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A uniform halting problem basically is determining whether a problem halts or runs forever in a
nite time .

Hilbert’s decision problem ( Entscheidungs problem ) which has to determine the validity of
statements using algorithmic means.

We should either solve Hilbert’s problem or either prove it wrong , So logicians searched for cases
of undecidable problems .

Turing’s proof for undecidability of termination is a famous one , which actually states that-

We need a machine which answers terminates or not to an in nite set of queries, where Turing’s

result says that at least one of the problem is answered incorrectly by the machine, no extra
processing power can help it to be a perfect machine.

But some thought of a di erent terminology for termination where if a problem cannot be neither
proven nor disproven by a machine it should return unknown. There will be no problem if we keep
the unknown outputs below some threshold, and recently new termination tools came which
output unknown very low so as useful in practice.

In the past Developers used to be frightened by their colleagues hearing that he is creating a
solution for problem involving termination , but in future developers might use proofs by
termination problem solvers and create at least a partial solution to their problems.


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