/are less than the amount(s) required to be insured, the amount payable under this Endorsement for such extra charges shall be reduced in the same proportion. Limit of indemnity: any one occurrence Extra Premium: DKBS MR 007 - Bao hiém chi phi phy déi véi cwée phi vin chuyén bang dwing khong Cée bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, véi diéu kign 1a vé tat ca cdc phuong dién khac phai tun theo cée diéu khoan, diéu kién va céc diém logi trit quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoe bé sung vao Bao hiém nay va voi diéu kign la Ngudi duoc bio hiém da tra thém sO phi bé sung theo théa thudn, Diéu khoan bé sung nay s& mé réng pham vi bao hiém 46i v6i chi phi phy vé cuée phi van chuyén bing dung khong. Luén véi digu kién 1a chi phi phy dé phai lién quan dén tén that hay thiét hai cia cdc hang muc duge bao hiém ma cé thé duge béi thudng theo Bao hiém nay. Cing v6i diéu kién 1a s6 tién bdi thudng theo Digu khoan bd sung nay vé cuée phi hang kh6ng sé khéng vuot qué sé tién quy dinh dui day trong suét thai han bao hiém. Mite khéiu trit: 20% chi phi phy thém c6 thé duge béi thudmg, tdi thiéu ....../vu Han mite trach nhiém t6i da: Endorsement MR 007 - Cover of extra Charges for Airfreight It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, this insurance shall be extended to cover extra charges for airfreight. Provided always that such extra charges are incurred in connection with any loss of or damage to the insured items recoverable under this Insurance. Provided further that the amount payable under this Endorsement in respect of airfreight shall not exceed during the period of insurance. Deductible: 20 % of the indemnifiable extra charges, minimum .....any one occurrence. Maximum amount payable: Extra Premium: ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 \~ 1137 | Phu phi bio hiém: DKBS MR 008 - Cam két lién quan dén ste tric cong trinh trong khu vue dong dat Cée bén théa thugn va hiéu ring, véi diéu kign la vé tét cd cdc phuong dign khée phai tun theo céc diéu khoan, digu kign va cdc diém loai trit quy djah trong Bao hiém nay hoje duge bd sung thém vio Bio hiém nay, Dieu khoin bé sung nay quy dinh ring Neudi bio hiém chi b8i thudmg cho Nguéi duge bio hiém cde tn that, thigt hai hay trdch nhigm phat sinh tir rai ro déng dat néu Ngudi duge bao hiém chimg minh duge ring ri ro déng dat di duge tinh dén trong ban thi&t ké cua c6ng tinh, phi hop véi tigu chuan ky thudt quy dinh vé xay dung cho ce ‘cOng trinh tai khu vue c6 ri ro déng dat va chat lugng ciia nguyén vat ligu xdy dung, tay nghé, cong tae thi céng va kich thude cla céng trinh déu duge tinh toan dya trén cé sé cia céc tiéu chudn ky thuat 46. Endorsement concerning zones MR 008 - structures in Warranty earthquake It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability arising out of earthquake if the Insured proves that the earthquake risk was taken into account in design according to the official building codes valid for the site and that the qualities of material and workmanship and the dimensions on which the calculations were based were adhered to. DKBS MR 009 - Logi trir tin that, thigt hai hay trich nhiém phit sinh do dng dit Cac bén, {ha thugn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign la vé tit cd cée phuong dign khéc, phai tun theo céc diéu khoan, digu diém logi trit quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoe duge bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, Dieu khoan bd sung nay quy dinh ring Neudi bio hiém Hota boi thudng cho Ngudi duge bao hiém déi vi cde tn that, thigt hai hoe trch nbiém phat sinh tryc tiép hay gidn tiép boi va/hode 14 hau qua cua ri ro dong dat. Endorsement MR 009 - Exclusion of loss, damage or liability due to Earthquake It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from earthquake. 