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CONG TY CP BAO HIEM CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP D6c lap - Ty do - Hanh Phiic 86:2344/2014/QD-ABIC-TSKT Ha N6i, ngay 05 thing 09 nim 2014 QUYET DINH (Wh Ban hanh Diéu khodn b6 sung bao hiém tai siin) TONG GIAM DOC | CONG TY CO PHAN BAO HIEM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP - Cin cit Gidy phép thanh lép va hoat déng sé 38/GP-KDBH ngay 18/10/2006 ciia BG Tai chinh va cée Gidy phép diéu chinh; - Cin cit Diéu Ig 16 chite va hoat déng ctia Céng ty cb phéin Bao hiém Ngdin hang néng nghiép; ~ Cain cit dé nghi cita Ong Tredng Phang Tai sin K3 thudi. QUYET BINH Diéu 1: Ban hanh bo Diéu khoan bd sung bao hiém tai sin ‘ap dung cho hgp ddng bao hiém Héa hogn va cdc rui ro dic bit, Moi nii ro tai sin, Chay né bit bue (tiéng Viét, tiéng Anh) dinh kem theo quyét dinh nay; Dieu 2: Quyét dinh nay c6 higu lye thi hanh ké tir ngay ky. Diu 3: Thanh vién Ban Téng Giém déc, Truong cic Ban/Phong tai Try sé chinh va Giém déc cdc chi nhdnh try thuge chju tréch nhigm thi hinh Quyét dinh nay. Sern tri (8 bledo); ~ Ban diéw hamh (dé thhign); - Niue Diéu 3; ~ Leu TSKT, TCHC. CONG TY CO PHAN BAO BIEM CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM NGAN HANG NONG NGHIEP Doc lap - Ty do - Hanh phic (ABIC) BQ DIEU KHOAN BO SUNG BAO HIEM TAI SAN (Ban hinh kém theo Quyét dinh sé 2347/2014/0D-ABIC-TSKT ngdy 05 théng 09 néim 2014 cia Tong gidm déc Céng ty Cé phan bio hiém Ngan hang Nong Nghiép) DANH MUC DIEU KHOAN BO SUNG CONSTRUCTION WORKS SIT ‘TENG ANH. ‘TIENG VIET 1. |ACCIDENTAL LEAKAGE ~— OR | DIEU _KHOAN VE RO Ri HAY CHAY SPILLAGE TRAN BAT NGO 2. | ABANDONED UNDAMAGED | DIEU _KHOAN VE MOT PHAN TOA PORTION OF A__ BUILDING/| NHA/CONG TRINH XAY DUNG KHONG TON HAI BI BO DI 3. | UNDAMAGED FOUNDATION DIEU KHOAN VE NEN MONG KHONG B] TON THAT 4. | ACT OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY DIEU KHOAN VE PHA HUY THEO LENH | CUA CO QUAN CONG QUYEN 5. | AGREED VALUE JEWELLERY/PAINTING (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) FOR DIEU KHOAN VE GIA TR] THOA THUAN DOI VOI PO TRANG SUC/TRANH QUY (HAN MUC: .... CHO MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) 6. | ART WORKS AND CURIOUS (LIMIT: sss: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE TAC PHAM NGHE THUAT VA BO QUI HIEM (HAN MUC: ..JMOL TON THAT VA CHO TOAN BO THOL HAN BAO HIEM) 7. | ALL OTHER CONTENTS (LIMIT: ...... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIBU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM CAC TAL SAN KHAC (HAN MUC CHO MOI VA MQI VU TON THAT) 8. | AWNINGS, BLINDS, SIGNS & OTHER OUTDOOR FIXTURES (LIMIT: .... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIBU KHOAN VE MAIHIEN, MANH CHE, BIEN HIEU VA CAC TAI SAN CO DINH BEN NGOAI KHAC (HAN MUC: ..... CHO MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) 9. | ALTERATIONS REPAIRS/WORKMEN (LIMIT: ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE THAY DOI VA SUA CHUA (HAN MUC: ..... CHO MOI HOP BONG CONG VIEC) ABIC- Property and Engineering Iswance~ Endorsements ~ 2014 wu — 10. | MINOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS OR CONSTRUCTION WORKS (LIMIT: wn/ANY CONTRACT VALUE) DIEU KHOAN BAO HIEM CHO NHUNG. THAY DOI, SUA CHUA HOAC XAY DUNG NHO (HAN MUC: ..../GIA TRI MOT | HOP DONG) 11. | APPRAISEMENT (LIMIT: ... OF THE SUM INSURED BY THE ITEM OR DIEU KHOAN VE DINH GIA TAI SAN (HAN MUC: ... $0 TIEN BAO HIEM CUA CONSULTANTS, ENGINEERS FEES (LIMIT: esonFOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) ITEMS AFFECTED) MOT HOAC CAC HANG MUC BI ANH HUONG) 12, | ACCOUNTANT’S FEES AND | DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI KE TOAN INSURED’S CLAIM PREPARATION | CHUYEN NGHIEP VA CHI PHI LAP HO COST (LIMIT: ..... FOR ANY AND ALL | SO KHTEU NAI (HAN MUC: ..... CHO MOI | | LOSSES) VA MOI VU TON THAT) 13. | ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, | DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI KIEN TRUC SU, GIAM BINH VIEN, TU VAN, KY SU’ (HAN MUC: .......CHO MOL VA MOI VU TON THAT 14. | AUTOMATIC COVER FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTY (LIMIT: OF SUM INSURED) | CHO TAI SAN BO SUNG (HAN MUC: DIEU KHOAN VE TU DONG BAO HIEM SO TIEN BAO HIEM) 30 DAYS EXTENSION AT PRO-RATA PREMIUM. DIEU KHOAN VE TY BONG MG RONG THOI HAN BAO HIEM 30 NGAY (PHI BAO HIEM BO SUNG TINH THEO TY LE) 16. | AUTOMATIC REINSTATEMENT OF DIEU KHOAN VE TY DONG KHOI PHUC SUM INSURED ENDORSEMENT SO TIEN BAO HIEM 17. | AUTOMOBILES DIEU KHOAN QUY BINH VE XE 18. | AVERAGE CONDITION (85%) pIEU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM DUG! GIA TRI (85%) 19. | BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL EXPLOSION (LIMIT: ..... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE NO NOI HOI VA BINH AP LUC (HAN MUC: CHO MOI VA. MOI VU TON THAT) 20, | BREACH OF CONDITIONS, DIEU KHOAN VE VI PHAM CAC DIEU KIEN 21. | BREACH OF WARRANTY Bro KHOAN VE VI PHAM CAC CAM KET 22. | BUILDING ITEM ENDORSEMENT DIEU _KHOAN VE CAC HANG MUC THUQC TOA NHA. 23. | CAPITAL ADDITIONS (LIMIT: ... % OF ‘SUM INSURED) DIEU KHOAN VE BO SUNG TAI SAN CO UC: ... % SO TIEN BAO -AB1C- Property and Engineering Insurance ~ Endorsements ~ 2014 24. | CONTRACT PRICE DIEU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM THEO GIA HOP DONG 25, | CONTROL OF PROPERTY DIEU KHOAN VE KIEM SOAT TAI SAN 26. |COMPUTER SYSTEM RECORDS | DIEU KHOAN VE HE THONG LUU TRU (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL | DU LIEU MAY TINH (HAN MUC: ....CHO LOSSES) MOI VA MQI VU TON THAT) 27. | COST OF DEMOLITION, CLEARING, TEMPORARY PROTECTION AND ERECTION OF HOARDINGS DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI PHA HUY, DON DEP, BAO VE TAM THOI VA LAP DAT HANG RAO 28. | COST OF RE-ERECTION DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI TAI LAP DAT 29. | COST OF TEMPORARY PROTECTION (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI BAO VE TAM THOI (HAN MUC: ....... CHO MOI VA MQI VU TON THAT) COST OF RECOMPILING RECORDS AND PREPARING CLAIM (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) | 30. DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI SOAN THAO LAI DU LIEU VA CHI PHI LAP HO $6 BOL THUONG (HAN MUC: .....CHO MOL VA MOI VU TON THAT) 31. |COST OF RE-WRITING RECORDS (LIMIT ...FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI GHI CHEP Lal DU LIEU (HAN MUC ......CHO MOI VA MQI VU TON THAT) 32, | CURRENCY DIEU KHOAN VE TIEN TE 33, |CUSTOMS, EXCISE AND OTHER DUTIES (LIMIT: ......./A.0.0 AND IN ANNUAL AGGREGATE) 34, | CUSTOMERS' GOODS DIEU _KHOAN VE HANG HOA CUA KHACH HANG 35. | DESCRIPTION/DESIGNATION PROPERTY INSURED OF DIEU KHOAN VE MO TA/PHAN LOAI TAI SAN BUGQC BAO HIEM 36. | DETERIORATION OF GOODS COLD STORAGE (LIMIT: AND ALL LOSSES) DIEU KHOAN VE HU HONG HANG HOA TRONG KHO LANH (HAN MUC:.......CHO. MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) 37. | DIVISIBLE CONTROL DIEU KHOAN VE TACH BIET CHE TAL 38. | ESCALATION (LIMIT: INSURED) DIEU KHOAN VE TRUQT GIA (HAN MUC: ......% SO TIEN BAO HIEM) 39, | ELECTRONIC DATA AND INTERNET DIEU KHOAN VE MANG VA DU LIfU DIEN TU 40. | ELECTRONIC | COMPUTERS INSTALLTIONS, AND DATA DIEU KHOAN VE BO VO THIET BI BIEN TU, MAY TINH VA THIET BI XU LY DU ABIC- Property and Engineering Insurance Endorsements 2014 Ww PROCESSING BREAKDOWN (LIMI EQUIPMENT ) 41, | EXHIBITION & TRADE FAIR (LIMIT: ANY ONE LOCATION) DIEU KHOAN VE TRIEN LAM VA HOt CHO THUONG MAI (HAN MUC: . MOI DIA DIEM) 42. | FIRE EXTINGUISHING EXPENSES. DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI CHUA CHAY | (LIMIT ....FOR ANY AND ALL | (HAN MUC .....CHO MOI VA MOL VU LOSSES) TON THAT) 43. | FIRE BRIGADE CHARGES (LIMIT: DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI DOI CHUA FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) CHAY (HAN MUC: .....CHO MOI VA MOL VU TON THAT) 44. | FUSION DAMAGE (SELF-IGNITION) (LIMIT: .... ANY ONE LOSS OR SERIES OF LOSS ARISING OUT OF ANY ONE EVENT OR OCCURRENCE AT ANY ONE LOCATION) DIEU KHOAN VE TON THAT DO NONG CHAY (TY BAT LUA) (HAN MUC: ... MOL VU TON THAT HOAC CHUOI CAC TON THAT PHAT SINH TU MOT SU KIEN TAL MOT DIA DIEM DUGC BAO HIEM) 45. | GUESTS’ EFFECT (LIMIT: .... ANY bIRU KHOAN VE TAI SAN CA NHAN| PERSONAL EFFECTS (LIMIT: ... ANY ONE OCCURRENCE) CUA KHACH (HAN MUC: CHO MOI su CO) 46. | DIRECTORS’, EMPLOYEES’ | DIBU KHOAN Vé TAI SAN CA NHAN CUA GIAM BOC _VA NHAN VIEN (HAN ONE LOSS TO ANY ONE DIRECTOR | MUC: .... CHO MOI TON THAT CHO MOL OR EMPLOYEE AND... IN|GIAM DOC HOAC NHAN VIEN VA ... AGGREGATE ANY ONE LOSS | TONG CONG MOT VU TON THAT) EVENT) 47. | HAZARDOUS GOODS DIEU KHOAN VE HANG HOA NGUY HIEM 48. | HEATING AND POWER DIEU _KHOAN VE NHIET VA NANG LUQNG 49. | HIRE, PURCHASE/LEASING DIEU KHOAN VE THUE MUA TAI SAN, 50, | INHIBITION COSTS DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI HAN CHE TON THAT 51. | INTERNAL REMOVAL DIEU KHOAN VE DI CHUYEN NOI BO. 52. | TEMPORARY REMOVAL (LIMIT: OF SUM INSURED) Se DIEU KHOAN VE DI DOI TAM THOI (HAN MUC: .....% SO TIEN BAO HIEM) 53. | CLARIFICATION AGREEMENT (IT. DIEU _KHOAN VE LOAI TRU RUI RO ENDORSEMENT) MAY VITINH 34, | LANDSLIP AND SUBSIDENCE DIEU KHOAN VE LUN VA SAT LO 55. | LEASED PROPERTY DIEU KHOAN VE TAI SAN CHO THUE ABIC: Property and Engineering surance — Endorsements 2014 Ww —_ 56. LESSEES/LOSS PAYEE DIEU KHOAN VE NGUOI DI THUE / NGUOI DUQC THANH TOAN TON THAT 57. LOCKS & KEYS (LIMIT: DIEU KHOAN VE O VA CHIA KHOA (HAN MUC 58. | LOSS NOTIFICATION DIEU_KHOAN QUY DINH VE THONG BAO TON THAT 59. | MISDESCRIPTION DIEU KHOAN VE MOTA SAI 60, MONEY IN PREMISES AND IN DIEU KHOAN VE TIEN TAI CO SO DUOC TRANSIT (LIMIT: ..... ANY ONE LOSS | BAO HIEM HOAC TREN DUONG VAN AND IN AGGREGATE) CHUYEN (HAN MUC: .... CHO MOI TON THAT VA CHO TOAN BO THO! HAN BAO HIEM) 61. | MORTGAGEE DIEU KHOAN VE NGUOI NHAN THE CHAP TAI SAN 62. | NO CONTROL DIEU KHOAN VE KHONG KIEM SOAT 63, NON-INVALIDATION DIEU KHOAN VE KHONG MAT HIEU LUC BAO HIEM 64. |NOTICE OF CANCELLATION | DIEU KHOAN VE THONG BAO HUY BO AMENDED TO 30 DAYS HOP DONG TRONG VONG 30 NGAY 65. | OTHER INTERESTS DIEU KHOAN VE QUYEN LOI CUA NGUOI KHAC 66. OUTDOOR LAWNS, TREES, PLANTS SHRUBS (LIMIT: ....... ANY ONE LOSS) DIEU KHOAN VE CAY TRONG, THAM CO VA BUI CAY BEN NGOAI (HAN MUC: USD ...... CHO MOI VU TON THAT) 67. OUTDOOR PROPERTY (LIMIT: DIEU KHOAN VE TAI SAN NGOAI TROL (HAN MU‘ -) 68. | OUTBUILDING DIEU KHOAN VE CONG TRINH PHU NGOAI VI 69. |OUTSIDE PREMISES —_ STORAGE | DIEU KHOAN Vi DJA DIEM CAT TRO (LIMIT: ...../ANY ONE LOCATION, | NGOAI VI (HAN MUC: .../MOT DIA CLASS 1 CONSTRUCTION, | DIEM, VOI DIEU KIEN CAU TRUC XAY ADEQUATE SECURITY PROVISION & | DUNG LOAI 1, CO PHUONG PHAP BAO SAFETY MEASURES) VE AN TOAN THICH HOP) 70. | PAIRS AND SETS DIEU KHOAN VE DOI VA BO 71. | PAYMENT ON ACCOUNT | DIEU KHOAN VE THANH TOAN BOI (LIMIT:....%) THUONG TAM UNG (GIGI HAN:...%) 7. PORTABLE ITEMS (LIMIT: .... PER ITEM AND... _IN AGGREGATE, DIEU KHOAN VE TAI SAN LUU DONG (HAN _MUC: MOL HANG MUC ABIC- Property and Engineering snrance~ Endorsements ~ 2014 — /ANY ONE LOSS) VA..CHO_CA THO! HAN BAO_HIEM, MUC MIEN THUONG: ... CHO MOI TON THAT) 73. | ANNUAL BREAK AND REVIEW DIEU KHOAN XEM XET, DANH GIA LAL HANG NAM 74. | PREMISES DIEU KHOAN VE DIA DIEM DUQC BAO. HIEM 75. | PLATE GLASS BREAKAGE, DIEU KHOAN NUT VO KINH TAM. 76. | PROPERTY UNDER CARE, CUSTODY AND CONTROL OF THE INSURED pIEU_KHOAN VE TAI SAN THUOC QUYEN KIEM SOAT, QUAN LY, TRONG hae COI SOC CUA NGUGI DUGC BAO. HIEM 77. | PROPERTY/GOODS IN TRANSIT (LIMIT: .... ANY ONE LOSS AND IN DIEU KHOAN Vé TAI SAN/HANG HOA ‘TRONG QUA TRINH VAN CHUYEN (HAN AGGRIGATE) MUC: .... CHO MOL VU TON THAT VA CHO CA THOI HAN BAO HIEM) 78, | PUBLIC AUTHORITIES DIEU KHOAN VE NHA CHUC TRACH 79. | REINSTATEMENT VALUE DIEU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM THEO GIA ‘TRI KHOI PHUC 80. | REMOVAL OF DEBRIS (LIMIT: DIEU KHOAN VE DON DEP HIEN EACH AND EVERY LOSS) TRUONG (HAN MUC: ..... MOI VA MOL VU TON THAT) 81. | SMOKE DAMAGE DIEU KHOAN VE TON THAT DO KHOI 82, | SERVICES DIEU KHOAN VE DICH VU 83. | SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION DIEU KHOAN VE TY BOC CHAY 84. | STOCK DECLARATION 75% DIEU KHOAN VE KHAI BAO HANG HOA. E% 85. | WAIVER OF __ SUBROGATION | DIEU KHOAN VE TU BO THE QUYEN (AGAINST OWN COMPANIES ONLY) | (CHi BOI V6I CONG Ty SO HUU) 86. | SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES DIEU KHOAN VE CONG TY CON 87. | SUE AND LABOUR DIEU KHOAN VE TO TUNG VA HAN CHE. TON THAT 88. | TEMPORARY REPAIR (LIMIT: LOSS AND IN AGGRIGATE) ANY DIEU KHOAN VE SUA CHUA TAM THOL (HAN MUC: ..../MOl VA CHO TOAN BO THOI HAN BAO HIEM) 89, | TENANTS (FOR LANDLORDS) DIEU _KHOAN VE NGUOI DI THUE (DANH CHO CHU NHA) ABIC: Property and Engineering surance Bndorsements 2014 Ww 2 90, | TENANT'S IMPROVEMENT DIEU KHOAN VE VIEC CAI TAO CUA NGUOI DI THUE AGGREGATE). 