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The Use:

No Present Simple Present Continuous

1 Things we do regularly/habits Things that are happening now –at the time we
are speaking
2 Facts and truths Activities that are in progress
3. Permanent situations Temporary situations

The Form:

Present Simple Present Continuous

Positive S + V / V(s, es)+ ... S + be (am, is, are) + Ving + ...
Negative S + do / does + not + V + ... S + be (am, is, are) + not + Ving + ...
Interrogative Do / does + S + V + ... ? Be (am, is, are) + S + Ving + ... ?

Notes: I + am / V
You, they, we + are / V
She, he, it, + is / V(s, es)


1. She works as a lecturer at the University of Glasgow. (permanent)

2. Birds fly. (fact)
3. Jack goes to the gym every weekend. (daily activity)
4. I do not always clean my room. (truth)
5. Does he work at your place?
6. Dorothea is watching a movie. (happening now)
7. I am studying English Literature. (on progress)
8. He works at my place, but now he is doing a training for a month in London. (temporary)
9. Are you watching my streaming now? (happening now)
10. Helena is not sleeping at the moment. (happening now)


1. What do wolves eat? (Meat)

Answer: _________________________________________________________.
2. She __________ as a costumer service at the train Station in Edinburgh. (work)
3. Brad __________cereal every morning. (eat)
4. Right now, Brenda __________ wine because she is ill. (drink - not)
5. They ___________ on their new project at the moment. (work).
6. I ___________ a jacket right now even though it is cold. (wear - not)
7. She __________ glasses because she has a normal vision. (wear-not)
8. He ___________ music at King’s College London. (study)
9. They __________ together every Thursday. (study)
10. He always __________ her mother to the shop on the weekend. (take)

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