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Introduction: Elections have been the

usual mechanism by which
modern representative democracy has
operated since the 17th century. It’s the
process through which people can express
their political opinion. They express it by
public voting to choose a political leader who
would have authority and responsibility to
hold a public office. The election is certainly a
vital pillar of democracy because it ensures
that the government is of the people, by the
people, and for the people.

2. The Reason the Authorities Fear Young

People Voting Between 18 and 21 Years
The authority in Lebanon is afraid of young
people’s voting, arguing that they are not
qualified enough to take this experience,
contradicting the fact that it is totally accepted
to let them (same people of the same age group)
join political parties, plus they formulate a
pressure on the Young people in late teenage
and early adulthood who need a job, and the
recruitment process in Lebanon takes place
through political party mediation. Therefore,
they bring young men to their side and make
them members of their political parties, adding
votes to the parties’ candidates in upcoming

Conclusion: Young people are the only means of

change in society. In the end, we are sure that
this age group of young people should
participate in the polls, and all the reasons that
hinder this issue are false and result from fear of
the truth. All world revolutions were built
thanks to the youth, so why did they
underestimate their capabilities and ignore their
demands? Youth are affected by local political
issues as much as anyone, Whether it's through
social media or 'hashtag' activism, writing
online or in their paper about a cause, or
taking part in a protest, there are many ways
that young people can 'be the change' and
make a difference to the world. It’s time for
development. It is the time for growth and
change. they play an important role in the
development of our society.

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