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12 12 TH
‫را در یکجا کر‬ А


to which is added ,




Calculated to enable the Student to acquire a knowledge of the Language

within a very short time;

By D. E. DE LARA ,
Author of a Key to the Spanish Language.
Londres :



1825 .
E. Justins, Printer, 41 , Brick Lane, Spitalfields.

The same reasons which induced the Author to

publish his key to the Spanish Language, have
induced him also to publish this little book , namely,
to facilitate to the student the means of expressing
himself on a variety of subjects, which occur con
tinually in social intercourse.
The commercial relations between this country
and Portugal have always been considerable, and
those with the new Empires, either already formed,
or now forming in the western hemisphere, are not
less so . The Author thought that a little book was
wanted for the use of the English traveller wh:
visits those countries where the Portuguese languag
is generally spoken .
The grammatical information which it contains
will , it is presumed, be of some use to those whı
wish to prepare themselves for the reading of Por:
tuguese authors, without first going through the
study of grammar.

Proper accentuation is very important in the Por

tuguese language ; not only because it constitutes
its harmony like in every other, but in that lan
guage it is sometimes the stress of the voice only
which must determine the meaning of a word, as
explained in page 7. Every word in the book has
been accented ; yet the student must be informed ,
that this has only been done in order to assist him
in the pronunciation. Whilst at the same time he
must be informed , that the best means to acquire
a correct pronunciation of the different sounds of
a , e , o , is to hear them pronounced by a native.
London , Oct. 1824.


THERE are twenty - four letters in the Portugues:

alphabet, viz .
A , B, C , D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N , O, P,
Q, R, S, T, U, V, X , Y, Z.
a e i 0 U
ah ay ee 0 00 ee .

B, d, f, l, m, n, p, q , r, i, o, z, have the
same power as in English . *

C before a , o , u , l, r, has the power of k.

C before e , i, has the power of s .
C has always the power of s.
G before a, 0 , u, l, r, as in English .
G before e or i as in English , but omitting that
sound of d which forms in English a component part
in the sound of that letter .
H is always mute.
J has the same sound as the soft g . See g . )
S between two vowels like z :

X like sh in English.
X between two vowels is pronounced like z.

Ch like sh in English , in she.

Gue, gui, gai, gee , gain , geese.
· Lh , liquid , or like lli in million .
Nh , ni minion .
Ph as in English.

Aa as in maçãa apple
ae cãens dogs
ai máis more

ao páo wood
au cảusa cause

eo céo heaven
ey rey king
ei amei I loved
eu êu I
io vió he saw
де melóes melons ย
oy boy OX
ои dóu I give
ие azúes blue

It is impossible to explain these sounds in English,

particularly those of ad, ae, ay, ao, eo, ei, eu ; they
must be heard from a native.
There is a little dash, called by the Portuguese til,
which is placed over some letters instead of m, a be
instead of bem, convě instead of convem, hüa instead
of huma ; and it is to be observed that it communi
cates a sort of nasal sound to the letter over which it
is put. This is yet met with in old writings, but is
now obsolete, though still preserved on the dipthongs
að , õe,
The Portuguese make use of three accents, viz.
acute, grave, and circumflex, to distinguish as well
the sound as the meaning of two words spelt alike,
but of different signification. As
pára for
para he stops peso weight
Pará province of Bra- péso I weigh
perpétuo perpetual seco dry
perpetúo I perpetuate séso I dry
amára I might love avô grandfather
amará he shall love avó grandmother
renuncia he renounces espôso husband
renúncia renunciation espóso I marry
a'mo master amo I love


Portuguese . English .
Deos God .

Jesús Christo Jesus Christ

o Espírito Santo the Holy Ghost
a Providênciu Providence
a natureza nature
( omnipotência omnipotence
a céo heaven
o sól the sun
a lúa the moon
as estrellas the stars
os comêtas the comets
os planētas the planets
os meteoros the meteors

A térra The earth

os elementos the elements
o ár the air

o fogo the fire

o univérsso the universe
o globo the globe .

o clima the climate

a primavera the spring
o verdõ the summer
o outôno the autumn
o inverno the winter

Segúndafeira Monday
Térçafeira Tuesday
Quártafeira Wednesday
Quintafeira Thursday
Séstafeira Friday
Sábado Saturday
Domingo Sunday

Janeiro January
Fevereiro February
Márço March
Abril April
Maio May
Junho June
Julho July
Agosto August
Setembro September
Outúbro October

Novembro November
Dezembro December

Hum homen A man

huma mulher a woman
hum rupáz a boy
huma rapariga a girl
hum jóven a young man
huma jóven a young woman
hum menino a male child
huma menina a female child

Os sentidos The senses

a vista the sight
o ouvido the hearing
o olfáto the smell
o gosto the taste
o tácto the feeling

O corpo The body

os músculos the limbs
a cárne the flesh
o sangue the blood

a péle the skin

a cára the face
a cabeça the head
a tésta the forehead
os olhos the eyes
o nariz the nose
a boca the mouth
ill amaçã do rosto the cheek
a lingua the tongue
os dentes the teeth
o pescoço the neck
a bárba the chin
o peito the breast
o séio the bosom
o coraçao the heart
as costas the ribs
a côxa the thigh
o joelho the knee
a pérna the leg
o pé the foot
o braço the arm
o cotovelo the elbow
o ômbro , or espádoa the shoulders
a mañ the band
o punho the fist

os dedos the fingers

a estalúra the shape
a vóz the voice
o gesto the gesture
o rizo the smile
hum suspéro a sigh

Páy Father
máy mother
avô grandfather
avó grandmother
filho son

filha daughter
néto grandson
néta granddaughter
irmão brother
irmã sister
tio uncle
tía aunt

sobrinho nephew
sobrinha niece

primo cousin , (masc .)

prima cousin , ( fem .)
marido husband
mulher, or esposa wife

hum criado a servant, (mas. )

huma criáda a servant, (fem .)
lacáio valet, or footman
guarda portaõ, or por- door -keeper, or porter
jardineiro gardener

Hum vestido A suit of clothes

camiza a shirt
casaca a coat
véstia a waistcoat
calçóens breeches
méias stockings
bótas boots
lênço handkerchief
chapeo a hat
relógio a watch
bólça a purse
espáda a sword
sáua a petticoat
espartilho stays
vestido a gown
lúvas gloves

véo a veil 4

regálo a muff
espelho a looking glass 1

dedál a thimble

Huma cidade a town

a rúa a street
o theátro the theatre
huma cáza a house
o correio the post office
o hospital the hospital
a escola the school
huma estalagem an inn
povo people
hum fidálgo a nobleman
hum edeficio an edifice
hum castéllo a castle
murálha a wall
o técto the roof
sála , or quarto a room

câma a bed
práto à plate
gárfo a fork
fáca a knife
colher a spoon

Aldea A village
o campo the country
hum prado a meadow
érva grass
huma árvore a tree

pálha straw

graõ corn

trigo wheat
arôz rice
ceváda barley
bósque a forest
carvalho an oak
álemo an elm
pinheiro a pine
salgueiro a willow
chóupo, or álemo a poplar
damasqueiro an apricot tree
pereira a pear tree
cirejeira a cherry tree
amexèira a plum tree
nogueira a walnut tree

Hum animál An animal

leañ a lion
tigre a tiger

lobo a wolf
veádo à stag
elefante an elephant
lébre a hare
úrso a bear
ráto a rat

macá co, or môno a monkey

morgánho a mouse

cavallo a horse
burro an ass

carneiro a sheep
cordeiro a lamb
bóy an ox

váca a cow

bezerro a calf
cábra a she goat
gáto a cat
caố a dog
cachorrinho a puppy
cadélla a bitch

Aguia an eagle
abestrús an ostrich
abútre a vulture

pintacílgo a goldfinch
côrvo a raven

alvelóa a wagtail
canário a canary bird
gállo a cock
galinha a hen

Európa Europe
Asia Asia

África Africa
América America
Inglaterra England
Espanha Spain
Portugál Portugal
Itália Italy
Piemonte Piedmont
Suíça Switzerland
Alemanha Germany
Bavária Bavaria
Saxónia Saxony
Prússia Prussia
Holanda Holland
Suécia Sweden
Dinamarca Denmark

Rússia Russia
Inglêz an Englishman
Francez a Frenchman
Portuguez a Portuguese
Espanhol a Spaniard
Italiano an Italian
Piemontez a Piedmontese
Suisso a Swiss
Alemaõ a German
Austriaco an Austrian
Baviéro a Bavarian
Saxónio a Saxon
Prússo a Prussian
Holandez a Dutchman
Suéco a Swede
Dinamarquês a Dane
Rúso a Russian


Alexandre Alexander
André Andrew
António Anthony
Bernárdo Bernard
Carolina Caroline
Catharina Catherine

Cecília Cecilia
Cárlos Charles
Carlóta Charlotte
Eduardo Edward
Isabél Isabella
Emília Amelia
Fernando Ferdinand
Frederico Frederick
Francisco Francis
Jorge George
Henrique Henry
Joao John
Júlia Julia
Luiz Lewis
Luzia .
Magdaléna Magdalen
Margarida Margaret
Maria Mary
Múrtha Martha
Paulo Paul
Felipe Phillip
Pedro Peter
Roberto Robert
Sára Sarah
Sofia Sophia
Thomás Thomas