91. | THEFT DURING OR AFTER A FIRE (LIMIT.../ANY ONE LOSS AND IN DIEU KHOAN VE TROM CUGP TRONG HOAC SAU HOA HOAN (GIGI HAN: «MOLVA MOI VY TON THAT). 92. | TIME ADJUSTMENT - 72 HOURS DIEU KHOAN VE DIEU CHINH THOI GIAN - 72 GIO 93. | UNPACKING EXPENSES ie KHOAN VE CHI PHi THAO DO BAO Bi VEHICLE/CONTAINER LOAD DIEU KHOAN VE CHAT HANG TREN XE CO GIGI 95. | TERRORISM EXCLUSION DIEU KHOAN VE LOAI TRU KHUNG BO 96. | Y2K RECOGNITION EXCLUSION EXCLUSION/DATA DIEU KHOAN VE LOAI TRU RUI RO DO VIC NHAN BIET NGAY THANG/SU CO MAY TINH Y2K_ 97. | MACHINERY BREAKDOWN (LIMIT: / ANY ONE OCCURRENCE AND DIEU KHOAN VE HONG HOC MAY MOC (HAN MUC: | MOL VU TON THAT ENTRANCE OR EXIT IN AGGREGATE) VA CHO TOAN BOQ THOI HAN BAO HIEM) 98. | THEFT FOLLOWING —FORCIBLE | DIEU KHOAN VE TROM CO st! DUNG v0 LUC VA BAO LUC KHI XAM NHAP VA TAU THOAT 99. | BRANDS AND LABELS. DIEU KHOAN VE NHAN HIEU 100.| EXPEDITING _ EXPENSES AGGREGATE) (LIMIT: ssdANY ONE OCCURRENCE AND IN DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI PHAT SINH THEM (HAN MUC: .../ MOL VU TON THAT VA CHO TOAN BO THO! HAN BAO. HIEM) 101.) FULL THEFT DIEU KHOAN VE TROM CAP MO RONG 102.) IMPACT DAMAGE BY VEHICLES/ VESSEL/BOATS ROAD DIEU KHOAN VE VA CHAM VOI CAC PHUONG TIEN XE CO GIOVTAU THUYEN 103.| PRIVILEGES GRANTED. DIEU KHOAN VE DAC QUYEN (LIMIT: EMPLOYEES — AND. OF INSURANCE) 104.) FIDELITY GUARANTEE EXTENSION FOR ANY ONE LOSS INVOLVING EITHER ONE OR MORE 7 IN AGGREGATE DURING THE PERIOD DIEU KHOAN MO RONG LONG TRUNG THANH (GIGI HAN: CHO BAT KY TON THAT LIEN QUAN DEN MOT HOAC NHIEU NHAN VIEN VA ....... TONG CHO CA THOI HAN BAO HIEM) ABIC- Property and Engineering surance Endorsements ~ 2014 W —_ 105.| STOCK AT CONTRACTORS’ SUBCONTRACTORS’ PREMISES OR, DIEU KHOAN BAO HIEM HANG HOA DAT TAI DIA DIEM CUA NHA THAU. HOAC NHA CUNG CAP 106.) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION DIEU KHOAN THIET BI DIEN 107.| ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 44 DIEU KHOAN THIET BI DIEN 4A 108.) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 4B. DIEU KHOAN THIET BI DIEN 4B 109.| FLOATING TERRACE AND JETTY DIEU KHOAN BAO HIEM CAU TAU VA U NOL 110.| ERROR AND OMISSION DIEU KHOAN SAI SOT VA NHAM LAN. 111.] COST OF CLEARING DRAINS (LIMIT: sudANY ONE OCCURRENCE AND IN DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHi DON DEP HE THONG THOAT NUGC (HAN MUC: OCCURRENCE AND IN AGGREGATE) AGGREGATE) .MOI VU TON THAT VA MQI VU TON THAT) 112.) LOSS ADJUSTERS DIEU_KHOAN CHi BINH GIAM BINH TON THAT 113.) STRIKE, = RIOT ~~ AND __CIVIL| DIEU KHOAN VE BINH CONG, NOI COMMOTION (LIMIT: ..../ANY ONE | LOAN, BAO DONG DAN SU (HAN MUC: (01 VY TON THAT VA MOI VU TON ) 114.| UNDERGROUND PROPERTY (LIMIT: .JANY ONE OCCURRENCE AND IN AGGREGATE) DIEU _KHOAN TAL SAN NGAM DUG MAT DAT (HAN MU( .MOI VY TON THAT VA MOI VU TON THAT) 115.| CUT THROUGH DIEU KHOAN THANH TOAN TON THAT TRUC TIEP 116.] NO CLAIM BONUS (5%) DIEU KHOAN THUONG KHONG KHIEU NAI (5%) 117.| SPRINKLER LEAKAGE COVER (LIMIT; ..../ANY ONE OCCURRENCE AND IN AGGREGATE) DIEU KHOAN BAO HIEM CHO NUOC RO. Ri TU HE THONG CHUA CHAY TU DONG (HAN MUC; .......MOI VU TON THAT VA MOI VU TON THAT) 118.] PREMIUM WARRANTY DIEU KHOAN CAM KET THANH TOAN PHI BAO HIEM ABIC- Property and Engineering nurance~ Endorsements ~ 2014 Ww NOIDUNG CAC DIEU KHOAN BO SUNG TIENG ANH TIENG VIET ACCIDENTAL LEAKAGE OR | DIEU KHOAN Vé RO Ri HAY CHAY SPILLAGE TRAN BAT NGO ‘The indemnity provided by this Insurance is hereby extended to include loss, damage or destruction of property insured by accidental leakage ot spillage of any gas, vapour, liquid (other than water) or molten material caused by a peril insured, but excluding: (@) Damage to or loss, destruction, pollution or contamination of land, water and air, Loss or destruction of or damage to such escaped gas, vapour, liquid or molten material; Costs of rectifying the fault which permitted the leakage or spillage to take place; Costs. of removing, nullifying or cleaning up seeping, polluting or contamination substances; Loss or destruction of or damage to goods in transit; Loss, damage or destruction caused by or happening during the course of repairs or alterations; Loss or destruction of or damage to that unit of plant, machinery or apparatus used for the containment dispensing or transmission of any gas, vapour, liquid or molten material which has escaped or leaked therefrom. (b) © (d) © wo @) Diéu khodn bao hiém nay mé rong dé bai thudng cho nhing tén that, thigt hai hoac pha hily cia tai sin duge bao hiém do viéc 10 ri hay chay tran bat ngd cia bat ky gas, hoi nudc, chit long (khéng phai nuéc) hhode nguyén vat ligu néng chay gay ra béi hing ri ro duige bao hiém, nhung loai tri: (@) Thigt hai, t6n that, pha huy, 6 nhiém hoje nhiém bin déi voi dat, nude va khong khi; ‘Tén that, pha hay hode thiét hai d6i véi chinh lugng khi gas, hoi nude, chit Jéng hofic nguyén vat ligu néng chay 46 bj thoat ra ngoai; Chi phi khiic phyc khiém khuyét gay ra sy rdrri hay chay tran; Chi phi di di, tiéu hay hoge thu don sites cht rd ri, 6 nhiém ho&e nhiém ) © @ (©) Tén thét, phd hay hogc thigt hai cho hang h6a trén duréng vin chuyén; ‘Tén that, pha hiy hod thiét hai gay ra béi ho%e xdy ra trong qué trinh sira chita hoge thay thé; Tén that, phd hiy hode thigt hai cho cde may méc, thiét bj hose dung cu duge st dung dé chita dung va van chuyén khi gas, hoi nude, chat long hoe nguyén vat ligu néng chay bj r0 ri hofie chay tran, oO @® es ABIC: Property and Engineering Insurance Endorsements ~ 2014 ABANDONED UNDAMAGED PORTION OF A BUILDING/ CONSTRUCTION WORKS Where any Property insured being a building is damaged but not destroyed and due to the requirement of any law or of any local government or other statutory authority, instatement of such building has to be carried out upon another site, the abandoned undamaged portion of such building shall be considered as having been destroyed. If however, the resale value of the original site is increased by virtue of the presence of the abandoned portion of such building, then such increase in resale value shall be regarded as salvage and that amount shall be paid to ABIC by the Insured upon completion of the sale of the site or shall be deducted from the final amount of any moneys payable by ABIC | under this Insurance, whichever shall occur later. bIbU KHOAN VE MOT PHAN TOA NHA/CONG TRINH XAY DUNG KHONG TON HAI BI BO DI ‘Néu bat ky tai san duge bao hiém 1a toa nha bj thigt hai nhung chwa bj phd hoy va do tun tht theo yéu cau cia phap luat, chinh quyén dja phuong hodc co quan céng quyén kde vige khOi phuc Iai toa nha bi thiét hai d6 phai duge tién hanh tai dja diém khéc, | phan cdn Iai cua toa nha chua bj tén hai sé duge xem nhu di bi phd hy. Tuy nhién, néu vi sy hign hau cia phan toa nha khong bj tn hai dé ma gid tj ca manh dit tang Ién khi ban Iai cho bén khdc thi phan gid tri ting thém d6 phai duge xem nhu 1a gid tri ctu vot va Ny jue bao hiém phai tra lai cho ABIC sé tién cir vot 46 sau khi hoan thanh vige mua ban hode s6 tién nay sé duoc khdu trir vio khoan tién cuéi cing ABIC cé thé phdi tra theo Bao hiém nay, tly thuge _vao sur vige nao xay ra sau. | UNDAMAGED FOUNDATION Where any Property insured being a building or an installation constructed on its own foundations is damaged but its foundations are not destroyed and due to the requirement of any law or of any local government or | statutory authority reinstatement of the | building has t0 be carried out upon another site, the abandoned foundations shall be considered as having been destroyed. If, however, the resale value of the original building site is increased by virtue of the | presence of the abandoned foundations, then such increase in resale value shall be regarded | as salvage and that amount shall be paid to | ABIC by the Insured upon completion of the sale of the site, or shall be deducted from the final amount of any moneys payable by ABIC under this Insurance, whichever shall occur later. 3. DIEU KHOAN VE NEN MONG KHONG BI TON THAT. Trudng hgp Tai sin duge bao hiém la toa nha ode cong trinh duge xay dug bj tén | that nhung phan nén méng khéng bi phd hy va do yéu clu eta phap Iugt, chinh quyén dia phuong hode cor quan cong quyén vige khdi phyc Igi tda nha phai duge thyc hign 6 dia diém khéc, phan nén méng bj bd lai s€ duge xem nhur bj pha hy. Tuy nhién, néu gid trj ban Jai Khu dit cf 46 duge tang | Ién nhd vao phan nén mong cdn lai, gid tri tng thém d6 sB duge xem Ia gid tr ctu vot ‘va Nguéi duge bio hiém phai tra cho ABIC 6 tién d6 sau khi hoan tit vige ban khu dat, hode s& duge ABIC khau trir vio sé tién boi thutng cudi cing phai tra theo Bao hiém nay, ty vao vige gi xy ra sau cing, 4. | ACT OF PUBLIC AUTHORITY The Endorsement under this Insurance is extended to cover direct loss or damage to the described property caused by acts of destruction executed by order of any Public Authority at the time of and only during a conflagration to retard the spread thereof, provided, however, that such conflagration was caused by the perils insured under this DIEU KHOAN Vi PHA HUY THEO LENH CUA CO QUAN CONG QUYEN, Diéu khoan bao hiém nay mo rong dé bio hiém cho cdc tén that hogc thiét hai tryc tiép xy ra d6i v6i cdc tai sin duge bio hiém gay ra béi hanh dOng phd hiy thye thi theo ménh Iénh ctta cdc co quan cng quyén khi va chi khi mt dm chdy lén xdy ra nhim gin chin mite 49 chdy lan. Tuy nhién, céc ABIC- Property and Engineering Insurance Endorsements — 2014 vv Insurance and subject to all other terms and conditions of this Insurance. ABIC shall not be liable, however, for more than the amount for which it would have been liable had the loss been caused by a peril insured against under this Insurance. dim chay 46 phai gly ra bi cdc ri ro drge bao hiém va phai tun thi theo céc Diéu kign, Diéu khoan cia Bao hiém nay. Trich nhigm cia ABIC trong moi trudng hgp sé khdng vugt qué sé tién 1¢ ra phai chiu khi tén that gay ra béi iti ro duge bao hiém theo Bio hid nay. AGREED VALUE FOR JEWELLERY / PAINTING (LIMIT: ..... FOR ANY AND. ALL LOSSES) It is hereby declared and agreed that in the event of loss of or damage to the property insured the basis of settlement shall be the value of the jewellery/paintings, as shown in the original receipt(s) or valuation certificate(s) but not exceeding the sum insured of the jewellery / paintings insured in this Insurance. Limi for any one occurrence and in aggregate during period of insurance DIEU KHOAN VE GIA TRI THOA THUAN DOI VOI DO TRANG SUC/TRANH QUY (HAN MUC: .... CHO MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) Dieu khoan bao hiém nay déng y va quy inh ring trong trudng hgp tén that hodc thigt hai xay ra déi ve san durge bao hiém, co sé giai quyét bai thuring sé la gid tr] cia trang site/ranh quy nh dugc néu trong héa don géc hoi gidy chimg nhfn gid trj nhung tdi da kh6ng vugt qué han mic hhan duge néu dui day. Gigi han: « that cho mdi va moi vu tén ART WORKS AND CURIOUS (LIMIT: s+: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) It is noted and agreed that this Insurance covers damage to works of art, subject to the above mentioned limit, caused by fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft, riot, strikers, locked-out workers, persons taking part in labour disturbances, malicious persons, impact by any road yehicle or animals, earthquake, windstorm, flood, bursting, overflowing, discharging or leaking of water- tanks apparatus or pipes and theft following forcible and violent entry or exit from the building, ‘The basis of settlement in respect of this item shall be the cost of restoring and repairing to