10 DKBS MR 010 - Loai trir tin that, thigt hai hoje tréch nhigm phat sinh do Ii va lut Cac bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign 14 vé tt cd cde phuong dign khéc, phai Endorsement MR 010 - Exclusion of loss, damage or liability due to flood and inundation It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions ABIC- Danh muc BKBS CAR.2014 Ww 1237 twin theo cde digu Khoan, digu kign va ce diém loai trir quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho§e duge bé sung thém vo Bao hiém nay, Piéu khoan bé sung nay quy djnh rang Ngudi bdo hiém khong bdi thugng cho Negudi duge bao hiém cde tén that, thiét hai hoje trich nhigm phat sinh true tiép hay gién tip tir vashoec la hau qua cia rai ro 10 va It. and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from flood and inundation. ul DKBS MR 012 — Loai trir déi véi ton that, thigt hai hoe trach mhigm phat sinh do gid bio, mura bio hode sing gid Cae bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu Kin phai tudn tha cde digu kign, cde diém logi trix va cc diéu khodn duge quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hode due bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, Ngudi bao hiém sé khéng chiu trach nhiém bdi thuémg cho Ngudi duge bao hiém d6i véi cdc tn thit hoge thiét hai hoc trach nhiém phat sinh truc tiép hay gidn tiép va/hogc la hu qué do gid bao véi mite bing ho&c lén hon mite gié cp 8 theo biéu Bé6-pho (cé nghia 1a tée d6 gid trén 62km/h) hoge bat ky thigt hai do nude xy ra c6 ign quan dén hode 14 h4u qua eta nhiing con bao nhu vay, Endorsement MR 012 - Exclusion of Loss, Damage or Liability due to windstorm or wind-related water damage It is agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of this Insurance or any Endorsements agreed upon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss or damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from windstorm equal to or exceeding grade 8 on the Beaufort Scale (mean windspeed exceeding 62 km/h) or any water damage occurring in connection with or as a consequence of such windstorm. 12 DKBS MR 013 ~ Tai sin Iu kho ngoai cong truimg Céc bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, véi diéu kign la vé tt ca cae phuong dién khde phai tun theo cdc diéu khodn, cdc diém loai trir va cdc diéu kign duge quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoi bat ky sira di bé sung nao, va v6i diéu kign 14 Neudi duge bio hiém da tra thém sé phi bé sung theo théa thudn, phan I cia Bao hiém nay s& mé rong dé bao hiém cho cdc tén that hoc thiét hai d6i véi tai sin duge bao hiém (trir cde tai sin dang duge ché tao, ché bién ho%e duge Iu tai dja diém kho cia nha san xudt, nha cung c4p hoge nha phan phéi) dang duge lu kho ngoai khu vue céng trudng trong giéi han khu vyc lanh thd duge néu dus day. Endorsement MR 013 - Property in off - site Storage It is agreed and understood that, notwithstanding the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions of this Insurance or any Endorsements agreed upon and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of this Insurance shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to property insured (except property _ being manufactured, processed or stored at the manufacturer's, distributor's or supplier's premises) in off-site storage within the territorial limits as stated below. ‘The Insurers will not indemnify the Insured ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 , = 1337 Nguéi bio hiém s€ khong bdi thong cho Negudi due bio hiém ddi véi cdc tin that hoge thiét hai do so xuat trong viée ap dung cée bign phap dé phong han ché ton that théng thuémg da duge quy dinh cho cée nha Kho. Cée bign phap dé bao gém cy thé nhu sau: ~ dim bao ring khu ve kho chita phai 1a khép kin (18 mt ta nha hode it nhat cling ©6 tuéng bao), duge bio vé, eé bign phép phing chéng chay phi hop véi céc khu vue dién hinh hode cdc tai sin chita trong kho; > ngin céch gitta céc kho chia boi tuing ha chay hoe khoang cach gita ching it 50m; - isd oi 8 HT eo saesd ngin ngia tén thit do nude dang cao, ng@p Iut do mua hoge Jd Iut dya theo sé ligu théng ké trong ving 20 nim; + Gidi han gid tri tai sin trong mdi kho chita. Giéi han Linh thé: | Gia tri t6i da ciia méi kho chita: Han mite bai thudng (d6i voi mai su c6): Mie mién thudng:.......