Húm One
três three
quatro four
sinco five
seis six
séte seven
déz ten
Ônze . eleven
trêze thirteen
quatorze fourteen
quinze fifteen
dezaséis sixteen
dezaséte seventeen
dezanóve nineteen
vinte twenty
vinte húm twenty - one
vinte dóis
twenty -two
vinte três
twenty - three
vinte quatro
twenty - four

vinte sinco twenty - five

vinte séis
twenty -six
vinte séte twenty - seven
vinte oito
vinte nove
trinta thirty
trinta e húm thirty -one
trinta e dois
trinta e três, etc.
thirty- three, &c.
quarênta forty
sincoénta fifty
sessênta sixty
oitenta eighty
novênta ninety
cêm hundred
cento e húm hundred and one
cento e dóis hundred and two
cento e três, etc. bundred and three , &c.
duzentos two hundred
trezentos three hundred
quatro cêntos four hundred
quinhentos five hundred
seis cêntos six hundred
sete cêntos seven hundred
oito cêntos eight hundred

nove cêntos nine hundred

mél thousand
dois mil two thousand
três mil three thousand
quatro mál four thousand
sinco mil five thousand
déz mil ten thousand
cem mil hundred thousand
milhá õ a million


Primeiro The first

segundo the second
terceiro the third
quarto the fourth
quinto the fifth
sêrto the sixth
séptimo the seventh
outávo the eighth
môno the ninth
décimo the tenth
undécimo the eleventh
duodécimo the twelfth
décimo terceiro the thirteenth
décimo quarto the fourteenth
décimo quinto the fifteenth

decimo sêxto the sixteenth

decimo séptimo the seventeenth
decimo outávo the eighteenth
decimo nóno the nineteenth
vigéssimo the twentieth
trigéssimo the thirtieth
quadragéssimo the fortieth
quinquagéssimo the fiftieth
sextagéssimo the sixtieth
septuagéssimo the seventieth
octagéssimo the eightieth
nonagéssimo the ninetieth
centuagéssimo the hundredth
miléssimo the thousandth


Bôm , (mas. )
bốa , ( fem .) good
mảo, ma bad
sábio, sabia wise
douto , douta learned
tblo , nescio foolish
grande great
pequeno small
grosso thiek
delgado thin

longo, comprido long

cúrto short
direito right
esquerdo left
nôvo new

vélho old
1 léve light
pesado heavy
chéio full
vasio empty
tênro, suave soft
dúro hard
fácil easy
dificultózo or difícil difficuit
dóce sweet

amargo, amarg680 bitter

limpo clean
sújo dirty
seco dry
húmido wet

forte strong
béllo, lindo, formóso handsome
bonito pretty

féio ugly
desagradável disagreeable
rico rich
póbre poor
hábil, habilidózo skilful
incapáz, inhabil unskilful
dextro, destro dexterous
saudável healthy
doente enfermo sick
satisfeito satisfied
discontente displeased
feliz , ditoze happy
infeliz , destitoso unhappy
verdadeiro true
alégre false
triste, melancólico melancholic, sad
virtuózo, modésto virtucus
viciôso vicious
prudênte prudent
imprudente imprudent
justo just
injusto unjust
animôso or corajoso courageous
valente valiant
cobárde coward

fiel faithful
infiél unfaithful
sánto holy
profáno profane
sobêrbo, orgulhoso proud
humilde huinble
innocente > innocent
criminoso guilty
sincéro sincere
enganador deceitful
intrépido, ousado bold
tímido, timorato faithful
civil civil
grosseiro rude
benigno merciful
cruél cruel
affável affable
indoeil indocile
gráto grateful
ingráto ungrateful
applicado, or estudiôso studious
indolente lazy
constánte constant
inconstante inconstant
útil useful
inútil useless


Abundantemente Abundantly
justamente justly
absolutamente absolutely
agora , por hora now , at this time
imediatamente immediately
com condiçao upon condition
departe aside
actualmente actually
de propósito purposely
adeos farewell
admiravelmente, mara
vilhosamente, as mil admirably
astutamente cunningly
atreicoadamente treacherously
ráras vezes very seldom
múitas vezes often
assim, tað SO

à préssa in haste
facilmente easily
ásavéssas the wrong side outward
d'improviso at unawares

antigamente anciently
quasi almost, pretty near
entað then
desde entuð since that time
¿ désde quando ? since when ?
¿ á quanto tempo ? how long
de quándo enquándo ever and anon
quándo bém although it should be
quándo múito at the most
quándo menos at least
cá here
lá there
allí there, in that place
ahi , acolá there
tráz or detráz behind
para tráz back ward
ásto hé to wit
em vez instead
tað bém also
tato quê as soon as

premeditado wilfully
accázo by chance
fixamente stedfastly
finalmente finally
livremente freely

múito much
depréssa quickly
aquí here
até qui as far as here, till now, or
d' aqui em diánte henceforth , hereafter
àmanhã ho-morror
àmanhã pella manhã to -morrow morning
depóis d amanhã after to-morrow
ultimamente lastly
cómo as

cômo 9 how ?
cêdo soon

tárde late

primeiro que before that

primeiro que túdo before all
fóra abroad ,
já already
de salto at one jump
ántes before
depois afterwards
juntamente together
entéiramente entirely
ao redor about
de balde in vain

loucamente madly
múito very
atrevidamente shamefully
felizmente boldly
vergonhosumente happily
núnca never

nunca máis never since

ainda yet , even
nem se quér
vilmente basely
máis more

menos less
sím yes
nað no, not
Ônde where
de cór by heart
ás vezes sometimes
quando when
náda nothing
verdadeiramente truly
dêntro within
devagár softly
embora well and good



Masc . Fem. Common .

Antes do, da, de Before
diante do, da, de before
detráz do, da , de bebind
dêntro, do, da, de within
debáiro , do, da, de under
emcima, do, da, de upon
além , do, da, de besides

ao redor do, da, de about

acérca , do , da , de concerning
fóra , do , da , de out
defrônte, do , da, de opposite
depóis do, da, de after
contrário ao , á against
pegado ao , á close
até ao , a until, to
entre 0, a between , among
sôbre 0, a upon
confórme, 0, a according
por by

péllo mundo through the world

duránte 0, a during
com , 0, a with
pára , 0, a to, for
sém without


Com condicaó que provided that

pelo contrário on the contrary
porqué for, because , why
alem disso moreover

sobre túdo after all

em súma upon the whole
ao menos at least, however
ainda que although
de sorte que so that
ántes quéro I will rather
com efféito in effect
ora vēja now let us see
finalmente and so, or finally
empoucas palavras in short
mas pórem but
inaõ obstante notwithstanding
contúdo yet, however

tanto como as much as

quándo múito at most, at the farthest
depóis que after
or , either
tánto assim so that


¡ Brávo! Bravo ! well done

oh que gosto ! oh joy !
ay de mim ! woe is me !
méu Déos ! my God !
ánimo ! cheer up ! on
óra vámos ! come , come on
olá ! bo ! hey !
ápré ! hey day !
fóra ! away !
viva ! huzza !
caláivos ! hush ! peace!
oh prouvéra a Déos ! would to God !
oxála or áh ! o that d
oh se ! would
está feito , está dito done, agreed


The Article .
Mas. Fem . Plural.

0, U, os, as the

do, da , dos, das of the

áo , á , áos, ás to the


add an s to the singular

Cavállo horse
bêstus beast
amigos friend

ánjoms angel
if terminating in a consonant, add es, is
prazer, es pleasure
codorniz, es quail
Déos , es God
arróz, es rice
nóz, es walnut

Except the words ending in al, el, il, ol, whose plu
rals are formed , suppressing the l, as in the fol
lowing words.
Marechal Marshal Marecháes
Bacharel Bachelor Bacharéis
Barril Barrel Barris , &c.
there are a few exceptions on this rule.
Nouns ending in em form the plural by changing the
m into ns , as
Singular. Plural.

Homem Man Homens

ordem order órdens



éu 1 me me nós we nos us

tú thou ti , te thee vós you VOS you

élle he 0 him élles they os them
élla she a her éllas they as them

of or from me, thee, him, her, us, you, them

de mim, ti, élle, ella , nós, vós, elles

to me, thee, him , her, us, you , them

a mim , ti, élle, élla, nós, vós , elles
Himself, herself, them
selves, myself

Mas . Fem . Plural.
Méu , minha, us, as my
têu, túa, US, as thy
sêu , súa Us , as his, her
nósso, nóssa , os, as our

vósso , vóssa, os, as your

séus, súas their


Mas . Fem Plural.

mêu, minha, us, as mine

tên , túa ,, US, as thine
séu, súng us , as his,,hers
nósso,nóssa , os, as ours

vósso , vóssa , os, as yours

séus, súas, theirs


Mas. Fem . Plural.

éste, ésta, this, that éstes, éstas, these

ésse , essa , that ésses, essas, those
aquelle, aquéllitat aquélles, aquéllas, those

Isto , isso


Singular. Plural.

Quém , oqual, aquál Os quáes, as the, which

quées, who
que oqué which , what


• Quém ? Who ?
è qué ? what ?
ở quil? which ?


Tál Such
outro, óutru other
cada each , every
tôdo, túdo, toda all, every
cả da him each , every one
nenhúm , ninguém not one, none, nobody
algúm , algúma, alguem some, somebody

algúns, algúmas some

quém, quér whoever, whosoever

tánto, tanta so much
oútro tánto twice as much


Every verb must terminate either in ar, er, or ir,

as amár, bebêr, vir .
In Portuguese there are two words for the verb to
have, in English , viz. têr and haver.
There are also two words for the English verb
to be, viz. sér and estár.


Têr' and haver To have


Tér, to have Havêr


Present. Past.

Téndo, having Tido had



Eu tenho I have Eu héy

tu téns thou hast tu hás
elle tém he has elle há
nós temos we have nos havémos , or
ros téndes you have vos havéis heis
elles tém they have elles hảo

Eu tinha I had Eu havia
tu tinhas thou hadst tu havias
elle tinha he had elle havia
nós tinhamos we had nos havíamos
vós tínheis you had vos havíeis
elles tinhaõ they had clles havíað

Preterito .
Eu téve I had Eu houve
tu tivéstes thou hadst tu houvéste
elle téve he had elle houve
nós tivemos we had nós houvémos
vós tivésteis you had vós houvéstes
elles tiveraõ they had elles hoveráõ

Future .

