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Difficult MODs

EE2026 Verilog: only 1 sem to study a new language and cannot S/U
MA1508E Linear Algebra Engineering: terminology is new

1. Find a good cheat sheet MA1512 formulas a lot can copy and paste
2. Take more 1K MODs to try different

business kind, engineering kind
business: create make and market prototype
engineering: content heavy for indepth robotics/ satellite
Ask William Q:

1. What is the difference between a specialisation/track and IDP?

2. What is your personal reason for choosing a 2nd major (IDP) over a minor?
3. Is it possible to do IDP and a minor?
4. Are there any MODs you can recommend that I can try to see if I will enjoy IDP,
before I make the decision in Y1S2 to choose it?
5. Context: My goal is to get first class honours, will it be more challenging to
get it if I pursue IDP or a minor (which I assume is less intensive).
6. Could you explain how double counting MCs work? I understand it is possible to
clear a 48MCs 2nd major by completing only 32MCs.

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