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Saint Louis University


Department of Religion

Module 3, Unit 1 (Engage) - Activity

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the concrete actions that express your YES to a commitment that
entails acceptance, faithfulness and obedience?

 My prideful YES to all three means that I am doing things in the knowledge of what is good
and wrong in the sight of the Lord. Always pray and attend church services.

2. Describe and evaluate your level of commitment to your family, friends,

classmates, community and to God.
 My commitment to my family is different than that of my friends, classmates, and the
neighborhood. This is due to the fact that my family is second to God. Whatever the case may be,
I will never abandon my family. Throughout my years with my family, we have always taken
care of one another without hesitation, to another. My highest focus is my devotion to God. Since
then, I've pledged my allegiance to Him and have never had any doubts about Him. What I do for
my friends, classmates, and community is show them the respect they deserve and assist them
when they are in need. What I do is keep in mind that I will never betray them.

3. What are the ways by which you can grow into a more committed person
when it comes to your relationship with those mentioned above?

 Commitment, in my opinion, is built on trust and respect. We must not act in wrath, regardless of how
awful individuals are to us. Otherwise, we must treat each other with respect as a method of
demonstrating our devotion to society. We all know how hard society can be, but through trust and
respect, we can remain dedicated to it, to God, to our families, friends, and classmates.

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