Eu teréi I shall have Haveréi

tu terás thou shalt have haverás
elle terá he shall have haverá
nós terémos we shall have haverémos
vós teréis you shall have haveréis
elles teraõ they shall have haveraõ


Eu teria I should have haveria

tu terias thou shouldst have haverías
elle teria he should have haveria
nós teriamos we should have haveriamos
vós terieis you should have haverieis
elles teriaõ they should have haveriaõ

Tem tu Have thou Hájas tu
ténha elle let him have hája elle
tenhámos-nós let us have hajámos nos
tenháis vós have you havei ros
tenhaõ elles let them have hájað elles



Que eu tenha Hája

I may have
que tu ténhas thou mayest have hájas
que elle tenha he may have hája
que nós tenhamos we may have hajámos
que vós tenháis you may have hajáis
que elles ténhað they may have hajaõ

Preterite .

Que eu livéra, or Houvéra, or

tivésse houvésse
que tu tivéras, or thou mightst , houvéras, or
tivésses "" } have houvésses
que elle tivera, or houvéra, or
tivésse { he might have houvesse
que nós tiveramos, 1 houvéramos, or
or tivéssemos } we might have { houvéssemos
que houvéreis, or
or tivésseis youmighthave houvésseis
que elles tiveraõ, they might Shouverao, or
or tivéssem } have houvéssem

Conjugation of the auxiliary verbs sér and estár, to be.


Sér to be Estár


Present. Past.

Sendo being estando Sido been estado


Eu són I am Eu estou
tu és thou art tu estás
elle he he is elle está
nós somos we are nós estamos
vós sóis you are vós estáis
is sảo they are elles estaõ

Eu éra I was Eu estáva
tu éras thou wast tu estávas
elle éra he was elle estáva
nos éramos we were nós estávamos
vos éreis you were vós estáveis
elles eraõ they were elles estávað


Eu fúi I was Eu estive

tuföste thou wast tu estiveste
elle fội he was elle estêve
nós fomos we were nós estivemos
dós fóstes you were vós estivestes
ellesforað they were elles estivérað


Eu serei I shall be Eu estarei

tu serás thou shalt be tu estarás
elle será be shall be elle estará
nós seremos we shall be nos estaremos
vós sereis you shall be vos estaréis
elles seráð they shall be elles estará a


Eu seria I should be Estaría

tu serías thou shouldst be estarias
elle sería he should be estaria
nós seríamos we should be estaríamos
vós serieis you should be estaríeis
elles seria they should be estaríað


Sé tu Be thou Está tú
séja elle let him be estéja elle
sejamos nós let us be estejamos nós
sêde vós be you estái vós .
séjaõ elles let them be estéjaõ elles



Que éu séja 1 may

be Estéja
que tu séjas thou mayest be estéjas
que elle séja he may be estéja
que nós sejamos we may be estejamos
que vós sejáis you may be estejáis
que elles sejáõ they may be estéjaõ


, Estivéra, or eso
que tu fóras, or , thou mightst , estivéras, or es
"} be { tivésses

elle föra, of } he might be { estivéru,

quefosse tivésse
or eso

que nos fóramos, estivéramos, or

or fóssemos
} we might be estivéssemos
que vos fóreis, or estivéreis, or es
} you mightbe { tivésseis
que elles föraõ,or estevérað, or es
fossem they might be { tivéssem

Future .
Quando éu for When I shall be Estiver
quando tu fóres when thou shalt be estiveres
quando elle for when he shall be estiver
quando nos formos when we shall be estivérmos
quando vos fördes when you shall be estiverdes
quando elles fórem when they shall be estivérem

A few observations on the verbs havêr and ter to

have , and sêr and estár to be .
1. The verb haver must generally be followed by
a preposition and another verb, when it implies that
à certain act expressed by the second verb is to be
performed by the person in the verb havér, either as
a duty incumbent on him, or merely at a future period,
though not far distant. It has also various other sig.
nifications , which are best learned by practice.

2. Tér is used as an auxiliary in the compound

tenses of other verbs
Sêr and estár to be
3. Sêr is used to express the simple being or ex
istence of a thing , or its natural qualities.
4. Estár is used to express the accidental or cir
cumstantial being of any thing. Hence, sêr must be
used after the question, what is the thing ? and estár
after the question, how, or where is the thing ?

Conjugation of a verb in ar.


Amar to love


Present. Past.
Amândo loving Amado loved

Amo I love
âmas thou lovest
âma he loves

amamos we love
amáis you love
amañ they love


Amáva I did love

amávas thou didst love
amáva he did love
amávamos we did love
amáveis you did love
amávað they did love

Preterite .

Amês I loved
amáste thou lovedst
amou he loved
amámos we loved
amástes you loved
amárað they loved

Future .

Amarèi I shall love

amarás thou shalt love
amará he shall love

amaremos we shall love

amaréis you shall love
amaráo they shall love


Amaría I should love

amarias thou shouldst love
amaria he should love
amaríamos we should love
amarieis you should love
amaríaõ they should love

Ama tu Love thou
âme elle let him love
amêmos nos let us love
amái vos love you
amem elles let them love


Que eu áme I may love

que tu ámes thou mayest love
que elle áme he may love
que nós amémos we may love

que vos améis you may love

que élles ámem they may love

Preterite .

Que eu amára, or amásse I might love

que élle amáras, or a
másses "- } thou mightst love
que êu amára, or amásse he might love
que nos amáramos, or
amássemos "" } we might love
evós amáreis,or amás- } you might love
que élles amárað , or a
más sem they might love


Quando eu amár When I shall love

quando tú amáres when thou shalt love
quando elle amár when he shall love
quando nós amármos when we shall love
quando vos amárdes when you shall love
quando elles amárem when they shall love

Conjugation of a verb in er.


Vendêr To sell

Present. Past.

Vendéndo selling Vendido sold



Vendo I sell
vendes thou sellest
vende he sells
vendemos we sell
vendéis you sell
vendem they sell

Vendia I did sell

vendias thou didst sell
vendła he did sell
vendiamos we did sell
vendieis you did sell
vendéað they did sell


Vendé I sold
vendéste thou soldest
vendéo he sold

vendemos we sold
vendéstes you sold
vendérað they sold
Future .

Venderéi I shall sell

venderás thou shalt sell
venderá he shall sell
venderémos we shall sell
venderéis you shall sell
venderað they shall sell


Venderia I should sell

venderías thou shouldst sell
vendería he should sell
venderíamos we should sell
venderieis you should sell
vendería they should sell


Vénde tu Sell thou

venda elle let him sell
vendamos nós let us sell
vendéi vós sell you
vendaõ elles let them sell



Que eu venda I may sell

que tú vendas thou mayest sell
que élle venda he may sell
que nós vendámos we may sell
que vós vendáis you may sell
que elles vêndað they may sell
Preterite .

Que eu vendéra , or ven

dêsse I might sell
que tú vendéras, or ven
dêsses } thou mightst sell
que éllevendéra, or ven
desse She might sell

que nós vendéramos, or

vendéssenios of }wemight sell
que vós vendereis,nr ven
dêsseis you might sell
que élles vendérað, or
vendéssem they might sell
Future .

Quando eu vender When I shall sell

quando tu venderes when thou shalt sell
quando élle vender when he shall sell
quando nós vendermos when we shall sell
quando vós venderdes when you shall sell
quando elles venderem when they shall sell

Conjugation of a verb in ir.


Admiltér To admit

Present. Past.
Admittindo admitting Admittédo admitted



Admitto I admit
admittes thou admittest
admitte he admits
admittimos we adınit
admittis you admit
admittem they admit


Admittia I did admit

admittias thou didst admit
admittía he did admit
admittiamos we did admit
admittieis you did adnit
admittlað they did admit

Preterite .

Admitté i admitted
admittiste thou admittedst
admittio he admitted
admittímos we admitted
admittistes you admitted
admittéraã they admitted

Future ,

Admittiréi I shall admit

admittirás thou shalt admit
admittirá he shall admit
admittiremos we shall admit
admittirèis you shall admit
admittiráo they shall admit


Admittiría I should adınit

admittirías thou shouldst admit
admittiría he should admit
admittiríamos we should admit
admittirieis you should admit
admittiriao they should admit


Admitte tú Admit thou

admítta elle let him admit
admittamos nós let us admit
admitti vos admit you
admittaõ elles let them admit



Que éu admitta I may admit

que tu udmíttas thou mayest admit
que elle admitta he may admit
que nós admittámos we may admit
que vós admitláis you may admit
que elles admíttað they may admit

Que eu admittira, or ad.

mittisse I might admit
que tu admittíras ,
admittísses ºf} thou mightst admit
que elle admittira, or
admittísse of }}he might admit
quenós admittéramos,or} we might admit
que vós admittíreis, or
que élles admittiríað, or
or } they mightadmit

Se eu admitter When I shall admit

se tu admiltires when thou shalt admit

se elle admittér when be shall admit

se nós admittirmos when we shall admit
se vós admitterdes when you shall admit
se elles admittirem when they shall admit

Regular verbs in ar.

Abafár To choke or smother
abalár to shake i
abanár to fan
abastár to satiate
abarár to bring or let down
abençoár to bless
abocanhár to carp
abominár to abominate
abotoár to button
acabár to finish
admoestár to admonish
affrontár to abuse
agarrár to lay bold of
alagár to overflow
amaldiçoar to curse
annulár to annul
apressár to hasten

aquentár to warm

argumentár to argue
assoprár to blow
atár to tie

avassalár to subdue
azedár to sour

In er.
Acometer To attack
bebêr to drink
comêr to eat

comprehender to perceive
cometer to commit
conceder to grant
dever to owe

corrêr to run

escorder to hide
emprender to undertake
meter to put in
to offend
prometêr to promise
to answer
reprehender to reprove
temêr to fear
varrêr to sweep

In ir.