condition substantially the same as before the loss plus the reduction in market value caused by such loss, damage or destruction. When restoration or repair is not possible, the market value of the property insured | immediately before the loss, destruction or | damage. DIEU KHOAN VE TAC PHAM NGHE. THUAT VA DO QUY HIEM (HAN MUC; ../MOI TON THAT VA CHO. TOAN BO THOI HAN BAO HIEM) iéu khoan bao hiém nay ma rdng bao hiém cho céc téc pham nghé thuat cho dén han mic trich nhigm néu trén, bj thiét hai gay ra béi héa hogn, sét, nd, may bay roi, bao Ong, dinh céng, bé xudng, tranh chip lao Ong, hanh d6ng 4c ¥, xe c6 hode sic vat dam va, ding dat, gidng bao, 10 lut, vo, tran hay rd ri bén mude, thiét bj hoge duéng dng va tr6m cudp cé sit dung va lye hofe bao lye dé thm nh4p hodc tdu théat. Co sé giai quyét bdi thudng déi voi hang mye nay I chi phi phyc héi hode stra chita 4é dat diéu kign twong ty nhw true khi tén that cOng véi phan gid trj thi trudng bj sut gidm do bj hu hgi. Khi vige phye héi hofe siia chita khong thyc hién duge thi cor so gidi quyét bdi thudng Hl sé la gid tri thi trudng cua tai sin duge bio hiém ngay truée Khi bj thiét hai, Ww a ABIC- Property and Engineering Insurance Endorsements 2014 ALL OTHER CONTENTS (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) It is agreed that the term “All Other Contents” is understood to include: (@ Money and stamps not otherwise specifically insured for an amount not exceeding the above mentioned limit; (b) Documents, manuscripts and business books but only for the value of the material as stationery, together with the cost of clerical labor expended in writing. up and not for the value to the Insured of the information contained therein and for an amount not exceeding the above mentioned limit; (© Patterns, models, moulds, plans and designs, for an amount not exceeding the above mentioned limit. And so far as they are not otherwise insured. DIEU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM CAC TAL SAN KHAC (HAN MUC: ... CHO MOI VA MQI VU TON THAT) Céc bén déng y ring thuat ngi “Tat cd cde tai sin khde” trong Diéu khoan bio hiém nay bao gdm: (a) Tién bac, tem suu tap chua duge bio hiém theo mt don bio hiém nao khéc, véi Sé tién bio hiém khong vugt qué han mite néu trén; Tai ligu, ban thao, sé sdch kinh doanh nhung chi tinh gid trj cia nguyén vat ligu, cu thé la vain phong phim, cing voi hao phi lao dong hanh chinh phat sinh thyc t€ dé tgo lap ra tai ligu dé ma Khéng tinh dén gid tri cia thong tin chifa dumg trong nhimg ti ligu d6 d6i vai Nguoi duge bao hiém va sé tién bao hiém cho méi tai ligu, méi ban thio va mdi 86 sdch d6 sé khong duge vugt qua han mite néu trén; Cée ban mau, mé hinh, cdc ban so db va thiét ké, véi sé tién bao hiém khong. vuot qua han mite néu trén, Va v6i diéu kign la khéng c6 don bao hiém nao khac bao hiém cho cac tai sin nay. ) © AWNINGS, BLINDS, SIGNS & OTHER OUTDOOR FIXTURES (LIMIT: .... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) Notwithstanding anything stated herein to the contrary itis hereby declared and agreed that this Insurance extends to cover awnings, blinds, signs or other outdoor fixtures or fittings of any description up to an amount not exceeding the above mentioned limit. DIEU KHOAN VE MAI HIPN, MANH CHE, BIEN HIfU VA CAC TAI SAN CO DINH BEN NGOAI KHAC (HAN MUC: .... CHO MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) Cho dit 06 bat ky quy dinh nao khéc, Céc bén théa thugn va déng ¥ ring Bao hiém nay duge mé rng dé bo hiém cho céc tai sin bao gdm: mai hién, manh che, bién higu hod cde vat dung hay tai sin cb dinh bén ngoai khde voi mie trich nhigm khong vugt qué han mite néu trén. ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS/WORKMEN (LIMIT: .... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) Workmen are allowed to work in insured buildings for the purposes of completing any repairs and/or minor additions and alterations and/or decorations without prejudice to this Insurance. DIEU KHOAN VE THAY DOI VA SUA CHUA (HAN MUC: .... CHO MOI HOP. DONG CONG VIEC) Cong nhan duge cho phép vao lim vige tai nhiing tda nha dugc bao hiém véi muc dich hodin thanh vige sita chia hoge/va lip dat va thay thé va/hode trang tri voi quy mo nhé ma kh6ng lam phuong hai dén céc pham vi | quy dinh cua Bao hiém nay BIC. Property and Engineering Insurance ~ Endorsements - 2014 ww — MINOR ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS OR CONSTRUCTION WORKS (LIMIT: sJANY CONTRACT VALUE) It is understood and agreed that the Endorsement under this Insurance includes an automatic cover for loss of or damage to existing property insured and other new material/property under minor additions, alterations, construction and/or reconstruction works carried out by the Insured’s workers and/or by third party Contractors who are involved into the contract with the Insured on any of the facilities in respect of contracts not exceeding the above mentioned limit. If any contract value exceeds the above mentioned limit, the Insured must notice ABIC and get an approval from ABIC prior to a commencement of works. An additional premium may be charge at ABIC’s own decision, This Endorsement shall not apply in respect of alteration, maintenance, modification carried out in the normal course of operations, which the Insured so deems in respect of which cover is granted by this Insurance subject to all terms and conditions of this Insurance. Notwithstanding other terms and conditions herein this Insurance shall only pay in excess of more specific insurance, if any, arranged in respect of the minor alterations, repairs or construction works, Notwithstanding the above, this Insurance will not respond to any advanced loss of profits. pIkU KHOAN BAO HIEM CHO NHUNG THAY DOI, SUA CHUA HOAC XAY DUNG NHO (HAN MUC: «/GIA TR] MOT HOP DONG) Cac bén déng ¥ va théa thugin ring, Didu khoan nay dugc mé réng 4é bio hiém cho cde tén thét hodc thigt hai d6i véi tai san duge bao hiém hoge vat ligwtai sin méi dang duge xdy dung, xay dung lai hoc bd sung, sita chtta nhé do céng nhdn cla Nguoi duge bao hiém hoge do nha thiu