% gid tri t6i thiéu méi ton that Phu phi bao hiém: for loss or damage caused by the neglect of generally accepted loss prevention measures for warehouses or storage units. Such measures include, in particular: ~ ensuring that the storage area is enclosed (either a building or at least fenced-in), guarded, protected against fire, as appropriate for the particular location or type of property stored; separating the storage units by fire-proof walls or by a distance of at least 50 metres; = positioning and designing the storage units in such a way as to pre- vent damage by accumulating water or flooding due to rainfall or by a flood with a statistical return period of less than 20 years; - limiting the value per storage unit. Territorial limits of: Maximum value per storage unit: Limit of indemnity (any one occurrence): Deduetibl minimum % of loss any one occurrence amount Extra premium: 14 DKBS MR 100 - Bio hiém cho vige van hanh thir may mée va lip dit Cée bén thod thudn va hiéu ring, véi diéu kign la vé tat cd cde phutomg dign khée phai tun theo céc diéu khoan, diéu kign va céc diém loai trix quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoe duge bd sung thém vao Bio hiém nay, thoi han bao hiém sé mé réng bao hiém cho c giai doan van hanh thir hod thir tai may méc nhumg khng qué bon tuin ké tir ngay tién hanh chay thir, Endorsement MR 100 - Cover for Testing of Machinery and Installations It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance ot endorsed thereon, the period of cover shall be extended to include a test operation or a test loading but not beyond four weeks from the date of commencement of the test. If, however, a part of a plant or one or ABIC- Danh muc BKBS CAR.2014 1487 Tuy nhién, néu mét phan cua thiét bi hode mot ho&c vai may méc dX duge chay thir vahoge dura vio sit dung chinh thite hoxe duge nghiém thu thi viée bao hiém cho phn cu thé cia thiét bj ho&c may méc a6 va bat ky tréch nhiém ndo phat sinh tir d6 sé cham dirt, cho di vie bao hiém van tiép tye cho cae phan con lai thi cing khéng 4p dyng cho nhimg phn may moc néu trén. Ngoai ra, cée bén cn thod thugn va hiéu ring d6i véi may méc va céng viée lap dat dang tién hanh chay thir nghiém, cdc diém Jogi tris ¢ va d trong phan loai trir 4p dung cho Phan I cata Bao hiem nay sé bj x6a va sé 4p dyng loai trir sau: “Tén tht hay thigt hai do thiét ké sai, vat ligu Khudn dic 6 khiém khuyét, tay nghé kém ngoai nhing 16i trong khi lap dat.” ‘D6i v6i trudng hop ciia cde may moc 43 qua six dung (second-hand), viée bao hiém 6 day tét nhign s® duge chm duit ngay lap tire khi vige chay thir may bat dau. several machine(S) is (are) tested and/or put into operation or taken over, the cover for that particular part of the plant or machine(s) and any liability resulting therefrom ceases Whereas the cover continues for the remaining parts to which the above does not apply. It is further agreed and understood that for the machinery and installations undergoing a test, exclusions ¢ and d of the Exclusions to Section I of this Insurance are deleted and the following exclusion shall apply: "loss or damage due to faulty design, defective material or casting, bad workmanship other than faults in erection;” In the case of second-hand items, the insurance hereunder shall, however, cease immediately on the commencement of the test. 15 DKBS MR 101 - Cie ditu kign dje bigt lin quan dén vige xiy dyng dwing him va cic duong him ¢ him mé, cdu tric/thiét bj tam thdi hoge vinh citu nim duéi bé mat Céc bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kkign 1a céc phuong dién khée phai tuén theo cde diéu kign, diéu khoan va céc diém loai tit duge quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho&c da durge bé sung vao Bao hiém nay, Ngudi bao hiém s& khéng bdi thudng cho Ngudi duge bao hiém nhing chi phi phat sinh lién quan dén: - nhiing thay d6i trong phuong phap xdy dmg hoe do cée