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Victorian poetry

During Victoria's reign, poetry was seen as a method of dealing with the
society of the moment. Two types of poems were created: one based on
the myth and grandeur of England, the other on anti-myth and the solving
of problems of science and progress.
Poets were seen as philosophers and prophets and as and people
believed they could reconcile fate with progress.
Dramatic monologue is a narrative poem where a single character can
speak to multiple listeners. The latter are not pointed out in the
monologue but their presence conditions the development of the story.
The poet is different from the speaker of the monologue who finds
himself in a crucial situation of crisis.

The victorian Novel

A very good deal with Victorian literature was the publication of essays,
verses and even novels. They made their first appearance in the
newspapers. this allowed writers to be in constant contact with their
Early Victorian novelists felt the moral need to reflect important changes
in their society. For example, the industrial revolution, the success of
democracy and the progress of cities. Furthermore, often the novelists
wrote about the exploitation of children, criticized everything that was
wrong during the industrial revolution and believed that only literature
could remove the vices and weakness of the time.
The omniscient voice of the author comments on the plot by creating a
hard barrier between "right" and "wrong" behaviors, between the light
and the darkness.
Victorian novelists often choose cities as their settings, seen as a place of
progress and created realistic characters where the audience can identify.
Types of novels
-The novel of manners: economic and social problems and described a
particular class or situation.
-The humanitarian novel: Charles Dickens novels are admired for their
tone, combining humor with sentimental request for reform for the less
-The novel of formation: these novels are based on the development of a
single character, from his childhood to a point of maturity.
-Literary nonsense: was created by Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll, with
the famous novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".
- The realistic novel was a type of novel as influenced by scientific
progress as Darwin's findings on evolution.
- In the psychological novel, the novelists tried not only to point out the
duality of the individual but to show the differences within Victorian
It must be remembered that there were also female writers and that
above all there were many female readers. Middle-class women had
more time to spend at home being able to read. It wasn't easy to get
published, however, and sometimes female writers had to find male
pseudonym. (Pen name).

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