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Creativity—can it be developed? Well the science says yes. Of course there are parts of creativity that
are “God-given” gifts, meaning that we did not choose them. But much of creativity can be developed
through choice; but often times also through circumstance--by being plunged into challenging situations
—like today. We have all had to exercise considerable creativity during this Covid-19 crisis. You might
have picked up some new hobbies, like guitar or art, that are themselves outlets for creativity. But
creativity is also being expressed in finding solutions by average citizens and companies for serious social
problems: to make face masks, protective suits, and even ventilators (complex breathing devices) from
a 3-D printer!

But over the long haul, for creative people to be effective, and not just a bunch of bright sparks that look
pretty but never get a blaze going, another virtue is especially needed, and that is Perseverence. “Stick
to it”-ivity and not quitting when the going gets tough. This is why folks often say success is 10%
inspiration, and 90% perspiration!


Leadership comes in many types and stripes. We at FNO believe especially in what is called “Servant
Leadership”. As Martin Luther King said, “Not everyone can be famous. But everyone can be great,
because anybody can serve.” Leaders are one’s who are willing to step out into an uncertain, and
unseen future. Leadership takes courage, it takes faith, it takes confidence, but “servant leadership”
links these qualities not to self-promotion, but service for the common good. This is authentic
leadership—using one’s gifts and stretching oneself to be the best you can, and giving it away to a needy
world. Great leaders lift others up and put others welfare ahead of their own—real leaders eat last
(Simon Sinek).

And in fact, right now and especially in the medical field, tremendous amounts of service and leadership
are on display. Doctors and nurses sacrificing themselves, working extra hours, working in dangerous
conditions that force isolation even at home—these are heroes of leadership and deserve to be
honored. We humbly thank you and others like you.

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