d6c lap thye hign voi diéu kign gid tri hop déng cong viée d6 khong vugt qui han mite néu tren, Néu gid tr hop déng cong vige vugt qué han mie néu trén, Ngudi duge bao hiém phai théng béo cho ABIC va phai duge ABIC chap thugn true khi thye hién cOng trinh. Phy phi s& due tinh theo quyét dinh ca ABIC. Diéu khéan bao hiém nay khOng ép dung d6i véi cic thay déi, bao hinh, b6 sung duge thyc hign trong qué trinh host dng kinh doanh thong thudng da duge bao hiém theo diéu kign, diéu khoan cla Bao hiém nay. iéu khoan nay sé chi chju tréch nhiém cho phan vugt qué cia don bao hiém cy thé Khée duge thu xép cho hang myc xy dung. nho nay, néu c6. Diu khoan nay cling sé khéng bdi thudng cho bat ky vige mat thu nhap nao phat sinh. APPRAISEMENT (LIMIT: ... OF THE SUM INSURED BY THE ITEM OR ITEMS AFFECTED) If the aggregate claim for any one loss does not exceed the above mentioned limit, no special inventory or appraisement of the undamaged property shall be required. If two or more buildings be included in a single item, this Endorsement shall apply 10 the range of building and/or contents by the item or items affected. DIEU KHOAN VE DINH GIA TAI SAN ow MUC: ... SO TIEN BAO HIEM CUA MOT HOAC CAC HANG MVC BI ANH HUONG) Néu tng s6 tién khiéu nai déi voi bat ky mét tén thét no khéng vugt qué han mic néu trén, ABIC sé khong yéu cu bat cir mot sy kiém ké hode dinh gid dc biét ndo déi vGi cdc tai san khdc khOng bj thiét hai, Néu 6 hai hoc nhiéu hon edc tda nha duge tinh gép vao cing mot hang myc, Diéu khoan mé rOng nay sé ap dyng cho loat ta ABIC- Property and Engineering Instance ~ Endorsements — 2014 we ‘nha va/ho&e mot hay nhiéu hang mye tai sin | trong eéc toa nha dé bj anh huéng. 12, ACCOUNTANT’S FEES AND INSURED’S CLAIM PREPARATION COST (LIMIT: ... FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) This Insurance is extended to cover reasonable charges payable by the Insured to their professional accountants and other reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by the Insured and not otherwise recoverable for producing such particular or details or any ‘other proof, information or evidence or may be required by ABIC under this Insurance and reporting such particulars or details are in accordance with the Insured’s books of account or other business books or documents provided that the amount payable under this Endorsement shall in no case exceed the above mentioned limit (Combined material DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHI KE TOAN CHUYEN NGHIEP VA CHI PHI LAP HO SO KHIEU NAI (HAN MUC: CHO MOI VA MOI VU TON THAT) Digu khoan bao hiém nay mo rng dé bao hiém cdc chi phi hgp ly, cdn thiét va khong thé thu lai bang céch nao khic ma Nguti durge bao hiém phai tra cho ké todn chuyén nghigp cia ho dé cung cp cae di ligu, théng tin, bing chimg hoge ede chimg cit khdc mi ABIC yéu cau theo Bio hiém nay va chimg minh céc chi tiét, théng tin, dit ligu, bing chimg d6 can cir theo ding sb sich ké todn hole tdi ligu sd séch kinh doanh khée ciia Ngudi duge bio hiém, vi diéu kign sé tién phai tra theo diéu khoan mo rong nay trong bat ky trudng hop nio cling khong duge vugt qué han mite tréch nhigm néu trén (Ap dung cho ca bio hiém ‘Thigt hai vat chét va Gian dogn kinh doanh). 13, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, CONSULTANTS, ENGINEERS FEES (LIMIT: FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES) This insurance extends to cover any professional fees such as of Architects, Surveyors, Consultants, Engineers and other fees (not exceeding those authorized under the Vietnamese Scales of various Institutions and/or Bodies regulating such fees prevailing at the time of the destruction or damage) for estimates, plans, specifications, quantities, tenders and supervisions necessarily incurred in the reinstatement consequent upon the destruction of or damage to the insured property by a peril hereby insured against (but not such fees for preparing a claim hereunder) provided that the liability for such fees shall not exceed the above mentioned limit and total liability for such destruction or damage and fees shall not exceed in the aggregate the Sum insured. DIEU KHOAN VE CHI PHi KIEN ‘TRUC SU, GIAM BINH VIEN, TU VAN, KY SU (HAN MUC:.... CHO MOI VA MQI VY TON THAT) Diéu khoan bao hiém nay mé rng bao hiém cho céc chi phi trong vige thué cae chuyén gia nhu Kién tréc su, Giém dinh Vién, Tu van, K¥ su va cde chi phi khéc (tuy nhién ti da khong vugt qué cdc dinh mite chi phi do cée co quan ¢6 chite ning cua Viet Nam quy dinh duge ap dung tai thoi diém xay ra t6n that hoge thigt hai) dé thyc hign céng téc ude Iugng, lap hd so, dinh lugng, lap danh mye tai san, dau thau va gidm sat can thiét trong qué trinh khdi phuc cdc tai sin durge bao hiém sau khi bj thigt hai hoae pha hiy gay ra béi rai ro duge bio hiém theo Quy tic bao hiém nay (nhung khéng dp dung déi voi chi phi lip hd so khiéu nai), voi diéu kign 1a trich nhiém ciia ABIC d6i véi cde chi phi nay khdng vuge qué han mite néu trén va téng trich nhi¢m déi voi tin that hol thigt hai va chi phi nay s® khong vugt qua téng sé tién bao hiém. 14. AUTOMATIC COVER FOR pikU KHOAN VE TY DONG BAO ABIC. Property and Engineering insurance Endorsements ~ 2014 Ww —_— ADDITIONAL PROPERTY (LIMIT: .... OF SUM INSURED) ‘The indemnity provided by this Insurance shall apply automatically and shall include all new or additional property as described in the Policy/Certificate from the time that construction or acquisition of such property is completed or that title to such property in transferred to the Insured or the Insured becomes legally responsible for such property (unless more specifically insured) but the liability of ABIC for such Endorsement shall not exceed the above mentioned limit. It is understood that the Insured shall advise ABIC of all such new or additional property within 30 days of the acquisition of interest and a pro rata additional premium will be charged accordingly. HIEM CHO TAI SAN BO SUNG (HAN MUC: ... SO TIEN BAO HIEM) Pham vi bdi thuémg theo Bao hiém nay sé duge ty dong ap dung déi véi toan b6 nhing tai sin mdi hoe duge bd sung nhu migu ta trong HDBH/GCNBH ke tir thoi diém vie xdy dung hod tiép nhap nhig tai sin nhu Vay duge hoin tit hoje Nguoi duge bio hiém 44 duge chuyén giao quyén sé hitu hoi e6 trich nhiém phép ly d6i voi ning tai sin d6 (trir khi nhang tai sin 46 duge bao hiém boi cde don bao hiém cé tinh chat dic thi hon), tuy mhién tréch nhiém cla ABIC theo diéu khoan nay sé khng vugt qué han mite tréch nhigm duge quy dinh nu trén. Cac bén déng y ring Nguoi duge bao hiém sé phai théng bao we tét ca nhtng ti sin méi hole durge bd sung 46 cho ABIC trong vong 30 ngay ké tir khi phat sinh quyén Igi va thanh togn khoan phu phi bio Him tinh theo 191g do ABIC yéu cau. 15. 