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Assalamualaikum wr.wb, good afternoon all.

Today I want to presentation about grammar,before that letme introduce my self, my name is
Rindi Anggraeini. I will start now

First definition of grammar

Grammar is systematic study and description of language.

What the function of grammar?

Grammatical function is the syntactic role played by a word or phrase in the context of a

particular clause or sentence

I will explain 5 basic grammar there are is : simplePresent,simple past, present perfect, present
continous, simple future

1. Simple present
We use that when an action is happening right now
Time signal is: sometimes, on and off, often, everyday, usually
a. For verbal sentence:the formula is : subject + verb 1+ s/es+object
+ my brother goes to the school every day
- My brother doesn’t go to the school every day

? does my brother go to school every day?

b. For nominal sentence: s+to be (am, is, are)

+ he is tall
- He isn’t tall

? Is he tall?

2. Simple past tense is a tense sentence that is used to express events that occurred in the

final period and have ended in the final period.

To form simple past tense sentences, the formula is

S + Verb 2 + O
Example :
+ Rita went to malang last week
-Rita didn’t go to malang last week
? did Rita go to Jakarta last week?
3. Present perfect The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at
an indefinite time in the past
For verbal sentence: s+have/has+v3+o
+ rani has finished her homework
-rani has not finished her homework
? has rani finished her homework?

For nominal sentence: s+has/have+been+o

+ she has been hungry
-he has not been hungry
? has she been hungry?

4. Present continous is an action is happening now

Time signial: now, right now, in this time.
+ I am watching Netflix right now
-I am not watching Netflix right now
? am I watching Netflix right now?

5. Simple future
Is use to talk about action that will begin and end in the future
Time signal: tomorrow, later, next week, next month
Verbal: s+will+v1+o

(+) I will close the door. 

(-) I  will not close the door
(?) Will i close the door?
Nominal: s+will+be+o


+ rita will be a teacher

-rita will not be a teacher

? will rita be a teacher?

The advantage of learning grammar is to incrase knowledge about grammar, and feel confident
to start talking to many people without being afraid to thing about grammar
Ok, that’s my presentation today thank you for your attention, good afternoon.

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