ditu kien, to ngai khéng ludng trude duge cia dat 44, - céc bign phap cén thiét dé cai thién hode Jam 6n dinh diéu kign ciia dat da hoae dé ngan nude xém nhap tir phi 1a cin thiét Endorsement MR 101 - Special conditions concerning the construction of tunnels, galleries, temporary or _ permanent subsurface structures or installations It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in the Policy or endorsed thereon, the Insurer shall not indemnify the Insured in respect of the expenses incurred for: + alterations in the construction method or due to unforeseen ground conditions or obstructions, + measures which become necessary to improve or stabilize ground conditions or to seal against water ingress unless necessary to reinstate indemnifiable loss or damage, + removing material_which has _been ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 we 15/37 48 ch6i phuc Iai ede ton that hode thigt hal thuge trich nhigm bao hiém, ~ van chuyén cée vét ligu khée phat sinh trong qué trinh dio dat, hoe do phiin dat dao vugt qua so véi hd so thiét ké Fvamhose lap, day Igi cde hd do phan dat da dao vuot qua so véi thiét ké, ~ cng vige théo nude trir phi la cdn thiét dé Khoi phuc lai tin thét hoge thigt hai thude trach nhiém bao hiém, > tn that he thigt hai do hong hoe he théng thoat nude néu nhimg tén that hoc thigt hai nay c6 thé phong trénh duge bing cach sir dung céc phuong tién dy phong, ~ vige virt b6 hoe khdi phyc lai cée may 3o/khoan him, - t6n that déi voi chat lam dong cimg dat (bentonite), céc thiét bi/he théng treo, gidim x6e hod bit ky thiét bj hay vat ligu aio ding cho vige hb tro edng vige dio dat hode bat | ding dé thay 46i diéu kién ctia dat, Trong trudng hop cé tén tht hode thiét hai thuge trich nhiém bio hiém thi sé tién bai han cho céc chi phi phat sinh nh&m khéi phyc tai sin due bao hiém dat dén mute 46 hoge digu kign ky thugt twong duong véi diéu kign nhu ngay | truéc khi xay ra tén thdt nhung khong vugt qué ty 1g phan tram quy dinh duéi day trén chi phi xy dung binh quan Im ban dau ngay ‘gi khu vue bj ton hai TY Ig phan trim t6i da 6 thé tra: ... % excavated, or due to overbreak in excess of the design profile and/or for refilling cavities resulting therefrom, + dewatering unless necessary to reinstate indemnifiable loss or damage, + loss or damage due to breakdown of the dewatering system if such loss or damage could have been avoided by use of standby facilities, + the abandonment or recovery of tunnel- boring machines, + the loss of bentonite, suspensions, or any media or substance used for excavation support or as a ground-conditioning agent. In the event of indemnifiable loss or damage the maximum amount payable under this Policy shall be limited to the expenses incurred to reinstate the insured property to a standard or condition technically equivalent to that which existed immediately before the occurrence of loss or damage but not in excess of the percentage as stated below of the original average per-metre construction cost of the immediate damaged area. % Maximum percentage payable: DKBS MR 102 - Ditu kign dje bigt lign quan t6i ede during edip, dng ngam va cée thiét bj ngim khie 16 Céc bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, v6i diéu kign phai tuan theo cée digu khoan, digu kign va céc diém logi trix quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay ho§e duge bd sung vao Bao hiém nay, Diéu khodn bd sung ndy quy dinh ring: Ngudi béo hiém sé chi boi thuémg cho Ngudi_ Endorsement MR 102 - Special conditions concerning underground cables, pipes and other facilities It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of or damage to existing underground cables ABIC- Danh myc BKBS CAR.2014 Ww —_ 16/37 duge bio hiém cdc tOn that hod thiét hai 46i Vi chic dt cap vahote éng viho&e céc thiét bj ngam khac sin c6 trén khu vuc céng trudng, néu Nguoi duge bao hiém truéc khi tién hanh thi céng xdy dung da tim hiéu va nim duge day di va chinh xéc so dd vé cic tuyén cap, éng ngim hay cae thiét bj ngdm khac