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Exam Guidelines

Basic 1 – Book 2 – Class: 18:30

Teacher: Beto
Student: João Gabriel B. B.

Time Management and Negotiation in Practice

1) Talk about yourself:
Hi, my name is João Gabriel and I’m twenty four years old. was born and raised in
the city of Bauru in São Paulo State – Brasil. I work as a designer at Geoplan
topography for four years and in 2018 I finished my degree in engineering at USC. I live
with my fiancee in an apartment in the Jardim Terra Branca neighborhood. I have
always liked technology and my favorite hobbies is playing on the computer and
cooking a with my fiancee.

2) Describe Your Routine:

In my routine, I wake up at six a.m. and I go to the gym every Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. At eight a.m. I start to work and at eighteen pm I finish. Every Tuesday
and Thursday I have English classes at 6:30 p.m. On weekends I usually clean the
house, watch series and movies.

3) Analyze Your Priorities

I am currently focused on my job, so my priorities are make money to invest in my
own company. This week i bought a computer to improve my projects.

4) Analyze Your Schedule

To try to organize my time, I use the google tasks application, so I can schedule all
my activities for the week. this has helped me to dedicate myself as much as possible
in my professional area, so that I can have an organized routine and be able to do all
the activities of the day.

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