Abrir To open
conduzir to conduct
introduzir to introduce
induzér to induce
produzir to produce
luzir" to shine
nutrár to nourish
reduzér to reduce
traduzir to translate
deduzir to deduct



Bons días Good morning

boas noites good night
cómo está Vm . how do you do ?

Rógo-lhe me diga Pray tell me

agredecido I thank you
faça me este favor do me that favor

com muito gosto with pleasure

He verdade It is true
créa -me believe me
rogo lhe I beg of you
lembre - se de mim remember me

Entre Come in
sáia go out

sim senhor yes sir

nað senhora no madam

Principie Begin
vá, or siga andiánte go on
Đểnha cả come here
vásse embora go away
¿ Que quér ? What do you want ?
responda-me answer me

de -me give me
nað pósso I cannot

Aprenda a sua liçað Learn your lesson

eu séi - a I know it
léia read
escreva write

Que diz Vm . What do you say

ténho sono I am sleepy

estou cansado I am tired

va - se deitár go to bed

Tenho sede I am dry

tenhofome I am hungry
tenho calor I am hot
tenho frío I am cold
· Quem hé ? Who is it ?
a he elle ? is it he ?
3 he élla ? is it she ? 1

ö sou éu ? is it I ?

Cóma Vm . Eat
nao posso I cannot eat
beba drink
con múito gôsto with pleasure

Que hóras saõ What o'clock is it

Tres horas three o'clock

vámos jantár let us dine

tóme cárne take some ineat

Joguemos Let us play

nað , estudémos no, let us study
estou pronto I am ready
perdốe-me pardon me
Estou doente I am ill
compadéço -me de vos I pity you
i póbre rapaz ! poor boy !
i pobre rapariga ! poor girl !

Faz calor It is hot

it is cold
fáz frío
chóne it rains
géla it freezes
fáz mað témpo it is bad weather
faz muito vento the wind is very high
faz bóm têmpo it is fine weather


Eu tenho hum chapéo

tu téns hum colête
elle tém hum relógio
nós temos paõ
vós tendes cárne
elles tém vinho


Eu tinha hum péro bom

tu tinhas huma pêra má
elle tinha huma laránja doce
nos tinhamos vinho forte
vós ténheis bom chá
elles tinhaõ nózes dúras


Eu tinha sufficientemente
tu tinhas bastante
elle tinha continuamente
nós tinhamos muitas vezes
vós tinheis em outra parte
elles tinhaõ outem


I have a hat
thou hast a waistcoat
he has a watch
we have some bread
you have some meat
they have some wine


I had a good apple

tbou hadst a bad pear
he had sweet orange
had some strong wine
you had some nice tea
they had some hard nuts.


I had sufficiently
thou hadst plentifully
he had continually
we had often
you had elsewhere
they had yesterday

Teréi eu cárne ?
terás tu chocolate ?
å terá élle castánhas ?
å teremos nós saláda ?
teréis vós livros ?
å teraõ élles papėl ?

Eu nao teria dinheiro
tu nao terías bolça
elle naõ teria çapátos
nós naõ teríamos ternor
vós naõ terieis frúta
ellés nað teriaõ cerveja

· Nað ténho eu paciénsia ?
i nað tens tu corágem ?
å naõ tém elle saúde ?
ů naõ témos nos quéijo ?
i naõ téndes vós náta ?
i naõ tém élles páð ?


Shall I have any meat ?

wilt thou have any chocolate :
will he have chesnuts ?
shall we have any salad ?
will you have any books ?
shall they have paper ?


I should have no money

thou shouldst have no purse
he should have no shoes
we should have no fear
you should not have any fruit
they should not have any beer


Have I not had patience ?

hast thou not had courage ?
has he not had health ?
have we not had cheese ?
have you not had cream ?
have they not had bread ?

Tem tu hum jardin

ténha élle huma cása
tenhámos nós hum castéllo
tende vós huma cadeira
tenhaõ élles ócculos


Qu êu tépha rỏaupa brảnca

que tu ténhas méias
para que elle tenha húma camisa
a fim que tenhamos amigos
para que náð tenháis inemigos
ao menos que nað tenhaõ protectores


De maneira que eu tivésse huma espada

que tu tivésses hum vestido
se elle tivésse tizóuras
afim que tivéssemos caça
se vós tivésseis fivélas
ógo que elles tivéssem agúlhas


Have thou a garden

let him have a house
let us have a castle
have ye a chair
let them have spectacles


I may have linen

that thou mayest have stockings
in order that he may have a shirt
in order that we may have friends
lest you should have enemies
unless they have protectors


In order that I might have a sword

that thou mightst have a gown
if he had scissars
in order that we should have muslin
if you had only some ribbands
as soon as they shouid have needles


Eu sou hum réi

tu és húma ráinha
elle hé hum princepe
nós somos fidálgos
vós sóis soldados
elles saố marinheiros

Eu éra hum homem ditózo

tu éras hum homem infeliz
elle éra hum infeliz
nos éramos sincéros
vós éreis grandes generáes
elles érað fiéis

Eu fui hum páyfeliz

tú fóstes huma mulhér ingráta
ellefoi hum homem muito rico
nósfomos sempre os mesmos
vos fósteis cobardes
elles fóraõ cirurg éoes


I am a king
thou art a queen
he is a prince
we are noblemen
you are soldiers
they are sailors

I was a happy man

thou wast an unhappy man
he was a wretch
we were sincere
you were great generals
they were faithful

I was a happy father

thou wast an ungrateful woman
he was a very rich man
we were always the same
you were cowards
they were surgeons

‫ة‬ Sereiêu culpado ?

serás tu rico ?
¿ será elle cruél ?
ë serémos nós sábios ?
a seréis vós generosos ?
a seraõ elles labóriozos ?


Eu nao sería mio

tu naõ serias alégre
elle naõ sería infeliz
nós naõ seríamos injustos
vós naõ serieis perguiçózos
elles naõ seriaõ amáveis


* Nao tenho eu sido político ?

å nuõ téns tu sido ousádo ?
a naõ tém elle sído hum officiál ?
a nað témos nós sido culpados ?
a nað téndes vós sido negociántes ?
a nað tém elles sido juízes ?


Shall I be blamed ?
shalt thou be rich ?
shall he be cruel ?
shall we be wise ?
will you be generous ?
will they be laborious ?


I should not be wicked

tbou shouldst not be merry
he should not be unhappy
we should not be unjust
you should not be idle
they should not be amiable

Have I not been polite ?

hast thou not been bold ?
has he not been an officer ?
have we not been guilty ?
have you not been merchants ?
have they not been judges ?


Sé brávo
seja elle sincéro
sejamos jústos
séde sábios
séjao élles humildes


Que eu séja pródigo

que tu séjas aváro
que elle séja indifferente
que nós sejamos vergonhosos
que vós sejáis dignos
que elles séjað indignos

Que eu fosse amável

que tu fosses virtúoso
que elle fósse querido
que nós fossemos equées
que vós fósseis escusáveis
que elles fóssem maliciózus


Be thou brave
let him be sincere
let us be just
be ye wise
let them be humble


That I may be prodigal

that thou mayest be avaricious
that he may be indifferent
that we may be bashful
that you may be worthy
that they may be unworthy

That I might be amiable

that thou mightst be virtuous
that he might be beloved
that we might be equal
that you might be excusable
that they might be malicious


Estou conténte
estás aquí
está em casa
estámos expostos
estáis yuiétos
estao mórios


Eu estáva ouvindo
tu estávas dançando
elle estáva doénte
nós estávamos reconciliados
vós estáveis em órden
elles estávað armados


Eu estive no méo quárto

tu estivestes no campo
elle estêve afflicto
nós estivemos esperando
vós estivéstes occupados
elles estivérað na cidade


I am content
thou art here
he is at home
we are exposed
you are quiet
they are dead


I was listening
thou wast dancing
he was ill
we were concealed
you were in order
they were armed


I was in my room
thou wast in the country
he was afflicted
we were waiting
you were occupied
they were in town


Eu estaréi prompto
tu estarás acompanhado
elle estará molhado
vós estarémos pagos
vós estaréis obsequiados
elles estaráõ admirádos


i Estaría eu contente ?
à estarias tu comigo ?
i estaría elle lá ?
à estariamos nós instruidos ?
estarieis vós dispostos ?
á estariaổ elles incluidos ?

3 Onde pôz Vm . o séo livro ?

em síma da mêza
3 está Vm . certo disso ?
naõ está perdido
aquí está


I shall be ready
thou shalt be accompanied
he will be wet
we shall be paid
you shall be treated
they will be astonished


Should I be content ?
shouldst thou be with me ?
should he be there ?
should we be instructed ?
should you be disposed ?
should they be included ?

