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In my opinion, what makes my study program special are, first , pharmacy study program is a dream

of mine since i was in high school. Even though i dont really like chemistry lessons, but i still want to
be in pharmacy study program. Second, pharmacy courses are still connected with the medical field.
It’s always my desire to do something in the medical field. Third, the motivation and full support that
come from my parents and other people. Fourth, pharmacy study program has many practicum. I
think its very special because we can learn how to make chemical liquids and medicines. Fifth, in
pharmacy there is also a research on plants that can be use as a traditional medicine. Sixth,
pharmacy major graduates are needed and also have good job prospect. Seventh, in pharmacy study
program, i can learn a lot of material, starting from plants,cosmetics,even human anatomy.
Pharmacy study program also has some similarity with medical doctor. Then, if we are good at
socializing, the pharmacy study program suits us because we can spread awareness to prevent drug
abuse in the community. And the most special thing in pharmacy study program is that many people
are interested in pharmacy. And then, in our fifth semester of collage, we can choose which course
we went to take. For example clinical pharmacy,industrial pharmacy and management pharmacy. In
conclusion, pharmacy study program is special because it has something to do with the health field,
and pharmacy study program allow us to study various courses.

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