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I am in my First year of Cs in college in India. I am currently unemployed and I am yet to be

placed in my college. My father is a retired person. My mother is a homemaker who keeps assisting
my father. This course is therefore too expensive for me to afford. This course will boost my job
prospects after Post graduation from my institute. It will help perform better in understanding and
learning this technology and give me an edge over my competitors. A verified certificate will attach
credibility to the certificate I receive from this course. I plan to complete all assignments on or
before time as I have done in previous Signature Track Courses. Also, I intend to participate in
Discussion Forums, which I have found to supplement my learning immensely in the other online
courses I have taken on Coursera. I also plan to grade assignments that are to peer-reviewed which I
believe will an invaluable learning opportunity.

My main career goal is to learn every day. I want to learn and to progress in my career. Project
management requires constant learning and improving. Taking this course will help me to learn and
study this to implement it. It can help me advance in my knowledge. Identifying which aspects of
project management seem most important and relevant to us, Walking away with a strong
foundation in where Project management is going, what it does, and how to prepare for it. This
course will help me achieve it to learn. Courses on Coursera helped me to greatly increase project
knowledge & project management skills, they are great. I want to improve my resume by completing
these courses and writing them in my resume and collecting certificates to show them while
required. I am an enthusiast and hard-working want to make his career bright. This not only will
teach me the new skills but also will help me to improve myself.
I don't have enough money to invest in my education, but i can invest my time now. I can

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