Where did you put your book ?

on the table
are you sure of it ?
quite sure
it is not lost
here it is

me allégro muito disso

ifallór -lhe Vm. ?
ů o vió Vm ..?
i encontróu - 0 V m . ?
å dónde vái ?
ż donde vem ?
vámos brincar
náo ofarémos antes de aprendera nóssa liçáõ
vénha Vm . lêr
à sábe Vm . a sua lição ?
sim senhor
¿ escrevéo Vm . O seu théma ?
nað senhor
¿ por que ?
porqué nað tive péna
aquí tem húma
escreva - o bém sem fáltas
de -me húma folha de papel
dezéjo escrevér huma cárta
agradéco - lhe
a tinta he muito grossa
apare -me Vm . huma péna se faz favor
nað pósso escrevér com esta péna
aquí está huma melhor
na verdade hé óptima

I am very glad of it
have you spoken to him ?
have you seen him ?
have you met them ?
where are you going ?
whence do you come ?
let us go and play
not before we have learnt our lesson
come and read
do you know your lesson ?
yes, sir
have you written your exercise ?
no , sir
why not ?
I had no pen
here is one
write it well and without faults
give me a sheet of paper
I wish to write a letter
I thank you
the ink is very thick
make me a pen if you please
I cannot write with this pen
here is a better one
indeed it is very good

Bátem á pórta
vá ver quem hé
he súa tia
alégro -me de vér a Vm .
rógo lhe se assénte
dá húma cadeira á senhora
3 como pássa a sena súa irmã ?
élla náő pássa bém
sinto muito

Isto he tárde
vénha comigo
βόα neite
¿ está Vm . acordado ?
he témpo de levantar - se
vistu - se Vni.
precízo de lavar as maos
dáme hum pouco de sabáo

Tenho muita fome

cóma algúma couza
dame alguma cousa que comér

Somebody knocks
go and see who it is
it is your aunt
I am very glad to see you
pray be seated
give the lady a chair
how does your sister do
she is not very well
I am sorry for it

It is very late
come with me
good evening
are you awake ?
it is time to get up
dress yourself
I must wash my hands
give me a little soap

I am very hungry
eat something
give me something to eat

ténho comido bastante

dá-me de bebêr
ténho sede
éu podia bebér hum copo de vinho
beba bastante

O almoço está prompto

tóme Vm . chá ou café ?
gósto máis de café
gósto de torradas
espero que o café séja bom
he excelênte
estéja como se fóra em súa cáza

Senhor Vm . naſ come

¿qué lhe daréi eu ?
¿ quér Vm . húma poúca de cárne assáda ?
¿ quér Vm . que o sirva de vegetáes ?
dá de bebêr ao senhor
á súa saúde senhora
obrigado senhor

I have eaten enough

give me something to drink
I am thirsty
I could drink a glass of water
I have drank enough

Breakfast is ready
do you drink tea or coffee
I prefer coffee
I prefer some toast,
I hope your coffee is agreeable
it is excellent
do as if you were at home

Sir you do not eat

what shall I send you ?
will you take some roast beef?
shall I help you to some vegetables ?
give the gentleman something to drink
madam, your health
I thank you , sir

Quéro aparár huma pêna

dáme húm canivéte
aónde está o tintéiro ?
quéro somente escrever hum bilhete

que livros quér Vm .

algúma obra que séja interessante
a história ou viagens ?
sábe Vmce. algúma coiza de novo
eu estimáva
heu irmáo aínda vivo ?
ténho húma couza a dizérvos
élle foi roubado

Nós encontrármos séo tío

élles mórað juntos
nós esperamo-lo
náo se encomóde Vm .
Vm . hé muito importúno
dizélhe que êu náõ estou em cáxa
vámos buscálo .
élle he muito búlhento
qué livros lė Vm . ?

I want to mend a pen

give me the pen -knife
where is the inkstand ?
I shall only write a note
I want to buy some books
what books do you wish to have ?
some interesting work
histories or travels ?
do you know the news ?
I esteemed him
is his brother still living ?
I have something to tell you
he has been robbed

We have met your uncle

they live together
we expect him
do not trouble me
you are very troublesome
tell him I am not at home
let us go and fetch him
he is very quarrelsome
what books do you read ?

lêio Telemáco
hé hum excelente livro
lê Vm . o originál ?
lêio a traducção Portuguesa
os Portuguéses traduzem bém
tém traduzido humas poucas obras Inglezas em

· Estéve Vm . em Portugál ?
hé hum lindo Paíz
o sólo he fértil mas a cultúra está desprezáda
produz frúctos em abundancia, como úvas, figos
laranjas, fc.
as cázas nað sað mué bonitas
a architectúra hé untiga a génte muito sociável

¿ De quém hé éste cám ?

hẻ mẻ
¿ he cáõ de água ?
sim senhor
I read Telemachus
it is a very good book
do you read the original ?
the Portuguese translation
the Portuguese translate very well
they have translated a few English authors into

Have you been in Portugal ?

it is a fine country
the land is very fertile, but badly cultivated
it produces fruit in abundance, such as grapes, figs,
oranges , &c.
the houses are not handsome
its architecture ancient, the people very sociable

Whose , dog is this ?

it is mine
is it a spaniel ?
yes, sir

; qué lindas pernas tém !

i qué cabeça táõ pequena !
cómo córre táo rápido
estimaria muito têr húm smelhante

Alégro -me extremamente de tér a honra de vér

a Vm .
à quándo vió Vm . sua prima ?
a semana passada
cómo passa élla ?
muito bem
me alegraréi de a ver
élla hé húma linda menima
he muito amável

Dm . náő o terá
¿ por que minha senhora ?
porquê Vm . o nað meréce
eu faréi por agradár - vos
Vm . diz sémpre isso

Oh ! what pretty legs it has !

his head how small !
how fast it runs
I should like to have one like it

I am overjoyed to have the honour of seeing you

when did you see your cousin ?

last week
how did she do ?
Very well
I shall be glad to see her
she is a charming young lady
she is very amiable

You shall not have it

why not, dear madam ?
because you do not deserve it
I will endeavour to please you
you always say so

naõ diga máis náda

eu estúdo múito
apréndo pouco

Elle fáz mál así mesmo

láve Vm . ás máõs
náở chóre Vm .
sêdo sarará
naõ he máis que húma arránhadélla
náo córra tað depressa
V mice. he muito imprudente

¿ Quántas milhas ha daqui a Londres ?

< diga me aónde vai ?
i porqué párte vái Vm . ?
į irá Vm . ao campo ?
¿ qué hóras sáo ?
óito hóras dadas
réja Vm . que hóras sáð
está muito adiantado

do not say one word more

I study too much
I learn too little

He has hurt himself

wash his wounds
do not weep
it will soon be cured
it is but a scratch
do not run so fast
you are 100 imprudent

How many miles from hence to London ?

tell me where are you going ?
which way do you go now ?
sball you go into the country ?
what o'clock is it ?
past eight o'clock
see what o'clock it is
it goes too fast

despáche-se Vm . hé precizo sahirmos ás nove horas

sinto nað poder servir a Vm .
agradeço a Vm . o trabalho, que tem tido por
minha cáuza

I'm . nað sábe o que diz

ténha húma pouca de pasiéncia
êu escutaréi attentamente a Vm .
náõ o créiro
Vm . gásta muito denheiro
bem depréssa Vm . se arruinará
a economia he humn devér
a averéza he desprezível
compadléce -te dos pobres
fáze bem a humanidade
áma o género humano
Porqué náõ respónde Vm .
eu fálho com Vm .
qué diz Vm .
eu ouço-o bem
¿ entendé-me agora ?
tenha a bondade de repetir o que disse

make haste, I must go out at nine o'clock

I am very sorry I cannot serve you
I thank you for your trouble, you are very kind

You know not what you say

have a little patience
I will listen to you attentively
I do not believe it
I doubt it
you spend too much money
you will soon be ruined
economy is a duty
avarice is despicable
pity the poor
do good to all mankind
love mankind
why do you not answer ?
I speak to you
what do you say ?
I hear you very well
do you understand me now ?
have the goodness to repeat what you have said

á Cómo se chama aquillo ?

: qué he aquillo ?
a pára qué he aquillo bom ?
¿ qué dezejá Vm , tomár ?
pósso eu preguntár o que faz Vm . ?
estou torneando
empréste-me Vm . aquélle instrumento

& Apprénde Vm . a Francéz ?

é qué lhe paréce d'aquella lingua ?
paréce se muito cómo Italiano...!
náő hé tað harmoniosa como o Italiano
he múito delicada principalmente pronunciada por ·
as senhoras enbelézaõ todas as linguas

. 7 ,

Rógo lhe me diga qual hé caminho para ‫? ست‬

éste caminho vái dár a --
i aonde rái sahír éste caminho
i vou eu direito a ?
sim Vm . váí diréito'

What do you call that ?

what is that ?
what is that good for ?
what do you wish to have ?
may I ask you what you are doing ?
I am turning
lend me that tool

Do you learn French ?

what do you think of that language ?
it resembles Italian very much
it is not so harmonious as the Italian
pronounced by ladies it has a peculiar softness
ladies embellish every language

Pray which is the way to

this road leads to
where does this road go to ?
am ( in the road to ?

yes, you are in the right way


nảõ oải errido

volte á máõ direita
tórne para tráz

Acénde o lume
aónde estáð os fóles
poem carváo no lúme
a agua férve
a cárne está assáda
a sópa está no lúme
as sólhas estáð fritas

à Sábe Vm . algúma novidade ?

é qué novidades há ?
náda séi
náda ténho ouvido dizer
3 léo Vm . a gazeta ?
houve húma battálha i
3 quém vencêo ?
os Inglézés

you are not out of the way

turn to the right
come back

Light the fire

where are the bellows ?
put coals on the fire
the water is boiling
the meat is roasting
the soup is on the fire
the soles are fried

Do you know any news ?

what is the best news ?
I know nothing new
I have not heard the report
have you read the papers ?
there has been a battle
who conquered ?
the English

¿ Qué faréi eu ?
i que se fará ?
estou extremamente prepléxo sóu infeliz
eu aconcelharia a Vm . de escrever
estou perdido
náo fiz meu dever
ganhei o jogo

Vista - se Vm . depréssa, a muito Vm . o devia ter

ninguém me acordou
cómo póde Vm . dormir tánto témpo
déitei -me muito -tárde
quánto máis se dórme, máis se dezėja dormir
séu irmáõ he máis activo que Vm .

