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Kelompok 1

1. Fitri Oktaviani
2. Pespa Oktaria
3. Jamalul insan

Mountain and Beach

Mountains and beaches are two destinations that are commonly used by travelers as a place to
satisfy the desire for adventure. Of these two destinations, of course, there are differences and
similarities as for the differences between mountains and beaches as follows, when in the
mountains we will see and find a lot of wild animals, large forests like pine forests and when we
reach the top of the mountain we will see the natural beauty from a height with quite cold
weather then if we are on the beach we will really feel the difference where when we are on the
beach we will see a lot of trees like coconut trees, the weather is hot and on the beach we can sit
and relax with family or friends friends or can be used as a picnic, on this beach we can also see
the natural beauty where we can play spit boat and visitors can also do diving and snorkeling to
see the beauty under the sea that even if the beach provides facilities. Well behind the differences
between mountains and beaches, of course, from these two destinations there are similarities,
where the similarities between mountains and beaches are that they both have beautiful nature
and if in the afternoon, both on the mountain and on the beach, they will definitely have a
beautiful sunset, which is where there is the sunset means that it means that the day will turn into
night apart from having a beautiful sunset, mountains and beaches also have other similarities
such as both being used for camping and can be used as a vacation spot to release the burden of
the mind and calm the heart to relax. refresh the brain when everyday activities are too tiring.
Behind the two beautiful mountain and beach destinations, there will always have differences
and similarities, both from the natural beauty of the weather and others.

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