théng qua cdc nha chite trach c6 thim quyén lién quan va da dé ra cdc bign phap_ ae thiét dé dé phong, han ché tén that cho cdc cOng trinh ngam nay trong khi thi cong. Vige bdi thudng cho cac tin that hoge thigt hai ca cdc cOng trinh ngdm cé sin ma vj tri cha n6 da duge chi rd trong so dO (bin vé xée dinh vj tri cla cde cOng trinh ngam) thi mirc khdu trir trong trudmg hgp nay sé la 20% gid tri ciia ton that hoge mic khéu trir 6 diém a) dudi day sé duge dp dung, tay thude vao gid tri nao 1én hon, Vige bdi thudng cho cdc tén that cia cde céng trinh ngim sin cé ma vi tri cla n6é chua duge néu chinh xc thi sé 4p dyng mire khdu trir diém b) dudi diy. Trong bit ky truéng hop nao, trach nhiém bdi thudng cla Ngudi bao hiém chi gidi han trong _vige stra chtta, khéc phuc céc duong cap, dng ngdm hote thiét bj ngim khdc nay vai bit ky cdc thigt hai la hu qua hay khoan tién phat déu khéng thuge tréch nhiém bdi thudng ciia Ngudi bio hiém. Mite khau trir: a) 20% gid tri bdi thurdng, thdp nat 1a: «1 . cho mai su c6 b).. and/or pipes or other underground facilities | if, prior to the commencement of works, the Insured has inquired with the relevant authorities about the exact position of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities and takes all necessary steps to avoid damage to same. Claims in respect of loss of or damage to such underground facilities which are in the same position as shown on the underground maps (drawings indicating the position of the underground facilities) shall be payable after applying a deductible of 20 % of the loss amount or the deductible stated under a below, whichever is the greater. Claims in respect of loss of or damage to underground facilities incorrectly shown on the underground map shall be payable after applying the deductible stated under b below. The indemnity shall in any case be restricted to the repair costs of such cables, pipes or other underground facilities, any consequential damage and penalties being excluded from the cover. Deductibles: a. 20 % of the loss amount, minimum ‘any one occurrence any one occurrence 17 DKBS MR 103 - Logi trir tén thit hoie thigt hai d6i v6i mia mang, rimg va cay trong Cae bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign 14 vé tét c& cdc phuong dign khéc phai Endorsement MR 103 - Exclusion of loss of or damage to crops, forests and cultures It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 © 1787 tuin theo hoe bé sung vao Bao hiém niy, Diéu Khon bd sung ny quy dinh ring: Neudi bio hiém khong b0i thudng cho Ngudi duge bao hiém cée ton that, thigt hai hay trach nhiém truc tiép ho&c gidn tiép gay ta déi voi mia mang, rimg va/hode bit ky cfy tréng nao trong sudt thoi gian tién hanh thi cong xdy dymg. ] and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to crops, forests and/or any cultures during the execution of the contract works. 18 | DKBS MR 104 - Cac digu kign die bigt | Endorsement MR 104 - Special conditions lign quan dén vige xdy dyng d§p va hd | concerning the construction of dams and chia née water reservoirs Cac bén thoa thudn va hiéu ring, véi diéu | It is agreed and understood that otherwise kign la vé tit cd cée phyong ign khée phi | subject to the tetms, exclusions, provisions tuan theo eée dibu khodn, digu kign va céc | and conditions contained in this Insurance or diém loai trir quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay | endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall not bade bk ss vio in bin nay, Nol | inet te nee Ta repest of hiém s€ khéng bdi thudng cho Ngudi duge = keene = grouting of soft rock areas and/or other ‘ilo hilint 40/ vo} Ae thutmg hig em additional safety measures even if their ~ Phun bé t6ng vao nhimg khu vue dé mém | __ necessity arises only during construction, vashoge cic bign phap an toan bd sung,|_ 4, snared fe ; a : Se ee ees + expenses incurred for dewatering even i cho di su cn thiét eta ching chi la phat |” the quantities of water originally expected sinh trong qué trinh xéy dung. are