O almoço está prompto

em hum momento estou com Vm .
o séo chá he magnifico
dé -me hum pouco de leite
déite - lhe máis assúcar

What shall I do ?
what is to be done ?
I am greatly perplexed
I am unhappy
I should advise you to write
I am ruined
I have not done my duty
I have won the game

Make haste to dress yourself, you ought to have been

up long ago
nobody woke me
how can you sleep so long ?
I went to bed very late
the more one sleeps the more one wants to sleep
your brother is more diligent than you

The breakfast is ready

I shall be with you in a moment
your tea is very good
give me a little milk
put a little more sugar

náố quéro máis, múito obrigado

o séu café hé muito forte
gósto muito de chocolate
Vd . náo podia fazér me humfavor maior

Aquí vim outém pagar -lhe a visita mas Vm . náð

estáva en cáza
he possível, pode ser bem
náõ póde sér
e porque, or pelo qué ?
Vm . me enche de admiracáð
nað he possivel
Vm . náð se déve admirár
he cóuza extraordinária

Estou muito individádo com Vm .

sinto muito têr dádo a Vm . tánto trabalho
náð se lémbre disso
faço- o com prazer

I shall not take any, I thank you

your coffee is too strong
I am very fond of chocolate
you could not do me a greater favour

I came here yesterday to pay you a visit, but you was

not at home
It is possible, it may be
it is likely
it cannot be
why not ?
you astonish me
it is not possible
you ought not to be astonished
it is astonishing

I am greatly indebted to you

I have given you much trouble, I am sorry for it
don't mention that
I do it with pleasure

conheço que he méo amigo

Vm , foi sempre meo amigo
a vio o princepe ?
náo púde ver a princeza
elle estúda geografia
náð vi ninguém
ponha o séo chapéo
náõ está em cáza

Apréndo aminha liçáõ

élla lé sempre attentamente
élle perdéo o séo dinheiro
Vd . pérde o séo témpo
ténha cuidado
Vd. he preguiçoso
; ah ! que faréi éu ?

Eu aconcelhéi- o cômo amigo

cóệte Vd . cỄdo
que tém Vm . féito
e que diálogo apréndeo ?

I know you are my friend

you are my friend likewise
bave you seen the prince ?
I could not see the princess
he studies geography
I saw nobody
put on your hat
he is not at home

I have learnt my lesson

she always reads with attention
he has lost his money
you lose your time
take care of it
you are idle
alas ! what can I do ?

I warn you as a friend .

return soon

what have you done

what dialogue have you learnt ?

nós vamos brincar

éu estive nésta cáza
as rúas sáõ múi porcas
tomémos coche

Sédo será noite

a nóite se aproxima
a lúa resplandece
as estrelas brilhaõ
a roxinól cánta
a gállo cánta
a rio córre mansaménte
náo fáz huma bafuge de vento

A nossa cadella tem cachorros

élla he muito fiel
élla vigia a cáza
os gatos estao brigándo
fázem muita bulha
o sól vai sahindo
está claro

we are going to the play

I have been to his house
the streets are very dirty
let us take a coach

It will soon be night

the night comes on
the moon sbines
the stars twinkle
the nightingale sings
the cock crows
the river flows smoothly
there is not a breath of wind

Our dog has puppies

it is very faithful
he takes care of the house
the cats are fighting
they make much noise
he sun is rising
t is light

qué horás sáb

sáð séte
dérað as oito

O seo relógio está muito adiantado

está atrazado
para muitas vézes
mánde- o concertár
mánde- o ao relojoéiro pára - o regulár
a molla está quebráda
que idade tem Vm .

Ténho óito ánnos

he múito álto para a idade
que diz o séu mestre arespeito de Vm .
Vm . me accúsa injustamente
falla elle contra vd.
náo fúi eu qué o fiz
estáva quebrado a máis tempo
ande Vm . máis devagar

see what o'clock it is

it is seven o'clock
it has struck eight

Your watch goes too fast

it goes too slow
it stops often
have it mended
send it to your watch-maker
set it to time
the spring is broken

How old are you ?

I am eight years old
you are very tall for your age
what does your master say of you ?
does he speak against you ?
you accuse me unjustly
I have not done it
it was broken before

Estou cansado
vámos por aquí
vámos pello lado direito
vámos pello lado esquerdo
volte outra vez
vá sempre direito

Dê-me hum guinéo

náo tenho dinheiro
qué ? ném sinco réis !
Dmce. já me déve algún
fáca favor de -me pagar
pásse-me húm recibo
Vm.ce, ajuntará dinheiro
seréi pobre toda a minha vida

Vmce . vém muito tárde

isto hé ainda cêdo
eu fúi detido

Walk slower
I am tired
let us go in
let us go this way
let us go to the right
let us go to the left
go back again
go straight on

Give me a guinea
I have no money
what ! not a farthing
you owe me some already
pay me if you please
give me a receipt
you will hoard up riches
I shall remain poor

You come very late

it is soon enough
I have been detained

¿ Em que passaremos nós a tárde ?

jograểmos as dámas
ponha Vmce, as tábolas
jógue primeiro
eu ficaréi com as bráncas
isso ' hé bem jogado
eu cômo dúas
eu vo-lo asseguro
ndo fallêmos máis disso

Cómo está Vm , ésta manhã

muito bém para servir a Vmce.
me allégro muito
sou -lhe muito obrigado
¿ cómo está a senhora sua mái ?
nað passa bém
sinto muito
ténha Vm . a bondade de fazér -lhe comprimentos do
minha parte

¿ Quándo vió Vm . O Sr. T. ?

estêve aqui ainda agára

How shall we pass the afternoon ?

let us play at drafts
place the men
play first
I shall take the white ones
that is well played
I take two

I assure you of it
let us no longer speak of it

How do you do this morning ?

very well, at your service
I am very glad of it
I am much obliged to you
how is your mother ?
she is not very well
I am sorry for it
have the goodness to present my respects to her

When have you seen Mr. T. ?

he was here but just now

¿ sabe Vm . aonde foi elle ?

na verdade náo séi
o séu criado disse -me que élle naõ estáva em cáza
se Vm . o vír antes que eu, diga ao lhe que o espéro

¿ Pode - se entrar ?
i oh ! és tú minha querida prima ?
máõ te tenho visto á hun mêz
náő estéjas mal comigo daqui em diánte seréi máis
encontréi vóssa irmã vindo para cá
já sabes que élla se casou ?
ndo o súbe até quí rógo -te me digas com quem
eu te diréi o nome d'outra vez, or outro dia

Recebi oteu prezėnte outem pélla manhã o quál te

agradeço múito
isso he cóuza táo insignificante deque até se náõ
déve fazêr mensáð
pello contrário meréce a minha gratidáõ
fallémos d'outra couza

do you know where he is gone ?

indeed I do not
his steward has told me that he was not at home
if you should see him before me, tell him I expect
him this evening

May one come in ?

oh ! is it you my dear cousin ?
I have not seen you this month
do not be angry, I shall be more assiduous for the
as I was coming here I met your sister
do you know she is married ?
I did not know it ; and pray to whom is she married ?
I will tell you his name another time

I received yesterday morning your handsome present,

for which I thank you much
it is a trifle not worth mentioning
on the contrary it merits all my gratitude
let us talk of something else

? Quando pensas acabar ?

dentro de três dias
despácha -te
ténho gránde dezėjo de ver tua obra
¿ he húma paisagem ?
mảo, he hum Tetrato
espero que élle augmente a túa fáma

O campo está agradável

túdo respira alegria
nað fáz tánto callôr como féz
a chúva fez muito beneficio
á que pensa Vm . teremos nós máis chuva ?
créio que fará bóm têmpo
a já Vm . vío as minhas flores ?
saõ lindíssimas
i qué lindas tulipas Vm . tém !
os jacintos estáõ quázi acabados
eu prefiro cravos e lirios
he húma excellente flor

¡ Que quantidade de ameras Vm . tém !

apanhe Dm , algunas

When do you think you shall have done ?

in three days
make haste
I long to see your work
is it a landscape ?
no, it is a portrait
it will add to your reputation

The country looks pleasant

every thing looks cheerful
it is not so hot as it was
the rain has done a great deal of good
do you think we shall have more rain ?
I think it will be fair
have you seen my flowers ?
they are beautiful
what fine tulips you have !
the hyacinths are almost over
I prefer carnations
it is a lovely flower

What a quantity of plumbs you have !

take some

posso eu apanhár hum pêcego ?

náõ estáo aínda " madúros
cóma Vm . algúmas cerejas e morángos
mảo cóma Vm. frúta perde
por quê náõ he sandável
éstas úvas estáõ inteiraménte madúras
as seáras estáo cegadas
o féno está séco
a colhéita he abundante
principiou - se a cegár o trigo
o páõ ha de ser baráto éste ánno
graças a Déos
nós devemos sêr grátos aos beneficios que elle
derráma sobre nós

Eu estimaría que o inverno se acabáse 1

o frio não me agrada

génte moça náð se déve importar com isso
os dias sað tað piquénos
os serbens sáo lóngos
ténha paciéncia a primavera está a pórta
he a estaçao de que eu gosto máis
a natureza paréce revivêr

may I have a peach ?

they are not ripe
take some cherries and strawberries
you should not eat unripe fruit
it is unwholesome
these grapes are quite ripe
the meadows are mowed
the hay is dry
the crop is plentiful
they have begun to cut down the corn
bread will be cheap this year.
thank God for it
we ought to be grateful for the blessings he bestows
on US

I wish the winter was over

I don't like the cold
young people should not mind it
the days are so short
the evenings are long
have patience, spring is at hand
it is the season I like best
nature seems to revive

Que linda manhã

que dia taộ bello
dêmos un passéio
elle nos desafiará o appetite
a está pronto o jantár ?
sim senhor entrém
ténko muita fome
vós teréis hum jantár magnifico

Témo dár a Vm . muito encómodo

Vm . tem muita paciéncia
assegúro - lhe que lhe sou gráto
nað o duvido, or créio a Vm .
que pensa Vm . delle
pénso terá muito lugár
principiémos com outra cóiza
uccabemos ísto primeiro

i Sóis vós feliz

ráras vezes
à por quê ?

