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1. The challenges of developing a global ethics perspective in light of religious

and national differences are the issue that each of every country has its own
way of culture and traditions that they value. And this means that whats on
other country views as wrong doesn’t mean to the other country is wrong as
well, maybe in their own viewpoint its right. And also different religions
around the world have their own viewpoints of what is right and wrong.
2. The idea of the universal human rights historically the basic set of moral
principles. The belief the is originally set were based upon European beliefs
during the Eurocentric charge.
3. The golden rule, because according to the golden rule “Do unto others as
you would have them do unto you.” or “Treat others as you would like to be
treated.” We should respect each other and be kind to one another to
achieved a happy life.
4. The divine command theory is a guiding moral principles which states that
something is right or wrong if God says so and we should be obeyed because
it was God will. And it was defense by a Russian novelist Fyodor
Dostoevsky, he provides the kernel of one argument that is often used in
defense to the divine command theory, Dostoevsky writings claims that “If
God is dead, then everything is permissible.”
5. Secular humanism posits that human beings are capable of ethical and moral
without religion, but its not antagonist to the religion. Secular approach to
ethics is better than the religious approach . If we didn’t view things from a
secular ethics perspective the world would never make any progress.

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