30 DAYS EXTENSION AT PRO-RATA PREMIUM At the request of the Insured, this Insurance may be extended for a period of 30 days from the expiry dated stated inthe Policy/Certificate, Should the Insured request such an extension by writing and send to ABIC at least 7 days before the expiry date of this Insurance. ABIC will be entitled to an additional premium calculated on a pro-rata basis at the rates applying during the expiring period of insurance. DIEU KHOAN VE TY DONG MO RONG THOI HAN BAO HIEM 30 NGAY (PHI BAO HIEM BO SUNG TINH THEO TY LE) ‘Trén co sé yéu cau cla Nguoi duge bao hiém, Bio hiém nay s€ ty dng mé rong thai han bao hiém thém 30 ngay ké tir ngay ‘hét higu Iye bao hiém. Ngudi duge bao hiém phai c6 vin ban yéu cau mé rong thoi han bao hiém va giti vé ABIC chim nhat 7 ngay truée ngay két thic higu lye cla Bao hiém nay. ABIC sé thu thém phi bio hiém bd sung duge tinh theo ty 1é thdi gian trén co sé ty 1 phi dang ap dung ké tir ngay két ‘thie théi han bio hiém. 16. AUTOMATIC REINSTATEMENT OF SUM INSURED In consideration of the Insured undertaking to pay an additional premium at the agreed rate on the amount of loss paid calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date of such loss to the expiry of the current period of insurance. It is agreed that in the event of loss, this Insurance hereunder shall be automatically maintained in force for the full sum insured. DIEU KHOAN VE ING KHOI PHUC SO TIEN hae Trén co sé Ngudi duge bio hiém chdp thufn tra thém phi bao hiém bd sung cho khoan gia tr) bdi thuéng 44 thanh todn trén co sé ty Ig thdi gian duge tinh tir ngay xdy ra tn that dén ngay két thiic thoi han cia hgp déng bao hiém. Cac bén théa thugn ring, trong trudng hgp 06 su c6 tin that xiy ra, Bao hiém nay lun duge ty dong duy tri day di gid tri s6 tién bao hiém. -ABIC- Property and Engineering Insurance - Endorsements —2014 We = AUTOMOBILES It is hereby agreed and declared that th housing of the automobiles in the premise is allowed and it is warranted that no inflammable spirit intended for fuel in connection therewith be at any time in the portion of the building under the control of the Insured other than that contained in the reservoirs of such automobiles or in approved underground storage systems or in sealed metal containers DIEU KHOAN QUY BINH VE XE Cée bén théa thudn va déng y ring diéu Khoan bio hiém nay cho phép xe 6 t6 duge efit git trong cdc tda nha thuge dja diém duge bao hiém va Nguoi duge bao hiém cam két vio bat cit thoi gian nao cing khdng dé chat ldng dé chay tai bat ky vj tri nao trong céc tda nha thuge quyén soat cla Ngudi duge bao hiém véi myc dich lam nhién ligu cho xe 6 6, trit khi cdc chat long 46 durge chita trong céc binh du tri cla xe 6 16 hoje trong hé thong kho ngim da duge kiém djnh 1a phi hop hode trong céc binh chira kim loai duge niém phong AVERAGE CONDITION (85%) Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, it is hereby declared and agreed that if at the time of the loss, the sum insured does not represent more than 85% of the Reinstatement Value in regard non Stock items and 85% of the indemnity value for stock items then the Insured shall be considered as being their own insurer for the difference and shall bear a rateable share of the loss accordingly. Every item, if more than one, of this Insurance shall be separately subject to this Endorsement. DIEU KHOAN VE BAO HIEM DUOL GIA TRI (85%) Cho di c6 bat ky quy dink nao khéc, cde bén dong ¥ va théa thuin ring néu t i diém xay ra ton that, s6 tién bao hiém thye té khdng vugt qua 85% Gi tri khOi phyc di voi cdc hang myc khéng phai la hang héa va 85% Gié tr] bdi thuémg déi voi hang muye la hang héa thi Nguoi duge bio hiém sé duge xem nhu li ty bao hiém cho phan. gid tri chénh Iéch va phai ty génh chju tén that theo mt ty 1g tuong img. Trong truémg hgp cé nbiéu hon mot hang mye tham gia bao hiém, Diéu khodn nay s® duge ap dung. mOt cach riéng biét déi voi timg hang myc bj thigt hai. 19. BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL. EXPLOSION (LIMIT: ... FOR ANY AND. ALL LOSSES) The Endorsement under this Insurance is extended to indemnify the Insured against damage to boiler or pressure vessel, caused by and solely due to their own explosion or collapse as hereinafter defined in the course of their ordinary working subject to the above mentioned limit and provided that this Endorsement will not increase the liability of ABIC beyond the total Sum Insured. Definitions DIEU KHOAN VE NO NOI HOI VA BINH AP LYC (HAN MUC: ... CHO MOI VA MOI VY TON THAT) Bao hiém nay duge mé rong dé béi thudng cho Ngudi duge bio hiém nhing thiét hai xay ra d6i véi ndi hoi va binh ap lye gay ra béi nguyén nhan duy nhit 1a nd hode nut vo trong qua trinh hoat déng kinh doanh thong thug ciia Nguii duge bao hiém nh quy dinh tai dinh nghia duéi day. Voi diéu kign, trach nhigm bdi thuéng cla ABIC theo diéu Khoan nay sé khong vugt qué han mite boi thuémg néu trén, cing nhu téng mite trach nhigm bdi thudng cia ABIC trong suét thoi han bio hiém khéng vugt qua téng sé tién ABIC. Property and Engineering nowance Endorsements ~ 2014 Ww — a) 2) @) “boiler” shall mean any fired closed container or a combined container piping system in which steam is generated under pressure. “Vessel” shall mean any unfired closed container under steam or air pressure. The term “boiler and pressure vessel” shall include any connected superheaters, economisers, mountings, fittings, valves