This is a fine morning

what a charming day !
let us go for a walk
it will give us an appetite
is dinner ready ?
yes , sir, walk in
I am very hungry
here is a splendid dinner

I give you much trouble

you have a great deal of patience
I assure you that I am grateful
I do not doubt it
what do you think of it ?
I think it will succeed
let us begin something else
let us finish this first

Are you happy !

why ?

porqué ráras vezes faço o meu dever

tênde compaxáo de mim
Vm . náð merece compaxáo

Estou mál com Vm .

perdóe-me Vm .
nað o faréi outra vez
náõ múdo de parecer
å póbre de mim, aonde me esconderéi eu ?

He precízo ir-me
a Déos
até a vista
dezéjo que faça bốa jornada
nað se esqueça de mim
núnca me esqueceréi de Vm .

A concelho a Vm . de secasár
å tem Vmce, muita pressa ?

because I seldom do my duty

pity me
you deserve no pity

I am angry with you

forgive me
I shall do so no more
I insist upon it
poor creature that I am, where can I hide myself ?

I must leave you

good bye
lill I see you again
I wish you a good journey
remember me
I shall never forget you

I advise you to marry

are you in earnest ?

isso nað pode ser

a senhora he lindíssima
élla he táõ amável como virtuóza
fico -lhe obrigado pelo séu conselho
Vm . será feliz com élla
eu o sería , mas élla náo me quererá

à Percíza Vm . algum dinheiro ?

náõ, eu ténho sinco mil crusádos por ánno que
penso sêr húma boa renda
& cômo os gásta Vm . ?
cômo hum homem de bém
núnca pedí emprestado

3 Estêve Vm . nu Russia ?
' ésse paíz he muito frío para mim
hé hum vásto império
os Rússos sað brávos
nað saõ náda civilizádos
.cêdo o seráð
dezejaría que o fossem

that cannot be
Miss is charming
sha is as amiable as she is virtuous
I thank you for your advice
you will be happy with her
I should, but she will not have me

Do you want any money ?

no, I have a handsome income, five hundred a
how do you spend it ?
as a gentleman
I never borrowed any money

Have you been in Russia ?

no, sir, that country is too cold for me
it is an extensive empire
the Russians are brave
they are not at all civilized
they will soon be so
I wish they may

· Aprende Vm . geographia ?
à em quántas pártes se devide o mundo ?
em quatro
quáes são ?
Európa , Asia, Africa, e América
onde he Lisboa situáda ?
em Portugál, húm dos réinos da Európa
a geographia he hum estudo agradável

Conhece Vm . 0 senhor N
sim senhor, móra na rúa de
i quál he a súa profissaõ ?
he pintor
a súa reputaçáo he extraordinária
súas pinturas sáõ preciózas
fará huma grande fortuna
élle he já muito rico

Senhor eu compréi çapátos

sáo muito apertados
trága-os outra vez

Do you learn geography ?

how is the world divided ?
into four parts
which are they ?
Europe, Asia, Africa , and America
where is Lisbon situated ?
in Portugal, a kingdom in Europe
geography is a pleasant study

Do you know Mr. N-- ?

yes, sir, he lives in - street

what is his profession ?

he is a painter
his reputation is very great
his paintings are very valuable
he will make a fortune
he is already very rich

Sir I have bought a pair of shoes

they are too narrow
take them back again

náo pósso undár com elles
o couro he máo
as sólas sam muito delgadas
a Déos senhor çapateiro

· Aonde córre com tanta préssa ?

Vm . paréce ter muita asáfema
ê tem Vm . algúm negócio de consequéncia a tratár ?
náda, cousa nenhuma
Em tal cázo náo devia Vm . estár com tal préssa
eu gosto de andar depréssa
espére hum pouco que ténho una cousa a dizer - lhe

Paris he taõ bonéta como Londres

isso não pode ser
é porque
porqué Londres he a cidade máis linda da Európa
as rúas saố largas e mélhor calçadas
sim , mas em Páris há melhores edificios que em

they pinch me
I cannot walk in them
the leather is bad
the soles are very thin
good bye, Mr, shoemaker

Whither do you run so fast ?

you seem to be in great haste
have you any business of consequence ?
not at all
in that case you ought not to be in such a hurry
I like walk fast
stay a little , I have something to tell you

Paris is as fine as London

that cannot be
why not ?
because London is the finest city in Europe
the streets are wider and better paved
yes, but in Paris there are finer buildings than in

· Que têmpo estève Vm . ausênte ?

perto de trêz mézes
aónde estêve Vm , ?
no campo
o ár do cámpo convém-me pára a minha saúde
passava muito mál ántes de hír
agora estou inteiramente restablecido
à quánto tempo vos demoraréis na cidade ?
somênte hun día
eu vou viajar
i aonde ? desculpe a minha pregunta
ao súl de França e de lá a Itália
e depois certamente passarei os Pirineos
os paizes montanhosos me agrádað
élles offerécem vistas súblimes

Vm . devia têr aprendido a Portuguêz

sim he verdade
eu tive hum méstre
a língua Portuguésa náo he dificultóza pára quem
sábe a Latina
as regras são muy simples
eu séi o Latim e o Francêz sofrivelmente

How long have you been absent ?

about three months
where have you been ?
in the country
the country air is favourable to my health
I was not well before I went
I am now quite recovered
how long shall you reside in town ?
only one day
I am going abroad
where ? if I may ask
to the south of France, and from thence to Italy
and afterwards I shall certainly cross the Alps
I admire mountainous countries
they afford sublime views

You ought to have learnt Portuguese

I confess it
I have had a master
the Portuguese language is not very difficult when
one knows Latin
its rules are very simple
I know Latin and French tolerably well

Aprénde Vm . a desénho ?
cêdo a aprenderéi
hé huma árte deleitável
seu irmáõ desenha com muito gosto
móstruenos Vm , algúns dos séos debuxos
como ácha Vm . aquélla cabeça
; bonita , muito bonita na verdade !
i que feiçóens tão expressivas !
i que olhár

Percizo huma casaca, mostre-me Vm . O seu pánno

éste pánno prêto he finissimo
eu prefiro o azúl
á qué qualidáde de botóens quér Vm . ?
tóme -me medida
: qué -la Vmce. comprida ?
è quándo ma dará Vm. ?

· Que livro lê Vm . ?
a história de Carlos 12 rei da Suécia

Have you learnt drawing ?

I shall learn it soon
it is a charming art
your brother draws with much taste
show us some of his sketches
what do you think of that head ?
fine ! very fine indeed !
what striking features !
what a look !

I want a coat, shew me your cloth

this black cloth is very fine
I prefer blue
what sort of buttons will you have ?
gilt buttons
take my measure
will you have it long ?
when shall I have it ?

What book do you read ?

the history of Charles XII. king of Sweden
134 1

quem he 0 Autor
ténho -o lido com grande deléite
' ; que singulár homem nao éra Carlos !
i singulár na verdade !
sua coragem era indomável e sua obstinaçáõ es

Pacêemos á róda do jardim

com muito prazer
ali témos todas as qualidades de flores
que béllus crávos
alí estáð algúns jasmins e tulipas
permita -me que apanhe algumas para fazer hum
sím apanhe e ajúnte- lhe algúns lírios de válle
fico -vos mil vezes obrigado

¿ A quanto tempo está Vm , na cidade ?

á dúas semanas

by whom ?
by Voltaire
I have read it with great delight
what a strange man Charles was !
strange indeed !
his courage was undaunted and his obstinacy ex

Let us walk round the garden

with all my heart
there are all sorts of flowers
what beautiful pinks !
there are some jessamine and some tulips
permit me to take a few to make a nosegay
do take some, and add to it some lilies of the valley
I thank you a thousand times

How long have you been in town ?

these two weeks

dissérao -me que Vm . cêdo viría mas náő sabia

nem éu táõ pouco, se nað alguas hóras ántes da
minha partida quando meu pai me ordenou de
fazer esta jornada
à quánto témpo perténde Vm . demorar - se ?

depende de sirconstancias
espéro ter o gosto de o ver a muido
o prazer será para mim
a Déos até encontrármo-nos outra vez

¿ Quándo pensa Vm . chegár a Dóver ?

depois dámanhã
i sáo as estrádas boas ?
sim muito boas
a caléça he léve
o cocheiro acautelado
a tém Vm . ja viajado por ésta estráda ?
muitas vezes
conheço a estráda perfeitaménte
a qual he a melhor estalagem ?

I have been told that you would be here soon, but

I did not know when
nor I neither ; it was but a few hours before my de
parture when I received my father's orders for
this journey
how long do you intend to stay in this part of the
world ?
that depends on circumstances
I hope we shall often enjoy your company
the pleasure will be all on my side
good bye 'till we meet again

When do you think you will arrive at Dover

the day after to-morrow
are the roads good ?
yes , very good
the post-chaise is light
the driver careful
did you ever travel this road before ?
very often
I know the road perfectly
which is the best inn ?

a estalagem da rósa e corôa

eu julgáva a do Leáo vêrmelho
aónde se múda de carállos ?
em qué lugar dormirémos ?

è Quê navío he aquélle ?

huma fragata
julgava que éra huma Náu
somente tém trinta e séis péssas
ê e quántos homens ?
à cómo se cháma ?

g Vái Vm . pára a cidade ?

å tém Vm , alguma couza que me ordenár ?
eu irei á tárde
quándo voltará Vm .
nað pósso dizéllo
como viája Vm .

the rose and crown

I thought it was the red lion
where do they change horses ?
in what place shall we sleep ?