exceeded substantially, ~ Céc chi ph phat sinh d6i voi vige thio | Ios or damage due to breakdown of the tigu nude, cho di khOi lung nude theo |” gewatering system if such breakdown dy kién ban diu di vugt qua mét ech | could have been avoided by sufficient dang ke. stand-by facilities, = Tén thit hay thigt hgi do v@ he théng thodt | _ ecnenses incurred for additional sealing nude, néu vige vi he thong nay ¢6 the |” or waterproofing and additional facilities trinh duge bang vige sit dung céc thiét bi) for the discharge of run-off and/or dy phing c6 sin. underground water, = Cée chi phi phat sinh dé hin thém hofe |_ joss or damage due to subsidence if chéng va cfc thiét bj bb sung 48 |” caused by insufficient compacting, théo muée theo dong chay vivho’e nude ak nga. = cracks and leakage. = Tén that hay thigt hai do sut lun néu gay ra boi ly do nén khong di 46 rin. + Nit vardri, 19 | DKBS MR 105 - Cam két lign quan t6i cic | Endorsement MR 105 - Cover for existing cdu trac ¢6 sin va/hoje cfc tai sin xung quan. ABIC- Dank muc DKBS CAR.2014 structures and/or surrounding property [itis agreed and understood that otherwise Yr 18/37 Cée bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kién 1a vé tat cd cdc phuong dign khac phai tuin theo cdc diéu khoan, diéu kign va cae diém loai trir quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoc bé sung vao Bao hiém nay, va véi diéu kign 1a Ngudi duge bao hiém da tra thém s6 phi bio hiém bd sung theo théa thufin, Diéu Khodn bé sung nay quy dinh ring: Phan I (Tén that vat chit) cia Bao hiém nay s& mo rOng pham vi bio hiém cho céc tn that vat chat bat ng& va khéng ludng trude durge déi ‘véi cdc cdu tric sin c6é sau day phat sinh do viée tién hanh thi céng xay dumg céc hang myc duge bio hiém theo Phin I cla Bao hiém nay, nhu: do sy chan d6ng, lim yéu hay di ddi vat chéng 48, ha thap myc nude ngim, try d&, dung ham va cde céng vige khéc anh hung dén cae vat chéng d6 hay nén dat noi 6 cdc edu tric 46, Tén that d6i véi cae cdu tric trén chi durge béi thing néu trude khi tién hanh thi cong, cée cfu tric 46 phai 6 trong trang thai tt va cdc bién phép dim bao an toan can thiét da duge thyc hign. Ngudi duge bao hiém, ngay truée khi bit dau thi cng phai cing voi Nguvi bao hiém lap ra m6t bao cdo néu r6 vé tinh trang cla cdc cdu tric néi trén. Logi trir cdc diém sau day: 1- Tén thét hay thigt hai phét sinh do Idi hoge so xuit trong céng viée thiét ké 2- Cée vét ran niit cia céu tric, ma ede vet ran nift 46 khéng lam gidm d6 bén ving ca két edu céng trinh hay sy an toan cia ngudi sir dung n6. Trong qué trinh xéy dung, néu cdn thiét phai 4p dung thém céc bién phap an todn thi céc phi ton cho viée tién hanh cdc bign phap a6 sé khéng thugc tréch nhiém bdi thudng cia Bao hiém nay. Cée edu tric duge bao hiém theo Digu khoan bé sung nay gdm: | Gigi hn tréch nhigm: cho mai sy 6 subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, and subject to the Insured having paid the agreed extra premium, Section I of this insurance shall be extended according to the following provisions to cover sudden and unforeseen physical loss of or damage to the structures sated below caused by or arising out of the construction or erection of the items insured under Section I, e.g. due to vibration, weakening or removal of support, lowering of ground water, underpinning, tunneling or other operations supporting elements or the subsoil. Loss of or damage to the structures stated below shall only be covered if prior to the commencement of the works their conditions is found to be satisfactory and/or the necessary safety measures have been taken. The Insured shall produce together with the Insurers a report stating that the condition of the structures before the beginning of the works. The following shall be excluded: 1- loss or damage attributable to errors or omission in the designing of the works; 2- loss or damage consisting in cracks that impair neither the stability of the structure nor the safety of its users. Should further safety measures