and steam piping. “explosion” shall mean the sudden and violent rending or tearing apart of the structure of a boiler or vessel, or any part or parts thereof by force of internal steam, air or fluid pressure, causing bodily displacement of said’ structure accompanied by the forcible ejection of its contents. Except in the case of a steam test at a pressure not exceeding the maximum pressure permitted by the inspecting authority, the term “explosion” shall not mean failure under any test “collapse” shall mean the sudden and dangerous distortion of any part of a boiler or vessel caused by the crushing stress of external steam or fluid pressure, whether attended by rupture or not. Except in the case of a steam test at a pressure not exceeding the maximum pressure permitted by the inspecting authority, the term “collapse” shall not ‘mean failure under any test. The following defects do not constitute Explosion or Collapse even through repair or replacement may be necessary: @) b) © @ wearing away or wasting of the material of the plant whether by leakage, corrosion or by the action of the fuel or otherwise; slowly developing deformation or distortion of any part of the plant; cracks, fractures, blisters, laminations, flaws or grooving even when accompanied by leakage or damage to tubes, headers or other parts of the plant caused by over-heating or leakage at seams, tubes or other parts of the plant; failure of joints bio higm theo quy dinh. Dinh nghia (1) “Noi hoi” nghia 1a ndi kin duge dét néng ho&e mét hé théng cdc ndi kin duge néi véi nhau bing céc éng din trong dé hoi nude duge tao ra duéi ap lye. “Binh 4p sudt” nghia 1a binh kin Khéng duge dét néng va chiu ap lye cia hoi nude hoge 4p suét khéng khi. ‘Thuat ngit “ndi hoi va binh dp sudt” sé bao gém b6 phan lam néng ghép néi, thiét bj tiét kigm nhién ligu, Khung 46, phy ting, van 4p lye va dudng éng ‘din hoi nude di kém. (2) “NO” nghia la sy xé rich ho%e phd vo BP eee es ten he node bat ky b6 phan nao ciia thiét bj ndi hoi va binh Segoe ps i rong heb yy ra sy thay di vj tr cde bd aa u tric cia thiét bj kém theo cde chi tiét bén trong bj ving ra ngoai. ‘Thuat ngtt “Né” & day khong bao ham cho céc thigt hai trong qué trinh ch thit, ngoai trir truémg hop chay thir p suat kh6ng vugt qué mic ti da ma eo quan kiém dinh cho phép. (3) “Nit vo" nghfa 1a sur bién dang nghiém trong bat ngv cu tric ban 4 a cotta thiét bj gay nén béi Ging suat nén vo cila dp lye hoi nude va chat long bén ng: cho di c6 din dén sy dit giy hay khong. Thuat ng “Nut vo” & day KhOng bao him cho céc thigt hai trong chay thir, ngogi tri trusng hgp chay thir véi dp sudt khong vugt qué mite to da ma co quan kiém dinh cho phép. Céc khiém khuyét sau khOng durge quy cho nd hoc mit vo dd cé cin phai sia chta hofc thay thé hay khdng: (@) Chi tiét may bj Io héa hoe hao mon ty nhién theo théi gian do sy rd ri, an mon hoe do tée dong ciia nhién ligu ‘hod nguyén nhiin khéc; (b) Chi tiét may bj bién dang hode bién adi cu tric, cong, gay dan theo thoi gian; (©) Nit, gay, ri sit, phdng rp, bao mon, ran hode ho ngay ca khi kém theo rd ri hodc thigt hai déi voi éng din, diu phun hode chi tiét khdc xay ra do qué ABIC: Property and Engineering Ieurance ~ Endorsements ~ 2014 Ww = but Explosion and Collapse arising from any such defect is not excluded hereby. hhis_Endorsement ubject following specific Exclusions: (a) The insurance under this Endorsement shall not cover damage arising during the application of hydraulic test of the plant and occasioned thereby. tothe (b) Ifatthe time of Explosion or Collapse or other damage insured by this Endorsement: (@ the load on the safety valve or ety valves upon the particular item of plant was in excess of that permitted by the latest certificate issued in accordance with Boiler Inspection Regulations applicable thereto, or if any safety valve limiting the pressure is removed or rendered inoperative, or di) ii) where certificates of inspection are not issued by a Government Department, if the particular item of plant was so certified then the Insured shall not be entitled to any indemnity under this Endorsement. Subject otherwise to the Terms, Exclusions and Conditions of this Insurance. mhigt ho&e ro ri & mbi noi, dng din hose nhting b6 phén khée; (d) Khép néi khéng dam bao Tuy nhién Né hoge Nut vo phat sinh do bat ky khiém khuyét nhur vay s& khéng bj loai tri theo diém quy dinh dudi day. Loai trir (a) Diéu khoan bao hiém nay sé khOng bio ‘hiém cho nhéing thiét hai phat sinh do may méc trong qué trinh Gng dung chay thir thiy lue hoc tuong ty. (6) Néu vao thoi diém N6 hoge Nut vo hog thigt hai khéc duge bao hiém theo digu khoan nay: (i) 4p lye 1én van an toan ciia bat ky chi tiét may ndo vugt qua mite cho phép ghi trén gidy chimg nhan gan nhat do Co quan kiém dinh cap, hode (ii) bat ky van 4p Iye an ton nio bj thio bé hoe sir dung sai mye dich, hog (iii) bat ky chi tiét may nao bit bude phai c6 chimg nhdn an toan theo lugt dink ma khOng duge Co quan kiém dinh cp ching nhén an toan Khi d6 Ngudi duge bao hiém sé khong duge eg vs ky khoan béi thudng nio theo diéu khodn nay, trén co so cée ni dung khéc phai tuin theo céc diéu kign, digu khoan va céc diém logi trir eta Bao hiém nay. ing cho diéu khoan 20. BREACH OF CONDITIONS The conditions of this Insurance shall apply individually to each of the risks insured and not collectively to them. Thus a breach of any condition shall void the respective section only and not affect the other sections of this Insurance in respect of the other risks. pIEU KHOAN VE VI PHAM CAC DIEU KIEN Céc diéu kign trong Bao hiém nay sé duge 4p dung riéng ré ddi véi mdi riii ro duge bao hiém va khéng dp dung chung cho moi rai ro. Do vay viée vi pham bat cir diéu kién nao s8 chi mat higu Ie d6i vdi cdc phan lién quan ma khéng anh hudng dén céc phin khéc cla Bao hiém nay lign quan dén nhing rill ro khée. 2 BREACH OF WARRANTY Any breach of the within warranties without DIEU KHOAN VE VI PHAM CAC CAM. KET ABIC. Property and Engineering Insurance ~ Bdersements 2014 Ww

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