What ship do you call that ?

a frigate
I thought it was a ship of thc line
it only carries thirty -six guns
and how many men ?
three hundred
what is her name ?
the Iphigenia

Are you going to town ?

is there any thing I can do for you ?
I shall set out this afternoon
how soon will you be back ?
I cannot say
how do you travel ?

a cavallo
a Déos méu amigo

å He Vm . Portuguêz senhor ?
siin senhor
å de que parte de Portugál ?
de Lisboa
¿ á quánto têmpo está Vm . em Inglaterra ?
á dois annos
Vm . fälla Ingléz excelentemente
i gosta Vm de Inglaterra ?
sim eu estímo a nação Ingléza,
admiro a energia do pôvo
participo da sua liberdade
protegido pêllas léis vivo em páz
å prefere Vm . Inglaterra a Portugál ?
náõ, éu sou Portuguêz, e o meu paiz será sémore o
máis querido de todos

on horseback
farewel my friend

Are you a Portuguese, sir ?

yes, sir
what part of Portugal do you come from ?
from Lisbon
how long have you been in England ?
two years
you speak English extremely well
how do you like England ?
1 esteem the English nation
I admire the energy of the people
I share their freedom
protected by the laws I live in peace
do you prefer England to Portugal ?
no, I am a Portuguese, and my country shall always
be the dearest of all to me


1. Andár a pé
2. Andár a cavállo
3. Andár pára diánte
4. Andár pára tráz
5. Andár á bolina
6. Dar a entender
7. Dar á lúz
8. Andár dizendo
9. Andár perdido
10. Andar de gatinhas
11. Andár ás apalpadellas
12. Andár com honra
13. Dar húma sálva
14. Dár princípio
15. Dár fám
16. Dár com alguém
17. Dár fiador
18. Dár no álvo
19. Dar as costas
20. Dar parte de hum negócio
21. Dár pancadas
22. Dár hóras


1. To go on foot
2. To ride on horseback
3. To go forward
4. To go backward
5. To sail with a side wind
6. To make one believe
7. To publish
8. To report, circulate, or publish
9. To go astray
10. To go crawling
11. To grope along
12. To act like an honest man
13. To give a volley, a shot
14. To begin
15. To end
16. To meet with any one by chance
17. To bail, to remain security
18. To hit the mark
19. To run away
20. To impart a business
21. To beat any one
22. To strike (the clock )

23. Dar garrote

24. Dár vózes
25. Dár léite
26. Dár razóens
27. Dár - se por contente
28. Quándo se dêr ocasiáo
29. Pbuco se me dá
30. Estár pára sahír
31. Estár de nojo or luto
32. Estár pára cahir
33. Estár em pé
34. Estár com húma máõ sobre outra
35. Estár enamorado
36. Estár no campo
37. Estár de cima
38. Eu nao quero estár ás razóens comvôsco
39. Aónde estáis de cása ?
40. Estou pára ir
41. Estar de regimento
42. Estou para dizer
43. Naõ estár no cáso de
44. Isso náõ está nos têrmos
45. Naõ estou no caso
46. Estár bém com alguém
47. Estár em conceito de homem honrádo

23. To strangle
24. To cry out, to scream
25. To suckle
26. To contend
27. To be satisfied
28. When occasion shall require it
29. I care but little
30. To be just going out
31. To be in mourning
32. To be ready to fall
33. To stand upright
34. To stand idle
35. To be in love
· 36. To live in the country
37. To lie over
38. I won't dispute with you
39. Where do you live ?
40. I am going
41. To keep a diet
42. I dare say
43. Not to be able
44. That is not right
45. I do not understand the case
46. To live in friendship with one
47. To be looked upon as an honest man

48. Estár na fé
49. Fazêr huma saúde
50. Fazêr pé atrás
51. Fazêr brio de algúma cousa
· 52. Fazer fim do dezéso
53. Fazer por algúma cousa
54. Têr que fazer
55. Náõ façáis caso disso
56. Fazer agrado
57. Fazêr mercé
58. Fazêr cáras
59. Fazêr bom tempo
60. Fazêr huma boa familia
61 , Fazêr a bárba
62. Isto não fáz náda
63. Fáz lúa
64. Fáz - se tárde
65. Tér alguem por ignorante
66. Fáz - se mõuco
67 . Tér por costúme

68. Têr bõa fáma

69. Têr ánimo
70. Têr muitos fúmos
71. Têr frio
72. Têr pór bém

48. To think or suppose

43. To drink a health
50. To give ground
51. To make pride of a thing
52. To satisfy one's desire
53. To take pains for a certain end
54. To be busy
55. Do not mind that
56. To take in fresh water
57. To grant a favor
58. To make faces , or grimaces
59. To be fine weather
60. To raise one's family
61. To share
62. It is no matter
63. The moon shines
64. It grows late
65. To believe one ignorant
66. He wont hear
67. To be wont
68. To be well spoken of
69. To have courage
70. To be very proud
71. To be cold
72. To approve of

73. Tér em pouco

74. Què téndes vós com isso
75. Náð me posso ter com riso
76. Quérem algúns
77. Tér - se portado bem
78. Querêr bém
79. Querêr mál
80. Quê quer dizer aquélle homem ?
81, Qué quer dizer isto ?
82. Havéis vós de estár em casa ?
83. Havêr por bém
84. Havêr por mál
85. Qué ha de ser de mim
86. Aquillo nunca ha -de ser
87. Havêr mistér
88. Livro de déve e há de haver
89. Há múita gente
90. Há muito tempo
91. Há húm ánno
92. Havér - se dito
93. Hir por már e por térra
94. Hir a máő
95. Hir passando
96. Hir andando
97. Hir ao encontro

73. To value but little

74. What is that to you
75. I can't forbear laughing
76. Some believe
77. To have behaved well
78. To lo
79. To hate
80. What does that man mean ?
81. What means this ?
82. Shall you be at home !
83. To take in good part
84. To take in ill part
85. What is to become of me ?
86. That will never be
87. To want
88. Book of Dr. and Cr. or Ledger
89. There is a great crowd
90. Long since
91. A year ago
92. To have been said
93. To travel by sea and land
94. To hinder
95. To grow out of fashion
96. To live with difficulty
97. To go , to meet

98. Isso j la oái

99. Vámos
100. Hir com a maré
101. Hír -se embóra
102. Hir - se de huma cárta
103. Vải- se fazendo tárde
104. Vái-se chegando a noite
105. Hir -se escapulindo
106. Hit a mañ
107. Ha óito dias
108. Naõ há


98. It is a thing past and done

99. Come on
100. To go with the tide
101. To go away
102. To throw away a card
103. It grows late
104. The night draws near
105. To sneak away
106. To refrain
107. Eight days ago
108. There is not


Véndo a Rapósa hum Côrvo pousado em sima

d'uma árvore com hum pedaco de quéjo no bico, oh !
( lhe diz a raposa , como me paréces tað linda verda
deiramente, se atúa voz fosse tað línda como as túas
pénas certamente serias o Fenix déstes bósques !
Ditas estas palavras a Córvo principiou amostrar
as súas prendas eabrindo obico para cantar esque
céõ -se do quėjo eo dexóu cahír , ao qual se lacobu
emediataménte a Rapôza dirigéndo- se, ao Córvo
dėsta maneira, senhor Córvo para o futúro Vmce.
deverá saber que os aduladôres vivem á cústa de
quém, os escúta e assegúro-lhe que a lição vál o
quéjo. O Córvo envergonhado e confudido do en
gáno, jurou ainda que tarde, nað sér enganado
para o futúro por louvores.

Hum caỗ tendo furtado hum pedaço de cárne e
fugindo pára nað sér apanhado, e assegurár a sua


A Fox saw a Crow perched upon a tree, holding

a piece of cheese in his beak ; “ O !” said the Fox
to him, “ how beautiful you seem to me ! truly if
your voice was as fine as your feathers, you would
certainly be the Phoenix of these forests .” At these
words the Crow, desirous of showing that he had an
excellent voice, and forgetting the piece of cheese,
opened his wide beak and dropped his prey." The
Fox , who expected as much , immediately snapt it up,
and said to him, “ Mr. Crow, for the future you will
know that every flatterer lives at the expense of him
who listens to him — this lesson is worth a cheese I ,
am sure.” The Crow ashamed and confounded swore ,
' though rather late, that he would take care in future
never to be deceived by praises .


A dog had stolen a piece of meat, and was running

away for fear of being caught. To secure his flight

úga atrevessóu o río de nádo, e vêndo a sombra da

cárna n'água deixóu cahír aque tinha na bóca, com
o ambicáõ de apanhar a que se lhe figuráva na água
e perdendo áque tinha ficou castigada a súa glo


he swam across a river ; seeing the shadow of the

meat reflected in the water, he eagerly snapt at it and
dropt his booty : thus bis greediness was completely
Published by BOOSEY and SONS.

CHRESTOMATHIA Portugueza, or a Collection

of Elegant Extracts from Modern Portuguese Au
thors, 8vo, sewed, 8s.
GIL BRAZ, trad. em Portuguez por Fernandez .
4.vols. 12mo. boards, 14s.
HISTORIA de Portugal , por J. A. Da Costa. 3
vols . 12mo. boards , 15s.
BOUTERWEK'S History of Spanish Literature.
-Translated from the Original, by Thomasina Ross,
8vo. boards, 12s.
“ Mr. Bouterwek's Account of Spanish Literature is more ample and
complete than any other published ; he gives a regular and detailed history.
We also find notices of many of the romantic writers whose productions have
been so ably rendered by vur countrymen . We express our thanks to Miss
Ross for the obligations she has conferred on English readers by this very able
and spirited translation of so valuable and intoresting a work .” - Monthly
Rev. March , 1824 .
BOUTERWEK'S History of Portuguese.Litera
ture.- Translated from the Original , by Thomasipa
Ross , 8vo. boards , 12s.
“ We must consider the History of Portuguese Literature most valuable
and interesting. The general features of Portuguese poetry and romance
have a stronger resemblance to the English than those of any other nation .
Portugal may beregarded as thetrue native land of romantic pastoral poetry.
The remarks on lyric poems and cantigas are curious and pleasing ; the lan
guage is in general easy and spirited ; and we should have scarcely expected
from the pen of a female such a translation from so difficult and erudite an
author.” - Monthly Rev. March , 1824 .

E. JUSTINS Printer, 41 , Brick Lane , Spitalfields.


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