become necessary during the construction, the expenses incurred for such measures’ shall not be indemnified under this Insurance, Structures for which the Endorsement is applicable: Limit of Indemnity: any one loss and in aggregate during period of insurance loss, ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 19/37 va trong sudt thoi han bao hiém ‘Tong gidi han tréch nhigm: Mite khiiu trir; 20% gid tri tn that... ‘Thdp nhit ..........cho mi sy cé. Phy phi bao hiém: Extra Premium: 20 DKBS MR 106 - Cam két thi céng theo timg dogn. Cac bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign 1a vé tat ca cde phuong dign khée phai tuin theo cde digu khodn, diéu kign va cic diém loai tri quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay hoae duge bd sung vio Bao hiém nay, Diéu Khoan bé sung nay quy dinh ring Nguoi bio hiém s8 chi boi thuémg cho Ngudi duge bao hiém cdc tén that ho%e tréch nhigm tryc tiép hay gidn tiép gay ra cho hay béi viée thyc hign cdc céng vige thi cng dé, ke, sum doc inh béc, duimg hio, kénh, muong hay duéng néu nhimg céng vige nay duge thi céng theo timg doan riéng biét va tong chiéu dai olla méi dogn khéng vugt qué quy dinh dudi day, bat ké mite d@ hoan thinh nhing cong vige duge bao hiém a6 nhu thé nao va 86 tién boi thudng cho mdi sy cd sé chi gidi han bing khoan chi phi stra chifa Igi cc doan 46, Chiéu dai téi da cho mdi dogn: .......mét va khong qué ....doan khéng lién ke? Endorsement MR 106 - concerning sections Warranty It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions | and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the insurers shall only | indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or | liability directly or indirectly caused to or by embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches, canals or road work if these embankments, cuttings and benchings, ditches, canals or road work are constructed in sections not exceeding in total the length stated below, irrespective of the state of completion of the insured works, and the indemnification for any one loss event shall be limited to the cost of repair of such sections. metres Maximum length of section: .. re ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR.2014 20/37 2 DKBS MR 107 - Nhing bio dim lién quan dén cac léu, kho chira hang Cée bén théa thudn va hiéu ring, voi diéu kign 1a vé tét ca cae phuong dign khée phai tuan theo céc diéu khodn, diéu kign va cic diém loai trix quy dinh trong Bao hiém nay howe durge bé sung thém vao Bao hiém nay, ‘Ngudi bio hiém sé chi boi thudng cho Ngudi duge bio hiém vé nhimg thiét hai, t6n thit hod trach nhiém tryc tiép hay gidn tiép gay ra cho céc léu, kho ma nguyén nhan do héa hoan, li ho&c nedp lut, véi diéu kign cdc leu, kho nay d& duge dat & chd cé cot nén cao hon mic nude cao nhat trong toin bd khu vue theo s6 ligu théng ké trong 20 nam qua va cée don vj kho riéng bigt phii duoc dat cach nhau ft nhat $0 m hay duge ngén boi tuémg chju lira, Cée bén cing théa thudn ring Ngudi bao hiém s& bdi thuémg cho Ngudi duge bio hiém d6i véi bat ky sur cé nao song chi trong mite gidi han bdi thudng: 48i véi cdc eu .46i véi méi don vj kho riéng biét. Endorsement MR 107 - concerning Camps and Stores Warranty It is agreed and understood that otherwise subject to the terms, exclusions, provisions and conditions contained in this Insurance or endorsed thereon, the Insurers shall only indemnify the Insured for loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused to camps and stores by fire, flood or inundation if these camps and stores are located above the highest water level recorded anywhere ‘on the site during the last 20 years and the individual storage units are either at least 50 m apart or separated by fire walls. It is also agreed that the Insurers shall indemnify the Insured for any one occurrence only up to a limit of indemnity of: .... for camps, . for each individual storage unit. w ABIC- Danh muc DKBS CAR 2014 2187

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